
cmaloneyGood AM14:24
Scary_Guyhail and well met14:44
cmaloneyOr the weather version: hail at wet Mel14:51
rick_his it still going to get crappy this weekend?14:56
cmaloneyI think it's going to be worse the more north you are14:57
cmaloneyAlso: good afternoon (not for greg-g for a little bit)18:06
widoxhey hey18:20
cmaloneyI am somehow disturbed that I have more hope than greg-g at this point. :(18:22
rick_hUh oh18:23
rick_hWhat hope have we kept or lost?18:23
cmaloneyAnd Meijer is pretty much slammed22:26
cmaloneyI think it'll be this way for a while now22:26
_stink_we got our groceries this morning22:30
_stink_it was busy but not quite to the crazy level22:30

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