
leiresHi all00:45
leiresJust want to say00:46
leiresHappy holidays00:46
konrad11901Hi everyone, I'm testing the Lubuntu Desktop daily image and it looks like the GNOME Software doesn't work in live session, but it works without any problems after installing Lubuntu. Is it an expected behavior?10:05
AcceleratorNo i don't think so10:06
AcceleratorTry asking the mentors when they are online konrad1190110:08
konrad11901yeah, I will try to do so10:09
Shantanugot error in ubuntu 16.0410:44
Shantanuanyone there?10:45
NissaarShantanu: may i help ?10:49
Shantanubro i got error in 16.0410:49
Shantanuerror cannot open : ifflineimap_*.snap10:50
Nissaarwhat error ?10:50
NissaarShantanu: what is the task titlte ?10:51
Shantanupython snap creation10:52
Nissaaris it python, rust,r rubby ?10:52
Nissaarahh ok10:52
Nissaardid you follow the tutorial step by step ?10:54
NissaarShantanu: ?10:55
Shantanui did10:55
Shantanunot missed any step i am very sure10:56
Nissaardid you used sudo before git clone ?10:56
Shantanuyou mean sudo git clone.......10:58
Shantanuno in step it didnt use sudo in that command so i didnt10:58
Nissaaryou should not do that10:58
Nissaartry making a new directory in your home10:59
Nissaaradn use cd to go to that directory10:59
Nissaarand redo all the steps10:59
popeyShantanu: no. I am afk right now. Back later11:12
ShantanuNissaar: not worked11:12
konrad11901Shantanu: what was the result of the "snapcraft" command?11:13
konrad11901I mean, were there any errors?11:13
Shantanuok wait let me tell11:14
AcceleratorYeah it should have worked11:14
konrad11901wxl: ping!11:14
ShantanuPermission error i got11:16
Acceleratorsend us a screenshot11:17
Shantanuhere it is11:18
Acceleratoruse "snap refresh" and try again?11:20
Shantanudidnt got you11:21
Shantanumay i type snap refresh in terminal?11:21
Acceleratorthen try all the commands again11:21
Shantanudid then also got error11:22
Shantanuhe says All snaps are up to date11:23
ShantanuThen i give command again11:23
Shantanuthen again error11:23
AcceleratorGood...try all the commands again11:23
Shantanuall commands :O11:23
Acceleratorcan you send a complete screenshot?11:24
Shantanuof which11:24
Acceleratorof your errors...11:26
Acceleratorthe screenshot?11:27
Shantanusee this accelrator11:29
Shantanufull log11:29
Shantanuit would help you better11:29
AcceleratorYou even got my name wrong11:30
Acceleratorwas snapcraft installed correctly?11:31
Shantanuhere it is screenshot even11:31
Shantanulet me install again11:32
Shantanusee this11:33
ubot93Launchpad bug 1597784 in Snappy "'PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied' executing a snap" [Undecided, Expired]11:38
Acceleratorsounds like this one11:38
Shantanubut didnt got solution11:40
daniellimwsShantanu: hi, can you try this snapcraft cleanbuild11:42
daniellimwsyou will need to have lxd configured11:43
Shantanupls tell11:43
Shantanuhow i can do11:43
daniellimwsjust follow the instructions here https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-setting-up-lxd-160411:43
daniellimwsonce you have it setup, try snapcraft cleanbuild11:43
daniellimwsit will create a lxc container with a fresh new ubuntu image to run snapcraft11:43
Shantanuok willl try11:44
Shantanuwill u be available after 1hour?11:44
daniellimwsnot sure11:44
daniellimwsthis may take some time installing too11:44
daniellimwsI'll see11:44
daniellimwsyou may need to install zfs too, if you need to, follow this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS11:45
Shantanuohk will see11:47
Shantanunow tired11:47
Shantanuwill do later now11:47
RandomBananaBey tbere14:23
wxlkonrad11901: you rang?15:29
Shruti_Hi elopio and sergiusens15:30
Shruti_Hi elopio15:31
Acceleratorwxl: konrad11901 had a question about the lubuntu tasks15:31
wxlAccelerator: ok well i'll await his question i guess :)15:32
Shruti_hi sergiusens15:32
