[00:19] @Crash_Burn, Never tried. [01:14] ooookeey [01:14] so 271 is working fine [01:15] no idea why i wasnt on development before [01:15] "last updated" still says "1970" which is amusing :) [01:18] dohbee: is there a way to disable the message on the lock screen that says how many photos were taken today? i would /really/ rather not know. [01:19] Double tap the stat to switch to a different one [01:21] UniversalSuperBox: it fades away for a short moment then fades back in. but i'll put it a different way: i'd prefer if noone knew anything from looking at my lockscreen, except perhaps for the date and time of day, those are okay. [01:23] also i've been meaning to ask: what is the purpose of the white-transparent-ish "half-moon" on the lock screen, and of the dots in the circle being shaped circle/filled circle/waterdrop-shaped? [01:23] Sounds like you don't have any other stats then [01:23] Let me find and forward my messages [01:23] oh, okay [01:33] Fwd from UniversalSuperBox: Heheh, the circle is actually much more! [01:33] Fwd from UniversalSuperBox: The dots around the edge are the days of the month. [01:33] Fwd from UniversalSuperBox: Each one will get a larger circle around it that denotes how much time you used the device that day [01:33] Fwd from UniversalSuperBox: And inside the circle is a random stat from one of your apps, such as how many calls you received today [01:34] oh! [01:34] that's genius with the dots! [01:34] and the half-moon thingy is the actual moon phase? [01:34] Thank Canonical Design for that one [01:35] No, it's how much your device has been used [01:35] uuur [01:35] Or how much that stat occurred on that day [01:35] i don't mean the water-drop-shaped dot [01:35] i eman the large feature to the lower left of the circle of dots [01:36] *scratches head* [01:36] I, uh, dunno [01:36] @mariogrip double trouble! [01:36] looks exactly the same on both the nexus4 and nexus5 [01:37] doesn't look like the moon currently looks, though [01:37] so doesn't seem to be the moon phase [01:37] although that'd be cool [01:37] @UniversalSuperBox, sup? [01:37] What's the thing he's talking about? [01:38] Well, I'm going to see The Last Jedi! Wish me luck! [01:38] @UniversalSuperBox, nerrrrd! :P [01:38] UniversalSuperBox: wish much fun you i do! [01:39] @rapha, huh? [01:39] that was a response to "doesn't look like the moon currently looks, though" [01:39] I keep forgetting irc cannot see when i quote [01:39] mariogrip: lock screen. white-transparent-ish thingy to the southwest of the circle of dots, which is shaped like a 3/4 moon. [01:40] (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/SyPSk9HD/file_3070.jpg [01:40] You mean the lower diagonal edge? [01:40] oh! i only have one of these Seumas, and it's in the southwest. yours are all over the place. [01:41] @Seumas, ah, the "circle" that's just random, i dont think there is any patten to it [01:41] (but im not 100% sure [01:41] Those are stats e.g. how many texts/calls/what have you, have I made in a day? [01:41] @rapha, There's a setting in privacy and security settings iirc [01:42] oooh thank god! [01:42] hmm [01:42] also makes the calendar circle thingy disappear though [01:42] shame, i did like that [01:42] I dont think much off it, it just keep reminding me i haz no friends haha :P [01:43] I think that's what Mr Durst explained before :) [01:43] mariogrip: and in Seumas screen, what's the top left icon that looks like a letter envelope? it seems related to notifications, but there are none, and the icon is still there? [01:44] Notifications. [01:44] but there are no notifications... [01:44] would be alot more usefull to display notifacations there tbh (but with an options to hide them) xenial maybe [01:44] Yes. It's always there. Fills in when there is a notification [01:44] oic [01:44] SD card mounted/ejected, Telegram messages, SMS, calls... [01:44] @rapha, it's green when you have notifacations [01:45] * rapha doesnt have a sim card for the nexus4 yet and the nexus5's sim card slot is broken [01:45] YOU HAVE MAIL *ding* [01:45] It needs fixed to be hidden without any notifications [01:45] (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/dNZFvm0Z/file_3072.jpg [01:45] going to be at 34C3 next week and there's bound to be people with infrared reflow ovens, gonna try to reflow the nexus5 there [01:46] Ooh Marius, only 13% battery?! You bad man, expected better from a leading developer... :P [01:46] lol [01:47] @Seumas, haha, I make software not electrons [01:47] perhaps someone should implement "phone shutdown at 20% remaining" ;) [01:47] @mariogrip, well you cannot make electrons, i mean i don't excite them [01:48] @rapha, oh no, if someone did that, my phone would be off most the time [01:48] *g* [01:48] What devices do you rockstar, Marius? [01:49] @Seumas, I use the oneplus one as my daily driver now (if that what you asked) but i switch between them [01:50] Pretty much, just which devices do you own in total. [01:51] all of our supported devices exept bq 5, nexus 7 and meizu mx4 [01:51] and I dont have the HD tablet, i have the FHD, but they are pretty much the same [01:52] If you aren't familiar with the expression, "rocking" something means owning/using it with a badass purpose, e.g. rawking the guitar, rocking a supercharged Delorean, etc. [01:52] I kinda need to have evey of them to be able to development [01:52] Hear you. Awesome. [01:52] @Seumas, ah! good to know :D [01:52] pics, mariogrip! :) [01:52] Is your Pro 5 32 or 64GB? [01:53] oh god my desk is super messy [01:53] @Seumas, dunno [01:54] Please check if you can :) perhaps you can help narrow down the problems I've had with it's hotspot. [01:54] (Photo, 2560x1440) https://irc.ubports.com/PWUzwmgU/file_3074.jpg [01:54] I know, my desk is super messy [01:55] Mmm I think white is probably 32GB? My BAMF black/chrome model is 64GB. [01:56] yeah, its says 25GB free, so it have to be the 32GB one, since i dont have much on it [01:57] mariogrip: after "super messy" i was gonna write "i'll go first then", but you beat me to it. here's mine in its totality, not much better: https://imgur.com/a/e2Y68 [01:57] Can you do a quick check of the hotspot on it? If you currentpy have a SIM loaded inside it [01:57] *currently [01:59] @rapha, :D [01:59] @Seumas, I dont have sim in my pro5 [02:00] but it has been working before for me [02:00] Ok no worries. [02:00] I wonder if you and I have the same radio firmware for it. [02:01] @rapha, It's way better then my electronics "work" desk though :P I ran out of space after i got a new bigger 3d printer.... so I now have to stack stuff in upwards... so it's a big pain to find thins [02:02] @Seumas, mine came with ubuntu, so it came with that [02:02] Will have to ask someone to test it. Would you be able to? [02:02] https://imgur.com/gallery/wuJTU o_O [02:04] @rapha, ohohoh what's in there :D [02:05] i mean, who gets _ebay_ as their secret santa [02:06] @mariogrip, It's just suggestion.. is it possible to release 3.1 for Nexus 5 with network signal and date fix?? [02:09] so on the nexus5 with newer ubports usb works just fine [02:09] @UniversalSuperBox, Sure thing! I'll try my best! [02:09] sd card management needs to be renamed tho [02:09] removable storage management or something [02:10] @mariogrip ? This would be very quick, you just need to run a script on your Pro 5 and paste the output. [02:10] oh. and a free reboot upon pulling out the usb stick. that's not nice. [02:30] @mariogrip, Ding ding ding... @wayneoutthere ;) [02:31] @mariogrip, It just keep getting better!! [02:39] huh [02:39] no lsusb [02:40] can that be installed? [02:40] ah usbutils [02:53] okay, so, flashing microcontrollers does not work from ubports [02:53] i'm wondering why, though [02:53] the USB-to-Serial adapter does appear in lsusb [02:54] oh, apparently these things are not simple enough not to need a driver [02:55] so i do have to get a ubports build environment going [02:55] not tonight anymore though [02:55] sleep well all! [03:13] jeffstoner was added by: jeffstoner [03:22] Hello @jeffstoner and welcome! I'm part of the UBports welcoming team. … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! :) [03:40] thank you @Crash_Burn [04:03] sleep well all! [04:36] Space romp [04:37] That was pretty good, pretty. Good. [04:39] @mvaisakh, Ping me if you need the manifest. Repos are on my account, GitHub.com/universalsuperbox [04:40] Actually, I'll post the manifest when I get home but before I sleep [04:40] @UniversalSuperBox, Sure thing! [04:43] 45 minutes or so [05:20] Here it is, @mvaisakh. Hope you know what to do with it. :P https://paste.ubuntu.com/26236737/ [05:49] Aah! [05:49] Boulzordev [05:50] Wait we should do this in pm maybeπŸ˜‚ [07:38] Morning anybody having problems with Telegram