
andreashallo. mein pi3 spielt webm nur unter libre elec os04:10
andreasund beim booten schreibt er immer kernel failed04:11
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!04:12
SomeTyroI made an ubuntu mate boot drive on another system.  When I booted that system from it, it didn't ask for a login.  On a different device, it is asking for a password when booting from the stick.  How can I resolve this such that I can boot into the stick and install the OS?06:46
diogenes_SomeTyro, at what stage it is asking for password?06:54
SomeTyroBoots the os, asks for a username and password to get to the desktop06:56
diogenes_in terminal or dm?06:57
SomeTyroit's very pretty ^_^06:57
diogenes_ok then you press ctrl+alt+f106:57
SomeTyrookay, and what happens then?06:59
SomeTyro(i am here on this system, booted into windows)06:59
diogenes_it will ask for login06:59
diogenes_you type linux06:59
diogenes_sudo -s startx07:00
SomeTyrookay, and that will put me in the live disc desktop environment?07:01
diogenes_if you're lucky07:01
alkisgSomeTyro: the username is ubuntu-mate, and the password is empty07:02
diogenes_right ^07:02
alkisgIt shouldn't ask for a password, but I've seen this bug in some alpha releases07:02
SomeTyroWell, that works07:02
diogenes_i just have not much experience with mate :)07:03
SomeTyroand now to try things... Again!07:03
SomeTyroThanks ^_^07:03
diogenes_btw how do you guys pronounce mate? meit? mAtej?07:09
diogenes_matEj maybe07:10
alkisgdiogenes_: no, it's exactly mate, it's spanish07:31
alkisgRead like if it was e.g. latin or italian07:32
diogenes_alkisg, I see.07:33
mate|81687Anyone have a working RX 580 with 17.10 ?12:05
binnyI am on ubuntu mate - please help me how to reduce the system brightness fn+ bight down key is not working14:30
moatazhello how can i cascade the programs in the down bar15:45
moatazhello guys can any1 answer me pelase !15:54
moatazit's just so annoying to see the programs opened  many times downin down bar15:54
moatazdown in15:54
mate|1645do anybody know how to make my touchpad work17:10
Paddy_NImate|1645, You should try and provide more information17:11
Paddy_NIMake/model of laptop, version of Ubuntu MATE, What is or is not working17:11
mate|1645.acer mate17:12
Paddy_NIModel of acer, they make many laptops17:13
mate|1645es1 52317:13
mate|1645there is no SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad17:14
Paddy_NImate|1645, Open a terminal and type "lspci" without the quotes then copy the output and paste it here https://paste.ubuntu.com/ then return the generated link back here17:15
Paddy_NImate|1645, There also appears to be a bug report for this here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/166810617:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1668106 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Touchpad not detected on Acer Aspire ES15 ES1-523-44LU" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:16
mate|1645so.. that mean there is no solution?17:16
Paddy_NImate|1645, I don't see it listed in lspci17:17
Paddy_NImate|1645, Have you only just installed Ubuntu MATE and is it the only Operating system on this laptop?17:18
mate|1645no win1017:19
Paddy_NIDo you use the multitouch features of the touchpad?17:19
mate|1645no, but i will try it. Thanks to you guys. Finally i have an answer.... Thanks.. bye -> rebooting/ bios17:21
nemodoes anyone know if there'd be any MATE specific issues with removing systemd from xenial?18:37
nemoI'm considering whether it'd just be easier to do devuan18:38
Akulii don't see how mate would cause issues, but devuan is easier to set up because it doesn't come with systemd to begin with18:38
nemoI just like the ubuntu PPA mechanism really18:39
nemoit's good for long-term support with augmented extras18:39
nemobut maybe I should just bite the bullet18:39
Akuliyou can use ppas in devuan18:39
Akulii'm not sure i get what you nean18:39
nemoI have a vague recollection of this being a pain to setup the last time I tried a devuan about a year ago.18:39
nemobut maybe it's not too bad18:39
nemocertainly wasn't easy to do during setup18:40
nemowhich was when I needed it for a wifi driver18:40
Akulithe broadcom thing? i think ubuntu and devuan both come with it somewhere in the installation iso18:40
nemoyeah... guess I'll just suck it up and switch18:40
nemoAkuli: can't remember 'sactly which one it was, but it was something semi-esoteric18:40
nemothere was a devuan one, but it crashed every few hundred kilobytes18:41
nemoso had to get a PPA18:41
nemo(yes, I know devuan is just a thin overlay ☺ )18:41
nemoaight. guess I'll do that then.18:41
Akulithe ubuntu ppa would probably work just fine in debian18:41
Akulior devuan18:42
Akulidebian people don't want you to use ubuntu ppas in debian because they can be weird if they don't work18:42
nemoeh. I sympathise18:42
nemosurprising how much of a hassle Mint users can be )18:42
nemorighto. Devuan it is!18:43
* nemo hunts for a spare USB drive18:43
Akuliyou could ask on #devuan about your wifi first18:43
nemoAkuli: that was another laptop long ago18:43
nemoAkuli: but maybe will drop by there just to pre-empty any probblems with this lenovo ideapad 32018:44
nemoright now I'm busy packing windows away in case it is needed later18:45
nemobig waste of HD space ☹18:45
nemogood bye18:56
tioxNot even a "Happy holidays" in the title. Damn.21:22
tioxAnyway, I come here seeing if anyone ever figured out a way to port the draw spaces plugin for Pluma, or if someone knows if it is usable.21:22
nemotiox: don't see any reason it wouldn't work...22:23
nemotiox: https://github.com/yselkowitz/pluma-plugins/tree/master/plugins22:24

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