[05:40] good morning to all [05:40] updating bionic [06:22] Good morning everyone :) [06:26] hey alkisg [06:26] hey oerheks [07:02] Good morning [07:03] hey lordievader [07:03] all good there? [07:04] Jup, last day of work 🎉 [07:05] yessss [07:05] holidaysss [07:05] 😁 [07:11] !info hashdeep [07:12] hashdeep (source: hashdeep): recursively compute hashsums or piecewise hashings. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.4-4 (artful), package size 119 kB, installed size 286 kB [07:12] alkisg: is it some sort of md5 wallet with stored hashes? [07:28] lotuspsychje: something like that, just a command line tool to calculate hashes, redirect > to mymd5sums.txt, and later on use them to verify the integrity [07:29] cool [07:31] I'm worried about getting some bad sectors in my disks, and without realizing it, backing up bad versions of files, and months later eventually deleting my older good backups, forever losing the data [07:33] alkisg: wich brand [07:34] Any brands, it's a general issue that one may face [07:34] yeah [07:34] Bad sectors can happen in any disk, hdd or ssd... [07:34] i always pull out the hd physically and recover all with photorec [07:35] I hope it never comes to recovery :D [07:35] smartmontools comes with smartd 😉 [07:35] Backups ftw! I would just feel safer if backups had md5sums too [07:35] If set up properly it will email you if it finds bad sectors (or other errors). [07:35] alkisg: use zfs, then you get checksums of your data [07:35] morning all! [07:35] morning ducasse [07:36] For example some time you may transfer a backup over the network, and have corrupted files that way without even having bad sectors anywhere [07:37] Though often what harddrives do if they know of bad sectors is to use a different sector. [07:37] ducasse: how is this integrated? E.g. if I was to open a file, and its checksum was bad, linux would issue an error in dmesg? [07:37] lordievader: true, but that's already too late, because the read/relocation usually fails when they realize it. It's only on writes that it's OK [07:38] Fair enough [07:39] alkisg: yes, and if it's stored on a mirror or raidz device, it will automatically correct it [07:39] ducasse: thanks, I'll look into it [07:48] everyone ready for the holidays? [07:52] Need to survive today first 😉 [07:54] lordievader: don't you think you have good odds of that? :) [07:55] Think it will be a slow day. [07:55] Slow and quiet. [07:56] most likely [07:57] Sssst. [12:00] Hiyas all [15:20] Hey TJ-, think jk^ 's pc is pretty old, the soundcard dates from 2004 [15:25] Yes, and the 'slowness' is because the GPU is GMA900, very little hardware acceleration support [15:35] right , it's a wonder the OS runs at all [15:55] The arrogance in that person's attitude is contemptable [15:57] I guess he thinks he's "special" :-) [15:58] probly blaming the gpu driver an unrelated issue , but has concluded so incorrectly [15:59] for an unrelated issue === phunyguy is now known as phunysanta