
nov585▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT oldwjqz: Orphis vtapia kissiel sladen Laney ogra_ jbicha dupondje JackFrost schmidtm retoaded Elimin8er hggdh fginther gavinlin apw marlinc Calvin` Spads debfx09:25
nov585▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT apsmk: Elimin8er grumble soee_ m_tadeu bluesabre ogra_ gavinlin hggdh pdeee smb milli jjohansen Foxtrot jugo rbasak schmidtm jbicha tacocat eoli3n fginther rbalint balkamos phunysanta mdeslaur JackFrost sary Laif alexlis09:25
nov585▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT ffvex: d1b Laney gavinlin marlinc hloeung hggdh mdeslaur eoli3n schmidtm apw dupondje wgrant rbasak tacocat mhall119 pdeee mario bluesabre caribou m_tadeu mneptok ejat juergh_ ikepanhc soee_ grumble Elimin8er Spads sconklin fginther blahdeblah jugo o09:25
nov585▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT zpkktgbf: zhongjun phunysanta dupondje Spads sladen rbasak jjohansen Calvin` gavinlin tacocat m_tadeu schmidtm rbalint soee_ apw kissiel jbicha Elimin8er milli giraffe ma09:25
nov585▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT arqjjgvj: jbicha sconklin phunysanta kissiel alexlist gavinlin m_tadeu sladen giraffe ikepanhc ltrager Spads ejat jjohansen pdeee juergh_ soee_ balkamos sary grumble wgrant ret2libc mdeslaur bluesabre caribou milli zhongjun Elimin09:26
nov585▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT gbdqbrpos: marlinc ret2libc ogra_ schmidtm bluesabre ikepanhc hggdh Pwnna jugo sladen ejat blahdeblah mario tacocat debfx fginther milli giraffe gavinlin zhongjun sary mneptok mdeslaur JackFrost vtapia juergh_ Foxtrot retoaded eol09:26
nov585▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT lhcucvnayr: fginther giraffe wgrant milli jjohansen hggdh dupondje mdeslaur marlinc rbasak Pwnna sary Orphis hloeung soee_ ikepanhc grumble Laney udevbot JackFrost jbicha alexlist mhall119 Elimin8er eoli3n Calvin` vtapia09:26
nov585▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT xvdzicet: retoaded bluesabre sary mneptok Laif jjohansen caribou vtapia marlinc wgrant Foxtrot ogra_ JackFrost milli mhall119 dupondje Pwnna alexlist Spads Laney smb debfx tacocat fginther C09:26
nov585▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR MAN SATISFIED DURING THE CHRISTMAS BREAK?? EL IS GIVING ANAL SEX TIPS IN ##FEMINISM RIGHT NOW DONT MISS IT amqrncjdjd: mhall119 Laney smb ejat JackFrost phunysanta sladen marlinc m_tadeu ltrager bluesabre sconklin eoli3n jjohansen jbicha alexlist blahdeblah giraffe kissiel dupondje apw wgrant ikepanhc schmidtm Calvin` zhongjun gavinlin mdeslaur09:26
=== phunysanta is now known as phunyguy
jjohansenstgraber: just so you are aware for the holidays we are setting kernel.unprivileged_bpf_disabled systctl) to disabled as a mitigation to deal with http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2017/12/24/123:25
jjohansenthis will prevent unprivileged user namespace containers from loading ebpf23:25
jjohansenlool: ^23:26
stgraberdoes that affect seccomp? IIRC it's not actually using the ebpf parser23:26
stgraberif not, I don't think anyone will notice23:26
jjohansenstgraber: it blocks ebpf loads at the syscall23:26
stgraberok, so not a problem then, seccomp definitely doesn't use the ebpf syscalls23:26
jjohansenso I would assume so, but I haven't checked23:26
loolstgraber: would iptables from inside a container be affected?23:26
stgraberlool: maybe, though not stock iptables, only fancy xtables + bpf I'd think23:27
loolmaybe tc23:28
stgrabersome of those may use ebpf behind the scenes but since jjohansen says this only restricts access to the syscall itself, none of those should be affected23:28
stgraberit should only really affect things like xpf that directly rely on a loaded piece of ebpf code23:28
stgraberand I'm not sure how much of that is accessible from an unprivileged user today23:29
jjohansenstgraber: well, the syscall check is !capable() or the sysctl() so its accessible, but I am not really aware of users23:31
loolwhat's the list of syscalls? just bpf()?23:31
jjohansenan unprivileged container, where the OS thinks its privileged is the most likely place this will trip since its not ns_capable but checking capable in the init ns23:32
loolshows these source packages with calls in Debian: ecasound kfreebsd-10 bpfcc golang-github-seccomp-libseccomp-golang linux-grsec ncl libtrace3 trinity isc-kea pyroute2 nfstrace wireguard python-pypcap netsniff-ng p0f systemtap pan golang-github-vishvananda-netlink guitarix iproute2 gnomad2 llvm-toolchain-3.7 moc gnuradio pcaputils snapd tcpflow tcpdump gtkpod libseccomp tcpreplay mplayer arp-scan dnsmasq gstreamermm-1.0 linux libpcap aegisub chuck p23:32
jjohansenlool: yeah, ebp just has the 1 syscall23:32
loolsystemd might be worth a check, seems to make copious use23:32
jjohansenyeah it might trip in an unprivileged container23:33
loolI guess the other ones fall into advanced use cases and documentation to disable the default secure behavior might be enough23:33
jjohansenit won't affect the host since it will have init ns capability23:33
loolI've changed the RE to bpf\s*\( and it shows qemu as well23:35
looland isc-dhcp23:35
loolqemu is just user mode23:36
loolshould probably query Ubuntu sources though  :-)23:36
loolIs there an Ubuntu code search by any chance?23:36
tsimonq2lool: packages.ubuntu.com :)23:54
looltsimonq2: oh didn't know it could do codesearch23:55
looltsimonq2: hmm where is this specifically?23:56
daxit can't, as far as i know23:56
tsimonq2lool: Well, not codesearch in the sense of Debian's codesearch, but you can search filenames :/23:56
* tsimonq2 was a little mistaken there, sorrt23:56
loolah yeah; nah I was looking for codesearch equivalent but against Ubuntu sources; apparently someone ran this in the past23:56
lool(there's a mention of http://ubuntu-codesearch.surgut.co.uk on ask.u.c)23:57
loolanyway, time for bed23:57
* lool &23:57
FauxNote Debian codesearch misses a load of things due to terrible source packages; e.g. openjdk just being a big gzip. (fixed in new openjdk)23:58

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