
tgBot<mateosalta> @dohbee, hm, there are some intresting branches there. although I can't git them to build " /var/lib/lxd/containers/builder-armhf/rootfs/usr/share/cmake-3.0/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:345: error: A required package was not found /var/lib/lxd/containers/builder-armhf/rootfs/usr/share/cmake-3.0/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:399 (_pkg_check_modules_internal) CMakeLists.txt:52 (pkg_check_modules)"00:30
tgBot<mateosalta> maybe I'll try and rebuild from the installed scope00:30
tgBotMappaschreck was added by: Mappaschreck00:33
tgBot<dohbee> 'apt-get build-dep'00:37
tgBotwestlanewanderer was added by: westlanewanderer00:46
tgBot<peternerlich> Hi @Mappaschreck and @westlanewanderer! Please check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get up to speed and feel free to ask any question, especially in the Newcomers Room!00:48
tgBot<westlanewanderer> Help! Ubports on my OnePlus One doesn't install properly! It says "installing update" and then doesn't reboot but shows the recovery menu. Manually booting enters a boot loop. Tried 15.04 stable and 16.04 dev, same thing both. I had LineageOS previously installed which I wiped, if that helps00:48
tgBot<peternerlich> @westlanewanderer, Sounds like it's gonna be a lengthy conversation, so best move it to the Newcomers Room. Can anyone here provide support? Please tag along, because I'm not too experienced with this and also intended to go to sleep for an hour already... 😅00:54
tgBot<tylnesh> https://youtu.be/SxnHE5NmpiI00:54
tgBot<tylnesh> Watchin Lunduke, the lovable asshole, making fun of Ubuntu Touch on my Bq m1000:55
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Do you have a timestamp? I don't want to watch for longer than I have to00:56
tgBot<tylnesh> 13:5400:57
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> (Sticker, 512x466) https://irc.ubports.com/t6xL0nSn/file_322600:58
tgBot<dohbee> Lol00:58
tgBot<tylnesh> Also, he at the same time celebrates death of unity and system76 forking gnomeshell for their popos00:58
tgBot<tylnesh> I like him, but he s weird as hell sometimes00:59
tgBot<dohbee> He's a bit...01:02
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Strange, he had Marius and Bhushan on at one point to talk about Halium01:02
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> And by extension, Marius talked about UT01:02
tgBot<tylnesh> Link?01:03
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> let's see...01:04
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp-K-0NROf401:04
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Yeah, it even says UBports in the title!01:04
tgBot<mariogrip> so much fake news01:07
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> (Sticker, 512x300) https://irc.ubports.com/1WiDMUtj/file_322701:07
tgBot<mariogrip> "you break system updates with using apt" - hum do you? news to me01:08
tgBot<mariogrip> @tylnesh, this was answer to this ^01:08
tgBot<mariogrip> librem 5, yeah... sure... so much salt01:09
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Eh, don't worry about it01:09
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> There's lots of places that cover us positively, and there's a lot of great people here already01:09
tgBot<mariogrip> yeah, I know :) and I love that :) but it's just a bit annoing01:10
tgBot<mateosalta> using apt didn't break the system updates for me...01:10
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Apt doesn't break updates, updates break your apt01:11
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> sometimes01:11
tgBot<mateosalta> I think that was one of the warnings that people took too far and made a always statment ;P01:11
tgBot<mariogrip> @UniversalSuperBox, does not break apt, it may replace things you installed with newer things without checking deps01:11
tgBot<mariogrip> and *if* you are out of deltas, it will remove them (delta is limited to 10 on vivid, but we will bump that to 25 or maybe 50 on xenial)01:13
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> It's still not a great idea as things installed with apt don't follow confinement or lifecycling or any of that good stuff01:13
tgBot<mariogrip> (Photo, 1280x96) https://irc.ubports.com/DWK66fBC/file_3229.jpg now he took the cake!01:14
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Just... don't encourage him01:14
tgBot<mariogrip> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/dcMY4ILT/file_3230.mp401:15
tgBot<dohbee> @mateosalta, It depends what you do. There was a tool to make / be writable always. It disabled updates.01:16
tgBot<mariogrip> @dohbee, that just disables it, it does not break it01:17
tgBot<mateosalta> I would just do the temporary command, install a commandline tool or something, then restart.01:17
tgBot<dohbee> @mariogrip, Well, if I smash my window with a hammer, it disabled my insulation, too.01:18
tgBot<mateosalta> well this is more of bracing the window open with a stick I guess the analogy would go01:19
tgBot<mariogrip> @dohbee, s/smash/open01:19
tgBot<mariogrip> s/hammer/hand01:19
tgBot<mateosalta> if you try and put too much throw the window then you might break it ;O01:19
tgBot<dohbee> @mateosalta, Not really.01:21
tgBot<Xenial> He could make coperation with omgUbuntu. They're happy with canonical dropping Ubuntu touch and unity01:28
tgBot<bhushanshah> @UniversalSuperBox, Personally speaking... That interview felt um... bit weird01:39
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> It watches weird, too01:39
tgBot<technicalbird> @bhushanshah, Specifically last 10 mins??01:41
tgBot<bhushanshah> No, whole interview01:41
tgBot<bhushanshah> (though as KDE community member I might have totally biased opinion about him so I'll just shut up now...)01:42
tgBot<technicalbird> @bhushanshah, ???01:43
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> It's a long story01:43
tgBot<bhushanshah> Ignore01:43
tgBot<bhushanshah> @UniversalSuperBox, .01:44
tgBot<technicalbird> Ok..  anyway Good morning all.. hope you have celebrated Christmas nicely!!01:44
tgBot<mateosalta> Fwd from bhdouglass: Go ahead and talk to some of the main ubports devs about making this a "core scope" or something and we can go from there01:50
tgBot<mateosalta> So did a quick rebuild of the libertine scope01:51
tgBot<mateosalta> just from the installed version.01:51
tgBot<mateosalta> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/LjNjq4RN/file_3231.click01:51
tgBot<mateosalta> @Waldbursche you might want this too ^^01:53
tgBot<mateosalta> But it has some read/write paths that it won't upload to the open store with01:54
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @UniversalSuperBox, I would say that the idea is actually great. Another story that it is not an idea to recommend to users who are not familiar with all the apt-get related subjects. But for those who are, the idea is awesome actually. … Anyways, since I'm adding features to ATU, I am currently designing GUI for installing packages with apt-get, in such a way that after OTA update it would know how to re-install them automatically post-updat02:19
tgBotSince ATU itself is entirely in the userspace with its config files as well, after OTA update you'd just start it and it would know that you just have OTA performed and would propose you to get all o your apt-get things back. And many of apps will also have their configs in the userspace, so the process could be quite straightforward. … Some of you may argue that this is not the direction that Ubuntu Touch is supposed to be going, To them I say, it is going02:19
tgBotthat way nonetheless. Some people are explicitely interested in this (me included) and we will continue.02:19
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> btw, personally I am very much fan of doing things in containers. not so much fan of libertine, though. I am going to make GUI for container approach on UT as well, alternative to libertine.02:30
tgBotdvelayos was added by: dvelayos02:30
tgBot<dohbee> :/02:48
=== Piece_Maker is now known as Acou_Bass
tgBotRekols was added by: Rekols05:06
tgBot<Rekols> hello05:06
tgBot<Rekols> how to use Qt Widget develop software?05:07
tgBot<exar_kun> @Rekols Hi and welcome (officially) to the English Supergroup. Here is your key link: https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore!05:22
tgBot<RenanPrastaJenie2> @Rekols, It is safe to assume that You wanna convey, … "How to develop QtWidgets based app in UBPorts / Ubuntu Touch?"05:37
tgBotFaqeerilallah was added by: Faqeerilallah06:42
tgBot<Gorsh2> Hey guys, is anyone familiar with how the camera service works in UT?06:53
tgBot<Gorsh2> I'm testing some stuff but can't access the camera (/dev/video0 with v4l2 on ffmpeg) from the command line06:54
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Gorsh2, I would also like to know this07:09
tgBot<stefanomelchior> @Waldbursche, Great!!! installed07:23
tgBot<Waldbursche> @stefanomelchior, Fine.07:56
tgBot<Waldbursche> Good morning07:57
tgBot<stefanomelchior> it is like branding my UT móbil from its heart 😊07:58
tgBot<jeffangelion> Guys, is anyone have exp of kernel porting?08:03
tgBot<Big ET> Why is ubports-installer require the my administrator password??08:18
tgBot<Big ET> In the worst case you should require sudo execution.08:19
tgBot<Big ET> or call gksu, but not ask for my password.08:19
tgBot<Matteo> @KrisJacewicz, This is great news Kris. ATU is developing well as I can see...keep going 👍08:30
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Matteo, I will even prep it for a special use case when you're using Ubuntu on Android like here: … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6eC-CH8UG4 … ATU will have a dedicated Android native app and also a service for the unbuntu on android to communicate with.08:35
tgBot<YougoChats> @AngelDMercedes, You’ll have to work through them. Eventually it should stop. If it doesn’t, maybe use ut tweak tool to wipe cache of system settings. It will trigger the first-run setup again, perhaps properly this time?08:43