not allowing me to add contacts? [08:12] hey guys [08:13] my bq 4.5 acting weird after ota3 [08:13] getting blue screens of death i cant go out from, unless i branch power cord [08:13] anyone else getting symptons like that? [08:21] Lotus, it is more likely unrelated to OTA3 but coincidental timing of a fault. Try switching to development channel and see if the problem persists? [08:21] i think im on stable sterefont [08:28] Lotus, go to Updates in System Settings. Bottom left find Update Settings and choose Development from the list. Then swipe two pages back. Plug in your charger first [08:29] stereofont, yes? [08:29] @prpleXist, Sorry never heard anything like this. How you try to add them? [08:30] stereofont, enabled dev channel what should it do? [08:35] Lotus, swipe back two pages. It should download [08:38] stereofont: worked, downloading 400mb version 60 [08:40] Lotus, great. More likely it is a memory leak problem. Just guessing [08:40] stereofont, allrighty tnx! is my system now on development channel or both with stable? [08:45] asierurbi was added by: asierurbi [08:45] hello all! [08:45] with the new update via ota-3 i am having really serious problems with network management [08:46] talzion was added by: talzion [08:46] the mobile does not connect to internet with 4G [08:46] and it seems that it tries to use wifi all the time [08:46] but the wifi connection is not working either ;-( [08:46] anyone has the same problem? [08:48] and also when i reboot the device, the screen gets blacked and with a tiny light [08:48] but it does not reboot [08:48] i am using ubports in nexus 5 device [08:48] thank you!!! [09:14] @asierurbi, Known issue here, what helps is switching among channel devel to stable and than again back or viceversa [09:20] i was working with stable, so... i must config to development channel and after that to stable again? [09:21] Yes in settings [09:24] ok thanks! lets try! [09:39] @lotuspsychje, Lotus, now just development. Does your problem continue? [09:40] Welcome Tal and Urbi! Ask questions, join in. Glad to have you in our community. https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome for lots of newcomer information πŸšͺ [09:43] @asierurbi, Also Nexus 5 seem to have old radio firmware which struggles with the new software. Newer firmware may help [09:43] newer firmware = development channel? [09:44] https://forums.ubports.com/topic/815/howto-n5-update-baseband-firmware This! [09:46] ok thanks! [09:46] i will try it later on! [09:48] are there any other trick like this one for nexus 5? [09:48] :D [09:52] @asierurbi, Not really. It is just old hardware and has some difficulty keeping up 😎 [09:54] ok thanks!!! [10:16] Great job on OTA3. This boottime issue with the bq m10 tablet was really annoying!:) [10:37] @DanChapman, Hi Dan, libertine -container-manager update gives errors (OTA-3, BQ M10). Fout http://ports.ubuntu.com vivid/main armhf Packages … 404 Not Found [IP: 80] [10:41] @jacobmdekker, The patch to libertine wouldn't fix current containers. You would need to create a new container or edit the apt sources of you current container manually [10:47] @mariogrip, The circle are the days of the current month [10:52] I can't make libertine to work on my Nexus 5 :( [10:58] @DanChapman, Thanks, editng ~/.cache/libertine-container/vivid/rootfs/etc/apt/sources.list did the trick and is much easier then creating a new container. [11:00] πŸ‘ [11:26] hey guys, probably somebody asked it already but is there a way to upgrade to OTA3 not needing a PC? [11:30] @skrech, You can do it from system settings on your phone [11:31] system settings -> Updates? [11:31] shows no new updates [11:33] @mariogrip @neothethird should the OTA have rolled out to all devices by now? [11:33] yes [11:34] Which device [11:34] but there seems to have benn a problem with the nexus 7 [11:34] E4.5 [11:34] @skrech, that is weird, can you run `system-image-cli -i`? [11:35] run it where? terminal on the phone? [11:35] yeah [11:35] will try now [11:36] what info do you need from there? [11:36] current build is 2 [11:36] channel is ubports stable [11:37] Hmm [11:37] i'll try to reboot the device [11:39] usually fails, don't know why [11:41] what fails usually? [11:42] is there a command from the terminal that would start the update? [11:43] to be more precise it stays on "checking for updates..." [11:43] If click on Update settings -> Channels it's stays on "fetching channels..." [11:44] but never shows a result [11:44] Hi I have a technical question. … I've stumbled upon some new baseband versions for Meizu Pro 5 - forexample the latest I can find on XDA: https://forum.xda-developers.com/meizu-pro-5/development/meizu-pro5-baseband-25-10-2017-t3699239 … I have an Ubuntu Edition (bought with Ubuntu) with Ubports' OTA-3. … Can I install the other baseband (for example the one I've linked) and it will work or does Ubuntu require some different, modified or the s [11:44] of baseband? [11:54] can i ping the server to see whether its connection error? [11:56] Any advice on how to flash a modem.bin file to the Pro 5 via fastboot? [11:57] fastboot flash radio modem.bin … target didn't report max-download-size … sending 'radio' (34521 KB)... … OKAY [ 0.901s] … writing 'radio'... … FAILED (remote: partition does not exist) … finished. total time: 0.901s [12:01] I just saw @theMitu asked a question along similar lines, really hope people can help us Pro 5 users out who want the best modem firmware for their device. [12:03] I did see a link somewhere saying to be careful as to which Android sub-version you have relative to the firmware you install; 5.1 Lollipop in our case. [12:06] (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/nAnNfk7H/file_3076.mp4 [12:06] Are you trying to kill people with epilepsy? :P [12:07] (Sticker, 280x512) https://irc.ubports.com/9v8uc0UW/file_3077 [12:07] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/PWVg4h0k/file_3078 [12:07] (groping in the dark for a theory): [12:08] Perhaps the modem partition the script wants (if it exists in Ubuntu Touch) is named differently to what it would be under Android? [12:08] Spuddl was added by: Spuddl [12:09] @Spuddl, Hello Spuddl. Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-botβ„’ Ask, chat, explore! [12:15] Relatedly, after installing Ubports to the MP5, does it retain TWRP? I don't think I can access it via a key combination bootup. But it feels like if it is there, it would handle the modem upgrade like a boss. [12:16] Hi, I use BQ M10 on daily basis and Citrix receiver in Libertine container to have secure access to the Windows / Office environment at the office. Is there any progress on Bug #1573470 'GLX apps (including Libreoffice Impress presentation mode) on ARM devices display wrong colors'? This bug als effects Citrix / Windows. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1573470 [12:16] Launchpad bug 1573470 in Canonical System Image "GLX apps (including Libreoffice Impress presentation mode) on ARM devices display wrong colors" [High,Confirmed] [12:22] @Ratattuile, 2 days [12:32] Gashaak was added by: Gashaak [12:37] (Photo, 265x353) https://irc.ubports.com/0tUNbYhK/file_3080.jpg This is how it looks [12:38] @skrech, I also had this problem. The workaround I did to switch again among the channel is to open the TweakGeek app (you can download it from OpenStore). Once open you go to Application and you search the System Settings app. Once found, you click on it and you delete the "data" option, by clicking on the relevant garbage bin. After that you shall only reboot your phone and you'll be able again to switch to the desired channel. [12:39] @Gashaak, Hello Abdelhak. Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-botβ„’ Ask, chat, explore! [12:40] @Seumas, TWRP is an Android bootloader, so no - wiped [12:41] Ok guys, I have to go out for Christmas errands. Can check Telegram on the phone but obviously can't flash stuff without a desktop. I would *really* appreciate it if a user with a development/burner Pro 5 (e.g. @mariogrip , maybe @Flohack ?) would be willing to trial the modem update procedure for me because it isn't working yet. Taking care to avoid problems installing a baseband for an Android version greater than Lollipop if possible (or testing i [12:41] indeed creates problems for UT?). Also, testing if these modem.bin files are appropriate for the firmware update, or do we actually need a .img file to pull it off? The goal is to get this Revision = S333_M86_20151002_CHNOPEN_MZ024 upgraded, and hopefully that will allow mobile hotspot to work among other perks. Obviously you will need to plug your SIM in to test these things (even if hotspot does currently work for you). Hopefully through the magic of being [12:41] computer for a few hours will help the hivemind come up with a solution! [12:41] Cheers :) [12:42] @jacobmdekker, In this post you can see how it is and how it should be. https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JaapDekkerJMD/posts/4g6c6WQkBGL [12:54] @milkor73, Thanks. Ill do the Music app first and then ask :) [13:08] @Seumas, Sorry dont have a Pro5 [13:11] @Stereofont, Cool hint! Should I also update bootloader version or is that related to UBports? [13:16] @nfsprodriver, It seems to be only Nexus 5, which is getting a bit tired. Also only about what is functionally useful, not cosmetic. If splash screens sow Mickey Mouse it doesn't really matter [apart from copyright infringement] πŸ˜‚ [13:40] Bq E4.5 is my daily driver. Last week i saw that sometimes when battery is empty and then plugged AC adapter in my phone is starting to load baterry from 62% not from 0%. Is there possibility to do some battery calibration or maybe reset battery settings or something? [13:52] @Stereofont, This statement makes no sense wrt Nexus 5 [13:54] @tydell, No Idea but its also possible that battery is dying slowly. BQ did not put in the greatest batteries, and already last year ppl complained about dying batteries on those devices [13:55] Maybe just replace the battery [13:56] E4.5 is like 4 years old now [13:57] I also think that battery is dying, this is something like 3-4 years old phone but i don't need anything more, it suits me well with UT :) [14:05] Anyone else with battery issues after updating to ota-3? I did a full charge and reboot, but the power curve is still going steep downwards :( I am using a meizu mx4 [14:06] After 4 hours the phone has only 60% left with almost no usage [14:10] does `top` in Terminal app show something using the CPU constantly or such? [14:25] hi guys. i'm trying to develop some stuff, but i get this error if i use clickable command [14:26] Asking for root to start docker … [sudo] password di federico: … Asking for root to start docker … Command '['docker', 'ps']' returned non-zero exit status 1 [14:26] is that normal? [14:31] @dohbee, Not really, terminal itself and for the rest unity8 related processes, but not more than a few % [14:33] ok, maybe something preventing deep sleep, but not sure what [14:42] Is ota 3 out on the bq e5hd? This is what i gwt with systemimagecli i [14:42] (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/j0wRlrMB/file_3082.jpg [14:42] @Rawcode, Paging @neothethird or @bhdouglass [14:43] @Jo_Led, You haven't installed Ubuntu Touch from UBports yet [14:43] @Rawcode, Do you have docker installed and running? [14:44] @Rawcode, did you set it up correctly? http://clickable.bhdouglass.com/en/latest/install.html [14:44] Zzz really? I did install with mdt a while ago and thought this is the legacy version and thats why its different than the tablet. [14:45] is it related to this issue https://github.com/bhdouglass/clickable/issues/20 ? [14:45] @Jo_Led, MDT is not maintained by us, so maybe it still linked to the old version. You can use the ubports installer to switch to ubports, make sure not to select the wipe option to keep your data: github.com/ubports/ubports-installer [14:45] @Jo_Led, 'Legacy' in MDT means UBports UT revision 1 [14:45] @gouchi, Seems unlikely. Did you use the ppa? [14:46] @Stereofont, but he's still on canonical [14:46] @bhdouglass, I use snap and I got the issue mentioned in the ticket [14:47] @neothethird, Seems like MDT didn't work. Installer should fix, for sure [14:48] @Flohack going back to my question yesterday about should Ubports provide these baseband updates. You think it might not be safe. But why, exactly, if Android devices can provide these in their own OTAs? Surely there isn't a UT limitation preventing this feature? And if it isn't safe for everyone and requires a little more CLI skills, perhaps you could offer it to those who request it, with a diaclaimer and safety warning? [14:48] @gouchi, Try using the ppa, see if that works better for you [14:49] @neothethird, Thanks. Will try now. Backing up first though. [14:49] @bhdouglass, Ok I will try and report if I get an issue [14:49] @Seumas, the way updates work in android vs ubuntu is quite different, indeed. i'm not sure if there is any way to update the radio firmware too, from the ubuntu update process [14:50] @gouchi, πŸ‘ [14:52] *disclaimer [14:56] @Seumas, it's always a good idea to test something with more tech-savy users first, if we see that no issues come up, we can make it the default and for example flash it in the installation process, but we can't just ship it and ask questions later [14:57] not that we can't do release early release often, but we can't risk bricking devices [15:00] I'm reasonably tech-savvy, but hints in the right direction do help. [15:00] So does anyone know where the "modem partition" is? [15:01] @Seumas, no idea what it is, as i've never seen such message on a nexus device [15:01] Seems odd that firmware can be successfully flashed to N5 but I'm having trouble on the Pro 5. [15:02] well, not terribly odd. n5 is older, and pro 5 is exynos so may do some things differently than standard [15:02] anyone tried exagear desktop? is it good and possibly compatible with UT? [15:02] Well I don't think you would have seen it as a matter of course unless you tried to update radio firmware from a desktop terminal and the phone in fastboot. [15:03] sure, but i've flashed radio firmware on both n4 and n5 multiple times [15:04] @Javacookies, they are not tsrgeting ut. i emailed them but they think that ut is end of life. [15:05] Well then the fastboot script on your desktop would have mentioned it. Albeit not necessarily where this partition is located. [15:07] And I'll ask again: can I get TWRP on this device or does UT preclude it? Did UT overwrite and wipe it on installation? [15:08] @Seumas, I don't think you can use stock TWRP no. Ubuntu has its own recovery and does occasionally replace it on updates [15:09] So I can't install it temporarily just to update the baseband? [15:10] @Seumas, TBF the retail Ubuntu phone devices had different partitioning from the Android versions, and that is not done on Nexus and other ported devices as such. I don't know why that repartitioning at factory level would have removed any such "modem partition" though [15:10] @Seumas, I don't think it will help you to update the baseband, if the problem is a missing partition [15:11] did you have to repartition your phone to install ubuntu on it? [15:13] @KrisJacewicz, I see...it's a paid software anyway :) [15:15] @Javacookies, i would love to see more good paid software on Linux. [15:17] LOL, I thought the notification sound in UT sounded exactly the same for telegram in desktop [15:18] No, I don't think I repartitioned it. Unless flashing the recovery.turbo.img caused that to happen but no, no manual repartitioning on my part. [15:18] then I realized i have Windows on DVI with telegram on and my Nexus 5 (currently using) on HDMI, :D [15:18] How do we list the partitions? [15:19] If Meizu doesn't have official instructions for flashing the modem, I wouldn't do it [15:19] That's the 'other OS' that runs on your phone, and nothing will work correctly if it is missing or incorrect. You will have a brick. [15:20] Those official instructions are probably available somewhere, and it seems trivial for Android users to do. [15:22] @Seumas, u can use gparted, it works very well but need to isntall on rootfs not in a container [15:22] This goes back to why I requested that an owner of a development/burner Pro 5 could test this first. Optimally, even, they may have one Pro 5 on Flyme and another on UT. Then they could test the fastboot flash with both, using the Flyme as a control. [15:23] @KrisJacewicz, Nope, would not recommend that at all. [15:23] Android partitioning is super weird, as you know. Poking it with any stick is potentially very dangerous. :( [15:24] It would also help for them to tell me the size of their SWAP partition, as I asked last week, because that would further explain possible differences in the partitioning of my phone to their's (which may be an official Ubuntu device rather than reflashed from Flyme). [15:24] #ForScience [15:24] There is no swap partition [15:24] Sure about that? [15:25] Yeah. There's a swapfile in some cases, that would be located on `userdata` [15:25] (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/Gh1Y3DAc/file_3084.jpg [15:25] I thought swapfiles weren't a thing until Zesty or so? [15:26] Yep! That's probably `userdata/something.SWP` [15:26] Why would you disencourage a temporary installation of gparted? [15:27] The partitions on Android devices are not to be toyed with. Changing one can and will render the phone unusable. [15:28] Wow, previously i had