wxlShruti_: there's no guarantee they're actually in front of the keyboard15:32
wxlShruti_: in fact, i can tell you that they've been gone roughly 2 days15:33
Acceleratorwxl: btw i had a question about Setting up a development environment for the QATracker15:33
wxlAccelerator: sure, go ahead15:33
Shruti_Ok thanks for the info wxl15:34
wxlnp Shruti_15:34
Acceleratorwxl: about Setting up a development environment for the QATracker...i followed all the steps but i'm getting this difficulty-https://prnt.sc/hrr5x515:37
konrad11901oh, hi wxl! I'm now eating dinner with my family, I'll speak to you in a while, ok?15:37
wxlkonrad11901: sure. i should be around for at least another hour or so15:37
wxllet me look at that Accelerator15:38
Acceleratorsure take your time15:38
wxlok that's done16:17
wxlAccelerator: did you use the script?16:17
wxlAccelerator: and do you see any similar complaining at http://localhost/?q=qatracker?16:19
Acceleratorwxl: The first link says "page not found"16:21
Acceleratorwxl: I did follow the tutorial and configured drupal correctly16:22
wxlAccelerator: as my second comment should suggest, that wasn't a valid link due to the ?16:22
Acceleratoroh ok16:22
wxlAccelerator: so you did NOT use the script?16:22
Acceleratori will send a screenshot16:23
Acceleratorwxl: I'm a little confused now...which script?16:23
wxlAccelerator: https://github.com/SmajevicIrfan/qatracker-setup-script16:23
wxlit's mentioned on the tutorial16:23
wxli cannot confirm it works, so that's why i'm asking16:24
Acceleratorwxl: I can't believe i missed that one..but it should have worked if i did not use the script and followed the tutorial instead?16:25
wxlAccelerator: that would be my expectation16:25
Acceleratorwxl: Ok i will give the script a try and let you know if i encounter any difficulties.16:26
wxlso being mentorly i'll tell you how to track this down16:26
wxlfirst off, i'd clone the repo and grep for that error16:26
wxlso `bzr branch lp:ubuntu-qa-website && cd ubuntu-qa-website && grep -R "valid testing tracker instance"`16:27
konrad11901wxl: so, I've tested the Lubuntu Desktop image, and I encountered two small issues. The first one: GNOME Software doesn't work properly in live session (it runs, but nothing is shown in "All" and "Installed" sections), but after installing Lubuntu it works without any problems. Second: the layout of installer slideshow is not correct (I'll send screenshot in a while) when I set the language to Polish (there is no problem with English). So: are t16:27
wxlkonrad11901: you had something more to say?16:27
wxlAccelerator: you should get one result.. which is here https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qa-website-devel/ubuntu-qa-website/drupal7-rewrite/view/head:/modules/qatracker/qatracker.functions.php#L14316:28
wxlAccelerator: if you look at the code (note i'm not a PHP programmer but just try to catch the logic) it looks like that function checks to see if the $site variable is set16:28
wxlAccelerator: and it looks like that's set at the top16:29
wxlso it's looking through the qatracker_site database16:29
wxland specifically looking for subdomain in there16:30
Acceleratoroh now i get it16:30
Acceleratorwxl: Thanks for the help...you are the best XD16:30
wxlnp :)16:30
konrad11901wxl: no, that's all16:37
wxlkonrad11901: if you filed the bugs, we're good to go. :)16:37
konrad11901wxl: I haven't filed the bugs, because I don't know where to file them. For example, where should I report the GNOME Software bug - to gnome-software or lubuntu?16:39
wxlkonrad11901: gnome-software and the other one may need some further testing to to figure out who is the culprit (like does this happen with other flavours?) but you can try lubuntu-artwork16:41
konrad11901wxl: ok, thanks! I'll report them in a while16:41

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