
r3kzI install mate and got some kinda warning during the apt-get update, about broken dependencies, after I ran apt-get check, that showed nothing, anyone have any idea what this is about?00:33
adam5isaliveHey guys02:21
adam5isaliveAnyone ever seen libvert-qemu show up as a user at login?02:22
elishai need help02:51
elishai need to install whatsapp02:52
elishaon my pc02:52
adam5isaliveAnyone ever seen libvert-qemu show up as a user at login?03:15
EldonMcGuinnessWhatsapp on your pc?03:51
EldonMcGuinnessIsn't that a web app?03:51
EldonMcGuinnessadam5isalive, if you're still there: https://askubuntu.com/questions/897026/why-do-i-have-a-libvirt-qemu-account-in-lock-switch-account-options-in-ubuntu03:52
=== j is now known as Guest89262
Guest89262hi i logged in my first raspberry pi05:48
alkisgflexiondotorg: in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/ubuntu-mate.bionic/live you select "fcitx-bin" but not "fcitx".08:57
alkisgBut in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu-mate.bionic/live the result is that fcitx is installed anyway because of Recommends: chains.08:57
alkisgMaybe remove fcitx-bin completely from the seeds, since it's causing so many issues?08:57
adam5isaliveAnyone ever seen libvert-qemu show up as a user at login?14:49
=== Menzador is now known as Menzanta
twosky2000hey there, how do i best integrate openvpn in to mate? i saw there's openvpn gnome tool, but seams suboptimal15:53
mate|53499hello, is there a mate in French?16:12
=== os2mac_ is now known as os2mac
donofriohelp how do I fix this package issue (https://apaste.info/n5xb)....fresh install of mate, apt-get upgraded so all updates applied, then I install packages I need when I look at remmina its 1.1.2 and I require 1.2.0 in order to connect to my work windows boxes. I added the remmina-next and then upgraded and these packages are 'held back?' I need 1.2.0 please if you have a moment and know what I should do I'm all ears....18:44
pavlushkadonofrio: can you try 'sudo apt -y full-upgrade'19:01
donofriouh sure (your second person to ask me that) did you see the apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade (don't the three commands do the same thing as apt full-upgrade?)19:03
pavlushkadonofrio: but I am on 16.04 and your method worked for me without any issue19:08
pavlushkadonofrio: my results https://apaste.info/trhc19:11
donofriopavlushka, https://apaste.info/wJvc ;(19:17
donofrioI'm 16.04 as well19:18
* pavlushka trying to tric19:20
pavlushkadonofrio: you might try 'apt remove remmina-common --force'19:22
pavlushkadonofrio: and then if anything goes wrong, do a 'sudo apt install -f'19:23
donofrioI'll try that right now....19:23
donofrioit returned "E: Command line option --force is not understood in combination with the other options"19:24
pavlushkaand donofrio cut out --force, use the basic19:24
donofriothis is where I get stuck....been here many times: https://apaste.info/a0MC19:27
pavlushkadonofrio: now just install remmina by 'sudo apt install remmina'19:27
pavlushkadonofrio: try 'sudo apt update' again19:31
donofrio(no joy) https://apaste.info/aRK019:32
pavlushkadonofrio: the difference is between powerpc and amd6419:34
pavlushkadonofrio: may be powerpc version has some package issue19:34
donofrionot looking for quick answer just feels like I'm close but....19:34
diogenes_donofrio, try: sudo apt --fix-broken install19:35
pavlushkadonofrio: I suggest you to joing #ubunt and port your issue there and if not fixed, file a bug19:35
donofrioE: Command line option --fix-broken is not understood in combination with the other options19:36
pavlushkadonofrio: but you should 'sudo apt install -f'19:36
donofrioand I have lurked in #ubuntu for years ;)19:38
donofriothey won't be fixing this, powerpc is dead to them.....but I seen ubuntu mate with people showing it's about the only thing that will from right on g5's19:39
diogenes_donofrio, you could try to create a new user and try there, maybe some configs got meesed up19:39
pavlushkao/ diogenes_19:39
donofriobrand new install from the dvd iso19:40
* pavlushka giving way to diogenes_ 19:40
diogenes_pavlushka, :)19:40
donofrioagain not looking for instant resoution (would be nice) just want this working sometime.....19:40
donofrioolder hardware is still rockin....19:40
diogenes_pavlushka is a russian name isn't it?19:41
pavlushkayes diogenes_ the Philosopher19:42
pavlushkabut me from UTC+6 locale - BD19:43
diogenes_what is BD?19:43
diogenes_donofrio, let's see what you got under the hood, tun: inxi -Fxrc0 | nc termbin.com 999919:44
pavlushkadiogenes_: Its country code of Bangladesh19:45
diogenes_pavlushka, I see19:45
diogenes_donofrio, why do you get the remmina ppa? isn't it available from the default repo? (sorry I haven't used ubuntu based for awhile, hard to remember)19:49
donofriodiogenes_, only 1.1.2 is available and that will not connect to my windows hosts, I need 1.2.0 for it to work....19:49
diogenes_donofrio, have you ever had 1.2.0 working on this machine before?19:50
donofrioyes when I was debian 9, no sound loaded and video had issues but yah worked great with d9)19:51
