
TJ-clausen: have you made any progress?00:08
clausenTJ-, trying to figure out how to use dd to recover the superblock backup00:08
clauseneverything is poorly documented00:09
clausen(reading the e2fsprogs source...)00:09
clausenmy naive guess would be: dd if=/dev/dm-1 seek=32768 bs=4k count=1 | dd of=/dev/dm-1 bs=4k count=100:10
clausenI just don't want to mess it up!00:10
TJ-clausen: practice in an image on your working PC00:12
clausenTJ-, that's what I'm doing...00:12
TJ-clausen: aha. I'd have focused on getting a USB flash device mounted in the intrd so I could chroot into it :)00:12
clausenTJ-, but I don't trust USB flash -- easy to hack the machine00:13
TJ-that makes absolutely no sense!00:13
clausenTJ-, I would have to write a new image to a USB flash device00:14
clausenbut I don't have any machines I trust to do that00:14
clausen(they are all "dirty")00:14
TJ-a liveISO isn't dirty, and you can verify that via the image hash, on the USB, from the eeebook, using sha*sum00:16
clausenTJ-, I don't trust the microcontroller on the USB flash device00:17
clausen(I do trust CD-ROMS though... but that' mysteriously not working either!)00:17
TJ-well, if you're that paranoid, destroy the USB flash device after you've used it for recovery. If you've that level of paranoia what about the Asus UEFI, and Intel ME ?00:20
=== Menzie is now known as Menzador
lordcirthThe Intel ME is much more likely to be compromised than USB firmware, yes00:21
ZaliekBetter reflash the usb controller too, they could install a bug in the factory, or the factory could be hacked and their usb sticks compromised00:22
TickerTapethat's not really true both are about equally crap is what I would say00:22
clausenTJ-, I disagree.  The flash firmware could be attacked from my dirty machine00:23
clausenTJ-, Intel ME could be back-doored, but there's little I can do about that00:23
TJ-thing is, if this Asus eeebook never has a network connection it's fine, as would be attaching even a compromised USB device to it, if that device is destroyed afterwards00:23
clausenTJ-, it accesses the network via USB (but a USB that only ever plugs into it, nothing else)00:23
TickerTapethe usb itself can have a wireless antenna00:24
clausen(and it's fairly locked down, although admittedly not enough)00:24
clausenwell, a wireless USB adapter does indeed...00:24
TJ-as soon as there's a network it can be compromied, EFI has processes running even after the OS loads00:24
TickerTapeeven if you are airgapped. but it sounds like you are not even airgapped so you are definitely vulnerable00:24
TJ-I use a USB Armory for sensitive stuff, and yubikey for keys00:25
Exterminadorstupid question: is there a way to reset a VPS to the default packages?00:25
TJ-clausen: don't you have an encrypted backup to restore from?00:26
clausenTJ-, no, I was in the process of replacing the whole system00:27
clausen(not really a good excuse!)00:27
TJ-so we have sensitive data stored on a PC which has an apparently corrupted ext rootfs, with an out-of-support Ubuntu release, with expected tools missing from it's initrd.img, and cannot use an external USB device with recovery tooling. I swear it's xmas not April 1st!00:30
clausenTJ-, it's not the end of the world if I lose all the data00:31
clausenI'm poor :(00:31
TJ-clausen: as long as you've got back-ups :)00:31
clausenI've got backups for the bits that really matter00:31
clausen(my main machine is a dirty qubes machine... I've been planning to buy a clean qubes machine)00:33
clausen(just no money!)00:33
TickerTapewasn't ubuntu created initially because debian was moving too slowly00:34
ZaliekI'd advise investing in a typewriter and a carrier pigeon00:36
TickerTapetypewriter check I bought an electric typewriter a while back. no carrier pigeon yet00:36
juan_some one is active00:37
Zalieksuch patience00:38
TJ-obviously nor00:38
FruitViewwondering, do canonical sell its users like say ms supposedly do?00:40
FruitView(is the concept at all familiar?)00:41
TickerTapewell supposedly is the key word there - what does it even mean to "sell" a user?00:41
TJ-FruitView: I was sold into support slavery, but I blame myself, should have stayed off IRC more :)00:41
ZaliekThey make money selling services to enterprise customers00:41
FruitViewokay i'll try to explain.00:41
colintsthey have walked the line00:42
colintsin the past there was amazon "included"00:42
TickerTapems just makes a shitty operating system and everyone accuses them not of that, but of "selling users"00:42
ZaliekAt one point they added sponsored search00:42
ZaliekBut removed that. Was several years ago00:43
TJ-Unity dash once had the Amazon sponsored search results, but that was removed eventually00:43
FruitViewthis is sort of shady, but as far as i understand, there are two approaches for handling malicious behavior, hacking, spying and that sort.00:43
colintsits still an open source OS, you can still look at the source and see what canonical is doing00:43
colintsso its much harder for them to pull shady acts00:43
ZaliekThey do collect crash reports, if you elect to send them at the time of the report being generated00:44
TickerTapeat some point justice dept was after MS for anti-trust violations and the search feature may have been part of that. none of that relates to "selling users" in any way00:44
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt00:44
FruitViewOne is technical, to put it simply, make systems which is safe. To spend energy on doing that, which takes a lot of effort and theoretically speaking i'm not even sure it can be done.00:44
* blkadder loves doubt. It is the foundation of all honest inquiry.00:44
clausenTJ-, I successfully mounted root!!!00:44
colintsubuntu's sponsored search was short lived and not all invasive00:45
blkadderLike "I doubt it is a good idea to stick my finger in this light socket."00:45
TJ-clausen: best copy out the e2fsfk tools and supporting libraries to the initrd, then unmount it again, and check it, before it is written to00:45
xbonesxCould someone confirm I've setup nickserv right?00:45
TickerTapetheoretically speaking it can be done. interactive theorem proving could be used to prove vhdl + os + applications all operate according to spec without vulnerabilities. it would just take more effort than humans are willing to expend for security00:45
xbonesxAre my messages coming through?00:46
daxxbonesx: you are currently logged in to it00:46
FruitViewThe other one, is to do social policing, instead of trying to prevent what anyway can't be prevented completely, arrange a market for it.00:46
ZaliekFruitView, If you're concerned about security while using Ubuntu then look at hardening guides and be careful of software from the universe repo (it doesn't get official support or patches)00:46
FruitViewdo monopoly, that is.00:46
TJ-FruitView: your topic, whilst interesting, would be better in #ubuntu-discuss - this channel is for support issues00:46
FruitViewokay, i'll take it there. thanks.00:47
xbonesxI've been searching for a while now trying to figure out how to start the firewall service without installing a frontend like ufw or gufw. I've already configured iptables to my liking. Could someone assist me please?00:47
TickerTapesays the guy who drivelled on about the security of his non-airgapped non-ubuntu system for 1/2hr00:47
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FruitViewi really like ubuntu btw, especially unity00:48
TJ-xbonesx: Linux firewall is built-in, it's running once iptables/nftables loads the rules00:48
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* colints laughs at air-gapped 00:48
clausenTJ-, it booted into maintenance mode; I remounted read-only, and e2fsck'd it00:49
clausenit's fine now :)00:49
TJ-TickerTape: it's clausen's PC that's air-gapped, and it's an Ubuntu system00:49
xbonesxTJ-, is there a way to verify that the service is in fact running and utilizing my iptables settings? I've installed iptables-persistent.00:49
clausenTJ-, it's not airgapped00:49
clausenI can ssh out of it00:49
clausen(but not into it)00:49
TJ-clausen: check the logs try to figure out what went wrong (/var/log/ syslog kern.log auth.log and possiblely apt/history.log)00:49
TJ-xbonesx: "iptables -nvL" will list all rules00:50
xbonesxTJ-, So if the rules are present then they are loaded?00:50
TJ-xbonesx: correct00:50
TickerTapelucky about that maintenance mode then00:51
xbonesxTJ-, Thank you sir, I just wasn't sure. All the articles I've read state that ufw or another service has to be ran to initially get the service running.00:51
TJ-xbonesx: usually the persistent rules are loaded during early init and saved on shutdown00:51
xbonesxTJ-, I thought so just wanted reassurance00:51
TJ-xbonesx: ufw is just a friendly wrapper around using iptables to set the netfilters rules00:51
clausenTJ-, so, any hypotheses on why the superblock got corrupted?00:52
TJ-clausen: usually power is lost in the midst of a write operation00:54
TJ-clausen: next is RAM corruption causing data to be written to the wrong sector00:55
preciseHello, I was originally looking to live boot Ubuntu Xenial Server edition via a live USB with persistence, but I see that feature is not available until 18.04 seemingly. With that said, is there anyway to have Ubuntu only load CLI on start, preferabbly with no traces of the GUI? I'd like to free up as many CPU cycles as possible. Thoughts?01:06
preciseI know you can edit your GRUB config, but does that still load GUI precursors on start? I'd also beenfit from simply slimming down the desktop image.01:07
clausenTJ-, the second one sounds plausible (but not the first -- very little IO)01:07
Bashing-om!minimal | precise Best to build up rather than tear down:01:08
ubottuprecise Best to build up rather than tear down:: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:08
preciseBashing-om: Wow... how did I miss that? Clicking now, thanks!01:09
TJ-precise: on the kernel command line add "systemd.unit=multi-user.target"01:09
xbonesxWould anyone like to discuss setting up ftp access to a specific folder? I'm reading up on it right now, essentially I want a buddy to have access to help me keep the server maintained01:09
preciseTJ-: What does that do?01:09
TJ-precise: boots into multi-user mode as normal but doesn't start the GUI01:09
preciseTJ-: Ok, thanks!01:10
oerhekssudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target and return to gui sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target01:12
clausenTJ-, thanks so much for your help!01:13
clausenTJ-, the irony of all this is that I was using the secure machine to establish a new backup system...01:13
clausenTJ-, it's all good to go now!01:13
TJ-clausen: back up before it dies again :)01:14
TJ-clausen: and use lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-... to find out why/where the ext fsck tools have got to01:15
TJ-clausen: also "update-initramfs -v -u -k $(uname -r)" to get a log of everything that is being put in the initrd01:15
=== nevermind is now known as Guest50009
ImageJPEGSo, I have some Ubuntu servers that I want to send their logs to a remote server. I have a server with Graylog. I found systemd-journal-remote but that looks like that's a server, not a client.01:26
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xbonesxImageJPEG, possible to automate this task using ftp?01:29
ImageJPEGProbably not. I've got all my other servers working this way. They use some variant of syslog though because they're either FreeBSD or OpenBSD.01:30
ImageJPEGI strongly dislike how systemd tries to do everything01:30
XXCoderhah. I was wondering so I tried to enter ctrl-alt-f* when xscreensaaver is running.01:32
XXCoderit worked fine. I guess it was crash that caused it to not work01:32
TJ-ImageJPEG:  you can still use rsyslog the same way01:32
ImageJPEGWouldn't I have to go through the nightmare of switching syslogs?01:33
TJ-ImageJPEG: or you can do systemd-journal-upload > systemd-journal-remote01:34
ImageJPEGThis is ridiculous. :/ All I literally had to do to get my BSD servers working was remove everything in syslog.conf and place "*.* @remoteIP:PORT".01:35
TJ-ImageJPEG: in Ubuntu journald is forwarding to syslog, so you can get syslog to forward01:36
tsarompyi love bsd01:37
ImageJPEGI didn't find a syslog.conf in /etc01:37
tsarompywhat flavor of bsd is it01:37
ImageJPEGI use both FreeBSD and OpenBSD.01:37
ImageJPEGFreeBSD for my MySQL and web server, OpenBSD for my Tor node.01:37
tsarompyi like dragonfly bsd and netbsd01:37
tsarompybut ubuntu on the ol laptop01:37
ImageJPEGEverything runs on Proxmox though01:37
ImageJPEGI have a Ubuntu server to host my Unifi Controller and another installation to have my DNS server and a few other services I want to use locally.01:38
tsarompyever play with debian/kFreebsd?01:38
ImageJPEGLike once lol01:39
TJ-ImageJPEG: Ubuntu uses rsyslogd as it's syslog01:39
tsarompyi tried to install it in a VM last night but all the servers 404d01:39
ImageJPEGHow long before they go to systemd :/01:39
ImageJPEGNo, Ubuntu01:39
