
ghostnik11oerheks, i love this little tablet pc with ubuntu on it and i just installed android x86 with nougat and the only problem their is sound doesn't work. i feel like i only need a few things to work to have it as the perfect machine00:00
ghostnik11oerheks, in terms of ubuntu side, i just need to get brightness adjustment working so that i can save the battery from losing energy so fast b/c brightness is turned to the max00:01
DroidLinux93hi can i get some help please00:06
DroidLinux93I'm trying to run Steam on 16.04.3 LTS fresh install and i have having issues getting it to run.00:07
DroidLinux93i even tried to run steam in the terminal and i get these messages https://paste.ubuntu.com/26268059/00:07
ghostnik11oerheks, i found a ctl script from debian site for asus t100ta, can i just run it. just want your opinion00:08
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ghostnik11so i have this script: https://pastebin.com/Vj5PkieU and i want to know if i just make it executable and run it like a sh file, can it work for me00:11
DroidLinux93Nevermind about the errors..00:11
DroidLinux93found a tutorial online that made it launch with the updater00:12
ghostnik11the only thing though, it is xandr, the script uses xandr which i believe isn't the same as sh00:12
videocallwhat are the minimum system requirements to sustain a  videocall using GNU Ring? I am talking about RAM, CPU, graphics card memory and the like00:21
DroidLinux93I went full linux today.. Best decision ever..00:23
DroidLinux93Just takes a little more work to get some things working it seems.. Windows broke on me for the last time >:)00:24
implitewelcome to linux :) DroidLinux9300:25
xalen DroidLinux93 good to know, enjoy it!00:25
impliteWine works great anyways from what i can tell for any of the windows things i need to do00:26
rypervencheDroidLinux93: Welcome :)00:26
impliteand if i cant use wine then i use a vm on top of my linux with windows 7 installed ;)00:27
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timelessi'm trying to write a systemd.service file to get a shell script to run once a service starts... does anyone have a pointer? I've tried using unit.wants/unit.after + install.wantedby -- but even though the service appears in a .wants/ directory for its dependency, it isn't being started...00:31
timeless(if i manually start the service, it runs...)00:32
impliteI tried to make a listener script in python that could look for a service running but i forgot where i left off on it00:35
implitei made one that works for key presses however00:36
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Ziberiusi mean hello00:36
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gambl0rei want to install ubuntu on a usb01:03
rahulprodevhi, I want to use linux or ubuntu in windows by virtual machine, Anyone suggest me about this, I'll go with ubuntu or any other linux distro?01:03
gambl0reis this a safe way to run ubuntu or is it recommene to install it directly onto my machine or does it work the same?01:03
implitegambl0re take a look at multiwriter01:04
gambl0rewhats that01:04
ishmialgambl0re: I would put Ubuntu on a USB and play around with it, before I installed it.01:04
impliteso you can write an iso to the usb01:04
gambl0rei dont want to just play around with it, i want to actually do work on it01:05
ishmialYou'll need to install it from a USB, the same way.01:05
gambl0rei think you dont understand what im trying to say01:05
oerheksput an iso on usb, boot from it, insert usb2, install on it01:05
ishmialJust instead of selecting the "Try it out" option, you'll pick "Install Ubuntu" from the boot menu01:05
impliteyes what oerheks said01:06
gambl0reso i can install ubuntu on my usb and run it as if its a regular os?01:06
gambl0rei already have the ubuntu 14 iso image01:07
impliteyou can use a use as a hhd yes01:07
oerheksit would be slow, but works01:07
gambl0rewhy slow?01:07
gambl0reand slow in what way01:07
ishmialIt's limited by the transfer speed of the USB01:07
gambl0rebecause im running ubuntu inside a vm on my windows machine and its also so slow. so if its going to be the same then theres no point of me doing this01:08
gambl0reim not talking about transfer speeds, inside my vm it just runs laggy01:08
gambl0rejust to do basic tasks01:08
implitethere are some 128mbs+ thumb drives but expensive i think01:09
gambl0rei have 32gb01:10
gambl0reshould be enough for me01:10
ishmialThere you go01:10
gambl0rebut will it be slow?01:11
gambl0rein terms of doing day to day tasks01:11
gambl0rebrowsing, documents etc..01:11
impliteuse a program to test your transfer rate on your usb thumbdrive01:11
implitefrom a copy test01:12
ishmialProbably. The OS will only use the space on the USB drive, for swap space, and the transfer rate on your USB ports will also determine speed01:12
impliteif you get above 30mbps then thats good01:12
gambl0reimplite, you're not listening. i dont care about transfer speeds01:12
gambl0rei just care if it can handle day to day tasks01:12
implitemany reads and writes will ware down the drive01:14
implitethumb drives only have so many writes i think01:15
impliteand rewrites01:15
kenrinIt works but so slow it isn't worth doing01:15
DagronmasterI have a hard time believing that running from a USB drive on the same machine would be any faster than in the VM01:16
gambl0rewhy do people install ubuntu on usb's then?01:16
kenrinPeople install the livecd onto usb fairly often,  not install ubuntu directly onto usb01:16
Dagronmastergambl0re:  allows you to turn any machine that can boot from USB into a linux box01:16
gambl0rewhats the difference between a live cd and installing ubuntu directly?01:17
kenrinVM is still faster assuming you got the VM tools installed01:17
gambl0rekenrin, it's slow as shit inside my vm01:17
kenrinlive cd will be in the same state,  anything you install will get erased on shutdown01:17
gambl0reand i gave it all the specs01:17
kenrinIn what program,  hyper-v ?01:18
timelessimplite: fwiw, you wanted `wear` not `ware`01:18
implitei know im a tard...01:19
kenrinVirtualbox is pretty slow regardless.  But you got to make sure you install guest additions and enable 3d if you doing anything graphical01:19
timelessgambl0re: people tend to use usb sticks because they're trying to rescue a system (which may not have a dvd reader / they may not want to carry a big fragile disk)01:19
gambl0reimplite, implight isnt too bright01:20
gambl0rethat rhymes too01:20
timelessor because for some stupid reason they think they can trust someone else's computer more if they boot from a stick01:20
timeless... that there's no way for the hardware itself to be evil01:20
wedgie*shrug* it does take out one layer of potential evil01:20
gambl0reso should i just avoid installing ubuntu onto a usb?01:21
timelesstrue, but if you're going to be paranoid, bring your own computer01:21
gambl0recause im in the process of getting my usb formatted01:21
timelessgambl0re: the question is: what problem are you trying to solve?01:21
Dagronmastergambl0re:  if you've got the time to try it, it won't hurt you01:21
timelessif you want to test a system out, then /normally/ virtualbox is good enough for testing01:21
gambl0retimeless, ubuntu runs slow as fuck inside my vm and it's hard for me to do my work. so thats why i want to instsall on a usb to see if this resolves the issue01:22
timelessif for some reason virtualbox doesn't give you enough of the hardware to test, and you want to test, then maybe ubuntu on a stick will let you test more hardware01:22
timelessgambl0re: have you properly configured virtualbox?01:22
wedgiegambl0re: can you be more specific as to what "slow" means? Does it take a long time to boot, programs take a long time to launch, what?01:22
gambl0retimeless, i've probably read every single guide, blog, youtube video, asked in this channel, #vbox and nothing has worked01:22
timeless(installed vbox extension, guest additions, selected the right hardware modes for things, configured 2d/3d accel)01:22
kenrinOh yeah virtualbox has that extension pack you got to install too don't they01:23
timelessyou want the extension pack01:23
gambl0rewedgie, booting is fine but just using ubuntu is slow01:23
gambl0rewedgie, opening programs, browsing, typing etc...01:24
timelessgambl0re: how many cpus does your computer have? and how many did you give to vbox?01:24
gambl0rewedgie, i can still do shit but it's just not responsive01:24
timelessdid you enable 3d accel/2d accel? did you give it enough memory to handle that?01:24
implitehow much ram did you give the vbox?01:24
gambl0retimeless, this is ONE of the guides i tried following01:25
kenrinYou used a guide from five years ago ?01:25
gambl0repeople in 2017 were still recommending that guide01:25
gambl0rei've read it in message boards01:25
gambl0recan you take a look at that guide and tell me anything you disagree with?01:26
timelessBase memory – 768 to 3.5 GB depending on your desires. Always leave at least 1GB for the hostOS01:26
timeless^ ??01:26
kenrinWell just a quick glance it looks like a headless guide considering they tell you to disable GPU01:26
timelesshow much memory does your computer have and how much did you give the vm?01:27
gambl0retimeless, i have 8gb ram. i gave my vm 401:27
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timelesswhat's your host os?01:27
* timeless frowns01:27
timelesswhat's your goal?01:27
timelessare you considering replacing win7 w/ ubuntu?01:27
timelessif so, then, yes, set up a stick, try it out01:27
gambl0rewhat do you mean whats my goal?01:28
gambl0remy goal is to run ubuntu smoothly.01:28
timelessso... simplest solution to that is buy a computer from 2016 that has ubuntu01:28
gambl0reok. thanks for your help01:28
timeless(heck, from 2015 or 2014)01:28
timelessthere are clearly other constraints to your goal01:29
impliteBah lol... now thats funny01:29
timelessdo you want to be able to run win7 after using ubuntu for a bit or not?01:29
timelessif you're going to replace win7 w/ ubuntu, then using a stick to test before doing a complete conversion makes sense01:29
timelessif you're planning to dual boot, then a stick makes sense01:29
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gambl0reall i need to know if you can help me get ubuntu to work smoothly inside a vm or if its better to boot from a usb01:30
timelessit's better to get a new old computer...01:30
DagronmasterThose may not be the only two possibilities01:30
wedgiegambl0re: what everyone is trying to tell you is that answer depends entirely on your goal01:30
gambl0rewedgie, goal for what?01:30
gambl0rei dont understand these vague questions01:30
timelessgambl0re: 10 weeks from now, how do you envision using this computer?01:31
timelesswill you be using ubuntu on it 24-7?01:31
timelesswill you be using win7 on it 24-7?01:31
gambl0rei will use win7 primarily01:31
gambl0rei will use ubuntu for just my web development work01:31
gambl0restrictly just for that01:31
timelessok... that's a good start01:32
kenrinDo  you need a GUI for that ?01:32
gambl0reyea it would be nice if there was gui01:32
timelesswhat tools in ubuntu do you plan to need?01:32
Dagronmastergambl0re:  what are the specifications (RAM/CPU/Disk) of the host computer.   How much RAM/CPU/Disk are you provisioning for the VM?   When you say "it's running slowly", what do you mean, exactly?  Do you have any numbers?  Have you installed guest additions on the VM?01:32
gambl0rei just need to a browser (chrome), a text editor (sublime text), terminal01:32
gambl0rethats it01:32
timelessdoes chrome need to be in the vm?01:33
timelessor could it run in win7 talking to the vm?01:33
gambl0retimeless, yes it does01:33
timelessheck. none of the things you mentioned really need a gui or even ubuntu01:33
gambl0rewell why not01:33
timelessoverhead. boiling oceans01:33
* timeless isn't sure how to explain this01:34
kenrinI just ssh into a VM to code01:34
timelessit all depends on your goals01:34
* timeless is w/ kenrin 01:34
gambl0reits easier to do web dev related stuff in a linux enviroment01:34
* timeless looks at mbp01:34
gambl0rei dont want to get into the details01:34
* timeless looks @home w10 computer w/ putty (and the new ms openssh)01:34
kenrinReally depends on the language,  anything .NET sucks in linux01:34
timelessgambl0re: so, none of what you've mentioned provides a particularly good argument for a linux gui01:35
timelesssublime and chrome will run perfectly well in w701:35
gambl0reDagronmaster, i3, 8gb ram, 320gb hd01:35
timelessif all you need is ssh w/ ubuntu in a vm01:35
timelessthen setting it up to be a nice headless thing should work fine in 2gb of ram01:36
timeless(16.04 LTS claims it'll survive in 1/2 GB, and i believe that's true)01:36
wedgieheadless? I'll bet it would do fine with a lot less01:37
timelessthe SSH and SFTP and Apache / nginx / php performance should be perfectly fine w/ that set up01:37
timelesswedgie: sure01:37
Dagronmastergambl0re:  Okay, how much RAM/CPU and disk are you allocating to the VM?01:37
implitehe said 4mb01:37
timelessfwiw, `i3` is a pretty meaningless answer to `cpu`01:37
DagronmasterWell, I was mostly interested in RAM01:37
gambl0re2gm ram, 2cpu's01:38
gambl0reim actually giving it 4gb ram01:38
gambl0renot 201:38
timelessintel's cpu lines have been around too long for a short name to mean much01:38
* Dagronmaster wonders if the windows boxs is thrashing when the VM runs01:38
IshmialIt is01:38
timelessa modern X cpu might be much better than an ancient Y cpu even if the line for Y is ostensibly better than the line for X01:39
timelessanyway.. anyone want to help me write a systemd .service file ? :)01:39
luxioI'm trying to run Minecraft, how do I fix this? https://paste.ubuntu.com/26268503/01:40
timelessgambl0re: your problem isn't a problem if you make sure your vm is configured as server instead of desktop and is properly headless01:40
gambl0reso what are you suggesting i do?01:40
gambl0reis there anything i can do they way it currently is or are you still advising me to buy a new computer?01:41
kenrinservice files are simple ya don't need help01:42
timelessgambl0re: i can't tell from the "solution" thing -- what kind of "ubuntu" did you install?01:42
gambl0reubuntu 1401:42
timelessi'd try a new vm and make sure the installer i used was "server" instead of "desktop"01:42
timelessand make sure not to set up a gui / display manager...01:43
timelesskenrin: yeah, well01:43
DroidLinux93My audio is nothing but static :/01:43
wedgieluxio: how old is your JRE? what's the output of ''java -version'' ?01:44
luxiowedgie: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26268521/01:45
impliteOracle Java for my mindcraft and not open jdk01:48
luxioHow do I install oracle java then01:50
TDO|AquinaDo you guys know how much within X/Ubuntu (package-wise) 10/12/14/16 depends on AMD's 3DNow! technology?01:52
TDO|AquinaReaseon is, that AMD discontinues its 3DNow technology and the usual tools like apt-cache, various searches and the Ubuntu package web search indicate a very low usage of this CPU extension.01:52
TDO|AquinaI tried https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=3dnow&mode=filename&suite=trusty&arch=any which is not conclusive though.01:52
TDO|Aquina#ubuntu-motu sent me here, btw.01:53
TDO|AquinaI read somewhere modern AMD cpus will try SSE-pipe when 3DNow is not available. Can someone confirm that?01:53
impliteI dont remember much software that required 3dnow01:54
timelesswasn't it dead in 2010? https://www.bit-tech.net/news/tech/cpus/amd-retires-3dnow/1/01:55
incog88quick question id like to install an older libboost library then the current one installed on ubuntu server xenial specifically 1.54 how do i got about this01:57
incog88ive tried compiling etc im just not doing it right01:58
incog88is it possible to have two versions?01:58
timelesskinda depends what you're trying to do01:58
timelessyou can certainly manually extract the files from an older version and do various stuff w/ it01:59
timelessin general, it's probably not a great idea01:59
incog88run a crypto wallet on it that i need for a node server01:59
incog88its using the old libs01:59
timelessand it doesn't like a current version of the libs?01:59
incog88not at all01:59
timeless(when i dealt w/ old versions of things, i generally used sandboxes of various sorts)01:59
incog88how do you sandbox? kind of defeats my purposes a litle02:00
impliteya i always code in a vm or sandbox02:01
timelessit depends, sometimes i used scratchbox(1/2), sometimes i used zones, sometimes i use lxc/lxd, sometimes actual vms02:01
incog88this is a vps i just didnt want to use 14.0402:01
timelessor bare chroots02:01
timelessbut, in general i'd be pretty surprised if the thing couldn't work w/ a newer boost02:02
incog88yeah i kept getting an error requesting specific boost version02:02
incog88libboost_system.so.1.54.0 whereas 1.58 was installed02:03
incog88i tried a cp but that created issues with the code seems like the newer boost brakes this app02:03
incog88haha yeah sorry long night02:03
incog88frustrating as i know this wouldnt be an issue with other wallets but whoever programmed did this did it with their feet02:04
incog88programmed it*02:04
timelessso, it looks like 54 would be in trusty (14.04)02:05
incog88looks like im going to 14.04 LTS02:05
timelessi'd probably try a chroot of some sort w/ trusty02:05
timelessubuntu's lxc system is probably the easiest approach02:05
