
gsilvaptHas anyone experienced any issues setting up snapcraft recently? I'm experiencing errors with mypy saying it needs a python version higher than 3.2 but the system has 3.6 in the virtualenv01:14
gsilvaptI don't get it really.01:17
gsilvaptI always get stuck installing the development environment, lol01:27
threshso I'm using snapcraft push *.snap to push the resulting snap to the store.11:07
threshis it getting signed on that push locally, or is it signed on a store side?11:07
threshI'd like to manually sign it, and also upload it to my artifacts FTP, so users could fetch it when/if the store is down.11:07
mupBug #1740130 opened: Use XDG set profile folders <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1740130>12:46
mupPR snapcraft#1832 opened: cmake plugin: update plugin details <Created by konrad11901> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1832>17:37

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