ImageJPEGin terms of full time systemd for syslog01:39
tsarompyam i the only person in the world who doesnt care about systemd01:40
ImageJPEGWow, my internet has really gone down the shitter since my isp crapped out about an hour ago.01:41
ImageJPEGI'll BRB...gonna reset my modem.01:41
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fahadashI have changed my default shell using chsh but I still get ksh when I log on why?02:34
LiinusTorvalds55Hello is anyone here?02:50
LiinusTorvalds55Hey guys02:51
LiinusTorvalds55Anyone an expert in bash scripting or ssh?02:52
rypervenchefahadash: Have you checked your .bashrc file?02:53
rypervencheLiinusTorvalds55: What is your actual question?02:54
fahadashchsh does not work?02:54
fahadashI have not looked at .bashrc file at all02:54
rypervenchefahadash: Have you checked that /etc/passwd has the correct shell for your user?02:54
rypervenchefahadash: Something like: grep fahadash /etc/passwd02:55
LiinusTorvalds55If I have a line in a file at position 50, how can I replace that line?02:56
leftyfbfahadash: did you use sudo to change it?02:56
rypervencheLiinusTorvalds55: There are a few different tools to do the job. You can use sed for one.02:56
leftyfbLinus: sed -i '34s/AAA/BBB/' file_name02:57
LiinusTorvalds55I've always seen it but haven't learned it. I should probably just bite the bullet already.02:57
leftyfbLiinusTorvalds55: sed -i '34s/AAA/BBB/' file_name02:57
fahadashI edited passwd file, it wont let me save. vim says "Unable to open file for writing"02:57
leftyfbLiinusTorvalds55: first result when searching google for "sed replace line number"02:57
leftyfbfahadash: you need to use sudo02:58
leftyfbfahadash: you probably should have used sudo for chsh as well02:58
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LiinusTorvalds55fahadash what file?02:58
rypervenchefahadash: You should not be manually editing your passwd file. Use chsh. sudo chsh -s /bin/bash fahadash    something like that.02:59
fahadashleftyfb: It works02:59
fahadashI may have used chsh without sudo but I don't remember getting any error02:59
xbonesxI must be missing something in my configuration, I can't seem to vnc to my machine03:00
fahadashrypervenche: I changed the passwd file added the shell path after the home dir path and it work03:00
xbonesxI've installed the server and have it running, also opened the ports in my firewall, still no connection. Do I have to open the ports on my router as well?03:00
kk4ewtxbonesx, yep you need a server and open up the firewall as well03:00
LiinusTorvalds55I suggest install bum03:01
xbonesxlinux firewalls are set, router too?03:01
kk4ewtalso forward in your routor03:01
xbonesxok thanks ill try03:01
leftyfbxbonesx: only if you're trying to connect to vnc from the internet (NOT recommended)03:01
LiinusTorvalds55sudo apt-get install bum03:01
xbonesxleftyfb, oh right, no this is lan03:01
leftyfbxbonesx: then don't touch your router03:01
xbonesxI wonder if my windows firewall is preventing it then03:02
LiinusTorvalds55This has less people than I thought.03:03
xbonesxso my windows firewall detected the outgoing request and i made a rule for it03:03
xbonesxstill no apples03:03
leftyfbxbonesx: on ubuntu run: sudo lsof -i :590003:03
LiinusTorvalds55or sudo lsof -i -sTCP:LISTEN03:04
xbonesxthe server said it was running on 590103:04
LiinusTorvalds55or sudo lsof -i -sTCP:LISTEN | grep 590103:04
xbonesxshould i adjust my linux firewall for 5900?03:04
leftyfbxboxnot unless it's running on 590003:04
xbonesxno return03:04
leftyfbxbonesx: ^03:05
leftyfbxbonesx: for which port?03:05
xbonesxor 590003:05
metaphysicianWhat will happen is I install and put SELinux in enforcing mode on a Ubuntu 16.04?03:05
leftyfbtry 590003:05
xbonesxmaybe the service isnt running one sec03:05
leftyfbok so it's not running03:05
LiinusTorvalds55sudo service start ...03:05
xbonesxservice is running now, forgot i haven't set it to start after restart03:06
xbonesxrunning and no connection03:07
kk4ewtmetaphysician,  i suggest you put it in permissive and see what it may want to block03:07
leftyfbxbonesx: what does lsof say?03:07
xbonesxlistening on 590103:07
leftyfbok, then you need to specify that port in your vnc client since 5900 is the default03:07
leftyfbxbonesx: next test if that fails it to try and connect locally03:08
xbonesxso i install tightvnc from a non-root user03:09
xbonesxI started the service from the same account03:09
xbonesxdoes the influence anything?03:09
leftyfbxbonesx: I'm pretty sure remmina vnc client is installed by default03:09
xbonesxok I have my box to start to cmd, give me a moment and ill test03:10
xbonesxdoes having ssh configure make a difference?03:12
leftyfbdon't do that in the client03:12
leftyfbhaving it configured and running as a server on the same machine doesn't matter03:12
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ettafixHello, guys!03:16
Creeperdude2409i like kano say 1 if you agree03:16
leftyfbCreeperdude2409: Do you have a support question?03:16
leftyfbCreeperdude2409: then you might want to try #ubuntu-offtopic03:18
Creeperdude2409oke dokey03:18
CollinGrimmis there a way to make wayland listen to keystrokes and log that to a file?03:21
leftyfbCollinGrimm: there are solutions to key logging not reliant on wayland03:22
xbonesxleftyfb, ok so i was able to connect too 5902 session from the machine with the server03:23
Creeperdude2409how do i type a tilde03:23
xbonesxleftyfb, 5901 was in use because the session I'm logged into03:23
carverhdo you use the US keyboard03:23
leftyfbCreeperdude2409: use your keyboard. For further help with such things, try #computers03:23
* ste suggests stop the creeping03:23
Creeperdude2409my name is referencing a Creeper from Minecraft03:24
Creeperdude2409oh i figured it out03:24
carverhthere you do03:25
Creeperdude2409i did fn + 803:25
CollinGrimmleftyfb: OK. How will you suggest doing so please? I'm trying to monitor my little brother's computer.03:26
carverhthats pretty creepy03:26
Creeperdude2409its probably for seeing if hes doing things hes supposed to03:27
leftyfbCollinGrimm: I don't think that's the type of help you're going to get here. There's no way to validate whether or not you're doing this without malice.03:27
carverhthats not really your job as a brother, its your parents job.03:27
CollinGrimmwell. you're right. I had a feeling it will sound shady asking here. anyways, thanks for your help. I'll try figuring it out leftyfb03:28
Creeperdude2409what time is it03:29
carverhit is 19:29 PST03:29
cyberspectreHey everyone. I just built a new machine with a Ryzen 1600x and I need a newer kernel to support am4 sensors. How can I easily upgrade to kernel 4.11 in 16.04 LTS?03:29
carverhrecompile the kernel03:29
leftyfbCollinGrimm: look into dansguardian03:29
xbonesxleftyfb, connecting to the vncserver from the machine hosting it was a success, although it was on port 5902 because my logged session was using 590103:29
carverhyou can apt install linux-image-3.13...03:30
carverhto install a newer kernel version03:30
leftyfbcyberspectre: sudo apt-get install linux-image-4.11.0-14-generic03:30
Creeperdude2409xbonesx:get rid of nes in your name and you get xbox03:31
xbonesxlol i had this name before the xbox came out bro03:31
daxCreeperdude2409: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. Please keep it free of other unrelated comments, thanks.03:31
Creeperdude2409oh sorry03:31
Creeperdude2409im new to xchat btw03:31
carverhyou mean IRC03:32
carverhyah you are new03:32
Creeperdude2409im using xchat on my kano03:32
zeshanhI THER03:32
Bashing-om!hwe | cyberspectre03:32
ubottucyberspectre: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack03:32
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xbonesxhmm, its not my local machine firewall, not the remote machine firewall, I'm able to connect from the remote machine to the remote machine, just not from the local mahcine03:35
leftyfbxbonesx: are you using the correct ip address from your windows machine? Try a different client?03:35
xbonesxI using the one provided after the server starts03:36
xbonesxI tried using the actual lan ip and port and that didn't work either03:36
leftyfbactual lan ip? As opposed to?03:36
xbonesxtightvncserver gives a "hostname" to connect too03:37
leftyfbxbonesx: can I ask why you need a VNC server to begin with?03:38
xbonesxI don't03:39
xbonesxMost tasks I need to do I can do from the cmd03:39
xbonesxbut I was wondering if I could get it setup or not03:39
leftyfbeither way, I would suggest installing x11vnc and trying that03:39
leftyfbsudo x11vnc -xkb -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -display :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -usepw03:39
leftyfbkillall other vnc servers btw03:40
=== Albertx1 is now known as Albertx
xbonesxI might give it a try, I imagine there is some configuration for tightvnc that I'm missin03:40
xbonesxI'm going to test a connection from a linux machine to it, see if its a windows thing03:41
cyberspectreleftyfb, Bashing-om thank you03:41
cyberspectrenow I have no display on boot so I'll need help again in a minute lol03:42
Bashing-omcyberspectre: Did you install the new kernel, and now a proprietary driver is broke ? ' sudo lshw -C display ' .03:43
leftyfbcyberspectre: sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-4.11.0-14-generic03:43
leftyfbcyberspectre: if you installed the 4.11 kernel03:44
carverhinstall the latest kernel always03:44
carverh*almost always03:44
orizzlehello everyone - i think i've read just about every tutorial online to get bind to work with nsupdate but no luck. my end goal is to make my own dynamic dns server on a subdomain. i am getting mixed results from update failed: SERVFAIL to update failed: REFUSED. can anyone assist?03:45
carverhdont think #ubuntu is the best place for help with bind03:45
xbonesxleftyfb, so when attempting a connection from another ubuntu machine, I get route to host unknow03:46
orizzlei dont think there are any good places to get help with bind03:46
carverhdoes bind have a irc?03:46
orizzleyeah everyone is a ghost03:46
cyberspectreleftyfb, Bashing-om, I installed 4.11 and I'm having this issue https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/341920/fix-nvidia-drivers-in-ubuntu-16-04-when-getting-the-stopping-user-manager-for-u03:46
carverhthats what i guessed03:46
xbonesxPossibly incorrect firewall settings?03:46
daxthere's #ubuntu-server, but it tends to be quiet around this time of day03:46
cyberspectreNormally it'd be no problem to just boot with the older kernel, but for some reason, on this machine, grub doesn't show03:47
leftyfbxbonesx: wrong ip then03:47
cyberspectreit shows what looks like a frame of grub for a split second and then boots03:47
xbonesxhmm def right ip, I ran ifconfig to verify03:47
leftyfbcyberspectre: reinstall the nvidia drivers03:48
leftyfborizzle: just a sec03:48
cyberspectreleftyfb, I will as soon as I figure out how to get a console03:48
xbonesxmy three port instances in iptables come after the reject icmp request though, wonder if that is the issue03:48
leftyfbcyberspectre: CTRL+ALT+F203:48
carverhCTRL+ALT+F2 get console03:48
leftyfbxbonesx: kill all firewalls to test03:48
carverhor C-A-34568903:49
cyberspectreleftyfb, got it03:49
cyberspectreleftyfb, sudo apt-get purge nvidia*?03:49
xbonesxgood idea, thanks03:49
leftyfborizzle: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26261879/03:50
leftyfbthat should get you started03:50
Bashing-omcyberspectre: headers installed for the new kernel to enable building a nvidia module ??03:51
leftyfbI have no problem using nsupdate with that03:51
metaphysiciankk4ewt: which desktop environment has better SELinux support? Gnome/Xfce/Mate/Cinnamon/Lxde/KDE?03:51
cyberspectreBashing-om, no. Installed to support AM4 temp sensors03:51
leftyfbmetaphysician: you know SELinux is mainly for Redhat distro's where as Ubuntu uses apparmor right?03:51
metaphysicianleftyfb: yes03:52
leftyfbcyberspectre: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-4.11.0-1403:52
cyberspectreleftyfb, did that03:52
Bashing-omcyberspectre: No linux-header for the current kernel, can not build the nvidia driver .03:52
cyberspectreoh I see03:52
cyberspectreheaders in addition to image03:53
cyberspectreYes, booting with the newer kernel but not the proper headers causes some weird stuff03:54
cyberspectreBashing-om, leftyfb the new kernel makes it so that networking doesn't work, presumably because I didn't install the headers. I need to boot with the older kernel and then install the headers, right?03:56
orizzleleftyfb: SERVFAIL03:57
leftyfbcyberspectre: I would verify if/how it affected your networking. It's possible it changed the interface name. I would compare ifconfig -a with the interfaces that are in /sys/class/net/03:57
xbonesxleftyfb, HEY!!! progress03:58
cyberspectreif I uninstall 4.11 and reboot, it'll fall back to the older kernel, right?03:58
xbonesxturns out iptables reads in order and all ports need to be before any rejects for icmp03:58
carverhmaybe, install old kernel using apt03:58