problem when calling in speaker mode, my wife always said that she hear her own voice as terrible echo. Just finished call with her and now echo was gone! She said that voice was super clear. Just wondering which was the fix, ota3 or radio fw update..? I am very happy now.. πŸ™‚πŸ‘ [15:28] (Photo, 800x624) https://irc.ubports.com/Y1XTnxNI/file_3086.jpg [15:28] If I used it hands off, essentially as a microscope, read only and no changes though? [15:28] I am connected. Device was in developer mode and was now put unto fastboot mode and nothing happens [15:29] Which installer and which platform are you on? [15:29] ubports installer 0.1.9-beta [15:29] AppImage? [15:30] no .deb installed with gdebi package manager [15:30] started from applications list [15:30] It might work if you do `sudo ubports-installer` from a terminal. [15:30] @UniversalSuperBox, I did not suggest gparted fr toying with partitions but just to browse them. If he decides to toy with them, it is his call and he should understand that it is a complicated problem. [15:31] Still, if something requires knowing where a partition is or how large it is on the phone, you're likely barking up the wrong tree [15:32] isn't fdisk installed by default anyway? [15:32] just do `fdisk -l /dev/mmc0` or whatever [15:33] It's just a super bad idea to poke at the partitioning, command line, GUI, or othetwise [15:34] @UniversalSuperBox fdisk comes preinstalled. It's there to use it. gparted is just gui. There is nothing wrong in listing things. And that is what he asked for. If he is going to change partition layout, that is a hole another story on its own. [15:35] brhnkaya was added by: brhnkaya [15:36] @KrisJacewicz, well, in either case `fdisk -l` seems like much better advice than `make your / writable and install a bunch of extra stuff you don't actually need, just to list the partitions` [15:36] @brhnkaya, Hello Burhan. Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-botβ„’ Ask, chat, explore! [15:37] Seumas you are talking about Pro 5, yes? Does it run on mediatek ? Because MX4 is, and there is a dedicated flashing software for it. You can read/write any partition or any writable flash memory on it. You can backup anything, even NVRAM. You can even clone from another device, whoch would clone IMEI and MAC. Which is considered illegal in many countires. But there is tool for that. It even comes for Linux but I was only able to get it to wor [15:37] Windows. [15:37] @Stereofont, Thx 😊 [15:37] @dohbee, absolutely yes [15:37] @KrisJacewicz, no, Pro 5 is Exynos SoC [15:38] well you can always pop open the thing, solder JTAG pins on, and have at it, too :P [15:38] @Jo_Led, I cant seem to exit this stupid fastboot mode. [15:39] @brhnkaya, Have you got Ubuntu Touch or a supported device? [15:39] @Jo_Led, Hold the power button until it reboots or do `fastboot continue` in a terminal [15:39] @Jo_Led, Phablet tools not installed maybe? [15:40] i am even unplugged now [15:40] @Jo_Led, are you in fastboot on the phone? You sure you are waiting for fastboot not adb mode? [15:40] holding power with all kinds of comoinations with the volume buttons doesnt do shit. [15:40] its black screen and says "=> FASTBOOT mode..." [15:41] @Jo_Led, Nexus 5? Power button? [15:41] maybe cable problem, I had that couple of times [15:41] BQ E5HD [15:42] well i doubt its the cable because i could connect the phone to laptop and the ubports installer put it in this fastboot mode [15:42] @Jo_Led, it might not be the cable at all, but cable problem is not binary: good or bad cable. Sometimes it is in between. I had that few times. [15:43] @Jo_Led, Unfortunately, can still be [15:43] plug in to usb and run "fastboot reboot" [15:43] with this dumb phone i cant even remove the battery. *annoyed* [15:43] @Stereofont, i doubt the usb cable has any bearing on whether an untethered device can reboot out of fastboot [15:44] although it's a bit weird if the menu selection doesn't work at all [15:44] anyway, i have to go for now [15:45] @Jo_Led, I suggest Welcome Room to review the install. Install discussions can go on a long time [15:48] Will state again, I want to observe only, not to experiment :) [15:51] @Stereofont, finally it just rebooted after pressing randomly on the buttons of the phone again.... trying daltons sudo command now [15:51] I appreciate your warnings about the risks of upgrading these firmware. But at the same time, that's basically asking me to be content with no hotspot. Every modern smartphone should have that functionality, or a route to regain that functionality. [15:56] @Seumas, You might need Odin on windows. There might not be a regular fastboot. Really not sure, that's why I stuttet [15:56] Odin is a Samsung thing, right? Does that apply here though? [15:57] that's the problem Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― [15:57] I'd only do it with official (or XDA confirmed, I guess) instructions. [15:57] The problem is we don't know, you mean? Is the chipset by Samsung? [15:58] Right, Exynos is Samsung's thing [15:58] Right OK. [15:59] it is possible to create hotspot with "nmcli". i used to use that when n4 was my daily driver. [15:59] @Seumas, Have you checked with a couple of other random SIMs in case it is a problem with your network provider? [16:00] @UniversalSuperBox, That seems to have done it. Strange, because it asked me for my password when started from the applications list, and then the problem happenend. now it says downloading file 1 of 12. and its progressing in %. thanks! [16:02] Let's go down a bit of hypothesis here. In the temporary absence of @mariogrip you might be able to speak for him Dalton. If he were to test this on his Pro 5, and in the unlikely event of a brick, wouldn't he be able to refresh back to UT? As it isn't his daily driver, he might be able to accept this. Again though, hypotheticals! [16:02] The radio firmware can break the everything. I have no doubt about that. [16:03] @Stereofont I will try that if my parents will lend me their SIMs and if they are Nano size. But hotspot worked beautifully on my MX4 with the same SIM I cut down for the MP5. [16:05] Dalton, so the word is "can" or "may" rather than "will"? [16:07] And, you're saying a tester wouldn't be able to recover a brick? I thought that was achievable with "soft bricks". [16:07] i have experience only N4 and N5 with radio fw flashing. i dont know is it possible to do in other devices [16:08] You don't have other devices? [16:08] nexus devices may be different because they are designed to be developer devices. bricking nexus is hard.. [16:09] Bricking any modern phone is hard [16:09] @Seumas, no [16:09] Except iphones and the N9, theyre nigh impossible [16:09] I remember when I've accidentally zeroed the bootloader partition [16:09] Fwd from UniversalSuperBox: The radio firmware can break the everything. I have no doubt about that. [16:10] @UniversalSuperBox ? [16:11] @Seumas, Lebara, Asda. <Β£1 [16:12] One fact I can cling to is that upgrading radio firmware is most definitely achievable on the MP5 for Android. So the hardware is not a problem. [16:12] Right, but I'm a little cheapskate and moreover want fast gratification :) [16:13] what phone we are talking about? [16:13] @Seumas, You could reinstall Android and then return [16:14] Pro 5, MP5 and turbo plus are my nicknames for it. [16:14] Lionel, you mean to upgrade the baseband then come back to UT? [16:14] @Seumas, Exactly [16:16] I considered that but then I remembered I spent half an hour after getting the phone messing around with it on Flyme, upgrading etc. So surely the baseband would have been upgraded to. But then the version wasn't retained as I flashed over to UT... I guess? [16:16] *upgraded too [16:17] @Stereofont, The Meizu cannot upgrade the radio by flashing it with fastboot only? [16:18] @Seumas, I think that is maybe the point. You have the latest firmware version already and still it doesn't work [16:19] @Seumas, You get 4g but can't create a hotspot? [16:19] It *might* be able to @Flohack but the issue might be that I've tried to upgrade it with .bin files rather than .img files (the latter of which I can't seem to find). [16:21] @Stereofont yes very much so. Actually, I can create it, see the indicator options go green, even have the little hotspot indicator logo come up, but my other devices do not see the WiFi network. [16:21] thanks for LSD.. i needed it.. [16:22] Fwd from Stereofont: I think that is maybe the point. You have the latest firmware version already and still it doesn't work [16:22] @andreasimonetti, As in drugs? [16:22] @Seumas, Have you tried WiFi Scanner with your tablet? [16:23] @Georgecloon, Pounds, shillings, pence [16:23] LSD as in currency? [16:24] limited slip differential πŸ˜ƒ [16:24] Don't