
simonizoryay it's working again.  Nice00:44
simonizorOne other question... any idea why when using the GTK2 widget option in LXQt, the link color always stays the same color blue regardless of the theme?  Ex: https://u.teknik.io/sNyPE.png00:52
simonizorUsing lxappearance to set the GTK theme... have tried like a half dozen themes, and the link color is always the same.  Not a huge deal, just kinda ugly on darker themes00:53
agaidai guess we would accept patches upstream00:55
simonizorI would have no idea where to look lol00:55
agaidamight be that thats only some formatting - and regarding ideas - dito00:56
redwolfsimonizor, that's my personal nightmare. themes don't match, unless you force it using a GTK Engin under Qt. nasty00:56
simonizorjust wondering if it was something that you were aware of and/or if there was a quick fix00:56
redwolfGTK doesn't control the Qt environment though00:57
redwolf"fully" control00:57
redwolfI hate having Qt, desktop, widgets and gtk themes having to match now. I really hate it00:57
simonizorYeah, I figure it has to be something happening when the Qt engine translates the GTK theme to be used for Qt apps00:58
agaidamake them matching :P00:58
agaidaredwolf: ^^00:58
simonizorThat's really the only issue I've had with the GTK2 theme widget option, though00:58
redwolfI was about to propose using the Justin Bieber theme, all in pink00:58
simonizorOther than that, I find the GTK2 widget option to be one of the easiest ways to theme any Destkop Environment and have your Qt and GTK apps using the same theme00:59
redwolfand the desktop also has its own thing00:59
redwolfand some widgets00:59
simonizorYeah, the system theme takes care of that part00:59
simonizorwhen you set it to the system option for the LXQt theme, it'll use the GTK theme also01:00
redwolfno, I told here before I'm doing some changes on the icon theme. if after my modifications, it doesn't fit with the gtk theme, we should consider even changing it01:00
redwolfI'm also doing some tests with a "Lubuntised" version of Adapta01:00
simonizorI'm just using the same icon pack for both myself... Papirus with Breeze actions dark version01:00
simonizorno issues with that01:00
simonizorset the same icon pack in LXQt settings and lxappearance, and I'm good to go01:01
redwolfI know. but we have to keep our icons. it's part of the Lubuntu identity01:01
redwolfyeah, icon themes are (sometimes) desktop agnostic. or they should be.01:01
simonizorShouldn't be a huge issue... I've been using the same icon pack on GTK and Qt DEs without problems01:02
redwolfI'm adding tones of icons to the Qt elements01:02
redwolfand Julien and I are testing a new SVG theme engine that works fine in Qt environments and matches our current theme01:03
redwolfso, we're testing all options01:03
agaidahmm - and i guess that links simply was forgotten in the themes - wouldn't be the first time01:03
redwolfthe browser?01:03
redwolfisn't that the one you use when X is broken? like nano? XD01:04
simonizorfor the GTK2 widget option?  just like a toggle sort of forgotten or something you need to code in yet?01:04
agaidaeven for pure Qt widget styles01:05
simonizoroh, hmm01:05
agaidaone could try it  - just install some Qt styles01:05
RedWolf[m]let me find the link of that engine / theme01:07
agaidakde-style-breeze, quantum as a dark style, not packed yet in debian and there are others01:09
redwolfexamples: https://store.kde.org/content/show.php/Kvantum?content=16624101:09
agaidaah kvantum01:09
agaidahihihi - down left - the links :D01:10
redwolfaye, it works fine. and fast. and I have a theme ready.01:10
redwolfconsidering the pink one though .__.01:10
agaidaso the best bet would be just to ask tsujan01:10
agaidaif someone knows things about Qt styling ...01:11
redwolfnobody fully understands Qt styling, not even Qt creators XD01:13
agaidathats fine - therefor we have tsujan :P01:13
lubotNickTh was removed by: NickTh01:16
tsimonq2agaida: It's not my fault as much as it is Britney's for migrating things at different times...03:30
lubotEduardo B N was removed by: Eduardo B N05:23
lubotRussell Sancto was added by: Russell Sancto05:38
agaidatsimonq2: i know :D10:12
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @NickTh, 😢11:26
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @Eduardo B N, 😢11:26
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @Russell Sancto, 😃11:26
=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost

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