xbonesxnow to secure the connection using ssh03:59
cyberspectrecarverh, do you think it's already deleted?03:59
cyberspectredoesn't it hold onto 4-5 kernels?03:59
carverhno, but just incase03:59
TickerTapexbonesx: well if it didn't process the rules in any particular order it could always choose the reject rule first, right?03:59
xbonesxTickerTape, truth03:59
carverhyou have to select the (old) option03:59
xbonesxI forgot to ensure they were in the proper order03:59
carverhbut i say install the older one using APT04:00
=== Albertx1 is now known as Albertx
leftyfborizzle: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26261924/04:02
leftyfborizzle: I had to strip out a bunch of things from it so it might need some tweaking04:02
orizzleleftyfb: im trying a very simple add command and getting servfail04:04
leftyfborizzle: need to turn up your logging and get more data04:04
orizzleleftyfb: https://pastebin.com/nWYwhMEY04:05
orizzleleftyfb: is this of any concern in dmesg: [107976.679564] type=1400 audit(1514347582.955:25): apparmor="ALLOWED" operation="mknod" profile="/usr/sbin/named" name="/etc/bind/db.d.example.net.jnl" pid=24985 comm="named" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=111 ouid=11104:07
leftyfbno since it says "ALLOWED"04:07
=== jiang is now known as chenapaul
cyberspectreOh... it looks like nvidia drivers are known to conflict with 4.1104:10
cyberspectreThere's a patch they suggest you install here https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1002820/linux/-patch-381-09-kernel-4-11/ but considering the only reason I want to use 4.11 is to have a CPU temp sensor, am I better off waiting until these problems are resolved officially?04:12
leftyfbcyberspectre: what about 4.13?04:12
orizzlemother fucker, it was a permission issue the whole time04:13
orizzlechown bind:bind /etc/bind04:13
leftyfbcyberspectre: sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge linux-headers-generic-hwe-16.04-edge04:13
leftyfborizzle: please watch the language04:13
cyberspectreleftyfb, out of curiosity, what is hwe/04:16
fahadashIs there a good terminal based IRC client?04:17
lordcirthfahadash, irssi and weechat are popular04:20
lordcirthcyberspectre, !hwe04:20
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack04:20
cyberspectreOh that's what that is04:21
cyberspectreSo it's precautionary on ubuntu's part04:21
cyberspectreyou know, I've been using linux for almost 5 years now... I should really know this stuff04:22
fahadashWhat is the name of irssi package?04:22
cyberspectreleftyfb, is it bad if I get "Bad return status for module build on kernel: 4.13.0-21-generic ?04:23
Bashing-omfahadash: irssi ; see the output of terminal command: ' apt show irssi ' .04:24
fahadashapt-cache search irssi returns nothing04:24
cyberspectreWell that's interesting...04:35
cyberspectreInstalled 4.13, redid sensors-detect, picked up the CPU temp in psensor like I wanted. Then installed nvidia drivers, rebooted, and now CPU temp is gone again04:36
lordcirthcyberspectre, shows up for me, sure you refreshed your cache?04:39
cyberspectrelordcirth, I don't know... cache for what?04:39
lordcirthcyberspectre, apt-cache?  Anyway, yeah it's just called 'irssi'04:41
cyberspectrelordcirth, you use a ryzen cpu?04:43
lordcirthcyberspectre, yes, I'm running 17.04 on it though04:43
cyberspectrelordcirth, which chip and which board?04:46
lordcirthcyberspectre, Ryzen 1700 and PRIME B350-PLUS04:48
cyberspectreAnd you're running kernel 4.13? I wonder if it's because your hardware is better supported for some reason. I'm using a 1600x and aorus x370 k704:49
lordcirth4.10 actually04:49
luxioHow do I change my username in artful?04:50
carverhluxio, usermod04:51
carverhusermod NAME -l NEWNAME04:52
nadiois there a way to restore permission settings in / ? accidently ran it in rot, then the folder in question and a couple of times */*/*04:52
carverhchown root / -R04:52
carverhand chown the rest of directories to their repective owners04:53
nadioonly did a chmod 644 */*/*, owner and groups are still correct04:53
convictlol that will set every single file root owner04:53
nadiobut everything else is f*ckt uå04:53
carverhwelp, your screwed04:54
convictfor the future :)04:55
nadioconvict: rsync does also work04:57
nadiobut none running04:57
=== arun_ is now known as Guest78793
luxiothanks carverh, that worked. how do I change the display name now"?05:15
carverhin Settings05:16
dianahola a todos05:16
carverhunder Users05:16
luxiodiana: hola, hablo ingles pero estoy aprendiendo espanol05:16
dianasoy nueva por aqui05:16
dianasolo hablo expanol05:17
luxiocarverh: I don't see that. I see wifi, bluetooth, background, dock...05:17
carverhYou gotta go into the search menu05:17
carverhits weird05:17
Bashing-om!es | diana05:18
ubottudiana: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:18
luxiooh yeah, it was hidden under the "details" section for some reason05:18
luxioalong with date & time ...?05:19
luxiois there a way to run a command every time I log in through the DM?05:31
luxiobut not when i log in through the terminal05:31
cyberspectreSo I'm giving up on the temp sensor thing for now. HWE kernel is installed and working with nvidia prop drivers. I can live without the cpu temp for now05:34
cyberspectrebut I do want to figure out why grub menu has this black overlay... because as it stands, I can do nothing but wait for grub to boot the default option05:35
Bashing-omcyberspectre: ' cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp ' The output is mille-degrees celcius .05:36
cyberspectreI'm finding plenty of threads online about black screen AFTER grub. But not during grub. Basically, I get a screen with ubuntu-purple edges, but it's black in the center covering menu options05:36
^ScRAsH^aisrael, Hola05:38
^ScRAsH^Hola @aisrael05:39
cyberspectreBashing-om, that gets me "no such file or directory". But it's fine. I'll just check BIOS for cpu temp, I guess. Can you help me with the grub thing?05:41
Bashing-om-r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Dec 26 23:44 /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp" . Your griub issue, I have thought about it ..no idea what is not going on there .05:46
Bashing-omcyberspectre: " sysop@x1604:~$ ls -al /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp >>05:47
cyberspectreThat worked. Fixed grub by using grub-customizer and changing the appearance.05:49
cyberspectreBashing-om, that still gets me no such file or dir...05:50
Bashing-omcyberspectre: Must have been pulled in later kernels ?? .. my reference is 16.04 on the 4.4.0-104 kernel .05:51
cyberspectreWeird. That is the kernel I started with05:52
cyberspectreIt's fine. I'm sure that, in time, I'll be able to view temp05:53
cyberspectreAfter ryzen sees better adoption05:53
Bashing-omcyberspectre: Rather perturbed that the file does not exist in your case . I also have issues getting sensors functional on my motherboard and I use the file often enough .05:54
Bashing-omcyberspectre: Another alternative: ' inxi -F ' . small download and well worth for what all "inxi" supports .05:55
cyberspectreBashing-om, cool utility. It tells me frequencies of each core, etc. but not temp05:58
xbonesxwhy does setting up a vnc have to be so hard...05:58
xbonesxadjusting the xstartup file is so hard to do without know what all the syntax means and knowing which ones you need05:58
Pilferswhy does FDE have to be so hard05:59
Pilferssetting up vnc server is easy06:00
xbonesxperhaps for other environments06:00
Pilferstry getting FDE working06:00
xbonesxgnome is a pain06:00
PilfersFDE - full disk encryption06:00
xbonesxI'm sure i can get the other env working but I'd like to accomplish having gnome06:00
xbonesxMy school was able to get a vnc of gnome working now i just have too06:00
Bashing-omcyberspectre: Ouch .. my output ( unformatted) :http://termbin.com/0dvb . Where I am running a tad warmer than normal .06:01
Pilferslooks pretty easy to me06:01
xbonesxnotice what env they use?06:02
xbonesxi read that article already06:02
xbonesxI can ssh into my vnc just fine... just want it to load gnome desktop06:02
Pilfersinstall xfce06:03
Pilfersgnome will be terrible over vnc06:03
xbonesxthink so?06:03
Pilfersgnome is pronounced06:04
Pilfersas in the human gee nome06:04
cyberspectreBashing-om, 31c?06:04
xbonesxmy school was able to achieve this vnc'ing from tigervnc to fedora running full fledged gnome desktop06:04
Bashing-omcyberspectre: Yeah .. my norm is 27 .. we got the gas stove turned up :)06:06
cyberspectreis it in water?06:06
cyberspectrethat's pretty chilly for an athlon 64 isn't it?06:07
anlyI don't think it is06:07
Bashing-omcyberspectre: Nope .. with that new generation nvidia card I run real cool now . The card takes the load of the CPU .06:07
cyberspectreMy chip runs at 27 idle under water. But I suppose that's to be expected when it's in the same water loop with 2 nvidia cards and only a 240mm radiator06:09
cyberspectreStill, it runs cooler than my last build.06:10
JackDoes anyone can see me?06:10
cyberspectreJack, are we playing hide and seek?06:10
xbonesxgetting close06:11
JackI see you,you lose!06:12
anlyYou can practice you English06:12
Jackanly:yes,I find a wonderful way06:13
anlyJack:Now,you should prepare a dictionary for writing any articles.06:15
JackHow should I do?06:16
xbonesxhahaha i logged into the virtual machine at my school and copy there xstartup file hahahahahaha06:16
xbonesxI'm a genious06:16
xbonesxnot sure why i didnt think of that to begin with06:17
anlyIf you have any problems on Ubuntu,you can talk about it in this channel.06:17
xbonesxanly, huh?06:17
anlyJack:If you....06:18
JackNot yet06:18
carverhgoogletranslate.com i say06:19
anlyxbonesx:what thing do you do at your school06:19
Jackxbonesx:Do you play lol?06:19
xbonesxnetwork administration06:20
anlycarverh:ISP blocked *google*.com IP06:21
anlyxbonesx:you can control all computer at you school :)06:22
xbonesxanly, no these are virtual machines we use to carry out tasks that we've learned06:23
JackCan you really do that?06:23
anlyxbonesx,oh.what is you major?06:25
carverhanly: like that would ever happen06:25
Jackxbonesx:Do you know how to install Mac on the vbox?06:26
xbonesxanly, network administration06:26
carverhJack: This is #ubuntu not #virtualbox06:27
anlycarverh,because GWF...06:27
xbonesxJack, never had a reason to run mac in a vbox06:27
xbonesxI've installed ubuntu on a mac before06:28
carverhanly: lul06:28
lotuspsychjeguys, keep it ubuntu related please06:28
carverhi am using irssi on Ubuntu 16.04 CLI on a CRT06:30
anlyI am compiling LibreOffice ......06:31
carverhlatest release?06:31
lotuspsychje!ot | anly carverh06:32
ubottuanly carverh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:32
xbonesxthe xstartup file is the only thing that determines how the vnc runs right?06:38
carverhi think06:39
xbonesxI don't know how they managed to get it too work but there is the proof06:39
carverhyah you are new-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++06:40
xbonesxthere is the code from the xstartup file on that vbox06:40
lotuspsychjecarverh: please stop that06:40
carverhdog ran on keyboard06:40
JackIn all these systems,why do you like ubuntu?06:43
edwinkslany idea when ubuntu will stop discouraging download of 17.10 at https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop?06:44
JackOh,I use it06:45
xbonesxwould anyone like to take a look at that pastebin and tell me why it works for them but not me?06:45
lotuspsychjeedwinksl: that was about bios breakage of some systems, but is now fixxed06:50
edwinksllotuspsychje: ya i see that the fixes are released. just wondering when ubuntu will stop discouraging people from downloading 17.1006:50
xbonesxwhen i installed my vncserver, where would it have likely been placed?06:51
xbonesxwhat would be the install directory?06:51
lotuspsychjeedwinksl: keep in mind 17.10 is also a non-lts, more xperimental we always reccomend LTS more also06:52
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edwinkslyeah i know that too06:52
edwinkslstill doesn't answer my question06:52
alkisgxbonesx: dpkg -S vncserver-name => gives you all the file locations06:52
xbonesxalkisg, thank you sir06:53
lotuspsychjeedwinksl: i think safety-wise they will avoid artfull a little longer06:57
edwinkslyeah that's fair06:57
marseljoin #nrg07:24
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=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
xbonesxhow would one know which packages are installed to make gnome look the way it does? cause I just realized that my xstartup file doesn't load the module that it needs07:29
lotuspsychjexbonesx: start from the beginning mate, you want what, on wich ubuntu version?07:30
xbonesxOh sorry, been sitting in here a while. I was trying to get my vnc to display my server with gnome env07:31
xbonesxso far I've managed to get it to display old versions of gnome07:32
lotuspsychjexbonesx: wich ubuntu version are you on?07:32
xbonesxgnome flavour07:32
