
lynorianpink theme?06:18
lubot<VikingRedwolf> (Photo, 1280x800) https://i.imgur.com/OMgEwki.jpg :)11:34
lubot<Wolfenprey> @VikingRedwolf, If my daughter see that, and want it, i will find you...18:11
wxli love how there's VikingRedWOLF and WOLFenprey and tSIMONq2 and SIMONizer. when's someone going to come out with a wxl-containing nick? good luck.18:12
agaidaredwolf: that should be lubuntu-standard :P18:14
* agaida runs18:14
wxlnaw, we'll just make it standard upstream XD18:15
agaidai'm all for - fine for LXDE18:16
wxli'll submit it but make sure to thank you for the suggestion agaida18:16
agaidasure - that will speed up some things :P18:17
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @Wolfenprey, 😂18:33
lubot<tsimonq2> I think we can assume that Alpha 1 has been pushed back a week (nobody has objected to my proposal to do so).21:50
lubot<tsimonq2> I'll be doing checklist tracking.21:50
lubot<tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf Would you like a Christmas/New Years/Holidays easter egg to be thrown in?21:51
lubot<tsimonq2> If you want me to upload that for you, now's the time. ;)21:51
lubot<VikingRedwolf> huh?22:05
lubot<tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf, Like a wallpaper or something22:06
lubot<VikingRedwolf> nope, we agreed on no more religious wallpapers22:06
lubot<VikingRedwolf> anyways, it's a bit late, don't you think?22:06
lubot<tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf, Then like a holiday one :)22:06
lubot<tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf, Meh, not really22:06
lubot<VikingRedwolf> everybody works here .___.22:06
lubot<tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf, Hmmmmm?22:07

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