forget today's community update will begin in just over 2 hours. Go and get the link at the official News Stream: https://t.me/ubports_news [16:25] I don't think so. If we look at my readout from list-modems, we see that the firmware is dated October 2015. There's been many since then. [16:25] @Seumas, WiFi Scanner will show whether there is a signal or not [16:25] is a game😁 [16:25] Will try WiFiScanner in a minute. [16:27] what's the surprise??? too bad it's already 12:30 am here :( [16:27] If this whole hotspot issue gets some airtime on the community update, that would be great :( [16:30] @Jo_Led, Zzzzzzzz... Adp push failed to push those 13 downloaded files. Love it [16:33] Here we have ample evidence that MP5 at least *appears* to be pushing a hotspot: [16:34] (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/v0T4QcYl/file_3088.jpg [16:35] @Seumas, Are you looking on 2.5 or 5? [16:37] Just about to load the scanner on my M10. [16:38] (Photo, 1280x800) https://irc.ubports.com/gxY40urg/file_3093.jpg [16:38] (Photo, 1280x800) https://irc.ubports.com/hy0RJ8Ad/file_3091.jpg [16:38] (Photo, 1280x800) https://irc.ubports.com/1Mw0CV1r/file_3094.jpg [16:38] Nada. [16:39] Now after trying again it fails when flashing recovery and boot images: [16:39] debug: Using native platform tools! … debug: Running platform tool exec cmd adb kill-server … debug: … debug: Running platform tool exec cmd adb -P 5038 kill-server … debug: … debug: Running platform tool exec asar cmd [object Object] -P 5038 start-server … debug: adb shell: echo 1 … debug: Running platform tool exec cmd adb -P 5038 shell echo 1 … debug: … debug: adb shell: getprop ro.product.device … debug: Running platform to [16:39] getprop ro.product.device … debug: … debug: getprop: vegetahd … debug: adb shell: cat /etc/system-image/channel.ini … debug: Running platform tool exec cmd adb -P 5038 shell cat /etc/system-image/channel.ini … debug: … debug: adb shell: echo 1 … debug: Running platform tool exec cmd adb -P 5038 shell echo 1 … debug: … debug: reboot to bootloader … debug: Running platform tool exec cmd adb -P 5038 reboot bootloader … debug: fastboot: w [16:39] platform tool exec asar cmd fastboot devices … debug: … debug: reboot to bootloader [DONE] err:null … debug: Running platform tool exec asar cmd fastboot devices … debug: Running platform tool exec asar cmd fastboot devices … info: Download startCheck … info: checked: recovery-vegetahd.img … info: Exists /home/johannes/.cache/ubports/images/vegetahd/recovery-vegetahd.img … info: Download complete … info: done downloading(once listener) … [16:39] Object] … debug: Running platform tool exec asar cmd fastboot flash recovery "/home/johannes/.cache/ubports/images/vegetahd/recovery-vegetahd.img" … error: Devices: Error: Fastboot: Unknown error: sending 'recovery' (10046 KB)... … FAILED (data transfer failure (Protocol error)) … finished. total time: 0.342s [16:41] (Photo, 802x626) https://irc.ubports.com/NYlEBrsu/file_3096.jpg [16:42] Can you try yo do that last command exactly as it did on the terminal? [16:42] ? [16:43] sudo ubports-installer? [16:46] @Seumas, When you turn hotspot 'off' and run WiFi Scanner again, do any of those disappear? [16:47] Will try. Should I switch it off from the indicator or from settings menu? [16:47] i use hotspot always from settings [16:48] Settings seems more final. It would eliminate any naming problem [16:48] i had some problems using indicator menu [16:49] there is some problem if user use OWN password when creating hotspot. i use generated one [16:50] Always use generated ones. [16:50] at least with N5. and N4 hotspot never worked without commandline wizardness [16:51] using nmcli i had only open hotspot but it was better than nothing. i used it only middle of nowhere ideep in the woods 😁 [16:54] A couple of the networks flashed on and off over the space of a couple minutes, but I mean, they're clearly just home WiFi networks. [16:55] OK Sami, please talk me through running the hotspot via nmcli? [16:56] @Seumas, If you could limit connections to one, it wouldn't matter quite so much about being open? [16:57] @Seumas, +1 [16:57] Good point! [16:58] ok. let me find my memos.. [16:59] Hahaha :) [17:04] ok. first. open terminal. run command "nmcli con show" [17:04] you should see all wifi connections and hotspots [17:07] run "nmcli connection add type wifi ifname '*' con-name my-hotspot autoconnect no ssid my-local-hotspot" [17:08] nmcli connection modify my-hotspot 802-11-wireless.mode ap 802-11-wireless.band bg ipv4.method shared [17:09] Seumas if you now run that first command again. nmcli con show , you should see that new hotspot available [17:10] you can now enable it with "nmcli con up my-hotspot" [17:11] "nmcli con show" again and you should see it active ready to connect some device to it [17:13] basically thats it. when you dont need it anymore, use command "nmcli con down my-hotspot" to disable it. next time you enable it again with "nmcli con up my-hotspot" and so on.. [17:14] that is open hotspot so passwd required. [17:24] #Unofficial #DontDoAtHome … So I added new funtion to ATU root tools for resizing your rootfs. Most of you will not want to make rootfs writable, and it's alright. But some of you are doing it anyways. So to those of you I want to say that if you already to remount your rootfs as wrtable, then you might as well just resize it. On Nexus 5 the rootfs is a loopback device, not a partition, so this process is very easy. And on Meizu MX4 the rootf [17:24] actually a partition, and ATU will not let you resize it. [17:24] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/z7c6lqmw/file_3098.jpg Nexus5, default rootfs size is 2G, but the internal storage is 32G (some models have 16G) [17:24] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/gtM1rlpT/file_3100.jpg switching over to ATU root tools [17:25] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/LRjr2MH9/file_3102.jpg open the "rootfs size" drawer... [17:25] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/JcqlLEm2/file_3104.jpg set your new size in GB... [17:25] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/iP5wZhWo/file_3106.jpg I set 10G [17:25] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/0nTQw9NL/file_3107.jpg after pressing resize you will need to confirm [17:25] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/5pHCBVI1/file_3109.jpg it will resize on the fly [17:26] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/DTFDqBb4/file_3111.jpg then will ask you to reboot, best use the button [17:26] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/8YS9uxnb/file_3112.jpg after reboot I hv 10G on my rootfs. On my other nexus5 I have 15G [17:26] Hey folk, … I was wondering what would be the easiest and most direct way to get an device already flashed with ubports. So, why not offering and buying within the community?! My suggestion would be to set up a kind of classified ads in the forum or directly on the page on ubports next to the recommended phones. … What do you think? [17:27] @KrisJacewicz damn, thats cool! πŸ‘ [17:27] @samitormanen, thank you, more fun stuff will be coming ;) [17:28] (FYI you can resize rootfs without making it read-write I believe) [17:28] @bshah, yes, ATU does it without making rootfs writable [17:29] ACTUALLY, it does ensure it is read-only before resizing. Even if it was rw, the ATU will make it ro, then resize. [17:33] what are the advantages to resize the rootfs? [17:33] @Ringo KΓ€tzel, Probably there are some with BQ phones or Meizu MX4 who want to move on. Those could be good for beginners who just want to try UT. Otherwise, a relationship with a phone brand would be a very convenient 'out-of-the-box' option [17:35] @Michele, if you want to install apps via apt directly to your device [17:36] like what I'm doing right now becuase I can't make libertine work LOL [17:39] @Michele, basically rootfs on UT is read-only and users should not need to use it, or care about how big or small it is. Some of us users here want to use it though. We remount it from read-only to writable. And then the extra space is useful to us. But it is not something that a regular ut user would ever need to care about. If you are just running click apps, you wiull never need this. … If you are interested in xmir, then Libertine is the [17:39] official suggested way, but for different reasons not all of us here are interested in libertine. [17:40] I'm interested with libertine but it's not working :P [17:40] ah ok, thanks. it's a useful feature, then [17:43] (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/pmUH11co/file_3114.jpg [17:43] if you do it, you can have something like this on your phone! :D [17:44] oh no, I'm being talkative again, I might get banned again