xbonesxubuntu of course07:32
xbonesxSo what I've learned so far is that you have to tell the vnc which packages too load. I curious which ones I would have to load to get my vnc to look just like the local desktop would07:33
lotuspsychjexbonesx: i saw remina is now default on 18.04, perhaps try that?07:34
xbonesxremina? that a client or server?07:34
lotuspsychje!info remmina | xbonesx07:34
ubottuxbonesx: remmina (source: remmina): remote desktop client for GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.2-4ubuntu1 (artful), package size 120 kB, installed size 392 kB07:34
xbonesxoh so ubuntu has made this easier?07:35
xbonesxunfortunately, ubuntu gnome is not updated to 18.04 yet07:35
lotuspsychjexbonesx: i think thats their plan yes07:35
lotuspsychjexbonesx: you can install remmina and  test on xenial also07:35
xbonesxI'd still like to accomplish this for use on older systems07:36
lotuspsychjexbonesx: vnc is a danger risk, unless you testing the ssh way?07:36
xbonesxi am07:36
xbonesxalready configured ssh07:36
lotuspsychje!vnc | xbonesx have you gone reading tru this yet?07:36
ubottuxbonesx have you gone reading tru this yet?: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX07:36
xbonesxlotuspsychje, thanks for the information07:37
xbonesxlotuspsychje, I'm successful in connecting to my server via vnc I just don't have the env I want to see when I do07:38
xbonesxlotuspsychje, do you know how I would find out which packages make up the ubuntu gnome environment? Specifically, the way it looks when you install the version from the ubuntu gnome project07:39
=== john is now known as Guest9520
lotuspsychjexbonesx: im not following07:41
lotuspsychjexbonesx: you want to make gnome look as gnome?07:41
xbonesxlotuspsychje, https://ubuntugnome.org/07:41
xbonesxI want my vnc to look like the desktop from that version07:41
xbonesxspecifically the 16.04.3 lts version07:42
xbonesxlotuspsychje, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/39B5oe_8YkQ/maxresdefault.jpg07:43
xbonesxlike this ^^07:43
lotuspsychjexbonesx: looks like gnome307:47
xbonesxlotuspsychje, :) yep07:47
lotuspsychjexbonesx: apt-cache policy gnome-shell plz?07:47
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell xenial07:48
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.18.5-0ubuntu0.3 (xenial), package size 630 kB, installed size 6897 kB07:48
xbonesxlotuspsychje, https://pastebin.com/raw/BXXR0aLw07:48
lotuspsychjexbonesx: you have same gnome version07:50
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
xbonesxlotuspsychje, ok? so how do i configure xstartup to start gnome 3 packages, for instance the way my xstartup file is currently configured gets me the old gnome look07:51
alkisgxbonesx: grep Exec /usr/share/xsessions/*.desktop07:52
alkisgThis gives you what to execute for each desktop environment07:52
alkisgE.g. for mate it is "Exec=mate-session", so in the startup file I would put "mate-session"07:53
xbonesxthats what i currently have07:53
alkisgRead my 3 lines above ^07:53
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
xbonesxalkisg, no luck07:58
xbonesxclosest thing I've gotten to gnome is that imgur link07:58
alkisgxbonesx: you didn't reply07:59
alkisgWhat is the output of the command that I gave07:59
xbonesxoh i ran the command and entered it into the xstartup and it didnt work but here is the output07:59
xbonesxalkisg, https://pastebin.com/raw/pSXE0ir508:00
alkisgxbonesx: and your current startup script?08:01
xbonesxthat gets me the classic gnome look08:01
alkisgSo you didn't put anything from Exec there08:02
alkisgYou still manually call gnome-panel etc, that's why it doesn't work08:02
alkisgRemove all gnome-panel etc calls, and put gnome-session-classic instead08:02
xbonesxwhat other packages do i need to manually call?08:02
alkisgYou ONLY need one line08:02
alkisgI don't know how else to tell it08:02
xbonesxalkisg, https://i.imgur.com/YaZws3M.png08:03
alkisgRight, that's if you want gnome-classic. You also have flashback etc installed, select the one you prefer08:04
xbonesxI'd prefer to have my vnc look like this https://i.ytimg.com/vi/39B5oe_8YkQ/maxresdefault.jpg08:04
xbonesxbut I can't establish what packages are being called to make the environment look that way08:05
xbonesxThat's what a basic install of ubuntu gnome 16.04.3 looks like08:05
alkisgxbonesx: so, what was the result after the change?08:05
xbonesxtrying gnome-session-classic no effect08:06
xbonesxblank screen08:06
lotuspsychjealkisg: i think he wants gnome3 lookalike tru vnc08:06
lotuspsychjenot sure that possible08:06
xbonesxit is08:06
alkisgvnc doesn't have any issue over the network, it's just slow08:07
xbonesxmy school managed to do it08:07
lotuspsychjedoesnt vnc give just an X08:07
alkisgxbonesx: well, unless you try to run it in a virtul display08:07
alkisgBecause without 3d, gnome doesn't run08:07
alkisgI think you need to tell it to use software compositing in that case08:08
xbonesxalkisg, https://i.imgur.com/aYNg0bD.png08:08
xbonesxthis have anything to do with what you're talking aobut?08:08
alkisgxbonesx: so, one quick way to try things: in that x-terminal-emulator line, remove the &08:08
alkisgso that "xterm" is your main session08:08
lotuspsychjexbonesx: how about you try that remmina also? that should give desktop sharing08:08
alkisgAnd then, from inside that xterm, try the Exec commands08:08
alkisgE.g. try gnome-session-classic or /usr/lib/gnome-flashback/gnome-flashback-metacity08:09
alkisgSee which of them run and which of them have issues08:09
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
alkisgxbonesx: no, indirect glx is for over the network, you don't need that, you need software rendering08:10
xbonesxalkisg, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42296329/how-to-properly-configure-xstartup-file-for-tightvnc-with-ubuntu-vps-gnome-envir08:11
xbonesx^^ that is the exact same thing I'm dealing with08:11
alkisgxbonesx: try the second line that's using metacity: /usr/lib/gnome-flashback/gnome-flashback-metacity08:12
alkisgThis doesn't require  3d08:12
alkisgxbonesx: in general, the "old look" is because you're not running gnome-settings-daemon etc, you don't define DBUS, you don't run a session08:13
alkisgYou just call the panel, you don't start a proper session08:13
alkisgThat's why you need the Exec lines08:13
xbonesxI dont know if this would give you any help but this is the xstartup file from the machine that my school prepared08:14
xbonesxthat is running on a fedora machine thought, not sure how much difference that makes08:15
`joncan someone help me? i am able to connect to freenode using the hidden service on my arch box, but not on ubuntu with the same configs, i simply get 'connection lost' when trying to connect08:18
KolasHi :D I am trying to setup the smallest possible ubuntu server virtual machine under esxi 6.0. The VMs only purpose will be to run08:23
Kolassabnzbd to facilitate usenet downloads. All downloads will happen inside mounts so there is no need for a lot of space inside the VM for anything but the essentials. I have tried08:23
Kolasto find some guidelines on the internet on how to achieve this but no luck. Currently running Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS but thats not set in stone. Any pointers would be very welcome!08:23
carverhubuntu netinstall08:24
=== cweber is now known as alicia_carter013
Kolasi will have a look. thanks08:31
alkisgOr debootstrap08:32
=== gms is now known as Guest30463
dupondjeHi All. Suddenly since today the button for enabling Lock screen is gone ... Any idea's?09:02
dupondjeI already tried a reboot, but still the same09:02
=== tom is now known as Guest15512
chsxSuper + L09:07
hank_boot rpi with usb device09:07
dupondjechsx: that doesnt work neither :)09:08
=== golden_ticket is now known as amazoniantoad
DevAntoineI've got a bluetooth mouse but after a few seconds of inactivity it takes 1 to 2 seconds to wake it up. I've found the following command which seems to fix the issue but I'm not sure what it does: sudo hciconfig hci0 lp rswitch,hold,park09:18
amazoniantoadIs screenlets still a thing in ubuntu?09:33
clu3hello, i got 2 partitions /dev/sda1 which is running ubuntu and was 20G but now it's almost full, but i still have a lot of space in other partitions. do you know if i can kinda resize the "main" partition?09:54
alkisgYes, from a live cd using gparted09:54
clu3darn, when i allocated 20G i thought it's enough, never imagined the software running would be more than 20G09:56
clu3thanks @alkisg09:56
=== pro is now known as Guest80888
=== imadz714 is now known as imadz713
courrierHi there, my Bluetooth speaker is successfully connected to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS, the speaker appears as an audio card in the volume control panel but it fails to switch to it when I click it10:38
courrierHere's the verbose information, any idea to fix the issue? http://paste.debian.net/100253110:38
=== imadz714 is now known as imadz713
chindyI am using Ubuntu 17.10. I cannot regulate my mous speed below a certain point (im on min and its still to fast.) I used to use xinput set-prop ... however my mouse is not listed in xinput list11:14
chindythere i only have virtual pointer11:14
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=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
NoCodeIn 17.10, I keep getting a python defunct zombie. Try to kill it, and I logout.11:38
scheurihi all...I have a ubuntu 16.04.2 server which has 16 GByte of / (root) which all of a sudden is completely full...when doing a du -sh * on root I see all the results but the directories come nowhere near 16 Gbyte....any ideas what is going on?12:02
scheurihi all...I have a ubuntu 16.04.2 server which has 16 GByte of / (root) which all of a sudden is completely full...when doing a du -sh * on root I see all the results but the directories come nowhere near 16 Gbyte....any ideas what is going on? (see also https://paste.ubuntu.com/26264147/)12:05
deemscheuri: how much are 800M + 800M?12:12
scheurideem: 1.6 Gbyte12:13
scheurideem: at least last time I checked....what am I missing?12:13
EldonMcGuinnessTry to unmount everything you can and run it again12:17
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: run "it"? You mean df -sh?12:17
EldonMcGuinnessdu -sh /*12:18
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: thanks...will try12:18
scheurideem: I am sincerely sorry...however, I am not sure what you were pointing at...please do not leave me hanging...do you see my mistake I made?12:19
deemscheuri: oh. i'm sorry. i misread that :')12:19
scheurideem: ah okay...no worries...still much appreciated12:20
deemscheuri: you could try to check with "sudo lsof +L1" for deleted, but not removed files12:20
deemor not unlinked files12:20
scheurideem: that command seems to be executed (no errors), but no results....is it fair to assume that there are no deleted, but not removed files then?12:21
_KaszpiR_I sugest restarting some services12:21
deemscheuri: you executed it with sudo?12:21
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: uhmmm...now that I try to umount everything...there is nothing to umount to be honest...there is only one partition (/) on one (virtual) harddisk12:22
scheurideem: yes, I did12:22
EldonMcGuinnessNow with it all in mount do the du on /12:22
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: my apologies....I am not quite sure I understand...there is only one disk which is mounted to / and I cannot umount that...do you mean I should umount the /dev and /run and such?12:24
deemscheuri: he means, you should now execute a "du -sh /*"12:25
EldonMcGuinnessThrow an x in there just for good measure. du -shx /*12:27
EldonMcGuinnessShould not need the x with everything unmounted, but can't hurt12:27
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: I did that already in https://paste.ubuntu.com/26264147/ (is that what you are refering to?)12:27
EldonMcGuinnessIndeed but try it with just the basics mounted12:28
EldonMcGuinnessCould be some kind of odd mount issue hiding the usage12:28
EldonMcGuinnessOther than that you can cycle services or reboot12:29
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: Maybe I am misunderstanding...I can only unmount disks and partitions, right? But since there is only / as a partition/disk which is busy, I can't really unmount that....12:29
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: never mind12:29
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: you were totally right12:29
EldonMcGuinnessI'm not asking you to unmount / just anything else you can12:30
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: yes...now I get it (sorry, it took so long)...and thanks to you I found it....thank you!!12:30
EldonMcGuinnessHonestly you could just umount -a12:31
BluesKajHowdy folks12:31
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: I umounted /data/logfiles (which is a nfs share) and.....there is still /data/lofgiles around...with 14 Gbyte...there we go...I guess that is the source of the issue12:31
