
zakihi RemonShai 15:48
zakihow was the day?15:48
RemonShaihi zaki vai15:49
RemonShaitoo cool15:49
zakiso what are u doing now? 15:51
RemonShaiwatching movie.15:51
zakiwhich one?15:52
RemonShaiA Brilliant Young Man15:52
RemonShaiIts one of good one :)15:53
zakiha ha15:53
zakiis this about mathmatics? huh?15:54
pavlushkazaki: any luck?16:35
zakilast i tried with vm16:36
zakipavlushka, last i tried with vm16:37
zakiit shows unly ubuntu grub menu, after that, everything just dark. 16:37
pavlushkazaki: repost in #ubuntu the pip thing16:37
zakibtw I'm on 32 bit system.16:38
pavlushkazaki: bad for you16:38
zakibut pip install can work 16:41
zakii think. 16:42
pavlushkazaki: this time try compiling from their github repo16:42
zakihow about compiling from tar ball16:42
zakino there is only zip of source code16:45
pavlushkazaki: install these Dependencies:16:46
pavlushka    Python 3.4 or above16:46
pavlushka    aiohttp16:46
pavlushka    setuptools16:46
pavlushka    psutil16:46
pavlushka    jsonschema16:46
pavlushka on your system first16:46
zakiand tar.gz16:46
zakithey are already on my system 16:47
zakipython 3.616:47
pavlushkazaki: and then in terminal type "cd ~/Downloads"16:47
pavlushkazaki: and then "git clone https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server.git"16:47
pavlushkathen "cd gns3-server"16:48
pavlushkazaki: follow the readme on how to compile here, https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server16:52
u-la-la[ GitHub - GNS3/gns3-server: GNS3 server ] - https://github.com16:52
zakicd gns3-server-master16:53
zakisudo python3 setup.py install16:53
zakipavlushka, ^16:53
pavlushkazaki: yeah, that's what it says16:54
pavlushkaHello RemonShai 16:54
pavlushkazaki: it means the master branch16:54
=== JediKnight is now known as Guest5722
RemonShaiassalamu walaykum....16:56
pavlushkaRemonShai: Walaikum Assalam16:56
zakipavlushka, server install done16:57
RemonShaihow are you ? pavlushka 16:57
zakishould i install gui same way?16:57
pavlushkaRemonShai: I am good16:58
pavlushkazaki: it's all there16:59
pavlushkazaki: to test do, "py.test -v"17:00
zaki    import asyncio17:02
zakiImportError: No module named asyncio17:02
zakihe he17:02
zakiso now I've to install that python module?17:02
pavlushkazaki: sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools17:02
zakithats done17:03
zakibut its asking for asyncio 17:03
zakipavlushka, https://paste.ubuntu.com/26258693/17:04
u-la-la[ Ubuntu Pastebin ] - https://paste.ubuntu.com17:04
zakiraise RuntimeError("aiohttp 2.2 is required to run the GNS3 server")17:07
zakiRuntimeError: aiohttp 2.2 is required to run the GNS3 server17:07
pavlushkazaki: what's your version?17:08
zakiI just did a pip3 install aiohttp17:08
zakiinstalled now17:08
pavlushkazaki: try again then17:09
zakipavlushka, https://paste.ubuntu.com/26258856/17:13
u-la-la[ Ubuntu Pastebin ] - https://paste.ubuntu.com17:13
zakishould i go with python 2!17:13
RemonShaizaki & pavlushka >> take a tour please >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6QMzoqpcz817:22
u-la-la[ Terminal Tips in Bangla - টার্মিনাল সেশন শেয়ার - asciinema - YouTube ] - https://www.youtube.com17:22
zakiRemonShai, thanks17:23
RemonShaiyou're welcome. hope its helpful17:24
zakipavlushka, https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/123417:26
u-la-la[ FYI: Alpine new py3-aiohttp 2.3 and shutdown issues · Issue #1234 · GNS3/gns3-server · GitHub ] - https://github.com17:26
zakilooking similar issue17:26
pavlushkazaki: join #python and post myour issue17:30

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