
xalenYou've got your files, you've got your Win installer. Go for it!00:00
pikapikaYeah its installing right now00:00
kevoLooking for help getting mDNS lookups working on 17.1000:02
jeffrey_I have a buffalo link station.  How to permanently mount the share.00:06
northivanastanwhenever i go on away, i get disconnected minutes later. that's annoying00:07
jeffrey_how to mount a smb share.00:09
pikapikaIt worked00:10
pikapikaWindows is working too00:10
pikapikaThere was a funny glitch screen though when I chose the option to boot Windows, but after it came to login screen after sometime and everything seems the same afterward00:11
pikapikaWithin Windows 10 I am seeing the formerly free space as two partitions now marke as "Healthy (Primary Partition)" the first 45.04 gb the second 3.78 gb. No drive appears on "This PC" however, just as before. Is this normal?00:14
pikapikaI hope its alright.00:15
pikapikaAnyways the whole operation was really scary lol00:16
pikapikaThanks to the people who allayed my fears00:16
pikapikaI am asking the partition matter on ##windows too just to be sure00:17
daxyes, Ubuntu partitions would show up in Windows' disk management but wouldn't have a drive under This PC00:17
daxthat's how Windows handles partitions it doesn't understand, in general00:17
tomreynthe first one will be / (basically, where all linux data + boot code is), the second (small one) will be swap00:19
xalenpikapika: Good to know, enjoy!00:19
tomreynjeffrey_: you can place it in /etc/fstab00:20
tomreynjeffrey_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently00:21
ThedarkbHow do I disable .Trash-1000 on removable drives but not my main drive?00:29
lordcirthThedarkb, just remembering to use shift-delete is probably the simplest way00:36
ThedarkbHow do I disable .Trash-1000 on removable drives but not my main drive?00:36
ThedarkbA feature windows has had since 9500:36
Thedarkbdon't get me wrong, I've been using Lubuntu exclusively since 2011, but .Trash-1000 is a pain in the arse.00:37
lordcirthThedarkb, I've taken a look and I don't see a good way of disabling it partially.00:40
ThedarkbWho's idea was this?00:40
lordcirthI think Debian introduced the Trash folder for graphical file managers.00:42
ThedarkbIs it time to change file managers?00:43
lordcirthNow, if there's only a few specific drives, you can touch a file called .Trash-1000 and it will block things being moved there00:43
lordcirthThedarkb, I only use a graphical file manager for photos and movies, for thumbnails.  bash is quicker for most things.00:43
ThedarkbI like my drag and drop.00:44
MehrzadI have mounted one of the drives by adding a line to /etc/fstab. But I can't rename the files or folders in that drive in nautilus. This is the line that i have added "UUID=82D06FC5D06FBDD3 /home/extra     ntfs    defaults 0       2" what is the problem?00:45
rypervencheThedarkb: I find that holding shift while dragging to the trashcan permanently deletes a file.00:49
ThedarkbNot in that context00:49
ThedarkbI mean I like to drag files around, which is why I don't use bash.00:49
ThedarkbI'm competent with bash, I'm not fast with it though.00:49
atrusi've got an ubuntu 16.04 vm that's dying about once a day on a kernel panic, and I don't really know how to proceed. Here's what i was able to get from the virsh console when the VM died https://pastebin.ca/395157801:01
rypervencheThedarkb: Then maybe make a little desktop launcher that empties the trash, or just empty it whenever it has something in it?01:05
ThedarkbI want the trash can to still work on my main HDD01:05
nerdyassFreezing while shutting down01:05
nerdyassUsed to boot by command acpi=off01:06
nerdyassIdk what this command does01:06
nerdyassFound it on a forum01:06
Bashing-omnerdyass: Rather then disbling ACPI - replace the table. SEE: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html .01:10
Mr_Cyclopshey guys, in Ubuntu, how may I figure out the form factor of my laptop hard disk drive? I want to know if its the thin or the thick one01:16
Mr_Cyclopsjust lazy to open it up and check it01:16
Mr_CyclopsI used to use a command, but then can't recall01:17
anesDear friends when i update firefox in ubuntu i got firefix 57.0.1 version, but in that firebug extension will not work . please help to downgrade it to firefix 56 itself01:20
HyperHorseanyone here?01:31
rypervencheHyperHorse: Yep.01:31
HyperHorsei tried to install Ubuntu yesterday01:31
HyperHorseand i got a couple of error messages01:31
HyperHorseyou want the whole lot with the long numbers?01:31
rypervencheMr_Cyclops: Try lshw -C disk01:33
rypervencheMr_Cyclops: With a sudo in front.01:33
xalenThat'd be good. Use pastebin.ubuntu.com01:33
xalenHyperhorse: paste the error there and share the link here01:34
xalenHyperhorse: I'm assuming the error is quite long, not ideal for a chat message01:34
rypervencheMr_Cyclops: Or hwinfo --disk01:35
HyperHorseonly 2 lines :-P01:36
Mr_Cyclopsthanks rypervenche ,,, I was using smartctl -i /dev/sda and lshw commands ... letme try hwinfo as well01:37
xalenHyperHorse: did it halt the installation or you were able to finish it?01:38
Mr_Cyclopsrypervenche, the output of your command, still can't figure out what I am looking for01:38
HyperHorseno i was not able to finish install01:39
HyperHorsei waited a few mins b4 deciding to flick the reset switch01:40
xalenHyperHorse: For what I've seen it's solved by adding radeon.modset=0 in the grub config file, but that's on installed systems. Not a solution since your system isn't installed, but it's a start01:50
xalenHyperHorse: and 'radeon.dpm=0'01:53
HyperHorsei'll give it a shot01:54
HyperHorseno one here uses discord/skype?01:54
xalenI'm going through the arch wiki for ATI, but I haven't deal with this issue before. Perhaps someone else have01:55
LoshkiI thought everyone stopped using Skype when Microsoft bought it01:55
HyperHorse........ lol yeah right01:55
HyperHorsei still use it from time to time for phone calls01:56
LoshkiYou know Microsoft is listening. I'm pretty sure they stole my prize cookie recipe01:56
HyperHorselol ?01:56
LoshkiYes, a joke, though I am possibly insane. Doesn't seem to matter on irc.01:57
HyperHorsexalen, so i just add that at the end of the scrub boot options?01:57
HyperHorsei dont need to add a dash or anything?01:58
EldonMcGuinnessAnyone familiar with doing incremental backups with tar?01:59
* HyperHorse waves @ EldonMcGuinness01:59
EldonMcGuinnesslol, were you just waiting for someone to pop in?02:00
rypervencheEldonMcGuinness: For incremental backups, I find rsync to be the best.02:01
HyperHorsemeh, be back in a bit02:02
rypervencheEldonMcGuinness: The problem with tar is that it's hard to figure out what is different between two backups since the backups are usually compressed. I like to use rsync with hard links so that I can have many backups that don't take up a whole lot of extra space.02:03
EldonMcGuinnessI was considering rsync actually, but I was not sure if that would work well with an ftp destination.02:04
rypervencheEldonMcGuinness: There are also programs out there that can do all of that for you. Personally, I prefer a script with plain rsync.02:04
rypervencheEldonMcGuinness: I suppose the first question is why are you using FTP instead of SSH/SFTP?02:04
EldonMcGuinnessyea I was going to whip up a script with tar, but had a question about the incremental file. I'll give rsync another read.02:04
rypervenche(rsync uses SSH)02:05
EldonMcGuinnesswell the ftp is an in-house server. I've not looked to see if they offer an ssh connection with it. Let me check that out first.02:06
EldonMcGuinnessyea they only offer a regular ftp connection to it, though that is not an issues as I just mount the ftp share when needed. It is ip limited and in the same datacenter, so I'm not really worried.02:14
EldonMcGuinnessAnd the data is nothing sensitive so meh, just data I would rather not have to re-pull from original sources.02:14
rypervencheEldonMcGuinness: Ahh, so this is something like a data center providing you with a backup FTP server?02:15
rypervencheHmmm, I don't think you'll be able to have a real incremental backup system set up with FTP in the mix.02:16
rypervencheYou could have one locally that you then sync via FTP to your backup. Or that you tar up and keep a certain number of backups, but that won't be incremental.02:17
EldonMcGuinnesswell I know I can use tar, I'm just going to have to read how the incremental file it creates is needed. Going to give it a whirl.02:17
EldonMcGuinnessYea, tar does have an incremental option, but there is an odd line about making a copy of a list file that has me a bit confused. Guess I just need to experiment to see what it needs.02:17
rypervencheYeah, I don't have experience with the incremental options in tar. Good luck :)02:17
EldonMcGuinnessDifferential is easy enough and I might just go that route if all else fails02:18
HyperHorseim back02:26
HyperHorsexalen, yo?02:27
xalenHyperHorse: Sorry, I was reading and saw your message after you left02:34
xalenAfter editing grub config file, you should always regenerate it to take effect02:34
EldonMcGuinnessgot it working @rypervenche :D02:37
EldonMcGuinnessNow I just need to do a bit of cleanup and argument processing to make sure it is sane enough for others to use02:41
EldonMcGuinnesshad to do a bit of trickery with the ftp mount, since the snapshot file does not seem to get created.02:45
rypervencheEldonMcGuinness: Nice.02:46
EldonMcGuinness@rypervenche https://pastebin.com/iJjAnyNS in case you're interested.02:50
EldonMcGuinnessusing the formatted date-stamp I'll be able to make sure restores are automatically done in the right order, assuming the clock never gets screwed up on the server heh02:50
rypervencheAh nice. I'll have to play around with this.02:52
EldonMcGuinnessfun times, now to let screen run and backup this metadata. 30GB worth, this will need coffee02:55
rypervencheEldonMcGuinness: Cool, just learned it. How many levels of backups do you plan on having?02:56
rypervencheJust level 1s?02:57
rypervencheThen occasionally a new level 0?02:57
rypervencheI suppose that's how it's done with differential backups.02:58