from Supergroups :P [17:45] @Javacookies, +1, we're using nexus5 in the same way, but I also use ssh with x forwarding a lot, because I don't always hv bt kbd with me [17:51] @KrisJacewicz Are there some details on each functions? [17:52] @nfsprodriver, yes, I started wiki, here for the root tools: https://sourceforge.net/p/all-things-ubuntu-library/wiki/Root%20tools/ [17:53] the rootfs resizing is a function I just added today, so have not yet updated the wiki, will do it tomorrow [17:53] and will keep updating as time goes [17:54] Great! Do you know issues about system updates after resizing rootfs or should it work without problems? [17:54] it worked on my Nexus 7...it's still on Canonical image though and not sure if it'll mess up OTAs [17:55] @KrisJacewicz your job is simply amazing and very welcome as usual. Thank you for your effort. [17:56] @nfsprodriver, ATU only allows resizing rootfs that is a loopback device. So ie on MX4 you will not see that option. OTA update will replace your entire rootfs with a new one. After OTA, your rootfs will again be 2G. So keep your data on your userspace. After OTA, resize rootfs again if you want it big, and re-run all your apt-get install... (can save a script in your home somewhere for using after OTA ) [17:57] Kris. Is I install ATU now. When you launch newer versions I will have to update it manually right ? [17:57] @malditobastardo, thank you, so far root tools were getting updates, but I am soon going to release bunch of new gfeatures for non-root ATU, for everyone to enjoy, not only those who play around with rootfs. [17:57] (Download from sourceF again and reinstall right? [17:57] @malditobastardo, yes, I have not yet implemented automatic updates. But I will. [17:58] @KrisJacewicz, Uhm, okay. I'll try. Thank you :D [17:58] and please improve the UI if possible.... make it look somewhat modern? :D [17:59] @Javacookies, Lol. Tbh. I love the classic old look [17:59] On my N5 it's said: resizing loopback device failed. [17:59] @Javacookies, I have so little time that UI is at the end of my concerns. But anyone who want to contribute welcome. Including UX design. [18:00] @KrisJacewicz, Indeed [18:00] do you also get notifications for this supergroup? it's turned off but I still get them [18:00] @nfsprodriver, I can help you tomorrow, cuz heading to bed now. hit me up on PM, and I can see tomorrow what is different on your n5 [18:01] Don't hurry πŸ˜… [18:01] @KrisJacewicz, hopefully u installed dependencies (see the README on the ATU page) [18:01] Good night! [18:01] Good night kris [18:08] there were a lot of development going on before Canonical dropped Unity8...multiple windows in xmir, menus, workspace switcher,etc....I wonder when we'll get them on UBports...perhaps after 16.04 [18:09] @Javacookies, from my sleep: you hv multiple windows in xmir, you jist dont hv any window manager by default. U can install one yourself though. [18:10] I installed matchbox it's good enough [18:10] but there was an on-going development before to actually put other windows into separate windows [18:11] and there were parent child windows, you can move them together ;) [18:13] matchbox is very limited and maximizes evey window. … I installed xvfb on my Nexust i ran entire xfce hraphical session in it. Used it with VNC. … I literally am.puttin gmy phon in airplane mode now cuz otherwise i keep checking this chat :P [18:23] you should share your setup with me first thing in the morning LOL [18:23] and BTW, I just got x forwarding working via USB on Windows [18:24] looks like I will be distracted when I get back to work :P [18:26] (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/8FUcYvqD/file_3116.jpg [18:26] okay time to sleep and stop annoying people here :D [18:28] I got the code of a click software (knowndict) from sourgefoce. The author told me it is an IDE project. I tried to compile with sdk but I was unable to do it (not so familiar with programming). Anyone knows an easy way to compile it to get the click package? [18:46] @gouchi, @bhdouglass I reproduce the issue with the PPA https://github.com/bhdouglass/clickable/issues/20 [18:47] voin kuvitella 😱 [18:50] Ok, so if your issue is with the docker group already existing then you shouldn't have to run setup-docker. You should be good to start developing [18:57] (Photo, 1066x1042) https://irc.ubports.com/Qq7qFe2D/file_3118.jpg [18:59] ....go, go, gadget Community Update! I love the tension. That's quality drama. Bait... hook. [19:00] @bhdouglass, ok thank you [19:02] BOOM [19:05] @gouchi, You're welcome! [19:05] Fwd from UBports News Channel: and.... … WE ARE LIVE! … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyp5xI54j5M [19:05] Pin with notifications. ;) [19:05] that hat is something awesome, Flo. [19:06] @wayneoutthere, 🀘 [19:06] So is there a list of all the telegram channels related to ubports? [19:06] Looks like a Bob Marley wig... [19:06] T2hhbmEK was added by: T2hhbmEK [19:06] Yeahhh already on...😎 [19:07] Welcome @T2hhbmEK and tune into YT right now :) [19:07] Bye Bye Cannon Nickels! [19:08] Is there any crypto wallet app for ubports currently? [19:09] Marius is selling BUNS again [19:10] @wayneoutthere, True. Dalton also! [19:11] Mr. Grips is influencing our pronunciation! [19:12] OTA-3 happened and high five [19:12] @T2hhbmEK, Hello Liwei.Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-botβ„’ Ask, chat, explore! [19:12] Sorry to break the party but if the camera/video playback is not possible on the hammerhad (Nexus 5 if is still any one who do not know what is that) is it possible to remove N5 from supported devices? [19:12] @T2hhbmEK, Check out our Chinese language group! [19:13] ❀️❀️❀️ [19:13] great job ubports team! [19:14] smart idea! use a 'Fiscal Year End' method and set the date as you like [19:14] @wayneoutthere, +1 [19:16] Honey... But I still have feelings for you? Is it over? [19:17] (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/V9Ckm3VX/file_3120.jpg [19:17] Hiw to watch on ubport community update [19:18] @ebetonro, Is this a question you want to be answered by us live? [19:18] If you want and can [19:18] Lets see [19:19] I'm not pushing but I need to know if I need a new phone model [19:19] ty @Flohack [19:20] (Photo, 364x544) https://irc.ubports.com/GfIHUsRj/file_3122.jpg [19:20] (Photo, 768x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/6Z7y0002/file_3123.jpg [19:20] πŸ˜‚ I'd seen this... [19:20] @wayneoutthere tooo small [19:21] way to small [19:21] true [19:21] πŸ˜€ [19:21] πŸ˜‚πŸ˜± [19:21] we need marius hat to get biggerrrrrrrrrrrrrr [19:21] clannad was added by: clannad [19:22] @wayneoutthere, thanks for wearing trouseres! [19:22] @clannad, Hello Haruhi. Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-botβ„’ Ask, chat, explore! [19:22] AstonishedByTheLackOfNeko was added by: AstonishedByTheLackOfNeko [19:22] @anpok, +1 [19:22] @Stereofont, Thanks [19:22] :D [19:23] Same guy as @clannad [19:23] @anpok, you have given me new ideas.. [19:23] Seems my other account is having problems in public groups [19:23] @AstonishedByTheLackOfNeko, Hello Mikuru-chan Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-botβ„’ Ask, chat, explore! [19:23] no no no no ... @wayneoutthere please noooooo [19:23] @wayneoutthere, no fanks [19:23] pg-13!! pg-13 !! [19:23] @wayneoutthere, You can (not) wear anything you want in the podcasts! [19:24] @Crash_Burn, agree [19:24] alright [19:25] Love you Gripsgarden [19:25] Btw was going to ask about how to start support for a new device [19:26] https://ubports.com/survey/fill/upvote-your-device-5/89600f04-531e-4ca6-b9a3-2e9a1b14dcb4 [19:26] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/qdtB5RSi/file_3125.jpg [19:26] @AstonishedByTheLackOfNeko, There is a live broadcast right now so you will not get a very immediate response πŸ˜€ [19:26] Oneplus 2, I'm halfway through creating an aosp device tree [19:27] @Stereofont, I just give him the link [19:27] Just need to fix these kernel headers [19:27] https://ubports.com/survey/fill/upvote-your-device-5/89600f04-531e-4ca6-b9a3-2e9a1b14dcb4 [19:27] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyp5xI54j5M [19:27] Fully agree. The amount of progress in 8 months has been amazing and 2018 will be exponential [19:28] Thanks Flo for all your hard work! [19:29] It's such a shame ubports is not dual bootable as I can't dedicate my phone to it as I need it for work software [19:30] πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ [19:30] How many users do we have right now? [19:30] 10000? [19:31] Well, about 30000 downloads and I"m guessing that 5% or more must be users [19:31] just my guess [19:31] stats.ubports.com is only useful in aggregate [19:31] Does that mean UT is number 3 