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: sorry for being so slow...but that was definititely the hint I needed12:32
EldonMcGuinnessNo worries12:34
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: your help is very much appreciated...thanks12:34
EldonMcGuinnessR lgs got opened before the mountains t was online and the file handle just kept feeding to your root dir12:35
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: indeed...12:36
EldonMcGuinness*likely your logs got opened before the mount was online...darn auto populate.12:36
scheuriEldonMcGuinness: very likely...did some testing...yay, it works...now lets put that data on the share....and there it somehow happend, I'd wager12:37
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mjvhave someone else install the linux-image-4.13.0-21-generic:amd64. It should fix some lenovo bios problems with ubuntu13:14
mjvI have a lenovo laptop with ubuntu. I installed the upgrade as synaptic prompted me to do it. I had no problems before the upgrade but now I do13:15
mjvthe update seems to breaking my mouse/gnome-shell13:16
mjvafter a while the left button stops working13:17
mjvand tabs do not work with the terminal nor with chrome. Tabs with firefox works, but I guess it does not have gnome shell integration13:19
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mjvjournalctl reports some dbus errors13:22
mjvanyone here who can help me fix the system?13:22
ioriamjv, the bug looks like serious (fixed in part) ; i'd use something else in the meanwhile (until this thing will be defined)13:31
mjvioria, do you know if there have been other users reporting similar problems?13:33
ioriamjv, oh yeah; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/173414713:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1734147 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 17.10 corrupting BIOS - many LENOVO laptops models" [Critical,Confirmed]13:33
mjvioria, thanks for the link. I have a lenovo p51 and I didn't have any problems before today.13:38
ioriamjv, ok, good13:39
mjvioria, so I am more thinking the fix for that particular bug in kernel 4.13.0-21 is breaking my system13:40
ioriamjv, have you already tried a previous kernel ?13:41
mjvNo I have not. How can I can reinstall the old one?13:42
ioriamjv, you have it installed (if not removed) : look in   /boot; you can boot another kernel from grub -> advanced options13:43
mjvok, the old one is there still.13:43
mjvok thanks, I will try that now. I will be back to report13:43
mjvhi, again13:47
mjvI still see the same symptoms13:48
snadgecan anyone recommend a new, relatively decent specced chromebook that can run ubuntu? i've been digging around, and its not for the feint of heart it seems13:48
snadgeenabled developer mode.. write protect screws.. void warranty.. installed unsigned bootloader etc :p13:49
ioriamjv, so it's not kernel related ...13:49
gambl0rewhat is a lightweight version of ubuntu13:49
snadgethere are different spins of ubuntu like, xubuntu, lubuntu13:51
ioriamjv, try , from the login screen, the Xorg session13:52
UlrarHi, I have a problem with optimus. nvidia-settings won't start, prime-select query says unknown. prime-select nvidia works but it doesn't seem to do anything in practice, and a reboot makes it go back to unknown13:55
UlrarI did select the proprietary nvidia drivers and reboot13:56
mjvioria: reinstalled logitech mouse drivers and now it seems to be working13:56
ioriamjv, oh, ok13:56
mjvthank you for your help13:58
onioHaving problem with ubuntu mate 16.04 no longer asking for password when I switch on PC.14:07
lotuspsychjeonio: have you looked in users if auto login is enabled?14:08
onioNo auto login is not enabled. I was having problem with my wireless keyboard so I enabled auto login, but now I want to go back to requesting for password14:10
onioI have seen some solution that recommend editing /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf. But I don't have this file on my Ubuntu 16.04 mate LTS.14:15
b1nnyHi, I'm having an issue with the proprietary NVIDIA drivers on Ubuntu 16.04.3. Would this channel be the right place to ask or should I head elsewhere?14:24
lotuspsychje!nvidia | b1nny14:25
ubottub1nny: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing »14:25
b1nnyright, thanks lotuspsychje. In short, the issue I'm having is that somehow the default resolution gets set to 8x8 pixels at boot on a headless set up. I can work around it, but I'd like to solve it 'for real'14:27
lotuspsychjeb1nny: are you on ubuntu server?14:27
b1nnylotuspsychje: I'm assuming Ubuntu desktop. "uname -a" doesn't mention anything about server14:29
lotuspsychjeb1nny: what does sudo lshw -C video show as driver= ?14:30
b1nnylotuspsychje: there's 2 video devices. The NVIDIA one says driver=nvidia, the other one, ASPEED, says driver=ast14:31
alkisgb1nny: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/kernel_mode_setting#Forcing_modes_and_EDID14:36
alkisgdrm_kms_helper.edid_firmware= edid/1024x768.bin14:36
alkisgSince you don't have a monitor, you specify an edid in the kernel command line14:37
b1nnyalkisg: interesting, I'm going to play around with that. Thanks!14:37
alkisgnp; if you see that nvidia doesn't respect this, you'll need a xorg.conf instead14:38
b1nnyWell, the odd thing is, we have another machine with quite a similar set up. And that one does not default to 8x8, but 640x480 instead, which isn't ideal either but it's workable14:39
alkisg(btw, why nvidia proprietary in a headless server... :D)14:39
b1nnyneed proper GPU acceleration :)14:40
b1nnyfor playout in this case14:40
oniohas anybody experience issue with "System>>Administration/User and Group" feature. no matter what I do I can't seem to get ubuntu mate 16.04 to ask for password on login. I am thinking of have to re-install the Ubuntu which I think is an overkill.14:43
vallahey does anyone knows how to use a specicic template when running vmbuilder?14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1634300 in VMBuilder "VMBuilder uses eth0 when interface is actually ens3" [Undecided,Fix committed]14:43
DevAntoineI just got a bluetooth mouse. It's paired to my machine (without any dongle) but each time I stop using it for a few seconds it takes about 1 second for the cursor to move again. It's quite annoying. Is there a way to fix this issue?14:44
vallaor do I have to overwrite the default interface template?14:44
lotuspsychjeonio: there is also #ubuntu-mate channel if you like, perhaps they might know14:45
b1nnyalkisg: btw, these are the lines from Xorg.0.log which set the resolution to 8x8: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26264984/14:46
oniothanks lotuspsychje :)14:46
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gambl0reim still using ubuntu 1414:49
gambl0reis that an issue or is better to update to newest version14:49
lotuspsychje!14.04 | gambl0re still supported14:51
ubottugambl0re still supported: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes14:51
brainwashgambl0re: you will have to upgrade in 2019 anyway14:51
lotuspsychjegambl0re: is your system still up to date?14:51
gambl0relotuspsychje, probably not14:52
lotuspsychjegambl0re: check lsb_release -a for us?14:52
gambl0reim running ubuntu inside a vm14:52
lotuspsychjegambl0re: you can check version in your ubuntu vm's terminaz14:56
lotuspsychjejacob: can we help you?14:58
dekatchhi, i am trying to figure out an rsync command that is suitable for my usecase. i want to backup my /home/ and within that folder /home/ i only want to rsync 4 folders and exclude the rest. because "the rest" within /home/ is a pretty relative term, is there a --include only option?14:58
lotuspsychjejacob: no swearing in here please15:00
BluesKajjacob, we can't read minds, state your issue please15:00
Ulrarthe nvidia-settings is almost empty, it's weird15:00
dekatchhow about mine BluesKaj :)15:01
dekatchyou can help me15:01
jacobno se  ablar ingles15:01
lotuspsychje!patience | dekatch15:01
ubottudekatch: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/15:01
lotuspsychje!es | jacob15:01
ubottujacob: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:01
dekatchdidnt repeat my question quickly. i did some random chitchat with BluesKaj :)15:01
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:02
Dagronmasterdekatch:  see the --include and --include-from options in the man page for rsync.  Also check the FILTER RULES section15:03
xjohnyxhi all15:04
lotuspsychjexjohnyx: welcome15:04
dekatchDagronmaster, i literally scrolled me through that all 10 minutes ago. could swear there was only the exclude option explained. gosh, have to read it again thanks15:04
pavlosdekatch: try rsync -rv --include={/home/{a,b,c,d}} where a,b,c,d are subdirs of /home15:12
gambl0reis a 8gb usb stick enoguh to install ubuntu15:13
lotuspsychjegambl0re: yes15:13
xjohnyxthanks @lotuspsychje15:14
lotuspsychjegambl0re: you mean as install medium, or install ubuntu on the stick dedicaded?15:14
gambl0rewhat do you mean15:14
xjohnyxAnyone here try install ubuntu in raspberry ?15:15
dekatchthanks pavlos . ill try to shorten it. why is there no short form of --include. -i is something different. i dont see --include explained in "options summary"15:16
lotuspsychjegambl0re: whats your end goal? install physical? install vm? install on usb?15:16
gambl0rei have a windows laptop but i want to run ubuntu from a usb15:17
dekatchor am i missing it again? but using --include instead of some fancy short -only_one_letter option is doable hm15:17
gambl0recause right  now im running ubuntu from a vm15:17
lotuspsychjegambl0re: thats possible, but i think you will need more then 8gig for ubuntu desktop15:18
gambl0rehow much15:18
alkisg(05:15:24 μμ) xjohnyx: Anyone here try install ubuntu in raspberry ? ==> ubuntu-mate is easier, I have it in 3 rpis15:18
lotuspsychjegambl0re: i recently tryed installing 16.04 on 8gig ssd and setup didnt want it15:19
alkisggambl0re: I think setup asks for 8.5 GB, and then it uses only 515:19
lotuspsychjegambl0re: that should do it15:19
lotuspsychjexjohnyx: there is also #ubuntu-arm if you like15:20
xjohnyx@alkisg And in those rpis what kind of project are you doing?15:21
alkisgxjohnyx: print server and vnc client (silent pc for remote desktop)15:21
artem_anyone here familiar with ssl in apache?15:22
lotuspsychjeartem_: to get your issue solved, best to ask your full question, details,ubuntu version please15:23
artem_I'm running ubuntu 14.04 and im trying to install a UCC onto the website. I generated the csr from a windows server and keyed up IIS. But i cant install the cert onto ubuntu because i need a private key.15:24
pavlosdekatch: man rsync line 1360 shows example of --include=PATTERN15:24
artem_Basically, the website wont start unless the SSL cert is correct and matching the private key. I moved the new cert over but im not sure if i can install the UCC cert on this website.15:25
AceKingI was copying a file to an external drive. The file failed to copy, and now I'm getting message "You are not authorized to mount this device" I restarted my PC but I'm still getting the same message. How can I fix this?15:26
lotuspsychjeartem_: perhaps the ##httpd channel might know more about ssl/apache15:27
artem_ill look into that15:27
xjohnyxalkisg have you tried using x2go as vnc replacement?15:27
alkisgxjohnyx: sure, it's even faster, although sometimes it won't clean up old sessions properly and it will require a lot of manual clearing in order to work,15:28
alkisgbut I wanted remote desktop to an existing session, not to a new session, so vnc over ssh works better for me15:28
alkisgAceKing: what's the output of dmesg? Put it to pastebin.15:29
BluesKajAceKing, make sure the external drive uuid is entered in /erc/fstab , use sudo blkid to find the uuid and copy it to fstab without the quotes , and then set the parameters like path etc15:29
BluesKajAceKing, correction /etc/fstab15:30
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^15:30
courrierHi there, my Bluetooth speaker is successfully connected to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS, the speaker appears as an audio card in the volume control panel but it fails to switch to it when I click it15:30
courrierHere's the verbose information, any idea to fix the issue? http://paste.debian.net/100253115:30
EriC^^hey lo15:30
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje15:30
dekatchthank you pavlos15:32
BluesKajcourrier, you might need to to choose it in alsamixer as well, F615:32
AceKing‎alkisg‎: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26265295/15:33
alkisgAceKing: broken, throw it away :)15:33
AceKing‎alkisg‎: Not broke. works in Windows15:34
BluesKajAceKing, check my post above15:35
AceKingBluesKaj: I was just getting back to you. I ran sudo blkid in Terminal, and it just freezes15:35
alkisgAceKing: check eventvwr in windows, you'll see read/write device errors15:35
alkisgOr, try to do a full format in windows15:36