EldonMcGuinnessNa going to do a weekly backup and likely a running 6 months03:01
EldonMcGuinnessSo 24 ish03:01
EldonMcGuinnessWill need to build in an argument for Max number, but that is trivial03:03
rypervencheEldonMcGuinness: Nice. Always learning something new.03:09
EldonMcGuinnessYeah love nix03:12
socommFor ssh sessions is /etc/bash.bashrc supposed to read?03:13
socommI've added a line to this file for testing and it doesnt appear to be read when I ssh, however ~/.bashrc is.03:14
EldonMcGuinnessDepends on the system I believe, but .bashrc and .profile should work03:16
vaspHey guys, could anyone tell me if the 40MB ubuntu net install ISO could be converted into a live CD ISO on chroot?03:18
EldonMcGuinnesssocomm:  this might help ya https://www.centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5171003:21
socommEldonMcGuinness: Thank you.03:23
fightthewalrusI've been unable to get updates from xenial-updates, xenial-backports and xenial-security for a few days now when I run sudo apt-get update. Could it be a problem with my regional server?03:29
fightthewalrusThis problem prevents me from also installing new software besides updating my current stack03:29
Bashing-omfightthewalrus: Pastebin ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' so we see the errors in context .03:32
fightthewalrusBashing-om: ok, here it is https://paste.ubuntu.com/26242920/03:35
Bashing-omfightthewalrus: look'n .03:38
Bashing-omfightthewalrus: change your mirror and try again (??) .03:42
HyperHorseim back, finally05:26
BuRaT1NoPrivet Vsem!05:35
lotuspsychjeBuRaT1No: can we help you?05:36
ZenseiI auto logged into ubuntu05:37
Zenseiwas registered nick removed?05:37
BuRaT1Noда все нормально... просто  поздоровался ...  i am just say HellO! )05:37
HyperHorse......... fucking cyrllic script05:38
HyperHorseyour brain will pop inside out if you use that too long05:38
BuRaT1Nodon`t f.... ))05:38
lotuspsychjeHyperHorse: keep language family friendly here please05:39
lotuspsychjeBuRaT1No: this is english ubuntu support only05:39
lotuspsychje!ru | BuRaT1No05:39
ubottuBuRaT1No: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.05:39
BuRaT1Nothx )05:39
HyperHorseborka borka borka05:39
lotuspsychjeHyperHorse: stop that please05:40
lotuspsychjeZensei: you need to register to use #ubuntu now05:40
ZenseiI know lotuspsychje, which is why im surprised im here05:42
ZenseiI have it set to autologon, but I never enter here because my nick registers after the room opens05:42
Zenseiim here05:42
ZenseiIm weirded out05:42
lotuspsychjeZensei: you need to set the SASL method05:48
lotuspsychjeZensei: then you will identify before enter05:48
ZenseiThanks :)05:49
_kk22kk_hi all, am using ubuntu 17.10 on DELL inspiron laptop with 2 GB RAM, 32 bit Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU. On the same laptop its been 5+ years of running ubuntu05:58
_kk22kk_issue: it frequently freezes... everything is standstill.. keyboard and mouse go standstill05:58
_kk22kk_any idea how to debug? i have searched UBUNTU forums and stackoverflow but couldnt find any thread which solves my issue..05:58
HyperHorseget more RAM05:58
HyperHorsewhen was the last time u changed the thermal compound on the cpu?05:58
_kk22kk_hmm...i havent changed it at all..05:59
HyperHorsethe cpu might be overheating05:59
HyperHorseyou running any diagnostic software to keep track of internal temps?05:59
_kk22kk_but i did not have this issue until i updated to 17.1005:59
HyperHorseis your room getting noticeably warm?05:59
HyperHorseso go back to the previous version05:59
_kk22kk_no i havent..room is also not that warm because the laptop stays close to a window06:00
_kk22kk_previous version 17.04 had no such issues06:00
_kk22kk_any tips if i can fix this issue with 17.10 instead of a rollback???06:01
_kk22kk_the same laptop has a dual boot wiith windows and that has no issues. for this point i alon i feel " HW or motherboard or CPU" is perfectly fine06:02
lotuspsychje_kk22kk_: did you try the xorg session?06:03
_kk22kk_i havent tried... good suggestion06:03
lotuspsychje_kk22kk_: try and come back plz06:04
_kk22kk_ok thanks06:04
Zenseicheck your packages06:06
ZenseiI noticed mine had a ridiculous amount of packages I never need nor use, like all the desktop environments06:06
_kk22kk_i use bleachbit and cleared all unwanted.. but thanks for the tip!06:06
_kk22kk_test what? u mean harddisk test?06:09
HyperHorse_kk22kk_ test of your patience :-P06:13
_kk22kk_best suggestion till date :-)06:18
lotuspsychje_kk22kk_: im bug testing 17.10 & 18.04 xorg/wayland got some open bugs on it, plz go test the xorg session06:18
_kk22kk_ok sure i am doing it rightaway06:18
_kk22kk_thanks again06:18
StoneCypheri'm able to find caffe-cuda on packages.ubuntu but i don't seem to be able to get it out of apt-get06:23
StoneCypherwhat am i too new to grok?06:23
lotuspsychje!info caffe-cuda06:26
ubottuPackage caffe-cuda does not exist in artful06:26
lotuspsychjeStoneCypher: correct packagename?06:26
daxcaffe-cuda is only in 17.04 onwards, so if you're on 16.04 or something it won't be in there06:28
DevilsDulcimeranyone know how an executable talks to the terminal? the bash terminal? is there some buffer or stream object that when you send a string to it, you are typing in a shell command? also, i know a process has stout, stderr, and stdin, so the output should go to stdout.06:37
EriC^^DevilsDulcimer: might want to try asking in ##linux as well06:49
lotuspsychjeDevilsDulcimer: perhaps the #ubuntu-devel guys might also know this06:49
alkisgGood morning everyone06:59
alkisgDevilsDulcimer: it talks using a tty, which corresponds to /dev/stdin, /dev/stdout, dev/stderr07:00
alkisgYou can see the file descriptors in `ls /proc/self/fd`07:00
DevilsDulcimerthanks for the info, so its like writing to a file, just got to get the correct descriptor then .07:00
alkisgDevilsDulcimer: what are you trying to do?07:01
DevilsDulcimerjust trying to see how linux works...im doing some practice runs with c++ and want to invoke some utilities but through the shell07:03
alkisgOK, google for spawn and pipes then. The child process stdio can be read/written to from C++ using a pipe.07:04
pennTellerGuys is there a way to force ubuntu to use "mysql" everytime a script tells it to use "mariadb"?07:08
pennTellerI installed mariadb but it only runs if I use it as if it were mysql though it isnt mysq07:08
lotuspsychjeNooby_One_Nooby: welcome, what can we do for you?07:28
Nooby_One_Noobyubuntu 14.04 here on an HP laptop (pavilion series). Just wondering... if i want to upgrade to the most recent ubuntu, how can i do that, and will that upgrade result in loss of my data (documents, foto's, etc) since i am physically somewhere where i have no access to external drives for backup07:29
Nooby_One_Noobyalso taking in mind, i'm an absolute noob07:29
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:30
alkisgSummary, you run do-release-upgrade and it gets you to 16.04 while keeping your data07:30
Nooby_One_Noobyok, i'll be reading the links firstly07:32
alkisgNooby_One_Nooby: also this, for the graphical approach: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-upgrading-ubuntu-desktop#007:36
Nooby_One_Noobyok, the second link from ubottu and your link, alkisg are not loading ... screen stays blank (apart from browser - Firefox)07:40
alkisgNooby_One_Nooby: that's strange, it works fine with firefox here07:41
alkisgIf you have another browser like chromium-browser, try with that one07:41
Nooby_One_Noobyi tried reloading a few times, but stays the same ... even doesn't show a message that connection is interrupted, or something like that... just blank07:42
Nooby_One_Noobywhen i open chromium, that program keeps crashing on startup07:44
alkisgEh, sounds like a broken installation?07:45
alkisgMaybe you want to *install* 16.04 while keeping your data, instead of upgrading?07:45
alkisgThe 16.04 installer does support that07:45
Nooby_One_Noobywhat's the difference between upgrading and installing? And yes, i have a few broken things on my 14.04. I don't mind loosing the installed programs, only concern is my data07:46
Nooby_One_Noobyactually, i would rather have a "clean" ubuntu to start over with again07:47
auronandaceNooby_One_Nooby: you'll need some means to back up your data. What data are you talking about? Videos, pictures and songs? Or do you mean settings for applications?08:08
Nooby_One_Noobyvideos, music and books and files ... however, i have no access to external physical drives at the moment. Setting sfor applications, i really don't mind, as i would prefer to start from scratch in the new ubuntu because of many issues i have08:10
auronandaceNooby_One_Nooby: in that case one thing you could do is create a new partition and move your files there. the only problem you have then is sufficient space08:11
Nooby_One_Noobyi'm ubuntu 14.04, dual boot. Is there a way to put those files in my windows partition, without creating a third partition?08:13
auronandaceNooby_One_Nooby: yes, you'll just need to mount the partition first08:13
Nooby_One_Noobyis it possible that that has happened automatic, since there is a 380gb drive visible on ubuntu ... i never thought of copying files from one part onto the other08:15
auronandaceNooby_One_Nooby: yeah, your file manager usually has a list of drives on the left that you can click to mount them08:16
Nooby_One_Noobywhile i'm transferring the files, i want to uninstall and remove all traces of some programs in the terminal, what's the best way to approach that?08:22
Nooby_One_Noobybecause various links give various anwsers, and also what if the name in the terminal is different that the name showing in the applications list?08:24
auronandaceNooby_One_Nooby: is there much point in doing that if you are going to fresh install anyway?08:24
Nooby_One_Noobyah, so the install will already remove all programs?08:25
auronandaceNooby_One_Nooby: installing afresh will format the partition. nothing will be there. you'll be starting from a blank slate08:25
Nooby_One_Noobyso that's why i needed to backup my files. You're guiding me through a complete install. Or somehow, if all goes well, those files will be intact and i just did the backup as a precaution?08:27
