
wxlpopey: contacted every student who had claimed the 17.10 install and told them what's up so they don't get frustrated/waste time.02:24
wxland on that note i'm going home!02:25
parthprowhat i ahave to do it here05:30
parthproi can't understand can u please explian me05:31
wxloh hai05:34
vivaangive the question05:34
wxlparthpro: when you say "here," i assume you're referring to a specific task?05:34
wxlhere as in irc?05:35
wxlif you have a question, now's the time to ask.....05:37
vivaanaccording to google code in task u have to give me a question and i have answer it ...and my first task gets over,05:37
wxlplease give a link to this task instance vivaan05:37
vivaanis this fine?05:38
wxlvivaan: that's a link to the webchat, not to your task.05:39
wxlso here's the steps:05:40
wxl 1. come here (you did this)05:40
wxl 2. say hi to three specific individuals, who are your mentors (you said hi to someone, but not specifically them)05:41
vivaanok understood05:41
wxl 3. go to askubuntu and find an open question tagged snap and answer it with the correct solution05:41
vivaanhow to go to askbuntu05:41
wxlyou click the link05:42
wxlFind an open question in askubuntu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/snap05:42
wxlthat link05:42
vivaanok thats it??05:42
wxlthen find one you can answer05:42
wxlthen provide the answer05:42
vivaanand then i complete my first task?05:42
wxlyou don't provide the answer here05:42
wxlyou provide the answer on askubuntu.com05:43
wxlthen you can provide a link to the question you answered and submit your task for approval05:43
vivaanafter writing the answer i complete my task05:43
vivaanafter writing the answer i complete my task05:43
wxlafter you provide the answer, you provide a link on code in and submit it. assuming the answer is correct and properly worded, your mentor will accept it05:44
wxlif your answer is incorrect, then more work will be requested05:44
wxlin other words, any answer is not acceptable05:44
wxlalso, the task isn't considered complete until the mentor approves your submission05:45
vivaanok so if my anwer is right so i gt to the next round05:45
wxlafter the mentor approves it, yes05:45
vivaanthere are how many rounds?    sorry for asking so many questions im very urios05:46
wxlthere's probably more tasks than you have the time/energy to do XD05:46
wxlthe goal is to get as many as you can done05:46
vivaanok thanks u were very helpful!!!    so now i go to the link u provided answer qestions05:48
wxlon your task instance05:48
vivaanhow to submit ur answer05:48
wxlhave you already claimed the task? because if you have it should be obvious.05:48
wxlthere's a place to leave comments05:48
vivaanok thank u :)05:49
wxlno problem05:49
wxljust a word of warning: it is a holiday in much of the english-speaking world, so there's not a lot of mentors around right now05:50
wxlif it takes a while to get a reply, just be patient. you can always find another task to start working on :)05:50
m4sk1n> the goal is to get as many as you can done08:02
m4sk1nquality > quantity…08:02
DollyHello Mentors! I am Dolly Sharma studying in grade XI from India. So, I am here cause I find it interesting. I like to surf net in my free time11:57
DollyWell! Besides english, I do know German and will definitely try my best in doing the task:)11:59
m4sk1ngood luck Dolly11:59
Shantanusomeone there15:26
wxlbut somewhere's here15:27
Shantanuhey wait i am sharing something15:27
ShantanuThis doesn't look like you've gone through the tutorial, but just downloaded and run freeplane?15:27
Shantanuthis popey messaged me in task15:27
Shantanunow let me tell you15:27
Acceleratorwxl: Hi there!15:28
wxlhey @Accelerator :)15:28
wxlShantanu: popey has been idle here for about 16 hours. why not just reply to the task?15:28
Shantanui gone thorught tutorial15:28
Shantanuthen in terminal message came  to install it15:28
Shantanubtw i did day before yesterday15:28
Shantanuwhen he didnt reply then i come here15:29
Shantanui think u guys remembered me?15:29
wxlwell you know it is a holiday in much of the native english speaking world, right?15:29
