
jk^how to force an application's closing?00:11
Sam234I've seen before where you can load different drivers based on what gpu is detected.  Ie nvidia drivers for nvidia gpu, amd drivers for amd gpu.  I can't find any info on how to actually do it though.  Does anyone have any info that might help?  I'm working on creating live usb keys.00:46
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joe____hi there. i just installed KVIrc through the Software Center and it installed a huge ton of stuff (kde, qt...). Is there a way to uninstall all that again? i removed it with the software center, but all those extra stuff is still there19:25
joe____I looked in the dpkg log, what was installed and it is way too much to remove everything by hand... :(19:26
flocculantjoe____: done any installing since? did you have any kde apps installed before?19:33
flocculantalso try sudo apt autoremove in a terminal - software centre is not at all good at removing klingons ...19:36
joe____i just installed it, tried kvirc, then wanted to remove everthing. sadly autoremove doesn't help, it's all still here. didn't have any kde apps before19:37
flocculantok - hang on19:38
joe____well atleast i learned to always use apt to install stuff, so you can see beforehand what a huge mess you're installing19:39
flocculanttry installing kvirc with sudo apt install kvirc, then remove it with sudo apt remove kvirc, does it now tell you you can autoremove stuff?19:40
flocculantdid for me19:40
flocculant(also there is probably some thing you could do with dpkg and piping it to apt - but don't ask me ...)19:40
flocculantif not I'll paste this list of packages it removed for me for you19:41
flocculantREAD what terminal tells you though - if you've got something like vlc installed it'll do stuff with that I think19:43
joe____with that it tells me autoremove will remove "kvirc-data kvirc-modules libkvilib4" but nothing else?! thank you very much for the list, gonna use that :-)19:44
flocculantand yes - software centre does mostly what you'd want, but it has it's drawbacks as you have found19:44
flocculantjoe____: just make sure to read what it says - for things you might want ...19:44
flocculantyou might have some things left around - there are possibly packages I already had for other things - they'd not be on the list19:45
joe____nice, so about half a gig of stuff is gone now. quite an operation just to try an irc client.19:57
joe____thanks for your help19:57
flocculanttry hexchat - used it before irssi19:57
flocculantand no19:57
flocculantproblem :D19:57
joe____alright, gonna do. byebye19:58
=== paolo_ is now known as paolo
catalaniOh hey guys. It's my 3rd time installing Xubuntu and I keep getting Initramfs error21:45
catalaniTried purging grub and installing again everytime21:45
well_laid_lawnwhat is the actual error?21:46
catalaniFirst it tries to load the system, then it goes right back to Busybox21:47
well_laid_lawnknowing the actual error would help ...21:54

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