auronandaceNooby_One_Nooby: backing up the files is necessary because of formatting the partition for the fresh install08:28
auronandaceNooby_One_Nooby: what i prefer to do is keep a separate storage partition for my files. that way every time i fresh install a new release of ubuntu i don't have to back up anything08:29
Nooby_One_Noobyi see08:29
Nooby_One_Noobynormally, the important files, i put on an external drive. But i'm not at home, so i don't have access to them.08:30
alkisgNooby_One_Nooby: fresh install CAN keep your files intact if you choose it in the menu08:37
alkisgNooby_One_Nooby: if in doubt, select "try ubuntu before installing" from the live cd/usb, and come here for guidance in the installer menus08:37
Nooby_One_Noobywhen you say menu, what menu do you refer to?08:39
alkisgNooby_One_Nooby: the installer, e.g. https://zdnet2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2015/10/22/dd65739d-f393-40ff-a65c-25f6e6325bac/resize/770xauto/9308c67b2dbd4fce481228f62ac73cab/partitions.png08:40
alkisgIf at that point you select "custom" and you select "ext4 without formatting", then it keeps your /home while reinstalling the programs08:40
auronandaceNooby_One_Nooby: you mentioned you had some issues with 14.04 and would rather have a clean 16.04 install. if you choose to go with the method of keeping files from 14.04 during your install then you'll be keeping all the cruft that has built up and most likely passing the issues onto your new install08:40
alkisgauronandace: that's not true08:41
alkisgYou probably don't know it either, but ubiquity, the installer, can keep /home while reinstalling /usr etc08:41
alkisgSo it's a completely clean installation, that doesn't require a backup08:41
alkisgNooby_One_Nooby: a tutorial: https://askubuntu.com/questions/630966/keep-home-directory-when-installing-ubuntu-14-0408:42
auronandacealkisg: doesn't it still keep all your installed programs? does it remove PPAs?08:43
alkisgauronandace: it's a completely clean installation, it doesn't keep programs or ppas08:43
alkisgThe only difference from formatting, is that it keeps /home08:43
auronandacealkisg: sorry, i didn't know that, thanks for the information08:45
auronandacealkisg: if he is having issues with any application setting in /home would the best thing to do is move/delete that .whatever directory for the application in question? that would force it to create a fresh one upon launching the program again, wouldn't it?08:48
Nooby_One_Noobyand what about the start-up menu? Will it be upgraded directly, and keeping my windows dual boot ok? I have no means to backup my windows files as well08:49
alkisgauronandace: the settings for applications are stored in .directories that start with a dot. If needed, it's much easier to move those folders aside, and let them be recreated on next login, than messing up with user accounts and transferring data08:49
alkisgNooby_One_Nooby: yes, the "boot manager menu" is automatically handled08:50
Nooby_One_Noobysince i'm taking the time to backup my files, wouldn't it  be better to do a complete new install? as i just need to put the files back from windows later on, no?09:07
alkisgIt doesn't offer any benefits. But if it feels easier or safer to you, sure, go ahead.09:08
Nooby_One_Noobyit's just, i'm readingg the link that you have sent, and i'm not sure i'm be able to handle some steps that are required when keeping the data. It seems easier to just do a complete install09:11
Nooby_One_Noobylike my name says "noob"09:12
auronandaceNooby_One_Nooby: what steps are you having problems with?09:16
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Nooby_One_Noobyit's not having problem with (as i did not start yet), it's the uncertainty of my capacity with any step that involves taking action instead of accepting an automated process09:22
auronandaceNooby_One_Nooby: i suppose the less steps the better for you09:23
Nooby_One_Noobyyou supposed correctly lol09:23
Nooby_One_Noobyhowever, my first bump ... i'm missing about 50gb on my windows partition09:24
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=== sahil_ is now known as sahil-gupta98
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alkisgSuccessful :)09:32
snahil_indoria\nick obama09:32
ojeakyunCan I ask about DE stuff here or is this channel purely for issues?10:04
bazhangojeakyun, what sort of DE stuff10:05
ojeakyunwhether Unity DE will still be available after Ubuntu switches to modded Gnome10:05
ylwghstcurrently is stil available10:06
ylwghstsudo apt install unity10:08
akikojeakyun: it'll be available in 16.04 for about 3 years10:08
ojeakyunand after those 3 years?10:08
akikojeakyun: well do you have a time machine?10:09
ylwghstwill be dropped probably10:10
ojeakyunTime will have to tell I guess, thanks even though it wasn't really a support issue10:12
akikojeakyun: i meant 16.04 will go end-of-life in 3 years10:13
ojeakyunI mainly use the Unity DE so I'm worried whether it will be available for versions after 16.0410:15
akikojeakyun: probably not from ubuntu but there is some smaller project who might keep it alive10:16
thelinuxboxGood morning10:19
jeremiesHow to share files between two users of the same computer with mount --bind ?10:20
EriC^^jeremies: put them in a dir both can access, no need for mount --bind10:22
jeremiesEriC^^: but then I have to change the permissions on the files and this is somewhat messy10:23
EriC^^jeremies: mount --bind doesn't change that10:24
jeremiesEriC^^: And bindfs ?10:25
EriC^^jeremies: do you only want the second user to have read-only access?10:26
jeremiesEriC^^: No, write access too.10:27
EriC^^jeremies: i've never used bindfs, seems a little complicated10:29
EriC^^jeremies: i guess it could do the job, it does say on the site it makes stuff a little slower though10:32
jeremiesEriC^^: thank you, I will try it10:32
EriC^^jeremies: no problem10:33
jeremiesEriC^^: I don't know, I can do it with traditional file permissions, but then I have to change all the permissions of files inside the folders, and this I don't know if sensible files can get affected10:36
EriC^^jeremies: what kind of files are they?10:36
EriC^^jeremies: you could always save the permissions of all the files, using 'getfacl' and then 'setfacl' to set them all back the way they were if things dont work out10:38
jeremiesEriC^^: They are files inside the home folder, but have a variety of permissions, some are applications, I don't know because I am not the owner of the files10:38
jeremiesEriC^^: I don't know if it's a good idea to change the permissions in a massive way.10:38
EriC^^jeremies: yeah, definitely, though i think you could get by with adding an extra group to them all10:40
akikjeremies: there's a way to keep the group permissions the same. use chmod g+s dir, then put you  users in the same user group and set umask 002 for both of your users10:40
EriC^^jeremies: i dont know, bindfs is sounding a lot better right now, minus the performance loss issue10:40
akikjeremies: files/dirs created under that dir will keep the same group owner10:41
EriC^^jeremies: yeah alkisg brings a good point, just add user1 to the main user's group, i bet all the files are rwx for the group anyways10:41
EriC^^and the g+s so the groups stay the same when user1 makes something new10:42
jeremiesbut if some file is only user read and write, then user2 can't read that file, isn't it?10:43
EriC^^jeremies: true10:43
EriC^^sorry i meant to say akik brings up a good point :)10:44
Coolerhow do you set up a vpn on ubuntu WITHOUT custom vpn client software like OpenVPN?10:46
jeremiesEric^^: How to force that all files created on a folder are owned by a particular user and group independently of the user that created it?11:19
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
jeremiesHow to share a directory like samba shares but within the same computer between two local users?11:34
Mikeleveljeremies~ im not sure but... you can make a group for this two users and give permissions for a concrete folder11:39
vimartjeremies: create a group with your user id name and add users you want to share files with to this group. Of course don't forget change the permissions of the shared folder.11:41
jeremiesvimart: but then if a user2 creates a file in my shared folder, then user owner of this file is user2 not me.11:43
EriC^jeremies: if you set g+s the created file will have the same group as the parent dir11:44
jeremiesEriC^: yes, but not the same user owner as the parent dir11:44
EriC^jeremies: yeah11:44
EriC^but both users can access the files11:45
=== DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson
jeremiesEric^: but if you have a file that has no group permissions then one user can't access the files11:51
jeremiesEric^: how to force that all new created files have the same group and user permissions11:52
EriC^jeremies: set the dir to g+s11:52
EriC^jeremies: when you set the setgid bit any created dirs or files will be created with the same group as the parent dir11:53
jeremiesEriC^: And umask 002 what is it for?11:59
momomoanyone knows of any good list of API with access-control-allow-origin:*12:01
momomoi need to be able to search on a term (homework)12:01
bonhoefferif i want to have multiple private vm's, is ubuntu the way to go for each vm -- not sure if i want virtualbox, kvm, qubes, etc12:01
alkisgbonhoeffer: VMs with desktops for users, or servers?12:10
bonhoefferalkisg: i would like to have different machines each totally separated for the different work I do12:14
bonhoeffersecurity is important12:14
EriC^jeremies: it's for newly created files so they have permissions 77012:15
EriC^jeremies: sorry 77512:15
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jeremiesEriC^: is it a good idea to chmod -R g+rws /home/shared ?12:34
jeremiesalkisg:  is it a good idea to chmod -R g+rws /home/shared ?12:35
alkisgjeremies: are you using ltsp-manager? do I remember well?12:36
alkisgIt has internal sharing abilities12:36
alkisgYou can create shared folders from its dialog12:36
alkisgIt's using bindfs to manage permissions without having the owners etc issues12:36
