
flocculantochosi: well a laptop is a computer and so is a smart phone :p (main reason for saying was I'd not noticed before so thought it was something new)06:32
flocculantand re whisker - ack :)06:32
ochosiflocculant: i've been using 1.6 for so long i dont know if it's a change by heart. but at least i believe not12:03
bluesabreochosi, flocculant, yeah, I think the "Computer" string has been there for a while12:26
flocculanthi bluesabre :)12:31
bluesabrehiya flocculant 12:31
flocculantbluesabre: that bios bug is a bit nasty :p12:33
flocculantglad it's not some xfpackage :D12:33
knomedidn't you hear it's actually caused by xflocculant12:34
flocculanthi knome 12:34
knomehello flocculant, bluesabre 12:34
flocculantgood for something then :D12:34
bluesabrethe xflocculant package prefills duplicate bug reports with swear words12:36
flocculantha ha ha 12:36
knomehow christmas-spirity!12:36
knomebluesabre, does it also draw elliptical circles on boot?12:37
flocculantknome: it does all that and more12:37
flocculantreporting bugs on that package installs any media player that can be found12:37
knomemake sure you don't install xflocculant-bad let alone speaking of xflocculant-ugly12:38
bluesabreoh boy!12:38
knomethe bug reports can get really nasty if you do that12:38
flocculantthen finds bugs in them and reports those as duplicates12:38
bluesabregreat stuff12:38
knomethe xflocculant-good package isn't exactly R either12:38
flocculantthere is no xflocculant-good package ...12:39
knomei think i meant PG though12:39
knomeof whatever12:39
knomethose letter ratings are WEEEIRD12:39
knomejust put the age number on the box12:39
bluesabrejust confirmed12:39
bluesabreE: Unable to locate package xflocculant-good12:39
flocculantbluesabre: ha ha ha12:39
ochosihey bluesabre 14:09
pleia2knome: mind if I reboot the dev server for a new kernel?14:26
flocculantpleia2: saw the e-mail - tia :)15:20
slickymasterthanks pleia2, for the heads up on the server reboot16:16
knomepleia2, go ahead17:05
knomebetter do it before we launch the wallpaper contest17:05
pleia2in progress17:05
knomei'm trying to get the rest of the hacking on the wp plugin done today so i can push it to our dev server17:05
pleia2all done :)17:06
knomepleia2, do you remember if we allowed lp/openid logins last time with the wallpaper contest?17:09
knomei'm pretty sure we did, but want confirmation17:09
knomeand when i say allowed i mean did we force that17:09
pleia2I don't remember17:11
flocculantknome: no we did, or yes we didn't :p17:20
knomewall of text, sigh ;)17:28
knomefortunately i don't need the info bit now17:28
knomethanks for digging it up, i'll read it when i need the info :P17:29
flocculantkind of about 22:07 - we're talking about lp login and some wordpress openid plugin, which wasn't quite qhat we wanted17:29
flocculantall that aside - openid is often a pain - I've tried it and 'ubuntu' credentials didn't work at least once17:30
knomeyeah, it can be wonky17:30
knomebut tbh, if the alternative is to make people register "yet one more account", it's boo17:30
flocculantthen don't expect logins 17:31
knomebut spam?17:31
knomenah, that's crappier17:31
flocculantbut for how long ...17:31
knomehow long what? spam?17:31
flocculantcontest 17:31
knomei thought we intended to keep this contest open for months17:31
knomeso... no, it's not realistic that we open it for everybody17:32
flocculantnot long then17:32
knomeeg. we let people upload any kind of images on our server17:32
knomeand we will publicly display them with no moderation17:32
flocculantlogging in won't stop that17:32
knomeno, but it will definitely slow t down17:32
knomeit will, it did the last time :)17:33
flocculantyou don't know that - you don't have anything to compare it with - first time for us :)17:33
flocculantanyway - I'll likely be the only voice wanting to make this easy for the community - so I'll say no more ;)17:34
knomei want to make it easy for the community, but not easy for the spammers17:35
knomei know we can't really get both17:35
knomeso i'll err to the side of caution and make it a bit harder for the spammers :P17:35
knomefortunately this is on a server we can administer so we can adjust quickly if we start to see some crap17:35
flocculantwell that's not quite true - you want to make sure it's only for people to put up their own content17:35
knomeagain, nobody outside the team submitted work that wasn't their own17:36
knomeso this is only limiting how much the team would have had word in what they started voting from17:36
flocculantand if team hadn't - how many contributed - off the top of your head number - less than 5 or so iirc17:37
flocculantanyway - not letting me draw me in to this :D17:37
knomeprobably, but it would have been a more serious "community" contest17:37
knomepleia2, we have that "old" sticker stock17:37
knomepleia2, "do we want to" give it away as prizes?17:37
knomeeg. let's get done with those old stickers17:38
knomeif we seem to have a sensible amount of submitters, we can send one to each17:38
knomeor treat the winners with a big bunch17:38
knomewhatever :)17:38
pleia2ok :)17:39
flocculantknome: might be worth preparing the ground with some social stuff for it - before it's actually live17:40
knomeflocculant, absolutely17:40
knomeflocculant, though it doesn't really matter if the contest is open january 1 and we start playing the drums a week after17:41
knomeas long as it's open for a long enough time for everybody to take part17:41
flocculantI guess so17:41
knomebut yes, we'll do the social media stuff too obviously17:41
knomeand blog article17:41
knomeall but one TODO cleared from the code17:54
knomewhich is really POSTPONED17:54
knomehaha, old wordpress17:56
flocculantthanks for working on it17:56
knomeno problem17:56
knomeand of course17:56
knomei want this to be as smooth as possible - as do you17:56
knomelet's update that wp instance today17:58
knomeit would help if i had the correct setup there18:05
knomei didn't break anything! i didn't break anything!18:08
knomeas a prize for myself, i'll go iron a tablecloth...18:09
knome^ that says it all18:22
knomedo we have any reason to prefer CC-BY 3.0 over 4.0?21:46

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