wxlalso i've been told patience is a virtue……… XD15:29
Shantanuyeah but bro 2 days i waited na15:29
wxlso find something else to work on while you wait15:30
Shantanupls gop through tutorial15:30
Shantanupls help wxl15:30
wxli'm not the mentor of that task and can probably provide very little help on it. you need to speak to your mentors, Shantanu.15:30
Shantanupls go through tutorial15:30
AcceleratorCould you give us a screenshot?15:31
Shantanubut he was not replying15:31
Shantanuof which15:31
wxlthen wait until he does15:31
AcceleratorShantanu: Of your work15:31
wxland maybe a link to the task...15:31
Acceleratorwxl: It's this task15:33
wxlyeah i'm looking for Shantanu's instance of the task Accelerator15:34
wxli cannot tell you what a hoarde of info there is to dig through as a mentor15:34
Acceleratorwxl: Oh haha...i thought you did not have access..sorry15:34
Shantanupls check and tell me my mistake so that i can do my task15:35
wxlShantanu: i have to tell you that being patient is going to go a looooooooong way in getting you help. NOT being patient is most likely going to have the opposite effect.15:36
Shantanuyaar i waited too much15:37
Shantanunow what you want15:37
Acceleratorwell mine is like this.....different from yours Shantanu15:37
Shantanuactually mine one not loaded full and i took screenshot15:38
Shantanucan u call popey here15:38
wxlthe way *I* read this tutorial (i'm not the mentor, again), the final result is uploading a snap. so it should be easily found in the snap store. no?15:38
Shantanuno we dont have to upload15:39
wxlthat looks like the last part of the tutorial to me............15:39
konrad11901You should upload it Shantanu15:39
konrad11901To the "edge" channel15:39
wxland indeed that's what `--release=edge` refers to in the tutorial15:40
AcceleratorShantanu: You did not follow the complete tutorial...that's why you task was not approved15:40
Shantanuoh pls tell15:41
Shantanuit means i dont have to install i have to upload??15:41
wxlShantanu: follow the last step. it's uploading.15:41
Shantanuam i right?15:41
wxlthe section called "Upload your snap"15:41
konrad11901Shantanu: installing it is also recommended, to check if the snap is working15:41
Nissaaryou should go through every step of the tutorial15:42
Nissaarespecially concerning snapcraft tasks15:42
Nissaareach step is very important15:42
ShantanuThe goal of this task is to test-drive the following linked tutorial. Ensure the tutorial covers everything required to complete it, and file bugs (if found) at the external link.  You will require an Ubuntu 16.04 machine or VM in which to run this task.  https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/java15:43
Shantanuit didnt specify upload15:43
wxltest-drive the tutorial means complete the tutorial15:43
wxlsince the tutorial includes uploading, yes, it does15:43
AcceleratorUm the last part of the tutorial said to upload to be able to share15:43
Shantanusee but in ruby snap tutorial15:45
Shantanui only installed then also i got approoved15:45
Shantanuand popey accepted it15:46
AcceleratorWell i can't help you in that one but maybe the task now involves uploading the snap?15:46
Nissaaris popeye reviewing rn ?15:47
Shantanuit involvles?15:47
wxlShantanu: that includes uploading your snap, yes15:47
Acceleratorwxl: that gif though 😂15:47
Shantanuit involves uploading even -_-15:47
wxlAccelerator: XD15:47
Nissaarwhich task  are you talking about shantanu ?15:47
Shantanuruby snap15:48
Nissaarruby, freeplane, offlineimap ?15:48
Shantanusee i sent this for review15:48
Nissaaractually they sometimes ask fir logs15:48
AcceleratorShantanu: The task now involves uploading the snaps..that's why15:48
Shantanudidnt get yopu15:49
wxlShantanu: i think if you spent a little more time uploading the snap, you'd probably get the task approved faster XD15:49
AcceleratorEarlier on it was approved...now you have to upload the snaps15:49
Shantanuwxl : i dont know java15:49
Nissaarit would have been better if you had send screenshots of each input, error mesaages, and final outputs15:49
wxlbut if you want to sit here and argue, you can do that, to.............15:49