jeremiesalkisg: but it's in another computer the issue12:37
alkisgOK; anyway that's the best method I found and implemented for shared folders12:37
alkisgAll the others have various issues12:37
jeremiesalkisg: bindfs do you mean?12:38
alkisg!info bindfs12:38
ubottubindfs (source: bindfs): mirrors or overlays a local directory with altered permissions. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13.5-1 (artful), package size 27 kB, installed size 67 kB12:38
jeremiesbut if you use bindfs then when you umount that directory the permissions are all mixed12:39
jeremiesalkisg: it's not a problem?12:39
alkisgNo, because the files will be created using the owner and group that you specify in bindfs12:40
alkisgSo even if another user creates the file, both the bindfs mount and the underlying dir will have correct permissions12:40
alkisgSo the permissions will be constant. Not mixed at all.12:40
jeremiesalkisg: I am using this command " sudo bindfs -o perms=0700,mirror-only=user1:user2:user3 /home/shared /home/shared" and the permissions are mixed12:41
jeremiesalkisg: what command do you use?12:42
dekatchhi, may i get help to modify a command i found on askubuntu.com? found on this thread https://askubuntu.com/questions/397602/how-do-i-copy-top-x-files-from-a-directory-to-another-using-terminal-command?12:45
dekatchfollowing command #find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | head -1000 | xargs cp -t foo_dir12:45
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FManPermission denied!!!12:47
dekatchwhat i want to modify is that it only copies the first file. changing it to [...] head -1 [...] solves this.. now how could i modify the command to do the fine in all subdirectorys?12:47
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BluesKajHi folks and Merry Christmas!13:01
MonkeyDustand to you BluesKaj13:01
BluesKajHi MonkeyDust13:01
pedrocris there a way to blacklist UAS in usb_storage on the live cd?13:02
pedrocrI have an enclosure that doesn't work properly with UAS enabled and wanted to use the live cd to do a clone13:02
HyperHorseBluesKaj, asl? :-P13:03
BluesKajHyperHorse, we don't do asl13:04
HyperHorsefuck windows 1013:04
MonkeyDustpedrocr  i'm not familiar with it myself, but found this ... https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=223813413:04
HyperHorseand fuck microsoft for making this infernal piece of shit13:04
MonkeyDustHyperHorse  mind your language13:05
BluesKajHyperHorse,, wtach the laguage13:05
pedrocrMonkeyDust: those are for when you have a writeable system13:05
HyperHorsewtf is this, a church?13:05
MonkeyDust!coc | HyperHorse13:05
ubottuHyperHorse: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv13:05
pedrocrMonkeyDust: they problem with the live image is that you can't edit it and can't reload usb_storage because it's used for the pen drive I'm booting from13:05
pedrocrgoing to try the 17.10 live image instead in case that kernel has this fixed13:06
alkisgpedrocr: what is uas?13:06
HyperHorseoh yeah, etiquette13:06
BluesKajno, but it's family oriented13:06
HyperHorsehow about releasing a ROM that doesn't have issues with AMD gpu's13:06
pedrocralkisg: usb attached scsi apparently13:06
alkisgpedrocr: so it's a module that you want to specify options for? You can put break=mount in initramfs and do it at that point13:07
HyperHorsewindows 10 is not letting me format a hdd!!!!13:07
pedrocralkisg: on the live cd?13:07
pedrocrfrom the grub menu?13:07
alkisggrub or syslinux menu, yes13:07
alkisgWhat exactly do you want to do?13:08
alkisgJust add it to blacklist.conf?13:08
pedrocralkisg: make sure usb_storage gets loaded with quirks=174c:5136:u13:08
pedrocrI can't edit blacklist.conf in the live cd13:08
HyperHorsei've tried Ubuntu13:08
HyperHorseand KDE13:08
pedrocrwell I can with some large surgery13:08
alkisgpedrocr:  Sure you can, in a live manner13:08
HyperHorsenothing wants to install13:08
alkisgpedrocr: from the grub menu you can edit the kernel options13:09
pedrocralkisg: was trying to avoid having to do this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization13:09
MonkeyDustHyperHorse  start from the beginning, what brings you here13:09
alkisgpedrocr: you don't need to create a new cd13:09
pedrocralkisg: and there's a kernel option to pass an option to a module that's not yet loaded?13:09
HyperHorsewindows audio service won't work13:09
HyperHorsei've tried all these "suggestions"13:09
HyperHorseand looking to install linux13:09
alkisgpedrocr: you just press "e" on grub or "tab" in syslinux, and either pass module options in the cmdline, or pass break=mount and edit blacklist.conf in initramfs13:10
HyperHorseto see if my audio issue is a hardware, or an OS issue13:10
HyperHorse disclaimer- i am a complete linux NOOB13:10
alkisgpedrocr: yes of course the module parameters can be specified in the kernel before they're loaded13:10
pedrocralkisg: sounds good, will do that if the 17.10 live cd doesn't have a fixed kernel13:10
pedrocralkisg: do you have a reference for how to pass module parameters in the kernel cmd?13:10
jeremiesalkisg: please help I tried with option force-user but the user in the umounted directory is mixed13:11
alkisgpedrocr: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.14/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.html13:11
alkisgpedrocr: (kernel command line) usbcore.blinkenlights=113:12
alkisgThat's specifying a parameter to usbcore module13:12
alkisgjeremies: I made a utility for shared folders, I'm not interested in re-doing it manually... :)13:12
pedrocralkisg: thanks, will try that13:13
pedrocrugh, writing a live cd to a slow pen drive makes the system half unresponsive13:13
pedrocrsomething is really wrong with the default IO priorities13:13
MonkeyDustHyperHorse  keep it in the channel13:13
HyperHorsehow about you type a response of some kind?13:14
HyperHorseor are you too proud to say, i have no idea?13:14
alkisgHyperHorse: that attitude is certain to NOT get you any help here13:14
HyperHorseall i want back is  AUDIO13:14
HyperHorsenothing is fun without AUDIO13:14
alkisgWe are volunteers, we don't need to listen to rants or swears etc13:15
HyperHorsewell you think people who need help are totally happy?13:15
alkisgThat's all I had to say. Better attitude => more chances to get help.13:15
HyperHorsei paid for windows 7 and then this "free upgrade" of windows 10... and this shit happens... you think i'm going to be happy???13:15
jeremiesalkisg: what is the utility?13:15
alkisgjeremies: ltsp-manager13:16
HyperHorseyou have no idea of all the things i have tried in the last 2 1/2- 3 days13:16
alkisg(specifically, its shared-folders service)13:16
auronandaceHyperHorse: have you tried asking in ##windows regarding your audio issue? (seems a little drastic to me to completely swap your OS because audio doesn't work)13:16
HyperHorseauronandace, thanks for the channel13:17
jeremiesalkisg: but in this computer i don't have installed ltsp13:17
alkisgjeremies: ok; i'm just saying I'm not interested in re-doing it manually...13:17
alkisgIf you want only part of ltsp-manager, you can read its code and extract the parts you need13:18
alkisgE.g. how to use bindfs, how to call it as a service etc etc13:18
BluesKajHyperHorse, have you tried partitoning with gparted live media?13:20
HyperHorsepartitioning an ntfs drive with something i've never heard of?13:21
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php13:21
HyperHorseno i have not13:24
HyperHorsewhat does that hav eto do with anything?13:24
riz0nGood morning. I am having a really weird issue out of a couple of Ubuntu systems. When I 'apt-get update', it fails to fetch package lists, returning 404 Not Found. Surely there is an easy way to resolve this.13:24
HyperHorsesomething's up with the update servers?13:25
HyperHorsexmas maintenance?13:25
HyperHorseauronandace, the op   on ##windows is a fucking asshole13:26
MonkeyDustHyperHorse  your language, really13:26
ducasseHyperHorse: please watch the language13:26
HyperHorsedont u have some turkey to eat?13:26
BluesKajan idiot13:28
pedrocralkisg: doing usb-storage.quirks=... on the livecd grub cmd line worked, thanks13:28
BluesKajcan't do it 'cause he never heard of it13:28
pothiboHello, I'm trying to map select-all (ctrl-a) to super-a. I can't find it in gsettings, and I'm trying to figure out where it could be stored. Any idea?13:29
pauljwhe didn't want help13:29
pedrocrshould probably open a bug report to get yet another of these enclosure chips blacklisted in the kernel13:29
pedrocrat 7MB/s this will take a while, guess that's what the UAS was for13:31
poswhat is the proper way of upgrading the xorg hwe stack on xenial?13:32
ioriahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1584557   pedrocr , see if it fits you13:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1584557 in linux (Ubuntu) "Seagate external drive causes SCSI bus resets when UAS enabled" [Medium,Confirmed]13:32
pedrocrpos: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack13:33
pedrocrioria: that's the same issue on another device13:34
ioriapedrocr, i see13:34
riz0nSolved my problem. Misconfigured firewall traffic rule between DMZ and LAN :)13:41
alkisgpedrocr: you're welcome13:53
azizLIGHTis there a way i can use an android phone to unlock/lock my desktop at will on demand (like a widget/button/notification), instead of typing my password on the keyboard at the login screen14:03
azizLIGHTim aware of blueproximity and dont want something passive14:13
maziarI have NVIDIA Corporation GM107GL how can I install it ?14:13
xixorsup.  Just wondering about the 17.10 bios bug, is it still a concern if you're installing in a VMWare VM?  My googling wasn't conclusive.  cheers14:17
akikxixor: no it's not a problem in a vm14:18
azizLIGHTi guess if i knew how to code i could build it myself14:19
azizLIGHTi know how it should work: widget on home screen of phone (protected by pin lock screen) opens ssh connection to ubuntu desktop (only works if on the same network or vpned to network) by ssh keys, then issues some command to unlock to desktop14:21