TDO|AquinaAMD Fusion/HSA processors starting 2011/2012 were the first to exclude 3DNow!02:05
timelesshttps://www.itzgeek.com/how-tos/linux/ubuntu-how-tos/setup-linux-container-with-lxc-on-ubuntu-16-04-14-04.html <- something like that02:06
timelessmy view is: the host os should be new+secure02:06
incog88you know what i'll try re-installing 14.04 see how that pans out and hope for the best and then if i have to use containers i will, i dont have much experience with ubuntu lxc02:07
timelessif some bad software needs some old stuff, create a sandbox for the old software inside the good software02:07
incog88yeah i agree right now i need a poc on this and if my setup works ill migrate to a new vm little by little02:07
timelesstechnically, trusty has until april '19, so you have time if you go that way02:08
timelessgood luck02:08
* timeless returns to service hell for a few minutes02:08
incog88hahaha thanks man02:08
* timeless sighs02:10
timelessturns out that spelling counts02:11
* timeless had a 2 letter transposition in the service file02:12
impliteI forgot how to spell years ago lol... Did you find a solution to your service thing timeless?02:14
timelessimplite: that was the solution02:15
timelessI had WantedBy=tyop.service02:15
impliteah nice i have not tried to work with any of that stuff yet ;)02:15
impliteim interested however02:16
timelesshrm, no02:17
timelesswell, at the very least, that was a bug which wasn't helping02:18
impliteI hear shell scripts can be fun to mess with02:18
timelessthe shell script i have is about as simple as can be02:19
timeless(cat /path/to/FOO > ~bar/FOO)02:19
timelessit's just a matter of properly convincing this thing to run the script for me :-(02:20
DroidLinux93My computer uses realtek 887 audio and i keep having static issues on the Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS desktop.. any ideas?02:21
shalokWhere does cups-pdf actually put the created PDF files?02:31
gambl0rehow do i know which partition is my usb stick that im using to boot ubuntu? https://i.imgur.com/wh8wJp4.jpg02:43
timelessok, it seems that the key was indeed not having a typo :-)02:44
Dagronmastergambl0re:  Given that the other devices have NTFS filesystems on them, it's pretty likely that the highlighted partition is the boot partition for ubuntu02:49
gambl0reit's not...it's my micro usb02:50
gambl0rethe micro usb is 64giga02:50
gambl0rethe usb stick i used to install ubuntu on is only 3202:51
gambl0reone at a time...please02:56
forkupit doesn't appear the device you're looking for was recognized03:02
gambl0reforkup, ?03:03
gambl0rebut i'm using the usb stick to boot ubuntu03:04
akkiliI need a shell script, my End goal for script is to filter all the API’s responding above 3 seconds.  Currently I am using this script, but it is not a streamlined and create multiple file.  #!/bin/bash  cat /data/httpd/apiv2.vt.com-access_log | awk '{ print $15 }' | cut -d \? -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tr -d '**' | tr -d '/' > /tmp/apiv2.vt.com-access_log-dec.txt  cat /tmp/apiv2.vt.com-access_log-dec.txt | awk '$2 >= "3000000"03:05
forkupah...well sda is a hard drive so that only leaves mmcblk0 using the process of elination as Dagronmaster did above03:07
Dagronmastergambl0re:   Open a console window and type 'df -h'03:08
akkilican anyone help me with above script03:08
gambl0rein windows?03:08
Dagronmasterin ubuntu03:08
akkiliin ubuntu03:08
akkilii need that script03:08
gambl0reFilesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on03:08
gambl0renone            4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup03:08
gambl0reudev            2.0G  4.0K  2.0G   1% /dev03:08
gambl0retmpfs           396M  968K  395M   1% /run03:08
gambl0renone            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock03:08
gambl0renone            2.0G   76K  2.0G   1% /run/shm03:09
gambl0rei dont understand what it's so hard to install ubuntu on a usb03:11
IshmialIs there a way to run the UserBenchmark.com benchmarks03:11
gambl0reit should be bing bang boom03:11
IshmialI think that's because no one seems to understand why you would want to03:11
IshmialLike...the installation you are running currently, is a live Ubuntu environment03:11
gambl0regoogle tell me that im not the only that wants to install ubuntu on a usb...03:12
gambl0reso it's not like what i'm doing is out of the norm03:12
IshmialThat's the thing, though. You have it "installed" on the USB disk you're booted to.03:13
IshmialThe ISO is on it, it boots into a live environment.03:13
IshmialTrying to boot to USB, so you can "install" a live Ubuntu environment to another, separate USB drive is redundant.03:14
gambl0reok so wtf do i do. how do i get a full ubuntu installation on my usb?03:14
kenrinYou got to load an iso in a VM,  passthrough the usb then install03:14
kenrinYou can do it outside a VM but you'll be fixing grub|efi afterwards03:14
gambl0reive got my ubuntu vm loaded right now03:14
forkupuse unetbootin\03:15
kenrinunetbootin won't do it03:15
forkupi have one?03:15
kenrinHe wants the install on a usb,  not liveusb03:15
gambl0recan someone send me a pm and give step by step instructions.03:15
gambl0rei dont know what the f you guys want me to do03:15
gambl0replease. i know it cant be this difficult. i have the iso image. i have the usb. i have the vm ready to go03:16
gambl0rejust tell me what i have to do03:16
DagronmasterI'd boot a VM using a live CD, attach the USB to the running VM, then install to the USB drive.03:17
DagronmasterThat's as step-by-step as I can get without trying to do it myself03:18
ghostnik11okay i have a driver, where is it suppose to be placed in ubuntu 16.0403:20
gambl0reok Dragonmaster, i'll see if you are correct03:21
kenringambl0re: https://www.computersnyou.com/85/install-linux-on-usb-drive-using-virtualbox/03:21
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eraserpencilI am confused. Why cant I set my time and date according to Singapore city03:40
Dagronmastereraserpencil:  sorry for my ignorance, but does Singapore have more than one time zone?03:43
Dagronmastereraserpencil: I ask because there's a TZ file for Singapore, but not Singapore City03:44
eraserpencilit's the same03:44
DagronmasterDo you have the tzdata package installed?03:45
eraserpencilI remember having configured to Singapore's timezone before. I'm on a fresh install but Singapore is not showing up in SystemSetting > Time and Date03:47
eraserpencilfresh install of 16..0403:48
Dagronmastercan you select it when you run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata'?    You'll have to select Asia first and then Singapore03:49
eraserpencilthank yyou. it was odd03:51
WifiNetworksDeviI'd really appreciate some assistance04:27
Bashing-om!ask | WifiNetworksDevi04:28
ubottuWifiNetworksDevi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:28
WifiNetworksDeviOk.. My bad. I'd like to tether my phone to use my computer's internet via USB04:29
IshmialYou want to set your phone up to use the internet connection that your PC uses?04:39
IshmialThrough USB?04:39
IshmialOr are you trying to connect your phone to your PC, and use the cellular data connection to connect your PC to the internet?04:40
gambl0remy usb isnt being detected in ubuntu04:42
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WifiNetworksDeviAndroid phone to use the internet that PC uses, via USB cable04:42
IshmialWifiNetworksDevi: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199735004:45
IshmialIt may be device dependent how you get to the settings on the phone, but that's a good place to start04:46
IshmialYou're trying to reverse tether an android device to a PC running Ubuntu, if you want to Google some.04:46
WifiNetworksDeviTried that already. Confusing for me04:46
IshmialWhat device do you have/04:47
IshmialMobile device04:47
WifiNetworksDeviNeon Kicka04:47
luxioAnyone here who could identify the file manager being used in this photo? https://i.imgur.com/mqaa3cp.jpg04:50
luxioAnd/or WM + Theme?04:50
luxioI'd say it was designed specifically for the show, but there's also legitimate programs there like htop and vim. Also DD-WRT source on the right.04:51
IshmialWifiNetworksDevi: Do you know what version of Android it's on?04:52
WifiNetworksDeviAbout phone => Android version 5.104:52
leftyfbWifiNetworksDevi: why not use your ubuntu pc to setup an ad-hoc wifi for the android phone to connect to?05:00
WifiNetworksDeviWifi gives me crazy headaches05:07
WifiNetworksDeviSo does wife lol05:13
ritabjust installed xice on old laptop. love it.05:25
WifiNetworksDeviHow do I find network interface in android phone?05:30
CarlFKimac from 2006, Processor Name:Intel Core Duo - 32bit.. anyone know what installer I can put on a usb stick so the mac will see it as bootable?05:31
luxioWifiNetworksDevi: have you tried ifconfig05:31
CarlFKubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-i386.iso  doesn't show up as bottable device.05:32
WifiNetworksDeviIm on stage 805:32
WifiNetworksDeviDevice not found05:32
WifiNetworksDeviadb shell busybox ifconfig05:33
hipitihopI have an Edimax Bluetooth/Wifi dongle but can't get the bluetooth going. lsusb shows "Bus 001 Device 005: ID 7392:a611 Edimax Technology Co., Ltd" and various bits in "dmesg | grep -i blue" any best practice to get this going ?06:09
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lotuspsychjeGuest33096: best not join irc as root07:31
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leptoneis there an easy way to check for a process running on a specific port `ps -p 3000`07:45
leptoneto see what (if anything) is running on port 300007:45
explosiveleptone: lsof -i :300007:45
carverh ^07:46
lotuspsychjeh31nr1chhyd3: best not join irc as root07:46
lotuspsychjeleptone: nmap can also help with services/ports07:46
welcomepartyHi Guys, how can i check whether a particular package is available to perform update?07:56
ducassewelcomeparty: 'apt policy packagename' will tell you which version is installed and if a later one is available07:58
h31nr1chhyd3apt list --upgradable | grep <packagename>08:02
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lotuspsychjeandrew_spark: welcome, what can we do for you?08:04
lotuspsychjejack: can we help you?08:10
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welcomepartyI got freaking weird error on my ubuntu 16.04 wich happened to be freezing at I/O coming from any I/O devices(mouse,keyboard), i did upgrade my kernel in hoping to fix the issue, but it still happens anyway. Any opinion on this?08:28
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: is your system up to date?08:29
welcomepartythe temporary fix was to change to another tty, by pressing ctrl+alt f[1..n]08:29
welcomepartyand get back to my previous graphical tty08:29
welcomepartythen the screen not freezing anymore08:29
welcomepartydamn weird08:29
welcomepartyi update it daily by my own cron08:30
welcomepartynothing to worry about whether my system is up to date08:30
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic xenial08:30
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB08:30
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: this kernel?08:30
welcomepartyahh yes08:30
welcomepartythat was my original kernel08:30
welcomepartyi got 3 installed08:30
welcomeparty4.4, 4.6, 4.1108:31
welcomepartynow i am running on 4.1108:31
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: can you go try on 4.4 please?08:31
welcomepartyall packages are updated08:31
welcomepartyi did man08:31
welcomepartythe issue was the same08:31
welcomepartythat was my first diagnosal08:31
welcomepartynot really helping08:31
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: anything usefull in your dmesg?08:31
welcomepartyi was thinking that some libs are gone08:31
welcomepartydo you have an idea what to grep?08:32
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: did you add external ppa's of any kind to your system?08:32
welcomepartyit would be cool08:32
welcomepartyi add several unknown ppa08:32
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: no, hastebin the whole dmesg plz08:32
welcomepartyfor my own experimental curiosity08:32
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: we cant really support ppa's, as they can harm/scramble your system08:32
welcomepartyi agreed08:33
welcomepartyand i was told, but i kinda stuborn08:33
welcomepartyi will give you my dmesg08:33
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: i reccomend you try the issue youi experience on a clean ubuntu 16.04.3 (liveusb)08:33
welcomepartymy dmesg has no logs yet08:35
welcomepartymaybe my latest kernel not quite writing any logs yet08:35
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: try syslog08:35
welcomepartyyou want all?08:35
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: yes plz08:36
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welcomepartylotuspsychje: http://termbin.com/0u3f08:42
welcomepartythats my syslog08:42
welcomepartywell, damn weird, it happens in every around 30 minutes then i need to change to another tty08:47
welcomepartyi dont think i should update my kernel again08:47
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: are you on gnome shell?08:51
JoshuaDI want to download the 32bit version of java for a project. Is there a place I can do that with a web interface?08:52
JoshuaD(rather than having to install a 32bit virtualbox image008:52
JoshuaDnvm found it08:53
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: alot of gnome-session errors at your syslog end08:54
welcomepartylotuspsychje: http://termbin.com/v590 ; this is my kernel error message after i filtered out08:56
welcomepartyshould i update my gnome or what?08:56
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: what i think is you have too many things going on, on your system and its time for a clean install08:57
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: i dont see IO errors, but logs are kinda messy08:57
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: you had ubuntu-gnome 16.04 from the start?08:58
newREGISTER pass@1234 kesimkoraja@gmail.com08:58
welcomepartylotuspsychje: yes, i was installing from the start AFAIK08:59
welcomepartyi think it was last year since it was released08:59
lotuspsychjenew: better change password now08:59
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: try with a clean ubuntu-gnome, see if you still got lags/IO09:00
welcomepartylotuspsychje: what do you mean by clean?09:02
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: clean install, or test from a liveusb09:02
welcomepartyif it was smooth, then what?09:02
welcomepartycause i am sure 200% it will be smooth09:03
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: then that would mean, your system was scrambled too much09:03
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: too many factors going on, other kernels, external ppa's etc09:03
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: if you dont want a new install, then try remove your ppa's, cleanout system with bleachbit, load default xenial kernel09:04
welcomepartylotuspsychje: i only want to fix the issue specifically, which means i need to invest more time to make it neatly configured09:05
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: the problem is when users start messing with their system their own way instead of the ubuntu way, its hard to localize specific issues09:06
welcomepartylotuspsychje: yeah, need to track the PPA09:06
welcomepartyi think it goes to my sources.list09:06
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: thats why i would reccomend, try to set as vanilla as you can09:06
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | welcomeparty09:06
ubottuwelcomeparty: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html09:06
welcomepartydoes it easily idenified if there is ppa repo there09:06
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: try to recall what you added? chrome? tor?themes?09:07
explosivewelcomeparty: ppa's should be in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*09:07
welcomepartylotuspsychje: nice09:07
welcomepartyppa purge?09:07
welcomepartywhat a nice way09:07
welcomepartybut why is the ppa kinda messy?09:08
lotuspsychje!ppa | welcomeparty here's why09:08
ubottuwelcomeparty here's why: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge09:08
welcomepartyunauthorized software?09:08
welcomepartygot it09:08
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: it 'can' we a security risk09:08
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | welcomeparty try also this09:09
ubottuwelcomeparty try also this: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12-1 (artful), package size 291 kB, installed size 1853 kB09:09
welcomepartyso let me ask again09:10
welcomepartylogically, i must be few installed ppa softwares in my system, what about the dependencies? is it possible if other non ppa software depend on ppa software?09:10
welcomepartywill it break eventually? or safe to get rid of?09:11
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: adding ppa's can break your system with dependecie issues, thats why we reccomend not using them09:11
welcomepartyso my logic is wrong09:11
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: when purging ppa's you can solve dependecies09:11
welcomepartydamn PPA09:12
welcomepartyeventually you be like pain my a**09:12