tgBot<peternerlich> @Big ET, Because it needs elevated permissions to be able to overwrite the critical boot loader part of the device09:25
tgBot<Matteo> @KrisJacewicz, What does it mean? That also Android is far closer than we are to reach the full convergence experience? I saw that on Android today it is already possible to install whatever distro you'd like and apt-get whatever package you'd want without any constraint at all. Is that true? If so, well guys, we are in late.....09:30
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Matteo, watch the video attached, and then imagine that you have a monitor or a bigscreen tv on which you start that desktop via vnc client.  … It does not have to be a PC, it could be a small USB dongle with Android that has vncclient on it. And you serve your Ubuntu desktop from your android phone onto your monitr/tv.09:54
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> the only culprit is that you need a rooted phone.09:55
tgBot<malditobastardo> @KrisJacewicz, This sounds fantastic.I would love to have this. Thank you kris09:58
tgBot<Matteo> But how related to Ubuntu Touch? What I meant before, is that Android is closer to convergence (that is, running a linux distro on a phone) to what we ATM have got on UT? On UT, running Ubuntu desktop apps is possible with some limitations...09:58
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Matteo, however I want to tell you that you can also install whatever distro you only desire already on Ubuntu Touch.  … Some time this week (closer to the weekend) I will have posted something that discusses that.10:00
tgBot<Matteo> @Matteo, Maybe I misunderstood something...😕10:00
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Matteo, not really, there are few different ways and the one you see on the video is what you can also do in Ubuntu Touch, no difference.10:01
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> I mean tools are different, on android you use 3 apps first: SUperuser, BusyBox and app for installing linux distros. … On Ubuntu ouch you don't need these, and you can install exactly same thing. Chroot based.10:03
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> the one on the android uses VNC uniquely. … On Ubuntu Touch you can either use iut via VNV or via Xmir. … I would say on Ubuntu Touch you have more ways than on Android. … \10:03
tgBot<Matteo> @KrisJacewicz, Ok good. Thank you for the explanation Kris.10:06
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> there are so amny different approaches, much more than what you have probably thought of, regarding PC/desktop experience out of UT, for example scenarios with Synergy10:07
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/lzpCTbG0/file_3245.jpg10:08
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> on the left my Ubuntu Desktop, on the right (taped) my Nexus 5 running XFCE desktop on Ubuntu Touch10:08
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> Desktop runs Synergy server, phone runs synergy client10:08
tgBot<Derray> @KrisJacewicz, Ducktape? 😂10:09
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> my desktop's keyboard and mouse move acroos both desktops, like if it was one multi-monitor setup10:09
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> and clipboard is shared10:09
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Derray, exactly :D I didn't bring slimport with me today, otherwise I would have connected the monitor to nexus 5 and have XFCE desktop on it10:09
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/tHwUdMp0/file_3247.jpg10:10
tgBot<Derray> @KrisJacewicz, Well, it works 😁👍10:10
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> the phone is taped to a spare monitor, if I had brough the slimport cable with me today, the XFCE desktop would be on that spare monitor instead, and I would use both desktops as one multi-monitor10:10
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> it's pretty amazing10:11
tgBot<Matteo> @KrisJacewicz, Yes, indeed is!10:11
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> on the left I do things in the desktop machine, on the left in the phone. I can copy things between, because clipbopard is shared. … I use desktop's mouse/keyboard. … I still can ssh into each device from the other one. I can use sshfs to browse phone files in nautilus on desktop, and desktop files in thunar on the phone10:12
tgBotbobbe_malle was added by: bobbe_malle10:23
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> (Photo, 491x500) https://irc.ubports.com/h2ET1jiA/file_3249.jpg10:24
tgBot<Massimo Ceschia> @Waldbursche, Thanks!10:26
tgBot<Stereofont> @AngelDMercedes, Restart!10:31
tgBot<Stereofont> @dvelayos, Hello David and June and Abubakar. Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore!10:35
tgBotUchihaItachii was added by: UchihaItachii10:36
tgBot<Stereofont> @Gorsh2, @eranuzan10:37
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @KrisJacewicz, mistake, the phone on the photo is Meizu MX4, but it works on Nexus 5 same way, plus you can enjoy monitor/tv via slimport10:37
tgBot<Stereofont> @bobbe_malle, Hello Gianni and Uchiha. Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore!10:38
tgBot<bobbe_malle> Hi guys :D10:39
tgBot<Stereofont> @bobbe_malle, Have you got Ubuntu Touch?10:41
tgBot<Stereofont> @bobbe_malle, Join the Welcome Room if you are getting started10:42
tgBot<bobbe_malle> @Stereofont, Ehm no, but i'm interested10:42
tgBot<Michele> @bobbe_malle do you want to join the italian group? @ubportsitaliano10:42
tgBot<bobbe_malle> @Michele, Nice10:43
tgBotmks1810 was added by: mks181010:51
tgBot<Stereofont> @bobbe_malle, What device(s) do you have?10:51
tgBot<Stereofont> @mks1810, Hello mks.  Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore!10:51
tgBot<bobbe_malle> @Stereofont, Non supported device 😢10:53
tgBot<Stereofont> @bobbe_malle, So, a used but cheap device now or make a decision in maybe three months from now10:55
tgBot<bobbe_malle> @Stereofont, For now i just want to see the evolution of the project10:58
tgBot<bobbe_malle> Even if is already good10:58
tgBotOptimus9650 was added by: Optimus965011:00
tgBot<Optimus9650> I heard you guys mad at Lunduke?11:00
tgBot<Stereofont> @Optimus9650, Hello Abhishek. Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore!11:00
tgBot<Stereofont> @Optimus9650, We support freedom of speech 😎11:01
tgBot<Optimus9650> Yeah !! Freedom of speech is the new cool11:01
tgBot<Optimus9650> Free software11:01
tgBot<Stereofont> We are growing so fast that it is difficult to keep up. Fact11:02
tgBot<Optimus9650> True11:04
tgBot<Stereofont> Anyway, so who is this Lunduke guy? ?11:06
tgBot<Optimus9650> He is a journalist, whose word echo through the industry.. mainly linux and free soft advocate11:07
tgBot<Stereofont> @Optimus9650, *joke*11:08
tgBot<Optimus9650> 🤓11:08
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> I quite like lunduke though it seems a good amount of people have some kind of distain for him, for one reason or another.11:12
tgBot<Optimus9650> He is full of 'I, Me, Myself'... But his argument he makes ... Are kinda valid11:15
tgBot<Stereofont> @PhoenixLandPirate, He has opinions, so 80% of people will disagree with him11:15
tgBot<Optimus9650> *the11:16
tgBot<bhushanshah> There is one word which explains him best: hypocrite.. totally sad to say that but oh well11:20
tgBot<Optimus9650> Btw.. do all of you use ... UBphone?11:20
tgBot<Optimus9650> *UBtouch?11:21
tgBot<Stereofont> @Optimus9650, 95%? Not everyone as main driver though11:24
tgBot<Optimus9650> I was using sailfish as my daily driver... For a while... Left it .. because it was rpm based ...11:25
tgBot<Optimus9650> My phone had really good ports for sailfish and sfdroid11:26
tgBot<jarlathreidy> I use Ubuntu Phone as my main device.11:31
tgBotGopala Krishna Pepakayala was added by: Gopala Krishna Pepakayala11:32
tgBot<HenryOne> @Stereofont, I'd say less. Maybe 80/85 … I had it once but the problem is multirom support. As standalone its not suitable as daily driver for me11:32
tgBot<Optimus9650> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/CZCxYcBP/file_3251.jpg Is it happening?11:41
tgBot<Michele> yeah, but it's still in alpha11:42
tgBot<Optimus9650> I wanna build it for my device too...11:43
tgBot<Michele> "Continue to watch the UBports blog for more details on using a development version of Anbox in the coming weeks" from https://ubports.com/blog/latest-news-1/post/android-apps-on-ubuntu-touch-with-anbox-107 … you have to wait a bit more...11:44
tgBot<Mark> I use my BQ E4.5 for most of my online activities - news, banking, ordering, maps and gps, email, social media as well as for my personal and work phone (dual sim). It may not do everything but it is  flexible and reliable enough for my needs.11:45
tgBot<Optimus9650> @Mark, What else you need... Don't know... Why the ubtouch didn't take off11:46
tgBot<peternerlich> Welcome Gopala Krishna! I'm part of the Welcoming Team. To help to get you started, please look at https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome and feel free to ask any question, especially in the Newcomers Room!11:47
tgBot<ARUN Mehra> Hello @peternerlich  can we install ubuntu touch on samsung galaxy s3 neo11:53
tgBot<Optimus9650> I will start building ubtouch for my device... Lets see how far can i go11:53
tgBot<peternerlich> @ARUN Mehra, check https://ubports.com/page/frequently-asked-questions#myCollapseTab150944491676711:56
tgBot<peternerlich> or better yet, the bottom of https://ubports.com/page/get-ubuntu-touch11:58
tgBot<ARUN Mehra> thanks @peternerlich11:59
tgBot<reliable1> Fwd from RG Digital | Новости технологий: Apple по ошибке заблокировала iPad пользователя на 47 лет: https://rg.ru/2017/12/27/apple-po-oshibke-zablokirovala-ipad-polzovatelia-na-47-let.html?dig12:00
tgBot<reliable1> Russian, lol12:00
tgBot<vanyasem> @reliable1, I got kicked from the Russian UBports chat12:03
