
lubot<tsimonq2> Oh... A lot of users are on holiday01:23
lubotC'mon, figure out a festive wallpaper ;)01:23
lubot<Wolfenprey> (Photo, 1024x768) https://i.imgur.com/0zmaETx.jpg13:33
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @Wolfenprey, 🙈13:33
lubot<Wolfenprey> 😈13:34
tewardone of you all can probably answer this one... https://askubuntu.com/questions/989204/why-did-lubuntu-delayed-the-release-of-16-04-3-lts-from-august-september-to-the16:59
wxlkonrad11901: talking about doing image testing on a regular basis, we'd LOVE the help. usually dailies only need a spot check, but when it comes to milestone testing (alpha 1 is coming soon) we need full coverage and as much of it as possible.17:37
konrad11901wxl: I'll do my best to help you with testing! Let me know when alpha 1 will come :)17:52
wxli thought we had it in the topic. hey tsimonq2 when did you decide to do alpha 1? we have a new tester ( konrad11901 ) who wants in on the fun18:00
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl, Alpha 1 on the schedule is the first week in January but in my email to ubuntu-release I was like "yeaaaaaaah no, people are still gonna be on holiday" and proposed the second week in January18:29
lubot<tsimonq2> Either way, I'm doing checklist tracking, so Lubuntu's in.18:29
wxl@tsimonq2 so when do you expect testing to start? stick it in the topic when you get it figured out18:31
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl, The weekend before, maybe? As soon as I get someone from the Release Team to ratify my release schedule change and sign up to do Nusakan I'll be happy to do things like that. :)18:33

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