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: so after all ppa's succesfully out, sudo apt update again to a vanilla ubuntu way09:12
welcomepartywhat is vanilla way man? you full of philosophy09:13
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: vanilla means clean, default09:13
lotuspsychjea clean ubuntu, without messing from the user09:13
welcomepartysounds cool and well defined09:14
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: your syslog shows you tested,installed all kinds of things09:14
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: so it gets harder to trace a problem also09:14
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: then, if you sure a clean install would solve, that means you already know what you did..try to reverse that09:15
welcomepartyi wanna know all the ppas packages installed in it09:15
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: well, we cant possibly know what you added exactly09:15
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: best way is to check your sources.list and recall what you all added09:16
welcomepartylike 'apt list' would be nice09:16
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: thos ppa url's are easy guessing whats it about most cases09:16
explosivewelcomeparty: try 'tail -v -n+1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*  /etc/apt/sources.list' and pastebin the results09:17
ThoMehiho. after upgrade to 17.10 i cant boot. hanging with message edd information not available09:19
ThoMeany ideas what can I do=?09:19
lotuspsychjeThoMe: wich ubuntu version did you came from09:20
ThoMei think 17.03?09:20
lotuspsychjeThoMe: 17.04 with unity or gnome?09:21
ThoMezesty /17.0309:21
ThoMeno.... no graphic09:21
ThoMei can boot with 17.10 and the old kernel09:21
explosiveThoMe: try using ahci in the bios09:21
ThoMekernel 4.8 works fine.09:21
ThoMeexplosive: is a virtual mashine09:22
lotuspsychjeThoMe: did you have unity or ubuntu-gnome09:22
welcomepartylotuspsychje: http://termbin.com/s24l09:22
welcomepartythat is my whole ppa repo09:22
welcomepartymessed up already i guess09:22
explosiveThoMe: try booting with edd=on and nolapic int he grub kernel line09:22
ThoMelotuspsychje: havent unity  / ubuntu-gnome09:22
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: holy smokin lol09:22
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: my guess was right, you need a clean install badly09:23
welcomepartydamn son09:23
gordonjcpto be honest, yeah09:23
welcomepartysome of is was networking simulation tool09:23
gordonjcpthat's starting to look a lot like nuke and pave09:23
lotuspsychjewelcomeparty: your gonna have more working digging out ppa's then a 30min clean install09:24
welcomepartysurely i will lose some of my programs09:24
explosivewelcomeparty: what's the actual problem you're having?09:24
welcomepartybut what the hell09:24
explosiveyou have 5 ppa's installed btw, they're just repeating09:24
welcomepartyexplosive: freezing frequently09:25
welcomepartyI/O stopped working09:25
explosivewelcomeparty: does "dmesg" show anything?09:25
explosivekern.log ?09:25
explosivedid you run a smart test on the disk?09:25
welcomepartymy latest kernel not yet logging anything09:25
linociscoDear all, Merry X'mas, Happy new year!! hope you all having great time!09:28
welcomepartyexplosive: this is my kern.log http://termbin.com/eo2609:29
welcomepartyhave a look at it09:29
welcomepartynever run any disk test09:29
linociscoI have one security related question regarding suspicious activity like Kad activity or Bogon like activity and many others inside out of ubuntu which is detected from PeerGuardian. ClamAV can't detect it09:30
welcomepartymy whole files are in my current ubuntu, too lazy to install brand new os again09:30
explosivewelcomeparty: try 'sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda'09:31
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lotuspsychjelinocisco: clamav is an antivirus, peerguardian more to block traffic from peers09:45
lotuspsychjelinocisco: if you think your affected by intrusion try clamav, rkhunter,snort,lynis09:45
lotuspsychjeroot: best not join irc as root, but as user09:47
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Guest54401hello world ::)09:47
lotuspsychjeGuest54401: logout irc and come back as normal user, not root09:48
Guest54401fuck you09:49
tfevanIRC checking09:49
Guest54401hello bro09:50
tfevanhello Guest5440109:50
Guest54401l ma new in this can you tell to me how using it09:52
lotuspsychjeGuest54401: not swearing would be a good start09:52
lotuspsychje!guidelines | Guest5440109:53
ubottuGuest54401: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:53
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: welcome, how can we help you?09:57
DevAntoineI just got a bluetooth mouse which I paired to my laptop but I've got a few issues with it: from time to time the cursor is lagging and when I do not use the mouse it stops responding for a few seconds when I use it again.10:00
DevAntoineI've saw this answer: https://askubuntu.com/a/823316 but I don't know at all what it does.10:00
DevAntoineWill it solve my issues without side effects?10:00
DevAntoineIs it possible that the wifi has something related to this issue?10:08
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: wich ubuntu version are you on?10:10
DevAntoineand sometimes it freeze for more than 10 seconds it's crazy10:10
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: 16.0410:10
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: system up to date to .3?10:10
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: .3?10:11
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: check with lsb_release -a please10:11
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: yeah, 16.04.310:12
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: ok great, do you pair bluetooth with blueman?10:12
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: yes, the blueman-applet10:12
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: can you hastebin.com us the output of tail -f /var/log/syslog after you disable/enable bluetooth10:13
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: perhaps also catch usefull errors when its freezing10:14
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: https://hastebin.com/zuhosisixa.vbs10:15
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: seems like a few errors there10:17
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: yeah, I saw that too but I have no idea on how to fix them10:18
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: also an existing bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dell-sputnik/+bug/162653810:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1626538 in Dell Sputnik "Bluetooth mouse lagging (Ubuntu 16.04, Logitech Ultrathin Touch)" [Undecided,New]10:19
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: did you upgrade to 16.04 or clean install?10:19
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: I can't remember10:21
linociscolotuspsychje, clamav can't detect well. The first virus clamAV detected was its installation file tgz tar ball10:21
linociscolotuspsychje, rkhunter,snort,lynis are not familiar with me10:22
linociscolotuspsychje, i installed peerguardian because I use qbitorrent frequently10:22
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: do you know what the command in the following answer does: https://askubuntu.com/a/823316 ?10:24
DevAntoineoh: "Some devices like the 6235 do include a Bluetooth device in the same card, which may lead into radio conflict. Newer devices (7200 and up) try to solve them intelligently, but it is not the case of older ones."10:25
DevAntoineHow can I know if it's my case?10:26
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explosiveDevAntoine: 'lspci -nn' should list the devices and number10:27
DevAntoineexplosive: I'm really not sure: https://hastebin.com/egemomarux.rb10:28
Paddy_NII have added a second ssd to my laptop and formatted it as ext4.  I am wondering how to have it automatically mount and have full read write permissions for my user.10:31
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explosiveDevAntoine: maybe this will help, 'lspci -vnn'10:33
Mr_PanPaddy_NI, you must edit fstab .. uuid=......     <mount point>  ext4  default etc  ....10:33
alkisgPaddy_NI: you put it to /etc/fstab, and you create a directory chowned with your user account10:33
Mr_PanI.E. UUID=99b04b78-4bb5-4ce7-b599-2a46119804df /media/BACKUP ext4 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 010:34
Paddy_NIMr_Pan, Excellent, I have completely forgot how to obtain the uuid10:34
explosivePaddy_NI: after you mount it, do sudo chown <your user>: -R /mountpoint10:34
Paddy_NIThanks guys :-)10:35
mgadottgood day10:35
DevAntoineexplosive: I don't see anything related to bluetooth so I guess it's handled by the wifi chip?10:35
explosiveDevAntoine: yes maybe10:36
explosiveDevAntoine: does 'sudo ubuntu-drivers devices' show any drivers that can be installed?10:37
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: did your BT work fine on other ubuntu versions?10:37
DevAntoinebut considering that the wifi chip is an Intel 7265, it's stated in the debian wiki that: Some devices like the 6235 do include a Bluetooth device in the same card, which may lead into radio conflict. Newer devices (7200 and up) try to solve them intelligently, but it is not the case of older ones.10:37
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: I don't know I just got the mouse10:37
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: ah okay10:37
DevAntoineexplosive: driver   : intel-microcode - distro non-free10:38
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: you could try out a few tests, boot into another kernel version, try another wifi driver, test the guest account10:38
mgadottplease i need help with respect to my wifi, its showing a question mark10:39
mgadottam a newbie10:39
explosiveDevAntoine: maybe a different kernel will help as lotuspsychje suggested10:39
JDuke256hi , does aircrack supports ASUS PCE-AC88 ?10:40
DevAntoinelotuspsychje, explosive: seems tedious but thanks for the answer. I guess the simplest solution is to plug back my USB mouse10:40
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: i would also suggest a new !bug10:41
allureJDuke256: https://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=compatible_cards10:41
snubs@JDuke256 check this out https://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=compatible_cards10:41
alluresnubs: beat ya10:41
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: creating a bug will add all your system info and logs, that might clear out whats wrong10:42
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: you can attach that tail & lspci log to the bug10:43
Paddy_NIOkay so I created my fstab entry and the drive now automatically mounts, I also performed "sudo chown -R username /media/username/mountpoint" and I still cannot create folders as my user10:44
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: ok, thanks10:44
DevAntoinebut before that I'll try to set the bt_coex_active to 010:44
explosivePaddy_NI: type 'ls -ld /path/to/mountpoint' and paste here10:45
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: i read that line is added when wifi is slow during BT use10:49
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: from other answers it seems that booth bluetooth and wifi could interfere between each other10:49
Paddy_NIexplosive, Thank you, as it turns out I used an uppercase letter for my user name in fstab.  It's all working now :-)10:50
lotuspsychje!cookie | explosive10:50
ubottuexplosive: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!10:50
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: yes that also, what you found is real10:51
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: let us know if it fixxes ok?10:52
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: yeah, I just have to reboot now :D10:52
explosivePaddy_NI: cool, no problem10:52
DevAntoine$ uptime: 11:52:27 up 31 days,  2:33,  7 users,  load average: 0,04, 0,23, 0,3010:52
DevAntoinewait, what is this "7 users" thing???10:52
Paddy_NIexplosive, Hilariously I have been using Linux as my primary OS since Mandrake 10.1 and I still fail at the basics10:53
explosivePaddy_NI: :D10:54
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: can you also check wich kernel your on?10:55
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: Linux 4.4.0-97-generic #120-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 19 17:28:18 UTC 201710:57
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic xenial10:58
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB10:58
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: check sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade plz?10:59
lotuspsychjesilabs: can we help you?11:00
DevAntoinelotuspsychje: well, I'm not that far from the latest kernel11:00
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: still be carefull always keep your system up to date11:01
lotuspsychje!usn | DevAntoine here's why11:01
ubottuDevAntoine here's why: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.11:01
DevAntoineok, thanks, I will. When I'll reboot.11:02
DevAntoine(which I think will happen today)11:02
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: other kernels can also react different on firmware/drivers11:02
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: good luck testing11:03
lotuspsychjeDevAntoine: found another thread about it also: https://askubuntu.com/questions/881671/bluetooth-mouse-cursor-often-disappears-from-screen-or-just-stuck11:04
linociscohi all , I want to remove clamAV which is installed both by tarball and apt. I followed this (https://www.clamav.net/documents/uninstalling-clamav). but still found https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26270897/11:25
w0lfhey there11:33
w0lfI have instaleld kubuntu on my machine11:33
w0lfI am having issue with ssh to a specific server11:34
w0lfI ahve a dual boot machin I can ss hto my centos server from my windows machine11:34
w0lfbut I cant from my kubuntu11:34
w0lfit says refused connection11:34
w0lfI have checked my centos server firewall and even stopped it for some time11:34
w0lfstill not able to ssh just from this specific machine11:35
w0lfany pointers ?11:35
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Neo2my VPS mysql frequently is hanging, help systemctl restart apache2, How often to do this?11:36
Neo2I think probably should to create some shell script that will run and restart server one times in hour?11:37
Neo2once per hour*11:37
multifractali'd like to install Kxstudio OS for music making. But I'll need to shrink my Ubuntu partition to make space. How should I do this? From inside a live USB environment through GParted?11:39
gordonjcpmultifractal: that would work11:40
gordonjcpmultifractal: bear in mind that the kxstudio install iso is now ancient though11:41
gordonjcpmultifractal: you might be better just adding the kxstudio ppas11:41
Neo2I'm going install ubuntu again like dual boot, how many memory allocate and can I increase size later?11:41
gordonjcpNeo2: 10GB is probably a useful minimum11:42
multifractalgordonjcp: well my full motivation is to have a dedicated partition and OS for music production, since I currently have poor latency. My intention is to install some kind of realtime or low-latency kernel on the KXStudio partition.11:42
gordonjcpNeo2: you're going to want more11:42
Neo2gordonjcp: see my windows take 80 gb http://prntscr.com/htbbqn11:42
Neo2it's without game11:42
Neo2games I've installed on D disk11:43
OERIASNeo2, you can get away with 4 gb11:43
gordonjcpmultifractal: have you tried ubuntustudio?  I prefer kxstudio but ubuntustudio does have an up-to-date base OS :-)11:43
gordonjcpmultifractal: I actually use ubuntustudio on my audio PC with kx repos11:43
multifractalgordonjcp: no i haven't. is that a better bet? does ubuntu studio come with the low latency kernal by default?11:43
linociscoone quick question regarding git. I have downloaded using git clone. How to install downloaded items? there is no install.sh or anything inside11:44
Neo2gordonjcp: seems it's little 10? In guide about debian is written 25GB is good11:44
Neo2I installed on 20Gb, and can installed all needed apps it's without LAMP , LAMP will take 10Gb and more11:45
Neo2each site approximately  100mb - 700mb11:45
Neo2can I extend later ubuntu system disk?11:46
gordonjcpNeo2: yeah 25GB is plenty unless you're adding a *lot* of additional packages11:46
gordonjcpNeo2: it's not a lot if you want to fill it with mp3s and videos11:46
gordonjcpfor a desktop install that's way plenty11:46
Neo2gordonjcp: I'm going to add LAMP, on windows WAMP takes 11 GB now11:46
Neo2gordonjcp: see I have disk D and can put there sites too?11:47
Neo2probably 25 enough11:47
gordonjcpmultifractal: it does, but not -rt which you can add as an option11:47
Neo2gordonjcp: and I can free windows part later and put it to ubuntu?11:47
Neo2in windows you can put free space to system dick11:48
multifractalgordonjcp: Should I try it out with the default one to start with, and then try the realtime one if necessary?11:48
linociscoone quick question regarding git. I have downloaded using git clone. How to install downloaded items? there is no install.sh or anything inside11:48
