
slickymastercjwatson, ping11:55
slickymasterquick question, I've upload 2 PPAs this week and even though they were successfully built my Recent activities page is not showing it12:00
slickymasterany reasons why that might be happening?12:00
slickymastercjwatson, almost forget -> https://launchpad.net/~slickymaster12:12
cjwatsonslickymaster: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/56926417:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 569264 in Launchpad itself "No Karma for PPA uploads" [Low,Triaged]17:38
slickymasterthanks cjwatson18:12
slickymasterthat's a really old bug18:12
slickymasterbut I'm not sure it applies in this case cjwatson, since I'm the PPA vreator in both18:13
slickymasteror am I misundertooding something?18:14
slickymastermisunderstanding even18:15
cjwatsonslickymaster: The email address you used in the changelog isn't registered to your account on Launchpad, which is why you ran into that bug.18:55
cjwatsonslickymaster: Because it uses the email address to work out who the package creator (not the PPA creator) is.18:56
slickymasterhmm that's odd19:02
slickymasteroh now I see19:02
slickymasterslickymaster at gmail.com and not slickymaster at ubuntu .com19:03
slickymasteris that what you're referring to, cjwatson?19:03
cjwatsonslickymaster: Yes19:04
cjwatsonIncidentally you don't want to have only @ubuntu.com on your LP account anyway19:04
cjwatsonBecause the email forwarding setup for @ubuntu.com uses the addresses on your LP account to work out where to forward to19:04
slickymasterso it's just a matter of making an upload with the matching mail, right<'19:04
slickymastercjwatson, if I could bother you with one other thing19:11
slickymasterLP doesn't let me change me email from slickymaster at ubuntu.com back to slickymaster at ubuntu .com19:12
slickymastergmail that is19:12
slickymasterI'm getting "The email address 'slickymaster@gmail.com' is already registered to David Pires. If you think that is a duplicated account, you can merge it into your account." when I try to change it19:13
cjwatsonslickymaster: Oh, right, a placeholder account was autocreated when you used that email address on an upload.  You can go to https://launchpad.net/~slickymaster-c and claim it19:25
cjwatsonslickymaster: (the "Are you David Pires?" link there)19:25
slickymasteryep, that's me :)19:25
cjwatsonI wouldn't try to *change* your email address as such - just merge those two accounts so that both email addresses are on the same account19:26
slickymasterdone and will not chnage it as you advise19:27
slickymasterso will LP catch up now on the PPAs activity or will have have to do another upload of both?19:27
cjwatsonI suspect not.  I wouldn't upload just for that.19:30
cjwatsonKarma isn't massively important for very much ...19:31
slickymasterwasn't worried about karma itself19:31
slickymasteranyway thanks for your help on solving this19:31

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