tgBot<peternerlich> What why12:05
tgBot<vanyasem> because some teenager joined and started to troll me and I raged at him using swear words12:07
tgBot<vanyasem> and Russian has a whole lot of swear words12:07
tgBot<Stereofont> @Gopala Krishna Pepakayala, Hello Gopala.  Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore!12:14
tgBot<Stereofont> @Optimus9650, People expect improvements to come rapidly. They didn't12:15
tgBot<vanyasem> @reliable1, @ubports_ru12:16
tgBot<Stereofont> @vanyasem, If you apologise maybe they will let you back in12:18
tgBot<vanyasem> I won't apologize, this guy is a troll, the fact they tolerate that behavior means I have nothing to do there12:19
tgBot<vanyasem> I left myself btw, I'm not banned12:19
tgBot<vanyasem> I call they "kicked" because they pressed me to leave12:19
tgBot<vanyasem> I would mute him for a week if I was a mod, but I'm not 🤷‍♂12:20
tgBot<peternerlich> Okay, then that's more your decision. Well, I guess they have one less that doesn't tolerate trolling now.12:20
tgBot<vanyasem> I've heard that argument before, but this really needs to be endorced from a higher level12:21
tgBot<vanyasem> even our OT chat has a code of conduct now12:21
tgBot<vanyasem> we don't fight there anymore (that feels so weird)12:21
tgBot<vanyasem> language groups need to be controlled somehow, they get messy and no one cares. it may give users a wrong picture of a project12:22
tgBot<Stereofont> Mod decisions can only be taken by those who can follow the language. I don't think we can set up an 'Investigation and Control Commission' etc etc12:22
tgBot<vanyasem> if we can't control a chat, it shouldn't exist or should be explicitly marked as unofficial12:23
tgBot<peternerlich> then we would loose almost all language groups we established.12:23
tgBot<vanyasem> that was a mistake then. we need to admit it and rethink this concept12:24
tgBot<vanyasem> it was started by Wayne it turned into a huge mess since12:24
tgBot<peternerlich> I think we just need time to adapt to the recent changes and create the infrastructure to make everything work well12:24
tgBot<peternerlich> I don't think it was a huge mistake. It was very beneficial to the main group as well. But it is still unorganized12:25
tgBot<Stereofont> We don't want and can't have a massive bureaucracy. If there is a troll just give it some time and the troll will annoy everybody12:29
tgBot<Stereofont> They should have suspended you for swearing if it was working right. You can't have it both ways 😉12:42
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Stereofont, i dont see swearing in moderation something that adults need to avoid. Unless it is because of children in the group. Otherwise its just a language. Swearing does not need to be offending others.12:44
tgBot<vanyasem> @KrisJacewicz, I couldn't agree more12:45
tgBot<Stereofont> @vanyasem, This12:47
tgBot<Stereofont> "Raged at"12:47
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i would love to express my gratitude to others here by stating that some new feature or tool is fokin A without having to misspell in fear of being warned12:48
tgBot<Stereofont> @KrisJacewicz, I don't think adjectives are much if an issue.  Anger is12:49
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> anbox certainly would deserve explicit praising12:50
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Stereofont, i was warned in the past that it was not ok12:50
tgBot<Stereofont> @KrisJacewicz, I am not a mod 😂 Happily…12:51
raphais there a way to make a ubports phone into a SIP phone?13:21
tgBot<Stereofont> Rapha. Not yet but it is a project under consideration13:23
tgBot<vanyasem> these was a sip project13:23
tgBot<vanyasem> even QML makeups13:23
tgBot<vanyasem> I left the chat though13:23
raphahmm too bad thanks stereofront13:23
* rapha is at the 34C3 and the GSM network is not working13:24
tgBot<Stereofont> Will need Xenial to settle first?13:24
raphaas in, the congress GSM network, not the German one ofc13:24
tgBot<Stereofont> Rapha. Text secure is available again13:24
tgBot<Stereofont> https://open.uappexplorer.com/app/textsecure.nanuc13:25
tgBot<Stereofont> Not yet with calling I think13:26
tgBot<Stereofont> uMatriks.Marius has videochat13:26
tgBotandrecalado was added by: andrecalado13:27
tgBot<Stereofont> @andrecalado, Hello André.  Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore!13:28
tgBot<Stereofont> https://t.me/UBports_French13:29
raphaStereoFront: thanks, but to become part of the congress phone network you need GSM, DECT, SIP or TAE.13:35
lotuspsychjemy nexus7 doesnt update to ota2 or ota3 would that be fixxed by changing channel to devel?14:08
tgBot<vanyasem> most likely14:08
tgBot<vanyasem> give it a try14:08
lotuspsychjelets try tnx vanyasem14:09
tgBot<vanyasem> you are on ubports, right? not on legacy canonical image?14:09
tgBot<vanyasem> just to be sure14:09
lotuspsychjevanyasem: yes i succesfully installed the ubports for nexus7 wifi14:09
lotuspsychjevanyasem: lemme check wich channel its r1 atm 15.0414:10
tgBot<vanyasem> try devel then14:12
tgBot<vanyasem> you may also need to reflash it with keeping data14:12
tgBot<vanyasem> if this doesn't work14:12
tgBot<vanyasem> @vanyasem, there is an option for that, `-d` iirc14:13
lotuspsychjeits downloading devel now14:13
lotuspsychjevanyasem: installing14:17
tgBot<vanyasem> good, keep me informed with progress. I'm here to help14:17
tgBot<Big ET> @peternerlich, Then use gksu or sudo, in this way you can get temporary elevated rights without knowing my password, this is bad design, expecially for something that advertise security. Oh well, phablet tools still works (and they only require sudo) you just add the ppa for xenial. it installs on 17.10 hope it will install ubports.14:18
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @Big ET, +1 for gksudo!! i am missing k … gksu on the UT badly! … All my apps install gksu package as their dependency. … Especially for xmir gksu is absolutely crucial, there is no other way. … I use gksudo in my PlasmaInstaller precisely because i dont lile that i staller gets to know your password. … Thank you for beinging this up cuz if i say this ppl here think i am messing with UT how it should not be messed with.14:23
lotuspsychjevanyasem: its now r26 is that ota3?14:23
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> even though for the ubports installer it is on the desktip so gksu is already preswnt by default. UT imho should also ship with it.14:23
tgBot<YTKAB0BP> Hey, can we use native java on UBports smartphone and run Java Swing apps?14:26
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @YTKAB0BP, idk if it is installed by default (guess not?) but it os possible if u install it. it might be neccesary to run it via xmir though unless it can use qt5 backend.14:27
tgBot<YTKAB0BP> openjdk-8-jre package14:28
tgBot<YTKAB0BP> Installed it14:28
tgBot<YTKAB0BP> But idk how to run gui14:28
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @YTKAB0BP, do u kbow how to run it on normal ubuntu desktop? donu know howto creade launcher for  these apps on regular ubuntu desktop? in UT same just add xmir flags to rhe launcher.14:30
tgBot<YTKAB0BP> Nope :D14:31
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @YTKAB0BP, well then :D14:31
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> google is your friend14:31
tgBot<YTKAB0BP> Ok, thx)14:31
tgBot<vanyasem> @KrisJacewicz, duckDuckGo.com is your friend *14:33
tgBot<Big ET> @vanyasem, google is your big brother :D14:40
tgBot<ruedigerkupper> Kleine Frage zum Nexus 5: Das Nexus 5 hat einen Hall-Sensor (Magnetfeldsensor), der z.B. dazu benutzt wird, das Display ab- und anzuschalten, wenn das Gerät sich in einer Klapphülle befindet und der Deckel geschlossen ist. — Funktioniert der unter Ubuntu Touch?14:42
tgBot<Big ET> @ruedigerkupper, can you ask the same question on the german channel, I presume that you ask in german.14:43
tgBot<vanyasem> exactly. and he is a bad bulli. no bulli14:43
tgBot<Optimus9650> @vanyasem, Need your support at halium14:45
lotuspsychjevanyasem: how can i check if its up to date now?14:46
tgBot<dohbee> @Big ET, pkexec not gksu14:47
tgBot<ruedigerkupper> I'm sorry. Once again in English: The Nexus 5 is equipped with a Hall sensor (it can measure the strength of magnetic fields). One of the main applications is turning the display on and off when the phone is placed in a flip cover and the cover is closed or opened. — Would that sensor work in Ubuntu Touch? … (I'm just wondering if it's worth bying a flip cover with a magnet...)14:47
tgBot<vanyasem> @Optimus9650, do I even get some free time? :P I'm in subway deep underground, come one, I don't have a stable connection14:47
tgBot<Optimus9650> @vanyasem, Lol ...14:48
tgBot<Optimus9650> Yeah sure14:48
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, seems that it is not useful for xmir. possible that i dont understand how to use it also. but i tried hard googled and asked and could not make use of it. so gksu.14:48
tgBot<Javacookies> anyone gets notifications even if you turned it off for a particular chat?14:49
tgBot<dohbee> @Gorsh2, The camera is not a v4l device14:51
tgBot<dohbee> @ruedigerkupper, I thin14:52
tgBot<vanyasem> @dohbee, not on all devices14:52
tgBot<vanyasem> n5 has a v4l camera14:52
tgBot<bhushanshah> @vanyasem, no14:53
tgBot<dohbee> @ruedigerkupper, I think not. Could probably be fixed though14:53
tgBot<vanyasem> @bhushanshah, why do I see a proper /dev/video for it then14:53
tgBot<vanyasem> weird14:53
tgBot<vanyasem> maybe I misunderstood something14:53
tgBot<bhushanshah> well, it is /dev/video sure.. but it is not v4l driver14:53
tgBot<vanyasem> there is no /dev/video on some devices14:54
tgBot<vanyasem> like Meizu ones14:54
tgBot<dohbee> @KrisJacewicz, Not sure what you mean by that14:54
tgBot<vanyasem> I remember someone having that issue in a Russian chat14:54