MonkZHi is it possible to replace a ubuntu server installation from within? Like installing a fresh ubuntu server throwing everything else away11:49
MonkZto connect to a machine via ssh11:49
MonkZand reinstall it11:50
MonkZno physical access to the hdd is given11:51
MonkZ(situation: virtual machine and the host owner can't or won't provide a installation medium/session)11:52
=== beaver_xmas is now known as beaver
linocisco./autogen.sh: 51: ./autogen.sh: autoreconf: not found12:29
ikoniayou shouldn't not just be blindly typing random install commmands12:31
explosivelinocisco: check the readme of the git12:34
ikoniabefore you type anything make sure you understand what the install process will do and make sure you know how to undo it12:35
ikoniaalways used packaged software where possible12:36
linociscoexplosive, i am installing snort as per manual step 1 from source https://www.snort.org/#get-started. using cd daq-2.0.612:47
linocisco./configure && make && sudo make install12:47
linociscogot error here https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26271289/12:47
linociscoI dont know what to do12:47
lotuspsychje!compile | linocisco12:51
ubottulinocisco: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall12:51
lotuspsychjelinocisco: ikonia just explained you, you should use packages from the ubuntu repos instead of compiling yourself12:52
kala69Im using debmirror script do make my own xenial mirror. any way to make debmirror to download also "by-hash/SH256/" folders? because netboot will throw errors when installing system.12:56
lotuspsychjegambl0re: can we help you?13:02
lotuspsychje!ask | gambl0re no need to repeat13:03
ubottugambl0re no need to repeat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:03
gambl0remy colors are wrong. sorry13:03
lotuspsychjegambl0re: please only use this channel for ubuntu questions13:05
gambl0relotuspsychje: hi13:06
gambl0rei  have a question13:07
gambl0rei have full ubuntu installation on a 32 giga usb stick13:08
gambl0rewill my usb eventually fail becase of constant read/write?13:08
lotuspsychjegambl0re: installing ubuntu on an usb will always bottleneck on usb speed13:10
gambl0relotuspsychje: but its still better than running side a vm13:12
gambl0reim currently using ubuntu 14 with xfce13:12
XXCoderwhy you running os off flash drive anyway13:13
gambl0rebecause it was too slow inside the vm13:14
gambl0reanyone here use Konversation. i dont know why the colors are still wrong13:14
alkisggambl0re: and why you don't install to the hard disk?13:17
gambl0rebecause i dont have enough gb's13:19
XXCoderonce bought 8 gb ssd for installing linuxcnc on13:19
XXCoderit was quite cheap13:19
XXCoderokay will stop talking. you have no patence.13:20
gambl0resee you13:20
multifractal_Do I have to move my SWAP partition after resizing ubuntu partition?13:20
alkisggambl0re: your GB fit a VM?13:20
alkisgbut not a real installatino?13:20
alkisgThat's weird, because they have the same size...13:20
multifractal_Because now there's an unallocated gap between Ubuntu and its SWAP.13:20
gambl0remy vm was on my windows 7 host13:20
alkisgThat doesn't matter, it's still the same size13:21
alkisgAnyway whatever suits you13:21
gambl0rei love this passive aggressive tone im feeling right now13:21
gambl0rei thought i was actually gonna receive some help in this channel13:21
gambl0rebut thanks and happy new year!13:22
explosivemultifractal_: can you pastebin 'sudo parted -l' ?13:22
multifractal_explosive: I will do. It's taking a very long time to login though...13:24
multifractalexplosive: https://pastebin.com/RuW3kGDb13:26
TubbyNinjajoin #python13:27
chalcedonymultifractal, and?13:27
chalcedonymy hubby and i's isp's dns server isn't working, how do i set a new dns server in ubuntu 16.04 ?13:28
linociscoikonia, I am trying to install snort. but there is only way i can install from tarball. not from apt.13:28
linociscoI got many dependencies problem13:28
multifractalchalcedony: 13:20 <multifractal_> Do I have to move my SWAP partition after resizing Ubuntu partition?13:29
multifractalSince now there's unallocated space in between ubuntu and its SWAP partition. And I intend to use that space to put UbuntuStudio or KXStudio. Does the Ubuntu partition need to be adjacent to its SWAP partition?13:30
chalcedonymultifractal, i dunno. i hope somebody wakes up who can answer everyone's questions :)13:31
iorialinocisco, why ? you can't install with apt ?13:33
chalcedonyi found my answer i hope :)13:35
source0Does anyone here have a Pixel 2?  I connect it and and nothing shows up in dmesg, lsusb shows nothing13:37
source0Any tips?13:37
source0I found one post: https://askubuntu.com/questions/982391/connecting-google-pixel-2-to-ubuntu and there are no answers13:37
TubbyNinjaAnyone have a recommended ebook reader?13:38
soee_hi, i'm trying to install system on M.2 SSD disk, but after install it just boots to: error: unknown filesystem. Entering rescue mode... grub rescue>13:38
soee_any idea why grub fails here?13:38
TubbyNinjaThat a laptop soee_?13:38
soee_TubbyNinja: no, PC13:38
TubbyNinjaI had a similar issue and had to remove secure boot option from bios.13:39
soee_i had no such problems with other sata SSD's13:41
soee_only this M.213:41
linociscoioria, vendor website gave only shows to install from tarball.https://www.snort.org/#get-started13:49
iorialinocisco, who's 'vendor website ' ?13:50
linociscoioria, I am trying to install snort. snort website as above link has no apt installation option13:51
ioria!info snort13:51
ubottusnort (source: snort): flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Version (artful), package size 647 kB, installed size 2103 kB13:51
linociscoioria, here is also the same https://blog.rapid7.com/2017/01/11/how-to-install-snort-nids-on-ubuntu-linux/13:51
linociscoioria, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26271621/13:52
iorialinocisco, so, you don't get errors in configure  ?13:53
linociscoioria, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26271638/ is result of ./configure13:54
neurrrewhen i do dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/cursor-size 64, i have to repeat it after every reboot13:54
neurrrehow do i make such setting persistent?13:54
iorialinocisco, that's not the output of ./configure13:54
iorialinocisco, would be a bit longer13:55
iorialinocisco, btw, you need the devs packages for bison dnet, and flex (bison++, libbison-dev, flex-old, libdnet libdnet-dev, libdumbnet1 libdumbnet-dev). but, really, not supported here13:57
linociscoioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/26271660/ is alll result of ./configure13:57
linociscoioria, what do you mean by NOT supported here?13:58
iorialinocisco, it means that ubuntu uses its packages13:59
iorialinocisco, not the packages of someone else13:59
BluesKajHowdy folks14:00
linociscoioria, what do you think I should continue to install snort?14:01
ikonia!info snort14:09
ubottusnort (source: snort): flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Version (artful), package size 647 kB, installed size 2103 kB14:09
ikoniaI thought it was in the repo14:09
ylwghstCan I mute /dev/sda1: clean, 220240/30269440 file, 2971359/121076736 blocks message during14:10
ylwghst                 boot?14:10
explosiveylwghst: https://askubuntu.com/questions/772874/how-to-turn-off-the-filesystem-check-message-which-occures-while-booting14:12
oniois it possible to use the same nickname on two different IRC channels?14:21
BluesKajonio, yes your nicj remains the same on all channels14:22
BluesKajerr nick14:23
onioBluesKaj: I am not sure if I am asking the right question as I am new to IRC chat. What I was referring to is the ability to use the same nickname on irc client application such as pidgin.14:24
BluesKajonio, afaik pidgin and all other irc clients have to fllow the same rules , so your answer is still yes14:26
oniofor example I am currently on the mynick@irc.ubuntu.com and I want to use the same for another chat room such as mynick@irc.freenode.com14:26
dreamscapeHi all I've just put a SSD from my one Dell laptop to another. Everything is working fine but the wifi won't work? Could anyone explain to me how I can get this working? (Ubuntu MATE 16.04)15:06
lordcirthdreamscape, what wifi card does the new one have?  'lspci' should show it15:07
dreamscapeBroadcom BCM4322815:08
lordcirthdreamscape, and this didn't work for you? https://askubuntu.com/questions/11993/how-do-i-install-bcm4312-wireless-drivers#1210915:08
tezogmixHi, I wanted to install ubuntu LTS via vm ware on windows 7 to use for running openVPN and transferring data between that vpn connection. How much RAM should I allocate for during the initial setup for vmware player and then hdd space for the ubuntu LTS installation? I have a i5/8gb ram/100gb free hdd15:09
dreamscapelordcirth, it says "this device is not working" under the driver15:11
tezogmixIs 2gb for vmware player enough , not sure on how many cores to assign (1, 2, 4)15:11
TubbyNinjatezogmix, Minimum requirements for 16 .04 LTS is 512Mb Ram, 5Gb HD Space15:11
lordcirthdreamscape, did you make sure there's not a hardware switch turned off?15:11
lordcirthtezogmix, I'd really go with 1GB or more, though..15:12
dreamscapelordcirth, yeah, the wifi light is on.15:12
tezogmixok TubbyNinja , saw those briefly... wondering how much of a bottleneck I'd need to assign for the vmware setup portion15:12
tezogmixrather to minimize the bottleneck15:13
TubbyNinjatezogmix, I agree with lordcirth ... at least 1Gb mem. And it depends on what other work you're doing on the Win 7 box at the same time.15:13
TubbyNinja2 Cores, 1 Gb memory and 8Gb for the HD would be a good starting point.15:14
tezogmixBasically what I am trying to see is if I can have my data and certain programs run within windows 7 through vmware player and ubuntu (openvpn) as it seems windows limits vpn beyond 200Mbps.15:14
tezogmixAh great, that helps TubbyNinja15:14
lordcirthdreamscape, do you have the package broadcom-sta-common installed?15:14
lordcirthdreamscape, you need that and broadcom-sta-dkms installed, I think15:14
tezogmixon testing the ubuntu live usb, I was able to exceed over 200Mbps via openvpn but on windows, same setup, their tap adapter driver limits it15:15
dreamscapelordcirth, ok thanks i will try. likely it isn't installed. My other laptop only ever used ethernet.15:15
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
Netham45I've got ubuntu installed inside a chroot jail on a centos (cPanel) server running inside a virtuozzo container, what would happen if I did a dist-upgrade on it?15:24
dreamscapelordcirth, did that and the theme has gone all white and the laptop is unresponsive now :(15:24
lordcirthdreamscape, wat?15:24
vevbevemy 2 month old ssd doesnt boot my ubuntu. It says fsck exited with status code 415:25
lordcirthdreamscape, ok I think you should reboot and run memtestx86 to check for hardware problems15:25
vevbevethe root filesystem on dev/mapper/xubuntu--vg-root requires a manual fsck15:25
vevbeveIm konw logged as initramfs15:26
dreamscapelordcirth, it's not that, it's been running for months perfectly with windows 10 i'm just going to reinstall15:26
dreamscapethanks though15:26
lordcirthvevbeve, fsck -y /dev/mapper/xubuntu--vg-root will probably fix it15:26
lordcirthvevbeve, but you should check smartctl once booted to see if the drive is failing15:27
vevbevelordcirth: there is no user in my terminal, no francis$:, but (initramfs) and all the commands I try (like fstab or smartctl) return: sh: not found15:28
vevbevewhat am I doing wrong?15:28
lordcirthvevbeve, what if you try to run 'ls'?  the initramfs has very little software available15:28
vevbevels lists 16 options: dev, lib64, scripts, init, etc... should I copy the whole output?15:29
lordcirthvevbeve, no, the point is, it's working, you just don't have all the software.  Which is expected.  Can you run 'fsck' as I mentioned?15:30
vevbevelordcirth: file system was modified, im still on initramfs, what now?15:31
lordcirthvevbeve, reboot and hope it works now15:32
lordcirthvevbeve, then try to find out if the drive is dying on you15:32
vevbevelordcirth: genius!! it worked. now, what could have triggered this abnormal behaviour? The only THing I can think of is that I accidentally changed permissions of the lost and found firectory of an external SSD and left it plugged in for around 12 hours15:34
lidivingAny idea why when my laptop is powered on or off while plugged into the ac adapter I lose my WiFi card . On reboot unplugged from ac everything is fine15:34
WereCatfI installed Ubuntu 17.10, only to find out that /etc/network/interfaces is no longer used and there's some stupid new shite called "Netplan" in its stead. I need to make a bridge and I tried to follow instructions, but all I get is Ubuntu getting stuck on trying to assign an IP-address via DHCP to the bridge, never succeeding15:35
lordcirthvevbeve, changing those permissions might have done it, I'm not sure.  Run 'smartctl -a /dev/sda | less' and see if there's anything wrong with the drive15:35
vevbevelordcirth: somthing wrong means bad sectors?15:36
lordcirthvevbeve, that would be bad, yes.  Of course, a drive can be failing and not have errors in smart.15:36
vevbevethanks lordcirth ill be back later, but the unit is only 18 months old...15:37
lordcirthlost+found is the most likely explanation, though.  Now, regardless, you shouldn't be trusting any one drive; have backups.15:37
vevbeveok, good15:38
WereCatfHow do I get the bridge working?15:38
vevbeveit must be the lost and found15:38
vevbevelordcirth: I rebooted and it works, but this other unit is at home and i cannot test it now15:39
vevbeveoops, disregard15:39
WereCatfI installed Ubuntu 17.10, only to find out that /etc/network/interfaces is no longer used and there's some stupid new shite called "Netplan" in its stead. I need to make a bridge and I tried to follow instructions, but all I get is Ubuntu getting stuck on trying to assign an IP-address via DHCP to the bridge, never succeeding. How to get DHCP working with the bridge?15:47
gambl0rehow do i customize my xfce to make it look better. i went through all the appearance and desktop settings but it still looks bad15:50
BluesKajWereCatf, not true i use the interfaces file as before , you just need to set your dns nameservers up in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf...no need for netplan at all15:51
lordcirthgambl0re, there are theme sites, like this one: https://www.xfce-look.org/15:51
WereCatfBluesKaj: using interfaces-file didn't do a thing15:51
WereCatfBesides, I'm not asking about DNS15:52
BluesKajWereCatf, then look here, and if you want help later, an attide change won't hurt...we'rte all volunteers here.15:53
WereCatfBluesKaj: That page doesn't refer to netplan at any point, so it's of no use15:54
BluesKajremember attitude15:54
WereCatfI know how to use the interfaces-file for setting up a bridge, but it's not used in 17.10 anymore. 17.10 insists on using Netplan15:55
BluesKajfor bridging perhaps ..not doing that here15:55
WereCatfI suppose I'll try removing netplan and seeing how badly it breaks things15:57
BluesKajhave fun15:57
WereCatfAfraid not :/15:58
Dagronmasteryou could try configuring /etc/network/interfaces and then run 'netplan ifupdown-migrate' to see what happens15:59
BluesKajDagronmaster,, good suggestion i forgot about ifupdown15:59
WereCatfDagronmaster: I tried that, but it just complained something about option dhcp not accepting parameters16:01
BluesKajI didn't need netplan after installing ifupdown16:05
dekatchmay i get help on installing rar or 7z? aptitude cant find it, but according to askubuntu.com that should be available16:20
dekatchmy sources.list is the default one that is created after installation i think16:20
dekatch!apt rar16:21
=== gui is now known as Guest83991
dekatch!info rar16:21
ubotturar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2:5.4.0+dfsg.1-0.1 (artful), package size 292 kB, installed size 798 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)16:21
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression16:22
dekatchhi BluesKaj16:22
dekatch!info 7zip16:22
ubottuPackage 7zip does not exist in artful16:22
Dagronmaster!info p7zip16:23
ubottup7zip (source: p7zip): 7zr file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.02+dfsg-4 (artful), package size 391 kB, installed size 1028 kB16:23
BluesKajhi dekatch try p7zip-full16:23
dekatchneat ty16:23
dekatchno candidate version found16:24
Dagronmasterdekatch:  'apt-cache search 7zip' was helpful in finding that16:24
DagronmasterDo you have multiverse enabled?16:24
* dekatch becomes silent16:25
dekatchno idea. running ubuntu on wsl .. kinda just starting with ubuntu all over again16:25
Dagronmastersorry, p7zip-full ins in universe16:25
Dagronmasteryou can run 'software &  updates' and select additional repos from which these packages may be available16:26
PTNapivoskiThere is p7zip-rar too16:26
PTNapivoskiIf you want to be able to unzip RAR files16:27
dekatchDagronmaster, here is the portion of my sources list https://paste.ubuntu.com/26272500/16:27
dekatchso as long as it is in sources.list it should be enabled afa i am concerned?16:28
PTNapivoskiMy sources.list: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26272515/16:29
Dagronmasterdekatch:  does 'apt-cache show p7zip-full' return anything useful?16:29