jpt9Any idea if the 17.10 BIOS bug affects the ThinkPad X220?  (I don't believe it has an Insyde BIOS -- I don't have the machine with me, but I believe it has a Phoenix BIOS.)14:21
azizLIGHTcan you actually unlock to the desktop using ssh14:21
ikoniaI don't see how you could unlock the dektop with ssh14:26
ikoniait's awaiting an input to an X11 session14:26
Nooby_One_Nooby@alkisg, still present and active?14:28
azizLIGHTikonia: oh i see hmm14:29
Nooby_One_Noobyor @auronandance?14:29
azizLIGHTNooby_One_Nooby: what irc client are you using14:29
xixorakik: thanks, cheers14:29
Nooby_One_Noobyuhm ... ? xchat in ubuntu 1414:29
azizLIGHTah ok, interesting to see the @ prefix before a nick14:30
azizLIGHTin irc14:30
ikoniapeople often type it14:30
Nooby_One_Noobyi don't know the correct prefix, just using the @ to try to address them personally14:30
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: just say the name, eg: ikonia hi14:30
Nooby_One_Noobyikonia hi14:31
ikoniathere you go, that work14:31
Nooby_One_Noobyikonia merry xmass ;)14:31
ikoniaand to you14:31
Nooby_One_Noobyanyway, general question, just referred to them because they helped me out earlier today14:31
Nooby_One_Noobyubuntu 14, dual boot ... want to upgrade14:32
Nooby_One_Noobyjust finished the backup of important files14:32
Nooby_One_Noobyso, now i go to the ubuntu site and choose the option "download" (version 16)?14:32
ikonia!upgrade | Nooby_One_Nooby14:33
ubottuNooby_One_Nooby: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:33
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: have a read of the URL's ubottu's just offered you14:33
rommelmajor difference from 16 to 17... Nooby_One_Nooby you should read up  bit14:33
Nooby_One_Noobythe second link does not work ... i receive a blank page in my browser (blank, not a "connection interupted" or things like that)14:34
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: second link works fine14:34
azizLIGHTit redirects to https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-upgrading-ubuntu-desktop#0 for me14:34
Nooby_One_Noobyrommel upgrading from 14 to 16, actually what i want to do14:34
Nooby_One_Noobyikonia i know that the links works fine with other people, i received the link earlier today, refresh, etc, but on my end i got nothing14:35
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: check the other links14:35
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:35
rommelwhen did ubuntu start using systemd14:35
Nooby_One_Noobythe first link from ubottu works fine, the second not14:35
ikoniarommel: 16.04 I think14:35
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: ok - use the first14:35
rommelNooby_One_Nooby, so that will be another difference, systemd that is. though as an end user it may not matter14:36
Nooby_One_Noobythe first only gives info to upgrade from 14 to 1514:36
azizLIGHTikonia: i found this to unlock gui from ssh: https://askubuntu.com/questions/862944/how-to-unlock-screen-in-ubuntu-14-04-lts-using-command-line14:36
azizLIGHTnot sure which answer is still relevant but it looks like theres some possibility14:37
rommelNooby_One_Nooby, if you have backed up maybe clean install would be best14:37
ikoniaazizLIGHT: reasonably sure that won't work, try it14:37
Nooby_One_Noobylike my name suggests, i'm a noob... the question is, suffices to use the ubuntu site, and click on the download button there?14:38
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: no14:38
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: READ the link14:38
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: that tells you what to do14:38
Richard_CavellHi everyone. I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 (on the metal, not virtualized) on an 11 year old iMac. How can I be sure that OpenGL is being accelerated correctly?14:38
Nooby_One_Noobyindeed Rommel, i really need a clean install, since i have many issues with many applications14:38
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: clean install, you'll need new media14:38
ikonia!install | Nooby_One_Nooby14:39
ubottuNooby_One_Nooby: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:39
rommelNooby_One_Nooby, so 16.04lts will be the last version before unity is dropped14:39
rommelpersonally though i liked unity i have always liked gnome so i like 17.1014:40
rommelNooby_One_Nooby, dvd is possibly easiest so an iso or iso to usb if your hardware supports it14:43
lucidguyyay, my two linux boxes and windows10 box auto clean shutdown if there is a power out.14:50
lucidguyI can sleep better at night knowing that I will never suffer from data loss due to a power out14:50
azizLIGHTdid you follow a guide lucidguy ?14:51
lucidguyazizLIGHT: Umm man files some google searches, using an ancient apc smartups1000.  Getting the Windows box to come from a linux call was cool14:52
lucidguyand once box was the nfs server, so it had to come down last or the other linux box would hang, nothing the sleep command could not solve14:52
lucidguyAnd I get push notifications when I'm onbattery and off.. or if the shutdown sequence is triggered14:53
Nooby_One_Noobyrommel i don't have access to dvd nor usb15:01
Nooby_One_Noobyikonia what do you mean with new install i need new "media"?15:02
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: you need media to install from15:02
Nooby_One_Noobyikonia "media"? do you mean dvd, usb, etc?15:02
Nooby_One_Noobyikonia, don't have access to those items15:03
Nooby_One_Noobyis there no other way?15:03
ikoniahow do you expect to install a clean install without any media ?15:03
aroraHello Necm15:04
Necmi have problem15:04
aroraWhat problems do you have?15:05
aroraNecm: ^^15:06
Necmhow i can remove /dev/vda1        20G   19G     0 100% ???15:07
Nooby_One_Noobyikonia i don't expect anything, i really don't know the ways. I just now that i don't have access to media15:07
Necmi cant use tabl15:08
Necm cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device15:08
Necmits very absurd15:08
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: wait until you get some media then, a DVD, a USB, something15:08
ikoniaNecm: so part of your disk is full15:08
ikoniaNecm: have a look which part and house keep it15:08
Nooby_One_Noobyand if i do an upgrade, does that automatically mean that the upgrade will show the same errors i have in my ubuntu now?15:09
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: depends on the problems and the reasons you have those problems15:09
Necmikonia:   ?15:10
Necmhow can i clean15:10
Nooby_One_Noobythe problems, ikonia: lot's of programs crash, some don't work (certainly because my incompetence of understanding the terminal, but yet so)15:10
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: so a clean install seems a better way15:11
ikoniaNooby_One_Nooby: start a fresh with your data backed up (personal view)15:11
ikoniaNecm: what part of the disk is full ?15:11
Nooby_One_Noobylooking at the ubuntu site, ikonia, there is also an option, according to them, to use a network installer15:11
Necmikonia: i use vps15:14
MonkeyDustNooby_One_Nooby  there's this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot15:14
Nooby_One_Noobymonkeydust your link, at the beginning, gives a note "... sparc machine ..." ... what's a sparc machine?15:17
RovanionAny idea why debootstrap xenial /mnt would leave me with a system in /mnt without apt?15:22
Nooby_One_Noobyfor a noob as me, the network install seems way too complicated, so i'll try to find a dvd the next few days, burn the 16 iso and install15:25
Nooby_One_Noobythere's only 2 things left to do15:25
Nooby_One_Noobythanks to all who helped me out15:25
Nooby_One_Noobyand the second thing: a very merry xmass to all!!! (i'm on my way already to make it a very merry one indeed!)15:26
Cobraxwhen i want to install a repo to install latest version of certain software15:27
Cobraxwhat are those called?15:27
CobraxI keep forgetting...15:27
CobraxPPA, nevermind15:28
r3muxdHello! I'm trying to boot Lubuntu 16.04 LTS on my PowerPC iMac. However, no matter what I do, I get a kernel panic.15:31
r3muxdend Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(2,0)15:31
r3muxdIf I wait a few minutes, I see a message saying "random: Nonblocking pool initalized".15:32
TJ-r3muxd: The latter message you can ignore.. The issue is the kernel cannot find the root file system (VFS = Virtual File System layer of the kernel)15:36
r3muxdIt's a LiveCD though.15:36
Rovanionr3muxd: Try to validate the contents of the livecd15:37
r3muxdChecked md5sums15:37
r3muxdand burnt it twice15:37
r3muxdboth give the same erro15:37
TJ-r3muxd: is this on a DVD, not a USB device?15:37
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
r3muxdi tried both15:38
r3muxdi burned it to a usb and cd15:38
RovanionSince you've tried multiple times its unlikely, something can go wrong when burning/flashing it. Therefore it is recommended to validate the image from the GRUB boot menu.15:38
r3muxdI checked the md5sum of the iso15:39
r3muxdbut also i don't boot into grub15:39
r3muxdit boots into something called "yaboot" when i start the livecd15:39
EriC^how are you making the live usb?15:40
EriC^try linuxlive usb creator15:40
Rovanionr3muxd: Checking the md5sum of the iso is different to validating the contents of the actual storage device.15:41
r3muxdbut why would the cd fail in the same way?15:41
TJ-r3muxd: when it boots have you tried holding down the 'C' key to get to the yaboot command line? Then you can boot an alterntive config15:41
TJ-r3muxd: and all options fail in the same way?15:42
r3muxdi've tried "live", "live-nosplash-powerpc", "live video=ofonly", and "live-nosplash-powerpc video=ofonly"15:42
r3muxdboth on cd and usb15:42
TJ-I have to agree with Rovanion, first you should confirm the image in the USB/CD matches the checksum of the ISO file. It's a pain, but well worth it, if only to give you confidence15:43
r3muxdi'm using imgburn to create an iso of the cd15:43
r3muxdright now15:43
TJ-r3muxd: this is how I check a written image (on USB) which has to only read the number of bytes in the ISO: "DEV=sdX; ISO=live.iso; dd if=/dev/$DEV bs=$(stat -c %s $ISO) count=1 | md5sum -"15:46