Shantanunot intrested in arguing -_-15:49
wxlthen get uploading :)15:50
AcceleratorShantanu:  Be patient...the mentors will get back to you once you submit a complete task15:50
Shantanunow i will upload even15:50
wxlok and on that note time for tea15:53
konrad11901wxl: I'd like to do tasks related to testing Lubuntu daily builds. I see that on iso.qa.ubuntu.com there are a few testcases for Lubuntu (desktop/Next/Alternate), like installing it on entire disk or running Lubuntu in a live session. Should I test all these cases or one of them?15:59
wxlkonrad11901: there are three tasks, one for each of the images (desktop/next/alternate). each of those tasks involve doing the entire testsuite, i.e. all of the testcases within those images16:01
konrad11901wxl: ok, thanks a lot :)16:07
SHantanu_sudo snap install freeplane_*.snap --devmode --dangerous16:08
SHantanu_error: cannot open: "freeplane_*.snap"16:08
wxlkonrad11901: no problem. feel free to ping if you have questions. #lubuntu-devel is bridged to matrix and so you can ping my matrix nick (wxl[m]) there and i'll get an alert on my phone16:08
popeyShantanu: did the previous step work?16:10
konrad11901Shantanu_: so such file doesn't exist, that's pretty obvious, check your snap's name and if you're in a correct directory...16:10
popeyyou know it works if there is a .snap file in the current directory16:10
popeyif the previous step failed, then it won't have made a snap16:10
SHantanu_i copiued directly16:11
SHantanu_no spelling m,istake16:11
SHantanu_finbally popey16:11
SHantanu_popey there16:11
AcceleratorYeah running the "snapcraft" command should snap it16:11
SHantanu_snapcraft "grade" property not specified: defaulting to "stable" Preparing to pull desktop-glib-only  Hit http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu artful InRelease                        Get:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu artful-security InRelease [78.6 kB]     Get:2 http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu artful-updates InRelease [78.6 kB]    Get:3 http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu artful-backports InRelease [72.2 kB]  Get:416:12
SHantanu_after thjis lots of messgae16:12
popeyyes, grab the last 100 lines or so, and paste them in http://paste.ubuntu.com/16:12
SHantanu_popey: there?16:12
popeyso we can see them16:12
wxlartful? is this not supposed to be run on xenial???16:13
popeyit is! good spot16:13
SHantanu_popey:pls check16:14
SHantanu_at last i got him XD16:14
Nissaarhas your tasks been reviewed yet ?16:14
wxlShantanu: see my comment above. you're running on the wrong version of ubuntu416:14
popeyI need to edit all the tutorials and make it clear they should be run on 16.04 I think16:15
wxlpopey: i think that's wise, but it is in the task description, no?16:15
SHantanu_bro we installed 17.1016:15
Nissaarim still waiting for mine to be reviewed and i submitted it on yesterday. have yours been reviewed ?16:15
popeyyeah, it is in the description16:15
SHantanu_so it wont run there?16:15
popey"You will require an Ubuntu 16.04 machine or VM in which to run this task."16:15
Nissaarit should have been 16.0416:15
popeyit says in the task :)16:15
SHantanu_popey:pls update16:16
Nissaarit does not run on 17.1016:16
* wxl facepalms16:16
* Accelerator facepalms too16:16
Nissaarit is mentionned in the descriptin16:16
SHantanu_popey:in java it installs freeplane16:16
popeySHantanu_: you need to do the tutorial in Ubuntu 16.04, not 17.10 or 17.0416:17
Nissaari did the java and freeplane task16:17
popey(it says in the task)16:17
Nissaarand it has run well on 16.0416:17
Nissaarit has been approved16:17
SHantanu_popey:ok can u tell me how to install in vm16:17
SHantanu_is there any tutorial16:17
Nissaarpopey: have you reviewed all the tasks yet ?16:18
Nissaartry oracle virtual box16:18
popeyNissaar: i am right now16:19
Shantanupopey: pls review :)16:19
Shantanunissaar:oracle virtual box is good?16:20
Nissaari use it16:20
NissaarSHantanu: it can be slow at times16:20
Nissaarbut its god16:21
Nissaarto use16:21
wxli wouldn't say vbox is any slower than any other vm16:21
Shantanuok intsalling now to complete16:21