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, perhaps i am lacking knowledge of using pkexec, but I really havent figure out howto use it that it prompts user for root password to run xmir app elevated.14:56
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> with gksu i just put gksudo in fron of the Exec line in the app launcher. I have not figured out how to achieve the same with pkexec. I wish i cohld because i would love to make use of sth that is shipped by default14:57
tgBot<Big ET> well ubuntu-device-flash still works, and it has not erased my userdata partition, for a jump from ut-ota15 to ubports-16.04 devel, that is impressing.15:03
tgBot<vanyasem> @vanyasem, and camera app works...15:03
tgBot<vanyasem> weird!15:03
tgBot<Big ET> but I had to do a little tango, the first run bricked my phone. had to do fastboot flash recovery and then in the recovery mode re run the ubuntu-device-flash, without bootstrap, and it seamned to work. cheers.15:04
tgBot<ronnietucker> I installed 16.04/dev on my MX4, but is there a way to display the fact that it IS running 16.04? It doesn't display any versions in the System Settings/About screen.15:06
tgBot<Big ET> same here.15:07
tgBot<ronnietucker> For such an early build it's impressive that pretty much everything works.15:09
tgBot<Dominik> Hi, is anybody from Ubports at 34c3?15:18
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i was trying to figure pkexec out. without pretending that i knownit, injust speculate few problems: … 1. when u use click apps that require elevated rights the UI thatbpops up for u to key in sudo password i guess is qt5 front native for mir. I dont think this will pop up in xmir because afaik xmir has no qt5 widgetset only mir has. xmir does not even have gtk3 although u can install it manually.  … 2. i was teying workarund where pkexec w15:18
tgBotscript which would then execute xmir launcher. I was not fully successful with it either. bottom line is that once in the xmir app you can no longer call pkexec to pop up the password ui.  … 3. perhaps you have tried it via libertine in whoch case pkexec in the container might actually have gtk front end not qt5. but if u are already uaing xontainer then u migh as wellbjust use gksudo no added security benefit i think. And also if u do need sudo then probab15:18
tgBotwith some rootfs setrings in which case u dont want it in the container either because then it vannot reach these rootfs parts of your main os. … these are some things i stuck with.15:18
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> appologies for all the typos15:19
tgBot<G1ott1> @Big ET, What does matchbox-wrapper.sh contains?15:20
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @G1ott1, well u can see its content but basically i made it so that multiple xmir apps all can reuse it to call matchbox window manager before they lunch themselves and also it sets some environmental variables some of which i tested are not even absolutely neccessary15:25
tgBot<G1ott1> Could you please share it :)15:27
tgBot<G1ott1> ?15:27
tgBot<G1ott1> I'm not able to write it myself 😞15:28
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @G1ott1, oh ok np15:39
tgBot<sverzegnassi> @KrisJacewicz, I remember that Canonical added a PolicyKit agent inside a few 'devel' releases of UT (I guess for testing), in order to enable GUI authentication for 'pkexec'. Then it has been removed. The project anyway is still available at: https://launchpad.net/policykit-unity8 … I guess dobey might know a bit more of context on this15:39
tgBot<Michele> @dobe15:40
tgBot<sverzegnassi> @dohbee ^^15:40
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @sverzegnassi, i willexplore this. but unless it is straightforward and default i will still choose gksu15:56
tgBot<renedu> üüb15:57
tgBot<Waldbursche> Hi guys. In my little freetime today i've created a ubports-sticker-bundle. … In the next time i'm going to complete it. Please be patient and enjoy. … Cheers … https://t.me/addstickers/ubports_robot15:57
tgBot<Waldbursche> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/xxVYHckT/file_325515:57
tgBot<peternerlich> yaaay! 🎉15:59
tgBot<Waldbursche> I hope, it's okay so. For each sticker you have 2 smileys to choice.15:59
tgBot<Waldbursche> thumbs up is missing. i'm going to make it now... 😂16:01
tgBot<dohbee> @sverzegnassi, it was removed from 17.10 along with the rest of unity8 i guess. and the image builds were just ended. if it's not in ubports images already, we should probably get it building there16:02
tgBot<dohbee> @KrisJacewicz, we all make typos. it's the long list of bullet points in a single post in chat i have issues with. makes it harder to reply to individual points :)16:03
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @mariogrip, did he force you to say ubuntu wrong? ;)16:04
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, i will keep in mind in future posts16:05
tgBot<dohbee> @KrisJacewicz, 1) there are no click apps which require elevated privileges. i'm not sure what widgets you're referring to, but i presume you mean the password dialog in terminal and file manager, both of which are implemented in app.16:06
tgBot<dohbee> also "xmir" doesn't have any toolkits/widgets. it's just an X11 server implementation. any toolkit which supports X11 should generally work under an Xmir session.16:07
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, yes that is it and i assumed they were analogy to gksudo. i now kind of mind that they are in app dialogs. It concerns me. but well.16:08
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, yes i expressed myself wrong. i meant that qt5 (as well as gtk3) widgwts arw not installed on UT fpr x. Only for mir.16:08
tgBot<dohbee> there are no different qt widgets for x versus mir. it's simply a matter of which platform plug-in is loaded by qt when your app starts. the xcb plug-in is installed, but the unity8 system specifies qtubuntu by default. it can be changed for specific apps16:10
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i even tried to install qt5 fpr x11 directly but it didnt work. i was still not able to run qt5 app in xmir. Possible that my i stallation was missing some steps. But i once read somewhwre (sorry cant rwmwmber source) that qt5 in mir was slightly modified and not fully compatible with the qt5 on x11 if that at all would be related to mw not being able to launch qt5 apps in xmir.16:11
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, that again is me expressing muself wrong. I used some terms wrong sorry. Pls see my 1 message above.16:12
tgBot<dohbee> likewise with gtk3, which is not supported by default16:12
tgBot<Javacookies> how about running native apps in X11? thinking of x forwarding :D16:12
tgBot<dohbee> @Javacookies, it works already16:13
tgBot<alan_griffiths> It is nothing to do with the version of qt, just which backend is used at runtime. For mir: qtubuntu, for X11:xcb.16:13
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, i was actually able to start gtk3 apps in xmir after i stalling gtk3 plugin but not in mir with setting mir as backend with env variable. I am not sure if the gtk port is supposed to work on UT image ubports uses: https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/gtk-mir.html16:13
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @alan_griffiths, thank you for precising this16:14
tgBot<dohbee> @KrisJacewicz, as has been mentioned previously multiple times in this channel, in conversation involving you, the gtk mir backend is buggy and not complete, and is going away, to be replaced by wayland client support in mir16:15
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, yes but i thought a most simple application with just a button on it should still appear in this buggy port, so i thought.16:16
tgBot<dohbee> if you want to run a qt app under xmir, you just need to set QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb (which i thought was the case under xmir anyway)16:17
tgBot<sverzegnassi> @dohbee, IIRC I saw it first in May 2016 (I just found an experimental branch of UT Tweak Tool that makes use of pkexec - I've been writing it when the agent appeared). … I was wondering if there has been some particular "security" reason why it has been removed back then, since security was treated as a major concern by Canonical.16:18
tgBot<dohbee> @KrisJacewicz, well, i have no idea what you did exactly, but yes, it should work16:18
tgBot<sverzegnassi> But yes, if we can get it there, and it complies with our needs, we should really build it, and add it to our images16:18
tgBot<ronnietucker> @ronnietucker, Found it. Its: lsb_release -a16:19
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, i didnt know about that variable at all16:19
tgBot<dohbee> @sverzegnassi, i don't recall what happened with it exactly 18 months ago. it was definitely in the images (at least the 16.04 images, and the u8 snap) when things got canned this year16:20
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> it just seems that currwntly installing gksu is the easiest way to provide password prompt in xmir. If it was possible to do it with pkexec on a default UT i stallation then i would absolutely use that way.16:23
tgBot<sverzegnassi> @dohbee, Ok, I'll have then a look if I can still find out the commitlog for those revisions, or if there was some mention of the package in one of the mails from the Landing Team. Thanks again!16:24
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> ALSO: now that i know that password prompt in click apps is in-app I also wish it could be changed to come from pkexec or gksu-alike. I am concerned with app receiving my password.16:25
tgBot<dohbee> @KrisJacewicz, i'm not sure if pkexec is right here. it's not about elevating privileges or such, exactly. also, the password dialog can be ignored (at least in terminal app, i don't use file manager)16:29
tgBot<dohbee> i don't think the prompts actually do anything other than authenticate with pam16:30