BluesKajAceKing, what filesystem is the external device using, ext or ntfs? Either one shouid work15:37
AceKingBluesKaj: NTFS15:37
BluesKajdoes the external drive show up in nautilus ?15:38
BluesKajor whatever filemanager you're using ?15:39
AceKingOK, got it working again. Plugged it back into Windows, and scanned and fixed it15:39
AceKingThank you for helping15:39
lotuspsychjeAceKing: what i mostly do, is try to format on gparted, if that doesnt work..its dead15:39
courrierBluesKaj: In alsamixer, however, I can only see my embeded Intel HDA soundcard with F6, while the GUI shows Bluetooth as a possible audio output15:48
BluesKajcourrier, do you have pavucontrol installed ?15:49
de-factoHow can i find out why ubuntu reaction times are so horrible (sometimes above 10 seconds for a user input)? I think it might be related to the HDD on the core i3, raw performance seems to be okish around 100MBps but starting a program takes ages15:56
courrierBluesKaj: THank you! I installed pavucontrol, in which I could switch the Bluetooth speaker from "Off" to On, and then the traditional Unity volume control applet behaved normally! How come the default applet can't detect that the ouput was Off, though?15:56
BluesKajcourrier, dunno, I'm a KDE/Plasma user :-)15:58
lotuspsychjede-facto: wich ubuntu version?15:59
de-factolotuspsychje, artful15:59
lotuspsychjede-facto: are you on the wayland or xorg session?16:00
de-factolotuspsychje, nope i use Xorg, because wayland showed some incompatibility16:03
de-factoits an "Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz" with 2 GB RAM and an seagate hdd16:03
lotuspsychjede-facto: i have same symptons like you, but on wayland16:04
lotuspsychjede-facto: slow overall system work and stuttering programs on launch16:04
de-factoit feels like its already not beefy enough to handle the gui login prompt, i always see the disk lighting up and it is active all the time16:04
lotuspsychjede-facto: i checked with htop and gnome-shell & wayland always ontop easting cpu & memory16:05
de-factoso i suspect it to be something related to disk io or such16:05
de-factoalready tried to change scheduler but made not really an effect16:05
de-factocould it be that filesystem is not aligned properly? parted thinks its ok though...16:06
lotuspsychjede-facto: if you suspect HD try tail on your dmesg/syslog or bonnie++ hd benchmark16:06
lotuspsychjede-facto: same system performs well on xenial?16:07
alkisgde-facto: run top while the system is idle. Does it show less CPU use than e.g. 10%?16:07
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de-factoyes i think its not cpu load16:07
de-factoyes afaik same problem on xenial16:08
lotuspsychjede-facto: bad hd should show in your logs16:08
de-factonot entirely sure though16:08
de-factosmart values look ok16:08
de-factoalso raw disk io via "disks"16:08
alkisgOK, next step. run sudo -i to be root. Then close a program like firefox or libreoffice. Then: echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches. Then start libreoffice or firefox as user from the menu. Does it need more than 20 secs to load?16:08
lotuspsychjede-facto: try to close down if its a gnome issue, cause in my case 2 out of 3 systems lag on it16:09
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de-factosince its a mechanical HDD i am running it on cfq scheduler (as per default)16:11
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lotuspsychjede-facto: doublechecked your graphics driver also? sudo lshw -C video16:13
lotuspsychjede-facto: perhaps share us your dmesg on hastebin.com?16:14
de-factolotuspsychje, https://hastebin.com/evexemugan.vbs16:21
gordonjcphow do I completely disable the lock screen in 17.10?16:24
lotuspsychjede-facto: i dont see anything related to hd faults16:27
lotuspsychjealkisg: you see anything here? https://hastebin.com/evexemugan.vbs16:28
eraserpencilWould anyone assist me in rescuing my lvroot partition?16:28
eraserpencilfyi I have was in the midst of my first backup16:28
de-factolotuspsychje, neither do i, though i noticed when waiting on the reaction to inputs the hdd light is always very busy16:29
lotuspsychjede-facto: could it be intel graphics lagging on gnome?16:29
lotuspsychjede-facto: could you test a 16.04 liveusb to see if your system lags there?16:30
lotuspsychjegordonjcp: you can disable things in energy options, also try gnome-tweak-tool16:31
lotuspsychjegordonjcp: its that lock screen at gdm after a while you have to slide you wanna get rid of?16:31
gordonjcplotuspsychje: yes16:31
gordonjcplike, it no longer asks for a password but it still does that swipe screen16:32
lotuspsychjegordonjcp: think thats built in now16:32
lotuspsychjegordonjcp: i got 2 users passworded and when at gdm login, after time wait it also goes to slide screen16:33
gordonjcplotuspsychje: built into what, and can it be disabled?16:33
lotuspsychjegordonjcp: built in ubuntu, im not sure it can be disabled16:33
de-factocould be, when i remember correctly 17.10 livecd was dead slow also16:33
gordonjcplotuspsychje: oh16:34
gordonjcplotuspsychje: I guess that's where "mainstream" Ubuntu and I part ways16:34
lotuspsychjede-facto: check my recent bug about it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/174014616:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1740146 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "System slow on wayland, lagging mouse and programs on 17.10 & 18.04" [Undecided,New]16:34
lotuspsychjegordonjcp: not sure about it, maybe try dconf-editor to see?16:35
gordonjcplotuspsychje: tbh I don't like the new DE at all16:36
gordonjcplotuspsychje: it's not even similar to Unity16:36
lotuspsychjegordonjcp: alot of things gonna change, 17.10 is non-lts perhaps await 18.04?16:36
gordonjcpwell, if they're going to bring Unity back in 18.04 maybe16:36
de-factolotuspsychje, but im on Xorg, so maybe its another problem or the computer is too slow to run ubuntu (though i doubt that)16:37
lotuspsychjegordonjcp: there are plans to take unity as official flavor, lets await a little longer?16:37
lotuspsychjede-facto: i suspect gnome, as i also testing on an older amd3200+ 2 gig ram also lags on xorg like you16:37
kk4ewtgordonjcp, i thought they had already announced that as of 18.04 it would be gnome and not unity16:38
lotuspsychjekk4ewt: indeed16:38
gordonjcpkk4ewt: yeah, the gnome desktop is terrible16:39
lotuspsychjede-facto: thats why i wanna make sure with a 16.04 install, if that runs fine it would prove its a gnome thing16:39
gordonjcpkk4ewt: I switched to Unity in the first place because Gnome 3 was crap16:39
lotuspsychjede-facto: can you test for us?16:39
de-factolotuspsychje, currently i dont have a cd or stick to test with lts16:40
kk4ewtgordonjcp,  there are plenty of other desktops you can select that have an active upstream16:41
kk4ewtmate cinnamon etc16:41
lotuspsychjede-facto: no worrys16:42
gordonjcpkk4ewt: yeah16:48
gordonjcpkk4ewt: I mean for a very long time I used fvwm, but that's maybe a bit on the crude side these days16:48
gordonjcpkk4ewt: back in the day, it was twm or nothing ;-)16:48
alkisg(06:28:07 μμ) lotuspsychje: alkisg: you see anything here? https://hastebin.com/evexemugan.vbs ==> de-facto hasn't yet answered my previous question about how long it takes to start firefox after clearing the disk cache...16:49
alkisgWe need numbers before starting to troubleshoot remotely16:50
alkisgE.g. if he says "it needs 10 secs so it's slow"... there's nothing to troubleshoot :D16:51
de-factoalkisg, 22 seconds to start firefox and display startpage.com16:53
de-factoafter clean start and clearing disk caches16:54
alkisgde-facto: sounds ok to me16:55
alkisgFor a second generation i316:55
alkisg...and a rotational disk16:55
alkisgde-facto: the same, while running just `soffice`? Does that take 10 sec?16:56
de-facto15 seconds16:57
de-factoits more when something runs (e.g. updater) and i start a browser at same time it can easily take over a minute to launch16:58
de-factomaybe i am just not used to slow systems anymore...16:58
alkisgde-facto: the default scheduler doesn't work too good with rotational disks and io multitasking, true17:00
alkisgBut I don't think you'd see more than e.g. 20% difference with older ubuntu versions17:00
alkisgde-facto: during normal use, you don't see any swap used in `free`, do you?17:01
alkisgBecause if you're running out of ram and swap starts to be in use, that would be a reason for a lot of delays17:02
de-factoyeah i know thats why i tried other schedulers, but i read cfq is good for rotational disks and yeah 2 GB RAM is not much, so i guess sometimes it will run into swap on hdd17:07
de-factoit just feels like something is not right since i cant see high load on cpu or disk, but i guess its related to access times on HDD somehow since the activity light is always very busy17:07
lotuspsychjealkisg de-facto i think we need to seperate gnome from other flavors, we should test this on unity/lxde perhaps17:08
de-factoim not entirely bought in the gnome relation theory yet17:08
lotuspsychjede-facto: try lubuntu-desktop from 17.10?17:13
pikapikaHi. I have Ubuntu dualboot with Windows 10. My Windows partitions are shown in the launcher but no way to access them through shell normally. So I opened them through launcher, open terminal, copied the path and created symlinks within normal Ubuntu. Is this valid or can it cause problems?17:21
pikapikaI am completely new to these things in case it matters17:21
TJ-pikapika: with shell you can use 'udisksctl mount --block-device /dev/sdXY' to automount under /media/$USER/${device_label-or-UUID}, and unmount using "udisksctl unmount --block-device /dev/sdXY" - see "man udisksctl" from other options17:22
TJ-pikapika: udisks is used by the GUI tools under-the-hood in the same way17:23
de-factocant see a difference between "Gnome on Xorg" and "Gnome" login sessions. Maybe all is ok and the pc is just sluggish hardware alltogether17:23
de-factojust was baffled since i have experienced recent suse on older hw performing much more responsive17:23
de-factowith "fio" disk benchmarks even worse on rotational HDDs on those older systems17:24
pikapikaTJ: thanks for the info. This udisksctl thing is new to me I'll have to do some reading17:26
lotuspsychjede-facto: i tested 17.10 on older hardware and xorg was fine, with hardware less then yours17:26
lotuspsychjede-facto: 1 system has graphic glitches17:26
de-factodidnt see any glitches on that intel gfx yet, just wanted to find out where the bottleneck in that system lays17:27
lotuspsychjede-facto: did you htop already?17:28
lotuspsychjede-facto: check what dances ontop17:28
de-factoyeah load goes high when its sluggish like load avg 2 and it slightly uses some swap17:33
lotuspsychjehey ioria17:34
de-factowhen disk is busy it wont even show the expose to change focus to another program or i have to wait 10+s for that17:35
TJ-I/O errors ?17:38
de-factonope, its just a slow disk i guess17:39
de-factothanks guys for your help, i just have to get used to it i guess (or buy more RAM and an SSD), though its not my property17:40
jeremiesHow to install ipxe in a hard drive?17:44
jeremiesThe hard drive doesn't have anything installed on it, and I only want to install ipxe.17:45
Toaster_Strudelwhat's this talk I hear about version 17?17:58
lordcirthToaster_Strudel, what about it?17:58
Toaster_Strudelubuntu is closing shop or something?17:59
Kon-Serious answer, no18:00
alkisgjeremies: dd if=ipxe.usb of=/dev/sda18:00
Toaster_StrudelCanonical has halted downloads of Ubuntu Linux 17.10, aka Artful Aardvark, from its website after punters complained installing the open-source OS on laptops knackered the machines.18:01
Toaster_Strudeloh this is it18:01
Toaster_StrudelI'm not familiar with "knackered"18:01
boredguyHow do they halt torrents?18:01
Kon-Toaster_Strudel, a UEFI bug in some laptop models using a specific company's UEFI implementation meant that installing Ubuntu 17.10 would leave your machine unable to boot from USB in the future18:03
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Kon-Toaster_Strudel, specifically, it was the kernel driver for Intel SPI as used in Insyde's UEFI implementation18:05
Kon-The Linux Kernel has already been patched to avoid this problem, even though it's not Linux's problem18:06
Toaster_Strudelok thanks for the skinny18:06
jeremiesalkisg: thank you. I will do it right now.18:13
mutantturkeyis there a way to install a certain version of the kernel?18:32
mutantturkeyhave a hardware problem and the closed source driver needs 4.418:32
tsarompythere was a kernel ppa18:33
tsarompylast time i checked it was empty18:33
tsarompyhave you considered building your own kernel mutantturkey?18:33
tsarompyi kinda wanna build my own just to have the four Tuxes in framebuffer at boot :318:33
mutantturkeyis there a way to do that inside of packaging services though?18:33
mutantturkeylike... can i compile a 4.4 kernel?18:34
tsarompywhat do you mean18:34
mutantturkeyand have a .deb file?18:34
tsarompybut im not the one to ask how18:34
mutantturkeyok cool18:34