popeyit's good enough for this task16:21
wxlassuming you have ample resources, it can run near natively16:21
Nissaari havent used any other vm16:21
Shantanutnx guys16:22
popeyyeah, i use it all the time here, works well enough16:22
wxlkvm is nice on linux. built right into the kernel.16:22
wxlbut i got started on vbox and i'm just used to it, so that's what i use. nearly every day, i might add.16:22
Nissaardual booting is also nice xD16:22
popeyBack an an hour...16:22
Nissaari also started gci on virtual box xd16:22
Shantanuwhat is this16:23
Acceleratorwxl: I dual booted mine XD16:23
Nissaarpopey: review my taks when youre free. thx16:23
popeyNissaar: already did yours16:23
wxldual boots are too much of a pain imho16:23
Nissaari dual booted with ubuntu 16.04 too xD16:23
Shantanupopey:not mine16:23
popeyam right now :)16:23
Shantanuwhat does this mean16:24
Nissaarpopeye: thx very. was waitiing for the mail.16:24
wxlgood job popeye XD16:24
Acceleratorum guys..it's popey16:24
wxlyes but admittedly popeye is much funnier16:24
popey* popeye glares at wzl16:24
Acceleratorpopeye the sailor XD16:25
wxlactually wlx seems to be the most common miscommunication16:25
popeyback soon!16:25
* wxl resists the urge to stick popey's head on a popeye imange16:25
AmpghHi elopio17:03
AmpghSergiusens Hi17:04
* popey returns17:05
kyrofaHey everyone! Stopping by for a bit to review some tasks. Anyone need help while I'm here?18:53
Nissaarkyrofa: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6297389344227328/18:55
Nissaarkyrofa: could you please review that if youre free ?18:56
kyrofaNissaar, yeah I'm going through the tasks now18:57
kyrofaNissaar, although I'm afraid I'm not a mentor for that one18:58
kyrofaNissaar, oh, I can approve that one though, no problem18:58
Nissaarkyrofa: thought you could review it.... no problem ill just wait18:59
AcceleratorNissaar: who is your mentor ?18:59
kyrofaNissaar, indeed I can, no worries18:59
Nissaarkyrofa: ohh thanks very much18:59
NissaarAccelerator: alan pope and martin wimpress18:59
AcceleratorNissaar: It's ok now that another mentor is free to review your work19:00
kyrofaheesen_, are you around?19:04
kyrofaheesen_, have a minute to chat about the snapcraft testing task?19:12
kyrofaheesen_, first of all, do you know how to run the suite of unit tests in snapcraft?19:14
kyrofaheesen_, have you run them recently?19:17
heesen_kyrofa,3 days ago19:17
kyrofaheesen_, in the snapcraft root directory, run `python3 -m coverage html`19:18
kyrofaheesen_, any luck?19:24
heeseni get this error /usr/bin/python3: No module named coverage19:25
heesenkyrofa, what should i do ?19:26
kyrofaheesen, ah, progress. How did you install snapcraft's dependencies? By following the hacking guide?19:27
kyrofaheesen, so you're inside a venv right now?19:28
kyrofaheesen, ah, get in it then, I bet it's in there19:28
kyrofaTry running the command again once you are19:29
heesen_no stil not good19:29
heesen_same error19:29
kyrofaheesen_, you probably didn't do the "development" part of the hacking guide19:30
kyrofaRun this command:19:30
kyrofapip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-devel.txt --editable .19:30
kyrofa(the requirements-devel.txt is important)19:31
heesenwith the . or not19:31
kyrofaYeah, you're saying "install this"19:32
kyrofa(the dir with the setup.py)19:32
kyrofa(. is "where I am now")19:32
heesengetting this error Directory '.' is not installable. File 'setup.py' not found.19:34
kyrofaheesen, make sure you're in the snapcraft root directory, the one with the setup.py19:35
heesenok it ran lines of code then got this error Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-Vb3KHt/mypy/19:36
Nissaartry making a directory in the home folder and build the snap there19:36
Nissaarheesen: i have encountered the same error. remind me which task it is maybe i can see what the mentors have commented19:37
kyrofaheesen, can you copy the entire log and paste it into https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ ?19:37
kyrofaNissaar, heesen is hacking on snapcraft19:38
kyrofaheesen, we may just want to blow away the venv and start again19:38