dekatchDagronmaster, N: Can't select versions from package 'p7zip-full' as it is purely virtual16:30
dekatchis that an WSL issue?16:30
dekatchwindows subsystem for linux?16:30
Dagronmasterno idea.   Can you successfully run 'apt update'?16:30
dekatchnah gives back errors.16:32
Dagronmasterso there's a general issue with the package management system16:32
Dagronmasterdepends on the errors, though16:32
dekatchi just installed aptitude tho16:33
dekatchwould you mind taking a look at the output Dagronmaster ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/26272545/16:33
Dagronmastertry 'sudo apt update'16:34
=== Sircle_ is now known as Sircle
* dekatch /sigh16:34
dekatchworks lol thanks. yea16:34
DagronmasterI have no clue how deep the WSL  rabbit hole is16:34
dekatch73 packages are upgradable it says16:35
UukGoblinhello all, I'm wondering if 5.1 audio is supposed to work on the Cherry-Trail HDMI port16:35
dekatchill do that see what happens :)16:35
UukGoblinI'm still only getting 2.0 and that's on pure alsa (pulseaudio doesn't seem to work)16:35
Sircle Can anyone see why intellij idea is not picking up open-jdk? https://i.imgur.com/vxtgJuP.png16:37
=== Sircle_ is now known as Sircle
Sircle Can anyone see why intellij idea is not picking up open-jdk? https://i.imgur.com/vxtgJuP.png16:39
Shibehow can I get gallium9 support on ubuntu 17.1016:41
BluesKajUukGoblin, maybe this will help, https://liliputing.com/2016/04/audio-over-hdmi-comes-to-intel-cherry-trail-pcs-running-linux.html16:43
UukGoblinBluesKaj, thanks, nope, I've seend that before; the audio works in 2.0, but not 5.116:44
UukGoblinand I'm not sure if that driver is supposed to work with 5.1 at all or not16:44
BluesKajUukGoblin, does the stick show up in alsamixer with F616:45
UukGoblinBluesKaj, yes it does, there's 2 devices actually, one is the LPE, the other is some analog one (which is not wired to anything on this PC-on-a-stick)16:46
DagronmasterSircle:  possibly stupid question --  does the path you're specifying work for other versions of the JDK?   i.e. what path are you using for java 8 (assuming java 8 is working)16:46
UukGoblinpulseaudio a couple months ago just hung up, the current one is trying to use the analog port and doesn't see the HDMI one at all16:47
klemaxwhy does "nmcli dev show | grep DNS" always put to first place in the list?16:47
klemaxI wanna delete it anyhow.16:47
SircleDagronmaster,  let me install jdk816:48
klemaxBecause first of all it uses it.16:48
BluesKajUukGoblin, LPE? is that the device we need to configure?16:48
UukGoblinBluesKaj, yes16:48
UukGoblinit's the "Intel HDMI LPE" audio driver16:48
UukGoblinfrom https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/134187/16:48
UukGoblinthere is code for 8 speakers there so I'm presuming 5.1 and 7.1 /should/ work, but I don't know how to get them to16:49
BluesKajok choose that then we cango from there with alsamixer16:49
b3h3m0thHow do I make a bootable DVD for a system without UEFI?16:50
DagronmasterSircle: it's possible that intellij expects a path for Oracle java and the openjdk path is rejected.   I know nothing about intellij, I'm just seeing stuff on the web16:50
BluesKajalsamixer should show spdif out on the LPE , if not the front and surround channels ..not sure , UukGoblin16:51
SircleDagronmaster, 8 works16:52
SircleDagronmaster,  your comment also makes sence16:52
UukGoblinBluesKaj, not sure what you mean by "choose". Alsamixer is not showing any controls for this device.16:52
Sirclebut not the case with me for now16:52
UukGoblinthis works but only uses 2 channels: mpv --audio-device=alsa/plughw:CARD=Audio,DEV=2 *.mkv16:54
BluesKajUukGoblin, what about pavucontrol, if you don't have it, install it because it's output device setting can be very helpful.16:54
UukGoblinBluesKaj, it shows one device, Atom/Celeron/Pentium Processor x5-E80..., which has only one port: Analog Output16:55
BluesKajwhat does?16:55
UukGoblinBluesKaj, pavucontrol's Output Devices tab16:56
BluesKajUukGoblin, did you apply the patch ?16:56
UukGoblintrying to play a movie to it results in jagged video and no sound (although it does init to 5.1)16:56
UukGoblinBluesKaj, no, I'm assuming it's already in mainline, I'm on updated Ubuntu 17.1016:57
BluesKajdon't assume  UukGoblin16:57
UukGoblinkernel is 4.13.0-17-generic #20-Ubuntu16:57
UukGoblinBluesKaj, that driver supposedly was included in 4.11 or so16:57
UukGoblinI'm not sure if /exactly/ that patch which I linked was included, or was it something else, let me look up the mainline source16:58
DagronmasterSircle:  Assuming 8's path is the same (except version number), then I have no clue why it's not allowing the v9 path.  Is it the latest version of intellij?16:59
BluesKajUukGoblin, if you have an intel hda chip onboard then you shoiuld get hdmi 5.1 thru it's spdif/digital out...mine does17:00
UukGoblinBluesKaj, I don't have any audio outputs on this PC-on-a-stick. There's only a HDMI port17:00
BluesKajUukGoblin, not talking about the stick, I'm referring to your onboard sound chip?17:02
SircleDagronmaster, hm17:03
UukGoblinBluesKaj, are you saying I should open it and solder stuff inside of it?17:03
UukGoblinhow else will I know whether there's any audio coming off its spdif port?17:04
BluesKajdoesn't your mobo have a audio chip?17:04
UukGoblinI don't think it's a typical snd_hda_intel thing at all17:04
UukGoblinBluesKaj, it's a PC-on-a-stick, like this one: https://www.komputronik.pl/media/pl-komputronik/img/opisy_produktow/2016/komputery/Kiano/Slimstick/start_1000x600.jpg17:05
UukGoblinBluesKaj, I've no idea what's on its tiny motherboard17:05
DagronmasterWhat does 'lshw -C sound' return?17:05
UukGoblinDagronmaster, nothing, empty17:06
UukGoblin(after a few seconds)17:06
dekatchDagronmaster, thanks for the help. i was able to install 7zip and rar.17:06
dekatchafter that apt upgrade*17:06
Dagronmasterdekatch:  yay!17:06
DagronmasterUukGoblin:  unfortunately, that means I'm way out of my depth on your problem.  Sorry17:07
UukGoblinDagronmaster, no worries, thanks anyway17:07
BluesKajsorry UukGoblin ..I have no idea what that is ..pc on a stick , what kind of device is the stick plugged into?17:08
UukGoblinBluesKaj, it's plugged into a small power supply and a TV via HDMI17:08
BluesKajoh one of those things ...I just use kodi on my pc, for that kind of media17:09
UukGoblinthere's also 2 USB ports, but getting a USB sound card won't actually solve my problem because I'll have no way of connecting it to the TV or the 5.1 system (both of which expect HDMI)17:09
BluesKajso it's not even ubuntu related17:10
UukGoblinI was thinking of getting kodi on ubuntu17:10
BluesKajyou mifgt as well ask on #windows chat...they might help17:11
|flyte|can someone help me with a bash-ninja? I want to tar up my most recent media folders up until around 900GBs. Not sure how I would ls sorted in desc order by date and tar them until I reach a certian size limit..17:12
BluesKajpi0, no ouches, his device problem has nothing to do with ubuntu17:12
pi0ah, i see17:13
multifractal_I'm having trouble installing Wine on Ubuntustudio 17.10. https://pastebin.com/a41viL8M17:14
multifractal_Note that I already have the winehq-stable package version 2.0.317:14
Dagronmaster|flyte|:  the size requirement is a little confusing.  You want to stop when your archives total 900GB?17:16
|flyte|Dagronmaster, correct. Basically what I am doing is "backing up as much of my most recent media files that will fit on my 1TB backup drive".. I have about 900 GBs free.17:17
BluesKajUukGoblin, PM17:19
Dagronmastermultifractal_: What does 'dpkg-query -S /lib/udev/hwdb.d/20-sane.hwdb' report?17:21
multifractal_Dragonmaster: It printed out libsane1:amd64: /lib/udev/hwdb.d/20-sane.hwdb. But I since just typed `apt install libsane` and tried building again and it worked, even though it said `libsane is already the newest version`17:22
amulyahow to change install another compiler other than gcc17:23
auronandacemultifractal_: you may want to give playonlinux a try. you can install and manage any versions of wine you want through that17:24
Dagronmaster|flyte|:  listing directories descending by date is (relatively) simple:  find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 ls -ldt17:24
multifractal_I'm trying to install this but hte makefile has LD flags that seem to refer to directories that don't exist on my computer. That's why I'm getting the `fatal error windows.h no such file or directory` error https://github.com/osxmidi/LinVst/blob/master/Makefile-embed6432#L16 i.e. Installing wine as described here http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/04/how-to-add-wine-repository-ubuntu put it in an unexpected directory?17:24
Dagronmaster|flyte|:  The easiest way to accomplish the rest is probably to just keep writing until you can't anymore.  The last archive can be deleted as incomplete17:24
ScuniziI'm having issues after startup with favicons not displaying on Chrome for pinned tabs. They will usually appear after apx 10 minutes. Any idea how to speed this process up? (running 14.04 and chrome version 63.0.3239.108 (Official Build) (64-bit) )17:25
Dagronmastermultifractal_:  The problem is that you're trying to install two versions of libsane17:25
|flyte|Dagronmaster, wouldn't that currupt the rest of the archive?17:25
Dagronmaster|flyte|:  Only if you're putting everything in the same tarball.  I had assumed each directory was going into its own archive17:25
|flyte|Dagronmaster, actually, why bother tar at all, perhaps I should just cp -r (the folders in most recent order) and let the last folder fail17:26
Dagronmaster|flyte|:  the alternative is to look at the remaining free space on your backup drive and then make an educated guess as to how much space the next directory will occupy.  I don't know how hard that would be17:26
Dagronmaster|flyte|: if you're not compressing, then you're probably correct17:27
|flyte|Dagronmaster, well they're mostly mkvs and mp4s etc.. I don't think I would gain much in compressing..17:27
multifractal_Dragonmaster: https://pastebin.com/KdKy6EsS Really? It appears to be related to windows.h. The libsane thing seemed to correct itself after running `apt-get install libsane`. It also appears to be a common problem - https://askubuntu.com/questions/986634/error-when-trying-to-install-wine-in-ubuntu-17-1017:28
|flyte|ok.. so then how would I pipe in to g(cp) -r my most recent folders ?17:28
Dagronmastermultifractal_: I was just going by your most recent paste.   Is the result of 'sudo apt-get install winehq-devel' different now?17:29
multifractal_Dragonmaster: oh yeah sorry I'm not being clear. Yes that seemed to go off without a hitch.17:29
Dagronmastermultifractal_: nah, it's me stuck on the previous problem17:31
multifractal_Dragonmaster: I think the problem is that the makefile in question expects the windows.h to be in these given directories https://github.com/osxmidi/LinVst/blob/master/Makefile-embed6432#L22 but these don't exist on my machine.17:32
Dagronmasteramulya:  what other compilter did you have in mind?17:32
UukGoblinBluesKaj, afair 5.1 audio works on windows... but I don't like to use windows17:34
Dagronmastermultifractal_:  Is there a reason you're using that particular makefile?   Note that I haven't researched how to build this thing.    Are you just typing 'make' or are you specifying a makefile?17:35
multifractal_Dragonmaster: That is the makefile for the particular options I want/need.17:36
dekatchgrrr messed up my .bashrc even tho i did nothing to it xx. maybe somebody can help i even have the original output of my echo $ps1.17:38
multifractal_According to catfish search I don't even have a windows.h on this computer :(17:39
dekatchso what i did is: i have green color in my bash and i wanted to replace basically only my colors. so i googled some stuff up. copied the original .bashrc to .bashrc.backup. modified my .bashrc didnt like it , reverted it back. but now17:39
dekatchbut now #echo $ps1 doesnt output anything17:39
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dekatchi reverted the changed back by simply deleting .bashrc and copy back .bashrc.backup to .bashrc17:40
dekatchit should be slick. but its messed up. any idea why that is?17:40
tsglovedekatch, did you logout/login?17:41
dekatchno. i exited the bash tho17:42
dekatchtried, still. echo $ps1 outputs nothing17:42
dekatchi copied the original output also before i made changes. can i put that line in via some command?17:43
Dagronmaster|flyte|:  This might work, assuming no spaces in directory names:   find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | xargs  ls -dt | xargs  -I{} cp -r {} /path/to/backup/disk17:44
geirhaecho "$PS1"   bash is case sensitive. And don't omit the quotes17:45
dekatchgeirha, oh man. yea. thank you17:45
lord4163Does anybody in here know how to disable plexmediaserver on boot up on Ubuntu 14.04?17:48
Dagronmasterupdate-rc.d plexmediaserver disable17:48
ikoniadepends how it was installed too17:48
lord4163Dagronmaster: Yea, I think I fucked up, I used rm to remove the symlink in /etc/init.d17:50
multifractal_Where can I find the header files for wine? Having installed as described here https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu and here http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/04/how-to-add-wine-repository-ubuntu I can't find windows.h17:50
ikonialord4163: try to tone down the language please17:51
ikoniamultifractal_: https://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-devel/2017-March/117104.html17:52
lord4163ikonia: Do you know from which directory it was linked?17:52
ikonialord4163: no, depends how you installed it17:53
JakethepythonHello Room how I have a question about OpenVPN17:53
Jakethepythoni don't know if this is the correct channel to ask the question17:53
Dagronmasterlord4163: (unfortunately) the files in /etc/init.d tend to be regular files.  consider 'apt-get install --reinstall plexmediaserver' or extracting the files from the plexmediaserver .deb17:53
ikoniaJakethepython: if it's about ubuntu here is right,17:53
ikoniaJakethepython: if it's about openvpn #openvpn is right17:53
TickerTapeJakethepython: yes TCP mode is more reliable than UDP17:53
TickerTape(just in case that was the question)17:53
lord4163Dagronmaster: No, I checked it was a link.17:53
ikonialord4163: if you removed the file, then the question is, how is it starting up17:53
ikonialord4163: which goes back to what version of ubuntu is this and how did you install plex17:54
Dagronmasterinteresting.  I have no symlinks in my (16.04) /etc/init.d17:54
JakethepythonTLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)17:54
JakethepythonThu Dec 28 12:53:00 2017 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed17:54
lord4163ikonia: Ubuntu 14.04 MATE17:55
ikoniaJakethepython: your certificates are not in sync17:55
ikonialord4163: how did you install plex17:55
|flyte|Dagronmaster, actually.. I do have spaces in my folders :/ how would I accomodate that?17:55
lord4163ikonia: It was such a long time ago, probably through some deb file17:55
ikoniaDagronmaster: 16.04 uses systemd17:55
lord4163ikonia: I'm checking now17:55
Dagronmaster|flyte|:  the usual answer is to use the -print0 argument to find and the -0 argument to xargs.   Problem is, that does weird things that seem to break cp17:55
multifractal_thanks ikonia, but i'm not sure how to interpret that message. I have the winehq-stable version 2.0.3 installed but something else I'm trying to build can't find some wine headers.17:56
TickerTapeI think the cleanest way to disable services is via "systemctl disable" - at least that's what I use17:56
ikoniamultifractal_: so you need the wine development packages from whatever repo you're using17:56
ikoniaTickerTape: it depends if he's using systemd - which he's not on 14.0417:56
TickerTapeikonia: well why in all that is holy hasn't he upgraded since friggging 14.04?17:57
multifractal_ikonia: It still fails regardless of whether I have winehq-stable or winehq-devel installed.17:57
ikoniaTickerTape: he doesn't have to17:57
ikoniamultifractal_: no - those are repos, not packages17:58
|flyte|..what does it mean when I log into my newly upgraded ubuntu 17.10 (via UI), but no desktop environment appears? I am prompted to enter my password, but then just sits there, no desktop env spins up!? I know unity was supposed to be replaced.. how can I correct?17:58
JakethepythonI have tried to redo the cerificates and it still doens't work17:59
multifractal_ikonia: hmm that's not how i understood this article http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/04/how-to-add-wine-repository-ubuntu. So what exactly do I have installed when I type `apt-get install winehq-stable` or `apt-get intall winehq-devel`? I'm able to run `wine --version` and see output.17:59
ikoniaJakethepython: so I'd suggest talking to the openvpn guys on how to set up certs17:59
multifractal_What else do I need to do to install the PACKAGES?17:59
Jakethepythonok thank you17:59
ikoniamultifractal_: you want the wine development packages17:59
multifractal_ikonia: But not achievable through `sudo apt-get install winehq-devel`?18:00
ikoniamultifractal_: you're using repos not supported or provided by ubuntu, the wine team can tell you the correct package names, it's normally $PACKAGE-devel18:00
ikoniaor $PACKAGE-dev18:00
ikoniamultifractal_: that is just the development version of the binaries18:00
