
floridagram-bot2<RazPi> Like closed for good?03:17
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Yup03:29
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Looking for a new place03:29
floridagram-bot2<RazPi> @Ivoriesablaze ping03:57
floridagram-bot2<Ivoriesablaze> I'm driving right now03:58
floridagram-bot2<RazPi> ok03:58
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze - he is free03:58
floridagram-bot2<RazPi> Does he want me to meet you somewhere?04:03
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Not sure. I am at home right now.04:04
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Try giving him a call, may not be a good idea to text him while he is driving04:04
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> You can buy google.glass for $22 right now.12:18
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> Not the device, but the domain name.  It's rare that you can get a Google domain.12:19
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> You can also buy google.education.  you'd think the PR department would be all over the DNS.12:23
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> @AdamOutler, No, it is owned by Google15:26
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> Did you purchase them?15:46
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> I screenshotted that earlier.15:47
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Yes. It is a bug on their side. Try adding it to your cart. The whois shows it has been owned by Google for a while15:48
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> It is no longer available.15:49
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> WTF15:50
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> I have been 3D Printing things15:51
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> I see that.  Lol!15:51
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> I imagine you spent about the same amount as purchasing the cheap ones.15:52
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> @AdamOutler, True. In this case it is for the novelty of them being 3D printed. I am notmally against bulk manufacturing on a 3D printer but this is for charity15:53
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> Ah!  Totally different.15:53
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> I designed every part. This is what a near complete one will look like. I do need to design the other tokens15:54
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> This is for autism speaks?15:55
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Yup. The 2018 walk is coming up soon. The Ubuntu Florida team has been raising money for the past 2 years15:55
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> This will be the third15:56
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Last year, I gave out over 200 of those 3D printed bolts. It brought in close to $1000 in donations15:57
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> Nice!15:57
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Not including my personal contribution15:57
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> I think I contributed $20015:57
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> I basically put a note in the bag with each item I print with a link to donate if possible. The item is still free regardless15:58
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> @AdamOutler, I think that is correct15:58
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> Are we still doing meetups?15:59
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Yes. Unfortunately the meetup.com page for the team has died. I can no longer access it. I also need to scout out some new places as ...16:00
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Our previous go-to place has closed16:00
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> I was out of town for a large chunk of last month and sick the first 2 weeks of this month16:00
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> That business model tho.16:01
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> @AdamOutler, True. I will be looking for a new place. I liked it because it was affordable for just about everyone in the group16:01
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> I like that grilled cheese place.16:02
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> @AdamOutler, Same. It will still be on the round up. The only problem with them is that getting a table is a bit hard at times - worth the wait though16:03
floridagram-bot2<AdamOutler> THIS IS INSANE!! … https://mgcl.co/cats?_m=K1F6yWhqM316:10
floridagram-bot2<govatent> I got gifted a Google home.19:01
floridagram-bot2<govatent> I'm excited to let the nsa listen to me lol.19:02
floridagram-bot2<ahoneybun> Nice19:06
floridagram-bot2<govatent> I'm at the airport waiting to fly back to Denver now. Tsa did a full swab thing of the Google home.23:22
floridagram-bot2<KMyers> Ha23:28
floridagram-bot2<SivaMachina> And maybe an inspection to see  if the NSA listening device is spying correctly.23:28

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