worldwide? [19:31] @UniversalSuperBox, hat' [19:32] @UniversalSuperBox, that's why i made a low ball guess out of it [19:32] @Crash_Burn, πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ [19:33] @UniversalSuperBox this livestream is missing some christmas music [19:33] as well as christmas decorations [19:33] it's not as warm as i want it to be [19:33] @vanyasem, look at Marius and think again [19:33] :D [19:33] I love that hat btw @mariogrip [19:34] i have a question for @neothethird. when will the t-shirts get out? i really want one! [19:36] WHA?????? [19:36] tell us ...HOW [19:36] Woooooooowwwww [19:36] damn!!! [19:36] Mindblown!!! [19:36] yay [19:36] OOOOOOOH [19:36] Man, you did it!!! [19:36] WE WON! [19:36] HYPE TRAIN. [19:36] BOOM [19:36] The world is ours!!!!! [19:36] 🀘🀘🀘🀘🀘 [19:37] I hate you,Wayne πŸ™„ [19:37] @mariogrip I`m going to kill you all :))) total world mobilde domination is one step close [19:37] Oooohh yeah [19:37] :D [19:37] πŸ˜„ [19:38] this will help a lot. [19:38] to get more users.. wow [19:38] Will you release the instruction? πŸ˜‚ [19:38] @mariogrip [19:38] no hardware support is what we want and need [19:38] yep [19:38] stay in your box you damn app [19:39] was hoping for a new supported device, but for many (potential) users this will be great news and may boost ubports usage [19:39] i have a feeling this will be shit for bq phones [19:39] @Jo_Led, +1 [19:40] @Christof, join @halium and look for porting progress here: https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues [19:40] called it. [19:40] @vanyasem, thanks for the links, very useful! [19:41] Will FP2 and the Pro5 get android apps? [19:42] being a core device I supose FP2 would, but does it have hardware capable of that? [19:42] QUESTION: Marius said no for BQ phones. Does he also mean no for BQ Tablet (M10) for this Anbox? [19:42] Candy crush 😝😝 [19:42] So the oneplus one is currently unsupported by halium :( [19:42] is N5 powerful enough? [19:43] With this I think you maybe won't need dual boot. [19:43] Snapdragon 800, hm, should be :) [19:43] @Christof, you can also ping me for details, i do porting myself as a part of halium project [19:43] @samitormanen, Yes! all core devices will be supported [19:43] will snaps not be availlable at all or will they only be considerer only for core devices? [19:44] @mariogrip wonderful! Good job guys!!!! [19:44] Marius and all others, you made my Christmas best I ever had πŸ˜‚. Even if it eventually won't work (on N5). [19:44] Is the one plus one considered legacy or core? [19:44] @XavierXX, Core [19:44] I can't handle so many good news in one go [19:45] @Flohack, Thank you :) [19:47] tell us more about snaps [19:47] @wayneoutthere, You are BAD πŸ™„ [19:47] @ebetonro, But why [19:48] Hmm what's happening? [19:48] But don't get us all wrong: The focus should be Xenial itself, not Anbox, right? [19:48] (not watching live stream at moment) [19:49] Whatsapp for ut [19:49] notsapp [19:49] @Flohack a big bow to you old champ thank you [19:50] You can playback Videos on N5 using my UTmedia app ;) [19:50] is there any phone anywhere near daily driver with 16.04? @mariogrip [19:50] @bhushanshah, You missed the big think [19:50] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/R5ZraeGY/file_3127.jpg [19:50] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/c5zCGQt4/file_3129.jpg [19:50] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/m96g3Gpo/file_3131.jpg [19:50] @mariogrip, @bhushanshah [19:50] Wow you got anbox to run?? [19:50] Nice [19:50] @rogieroudshoorn, yesss [19:51] Is it 16.04? [19:51] @nfsprodriver, do not get me wrong but I want the videoplayback for apps :D [19:51] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/s5n8Nlet/file_3132 [19:51] Anbox default with 16.04 or 16.04 before anbox? :) [19:51] snaps :( [19:51] (Sticker, 512x465) https://irc.ubports.com/1EaZH7cs/file_3133 [19:51] @ebetonro, Of course, but as a workaround it works. [19:51] @dohbee, This [19:52] Utmedia got updated today [19:52] As a great workaround thank you @nfsprodriver [19:52] Yes, just a blind update of the mediaelement base. https://www.github.com/mediaelement/mediaelement [19:53] with the death of "ubuntu personal" snaps are going to be a massive pain [19:53] @nfsprodriver, agree and thank you for that but you said it yourself it is a temporary workarround [19:53] Guys [19:54] I asked if there are any instructions on adding support for a device [19:54] I certainly did not want to just "upvote" a device [19:54] @AstonishedByTheLackOfNeko, Bad timing, everyone is hyping smth else... You are an experienced porter/Android dev? [19:54] When will we be able to run windows phone apps? [19:54] @AstonishedByTheLackOfNeko, Sorry I thought you wanted a device to get supported by the team that is my fault [19:55] @ebetonro, Nah [19:55] @PhoenixLandPirate, 😳🀣 [19:55] Im preparing an aosp tree to support this [19:55] big appologies [19:55] @AstonishedByTheLackOfNeko, Please join this group: https://t.me/halium [19:55] You need a Halium comaptible tree for furhter steps towards Ubuntu Touch support [19:55] When do we expect an RC for 16.04? [19:56] Is there any Native high def audio player available for ubtouch currently? [19:56] what does "high def audio" mean? [19:56] Formats like Flac [19:56] i don't think any of the phones have Intel HDA chipsets [19:57] does flac not work in stock music app? [19:57] it does [19:57] Great ;) as the stock android one doesn't [19:57] high def audio player imo means players that support USB DAC [19:57] i.e. mpd [19:57] lol [19:58] "high def audio" makes no sense to me. it's not like audio is made of pixels [19:58] One question from me: What Did Santa Prepare for upbports community? Answer: Antbox :D [19:58] @ebetonro, 😍😍😍 [19:58] Thanks everyone for making Ubuntu interesting again. All of the work and progress is impressive and encouraging. @mariogrip et al, and the whole community [19:58] a box of ants? [19:59] @dohbee, a big one [19:59] You are so great guys! [19:59] Thank you!! 🀘🀘🀘 [19:59] Great 2017... and here is to 2018 !! Congrats everyone ! [20:00] Will Flo still work on telegram Ubuntu edition? [20:00] Happy Holidays. 🍹 [20:00] @PhoenixLandPirate, hope that will do [20:01] great guys, thanks so much [20:01] now is time to prepare my trip [20:01] see you guys in 2 weeks [20:01] :D I have a plain to catch [20:02] ❀️ [20:04] @PhoenixLandPirate, yes [20:04] @wayneoutthere, I hate you πŸ’” [20:04] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/79R8JPaP/file_3134 [20:04] @Tina119, :( [20:05] @UniversalSuperBox, And I hate you [20:05] Uhm... You okay? [20:05] Tina was in fact, not okay [20:05] @PhoenixLandPirate, I hate you too [20:06] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/yYS2sJQQ/file_3135.webp [20:06] Hey, can we stop with that? We're all friends here [20:06] Or at least aquantinces [20:06] Or however you spell that [20:07] @UniversalSuperBox, I hate English... [20:07] I want to change to Chinese here [20:08] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/D0bqw9Cb/file_3136 [20:09] (Photo, 782x766) https://irc.ubports.com/cdIgOlW8/file_3137.jpg [20:10] Thank you to remove that. We have chicken at home 😳 [20:11] So what was the big news, in short form? I can’t really watch a video here. [20:11] Android apps on the Ubuntu phone [20:11] @stuartlangridge [20:11] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/0P61A2SA/file_3139.jpg [20:11] And focus is now on 16.04 [20:12] Ah, gotcha. F-Droid? Or is Play Services support in the plan? [20:12] We are going to rule the world !!🀠 [20:12] Android apps [20:13] @stuartlangridge, F-droid yes [20:13] cool. That'll be useful for some people then! [20:13] Play services, I'm pretty sure Google has some restrictions for that kinda stuff [20:16] Thanks guys qa update was awesome. Keep up the good work. I too wish you a Merry Christmas .. @mariogrip @UniversalSuperBox @neothethird @Flohack and others who made all this possible. I also felt quite bad when I saw the news that canonical dropped the ut. That's when I joined the tg group. We came a long way from that place . Thanks to you guys who made it to survive and flourish. … And I wish all of you a happy new year. 