r3muxdlength of iso and cd match up15:47
TuxDHello. I am trying to connect a headset on Ubuntu. I can't seem to get the microphone to work together with the headphones. Does anyone know how can I solve this?15:47
TJ-TuxD: what kind of headset?15:48
TuxDlifechat lx 300015:48
r3muxdmd5sums match as well15:49
TuxDI don't recall if it is 2000 or 3000, but that is the brand.15:49
TJ-TuxD: USB? Bluetooth? analogue 3.5mm audio ?15:49
TuxD3.5mm jack15:49
alkisgr3muxd: I don't know yaboot. But, if you can edit the options, can you put "break=mount" in it, so that you get an initramfs shell, from where you could see if you can see the usb stick/cd?15:50
alkisgr3muxd: normally, I would press "e" on grub or "tab" on syslinux to add "break=mount" there15:50
TuxDI use this adapter: https://images-eu.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71OzToE0ojL._SY355_.jpg15:50
TuxDI have Realtek drivers on Windows 10. On Ubuntu I don't know...15:51
TJ-TuxD: does your PC have a 4-way audio socket then? One that has both stereo audio out and mono microphone in ?15:51
RovanionDoes anyone know why debootstrap xenial /mnt would leave me with a system in /mnt without apt?15:52
r3muxdI added break=mount.15:52
r3muxdSame error as before, but now the unknown block error message is 1,0 instead of 2,0.15:52
r3muxdAlso, it says "initrd.img (something i can't remember) -28 != (some large number)15:53
TJ-TuxD: Does the pulseaudio sound settings 'input' tab show multiple input sources? if so have you tried them all? Also, have you selected the correct profile for analogue stereo out + analogue input ?15:53
TJ-r3muxd: oooo, that's an interesting one15:53
alkisgr3muxd: so, with break=mount, you *didn't* get an initramfs> shell?15:54
r3muxdmd5sums matches15:54
r3muxdmaybe it's just a yaboot thing15:54
alkisgThat sounds like a broken loader then15:54
TJ-r3muxd: that sounds like yaboot might be telling you the initrd.img (initial ramdisk) is the wrong size (on-media vs in-memory) - this is a guess though15:54
alkisgNot inability to locate the stick/cd15:54
r3muxda length of -28?15:54
r3muxdi have the error now15:54
TJ-r3muxd: i'd think that's a return value (we often make errors negative)15:55
TuxDTJ-, I have "Analog Stereo Duplex" on the profile. The 'input' tab shows "Internal microphone" and "Microphone". If I select "Microphone" I lose the sound.15:55
alkisgr3muxd: btw, do you have a way to upload a screenshot, e.g. from a phone?15:55
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.15:55
alkisgOK, that would help...15:56
r3muxdinitrd.image: Incomplete write (-28 != 23042771)15:57
alkisgTry googling the exact error15:57
r3muxd\/initrd.image: Incomplete write (-28 != 23042771)15:57
TJ-r3muxd: how much RAM does the iMac have?15:57
r3muxdchecking now15:58
TJ-r3muxd: something like this maybe?15:59
TJ-RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 015:59
TJ-RAMDISK: incomplete write (-28 != 32768) 838860815:59
TJ-RAMDISK: ran out of compressed data15:59
r3muxdbut only the second error there15:59
r3muxdand replace RAMDISK with /initrd.image15:59
r3muxd256 MB of ram15:59
r3muxddon't tell me15:59
alkisgHeh :)15:59
r3muxdi have to use the alternate image15:59
alkisgOn i386, 150 MB are needed to uncompress the image, maybe yaboot is different; but 256 is too little to be something useful anyway...16:00
TJ-r3muxd: Yes, you do. The article I'm reading from 2009 says it worked once they upgraded the RAM16:00
r3muxdminor issue16:00
r3muxdi'm trying to boot the lubuntu livecd to use gparted16:01
alkisgUse an older version...16:01
TJ-r3muxd: might be easier and quicker to physically move the disk to a decent PC for that, then move it back :)16:01
r3muxdand the hard drive is not accessible without dismantling the machine16:02
r3muxdand i'm running osx 10.4 which won't resize partitions16:02
r3muxdand i have no rescue cd for mac os16:02
TJ-r3muxd: that's how I did a similar ppc imac install :) used the qemu ppc virtual machine to run the installer16:02
r3muxdis there any way for me to resize a hfs+ partition with 256 mb of ram16:05
ikoniaI wouldn't trust HFS on linux to resize a file system16:06
ikoniaI'd suggest you do it with a mac16:06
ikoniabut thats just my personal opinion16:06
TJ-r3muxd: can the imac do a network boot?16:06
lennykittyHi, I'm on linux and adb recogonizes my device but fastboot does not.16:08
r3muxdno ethernet16:08
ikoniafastboot is a bios otion isn't it ?16:09
ikoniawhat's adb ?16:09
TJ-android debug bridge16:10
ikoniaso where does ubuntu come into this ?16:10
ikoniaam I missing context ?16:11
TJ-lennykitty: usually it's an issue with the USB idea the device is reporting, and the fastboot/udev rules16:11
Rovanionlennykitty: You're probably better off asking in #android.16:11
TJ-ikonia: the tools are Linux or accessing the Android device over USB16:11
lennykittywaiting for a answer there yah16:11
ikoniaTJ-: fastboot ? isn't that a bios option16:11
TJ-lennykitty: which release of ubuntu are you using?16:12
ikoniaor is that an android thing as well16:12
Rovanionlennykitty: But make sure you are part of the user groups, and have logged in and out once, that are needed to do device development.16:12
TJ-ikonia: no, it's a tool for Android to access the device before the OS loads; allows writing new firmware to the device16:12
Rovanionlennykitty: Make sure you are part of the group plugdev.16:12
ikoniaTJ-: only ever seen the bios option, never as an "app"16:12
lennykittyRovanion: how can I add a user to that group16:13
TJ-ikonia: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_software_development#Fastboot16:13
ikoniaTJ-: thanks16:13
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
mridu__Hi folks. I am new to this group at have a query regarding the use of crontab16:48
mridu__I have checked askubuntu forum but I am still unable to get through16:48
ikoniawhat's the question16:49
mridu__I have a Python script that takes the environment variables. And after that sends a email notification to my gmail.16:51
mridu__I want this script to run daily16:51
malwar3hun73rany ntop/nprobe users here?16:52
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: on occasion,16:52
mridu__environment variables that it takes include api key, mailto, mail account16:52
ikoniamridu__: ok16:53
malwar3hun73rikonia, i'm trying to run it locally receiving flow from my router16:53
malwar3hun73rikonia, i'm running nprobe and ntopng... nprobe receives from router and sends locally to ntopng16:53
mridu__so on bash I tried doing crontab -e and in single line wrote 00 23 * * * export mailto = "mymailid", export api_key=" "  and in the end /path/to/my/script16:54
ikoniamridu__: don't do that way16:55
ikoniamridu__: write a script and call the script from cron16:55
Mathisenuse systemd Timers instead of cron16:55
ikoniayou'll find it a lot lot easier16:55
mridu__thanks. how that needs to be done16:55
mridu__I tried copying my script to /etc/cron.daily but that didn't work either16:57
ikoniamridu__: do you need it executing at a specific time or any time once a day16:57
malwar3hun73rikonia, many of the ntop visualizations appear to not be working - i'm trying to determine if bug in ntop or common with my setup... i.e., i'm not getting "live" flows, rather i'm getting them from my router as it sends them16:57
mridu__either ways it's okay. I just want it to work daily. Daily 5:00 am would be good enough if possible.16:58
ikoniamridu__: then just put the script somehwere safe and set the cron to call it every day at 5 am16:58
ikoniait's one line in the crontab16:58
mridu__@ikonia how?16:59
ikoniamridu__: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron the overview section is useful16:59
malwar3hun73rikonia, for example "Recently Active Flows" is always empty (even though i know i'm getting flows) and the tracker at the bottom shows "0 bps [0pps]" - when, again,  i am getting data and most other things work17:00
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: I'm only half following (sorry) how do you know you're getting the flows ?17:00
malwar3hun73rikonia, is this just an artifact of the bursts of flow data i get from nprobe from my router rather than sniffing an interface17:00
malwar3hun73rikonia, because tcpdump shows them arriving and many other dashboards within ntop seem to function correctly17:01
malwar3hun73ri.e., i can see total bandwidth used per host17:01
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: so from memory you can run ntop in debug mode to see it analyise the flows, I've not got the app to hand to check the syntax17:01
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: is it possible it's getting them but not configured/getting the right format to actually process them17:02
mridu__ikonia: hmm... I was doing that only. But it didn't seem to work. I could not get how to export env variables. Do I need to create a bash script17:02
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: I had ntop using pcap and it was presenting data in the wrong format until I changed the syntax and ntop came to life17:02
ikoniamridu__: yes, as I said create a script then call the script17:02
malwar3hun73rikonia, maybe that's the issue - is that a setting through the webui or in cli when launching?17:02
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: I had it as command arguments, but I believe (I'm working from memory - sorry) you can also built it into a config file17:04
mridu__ok. I am new to writing bash script. Can you please tell me what all things should the bash script include?17:04
malwar3hun73rikonia, ntop documentation sucks - on their own website most of the articles are from 2010 and seem to no longer apply17:04
ikoniamridu__: same way you do it on the command line, a script is just a squence of commands17:04
ikoniamridu__: eg: var = something17:04
malwar3hun73rikonia, i say that so as to not have you think i'm asking something i could just google - i have been looking/researching17:04
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: I don't doubt it, I remember having to work to get the info on it,17:05
mridu__so export MAILTO = "myemail id"17:05
ikoniamridu__: that works17:05
