
knomeanybody awake?21:17
knomeochosi, bluesabre: special ping for you two teddy bears21:18
knome(and everbody else who has "teddy bear" on highlight)21:18
JackFrostWhat strange people they must be.21:19
knomecouncil members? :)21:19
knomeoh, the latter ones21:19
knomei dunno21:19
knomemight be overlapping groups21:20
knomeJackFrost, mind if i PM at first to hide glaring stupidness from everybody?21:20
JackFrostI was going to say I'm not awake, but sure.21:20
ochosiknome: what up, papa bear?22:01
knomehttps://contest.xubuntu.org/ needs a review22:01
flocculantevening all22:01
knomein content and some testing for logging/submissions22:01
knomeflocculant, ^22:01
knomehttps://xubuntu.org/?p=4373&preview=true too22:02
knome-team are editors, so when logging in to /wp-admin, can go to contests -> and under there select "vote"22:02
knome-council is admins, so you can also see results22:03
knomei think i need to add a checkbox for enabling/disabling voting time22:03
flocculantwhere is contest.x.o ?22:04
knomewhere being what?22:05
flocculantto edit that is ...22:05
knomeit's a wordpress instance on the dev server22:05
knomesend suggestions to me on IRC22:05
knomeam i understanding you wrong or is there so much to fix? :P22:06
ochosi"has organized" > "is organizing" (as it's an ongoing activity?)22:06
flocculantjust makes it a pita doing things 3rd hand 22:06
knomeochosi, talk to JackFrost, he just wanted to change that22:07
knomei can paste it on a pad22:07
knomeif it helps22:07
ochosi"suit" > "suits" (should be singular)22:07
flocculant'consider which ones you think are the best quality and suit the occasion the best22:07
flocculantochosi: more than that :p22:07
knomedon't mind the extra spaces22:08
ochosithe rest looks ok from my pov22:08
flocculantdone at pad22:10
flocculantexcept the extra spaces :D22:10
knomei'll copy over by hand anyway so...22:10
JackFrostochosi: "The contest is here, please submit your selections" or "We're organizing it, you'll be able to submit soon"22:10
flocculantlooking at other draft now22:10
ochosigood good22:10
JackFrostHowever, your option is fine too, just as long as it isn't "organizes"22:11
ochosinah, i just wanted to point out what i considered erroneous22:11
ochosiknome: anything else you wanted or can i go back prepare my 2017 quiz? :)22:11
flocculantknome: available to all Xubuntu users - do you mean via the repos?22:13
knomeflocculant, it's shipped on the ISO22:13
knomeochosi, if you don't have time to test submissions, then no.. :P22:13
flocculantand also available via launchpad?22:14
knomeflocculant, that's what i mean by available22:14
flocculantmmm 22:14
knomeyes, to everybody22:14
knomeeven non-xubuntu users22:14
knomebut basically the gist is that if you win, your work will be on every xubuntu system by default22:14
knomeif it wasn't, i think this contest would be meaningless22:15
knomebecause anybody can put a selection of wallpapers up for downloads22:15
flocculantall done22:18
flocculantand off again - night all :)22:18
knomenighty flocculant and thanks22:19
flocculantabout day time this week off and on22:19
ochosiunfortunately right now, no :/22:24
knomeochosi, no worries, we have some time22:24

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