tgBot<dohbee> @sverzegnassi, there were some issues we had to deal with to get it into main, which is what you may be thinking of? those were all resolved though16:31
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, yes i understand but i just think that gksudo-like way of app to elevate itself is a very real need to address. for both mir and xmir. At this moement i address it with i stalling gksu. It does not work for native qt5 apps though unless in some sort of rather complicated workaround.16:31
tgBot<dohbee> right, policykit is definitely the correct way to implement escalation of privilege16:32
tgBot<dohbee> i'm just saying that terminal app isn't doing that16:32
tgBot<dohbee> i thought xauth got added to stable?16:33
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, i also dont know how i make policykit work for xmir app scenario. I would like to learn the method but so far installing gksu is the easiest and fastest way i solve this problem. And i think it is very useful package. Some claim it is considered not the best solution others argue it is unjustified.16:34
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, i think so, @Flohack mentionned it earlier16:34
tgBot<dohbee> oh right, it is. that wasn't my problem, just the error message from xauth confused me16:36
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> also i am not sure if policykit has that flexibility that gksudo has that you start app worhout root and it can then start child processes with elevation at runtime. I just didnt see policykit demo for that. Again, it might just be my lack of knowledge ofnpolicykit.16:36
tgBot<dohbee> @KrisJacewicz, well, the real solution here for xmir, is to get rid of xmir16:36
tgBot<dohbee> well, it depends on the policy16:37
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, i am not going to just wait until there is all that xwayland support i need to use these things now. Thus is why i bring up gksu.16:38
tgBot<dohbee> ok, well it looks like we need to get policykit-unity8 installed, first16:39
tgBot<Waldbursche> @Waldbursche, Addet 3 robots 😅 https://t.me/addstickers/ubports_robot16:39
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, also i am not sure but i saw some policykit examples and the ones i saw required you to use sudo to make the policy/polocies that later could be used. That is also limiting. I want to make an app that u need no sudo to install it or run it. then when it needs to perform operation as root it justs gksudo a child process.16:39
tgBot<dohbee> @KrisJacewicz, well, it depends on what you're doing exactly. i have no idea what exactly you want to do here. i'm just saying that general case where people have recommended "gksu foo" in the past, is better served by "pkexec foo" these days. i'm not saying policykit solves every possible use case16:41
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, ATU app is my most recent example. If you start it as phablet user it provides a button that will gksudo itself again and then when it starts with root it provides all the functionality that only root can perform. So app uses whois to check if it is root or not and if it is it shows root tools window otherwise it shows rwgular window that has no root-requiring functions. … The password ia being handled outside of my app which i prefe16:45
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> root functions then just execute shell commands for thi gs lile cha ging swappiness, or resizing rootfs, or foxing wifi profiles if MAC address changed due to broken nvram, etc.16:46
tgBot<vanyasem> wtf16:46
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @vanyasem, accidentally16:46
tgBot<dohbee> @KrisJacewicz, Go to system settings under unity7 or gnome, to the "Users" panel, where there's an "unlock" button to grant higher powers, which uses policykit16:48
tgBot<dohbee> but those features are also not implemented by just running external tools16:48
tgBot<technicalbird> Hello... Just now I saw some random post on G+ which States that 16.04 Branch works mostly!! Is that true?16:49
tgBot<Optimus9650> I did repo sync -j25 ... No i am watching my laptop choke to death in front of me😂16:49
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i find it much easier to use gksudo still. But i will learn more about policykit. I might eventually figure it out.16:49
tgBot<dohbee> and as i understand it, ATU is basically a workaround you implemented, for your perceived flaws in ubuntu phone, and if there were better ways to do most of those things by default, you wouldn't need ATU16:49
tgBot<technicalbird> Anyone else with MX4 can confirm  that?16:50
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @dohbee, i personally don't think of "flaws". I just think few packages that are not present are useful. Once i add them manually there is no more limitations.16:51
tgBot<technicalbird> Has anyone tested 16.04 on Nexus 5 recently?16:51
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> some packages already landed which i am super happy about16:51
tgBot<Waldbursche> @technicalbird, I'll try it in january16:53
tgBot<stefanomelchior> @technicalbird, Yep, the last weekend. Still room for improvement in usability and portability of apps16:53
tgBot<stefanomelchior> But it seems more rapid than w/ vivid16:53
tgBot<technicalbird> Is basic functionally like calls messages and browser works?16:54
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> the way i see it currently is that minimum packages for ultimate flexibility are 2 things: … 1. gksudo so that app can add any other parts and bits … 2. maliit plugins for x11 so that user can type sudo password in the gksudo prompt  … the mallit plugins landed. gksudo have not. And i have not yet figured out alternative. Policykit is something i am going to familiarize myself morw with.16:54
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> my workaround is that user uses sudo from command line to install these 2 basic packages (because on curent "old" UT maliit plugins are still not present): … $ ./ATUarmlinux --install … #installs the appnitself and needs no sudo … $ sudo ./ATUarmlinux --installdeps … #which will install gksu and maliit plugins so that all the rest can be done in-app16:59
tgBotAlex was added by: Alex16:59
tgBot<Alex> What about development on Moto G 2014 titan? Is it being supported by Ubports?17:00
tgBot<AndyBleaden> @technicalbird, Yes. Bit wonky with some apps not working well and all sorts of fun with some  of the settings and accounts...give it time still if you want a daily  driver...mine lasted 2hours then back to stable17:02
tgBot<peternerlich> Welcome Alex! Please read https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get up to speed and feel free to ask any question, especially in the Newcomers Room!17:05
tgBot<sverzegnassi> @dohbee, I was thinking to specific issues, given that it has been added and removed all in a week (or so). … Just found this: … ubuntu-touch-meta (1.221vivid35) vivid; urgency=medium …   * Removed policykit-unity8 from touch (causes regressions) … It has got further development since then, so it's definitely worth to try it again (and eventually check and fix regressions, if there's any)17:07
tgBot<Stereofont> @Big ET, Magnetic Field Sensor is pretty clear 😎 I don't know of any Apo for UT that can utilise that sensor17:12
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @KrisJacewicz, another way that would work too would be to make telegram app accept -c switch like bash does or -e from gnome-terminal.  … However terminal app being native to mir would not be same helpful to xmir.17:14
tgBotIgnizNatus was added by: IgnizNatus17:17
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> having said that, a gtk terminal app could be added to address it. it would probably be bigger footprint than gksu but at least if gksu is somehow disaprooved of then it would be an alternative. snd gtk terminal emulator could have text font size upped to be better on high dpi screen. … not that i prefer thst way just that it is another alternative if there is simething against gksu. As i understand gksu has as many supporters as enemies.17:17
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> PS, all in all on a system allowing for a 4 digit punch code as one of defaults, how exactly gksu raises any security concern is also what wonders me.17:20
tgBot<Stereofont> @technicalbird, To 'use' no. To look, yes17:20
tgBot<Stereofont> @Alex, 1Gb of RAM, so not really a serious option17:27
tgBot<Stereofont> @IgnizNatus, Welcome Ignacio! Ask questions, join in. Glad to have you in our community. https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome for lots of newcomer information 🚪17:29
tgBotSternzeichen was added by: Sternzeichen17:53
tgBot<Stereofont> @Sternzeichen, Lionelb: … Welcome Andreas! Ask questions, join in. Glad to have you in our community. https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome for lots of newcomer information 🚪17:56
tgBot<npatel33> Is there anyway to detect bluetooth headset buttons activity in an app?17:56
tgBot<Stereofont> The version of bluez in UT is ancient. Xenial will hopefully see a major upgrade17:58
tgBot<npatel33> Oh thanks for the input, so will it have separate API call to detect button presses?17:59
tgBot<Stereofont> @npatel33, Anyone got buttons on any Bluetooth headphones working with Ubuntu Touch?18:03
tgBot<dohbee> @Stereofont, eh? the version in ut vivid is the same as in ut 16.04. it's actually newer than what's in upstream ubuntu 16.0418:03
tgBot<npatel33> bluez version is 5.41 in vivid18:04
tgBot<dohbee> @KrisJacewicz, cynicism does not improve security18:05
tgBot<Stereofont> Fwd from UniversalSuperBox: But seriously, we have a very old version of bluez. It's not great.18:05
tgBot<dohbee> @sverzegnassi, those issues would have definitely been fixed18:05
tgBot<dohbee> @Stereofont, well, dalton was wrong18:06
tgBot<dohbee> the current version in bionic is only 5.46, so 5.41 is not too old, but ubports could probably do with some of the fixes from newer bluez versions18:08
