
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
viewer|22011hi to everybody06:40
viewer|22011I try to read some discussion but I didn't find the solution06:41
viewer|22011I've a regular Netflix account and kubuntu installed in my HTPC. I used it with Chrome or Firefox, both browsers don't permit to play in Full he and Dolby digital06:44
viewer|22011someone has same problem ?06:45
IrcsomeBot1<DGUERRERO> Good day everyone! Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend07:05
IrcsomeBot1<DGUERRERO> Quick question if anyone's up, how can I update the system installer on a Kubuntu 16.04.3 live usb?07:05
IrcsomeBot1<DGUERRERO> It seems the "update this installer" link is broken07:06
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
user|10413Good Morning, although i modified bios, kunbutu doesn´t boot from usb. Thank you for an answer10:10
kustodianis there anyone else who lose pulseaudio after updating to 17.10?10:10
frendaMy current Desktop: KDE Plasma | I am using 'Longman' dictionary within GoldenDict application, but examples are not shown! They were fine in Unity!!! https://u.teknik.io/1IqwV.png10:40
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BluesKajHiyas all13:20
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aversariohm, I see no swap partition on my disc, why isn't there zero in KSysGuard -> http://picpaste.com/41ffd3ae0ccf0a3ffdf1b32ae2a85533.jpeg16:21
aversarioPartitionManager -> http://picpaste.com/b26acfd8f675a79dfbb2cb5175a532b7.jpeg16:23
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TBotNikAll: What is the best channel for MySQL support?18:03
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TBotNikAll: Having and install issue and need to look in apt-cache. Where is that?19:54
TBotNikAll: On Kubuntu 14.04 LTS19:55
TBotNikAll: One suggestion is to install apt-cache-ng.  Not sure what that is and what it will get me over the normal apt-cache?19:56
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valorieTBotNik: apt-cache is just a tool for looking at what is available20:39
valorie!info apt-cache-ng20:39
ubottuPackage apt-cache-ng does not exist in artful20:39
JackFrost!info apt-cacher-ng20:43
ubottuapt-cacher-ng (source: apt-cacher-ng): caching proxy server for software repositories. In component universe, is optional. Version 3-5 (artful), package size 510 kB, installed size 1448 kB20:43
valoriepfff, thanks JackFrost20:49
JackFrostSure thing, valorie!20:49
valoriehello audio people, I got new bluetooth earbuds for Christmas20:50
valoriegot them paired with my phone np, got them paired with my laptop, but i can't seem to hear any sound20:51
valorieI can hear the stream on the laptop (played on Falkon) but nothing goes to the buds although the settings in AudioVolume seem to be correct20:52
valoriePulseaudio Volume Control20:53
JackFrostI'm not entirely sure in kubuntu, but otherwise padevchooser can be useful.20:53
JackFrost!info padevchooser20:53
ubottuPackage padevchooser does not exist in artful20:53
JackFrostOh right, it was removed.  It's the other one that one has to use now.20:54
JackFrost!info pasystray20:55
ubottupasystray (source: pasystray): PulseAudio controller for the system tray. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.0-1ubuntu1 (artful), package size 43 kB, installed size 128 kB20:55
JackFrost!info pulseaudio-module-bluetooth20:55
ubottupulseaudio-module-bluetooth (source: pulseaudio): Bluetooth module for PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is extra. Version 1:10.0-2ubuntu3 (artful), package size 65 kB, installed size 309 kB20:55
valorieah, maybe I lack that20:55
valorieinstalled, apt-cache policy tells me20:56
valorieweird, everything including that systray gizmo shows it's working21:00
valoriebut I hear nothing21:00
valorieeven tried turning it off and on again!21:01
JackFrostFor that, one would select the audio output to the bluetooth one.21:02
kcroothow i shouldt properly install Huawei E39 on latest LTS?21:04
kcrootI find ndis drivers but for 1221:05
kcrootand use custom kernel21:05
joswiUptime: 7 hours and 10 minutes21:26
joswiUptime: 7 hours and 11 minutes21:27
valorieJackFrost: yea, it is selected and all tools show it's playing21:28
valoriemaybe I should check alsatools just to cover all the bases21:28
=== kccc is now known as kc
floownWhen I lauch Kontact, I can not delete entry in Akregator part. If I launch Akregator without Kontact, I can. I have purge Kontact, and purge Akregator. Reinstall the two component, but the problem is the same. What can I do?23:41
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valoriefloown: that's really odd23:42
valorieI guess I would suggest #kontact in euro-working hours23:42
floownOk, nice idea23:43

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