kyrofaBut let me see the log first19:38
heesendone https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26240777/19:38
heesennissaar it is the write a missing test unit for snapcraft task19:39
kyrofaheesen, it doesn't look like you were in your venv when you ran that, you needed to be19:39
kyrofaIs that true?19:39
heeseni wasnt in venv as the setup.py file is in snapcraft-master19:40
kyrofaheesen, sorry, what I mean when I say that is "your venv needs to be active"19:40
kyrofaheesen, let's start from scratch just to be sure things work. Where is your venv on disk?19:40
heesenin my home folder19:41
kyrofaheesen, so like ~/venv/snapcraft maybe?19:42
kyrofaWhere the "snapcraft" folder is the venv?19:42
kyrofa(not snapcraft-master)19:42
Nissaarheesen: it wasnt that one for me19:43
kyrofaheesen, okay, make sure that venv is not active, and then blow ~/venv/snapcraft away19:44
kyrofarm -rf ~/venv/snapcraft19:44
kyrofaThen cd into snapcraft master and let's start the hacking guide from scratch19:44
heesenok done19:44
kyrofaAlright, you have the apt dependencies already installed, so let's re-create the venv19:45
kyrofamkdir -p ~/venv/snapcraft19:45
kyrofapython3 -m venv ~/venv/snapcraft19:45
kyrofaAnd then active the venv:19:46
kyrofasource ~/venv/snapcraft/bin/activate19:46
kyrofaheesen, then I want to pause there. Are you familiar with what we just did? Do you understand what's happening there?19:46
heeseni understand the first line but the other two no19:47
kyrofaheesen, before doing this tutorial, did you ever use pip?19:47
heesenit is creating a directory19:47
kyrofaSo Python has a set of directories that it uses for its packages19:48
kyrofaBy default, they're system-wide directories, in /usr/lib19:49
kyrofaWhen you `sudo apt install python3-foo`, the `foo` package ends up installing stuff in those system-wide directories for everything to use19:49
kyrofaSimilarly, when you `sudo pip install foo` pip will install stuff in system-wide directories for everything to use19:50
heesenok i understand19:50
kyrofaSo let's imagine you're working on multiple projects. One requires version 1.1 of foo, another requires version 1.619:50
kyrofaYou need to somehow have two versions of the same library installed (and its dependencies), without them fighting one another19:51
kyrofaThat's really difficult to (read: impossible) if you're using system-wide directories. They have to go to the same place19:51
kyrofaThis is why "virtual environments" were created. It allows you to install packages into a completely separate place per project instead of system-wide19:51
kyrofaWhich is why you don't need sudo fo rit19:52
kyrofafor it*19:52
kyrofaWith me so far?19:52
kyrofaSo the second line, `python3 -m venv ~/venv/snapcraft` says "take this directory I just created and make it a virtual environment"19:52
kyrofaAfter you run that command, python is setup in that directory19:53
kyrofaBut if you were to try installing packages, it would still go into the system-wide locations19:53
kyrofaThe way Python determines where to put things is via several environment variables19:53
heesenok i understand19:54
kyrofaWhen you run the third line, `source ~/venv/snapcraft/bin/activate`, you "activate" that virtual environment by running a script that redefines several environment variables, telling python "hey, everything I do now happens in this venv only"19:54
kyrofaAny packages you install with pip etc. go into that venv19:54
heesenok i understood now19:54
kyrofaWhich means you can have multiple venvs, with different packages installed. Even different versions of the same package19:54
kyrofaAlright. So activate that venv, and let's install Snapcraft's dependencies19:55
heesenthanks for the explantion19:55
kyrofaOf course! You're here to learn, and I appreciate the willingness to do so :)19:55
kyrofaScroll down to the "Installing for development" section19:55
kyrofaYou'll see the command you ran before19:55
kyrofaRun it again, but this time it'll work since you're in the virtual environment:19:56
kyrofapip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-devel.txt --editable .19:56