tgBot<Stereofont> A list of some currently supported headphones would be useful I suppose. If the hardware is consistent18:11
tgBot<dohbee> @KrisJacewicz, the plan was to make the terminal app into a system thing, so we could handle Terminal=true .desktop files properly, but since everything got dropped in april, that went out the window with the rest of unity18:12
tgBot<Optimus9650> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/hHHimJIu/file_3258.jpg Anyway to fasten this?🙁18:12
tgBot<petya230> buy faster internet :/18:14
tgBot<dohbee> @KrisJacewicz, really though, it's more than just being about the broad term of "security." sudo/su/gksu gives root access to anything the app executed with it wants to do. policykit on the other hand can be way more granular, giving access only to perform certain tasks (such as add/remove users).18:16
tgBot<dohbee> @Optimus9650, if it's just git clone you're doing, you can --depth=1 to not pull full history.18:17
tgBot<Optimus9650> @petya230, I have a 200mbps connection.... Only git is slow here18:20
tgBot<petya230> @Optimus9650, oh, i see18:20
tgBot<petya230> -j?18:20
tgBot<Optimus9650> @dohbee, I am already 14 gb in18:20
tgBot<dohbee> @KrisJacewicz, well, if the policykit-unity8 package was installed, i guess you wouldn't need gksu and the extra maliit stuff, as you'd have a native dialog in unity8 then18:20
tgBot<Optimus9650> @petya230, -j25 😂...18:20
tgBot<petya230> whaaaaat18:21
tgBot<petya230> use -j618:21
tgBot<petya230> or -j1018:21
tgBot<petya230> :l18:21
tgBot<petya230> 25?18:21
tgBot<petya230> jezz18:21
tgBot<dohbee> huh?18:21
tgBot<Optimus9650> @Optimus9650, This18:21
tgBot<petya230> -j6 the default for haliu,18:21
tgBot<petya230> m18:21
tgBot<dohbee> oh18:21
tgBot<Optimus9650> Only this branch is taking too much time18:22
tgBot<petya230> hm18:23
tgBot<petya230> ._.18:23
tgBot<petya230> idk18:23
tgBot<petya230> i have 1000mbits18:23
tgBot<petya230> :D18:23
tgBot<dohbee> what is -j there anyway? i can't find a man page on ddg for it18:24
tgBot<Optimus9650> @petya230, I had a 1000 connection too... My isp found out i am cheating him ... He removed the cable from node18:24
tgBot<dohbee> yeah, -j25 would be nuts unless you've got a lot of cpu cores, and gigabit with decent connection to the server18:25
tgBot<Stereofont> @IgnizNatus, We have language groups in both Portuguese and Spanish18:26
tgBot<Optimus9650> @dohbee, And that's why.. i was not even able to use mouse18:28
tgBot<Optimus9650> 😂18:28
tgBot<Gorsh2> @dohbee, Ok, that figures. Is there still a way to use it as input of ffmpeg?18:48
tgBot<dohbee> i don't think there is18:49
tgBot<Gorsh2> Oh. There goes my idea of live streaming from the phone then... Thanks.18:50
tgBot<dohbee> what are you trying to accomplish exactly?18:51
tgBot<Stereofont> @Gorsh2, uMatriks.Marius does video chat. You could adapt from that I suppose?18:58
tgBot<dohbee> well camera app records videos too18:59
tgBot<dohbee> it's not like video recording is impossible18:59
tgBot<Stereofont> Indeed18:59
tgBot<Gorsh2> Yeah; I could try to learn... But I'm not a programmer, so that's pretty uphill to me.19:00
tgBot<dohbee> @Gorsh2, well, what's the end goal you're trying to accomplish exactly?19:01
tgBot<Gorsh2> @dohbee, Sending a live rtmp feed, to Facebook Live, Youtube, Twitch, etc.19:01
tgBot<anpok> you dont try to implement aethercast or miracast?19:01
tgBot<dohbee> ah19:02
tgBot<dohbee> a "go live" thing?19:02
tgBot<Gorsh2> Exactly19:02
tgBot<dohbee> do any of those support such a thing via the web?19:02
tgBot<Gorsh2> Long story: I used to keep Bambuser in android, just in case. There's plenty of cases where it can work as security, or to document police brutality, o19:02
tgBot<Stereofont> I was thinking two Matrix accounts. 'Chat' to yourself and use screen capture on desktop19:03
tgBot<dohbee> @Stereofont, that doesn't really provide a solution to the problem though19:03
tgBot<Gorsh2> I don't know about Youtube; but FB live does. I tried it on the navigator (changing the url so it goes to the desktop version), it even asks for permissions, but in the end it doesn't work.19:04
tgBot<Stereofont> VLC can stream?19:04
tgBot<dohbee> you don't want to have to vnc to a PC to set up the actual "live" bit, while in the middle of a protest rally outside the federal building19:04
tgBot<Gorsh2> @Stereofont, It seems it does.19:05
tgBot<dohbee> @Gorsh2, ah, i wonder why. google hangouts was definitely working at one point19:05
tgBot<Gorsh2> And hubl.in is now19:06
tgBot<Gorsh2> As webapp19:06
tgBot<dohbee> honestly though, i wouldn't put much faith in the reliability of apps that need you to log in to some service for such features, on ubuntu phone, right now19:10
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> Hi, does anyone have any ideas why when i try to flash ubports to my mako device, (using ubports installer or ubuntu-device-flash) it says successful, reboots and gets stuck with the orange dot moving back and forth at the bottom of the screen? i tried two USB cables....19:10
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> what should i try next?19:11
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> fourth time's the charm haha. here it goes... i see a ubuntu touch logo now.19:15
tgBot<Stereofont> @SwizzlaKalongie, I suggest that you join Welcome  Room so that we can discuss19:15
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> welcome room? i'm not sure about what or how to join that, but i've been in here a long time... i just haven't said much.19:16
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> — just to be sure though, the gray screen with the orange dot that appears while it's installing.... is it supposed to be like that, or is there suuposed to be some other text or indicator about what's happening in the background? it seemed unusual since my first time installing ub touch would show the progress19:18
tgBot<Stereofont> It is set up as a 'meeting room'. Takes long install discussions out of here19:18
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> @Stereofont, ohhkk. got it. thanks.19:19
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> so how do I join that one?19:19
tgBot<Stereofont> @SwizzlaKalongie, There is no feedback. Just the dots and then boot19:19
tgBot<Gorsh2> @dohbee, Yeah, I know. I just wanted an option to do that, even a weird hack. Like you said, for protests and stuff like that going live is sometimes the best security you have.19:19
tgBot<Gorsh2> I think I'll try the convoluted matrix idea Lionel said; i have a server back home always on19:20
tgBot<Stereofont> @SwizzlaKalongie, UB_Welcome_Room19:20
tgBot<Gorsh2> (though it doesn't have a desktop)19:20
tgBot<Stereofont> @Gorsh2, Matrix is also distributed19:22
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> @Stereofont, i'm sorry, i'm not so familiar with all of the telegram features. Am i supposed to search for that or.... where should I enter that string?19:24
tgBot<dohbee> @Gorsh2, Yeah, my best suggestion would be to use a webapp for one of the sites which allows that. maybe if you can record a video inside telegram app, you can just send yourself a video that way, too19:25
tgBot<Gorsh2> Yeah, the thing is for it to be really live and not uploaded when finished19:26
tgBot<Stereofont> @SwizzlaKalongie, Hello Bandi. Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore! Welcome Room link button here19:26
tgBot<dohbee> @Gorsh2, sure. just giving an option that might work now, and would be a decent fallback19:29
tgBot<Gorsh2> Cool. I'll try some of those  too.19:30
tgBot<dohbee> at least, you can have something that does work now, and then we can see about fixing what doesn't work (ie fb live breaking in the browser)19:31
tgBot<nfsprodriver> @mariogrip Can you update the xenial rootfs to latest version to the system-image server? I think there are some changes to be tested.19:33
tgBot<te_online> @UniversalSuperBox, Hi! Can you share the names of the totp apps? I couldn't find any... 🤔😉19:35
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Hmm... I don't remember right now.19:37
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Maybe someone else can find it,19:37
tgBot<Stereofont> @te_online, Keeweb? Last pass?19:38
tgBot<Stereofont> Is upgrade to OTA3 still queued?19:54
tgBot<te_online> @Stereofont, Thanks for the hint, but those are fully blown password managers. I accidentally found ubuntu-authenticator now, which seems to be exactly what I'm looking for 😊20:00
tgBotTewel was added by: Tewel20:01
tgBot<Stereofont> @te_online, Indexing in OpenStore needs some improvement 😎20:05
tgBotkiwongesingndi was added by: kiwongesingndi20:06
lotuspsychjestereofont: and more apps :p20:07
tgBot<Stereofont> @Tewel, Hello Tewel and Kiwonge Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore!20:07
tgBot<te_online> @Stereofont, This is quite possible 😁20:07
tgBot<kiwongesingndi> 👍20:07
tgBot<dohbee> search doesn't work, so yeah, it needs a lot of love :P20:07
tgBot<Stereofont> @kiwongesingndi, Have you got Ubuntu Touch, Kiwonge?20:09
tgBot<kiwongesingndi> no20:09
tgBot<Stereofont> Lotus, if there were more apos, manual search would be slower 😂20:09
* lotuspsychje waits anbox20:10
tgBot<kiwongesingndi> :P20:10
tgBot<Stereofont> @kiwongesingndi, Can we help? What is your first language?20:10
tgBot<kiwongesingndi> indonesia20:12
tgBot<HenryOne> From the FAQ "Is it possible to dual-boot with Andoid? (eg. Multiroom) ", answered with No. What about efidroid? Anyone tried it?20:12
tgBot<Stereofont> We have two other Indonesian members at least20:12
tgBotreimashi was added by: reimashi20:13
lotuspsychjestereofont: how many members in telegram? can you count?20:13
tgBot<kiwongesingndi> @Stereofont, 😃20:13
tgBot<Stereofont> @HenryOne, It was possible a while back and still is with an apk but not recommended and may break at any time. Anbox makes the idea redundant20:13
tgBot<Stereofont> Lotus. About 110020:14
lotuspsychjenice one20:14