ikonianot the development packages18:00
multifractal_ikonia: I see no way of getting these. I have to build Wine from source?18:02
bhanz see excessive rx_drop on bond interface ? anyone has come across such an scenerio18:02
ikoniamultifractal_: no18:02
ikoniamultifractal_: they are in the repos you are using18:02
geirha|flyte|: This should handle any filenames:   stat --printf '%Y/%n\0' ./*/ | sort -z -nr | while IFS=/ read -rd '' time dir; do printf 'Copying %s which was last modified %(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)T\n' "$dir" "$time"; echo cp -r "$dir" /dest/dir; done18:03
geirhaadded an echo in there as a dry-run. Remove echo to have it actually copy18:04
multifractal_ikonia: https://wiki.winehq.org/Debian#Installing_WineHQ_packages This is still opaque to me. I have 3 options as far as I can tell.18:04
ikoniamultifractal_: what's not clear ?18:04
multifractal_ikonia: That I don't know what to install.18:05
multifractal_Out of the 3 options.18:05
ikoniamultifractal_: none of those options18:05
ikoniayou want the wine-development packages, not the development binaries18:05
ikoniamultifractal_: that repo is not provided by or supported by ubuntu, so the guys who maintain it can tell you the package name, it's normally $package-devel or $package-dev18:06
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multifractal_ikonia: https://pastebin.com/cVmL2gM2 I don't think that's an option. Like I say, there only appears to be 3.18:07
ikoniamultifractal_: so the guys who maintain those repos will tell you the package name then, as I said, it's "normally" $package-devel $package-dev18:08
ikoniawinehq is probably a metapackage for wine18:08
implite_is ubottu broken?18:18
ikoniadon't think so18:18
ikonialittle slow, but working18:18
implite_I asked it about ubuntu and it said it does not know anything about ubuntu18:18
implite_i was like lol???18:19
implite_oh i know why now.... I typed "ubottu ubuntu"18:22
implite_nvm my fault18:22
Nitrigaur17.10: I Got many Xid errors, segfault error 6 libnvidia-glcore.so.384.90 when using vlc18:27
NitrigaurVLC and Xorg take turns maxing out to 100% and leaving me with a unresponsive system18:28
Nitrigaurmpv works, but doesn't support all the file formats18:35
chalcedonymy hubby and i's isp's dns server isn't working, how do i set a new dns server in ubuntu 16.04 ?18:36
BluesKajfrom my experience mpv works on all video formats18:37
BluesKajchalcedony, in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf18:37
Nitrigaurchalcedony, you can use nmtui to add DNS servers to your interfaces.18:37
chalcedonythe directions i found so far are for 'nameserver' not dns server18:38
rypervencheI agree. mpv works for all file formats for me so far. Some strange ones too.18:38
Nitrigaurchalcedony, you know the relation between DNS and nameservers?18:38
Nitrigaurchalcedony, nameservers are the container servers on which DNS servers run.18:39
ikoniacontainer servers ?18:39
ikonianameservers ARE dns servers18:39
chalcedonyNitrigaur, we went through a lot of trouble to get the computer to have it's own ip18:40
Nitrigaurchalcedony, you don't need to adjust the IP.18:40
ikoniachalcedony: it's own IP has nothing to do with your DNS service18:40
chalcedony127.0.0.0 isn't what i want to change is it?18:40
ikoniachalcedony: why are your ISP's DNS servers not working ?18:40
ikoniachalcedony: slow down before you change anything18:40
chalcedonyikonia, i dunno. i changed mine on my (windows) systems and can reach websites18:41
ikoniachalcedony: ubuntu uses dnsmasq which runs it's own caching name server on which is why you are seeing it pointing at
ikoniachalcedony: ok - what are your ISP's name servers18:41
ikoniaone moment18:41
Nitrigaurchalcedony, I can easily test your ISP's name servers with dig18:42
chalcedonyi see18:42
chalcedonyhow do i tell you, and not the whole world?18:42
Nitrigaurchalcedony, that way we know if they are acting up or that something goes wrong on your config.18:42
Nitrigaurchalcedony, by using a PM18:42
BluesKajchalcedony, I guess you missed my post18:43
BluesKajanyway ..errands to do ...BBL18:44
Galatasaraywhat is my problem,  pls help18:44
chalcedony<BluesKaj> chalcedony, in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf18:44
BluesKajright chalcedony ...too many cooks :-)18:45
BluesKajok, gone for now18:45
Nitrigaurchalcedony, AT&T's servers are working fine.18:45
chalcedonyi'll see if i can find that too :)18:45
chalcedonythank you!18:45
chalcedonynone of our computers could /dns anything earlier18:46
ikoniachalcedony: are you working now ?18:58
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Nitrigaurikonia, I'm talking him/ her through it using SIGUSR219:00
ikoniawhat ?19:00
ikoniawhat are you even talking about19:00
ikoniachalcedony: is Nitrigaur giving you any information in private19:00
Nitrigaurikonia, I am19:01
ikoniaNitrigaur: I'm asking Nitrigaur19:01
ikoniaNitrigaur: please do not give help in private19:01
ikoniamore so when you're talking about stuff that has nothing to do with his problem19:01
ikoniachalcedony: is Nitrigaur giving you any help in private19:02
ikoniachalcedony: I very strongly advise you not to follow any inforamtion you may be getting in private19:03
Nitrigaurikonia, I respect your opinion and I have asked chalcedony to get back to the main channel.19:05
chalcedonyikonia, happy to have your assistance on this19:05
ikoniachalcedony: you're welcome of course to talk help from Nitrigaur - but I strongly advise you to only take help from anyone (myself included) in the public channel19:06
chalcedonylet me get my laptop on here so i can be closer to his computer19:06
ikoniawhere others can see and offer help or correction where needed19:06
ikoniaNitrigaur: you're welcome to continue to help him in public, I'm very keen to see how SIGUSR2 is required to fix a name server resolution problem19:07
Nitrigaurikonia, I thought that chalcedony has an issue with his/ her local resolved service19:07
ikoniafeel free to carry on then19:08
chalcednyok ikonia what shall we do then?19:08
ikoniano need to take it to any private conversation19:08
Nitrigaurikonia, the signal SIGUSR2 to resolved can be used to flush the DNS cache afaik. I have read this from some multiple sources, but I have never tried this myself.19:08
ikoniachalcedony: I guess the question is what name servers is your local dnsmasq service pointing out ?19:09
chalcedonyikonia, i'll message you that, we can continue in here19:10
ikoniachalcedony: no, you just said AT&T19:10
ikoniahang on, lets get the right command, my network manager command history is rusty19:10
ikonianmcli dev show | grep DNS19:10
ikoniawhat does that output19:10
atruschalcedony: the dns servers your system is configured to use isn't typically private or confidential information. you can share them here. it's just the ip addresses your ISP tells all its customer's machines (automatically) to use.19:11
atruschalcedony: if it's a private ip address (for example, the private ip address of your wifi ap/router), that's useful information we'd want in order to help solve the issue.19:12
Nitrigaurchalcedny, that is the address of your router on the LAN side.19:12
chalcednyikonia, there19:13
ikoniachalcedony: really ? that looks like your router19:13
chalcednyikonia, Nitrigaur uh huh yeah.19:13
ikoniachalcedony: so that to me suggests your router is not setup to use the right DNS server, or your router is not forwarding correctly19:13
chalcednyand we are back to 'reset the router' .. which all the computers can ping fine19:14
SimonNLrouter connected to some other router ikonia  ?19:14
ikoniawhat does ping the router have to do anything19:14
ikoniaSimonNL: no idea on his setup19:14
chalcednyi'm female19:14
ikoniachalcedny: you understand that your router is your DHCP server that tells the computers "here is your IP, and here is your DNS"19:14
SimonNLis on mine and dns shows  for me19:14
ikoniachalcedny: what does being female have to do with anything19:14
Nitrigaurchalcedny, ikonia, she's using manual settings19:14
BudgetSlugWhat would be considered a standard place to mount a RAID?19:14
ikoniaSimonNL: the router acting as a dns server is fine19:15
ikoniaBudgetSlug: anywhere you want19:15
rubasBudgetSlug: please specify19:15
chalcednyso.. restart the network?19:15
rubaschalcedny: maybe reset to factory settings?19:15
ikoniachalcedny: no19:15
Nitrigaurrubas, no19:15
ikoniachalcedny: have you changed any settings on the router ?19:15
chalcednyikonia, no.19:15
rubaschalcedny: don't reset to factory settings19:15
atrusikonia: i imagine she just said that to correct you saying "his setup".19:15
ikoniaahhh, sorry19:15
TJ-chalcedny: try "dig +short ubuntu.com @"19:15
ikoniaatrus: didn't pick up on that19:16
Nitrigaurikonia a windows system on the same network has perfect connection to the internet.19:16
BudgetSlugWhat is a best practice for mounting large permanent storage?19:16
TJ-chalcedny: if that command pauses or times out, that points to a problem on the router19:16
Nitrigaurchalcedny, do you know for sure that that Windows system is connected to the same router?19:16
shanerBudgetSlug: where is the storage located?19:16
ikoniaNitrigaur: no it's not19:16
rubasBudgetSlug: Are we talking about a rack? A computer? or?19:16
chalcednyikonia, the windows systems got good connections AFTER i changed the dns servers they were using.19:16
ikoniaNitrigaur: she said earlier "I changed the windows systems"19:16
ikoniachalcedny: right, becuase they where also pointing at the router19:16
ikoniaand clearly the router is not working19:16
kylenHello Ubu people :)19:17
ikoniaso the answer to your whole problem is "fix your routers config"19:17
Nitrigaurchalcedny, thank you for the correction :-)19:17
BudgetSlugrubas: This is a server.19:17
chalcednyNitrigaur, np19:17
BudgetSlugshaner: The storage is located in the server case.19:17
Nitrigaurchalcedny, can you reach your router in your web browser at ?19:18
rubasBudgetSlug: Okay, and you want to insert perm. storage to it? (or are we talking about AWS/Cloud storage)?19:18
atruschalcedny: so, the router is probably having a problem resolving dns. you worked around the problem on the windows machines by switching them to not use the router as their dns server -- but the problem is still there. the most appropriate solution is to fix the router, so everybody that gets their networking config information from the router will work correctly, and *undo* the workaround you made with the windows machines.19:18
ikoniarubas: what the devil are you talking about, he's just said the storage is in the box (what does that matter?) and you're asking if he's putting AWS storage on it19:18
TJ-ikonia: the router could have a stupid firewall rule blocking local (not forwarded) UDP port 53 too; it's ISP DNS server config could be correct19:18
ikoniaTJ-: totally,19:18
rubasikonia: you're right19:18
TJ-chalcedny: try "dig +short ubuntu.com @"19:18
chalcednyatrius, right. ok19:18
chalcednyTJ-, OK19:19
rubasikonia: I was thinking of network storage, wouldn't make sense to RAID it19:19
TJ-chalcedny: if you get an IP address it's working; if it times out then the router has a problem19:19
atruschalcedny: you can probably reconfigure the router to use a different ip address (i'm guessing you switched the windows machines to, and then all the windows and linux machines would benefit from the same workaround.19:19
rubasikonia: when he was saying " practice for mounting large permanent storage? " - mounting through network19:19
Nitrigaurchalcedny, any luck running dig?19:20
BudgetSlugrubas: This is the setup. I have a server with a 7 drives. drive A is my OS drive and the remanding 6 are in a RAID 6. I would like to mount the RAID 6 for general storage. Possibly set the RAID 6 as the default /home for users.19:20
chalcednydig command timed out19:20
atruschalcedny:  (you could also double-check that is actually your router -- it would be listed as the 'default' option in the output from 'ip route')19:21
shanerBudgetSlug: then either mount it as /extra or /home ..19:21
rubasBudgetSlug: Okay, and what is your question? Like how to physically mount it inside the cabinet? or how to set it up with Ubuntu?19:21
TJ-chalcedny: that confirms the router has a problem; access it's web administration interface and check the ISP/Broadband connection settings are mostly automatic, and then check the LAN config and ensure it is configured to offer DNS using the ISP DNS servers19:22
chalcednyatrus i'm pretty sure that's it -  i have admin on the windows box19:22
BudgetSlugshaner: I'm not going to have issues with home being a dir already?19:22
TJ-chalcedny: can you tell us the make/model of the router?19:22
shanerBudgetSlug: mount it as /home2 first and  'cp -rp /home/* /home2/' .. then remount /home19:23
atruschalcedny: to be clear, you could also do the same thing you did with the windows machines -- reconfigure your linux machine to use a different dns server -- and that would "solve" the problem, but probably leave your configs more unusual and likely to break down the road.19:23
BudgetSlugrubas: I just want to know what is consisdered best practice or a common place to mount the storage (RAID6). The fre times I have done it I have run into a few permission issues. Just trying to get a feel for what the people do.19:23
BudgetSlugshaner: Okay, thank you.19:23
Nitrigaurchalcedny, usually the brand and model number are on the back or on the bottom of your device, depending on the shape of the device.19:23
rubasBudgetSlug: ah sorry19:24
BudgetSlugrubas: All good, thank you for the help.19:24
BudgetSlugshaner: Thank you for the help.19:24
chalcedonyi furnished that information - brb company is here!19:28
dekatchmaybe somebody can help me with that? following command #find . /source/ -maxdepth 1 -type f | head -1 | xargs cp -t /destination/      somehow finds the first file in an directory and copys it to my destination. i would like to add rename capability. the usual cp /destination/newfilename.ext doesnt work. it gives an "cp failed to access : no such file or directory" any one knows why?19:31
Nitrigaurchalcedony, for when you are back: many routers have the possibility to use DHCP while reserving the same address if you specify it to keep the same (192.168.0.x) address. This will enable you to get your ISP's DNS server forwarded to your machines, while still keeping the same IP address. You might want to consider this, unless you are using advanced settings, like non-standard subnets or VLAN's.19:35
BudgetSlugshaner: I mounted RAID6 to /home (no users were created yet, so there was no folders or data). I went to create a folder with mkdir and it informed me that I do no have permissions (I created an account and a home folder for the user. Right now the user Bruce has drwx------ bruce:bruce to /home/bruce). Any idea what I did wrong? This should not need any additional permissions since Bruce owns the home folder.19:38
ikoniait doesn't19:39
ikoniait owns your home folder19:39
ikonianot the /home folder19:39
BudgetSlugikonia: Isn't that how it is setup by default? Root owns /home and the users own their folders (/home$USER)?19:40
ikoniaBudgetSlug: correct19:40
BudgetSlugikonia: I was attempting to make /home/bruce/media while being logged into as bruce.19:40
BudgetSlugikonia: I shouldn't be prompted to sudo to make a folder then.19:41
ikoniaBudgetSlug: are you doing this on ubuntu or fedora - lets get this clarfied as you're asking in both channels19:41
BudgetSlugRight now Fedora.19:41
ikoniaBudgetSlug: ok - so take it to the fedora channel please19:42
Nitrigaurdekatch, your oneliner works when I test it. Did you copy-paste it from a webpage?19:51
dekatchyea its a mixture from some online sources suggestions.19:51
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Nitrigaurdekatch, your hyphens may not be the same as the one you are used to on the command line.19:52
dekatchNitrigaur, but i want to also rename the file while copying19:52
dekatchand it doesnt let me19:52
Nitrigaurdekatch, hmm, let's try this.19:52
Nitrigaurdekatch, the -t switch expects a directory as it's parameter.19:54
Nitrigaurdekatch, but there is more... If you try to execute this on your /home directory as source for instance, and leave out the xargs ... bit, what do you get?19:56
Nitrigaurdekatch, I get: "./.bash_logout"19:57
garrettkajmowiczGreetings! I'm running into several issues after upgrading my Dad's computer to Ubuntu 16.04LTS. First, starting networking in recovery mode times out, but the logs and status claim success. How would I diagnose this?19:58
dekatchNitrigaur, i am running this in folders where i only find picture_roll19:58
ikoniagarrettkajmowicz: why are you using recovery mode19:58
ikoniathat may tell a bigger picture of a proboem19:59
dekatchNitrigaur, so the -t command. ill play around with it19:59
garrettkajmowiczikonia: Because I'm trying to diagnose why SDDM seems to reject all mouse/keyboard input except for Alt+sysreq combinations.20:00
ikoniawhy do you need recovery mode for that ?20:01
Nitrigaurdekatch, that appears to be a red herring here. There is something else going on. Try chopping the problem into bite-size chunks. Try to look at the products that are piped from one process to another.20:01
garrettkajmowiczikonia: Because I'm unable to do anything else at that point. I can't switch to a virtual console and the NumLock key doesn't change light state. I keep hoping that changing various package combinations will work.20:02