tsarompyi can pull you up a guide18:34
mutantturkeythat's all i need18:34
alkisgmutantturkey: 16.04.1 has 4.418:34
alkisgAnd you can keep it up to 202118:34
mutantturkeyhow do i find out what version i am on?18:34
mutantturkeyah yes i am on 17.1018:35
mutantturkey/etc/lsb-release tells all18:35
alkisgUse 16.04 then18:35
Dagronmasteruname -r18:35
tsarompywhy dont you just build the module you need18:35
alkisgYou need something more stable :)18:35
mutantturkeyalkisg: yeah18:35
tsarompydo you HAVE to have that kernel version?18:35
mutantturkeycan i install a backport?18:35
mutantturkeytsarompy: it won't compile against the newer kernels18:35
tsarompyoh i see18:35
alkisgThat would be a "front port" not backport :D18:35
mutantturkeyanything newer than 4.4 abi is all fuckey18:35
mutantturkeyalkisg: true!18:35
TJ-mutantturkey: these days most out-of-tree kernel modules are contained in DKMS packaging which causes the module to be built automatically against installed kernels18:35
mutantturkeyTJ-: yep, this is a dkms module...18:36
TJ-!dkms | mutantturkey18:36
ubottumutantturkey: DKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.18:36
mutantturkeybut it won't compile!18:36
TJ-mutantturkey: oh, you're ahead of me... it might be possible to add patches to the dkms.conf to build for later versions18:36
TJ-mutantturkey: what is the module?18:36
alkisgmutantturkey: even if you get it to compile, you may get into additional problems in later kernel versions. stable sounds better for your use case :)18:36
TJ-oh, you're going to love me!18:36
TJ-mutantturkey: read up: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amdvlk-radeon-vulkan&num=2  https://github.com/GPUOpen-Drivers18:37
mutantturkeyis it packaged though?18:37
mutantturkeyi saw that release...18:37
TJ-AMD have *just* open-sourced the Vulkan drivers to replace amdgpu-pro18:37
mutantturkeyi know18:37
TJ-mutantturkey: not that I know of, but it gives you an avenue to use an up-to-date kernel18:38
mutantturkeycan i just build it and it will 'work'?18:38
mutantturkeyvulkan = what?18:38
mutantturkeyoh cool.. works for my card sweet18:38
TJ-mutantturkey: vulkan is the new low-level GPU interface18:38
TJ-mutantturkey: more here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulkan_(API)18:39
mutantturkeyso TJ-  -- should i give it a go to compile it?18:39
TJ-mutantturkey: that's up to you, I was pointing to it as a way to be able to use the latest kernels and have a suitable GPU driver. I'm not clear how stable/complete it is yet, I expect AMD will say something after the holiday period18:40
addercan I explicitly free unused allocated ram memory?18:40
TJ-mutantturkey: rather than you spending a lot of time trying to sort out the 4.4 amdgpu-pro driver18:40
mutantturkeyi mean18:40
mutantturkeyim having issues with one of my cards18:40
mutantturkeyfigured it might be a kernel issue not a n issue with the card18:40
mutantturkeybut it's weird cause 3 of my 4 cards do work... its just this msi card thats not initializing right18:41
mutantturkeythought it is recognized.18:41
mutantturkeydont have a windows box to debug18:41
TJ-mutantturkey: PCI bridge window issues maybe? Check in dmesg or /var/log/kern.log18:41
mutantturkeyyeah... is there a more "detailed" log than dmesg?18:41
TJ-mutantturkey: could be that device can't map all it's BARs18:42
TJ-mutantturkey: boot with "debug" on the kernel command-line and dmesg will have a lot more18:42
TJ-mutantturkey: PCI Base Address Registers - mappings of the memory and IO ports of the device into the PC's address space18:42
mutantturkey228303] amdgpu 0000:01:00.0: fence driver on ring 7 use gpu addr 0x0000000200000078, cpu addr 0xfff18:43
mutantturkeyDec 26 15:55:54 anvil kernel: [    3.18:43
TJ-mutantturkey: if you use "sudo lspci -vvvnn" you'll see those listed18:43
TJ-mutantturkey: each GPU device probably has 5 or more BARs mapped18:43
mutantturkeyhere we go....18:44
mutantturkey[drm:sdma_v3_0_ring_test_ring [amdgpu]] *ERROR* amdgpu: ring 10 test failed (0xCAFEDEAD)18:44
mutantturkey[drm:amdgpu_device_init [amdgpu]] *ERROR* hw_init of IP block <sdma_v3_0> failed -2218:44
mutantturkeyamdgpu 0000:01:00.0: amdgpu_init failed18:44
TJ-mutantturkey: can you "pastebinit <( dmesg )"18:44
TJ-mutantturkey: can you also show me "pastebinit <( sudo lspci -vvvnnk )"18:45
TJ-mutantturkey: that all looks OK18:49
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mutantturkeyexcept look at the one that isn't working18:50
mutantturkey        Kernel modules: amdgpu18:50
mutantturkeyother ones have that, and "kernel modules in use:"18:50
mutantturkeyit's not "in use?"18:50
TJ-mutantturkey: oh, device 0318:51
TJ-mutantturkey: didn't spot that, thanks for pointing it out18:51
TJ-mutantturkey: from what I read this is likely caused by the motherboard firmware having a bug18:54
mutantturkeywhere di you read that?18:55
mutantturkeymotherboard firmware?18:55
TJ-mutantturkey: try this firmware bug fix and report back: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html18:55
TJ-mutantturkey: bug report at https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10096418:56
ubottuFreedesktop bug 100964 in DRM/AMDgpu "RX-480 [drm:gfx_v8_0_ring_test_ring [amdgpu]] *ERROR* amdgpu: ring 0 test failed (scratch(0xC040)=0xCAFEDEAD)" [Major,New]18:56
mutantturkeyok let me read up18:56
CarlFK"Convert the .iso file to .img using the convert option of hdiutil "  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick19:03
lotuspsychje!info preload | adder try this19:03
CarlFKis there a linux version of hdiutil?19:03
ubottuadder try this: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (artful), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB19:03
lotuspsychje!iso | CarlFK19:05
ubottuCarlFK: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.19:05
mutantturkeyTJ-:  so i add that to my /etc/default/grub file?19:06
CarlFKlotuspsychje: i don't see anything to go from iso to .. anything else19:08
Sven_vBin a shell running on computer A, how can I get a list of hostnames avahi currently publishes for computer A?19:10
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Sven_vBthe method on https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/265426/ seems rather brittle as first I'd have to detect my own IPs, then resolve them, which would include hostnames announced by other hosts for those IPs19:11
mutantturkeyTJ-: no go.19:12
lotuspsychjeCarlFK: i think you can just try to rename it to .iso19:12
CarlFKlotuspsychje: umm.. the current name is ubuntu-17.10-desktop-amd64.iso19:13
lotuspsychjeCarlFK: ok try to rename to .img ?19:13
CarlFKlotuspsychje: that seems ... unlikely19:14
lotuspsychjeCarlFK: https://askubuntu.com/questions/388037/how-to-create-an-img-file-from-iso-on-ubuntu19:14
velhohello. is there anybody outthere?19:14
velhoI need some help, but I don't know if this is the right place for my question.19:15
lotuspsychje!support | velho19:15
ubottuvelho: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com19:15
velhowhere can I check and change the sound drivers in ubuntu?19:15
CarlFKlotuspsychje: huh,  ok, ill give that a shot19:16
lotuspsychjevelho: sudo lshw -C sound19:16
lotuspsychjevelho: at bottom driver= should show it19:17
velholotuspsychje can you please be more clear?19:18
velholotuspsychje I'm neww to linu19:18
velholotuspsychje: im new to linux19:18
lotuspsychjevelho: open a terminal and enter that command19:20
velholotuspsychje: I'm no programmer. Please be gentle. No command lines please. Is  there a GUI to check the sound?19:20
velholotuspsychje: that command shows strange things19:21
lotuspsychje!sound | velho19:21
ubottuvelho: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:21
lotuspsychjevelho: the GUI way of checking drivers is: software&sources icon/last tab additional drivers19:23
velho<lotuspsychje> software shows an app were I can install software. This should not be it...19:24
velholotuspsychje: thanks so much for all the help! How can I tag your name in HexChat without having to copy paste it all the time?19:25
lotuspsychje!tab | velho19:26
ubottuvelho: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:26
lotuspsychjevelho: i said software&sources not ubuntu software19:26
velholotuspsychje, awesome!!!19:26
lotuspsychjevelho: wich ubuntu version are you on?19:26
velholotuspsychje, ubuntustudio19:26
lotuspsychjevelho: wich version exactly19:27
velholotuspsychje, I need to make my external Edirol FA-66 soundboard to work on this. Unfortunately, I don't have a clue what and how to do it :(19:27
velholotuspsychje, last version. Fresh install and updated a few hours ago19:28
lotuspsychjevelho: 17.10?19:29
velholotuspsychje, how can I check which version I'm in?19:29
lotuspsychjevelho: lsb_release -a19:30
velholotuspsychje, Ubuntu 17.1019:30
lotuspsychjevelho: try to tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugin your edirol and see what errors you get19:32
lotuspsychje!paste | velho19:32
ubottuvelho: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:32
lotuspsychjevelho: check also the #ubuntustudio channel19:34
lotuspsychje!info jackd2-firewire | velho you might need this also19:36
ubottuvelho you might need this also: jackd2-firewire (source: jackd2): JACK Audio Connection Kit (FFADO and FreeBoB backends). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.10+20150825git1ed50c92~dfsg-5ubuntu1 (artful), package size 19 kB, installed size 128 kB19:36
velholotuspsychje, https://paste.ubuntu.com/26266654/19:36
lotuspsychjevelho: ok the tail doesnt give us much19:37
velholotuspsychje, jackd2-firewire seems to be pre-installed here19:37
lotuspsychjevelho: ah cool, found an older page here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToJACKConfiguration19:39
lotuspsychjevelho: looks usefull that page right?19:46
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velholotuspsychje, yes it does! I'm very happy to notice that FA 66 is recognized! But... I don't know how to change the sound going out from motherboard speakers to the FA 6619:50
lotuspsychjevelho: i think that might be in sound options somewhere input/output?19:52
titikakahello, I have a dir /mnt/veracrypt1 which is 750, when I mount veracrypt container to this folder, it will change perms to 700. I have a keepass database inside which im not able to open. when i try to change perms while mounted, it wont take effect. ownership is me:me, any help? thanks19:55
velholotuspsychje, you just saved my life! It's a miracle! After decades of trying this, I FINALLY have this sound board working on linux!!! I just had huge goosebumps when I listened to sound comming out from my big speakers!!! I don't know hot to thank you! But... thank you som much!!! Finally I can use less windows and more Linux :D :D :D19:57
lotuspsychje!yay | velho19:57
ubottuvelho: Glad you made it! :-)19:57
TJ-!cookie | lotuspsychje19:57
ubottulotuspsychje: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!19:57
velholotuspsychje, you deserve a decade of cookies!!19:58
lotuspsychjevelho: enjoy mate19:58
redlegionanyone know why i keep having to kick my ath10k drivers in the ass to get networking working again after a laptop suspend?19:58
lotuspsychjeredlegion: wich ubuntu version is this19:59
redlegionlotuspsychje: 17.10 I believe19:59
lotuspsychjeredlegion: i think 17.10 has now an option to enable/disable wifi in energy options, take a look?20:00
redlegionerg, 17.0420:00
redlegionit's also budgie, and i've switched to awesome wm20:01
lotuspsychjeredlegion: ah not familiar with awesome myself, but it might be related to your atheros driver20:02
redlegioni can almost guarantee that it is20:02
lotuspsychje!atheros | redlegion20:02
ubotturedlegion: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:02
redlegionthat's awesome stuff20:03
redlegionthanks, lotuspsychje20:03
lotuspsychjeredlegion: try also tail -f /var/log/syslog when you suspend to see hats happening to your wifi exactly20:03
lotuspsychjeredlegion: your system up to date also?20:04
redlegionshould be20:04
redlegioni have apt update / apt upgrade OCD20:04
lotuspsychjeredlegion: another thing to test is compare wifi:suspend on an LTS version of ubuntu (other kernel/driver version)20:04
lotuspsychje!chmod | titikaka can this help20:05
ubottutitikaka can this help: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions20:05
lotuspsychje!support | micheal6553620:15
ubottumicheal65536: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com20:15
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velholotuspsychje, I'm actually jumping with joy!20:21
lotuspsychjevelho: :p20:22
Spr1ngAnybody know how to fix a jumpy mouse cursor on a ThinkPad X220 running Ubuntu 17.10?  Using the touchpad the cursor is imprecise and not smooth.20:34
carverhturn down sensitivity?20:36
TJ-Spr1ng: we had a similar situation with that model  a few weeks ago, turned out to be an ACPI issue. Possible fix here: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html20:37
Spr1ngThanks I'll take a gander at it20:39