heesenyes it worked now19:57
kyrofaAnd you should see `which snapcraft` show up as being inside the virtual environment19:58
kyrofaCheck this out: run `deactivate`19:58
kyrofaAnd run `which snapcraft` again19:58
kyrofaDid `which snapcraft` return anything?20:00
heesenyes '/snap/bin/snapcraft'20:00
kyrofaAh, you have the snapcraft snap installed20:00
kyrofaWhich is available system-wide20:00
kyrofaPoint is: it changed. That's because snapcraft, and all its dependencies, are only installed in the virtual environment, not system-wide.20:00
kyrofa(other than the snap, of course)20:01
kyrofaOkay: reactivate your virtual environment to get access to the from-source snapcraft again20:01
kyrofasource ~/venv/snapcraft/bin/activate20:01
kyrofaNow, inside the snapcraft root directory, run `python3 -m coverage html` again20:02
kyrofaIt should work this time, since you installed it in the virtual env20:02
heesenyes it has20:02
kyrofaThat took the coverage report from your last unit test run, and turned it into html20:03
kyrofaOpen up htmlcov/index.html in your favorite browser20:03
kyrofaThis is the snapcraft coverage report20:05
kyrofaEvery file of snapcraft, and how well it's covered in tests20:05
kyrofaSelect one that ISN'T 100%. I suggest snapcraft/cli/store.py20:06
heesenis this the document https://coverage.readthedocs.io/en/coverage-4.4.2/20:06
kyrofaYes, although you don't need to read that unless you want to20:06
heesenwhere do i  find this I suggest snapcraft/cli/store.py20:07
heesen snapcraft/cli/store.py20:07
kyrofaDid you open up htmlcov/index.php in your browser?20:07
kyrofaRunning `python3 -m coverage html` created the `htmlcov` directory in the snapcraft root20:08
heeseni ran this  htmlcov/index.php20:09
kyrofaNah, try running this: `firefox htmlcov/index.php`20:09
heeseni get a page saying servor not found20:10
kyrofaYou're in the root directory of snapcraft? Do you see an htmlcov directory there?20:11
heesenthe virtual environment is active should i deactivate it20:12
kyrofaYou want it active the entire time you're touching the snapcraft code20:12
heeseni am in the root dir20:12
kyrofaDo you see an `htmlcov/` directory?20:12
heesenyes htmlcov20:13
kyrofaWhat does `ls -l htmlcov/index.php` say?20:13
kyrofaOh man20:13
kyrofaI've been hacking on nextcloud too much20:13
kyrofaMy mistake, try this command: `firefox htmlcov/index.html`20:13
heesenok it worked20:14
kyrofaExcellent. So you see a bunch of files, some have 100% coverage, others don't20:14
kyrofaScroll down a little until you find snapcraft/cli/store.py20:14
kyrofaYou'll see it's not 100%20:14
heesengot it20:15
kyrofaClick on it, and look through there20:15
kyrofaYou'll see some red lines. Those are uncovered by tests20:15
kyrofaAdding a test that covers them would up the coverage of the entire project20:16
heesenthanks for the help :)20:17
kyrofaheesen, do you see that _human_readable_acls() function?20:17
heesenwhat line is it ?20:17
kyrofaheesen, 6520:17
kyrofaYou should see two lines completely uncovered there20:18
heesenyes two blanks lines20:18
kyrofaheesen, no, two red lines20:19
kyrofaLines 69-70 on my coverage20:19
kyrofaheesen, you can get those lines covered by adding a new test in snapcraft/tests/unit/commands/test_export_login.py20:19
kyrofaRun `snapcraft export-login --help` and you'll see it accepts a number of parameters20:20
kyrofaOne of those parameters is `--snaps`, but there isn't a test in there that makes sure it works20:20
kyrofaAdd one20:20
kyrofaAlright, I have to run for now, but I'll check back later! Bang your head against that for a little bit :)20:21
heesenthese are the red line20:21
heesen        for snap_id in acl['snap_ids']:               snap_names.append(store.get_snap_name_for_id(snap_id))20:21
kyrofaheesen, yep, exactly those20:21
kyrofaheesen, if you scroll down to the export_login() function you'll see even more20:21
kyrofaCover any/all of them and you've met your task!20:21
kyrofaAlright, back soon20:22
heesenline ?20:22
kyrofaScroll down, you'll find it20:22
kyrofa(my lines are different than yours)20:22
heesenok thanks20:22

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