mridu__will try out and ping again. Thanks a lot for help :)17:06
ikoniamridu__: if you have problems or get stuck, just ask17:09
malwar3hun73rikonia, i'm using softflow to send the netflow could that be an issue?17:11
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: I don't know softflow, but if I assume it works the same as lib pcap - you may have the same problem as me17:11
mridu__I created a script that has all the needed env variables. And have saved it in the same folder where I have my python script17:13
malwar3hun73rikonia, well, i'll be around, if you happen to remember it, please ping me17:13
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: I will, I don't have access to the machines that have it configured, sorry17:13
skinuxCan anyone explain why at times, I get DNS failure errors for a while, that later go away? Sometimes it required restarting, sometimes not.17:16
skinuxThis is the only machine in the network that has the issue. I also tested that while rebooting wasn't working for Ubuntu, Windows had no trouble.17:16
mridu__ikonia: now in crontab -e should I write 00 23 * * * usr/bin/sh  home/mridu/challenges/16/getenv.sh home/mridu/challenges/16/build_vocabulary.py17:20
malwar3hun73rikonia, it seems like when i get a packet of netflow from the router, the charts that are not working (which seem to be more of the real-timey stuff) work for a bit and then stop17:22
malwar3hun73rthis definitely (i think) has something to do with the data not being live and rather being sent from an external source17:23
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: you don't need /usr/bin/sh17:24
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: you put the she bang in the script17:24
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: interesting17:24
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: sorry, that wasn't for you17:24
exintahi, can a symlink somehow show the thumbnail as original file does?17:24
malwar3hun73rnot me...17:24
exintain thunar17:24
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: the intereting comment was for you17:24
ikoniamridu__: you don't need the /usr/bin/bash in the crontb, you put the shebang in the script17:24
mridu__is shebang this '#!/bin/bash'?17:26
malwar3hun73rikonia, was it possibly related to the configuration of timeouts (lifetime and idle)17:27
malwar3hun73rikonia, actually none of the "flow" related stuff seems to be working17:31
malwar3hun73rikonia, i am able to view traffic stats (bandwidth,etc), but if i click on any charge that says "flow" it just doesn't work17:32
malwar3hun73rikonia, not hounding you... just hoping maybe i jog your memory17:32
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: I'm pondering17:35
ikoniamridu__: yes17:35
exintawhy cannot foxit reader open symlinks?17:37
exintait says file not found17:38
alkisgWhat is the output of ls -l /path/to/symlink?17:38
realm174Hi All. Win10 / Ubuntu 17.10 dual boot. I need to downgrade Ubuntu to 16.04. I don't care about any data/apps installed on linux partition. What's the best approach?17:38
ikoniarealm174: re-install is the only approach17:38
alkisgrealm174: you can't downgrade, so reinstall. typing too slow :D17:38
mridu__It isn't working still17:39
mridu__my crontab -e has 07 23 * * * home/mridu/challenges/16/getenv.sh home/mridu/challenges/16/build_vocabulary.py17:39
realm174Thanks guys. Will that mess up grub?17:39
ikoniamridu__: define "it isn't working17:39
ikoniamridu__: no17:39
alkisgrealm174: no17:39
realm174great, thanks!17:39
ikoniamridu__: I told you - write a script that does the whole thing17:39
alkisgmridu__: did you forget the / before home?17:39
ikoniamridu__: you're calling two scripts that don't know anything about each other17:39
mridu__getenv.sh is the script17:40
mridu__oh no17:40
ikoniamridu__: then when why do you have a python script after it ?17:40
mridu__alkisg: yes17:40
mridu__that is the python file I have to run. Which will send an email17:40
ikoniamridu__: so write a script that sets the envs and calls the python script17:41
ikoniaso you just call "do-it-all.sh"17:41
mridu__ikonia: ok17:42
mridu__so, /path/to/python/file needs to be added in the do-it-all.sh script17:42
ikoniamridu__: yes17:42
mridu__along with vairables I am exporting17:43
ikoniamridu__: pastebin your script17:43
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
mridu__ikonia: https://pastebin.com/z9Hh9riu17:45
ikoniamridu__: no, pastebin the full contents of the fule17:46
mridu__python file or the bash one I created?17:47
ikoniathe shell script that sets the environment variables and calls the python script17:47
mridu__ikonia: https://pastebin.com/6hdKZ13a17:52
axisyshow do I find out how long my system is up since restored from suspend?18:01
TJ-axisys: I think you'd have to parse the kernel log messages18:02
EriC^axisys: try "grep Awake /var/log/pm-suspend.log"18:02
axisysEriC^: there is no pm-suspend.log file in xenial18:02
axisysTJ-: can you suggest a string to grep? huge log file18:03
axisysmostly filled with apparmor messages18:04
mridu__ikonia: https://pastebin.com/gazqTERb this is the bash script18:04
TJ-axisys: I've not suspended this one recently so not sure, but "resumed from suspend" should be close18:04
axisysgrep -i suspend kern.log found nothing18:05
axisysgot it.. need to query through compressed ones too18:09
axisyszgrep -i suspend /var/log/kern.log*18:09
EriC^^axisys: try dmesg -T | grep suspend18:09
axisysEriC^^: nawp.. guess mine rotates fast18:10
axisysgrep PM: /var/log/kern.log.1 has the latest..18:12
axisysthanks all!18:12
axisysah.. looks like syslog.2.gz has the latest wakeup also18:14
ikoniamridu__: that paste doesn't exist18:15
mridu__sorry just a minute sending it again18:16
mridu__ikonia: https://pastebin.com/qQR4DhJb18:18
ikoniamridu__: I don't think you're paying attention18:19
ikoniamridu__: where is the shebang at the start ?18:19
ikoniaI also see the home directory as "challenges" and I feel this is a homework type of question ?18:19
mridu__a open source repository named challenges. That I cloned from github18:20
ChunkzZis there a channel for ubuntu arm?18:20
ikoniaChunkzZ: #ubuntu-arm18:20
ikoniamridu__: what's the github URL ?18:20
ChunkzZthanks ikonia :)18:20
mridu__ikonia: https://github.com/pybites/challenges/pull/172 my python script. Repo url https://github.com/pybites/challenges.git18:21
ikoniamridu__: lets see what you're trying to do here18:22
ikoniamridu__: you're on 16 right ?18:22
mridu__I have shebang in my script it's just that I missed out copying and pasting it. And copied just the exports18:23
ikoniamridu__: so I've told you 3 times now copy the EXACT full script18:23
ikoniamridu__: it's frustrating to try to help someone who only gives you bits of the information, more so when asked multiple times to give the full information18:24
mridu__I am sorry about that. https://pastebin.com/dDBuVYTW18:25
ikoniamridu__: so is that the EXACT full shell script ?18:26
ikoniamridu__: what is the name of the shell script ?18:26
ikoniamridu__: what happens if you do ./getenv.sh18:26
mridu__shell script would get executed18:27
ikoniamridu__: what happens if you execute it using ./getenv.sh18:27
ikoniadoes it work ?18:27
mridu__no. permission denied18:27
ikoniamridu__: ok - so you need to fix that first,18:28
ikoniamridu__: is it your username that owns the script ?18:28
ioriamridu__, build_vocabulary.py is executable or has it the py shebang ?18:28
mridu__have not added the py shebang.18:28
mridu__to build_vocabulary.py18:29
ioriamridu__, ls -l /home/mridu/challenges/16/build_vocabulary.py   and cat it18:29
mridu__cat ls -l /home/mridu/challenges/16/build_vocabulary.py i did and -l is coming as invalid argument18:30
ioriamridu__, omg18:30
ioriamridu__, ls -l /home/mridu/challenges/16/build_vocabulary.py18:31
mridu__output on doing what you said -> -rwxrwxr-x 1 mridu mridu 3003 Dec 24 23:59 /home/mridu/challenges/16/build_vocabulary.py18:32
ioriamridu__, ok, looks like executable ... please, paste the py script18:32
ioriamridu__, ok, no shebang, you can't call it from a shell script... add #!/usr/bin/python at top18:34
EriC^^mridu__: try ls -l ./getenv.sh , if it's not +x then chmod +x ./getenv.sh and try ./getenv.sh again18:34
mridu__ioria: https://pastebin.com/gAN8Eu7k now is it ok?18:36
ioriamridu__, it requires 3 ?18:37
mridu__it's using python3.6 default on ubuntu 16.04 is 2.718:37
ioriamridu__, oky, try again18:37
mridu__sorry, I didn't get it. What I have to try again?18:37
ioriamridu__, to run it ?18:38
ioriamridu__, ikonia asked you to run frm cli and did you get permission denied ...18:38
EriC^^mridu__: try "chmod +x getenv.sh && ./getenv.sh"18:39
ioriaoh, i expected that the bash script is executable... right ?18:39
mridu__Sorry, something got screwed up18:52
mridu__had to re-join. Eric I did what you said for executing the bash script. It got executed and has errors18:53
mridu__but I got a plus cursor. Because of which I wasn't able to do anything. I killed all processes and did a restart18:54
HomelessSantaHello all, I was curious if anyone knew where the "Software Updater" file is located. I wanted to create a bash script and have it launched within the script.19:08
TJ-HomelessSanta: for scripts, 'apt-get' is the usual tool19:11
HomelessSantaTJ-, I think I found it it seemed to be under the name 'update-manager' for the GUI software updater file.19:12
HomelessSantaTJ-, Thanks for the suggestion as well. :)19:13
HomelessSantaI am off, have a Merry Christmas all. :P19:19
Ubiquity4321Afternoon all. What repo is nfs-kernal-server and nfs-client on?19:20
Ubiquity4321can't seem to find it19:20
ioria!info nfs-kernal-server19:21
ubottuPackage nfs-kernal-server does not exist in artful19:21
ioria!info nfs-kernel-server19:21
ubottunfs-kernel-server (source: nfs-utils): support for NFS kernel server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.3.4-2.1ubuntu2 (artful), package size 98 kB, installed size 347 kB19:21
alkisgThe client is called "nfs-common"19:22
ubonelaptop with lubuntu 1710 cant wakes up instantly from suspend since recently, it worked fine before with TLP, won't stay in sleep with or without acpi pkg, what could have changed?19:29