ikoniachanging various package combinations20:02
dekatchNitrigaur, na, cant come around this. when i remove -t it still doesnt let me rename20:02
ikoniaso installing software is expected to change your keyboard input problem ?20:02
ikoniabut the keyboard DOES work in recovery mode ?20:03
Nitrigaurdekatch, true, but why Hmm?20:03
dekatchNitrigaur, if i only was as expirienced. i am kinda in learning something by doing more than i actually achieved by myself but by copy and pasta^^20:03
NitrigaurIf you execute the part before "| xargs (...)"  what do you get as in-between product?20:04
garrettkajmowiczikonia: Keyboard works just fine in recovery mode. No easy way to test the mouse, though. (I'm hoping that a different display manager or video driver might fix the problem)20:04
ikoniathat seems quite a random way to approach it20:04
ikoniawhat part of the network is failing to configured correctly ?20:05
dekatchnot that i am not interested. but its so much at a time to do all.20:05
dekatchNitrigaur, there is a sub command line entry somehow20:05
Nitrigaurdekatch, you can learn a lot by copy and pasting if you stop to think about what the line is probably going to do.20:05
ikoniaNitrigaur: that is a wise word indeed20:05
dekatchyea i know. it gets me into topics. and ill also write notes to all stuff that ive done to some tutorials folder20:06
garrettkajmowiczikonia: I'm open to any other suggestions you might have.20:07
Nitrigaurdekatch, what *exactly* do you get as an answer from the command "find . /source/ -maxdepth 1 -type f | head -1"  assuming that you have already substituted the "/source/" directory with one that actually exists on your system ;-)20:07
ikoniagarrettkajmowicz: I'd be looking at the /dev/input device to see if it's taking keystrokes or not20:07
dekatchno output Nitrigaur20:07
ikoniagarrettkajmowicz: I'd be booting without X to see if the terminal has the same problem or not20:08
ikoniaI certainly wouldn't be installing/removing software randomly20:08
dekatchNitrigaur, but it opens some sub command line entry option20:08
dekatchwith a little ">" infront20:08
Nitrigaurdekatch, ah, so if you have no output, how can your subsequent copy command work on >nothing< ?20:08
ikoniaat worst, boot it with the fail save Xorg driver20:08
ikoniassh in20:08
garrettkajmowiczikonia: How would I boot without X? Disable sddm?20:08
dekatchNitrigaur, if i run the command including | xargs. it outputs the file it has found20:09
Nitrigaurdekatch, that is a sign that you did not terminate your command line yet. It expects some more.20:09
dekatchuhm, tbh Nitrigaur that command is lil bit over the top for me at all. i couldnt have fiddled that together all by myself. originally this one was formatted to move 1000 files. and it didnt had /source/ and /destination/ in it.20:10
Nitrigaurdekatch does it? Really. Think of it this way. If you put nothing in the pipe at the front end, it cannot emit anything useful on the other end.20:10
ikoniagarrettkajmowicz: thats a good option yes20:10
garrettkajmowiczikonia: The network appears to configure correctly. It just times out with an error first.20:11
ikoniagarrettkajmowicz: so it does work then20:11
Nitrigaurdekatch, you are almost there. Leave out the pipe '|' symbol, so you only get "find . [source dir] -maxdepth 1 -type f | head -1"20:12
dekatchNitrigaur, well, the -maxdepth 1 not sure that one is totally useless i guess. i found some ls | sort -n | head -1 command. so that "maxdepth" maybe totally unrelated20:12
dekatchthat ls command doesnt have -maxdepth specified and yet it outputs the first folder or file it finds20:13
Nitrigaurdekatch, maybe in this case, but there are plenty of cases where that option is quite relevant.20:13
garrettkajmowiczikonia: The thing times out and tells me to look at the status, which shows success  https://photos.app.goo.gl/clqqbUfGhIwhHjlH320:14
Nitrigaurdekatch, what the first command before the first pipe does is to find all files of type "file" in the directory that comes after it.20:15
garrettkajmowiczikonia: Booting into normal mode without sddm seems to work fine. At least the keyboard at the console is working.20:15
Nitrigaurdekatch, the "head -1" simply shows the first line of that output20:15
dekatchNitrigaur, i may miss something here, so i left out the pipe symbol. and yet it displays that one file that its supposed to find20:18
Nitrigaurdekatch, and that is why you get the first file of type "normal file" in the directory that you ask it to look at, yet it also adds a small prefix that will throw the rest of the line off kilter.20:18
dekatchso i will now try to workout a combination without xargs. i guess it could work20:19
Nitrigaurdekatch, that is not the issue here. The issue is the unwanted prefix. Look back a couple of lines at the output I got and think...20:19
dekatchnah, totally off xd20:19
garrettkajmowiczikonia: Starting sddm at that point puts me in a condition where I have a blinking GUI password box, but no keyboard responsiveness or mouse cursor.20:20
explosivewhat're you trying to do dekatch ?20:20
Nitrigaurdekatch, I'll help you along: My output of "find . /home/ -maxdepth 1 -type f | head -1" was: ./.bash_logout20:21
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: Try doing Alt+Ctrl+F2 then immediately back to the GUI with Alt+F7 - see if the dialog then has input focus20:21
dekatchNitrigaur, lol. i thought of an easy command combination without xargs. find . [...] cp /dest/file.ext20:21
timofonicAnyone knows a better document/program to look for Linux kernel boot parameters? Linux kernel official /Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt lacks details (go to read XX for more information everywhere) and a proper structure to locate them easily. It may make sense to programmers and a parser (the document seems somewhat generated from my POV), but not to average users that need to fight with bad20:22
timofonichardware and specially laptops (ACPI with a very broken ACPI table I want to dumb and decompile and show somewhere, Optimus, Nvidia proprietary (but the only usable, Nouveau project lacks funding and official support... but Nvidia is like ImgTec and other IP greedy ones) drivers, debugging quirks...) :P20:22
dekatchnever mind that xx do not comment this. i am at that riddle you threw at me.20:22
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Alt+Ctrl+F2 doesn't switch to another console.20:22
dekatchbut i dont find anyting odd tbh Nitrigaur xx20:22
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: hmmm, does any key cause a response?20:23
Nitrigaurdekatch, it's the dot '.' slash '/' at the beginning20:23
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: this sounds like an issue where plymouth 'steals'/keeps the console input when it should be released20:23
Nitrigaurdekatch, they stand for the directory you issue the command from ...20:23
Nitrigaurdekatch, but that is not what you want, now is it? You want the copy command to start at the directory [source directory] , don't you?20:24
dekatchNitrigaur, oh well uhmkay, so thats the only thing thats possinle now is that the . dot is wrong20:25
dekatchas said that command was originally written for something else. let me try that without the dot20:25
Nitrigaurdekatch, I'm using BNF-nototation here. the brackets denote a variable here20:25
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: I previously removed plymouth in hopes that would address the issue. Caps Lock/Num Lock get no response, but Alt-SysReq-B does.20:25
Nitrigaurdekatch, the dot after find is fine, but the result from "find . /home -maxdepth 1 -type f" is not.20:26
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: OK, so the kernel is seeing input then! It does sound as if the x server input config is broken20:28
Nitrigaurdekatch, so you'll need a way to output only the filename and *not* the directory, even if that directory is a relative directory pointing to the directory from which you issue the command.20:28
dekatchNitrigaur, uhm well, if i run this command in /home/ it outputs my user20:28
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: are you able to SSH into this PC from another?20:29
dekatchwouldnt have thought of that, i assume thats the reason why cp wouldnt let me rename ok.20:29
dekatchill try to tackle to let "find" only display files but not directories20:29
Nitrigaurdekatch, you mean your home directory? That should not happen, because you asked the find command to find a normal file (i.e. not a directory)20:29
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Not configured to do that. So I can't easily try.20:29
dekatchyou are confusing me Nitrigaur :)20:30
Nitrigaurdekatch, that's what the -f switch is for, try "man find" to learn more.20:30
dekatchand uhm right, your right. it didnt output anything gosh20:30
dekatchi am so confused already20:31
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: How else can we go about this?20:31
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: OK, then I'd suggest reboot, hit Escape to get the GRUB boot menu, highlight the 1st entry, press E to edit it, navigate down to the line beginning "linux ..." and add to the end the option "systemd.unit=multi-user.target" then press Ctrl+X to boot with that option immediately.20:31
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: that'll start the system normally but will NOT start the GUI. THen, if you've got keyboard input at consoles we can start to figure out what is going on20:32
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Do you mean the line starting "kernel ..."?20:32
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: no, the line starting "linux "20:32
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: I have no line starting "linux ". However, I manually disabled sddm in recovery mode so it boots up to a usable prompt with no X running.20:33
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: it'll look *similiar* to this "linux   /vmlinuz-4.13.0-22-lowlatency root=/dev/mapper/VG_OS-ubuntu_16.04_rootfs ro ..."20:33
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: Ahhh, OK, that's the same thing then20:33
Nitrigaurdekatch, a hint, when you do look up the manpage of find, try searching for -type      ( You do this by pressing '/' while reading the manpage and typing the string you want to search for, in this case "-type" (minus the quotes)20:33
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: I have a line "kernel /vmlinuz-4.10.0 ...."20:34
lordcirthI think "kernel" is the old syntax20:34
TJ-lordcirth: yeah, that's the old GRUB1 syntax I think20:34
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: which version did you release-upgrade from?20:34
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adderhow do I enable the bleep and bloop bell in ubuntu20:35
adderwith echo $'\a'20:35
adderit's not bleepblooping20:35
adderhow do I enable the bell?20:35
TJ-adder: "echo -e "..."20:35
adderTJ-: nothing20:36
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: I spent the past 2 days doing LTS upgrades starting from 8.x. I have some choice words for the people who consider this to be "enterprise-ready", but I'll save those until things work again.20:36
garrettkajmowiczlordcirth: Yeah - I don't think I was prompted to move to grub2 at any point.20:38
garrettkajmowiczThough I don't think that would fix this issue.20:39
Nitrigaurdekatch, here you go: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5456120/how-to-only-get-file-name-with-linux-find         I suggest the printf option.20:39
Nitrigaurdekatch, a helpful line in the find manpage "%f     File's  name  with  any leading directories removed (only the last element)."20:41
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: well, release upgrading through 4 releases was it, I'd expect a lot of problems20:42
Nitrigaurdekatch, try to find that line, adapt the script accordingly and it will accomplish what you think it will do (provided there are no errors in the line I haven't spotted).20:43
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: some inherited configuration has likely caused confusion along the way20:43
Neo2what would be better for web development linux on vmware or dualboot?20:43
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: I'd expect everything to work smoothly. :-) How do I diagnose from here?20:43
lordcirthgarrettkajmowicz, wait, from 8.04 to 17.10?20:43
TJ-adder: are you using a terminal multipler such as screen or tmux whilst trying to use the bel ?20:43
lordcirther, to 16.04?  That is way outside supported20:44
adderTJ-: no sir20:44
Nitrigaurgarrettkajmowicz, that would be quite an achievement though.20:44
Nitrigaurlordcirth, ^20:44
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: what does "cat /proc/cmdline" show ?20:44
adderalso I'm looking for machine internal bleep yknow20:44
Neo2I installed doalboot and then have removed, and now again think about do it or not...20:44
alkisgYeah, similar to *upgading* (not reinstalling) from windows 2000 to windows 10 :)20:44
TJ-adder: you have to ensure the pcspkr module is loaded "sudo modprobe pcspkr"20:44
Neo2What is the best for web development? I'm going to learn node.js20:45
adderTJ-: like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC9gIibyHYY20:45
adderTJ-: I did that20:45
garrettkajmowiczlordcirth: I did it one LTS release at a time. I didn't do it as a single jump.20:45
adderTJ-: I mean modprobe ...20:45
TJ-adder: try "tput bel"20:46
adderTJ-: nothing20:46
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: root=UUID=<UUID> ro quiet splash20:46
Nitrigaurgarrettkajmowicz, in theory it should work, however you run the risk of carrying along a lot of legacy cruft from version to version (even between LTS versions) Especially if you had to troubleshoot issues by editing config. files and so.20:47
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: Hmmm, OK, there's a possible issue there. nowadays the GUI is run on tty7 and to prevent excessive screen flicker during boot the option "vt.handoff=7" is usually added by the installer20:48
garrettkajmowiczNitrigaur: I haven't had to edit much in terms of config files. Thinks mostly just worked. And we *should* expect them to work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DufnT2LnHWk20:48
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Can I get that behavior while starting the sddm service from the command line?20:49
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: that's done by GRUB2 scripts in /etc/grub.d/ - if the PC is still using GRUB1 as it seems that's one issue that needs resolving20:50
Nitrigaurgarrettkajmowicz, true, but even if you still have the install media of the LTS versions in between, you have the disadvantage that you get updates anymore for the versions in between, except 14.04. I can't think of any servers that still host the 12.04 files...20:51
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: no, that's just for boot-time. For manually starting sddm it is not needed - I'm just pointing it out so you know it's a TODO job (upgrading GRUB1 to GRUB2 - there's release-notes for either 12.04 or 14.04 mentioning that but sounds like you've gone through those without doing it20:51
adderany ideas, TJ-? if not, thanks for the help so far20:51
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: so, next thing is to check if you have a custom /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?20:52
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: that might have specific input config that nowadays is done automatically20:52
TJ-adder: I can't think of anything; it's down to what the terminal supports. check what "Echo $TERM" reports20:53
TJ-adder: are you using a GUI terminal emulator?20:54
adderTJ-: xterm-256color20:54
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: I believe that when I set this up, auto-everything X had just been introduced (thankfully). So I have no xorg.conf, though I have a .failesafe and .backup version.20:54
Nitrigaurgarrettkajmowicz, good luck bringing your system up-to-date and in a working state. ikonia, TJ-, thank you as always for your excellent advice :-)20:54
adderTJ-: default terminal on xubuntu20:54
NitrigaurI'm hitting the hay.20:54
garrettkajmowiczNitrigaur: I second that statement.20:54
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: well that's a help! Is there a log created by sddm under /var/log/sddm* ?20:55
TJ-adder: hmmm, some GUI terminal emulators have an option in their preferences to enable/disable the audible bell - have you checked for that?20:56
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: sddm.log is 0 bytes in length.20:57
adderTJ-: yes, no sign of 'bel' nor 'sound' nor 'audio' nor similar :/21:00
multifractal_JackWinter: `ld: Relocatable linking with relocations from format elf64-x86-64 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wine-development/libwinecrt0.a(exe_entry.o)) to format elf32-i386 (lin-vst-server32.kxxn0f.o) is not supported` is what it tells me when I try to build this https://github.com/osxmidi/LinVst/blob/master/Makefile-embed643221:00
TJ-adder: I can't make it 'ding' here either but I'm working inside tmux, which may be snatching the escape code itself21:02
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: how about /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?21:02