tgBot<HenryOne> Well the problem is that anbox is still far from perfect20:14
lotuspsychjeandroid neither20:14
tgBot<Stereofont> Fwd from SyntaxError820: Hi, I am also from Indonesia20:14
tgBot<Stereofont> @HenryOne, So is multiboot20:15
tgBot<Tewel> @Stereofont, Hello, thank you for the links. Hope everybody here has had nice X-mas.20:15
tgBot<samitormanen> Can we change email polling frequency anywhere?20:16
tgBot<Stereofont> @Tewel, Thanks. Anything we can help with? We have a lot of language groups btw20:16
tgBot<DanChapman> @samitormanen, You can change it in the incoming server settings for each account20:17
tgBot<samitormanen> Do you mean in dekko?20:19
tgBot<DanChapman> yeah20:19
tgBot<samitormanen> Ok, thanks20:19
lotuspsychjenothing happens when i click view group telegram20:19
tgBot<HenryOne> @Stereofont, well efidroid seems more reliable than multirom. Liked multirom some time back20:20
tgBot<Tewel> Thank you, I found a german group alredy ;0) I'm new to telegram so I'm just looking around. On my Nexus 5 with UT I can't searching for groups, it is only possible with the other device. Maybee I do something wrong?20:20
tgBot<Stereofont> Lotus. It is a supergroup. I suggest uninstall your old Telegram version (keep alive on another device to save your account ). Reinstall and then reboot your device20:23
lotuspsychjestereofont: ok lemme try that20:24
tgBot<Stereofont> @HenryOne, Guessing that with the focus on Anbox, nobody will be motivated to rebuild efidroid20:24
tgBot<Stereofont> @Tewel, The telegram version on UT is like telegram was a couple of years ago on other platforms. Lots of catching up to do still20:25
lotuspsychjestereofont: telegram for ubuntu v2.5.2 thats the version i got20:29
lotuspsychjegreen view group button doesnt forward20:31
tgBot<Stereofont> 2.5.2 was also used for the beta. It seems the naming caused some update confusion20:34
tgBot<Stereofont> What green button?20:35
lotuspsychjeon the ubports telegram website, view group20:36
lotuspsychjeill mess with it later, nite all20:37
tgBot<Stereofont> Oh. You are using Telegram webapp? Now that the native app has supergroups I don't think that is much used20:37
tgBot<Stereofont> There are two in the OpenStore.  Native and Web20:38
tgBot<dohbee> oh20:38
tgBot<dohbee> urls.json needs updated20:38
tgBot<dohbee> the app doesn't handle the newer tg:// urls20:39
tgBot<Stereofont> Easiest to make changes on a different platform then come back to UT version20:40
tgBot<Stereofont> @dohbee, @flohack20:40
tgBot<dohbee> https://github.com/ubports/telegram-app/issues/12020:41
tgBot<Flohack> @dohbee, The web app? Or the c++20:42
tgBot<dohbee> presumably both20:43
tgBot<dohbee> but only talking about the qml app :)20:43
tgBot<Flohack> Ok Its hardcoded into the app, nothing to do with the json file20:47
tgBot<Flohack> Because whats the point if the app opens an url and sends it to itself20:47
tgBot<dohbee> well the json file is what determines which app gets opened for a URL20:47
tgBot<Flohack> Yeah sure but we also need to support http(s) invite links. So how will oxide handle this for example20:48
tgBot<dohbee> what do you mean?20:48
tgBot<dohbee> you have an embedded web view for https://t.me/ links?20:49
tgBot<Flohack> User opens webpage. Web page has link ofd the form: https://t.me/ubports20:49
tgBot<Flohack> no if you click this inside the app it will join that group20:49
tgBot<Flohack> if you click it in the browser nothing happens ofc ^^20:50
tgBot<dohbee> right20:50
tgBot<dohbee> the "in the browsesr" bit is what needs fixing20:50
tgBot<dohbee> and that's not a problem of oxide. it's telegram-app not handling tg://20:50
tgBot<Flohack> Oki make me a PR ^^20:51
tgBot<dohbee> i can't find any actual documentation about tg:// urls though20:54
tgBot<Flohack> I can do the rest in the app but you can just add it to urls.json and lets see what happens20:54
tgBot<dohbee> i can't. my n5 has no network, and i can't build telegram-app on my workstation it seems21:06
tgBot<Stereofont> @syntaxerror820 and others, is there a volunteer language lead for Malay / Indonesian?21:07
tgBot<dohbee> those are different languages :P21:07
tgBot<Stereofont> Indonesian is standardised Malay21:08
tgBot<Stereofont> @Stereofont, @RenanPrastaJenie221:08
tgBot<Stereofont> Admittedly, I have no idea about mutual comprehension 😀21:10
tgBot<dohbee> @Flohack, where in the app does it even handle telegram:// currently?21:11
tgBot<dohbee> hmm, found a typo too21:11
tgBot<dohbee> parser.setApplicationDescription("Telegram for Ubuntu is a freen and open source Telegram client.");21:12
tgBot<Flohack> @dohbee, No idea my build machine is not online21:12
tgBot<Flohack> hehe this is a nice typo ^^21:12
tgBot<dohbee> does anyone actually use the telegram scope?21:12
tgBot<RenanPrastaJenie> @Stereofont, This true indeed, and Malaysian and Indonesian language are different enough to easily distinguished although intelligible to each other21:13
tgBot<RenanPrastaJenie> (Sticker, 461x512) https://irc.ubports.com/SR0WoVWT/file_325921:13
tgBot<Stereofont> @RenanPrastaJenie, @kiwongesingndi needs assistance. A language group would be of benefit I think21:14
tgBot<Flohack> @dohbee, Not many ppl probably21:15
tgBot<dohbee> can we scrap it then?21:15
tgBot<Stereofont> We have one group for Scandinavian and people from Bavaria still join the German group 😂21:16
tgBot<Flohack> @dohbee, Its on my list already, but was for the major rev 3.x: https://github.com/ubports/telegram-app/issues/7121:16
tgBot<dohbee> ah, awesome!21:16
tgBot<RenanPrastaJenie> @Stereofont, Yups, I am Indonesian,  … Still in my last year PhD study in Nutrition, so,  … I would like to learn myself about this project more,  … Before really jump in as volunteer.21:17
tgBot<RenanPrastaJenie> (Sticker, 448x512) https://irc.ubports.com/JV9yRZqu/file_326021:17
tgBot<dohbee> @Flohack, ah, this "3.0.0" milestone on gh?21:18
tgBot<Stereofont> @RenanPrastaJenie, Of course.  If you can assist Kiwonge through direct messaging that would be nice?21:19
tgBot<Flohack> yes. But its totally unsure what will happen now. I dont have time myself for a full rewrite/cleanup, and the existing upstream 3.x version has not been touchified, so it lacks all our major paradigmas21:19
tgBot<dohbee> hmm, there's a lot of really big stuff for that 3.0 list21:19
tgBot<Flohack> yep. And keeping up with Telegram API is a constant race21:19
tgBot<RenanPrastaJenie> @Stereofont, I'll contact (Him? Her?)21:19
tgBot<RenanPrastaJenie> (Sticker, 453x512) https://irc.ubports.com/Byluf0NF/file_3261.webp21:20
tgBot<dohbee> you mean the upstream telegram-desktop app?21:20
tgBot<Stereofont> @RenanPrastaJenie, 🤝21:20
tgBot<RenanPrastaJenie> @Stereofont, Huh? Cmiiw, Bavaria is German, right?21:20
tgBot<Stereofont> @RenanPrastaJenie, Their language?  I think that is a matter of opinion 😎21:21
tgBot<Flohack> @dohbee, Yes Cutegram21:23
tgBot<Flohack> We played with this already a bit. Turns out its not in such a bad shape, but some regressions occur21:23
tgBot<dohbee> @Flohack, what are you working on now? just trying to get the remaining supergroups bits fixed?21:23
tgBot<Flohack> I took a deep breath and made a break from Telegram. Supergroup stuff, yes, missing media downloads, avatars etc. needs to be fixed maybe. Then, of course, I dont want to invest too much time, and we need to discuss the future of this thingie21:24
tgBot<Flohack> Because, ultimately, we will not bring in the latest & greates Telegram features into this codebase. Its impossible21:25
tgBot<Flohack> Calls for example ^^21:25
tgBot<dohbee> well, are upstream devs going to test the qt app on ubuntu phones?21:26
tgBot<Flohack> No. Upstream is kind of dead21:27
tgBot<Flohack> We are more or less alone with Tg ^^21:27
tgBot<dohbee> telegram-desktop is dead?21:28
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> Cutegram21:28
tgBot<Flohack> @dohbee, We dont use the official upstream ^^21:28
tgBot<dohbee> i know we don't21:28
tgBot<Flohack> This is not a good option for us, the official clients has a million dependencies and is not easily convertible into qml21:28
tgBot<Flohack> Cutegram has not done any release in a year or so21:29
tgBot<Flohack> And their core dev is even in our Telegram dev group as a guest ^^21:29
tgBot<Flohack> I can ask him maybe what he thinks will happen.21:29
tgBot<Flohack> But I hate it to have again an upstream dependency that leads into a dead end21:30
tgBot<dohbee> @Flohack, well really, qml is not a necessity21:31
tgBot<Flohack> I know but the more we make Telegram special the more hand we will need on it.21:32
tgBot<Flohack> Going to bed, if you got any genious ideas plz PM ^^21:33
tgBot<dohbee> well, telegram is too special now. if we could just build the official client in a click and it works well on a phone/tablet with touch gestures, wouldn't it be best to just add the push helper and integration bits there, and let them build the core features and we just help with integration? :)21:33
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> Sweet dreams Florian :)21:33
tgBot<dohbee> @Flohack, good night then :)21:34
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> @dohbee, If that was as easy as it sounds, why did canonical make a telegram app from scratch? … There's got to be some big advantage to this, or disadvantage to using the official telegram app if telegram has had this much work into it?21:36
tgBot<dohbee> @PhoenixLandPirate, you're asking me why managers and bizdev people at canonical made a decision? i can't answer that. ask the people at canonical and telegram who made that decision21:39
tgBot<dohbee> "if X exists, why do Y?" is the wrong question to be asking now21:40
tgBot<dohbee> the question here is how do we reduce the burden of maintaining a telegram app to the least amount possible, while gaining the greatest amount of features and support from telegram org21:41
tgBotmiguelaspalmas was added by: miguelaspalmas21:44