tlhonmeyI'm looking for a Docky replacement.  Anybody know what Ubuntu is using for a dock these days?20:41
stephen101anyone know how to fix xchat so it delays sening  /msg NickServ identify20:45
brainwashstephen101: this may apply to xchat also https://freenode.net/kb/answer/hexchat20:48
Spr1ngI did it in weechat, can't remember how tho..I looked in the conf files, can't see anything related to delay20:49
brainwash"SASL is a method that allows identification to services (NickServ) during the connection process, before anything else happens - therefore eliminating the need to /msg nickserv identify."20:49
brainwashin case you did not know20:50
stephen101ya i know that, works with my irc on android but idk on this looking it up20:51
Spr1ngoh ye it may have been a sasl delay20:51
stephen101looks like to many hurtles  to get SASL to work on xchat20:52
pavlosstephen101: There is /set irc_join_delay $SECONDS. Default is 2.20:53
stephen101i set that to 15 no go20:53
[n0mad]a join delay relates to joining channels20:54
stephen101xchat sends  /msg NickServ identify to early20:54
George_OUi'm sorry for stupid question, but how do i register my nick20:54
[n0mad]why using xchat and not hexchat?20:54
stephen101ya i am about to remove this and try again20:55
stephen101not feeling the features20:55
Bashing-om!register | George_OU20:56
ubottuGeorge_OU: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.20:56
Richard_CavellWhat version of g++ (gcc) is in 17.10?20:57
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Bashing-om!info g++ artful | Richard_Cavell20:59
ubottuRichard_Cavell: g++ (source: gcc-defaults (1.173ubuntu1)): GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:7.2.0-1ubuntu1 (artful), package size 1 kB, installed size 18 kB20:59
stephen101ok thats fixed it21:05
stephen101nice all set now21:12
AlexBuntuI just done an server install of 17.04. WiFi was setup and working during install, I rebooted and added an xubuntu session and now network-manager is screwed it won't acknowledge my WiFi as ready.   Halp ples21:14
AlexBuntuI read its a common issue about ownership of network-manager or something21:14
AlexBuntuThis channel is dead21:19
stephen101i have same type of issues myself21:20
AlexBuntuYou find a fix @stephen10121:20
stephen101look in kern.log and see what the errrors say21:21
AlexBuntuNm-applet doesn't have correct permissions am pretty sure of it21:23
stephen101should be under /var/log/21:23
stephen101check syslog and kern21:23
stephen101bus-manager: could not acquire the NetworkManager service as it is already taken21:27
stephen101Dec 27 14:49:11 stephen-X541NA NetworkManager[3519]: <error> [1514404151.6515] failed to start the dbus service.21:27
stephen101i get this in mine21:27
AlexBuntuI fixed it21:28
AlexBuntuBut if it's perm I dunno21:28
AlexBuntuI had 2 wpa_supplicants running or something21:28
AlexBuntuI killall'd wpa_supplicant and restarted network and it's back21:28
stephen101ya i just been using the cat5 and not bothering it lol21:29
stephen101i was reading its a bug in regards to mac address21:29
AlexBuntuApparently it's an ownership issue I have21:29
AlexBuntuLike I done a server install21:30
AlexBuntuBut then added a DE afterwards21:30
stephen101well for me the wifi will start and one i start using the web it will crash21:30
stephen101and reboot only thing that fixes it21:30
AlexBuntuNm is getting ripped out for wicd right now21:31
AlexBuntuI hate nm anyway21:31
AlexBuntuThis is always a risky process though lol uninstalling nm and installing wicd borks often lol21:32
stephen101ya removing any built in usually does that lol21:33
stephen101i learned the other day about using autoremove funtion21:33
AlexBuntuGenerally I've learnt that adding a DE to a server install is a bad idea lol21:34
AlexBuntuBut the alternative CD for low mem or non graphical install I can't seem to find for 17.0421:34
stephen101it removed tons of stuff my system was dependant on lol had live and save my files and reinstall21:34
stephen101have you tried different versions of ubuntu?21:35
AlexBuntuI'm triple booting on a ASUS transformer so I can always get it back up but it's still a pain.21:35
AlexBuntuWhen I live boot the normal 17.04 iso including Xubuntu and Lubuntu it just hangs21:36
stephen101i tried 17.10 my wifi works without issue. but i dont like the secuirty protections on it so i went back to 16.0421:36
AlexBuntuNot sure why21:36
stephen101ya i am using a asus laptop21:36
AlexBuntuI only use my buntu install for LibreOffice and Kodi tbh.  I have Debian 9 and Windows 10.2 installed also.  I use debian as my stable setup tbh21:37
stephen101seems asus and linux in general have bugs21:37
AlexBuntuNot as bad as Lenovo lol21:37
stephen101i have 16.04 installed on my other lenovo laptop t400 works like a charm21:38
electricmilkLenovo used to have a good reputation with Linux21:38
electricmilkBack when there were serious drivers issues with wifi..Lenovo seemed to always work out of the box. This was a long time back though21:38
AlexBuntuApparently there is an issue with the EFI or something gimme a sec I'll link21:38
electricmilkYea  this was like pre 2005 when it was still owned by IBM21:39
stephen101i get a mce memory error on this. and i hardcore benchmarked the memory thereafter, no faults21:40
AlexBuntuI have a Thinkpad T40 around here somewhere21:41
AlexBuntuIt's still running fine. The old Thinkpad are the best things ever made21:41
Flotho66good evenig everyone, does anybody already succeed in installing the 14 release on eMMC drives ?21:41
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DaekdroomWhat is an application I can use for mass converting audio in Ubuntu? I've installed "soundconverter" from the repos, but it seems very limited, and sound-konverter from KDE was deprecated...21:55
electricmilkDaekdroom,  ffmpeg21:56
electricmilkDaekdroom,  It is a command line tool but very easy to use and handles mass conversion very well21:57
DaekdroomHm... yeah, I know, but I'm not great at creating scripts..21:58
electricmilkDaekdroom,  it is not too bad though.  Are all the files in the same directory?21:58
Daekdroomelectricmilk, well, there are too many files actually. A GUI would help me sort out what I'd convert and what I would not.21:59
electricmilkDaekdroom,  You could even convert recursively (All files in all folders)21:59
kk4ewtDaekdroom, this is how one becomes good at making scripts21:59
electricmilkDaekdroom, For example to convert all flac files to mp3 use: find -name "*.flac" -exec ffmpeg -i {} -acodec libmp3lame -ab 128k {}.mp3 \;21:59
electricmilkReally not that complicated22:00
AlexBuntuHow do you resolve the issues of installing a desktop session on top of the server installation.  For example my Firefox profiles can not be loaded, I need to kill wpa_supplicant a restart networking in each boot.  Can I not fix these permissions issues?22:05
ghostnik11hey how can someone load a module that isn't there when we search with modprobe22:12
ghostnik11this is what i get from terminal: modprobe: FATAL: Module cm3218x not found in directory /lib/modules/4.13.1-041301-generic22:13
electricmilkhany,  hi22:18
hanyim newhere22:18
electricmilkhany,  welcome22:18
jhutchinsghostnik11: find & install the driver.  You may have to build it so that it matches your kernel.22:24
ghostnik11jhutchins, would it be in synaptic? its for a baytrail 2 in 1 tablet pc22:25
jhutchinsghostnik11: It could be, I don't know. For rarer, newer hardware you sometimes have to find the "upstream" project.22:26
jhutchinsghostnik11: What device is the driver for?22:26
ghostnik11jhutchins, its an asus t100ta22:26
jhutchinsghostnik11: Yes, but what component, and how did you find the name of the driver?22:27
ghostnik11i followed the steps in this tutorial: http://www.jfwhome.com/2016/01/04/latest-steps-to-install-ubuntu-on-the-asus-t100ta/22:27
ghostnik11jhutchins, in that tutorial, i downloaded the script and have it where its suppose to be but when it told me to make sure the module is loaded, it gave me that error i posted above that says its not loading22:30
ghostnik11jhutchins, i can do a pastebin of the script for my autobrightness22:31
ghostnik11jhutchins, https://pastebin.com/LpUrKLJh22:31
andriushow's life22:36
ghostnik11jhutchins, this is the rclocal file that i edited to try to get autobrightness to work22:37
ghostnik11jhutchins, https://pastebin.com/Egnea5Cf22:38
IhrFusselIf I change groups of a user, do I need to restart ALL scripts to apply the new groups?22:51
ghostnik11jhutchins, okay quick question i get this problem when i try to run this script: ./auto-brightness.sh22:53
ghostnik11./auto-brightness.sh: line 13: /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness: Permission denied22:53
ghostnik11cat: '/sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-CPLM3218:00//in_illuminance_input': No such file or directory22:53
rypervencheIhrFussel: If you started the scripts after you logged into your user, you need to log out and then back in for the groups to be updated.22:53
IhrFusselrypervenche, but will the group change affect the already running scripts? I started them as background so logging out will not end them22:54
rypervencheIhrFussel: But they were started as your user when it has those groups. I believe they will need to be restarted.22:54
rypervencheI could be wrong though.22:54
gordonjcpI had a couple of KDE t-shirts years ago22:58
ghostnik11where can a person go to find the modules that they have running in ubuntu and also is there a command that will tell me all the modules running?23:00
tsarompygordonjcp: i want one so bad23:01
macmandoes anyone know where to find icon themes in the style of os x mavericks for 16.04?23:03
electricmilkmacman, I believe there is a Mac GTK theme23:04
macmanI have those. I need old style icons...23:05
electricmilkmacman, perhaps installing the OSX-Nostalgie is what you are looking for23:07
gordonjcpghostnik11: modules like kernel modules, or what?23:08
redlegion^ hence my questionmark23:08
gordonjcpredlegion: indeed23:08
ghostnik11gordonjcp, i am looking for this module that should give me the ability to control the birghtness of this tablet and ran the script but the module isn't there23:11
ghostnik11gordonjcp, https://pastebin.com/QMzCkjej23:13
macmanthanks for help!23:14
transhumananyone know of any linux editors that have vertical cut and paste?23:14
paul_hello all23:15
ghostnik11gordonjcp, i think the reason why it isn't working is b/c i am using kernel 4.13 is the reason why23:16
macmanhow does one add launchers to docky from the unity search tool?23:19
ghostnik11okay quick question does a person have to right a kernel module from scratch or can i just do a copy and paste?23:22
ghostnik11other question is, can i just put a module in /proc/modules and it will work?23:24
lordcirthghostnik11, pretty sure it's not that simple23:25
ghostnik11lordcirth, yeah i am reading the page with the way to add them, and it starts with: you know C!!!23:29
lordcirthghostnik11, well yes, kernel modules are written in C23:29
ghostnik11lordcirth, but if someone else has built it, can't i just copy and past it. someone that has done it with a machine just like mine23:30
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ghostnik11lordcirth, yeah, its looking like this will be a project after i am done with school, if i have to first learn c++ programing language23:31
lordcirthghostnik11, C, not C++23:31
ghostnik11lordcirth, oh, thanks for clarification. i thought the article meant c++ and not C23:32
lordcirthIf someone is distributing a module that will do it, you can try installing it if they provided instructions23:32
lordcirthAssuming you trust them enough to run their code in your kernel.23:32
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ghostnik11there is a dedicated group of people with asus t100ta that have a google + group and i feel like at least a few of them must have compiled a module or two or edited a kernel to give our machines a fix for these problems lordcirth23:35
oerheksghostnik11, without proper 64 bit uefi, not all hardware will work. i gave up23:36
ghostnik11oerheks, did you ever get autobrightness working or the ability to turn down brightness = saving battery power23:37
ghostnik11oerheks, and if u gave up, do you mind telling me what machine is similar to an asus t100ta that i would be able to use and run ubuntu and android-x86 from it with no problem?23:38
oerheksthere would be a brightness fix, with the button somewhere, but screenrotation and such not23:40
oerheksabout other machines, look for certified hardware?23:41
implitewhat improvements did we get from uefi anyways compared to other partitions?23:41
impliteonly thing i noticed was extra headache but maybe thats just me23:43
ghostnik11oerheks, how did you get brightness to work? b/c i have been trying to get brightness to work and nothing is working23:47
ghostnik11oerheks, did you follow any website?23:48
oerhekstons of them, and i stopped.23:50

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