
[1]jaHello from Cape Verde15:32
[1]jaCan anyone here, help me on rescuing a broken lubuntu system, need it wit urgence for work on coding with wordpress CMS15:34
[1]jaHello again, offline for some time, because energy cut15:53
[1]jaI have lubuntu 16.04 that isn't booting, i found on internet that xenial does not have rescue system like it used to be15:54
[1]jaSo, if someone know any fix, i'll apreciate it, need to get my system back, as i'm in the middle of dev a wordpress website system15:56
[1]jaand i have to finsh until end year15:57
[1]jadon't have english as back language, come from portuguese background15:58
pavlushka[1]ja: what the 16.04 says?16:11
[1]jahi pavluska, sorry, i was googling16:17
pavlushka[1]ja: what the 16.04 system showing instead of booting?16:17
[1]jaLet me explain the probem16:17
[1]janothing, just the boot image and little dots going from blue to white eternaly16:18
[1]jaeven with esc key press it show nothing16:19
[1]jawhen i pressed the start button on pc, i didn't realise that i had one keyboard under the one that is connected to the lubuntu pc, and bios start to beep16:21
[1]jawhen i removed the keyboard under that one, it was to late, maybe a random combination of keys has kild the grub16:23
[1]jai have a lubuntu disc that i can boot into rescue mode16:24
[1]jatill now, i've not found any useful tuto on how to use these mode offered on rescue mode16:25
janx_hi, need help on recovering a broken lubuntu system that is endless on boot animation16:46
janx_oh, ubuntu africa used to be more helpful, maybe you guys are so full, or timezone issues16:48
[1]jaok, i'll have to reinstall it, as time is ticking16:50

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