tgBot<peternerlich> Hey @miguelaspalmas, welcome! Please look at https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get up to speed and feel free to ask any question, especially in the Newcomers Room!21:49
tgBot<Waldbursche> Hi guys, i have a problem with camera-app on my nexus 5. When i record a video, there is no audio in it. Micro permission for the camera is okay. How can i solve this problem?22:03
tgBot<dohbee> does audio recording work in other apps?22:04
tgBot<Waldbursche> @dohbee, Test with audio recorder. No audio record22:06
tgBot<Waldbursche> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/KFD4SktZ/file_3262.webp22:06
tgBot<dohbee> :-/22:06
tgBot<dohbee> well, at least you know the problem isn't camera-app i guess :)22:07
tgBot<Waldbursche> It seems so22:07
tgBot<Waldbursche> Hardware is okay. It works with lineage and with sfos.22:07
tgBot<dohbee> i wonder if your mic is maybe muted somehow22:09
tgBot<Waldbursche> I haven't noticed as yet22:10
tgBot<dohbee> i guess voice calls work in the dialer app?22:12
tgBot<Waldbursche> Good news!!! Now i maked the update to r22 und the recorder works. Now i'm try the videocamera.22:12
tgBot<dohbee> oh ok22:12
tgBot<Waldbursche> Yes, audio works in video!22:14
tgBot<dohbee> well problem solved then :)22:14
tgBot<Waldbursche> Btw. the Nexus5 bug, that videoplayback is brocken, is  solvable temporarily with the UTmedia app. These app plays the cameravideo incl audio.22:16
tgBot<Waldbursche> Why can UTmedia playback video and mediaplayer can't ?22:17
tgBot<dohbee> don't know what exactly it's doing, but my guess would be it's doing software decoding, while the mediaplayer app goes through the android hal for hardware decoding22:18
tgBot<TronFortyTwo> UTmedia uses web-based codecs (HTML) while mediaplayer uses native codecs22:18
tgBot<dohbee> and there's a bug in the hardware decoding22:18
tgBot<Waldbursche> okay22:18
tgBot<TronFortyTwo> @dohbee, yup22:19
tgBot<balcy> just a liitle thing about the website / FAQ section: about the 16.04 plan for all devices: the FAQ still states: Which devices will be supported by the 16.04 branch? … This is not yet decided. Promising candidates are the Fairphone 2, Nexus 5, Oneplus 1, Oneplus 5,  HTC 10 and Bq M10 tablet, but this may change in the future.  … Why won't all Canonical devices get an upgrade to the new 16.04 base? ...22:22
tgBot<balcy> in the last community update, as I understood, the plan will be to lift all devices there, right ?22:23
tgBot<Stereofont> @balcy, Yes. The FAQ is out of date22:30
tgBot<balcy> ok thanks22:31
tgBot<Stereofont> @balcy, If I understood correctly, legacy devices will get 16.04 but without a Halium base22:31
tgBot<balcy> yeah, and without a new kernel (and still with upstart)22:32
tgBot<balcy> looking forward to it on my BQ 4.522:32
tgBotgebjgd was added by: gebjgd22:33
tgBot<Stereofont> Exactly.  So there will not be a complete equivalence. At some point it will probably look like Lite and Full versions22:33
tgBot<Stereofont> @gebjgd, Hello Gebjbd. Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore!22:34
tgBot<balcy> ok but I guess many higlevel parts like Qt  will be the new versions22:34
tgBot<balcy> also in "lite"22:34
tgBot<balcy> my phone just needs to survive as long the librem 5 takes to build :  )22:35
tgBot<Stereofont> @balcy, Guessing that nobody has any definite idea yet how that will pan out22:35
tgBot<Stereofont> @balcy, If the battery lasts I think you should be okay 😁22:36
tgBot<Fabio7891> Why is not possible install Ubuntu Touch on all Samsung Galaxy S models ?22:37
tgBot<balcy> at least (aside from the kernel) it sounds much better security wise than 15.04, because there will be upstream patches from canonical on 16.0422:37
tgBot<dohbee> @Fabio7891, because they're not all the same device, and none of them is a supported device yet?22:39
tgBot<Stereofont> @Fabio7891, Ubuntu Touch is a very different thing to Lineage. Less 'native'. Each hardware set is a completely new challenge, even models from one manufacturer. We have Nexus5 but not Nexus5X. Phones are not made to accommodate independent software. Quite the reverse!22:40
tgBot<Fabio7891> I understand 🤔22:45
tgBot<npatel33> Hi guys, do you have any link for the road map for development like what things are high priority for UBPorts right now? I was just wondering.22:45
tgBot<Fabio7891> But in the future it will be easier with new models, right ?22:45
tgBot<Stereofont> @Fabio7891, It will be easier through the use of Halium, which will change a selection of devices into a 'generic android device'. Maybe 5 devices, maybe 50 devices22:47
tgBot<c_smith> @Fabio7891, Not necessarily, sure, Project Treble might ease that a bit, but you can count on many devices still not using it22:48
tgBotksdme was added by: ksdme22:48
tgBot<Fabio7891> Ok ok22:48
tgBot<c_smith> Welcome, Kilari22:49
tgBot<Stereofont> @npatel33, Absolute top priority is to shift everything to 16.04 before 15.04 sinks beneath the waves. That is so important that it tends to crowd out other things22:49
tgBot<Stereofont> @ksdme, Hello Kilari. Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore!22:50
tgBot<Fabio7891> I have seen Anbox is available now in Ubuntu Touch. So I can use Whatsapp, Google Maps exc., right ?22:50
tgBot<nfsprodriver> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/k00qfNZ0/file_3266.jpg22:51
tgBot<Stereofont> @Fabio7891, Not now. Soon. It is only on prototype but it will happen. There will be containment so some things may not work perfectly22:51
tgBot<nfsprodriver> @nfsprodriver, Latest system-settings build on xenial :) Seems to work good @mariogrip22:52
tgBot<Stereofont> Meizu Pro 5 will get Anbox first. Others fairly soon afterwards22:52
tgBot<Fabio7891> Nice ! Nice ! 😊👍22:53
tgBot<Stereofont> If they are supported devices and not legacy22:53
tgBot<Fabio7891> I have seen that Fairphone 2 is good supported22:54
tgBot<Stereofont> Anbox will be resource hungry so it will not cone to BQ 4.5 and E522:54
tgBot<Stereofont> @Fabio7891, It has sufficient power and RAM,  so yes22:55
tgBot<npatel33> @Stereofont, I have Nexus 4 so I am not sure if it is under plan to be in supported device for 16.04.22:56
tgBot<Stereofont> There are two different things. All supported and legacy phones will get 16.04 in some form. Not all can get Anbox22:57
tgBot<Stereofont> So N4 will get 16.04 but with some limitations22:58
tgBot<npatel33> Oh is there any technical reason for not getting Anbox? If not then I can help to provide some support for Nexus 4 development.23:00
tgBot<mariogrip> @nfsprodriver, :)23:00
tgBot<nfsprodriver> About the apps in https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/384 Are all apps base-dependent?23:02
tgBot<Stereofont> @npatel33, It is technical. Processing power and memory. Any emulator runs at lower efficiency than the real thing. If you need x for Android you need 1.3x for virtual Android23:02
tgBot<Stereofont> @npatel33, Maybe in theory there could be a super light version of Anbox that is only capable of running one or two types of app. Chop off some bits? Even then, it may not be small and light enough23:06
tgBot<npatel33> Yes, that makes sense.23:07
tgBot<Waldbursche> @Stereofont, N5 ?  M10 ?23:10
tgBot<alan_morford> Good evening. I'm aware of the ota3 issue of no mobile data on the n5. I read the bug report and some said a temporary fix is switching to development channel and then back to stable. I tried it and cannot get back on stable. Multiple reboots don't work. I was able to switch to RC but can't switch to stable from there either. Any ideas?23:11
tgBot<Waldbursche> switch to rc can fix the problem. it does here by an N5 2 days before23:12
tgBot<Stereofont> N5 and M10 will get Anbox23:18
tgBot<Waldbursche> @Stereofont, wonderful23:18
tgBot<Stereofont> @alan_morford, The problem is with switching. It is quite flaky. Try tomorrow,  reboot etc. It will switch eventually23:19
tgBot<Stereofont> If you can now go from rc back to development,  try make the jump to stable again. Not logical I know but there something random going on23:23
tgBot<alan_morford> Yeah OK. I'll keep at it. Thanks23:24
tgBot<alan_morford> Oh follow-up question. Will switching from RC to stable net an update install? That way I'll know what to look for.23:26
tgBot<Stereofont> Sorry. It isn't satisfactory but there is always a huge pile of work facing the core developers. At least it does work eventually. I had the same problem with my tablet23:26
tgBot<Stereofont> @alan_morford, You mean an install log?23:27
tgBotge jin was added by: ge jin23:28
tgBot<alan_morford> Switching to developer and then to RC caused my system to download an update. Will that happen when I switch to stable successfulLy?23:28
tgBot<alan_morford> I assume so. R3 will dl23:29
tgBot<alan_morford> Yes?23:29
tgBot<Stereofont> Just one clarification. When you set the channel and go back a page it doesn't register the change. Ignore and swipe back another page. The middle page registers installed version, not selected version23:30
tgBot<Stereofont> I was speaking to someone earlier who was stuck on revision 2 stable. Going to development and back kicked it into revision 323:31
tgBot<Stereofont> @ge jin, Hello Ge Jin. Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore!23:32
tgBot<Waldbursche> Good night guys. UBports rocks 👍🏻23:34
tgBot<Waldbursche> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/NR9cGFGm/file_326823:34
tgBot<Stereofont> @Waldbursche, Ditto 😎23:34
tgBot<alan_morford> @Stereofont, Got it. Thank you23:42
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> @Waldbursche, Who did this23:42
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> I need to give them a cookie23:43
tgBot<mariogrip> @nfsprodriver, Yes, since they are built using deb, they need to land in the correct repo. Thats why I added some of the apps there23:43
tgBot<nfsprodriver> Ah okay. Btw the opacity commits work for me on xenial :) Ready to contiue with deep stuff ;)23:46
tgBot<mariogrip> @nfsprodriver, Yaaay :D great job! :)23:48

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