aroonihow do i route *all* deluge traffic on ubuntu through my vpn (and only my vpn)?19:30
howyoubeendoes the old Return to Castle Wolfenstein game run natively or do I need something like WINE for that?19:44
ikoniahowyoubeen: I don't think there was a linux port of it, I could be wrong as a few of those games where ported19:47
ikoniaunreal is the only one I can think of off the top of my head19:47
howyoubeenok, I'll look into it. I have a huuuge back catalogue of games to play around with on limited hardware. Getting the itch to check them out19:48
ikoniahowyoubeen: those sort of games probably easier to run in dosbox or something like that19:49
howyoubeenprobably, same with diablo 2 I'm thinking19:49
howyoubeenI haven't sat down with a game with any real intent since the Quake 3 arena days19:49
uboneany idea how to fix systemctl suspend?19:50
ikonia"fix" systemctl suspend ?19:50
ikoniawhat does that mean19:50
howyoubeenubone, what's the issue?19:50
ikoniasystemcl is a kernel param command19:50
ikoniasorry systemc19:51
ubonewont stay suspended, wakes up/powers on instantly19:51
ikoniaso you're typing what exactly to suspend ?19:52
ubonei use logind so the power buttons, idont type anything but the same as systemd suspend19:52
ubonesystemctl suspend i meant19:53
kk4ewtubone so look at powertop and see what is the possible issue is19:54
th3_g3ntl3m3nHello, i got Ubuntu 17.10 installed on my computer and i'd to know if the updates are still go on.19:54
th3_g3ntl3m3nOr got interrupted due the the issues found in some leonov and acer hardaware.19:54
th3_g3ntl3m3nShould i go temporarily to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS?19:55
howyoubeenshould is a bit subjective maybe. If you're not having any issues I would suspect you're fine with 17.1019:58
howyoubeenI'm running 16.04 on my workstation also with no issues so...meh..do what you like, I guess?19:59
howyoubeenBut again, just my opinion19:59
akikth3_g3ntl3m3n: the problem was only with the kernel package's spi functionality20:00
th3_g3ntl3m3nMy doubt is if they will still launch security updates for this version and didn't delay that to primarily assist the kernel issue.20:04
akikwhy would they stop releasing updates to packages that have nothing to do with the uefi problem?20:06
CyrisHey all, I am trying to decide on a practical/practice ubuntu vm to run in my machine... what would be your top 3 server types for beginners to create20:06
CyrisI am not a complete novice, I just dont have any idea on a usefull one right now20:07
akikCyris: virtualbox is pretty easy to go with20:08
akikCyris: if you want to use containers, use lxd20:08
Cyris@akik oh yeah i didn't specify, I have virtual box i just want an opinion on what services I should have it running so I can actually make use of it and toy with it in my house20:09
ubonething is suspend worked fine since install a month ago - it only needed tlp, i think auto update is enabled or at least for critical updates but idk how to check20:09
CyrisI need to rule out file server unless there is a practial way of having my physical HDD's talk with the VM without making a virtual drive... I have a ton of files on them and not enough room for a Virtual drive to store them on the HDD20:11
akikCyris: you can create a file that references your physical drive20:11
akikCyris: i think it's just a 1 KiB file that tells virtualbox about your physical drive20:12
Cyrisyeah? do you have a reference or guide to this service online?20:12
akikCyris: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html "9.9.1. Using a raw host hard disk from a guest"20:13
Cyrisawesome, thank you!20:14
ubonewhen is lubuntu 18.04.1 scheduled to release20:20
oerheks3 months after release, as it is LTS20:24
oerheks16.04.1 came out jul 2520:24
auronandaceubone: the first 2 sections of the version number is based on the date (18.04 = 2018, 4th month)20:25
uboneis there a log of apt's auto update i could check20:25
uboneyes thank you auronandace i was aware of that20:25
oerheksi think he wants the point release as the main bulb goes into upgrade20:25
oerheksthere is no date on the official schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule (yet)20:26
uboneanyone familiar with the free radeon driver or opengl? is there something that should be installed additionally20:28
alkisg...similar to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule :)20:28
oerhekssync your mirror in 3 weeks, and start testing20:31
th3_g3ntl3m3nCan i umount the root directory? it has some risk?20:38
ikoniayou can't20:39
malwar3hun73rcould anyone recommend a netflow visualization package, something free and similar (but better than) ntopng20:59
ikoniastill struggling21:00
malwar3hun73ryeah, it mostly works, but somethings just aren't quite right21:01
malwar3hun73rwasn't wanting to try another package to see if it was ntop or the data i'm feeding it21:01
malwar3hun73rwhat's a good image sharing site?21:01
malwar3hun73ri could share a screenshot if you're interested21:01
akikmalwar3hun73r: imgur.com21:02
malwar3hun73rikonia, https://imgur.com/a/abV7k21:04
ikoniaI see21:04
malwar3hun73rthat's supposed to show a list of flows. Note the progress bar that stays in that position idefinitely and the images in bottom middle which show 0 bps21:04
malwar3hun73rbut if you look bottom right, you can see 13 local hosts and 37 remote21:05
malwar3hun73rif i click on either one of those21:05
mokosHello - is there some software that is something like a 3D model gallery ?21:05
malwar3hun73rikonia, clicking on the 13 local hosts shows this - https://imgur.com/a/bDNjg21:06
malwar3hun73rso there is some data there, just doesn't seem like all the features are working as expected21:07
ikoniamalwar3hun73r: I'm just pondering if there is anything (I"m shooting blind here) about remote hosts not being able to write/write quick enough the temp files for the stream21:07
malwar3hun73rclicking remote hosts works as well21:08
malwar3hun73rerr - remote=not private IPs21:08
mokosAny 3D model gallery ?21:11
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tsarompyanyone having any weird pulseaudio issues on artful?21:50
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blip99hi all, I'm a bit confused about this link, is it the source code of redshift?  is it an official ubuntu repo or a PPA?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/redshift    how come the official repos have version 1.10 but source code of 1.11?22:45
brainwashblip99: looks like the official ubuntu repository22:47
brainwashyour last question is pretty confusing22:48
brainwashthe linked page lists the package versions for all supported ubuntu versions22:48
brainwashblip99: you can obtain the source code from https://github.com/jonls/redshift22:50
blip99brainwash, im on 16.4 and i only see redshift 1.10 in the repos. the link shows 1.11 packages22:51
blip99brainwash, i thought the link is just to the source code package - not the compiled program22:51
blip99that's correct, right?22:52
brainwashthe compiled program + packaging22:53
brainwashthe link clearly shows that 1.11 is available in zesty and newer22:54
brainwash16.04 is xenial22:54
blip99brainwash, aah. i misread the page.  got it.  thanks!22:55
brainwashthe next LTS release (18.04) will have 1.1122:55
blip99apparently I'm not as zesty as i thought :D22:55
BaltazarHiya, moron question here. I download a .deb file --> I install it wirh dpkg -i PACKAGE NAME --> where is it now? It doesn't show up in the installed softwares. How do I know where it is? Run it from terminal...?23:33
akikBaltazar: you'll find it with "dpkg -l name"23:38
akikBaltazar: or: dpkg -l | grep -i name23:38
Baltazarahh thanks, got a list, but not the location23:40
akikBaltazar: you'll get the package contents with: dpkg -L name23:41
DrGrovHello, is it a safe bet to download 17.10? Not sure if it can cause issues on BIOS. Tested Ubuntu Budgie 17.10 but could not write the boot partition.23:43
DrGrovIs it the same issue on Ubuntu 17.10? Any ideas on how to sort the boot partition issue out?23:43
Bashing-omDrGrov: Install the propsed kernel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1734147 .23:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1734147 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 17.10 corrupting BIOS - many LENOVO laptops models" [Critical,Confirmed]23:45
DrGrovBashing-om: Ok, that seems a bit funky....23:46
Bashing-omDrGrov: Agreed. but the fix is in the latest kernel . Still awaiting the respin of the .iso .23:47
BaltazarOk it works23:47
BaltazarBUT... when i type cd FOLDERNAME23:47
Baltazarit says it doesn't exists...23:47
Baltazarand the folder is listed..23:47
DrGrovBashing-om: Not running any Lenovo though23:47
DrGrovBashing-om: But can I safely get back on 16.04 then while waiting for 17.10?23:48
akikBaltazar: you can verify a package's contents with: dpkg -V name23:48
Baltazarakik: thanks :D got it. damn it's fun to figure shit out23:49
Baltazarworks perfectly23:49
akikBaltazar: good :)23:49
Baltazar(it was not a folder but an exe file ./NAME did the trick)23:49
DrGrovBashing-om: But when not on a Lenovo machine, can I still somehow fix the boot partition manually?23:50
BaltazarI wish I had been less of a slackjob 10 years ago... linux is amazing23:50
DrGrovBashing-om: Can the BIOS still be recovered when changing to a different Ubuntu?23:52
DrGrovOr is it corrupted completely already?23:52
akikDrGrov: can you still change uefi settings? can you still boot off a usb stick?23:53
Bashing-omDrGrov: I do not have the comfort level to advise further about 17.10 - But given that bios is not effected in your hardware. one can always re-install grub .23:53
Bashing-omDrGrov: "< TJ->: do "grep SPI_INTEL_SPI_PLATFORM /boot/config*" - if there are no results you're safe" .23:54
DrGrovBashing-om: The problem is that I can not get anywhere after install on that Ubuntu Budgie 17.10 flavor...23:55
DrGrovBashing-om: So a bit suspect to test it, now not having anything to run on at all. Just the Budgie 17.10 live setup23:56

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