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: if the PC has network do "sudo apt install pastebinit" then show us the Xorg log with "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"21:03
adderTJ-: nevermind, I asked in #xfce maybe someone knows. if not, I'm going to open a thread on askubuntu21:03
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adderbell_mode is on21:05
Acheron-aadder, what DE is that?21:07
Acheron-awell i mean distro/DE21:07
adderAcheron-a: xubuntu21:08
Acheron-aahh, with Elementary Icons, thanks21:08
adderI thought you were going to help me >.>21:09
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26273991/21:10
garrettkajmowiczLots of lines about ignored input which could do it. I'm just surprised that it would be ignored.21:11
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: whilst I digest that can you also show us "pastebinit <( dmesg )"21:12
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: right, this is the line we apparently need to focus on: "config/udev: Adding input device AT Translated Set 2 keyboard (/dev/input/event2)"21:14
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: dmesg output from this boot (where it hasn't locked up): https://paste.ubuntu.com/26274026/21:16
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: on mine, that report is followed by "(**) AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Applying InputClass "evdev keyboard catchall"21:16
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: and "(II) Using input driver 'evdev' for 'AT Translated Set 2 keyboard'"21:17
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TJ-garrettkajmowicz: so let's check if your system has the 'evdev' libraries21:17
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: show us "pastebinit <( dpkg -l '*evdev*' | grep ^ii )"21:18
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Looking though the package list there's a large list of uninstalled versions of that package.21:19
adder"I've encountered this problem before. From what I remember, the problem is that the terminal bell tries to ring an internal computer speaker (as in an old-school desktop) but laptops and some newer computers are missing such a thing."21:20
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Only libevdev2 is installed21:20
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: we're getting warmer... have you installed the 'hwe' kernels and xorg modules?21:21
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: the kernel version shown indicates (4.10) that the kernel is a hwe version21:21
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Not intentionally?21:21
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: show me "pastebinit <( dpkg -l 'linux-image*' )"21:22
Acheron-aadder, i'm sorry i had a phone call and don't have the answer to the bell question21:23
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: the standard 16.04 kernel is v4.4 so I think you've got 16.04.3 which moves to the 4.10 kernel21:24
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack21:24
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Enjoy:   https://paste.ubuntu.com/26274076/21:25
garrettkajmowiczApparently I have regular and non hwe images installed at the same version. That can't be good ...21:26
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: bingo, yes, you do: "linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 " so now do this: "sudo apt-get install --install-recommends xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04 "21:26
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: it's fine; you can have 100 kernel versions installed if you've got the space, only 1 boots :)21:26
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: apt-get didn't perform any actions.21:27
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: which means all that should be installed, but you said only evdev2 was shown by dpkg -l21:28
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Right.21:28
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: double-check it: you should see this is installed (ii): "dpkg -l xserver-xorg-input-evdev-hwe-16.04"21:28
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garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Nope. Not listed. aptitude shows it as a dependency, too, state 'p'. Is there a good way to install all of these dependencies?21:31
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: the apt install command that did nothing!21:31
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: try "sudo apt install --install-recommends ii  xserver-xorg-input-evdev-hwe-16.04"21:31
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: oops, typo!  "sudo apt install --install-recommends xserver-xorg-input-evdev-hwe-16.04"21:32
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Installing stuff. Would I be better off getting away from the hwe versions?21:33
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: NO! HWE is the backporting of newer drivers to the 16.04 long term support release21:33
TigerMonarchyHey all. I'm getting a lot of 'device not ready' errors and disconnects of my Wifi. I have the wireless script output in a pastebin if anyone can help.21:35
TigerMonarchyThank you.21:35
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Cool. I might not be back to my parents' place for another 8 years and need maximal support. :-)21:35
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: something may be wrong with that system's package lists, because xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04 depends > xserver-xorg-input-all-hwe-16.04 depends >  xserver-xorg-input-evdev-hwe-16.04  ... so that should have been installed21:36
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: if packages have installed retest sddm now21:36
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: This appears to have worked at least somewhat. I now have a mouse and working keyboard. And I get to the KDE desktop. But clicking on anything doesn't do anything.21:37
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Is there a way to rebuild the package list?21:37
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: well, "apt update" fetches the lists. Maybe you should delete all the lists and re-run that command in case there is some corruption? "sudo find /var/lib/apt/lists -type f -delete" then "sudo apt update"21:39
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: and after that do "sudo apt full-upgrade" then "sudo apt autoremove"21:40
SazpaimonI'm having an issue where X isn't starting for me all of a sudden. I grepped my Xorg.0.log file for EE and found that it can't load the nvidia or nouveau drivers because they don't exist. That's fine, since it should be using my integrated graphics anyway21:41
Sazpaimonbut I can't seem to find where X is trying to load those modules21:41
TJ-Sazpaimon: check $HOME/.xsession-errors; also ensure your user is the owner of $HOME/.Xauthority21:42
alkisgpastebin that xorg.0.log.old21:42
TJ-Sazpaimon: also ensure the system has some free space: "df -h"21:42
alkisgIs it possible that some kernel was misconfigured or semi-removed?21:43
SazpaimonTJ-, somehow .Xauthority wasn't chowned to me, but I still can't start lightdm with that fixed21:44
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Everything is downloaded, but no additional packages were downloaded/removed.21:45
TJ-Sazpaimon: any other files in $HOME not owned by the user?21:46
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: Good.21:46
TigerMonarchyI think I have two different wifi drivers causing conflict and the 'device not ready' state, but I don't know how to blacklist the one that I don't use anymore.21:46
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: so now check $HOME/.xsession-errors for per-user clues regarding KDE issues21:46
SazpaimonTJ-, looks like .dbus was another culprit, still no dice though21:47
Sazpaimonshould I be restarting the lightdm service as root?21:47
TJ-Sazpaimon: "sudo systemctl restart lightdm.service" is usual21:48
Sazpaimonyeah still nothing. .xsession-errors doesn't exist21:49
TJ-Sazpaimon: check /var/log/lightdm/ logs for clues21:49
TJ-Sazpaimon: but it does sound like permissions are at the root of the problem21:50
TJ-Sazpaimon: is the user's $HOME encrypted?21:50
Sazpaimonmy whole drive is21:51
TJ-Sazpaimon: that's FDE; I'm on about user home directory encryption using ecryptfs. If it is, you'll have a /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/ directory21:51
Sazpaimonyeah I don't21:51
Sazpaimonjust using standard luks21:52
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Sazpaimonmy /var/log/lightdm folder is chowned by root with all the files 600. Is that normal?21:52
TJ-Sazpaimon: yes; use sudo to list/read those logs21:53
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: making any progress with KDE desktop?21:53
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Not really. I thought I had a lead, but it looks like a dead end. Here's the .xsession-errors file.21:54
SazpaimonI don't see anything that immediately pops out at me, just a lot of DEBUG level lessages in lightdm.log21:54
Sazpaimonand x-0.log just shows X starting and then immediately starting with no error21:54
Sazpaimonoh, I think I see what it might be21:55
SazpaimonI upgraded synergy to 2.0, but I had the 1.x client set up to run on the greeter21:55
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: could it be that modern KDE is just to resource-hungry? how about trying LUbuntu-desktop with "sudo apt install lubuntu-desktop" - once installed, at the greeter log-in screen use the cog icon to choose the Lubuntu session instead of KDE/Plasma21:55
SazpaimonIm guessing that's preventing the greeter from showing and causing lightdm to crash and burn21:56
Sazpaimonyep, removing synergyc from the greeter-setup-script fixed it21:57
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: I don't think so. I have it running in that state right now (yay - I can switch consoles) and the load avg is 0.00. free shows 2g of ram available.21:58
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: BRB AFK21:58
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: 2nd option - create a new user and log-in as that for KDE - it won't inherit any 'old' KDE settings from previous version. If that works you know where the issue lies21:58
xorpadis there a proper ubuntu way to install a new python version? like I know it uses some python environment manager21:58
TJ-Sazpaimon: nice detecive work :)21:58
Dagronmasterxorpad: newer than python3.5?22:01
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: in .xsession-errors I see several "New Notification:  "KWin Window Manager" "Desktop effects were restarted due to a graphics reset" -1 & Part of: 0" which indicates KDE is having problems, as well as several "BadWindow" reports22:01
Errno Hi, I am experiencing an issue running python on ubuntu vm. The error message received is Python socket.error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe. Can anyone provide any guidance? Thanks22:02
DagronmasterErrno:  you're trying to write to a socket after the other side closed the connection22:04
Errno Dagronmaster, I am working on a class project. Since this is a client server, can I check for anything or address a timeout limitation? thanks22:06
ErrnoMy question is are there checks I can make on the client side?22:07
DagronmasterThat's somewhat old, so I don't know how relevant it is22:07
ErrnoI appreciate the direction.22:08
TigerMonarchyHi all. I could really use some help with this wifi issue. I know I have two different wifi connections causing conflict, and my wifi drops at random times into a 'device not ready' state. If anyone could help, I would be very grateful. I'm on Xfce with Ubuntu 17.04.22:11
xorpadDagronmaster, yes, 3.6.422:17
xorpadon lts22:17
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: I created a new user and had a similar experience.22:18
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: OK, try lubuntu-desktop since that'll not suffer any upgrade-library issues that may be affecting KDE22:18
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: I've found the KDE5 plasma on older GPUs like that struggles because of all the effects the desktop appies by default22:19
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Graphics I'll believe. Because clearly I need my notepad text to be subtly 3d rendered.  :-P22:20
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: you could try disabling desktop effects I guess22:21
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garrettkajmowiczTJ-: By selecting the non-clickable menu?  :-)22:21
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: I need to run and grab dinner. I'll be back in a bit. Hopefully the install will be done by then, too.22:21
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TJ-garrettkajmowicz: use hot keys22:22
TJ-(now you've got a keyboard!)22:22
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: Alt+Shift+F12 enable/disable desktop effects22:24
chalcedonyTJ-, good evening are people around that can help with the router's dns?22:24
TJ-chalcedony: possibly, although you may find ##networking channel could be of more help22:24
chalcedonyTJ-, in theory. i never found help there22:25
serdarsince one of the last updates I have a lot issues with dns resolving. Is this a common issue?22:26
kenrinThere was an issue in 17 that had some DNS problems.  That has been quite a while ago22:30
TJ-chalcedony: what make/model is the router?22:32
gambl0reh #javascript22:32
XXCoderyou certainly is impatent person.22:34
serdarkenrin, 17.10 or 17.04 already?22:34
dekatchhi, some generic question. is it necessary to run sleep command between cp commands when ran from an script? like e.g. if i cp some 1GB file, does the script jump right to the next command? or does it wait the copy process?22:41
_KaszpiR_it waits22:42
pizzaburgerHi! Is there a good way to manage/organize browser bookmakrs in Ubuntu? I'm currently using the default firefox manager22:42
kenrinIt runs one after another until it is done or errors out22:42
dekatchpromising thank you22:42
rypervenchedekatch: You can have the cp command run in the background so that the next command starts right away though.22:43
dekatchwould want to avoid that actually. i was not so flattered to guess an good sleep amount. so i am exactly fine with that it first finish an current ongoing cp process22:44
dekatchbut ill note that down rypervenche :)22:44
hdhi all22:54
hdhow can i istall wise22:55
hdwine sorry22:55
hdsoftwarecenter dont work22:55
kenrinapt install wine?22:55
hdas root_22:57
kenrinroot or sudo, yes22:57
hdE: Für Paket »wine« existiert kein Installationskandidat.22:58
hdE: Für Paket »wine« existiert kein Installationskandidat.22:58
hdsudo apt install wine __22:58
kenrinEnable universe repo22:59
hdnew on linux >(22:59
kenrinsearch in the menu for software and updates22:59
wlp2s0Ubuntu Chinese forum is broken, who will repair it?22:59
kenrinThere should be a checkbox for universe "community-maintained free and open-source software"22:59
implite_ubottu wine23:00
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:00
hdok i know but cant install it23:02
hdwhat is the easzst waz to install utorrent23:02
lordcirthhd, apt install wine-stable, or wine-development23:02
hdok thx23:02
lordcirthhd, don't, install transmission or deluge instead23:02
SimonNLhd: does this help you any?  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/04/how-to-add-wine-repository-ubuntu23:02
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hdjust one moment i will try23:04
hdis a rassperz pi 2 to slow for linux mate !@#$%^&*()__++23:05
tony__anyone else besides me using z-shell23:21
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: lubuntu seems to be working.23:23
tony__what font are you using adder23:23
TJ-garrettkajmowicz: so, some KDE issue due to the upgrade from KDE v-2.5 to v+5.3 ? :P23:24
tony__I tried inconsolata with this laptop but all I get is the % sign23:25
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adderim not using zsh mate im telling you there's a room full of people who use it -> #zsh23:25
tony__oh, sorry thanks23:26
garrettkajmowiczTJ-: Maybe. And I'm running out of time on this visit to get my Dad's computer working. I'm downloading a netboot installer I can burn to CD and will attempt to re-install.23:29
Pinkamena_DHi All, I notice when I extract a zip or tar in the downloads directory for example, the resulting folder always goes to some strange location in date order view, presumably because the contents were edited at random times. Is it possible for the zip uncompression to set the date on the folder to the current date when it extracts?23:31
rypervencheWell, I found unzip -D for Pinkamea_D, but left :P23:38
luxioDoes Wayland support multiple monitors?23:38
lordcirthrypervenche, I think he wanted a graphical way anyway23:39
rypervencheAh, well we can't have everything :P23:39
hdgood night23:42
Neo2how to install other desktops on ubuntu? I want to check a few23:47
Neo2gnome and kde23:47
kenrinInstall 'em like any other package neo223:49
kenrin"apt install kubuntu-desktop" as an example23:50

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