diogenes_donofrio, debian is debian what about this particular OS and version?19:52
donofrioonly on x8619:52
diogenes_so on this OS version you haven't tried yet? it's the first time?19:53
donofriooh no tried it many times, didn't work or broken package issue, tred ubuntu server with me manually installing xfce gdm and such, didn't woork then as well..second time trying mate19:54
diogenes_donofrio, my advice is to try to compile it: https://github.com/FreeRDP/Remmina19:57
donofrioits some sort of package depenancy issue, like how do I force it to use only -next repo when apt-get installing?19:58
diogenes_donofrio, have you ever heard such term as "dependency hell"?19:59
diogenes_then this is now what's happening in this case, once you got in there, you can't get out19:59
donofriowhat about https://apaste.info/B5xD?20:00
donofrio:( https://apaste.info/anJK20:03
diogenes_donofrio, try this: https://bintray.com/probono/AppImages/download_file?file_path=Remmina-1.2.0.glibc2.15-x86_64.AppImage20:05
pavlushkadonofrio: you have done that much to make work remmina then you should try compiling and install remmina in the least :p20:06
alkisgdonofrio: have you tried installing the package from bionic to xenial?20:14
alkisg(without using a ppa)20:14
donofriono not yet (open to idea's)20:14
alkisgdonofrio: actually wait, the ppa worked fine here20:18
alkisgSo you must have installed some other package that breaks it, let me check...20:19
alkisgdonofrio: to make sure, you're trying to install this on 16.04, correct? https://launchpad.net/~remmina-ppa-team/+archive/ubuntu/remmina-next20:19
donofrioI'll rebuild if I need to in order to get this working20:19
alkisgThere's no need to rebuild anything, for me it worked fine20:19
alkisgJust add-apt-repository and apt install remmina20:19
donofrioI did that already20:20
diogenes_donofrio, you tried the link I gave?20:20
alkisgSorry, if you already installed it what's the issue then?20:20
donofrioyah stopped when he said it worked for him....20:21
alkisgdonofrio: what architecture are you using? I tried on i386...20:21
alkisgdonofrio: I'm missing something... PPAs don't build for powerpc, where did you get the git version of remmina, from somewhere else?20:23
alkisgNo powerpc there20:23
donofrioit worked when I was in debain920:24
alkisgThe ppa worked?20:25
donofrioyah I thought it did, I've rebuilt this rig with "a few" distro's and reinstalls ten's of times20:25
donofrioso I forget20:25
alkisgWhat's the output of this? apt policy 'remmina*' | nc termbin.com 999920:25
alkisgUbuntu and Debian do have powerpc builds, but not PPAs20:26
alkisgSpecifically, the powerpc build for bionic is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/remmina/1.2.0-rcgit.24-3ubuntu1/+build/1368510320:26
donofriono powerpc64 just ppcel ;(   it said "Error: Wrong archiyeyire 'ppc64el'20:28
alkisgdonofrio: so, the PPA doesn't have powerpc builds. So you can only get the remmina-common package from there, because it's for "all" architectures, but the other ones not; that's why you get dependency failures20:29
alkisgSo, remove that PPA AND the remmina-common package, it won't help you20:29
donofriook what do I try steps?20:29
alkisgppcel is different from powerpc64?20:30
alkisgThen you'll need to find the package in the bionic "ports" site20:30
donofrioyah ports is what I'm doing20:30
donofriowhen it comes to debain20:30
alkisgAll the necessary ppc64el.deb 1.2.0-rcgit packages from there...20:32
alkisgDownload them and dpkg -i install them20:32
donofriono only the dbg and plugin's are at that url /r/remmina I need remmina-plugin-rdp ;(20:35
alkisgdonofrio: that's in main, us.ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/r/remmina/20:36
donofrioit's tryin20:38
donofriosaid older version normally used - lol it installed common 1.2.0 just now20:38
mate|76079hello, just a hint please, is there a screenshooter for the top panel in Mate? Such as the Xfce4 applet for instance?20:39
donofriocommon 1.2.0 worked cause it was an _all dep20:39
donofriocannot find plugin-rdp for _all20:40
donofrioheck I cannot any more _all.deb there ;(20:40
donofrioin main20:40
diogenes_mate|76079, try shutter20:41
donofrioI'm not opposed to compiling if I have to just want to ensure steps needed to have a clean compile20:41
mate|76079hi,we tried shutter, but it needs to access the preferences to add the delay, it's too much for the user whom I"ve installed20:42
mate|76079diogenes_: this is why I come here to ask if something as simple as the xfce applet could be available for mate20:42
mate|76079diogenes_: we pressed the printscreen key and that workes, so pb solved. :)20:46
mate|76079thanks for your help (even if ... )20:46
mate|76079bye now!20:46
donofriowas that a driveby?20:48
swift110hey all20:59
=== TheOneMenzie is now known as Menzanta|phone
mate|47353Hi all, I can seem to find l3tp vpn. Do i need to install a package. Ubuntu 17.10 Mate21:42
mate|47353l2tp, sorry21:42
Menzanta|phone!info l2tp21:43
ubottuPackage l2tp does not exist in artful21:43
Menzanta|phoneHold on21:43
=== Menzador is now known as Menzanta
=== rowinofwin_ is now known as rowinofwin

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