
nerdy_assWhat does acpi=off mean?00:45
nerdy_assI am using it to boot into Ubuntu00:46
nerdy_assBut whenever i shut it down it get stuck00:46
daftykinsyes because ACPI is off00:49
daftykinsthe advanced host configuration and power interface allows intelligent power management features between the OS and the BIOS00:50
nerdyassSorry i am a newbie idk where to start00:52
daftykinswell booting with a kernel boot parameter is not the start :)00:52
daftykinsalso this isn't a support channel, that's #ubuntu00:52
nerdyassOhh thanks00:52
Bashing-omnerdyass: Meet you there :)00:53
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:58
lotuspsychje26mb bionic updates05:00
lotuspsychjehumanity theme & vlc05:01
lotuspsychje!info vlc bionic05:01
ubot5vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0~rc2-2ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 31 kB, installed size 154 kB05:01
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^06:49
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje06:49
EriC^^what's up my man?06:49
lotuspsychjeplaying bionic :p06:50
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: you got a bug launchpad mate?06:51
EriC^^i think ive a launchpad account yeah06:51
lotuspsychjei was thinking to gather all the crews bug pages06:52
lotuspsychjejust for mass solving06:53
lotuspsychjeso we know each others url's06:53
lotuspsychjeand help to get a faster community solving06:53
lotuspsychjei know ducasse alkisg oerheks Tj got bug pages and me06:54
EriC^^i've submitted 0 bugs though :P06:54
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: your on xenial right?06:55
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: know what you will choose for bionic?06:55
EriC^^unity if its supported still06:56
lotuspsychjeim not sure yet what to do...06:56
lotuspsychjefuture is in making06:57
lotuspsychjei wish ubuntu desktop would be extremely usuable of course06:58
lotuspsychjefor both high end/low end machines06:58
alkisgGood morning everyone06:59
EriC^^morning alkisg06:59
lotuspsychjehey alkisg morning mate07:00
* alkisg will select Ubuntu MATE because he still has to maintain a few hundred pentium 4's...07:01
alkisggnome/unity require 3d, so they're extremely slow therer07:01
lotuspsychjeah i see alkisg07:04
lotuspsychjeanyone else want adding his bug page, let me know07:27
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: :p07:27
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: :D07:33
lotuspsychjegot a launchpad Bashing-om ?07:33
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Not a bug one : https://launchpad.net/~bashing-om ,07:36
lotuspsychjeok tnx Bashing-om07:45
ducassegood morning all07:59
Bashing-omAnd outta here again . g nite all \o08:21
lotuspsychjemerry xmass days for all ; )09:37
BluesKajHi folks and Merry Christmas!13:01
pauljwhi everyone13:02
BluesKajhi pauljw, Merry Christmas!13:07
pauljwhey BluesKaj, thanks, same to you and yours. :)  we don't celebrate, but i appreciate the thought.13:09
BluesKajthanks pauljw...well I'm happy to have my daughter home for the Holiday...it always bothers me when the kids have to drive long distances this time of year13:13
pauljwglad she made it home safely, it's a rough time of year for driving.13:22
BluesKajyeah flying isn't much of an option since the nearest airport is 65 miles away...we live in the boonies13:26
ducasse\o guys13:28
pauljwhi ducasse :)13:28
BluesKajhey ducasse, Merry Christmas!13:29
ducassemerry xmas, BluesKaj :)13:29
BluesKajthat aussie just wanted to rant about windows, hopelessly helpless :-)13:31
ducassenothing we could do for him, at least :)13:33
BluesKajmade some concrete suggestions which he rejected out of hand13:33
pauljwsaw that, he should just call geeksquad and be done with it.13:36
BluesKajhe should have stayed with W713:38
pauljwyep, he is the perfect windows user.  hope he never figures out how to install linux. :)13:49
ducasselooked like the odds of that happening are low :)13:51
BluesKajhe probly doesn't have the patience nor the desire13:58

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