
lotuspsychje2 new bugs on bionic, feel free to test them06:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1740142 in vlc (Ubuntu) "Vlc avcodec decoder error on 18.04" [Undecided,New]06:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1740146 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "System slow on wayland, lagging mouse and programs on 17.10 & 18.04" [Undecided,New]06:28
flocculantlotuspsychje: can't confirm the vlc one - checked yesterday, don't have wayland in xubuntu07:41
lotuspsychjeah tnx for checking flocculant what grafix do yo have?07:41
flocculantGeForce 210 using nouveau though07:42
lotuspsychjeflocculant: might be a wayland/radeon issue then07:43
daxlotuspsychje: I have AMD, but it's an rx480, so amdgpu not radeon. no problems here :\08:21
lotuspsychjedax: your on the xorg or wayland session?08:25
daxlotuspsychje: it's fine with both.08:26
lotuspsychjeallrighty, tnx for testing dax 08:26
flocculantlotuspsychje: I booted live and installed vlc - worked ok there08:32
flocculanttook 2:30 to get a desktop though ...08:32
lotuspsychjei got 2 machines out of 3 that lag wayland flocculant 08:34
flocculantwouldn't know wayland from xorg tbh - not something we're worrying about currently08:35
daxonly time i can tell a difference is with screenshotting. unsurprisingly (at least if you've read up on wayland), it doesn't work with gimp on wayland08:35
lotuspsychjeflocculant dax ill see where the bug goes from here, perhaps other users might encounter it, tnx for the test08:35
daxGNOME can do it obviously, but GNOME's screenshot tool is... not as featureful as what i'm used to from Plasma08:36
flocculantlotuspsychje: np - I'll always try issues at least08:37
lotuspsychjeits weird my bug complains about radeon, but driver installed correctly08:37
lotuspsychjesmplayer works fine on same mkv08:38
lotuspsychjetested both from terminal, no errors spitout on smplayer08:39

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