😊 [20:16] @stuartlangridge, You can install play services if you want, or amazon appstore. really anything should work [20:16] OK. Interesting stuff! [20:16] @Jo_Led, Tablet is more powerful. My understanding is it will get [20:17] @Stereofont, Yes, the tablets will get it :) [20:17] @mariogrip, Weeeeeee [20:17] @mehmehmehmehmehmehmeh, I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year, :) [20:17] The M10 family are the quintessential UT tablets. They should always get lots of love. [20:18] @mehmehmehmehmehmehmeh, Merry Chrismas tand a happy new year to you too ❀️ [20:19] @stuartlangridge A random, unrelated thought: Did you learn about Code-7? … https://goodwolfstudio.itch.io/code-7 … It's my present for the holidays [20:21] @cibersheep, interesting. I'll take a look at the demo! [20:21] @stuartlangridge, I've heard on Destination Linux that you like Graphical Adventures / IF so... [20:22] I do indeed. [20:22] Tom van den Brink was added by: Tom van den Brink [20:22] Thank you for the tip! And I'm happy to talk more about the subject too, although maybe in the DL channel rather than ubports :) [20:22] @mehmehmehmehmehmehmeh, +1😍 [20:23] @Tom van den Brink, Hello Tom. Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-botβ„’ Ask, chat, explore! [20:23] @stuartlangridge, I'm glad to know the Β«other oneΒ» interested in :D … CiberSheep is looking for te DL group in 3, 2, ... [20:26] @Stereofont, Thanks [20:33] @Tom van den Brink, UBports also has a Dutch group. Your name seems Dutch, at least. https://t.me/UBports_NL [20:40] @mariogrip, Ty [20:49] Gorsh2 was added by: Gorsh2 [20:52] @Gorsh2, Hello Gorsh Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-botβ„’ Ask, chat, explore! [20:59] @Stereofont, This is such a bad bot [20:59] πŸ˜‚ [21:01] @AstonishedByTheLackOfNeko, Haha. Who are you calling a bot? [21:02] @Stereofont, Everyone is a bot, if you see correctly [21:03] @AstonishedByTheLackOfNeko, too deep [21:03] @AstonishedByTheLackOfNeko, In part, but not only 😎 [21:06] Hi people... and bots [21:10] Just found a small filepath issue when I try to install Ubuntu touch on my macbook. Whoever interested may have a look at the new pull request I created. [21:12] @Gorsh2, Have you got Ubuntu Touch or a compatible device? [21:12] @Stereofont, Yeah, a Nexus 4. I bought it just to try UT [21:12] though I still have it on dual boot using MultiROM [21:12] @T2hhbmEK, 'On' a Macbook would be a first πŸ˜€ [21:13] Mostly because I'm not sure the LTE hack works on Ubuntu alone [21:13] @Gorsh2, It won't (easily) run on multiboot [21:14] @Stereofont, Ignore my crappy English [21:14] EspaΓ±ol? [21:14] @Stereofont, A guy ran HaruhiOS with stock kernel on multirom [21:14] Since the stock kernel enforces selinux right from boot whole thing crashed [21:15] @Gorsh2, We have a Spanish group [21:15] Sorry, I thought you were Lionelb, Lionel is a spanish name [21:15] Because paths changed and selinux started denying everything [21:15] @Stereofont, Pasa el link :) [21:15] @Gorsh2, Also French and English πŸ˜€ [21:15] Indeed. [21:16] Anyway, I'm trying to bring my phone to enjoy and support the UBports magic, but that stops me... [21:17] UBports_es [21:17] There's not much I use in the Android side; but I'd like to keep the LTE hack and I'm not sure it would work after I install ubuntu only [21:17] Thanks/Gracias [21:17] @Gorsh2, Join the Welcome Room from the welcome link [21:18] On it... [21:31] Well, install Ubuntu Touch on my oneplus one with a mbp. Believe or not, I've double checked my words with Google Translate. πŸ˜‚ [21:36] @Gorsh2 https://t.me/UBPorts_ES [21:36] Thanks! [21:40] @Gorsh2, Lte hack? [21:41] Yeah, the N4 had an LTE capable modem but Google for some reason didn't ship it as available. [21:42] They did, but a radio update disabled it [21:42] Oh, ok. I don't have the full story... [21:43] The thing is, there's files around to enable it. [21:45] But if you flash the old radio fw, Ubuntu doesn't replace it [21:45] Great then [21:46] The thing is, last time I checked (long time now) the Ubuntu official image didn't even have a LTE option for mako [21:47] Like, I could flash the radio firmware, but then I had (to my limited knowledge) a way to tell my phone it should use it [21:48] You might need to run a script to do it. [21:48] What exactly was the "hack" you mentioned though? [21:48] Well, that in itself. [21:49] Perhaps "hack" isn't the proper term [21:50] Anyone have a Nexus 4 on UT? Have 4g? [21:50] @Stereofont, pinging @wayneoutthere [22:04] I'll try it out anyway and tell you how it goes [22:16] @Gorsh2, So, you're saying 4g works under Ubuntu while using multirom? [22:16] Yes. [22:17] installed the fw, changed the android settings, and it works on Ubuntu too [22:18] Weird [22:19] Should still work then with only Ubuntu [22:20] Cool. I'll try it out in the next days and come back here to confirm then [22:24] Fabio7891 was added by: Fabio7891 [22:27] Hello Ubports group ! … Is that true that in Ubuntu Touch there are web-apps instead designed apps like in Android and iOS ? [22:27] no, you have native apps [22:27] both class of apps [22:29] And html5 apps [22:30] @Fabio7891, Welcome Fabio! Ask questions, join in. Glad to have you in our community. https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome for lots of newcomer information πŸšͺ [22:31] @Fabio7891, Have you tried Ubuntu Touch on a device yet? [22:32] How can i build ubuntu touch with nougat device.tree? [22:32] (Photo, 1152x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/VUBMUFH0/file_3141.jpg [22:32] @Mattias, 😍 [22:32] Still issues with the battery on mx4, any advice? [22:35] @petya230, I think there are a lot of misunderstandings there. Ubuntu Touch is not a derivative of Android [22:36] Technically, it sort of is [22:37] Mattias, what issues? You don't know what the true percentage of the battery is, you mean? [22:37] @petya230, You can use Halium to get Ubuntu Touch running with an Android device tree [22:37] But I think you want the halium channel to discuss that [22:38] @JBBgameich, I heard about this halium, but i dont know, how to use it, after i built it :l [22:38] (Sticker, 357x512) https://irc.ubports.com/sgh12joN/file_3142 [22:38] @Mattias, It may be problems with what the app reports, more than the actual state of the battery [22:38] @dohbee, lol, halium has a channel? [22:38] @petya230, Yeah, it's where we chat about Halium [22:38] And support porters [22:39] Hm [22:39] Kk [22:39] Thanks! [22:39] Don't recall the URL though [22:40] If that's what you mean, I recommend you power off the phone and charge it. When you see the blue battery symbol charging, that is the *actual* percentage of the battery. The one UT reports is not always the same as this. Charge it to 100% while the phone is powered off, and when you turn it on again, the UT reported percentage should agree with it *for a while*, hopefully at least until you need to recharge it again. [22:40] I like to point people right to the Halium docs to start: http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/first-steps.html [22:40] AFAIK this is not a software issue, but a hardware one, it also affects Android users of the MX4. [22:41] @samitormanen thank you for your advice earlier, I will try to set up the hotspot via the terminal soon. I fell asleep (overworked before these holidays) then I watched Hobo With A Shotgun, so haven't had time to try it yet :P [22:42] @TartanSpartan, Great movie [22:42] My parents didn't dig it though, sadly. I warned them it was a grand Guigonol grindhouse gorefest! [22:43] Lol [22:48] @JBBgameich, ...if Ubuntu Touch would boot with Halium, yes ^^ [22:48] It sure does [22:49] 16.04 is halium based, isnt it [22:49] Yep [22:49] Well, not on the current devices [22:49] Only with upstart instead of systemd [22:50] @Stereofont, Not yet. I am discovering this new OS for smartphones [22:56] antoniohuertes was added by: antoniohuertes [22:59] jmnemonix was added by: jmnemonix [23:00] @UniversalSuperBox, πŸ‘ [23:03] @jmnemonix, Welcome Jano! Ask questions, join in. Glad to have you in our community. https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome for lots of newcomer information πŸšͺ [23:04] @Stereofont, thank you [23:05] @Fabio7891, Just for information, we also have a group in Italian [23:19] I appreciate the efforts being made to keep our ageing phones running as you develop Ubuntu Touch for newer devices. I don't like the idea of having to give up on a device when the hardware still works fine. I donated to UBports as a thank you for your commitment. OTA3 seems to be running fine on my daily use E4.5. Can you 'see' how many of these so called legacy phones are still in daily use? I'll buy a core device if/when the old BQ decides to die bu [23:19] could still be quite a while away. [23:19] We don't have much for tracking of those devices. [23:20] https://stats.ubports.com/ … The "total devices" stat is complete bogus, but the aggregated stats are useful [23:20] For example, Germany makes up about a quarter of our userbase. [23:22] @UniversalSuperBox, LOL, how does it manage to come up with that number? [23:22] Mine gets used in Germany too but mostly in Scotland :) (wee Granddaughter in Hamburg) [23:23] @Schyken, Long story [23:24] @UniversalSuperBox, Could the push server be passed a model number? Non-identifying obviously.