=== mup_ is now known as mup [17:00] I'm probably misunderstanding `juju migrate` because I don't understand how this would work for storage that the model depends on. Is model migration only for stateless applications? [17:20] hbogert: so the running workloads don't migrate [17:21] hbogert: it's just the controller server moving control/tracking/communication to a new controller server [17:21] hbogert: the running applications don't change at all. The agents running on those machines are updated to start talking to the new controller as its master and commander of all things === Guest7268 is now known as skay [19:24] hey hey Juju folks :) [19:24] I have a failed machine - what's the best way to replace it now I've fixed the problem? The hdd has been replaced but all other hardware was fine. This is in MAAS... [19:37] do I need to juju remove-machine then add-machine? [20:26] EdS: just learning myself, but unless removing the applications or their units first is not a option in your case, then yes, remove-machine should work for you [20:27] hbogert: I have just managed this. The ironic thing is the wiki containing my notes was inaccessible because of the problem! *headdesk* [20:28] I had to "juju remove-unit " then "juju add machine" to get MAAS to deploy a fresh machine to replace it, then "juju add-unit " to get back the missing services. [20:29] not too painful, but painful when one's own docs are torn from the hand ;) [20:35] ahh yes, well I have similar sins in my setup 8) [20:36] yeah - I think that sort of thing is common. Good night all - may your disks spin smoothly ;) [20:53] I wish to migrate a single juju charm application, i.e., easyrsa, to another node. It's currently deployed on through MAAS, how would I approach this?