
bluesabreochosi: yes, pretty sure xfpm 1.6 is going to be included01:07
bluesabreI think Unit193's concerns have been resolved01:07
flocculantochosi: ack05:29
flocculantochosi: while I am more than happy to test it doesn't explode - nothing here to be able to test lid closes etc05:31
ochosiflocculant: yeah sure, just basic testing is ok too08:03
ochosiwb Unit193 08:46
bluesabreUnit193: any more concerns with xfpm 1.6.x?10:38
=== slickymasterWork is now known as Guest65454
Unit193bluesabre: Not really used it since, certainly not the new one.16:53
=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost
flocculantochosi: you know tooltip on power plugin says Computer on a dekstop?19:18
flocculantochosi: also not sure when this occurred but whisker plugin icon appears to have shrunk 19:24
=== paolo_ is now known as paolo
ochosiflocculant: it always said "Computer" afaik. also doesn't seem wrong ;)20:55
ochosiit should say something else if the display device (aka the device shown in the panel) is e.g. a bluetooth mouse20:56
ochosiindeed, surprising (whiskermenu)20:57
ochosii can check, i see the same here now, seems to have happened in a recent release20:57
ochosiseems whiskermenu changed something, would have to check the code though20:59
ochosiso not greybird's fault as far as i can tell20:59

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