
acheronukricktimmis[m]: in riot, can search the freenode channels in the gui. dunno about other guis07:52
ricktimmis[m]Morning acheronuk  thanks, good tip. I think it's pretty good, I like it so far08:16
ricktimmis[m]Going to install it on my phone later08:16
ricktimmis[m]Currently it's on my tablet08:17
ricktimmis[m]I want to try to use it for the next kafe08:17
acheronukat the moment I use IRC through a PC which is nearly always on, and have a KDE BNC, so it's just interesting backup for me08:17
acheronukstill cool though08:18
ricktimmis[m]See I move around allot during the day, home, w work, mobile etch...08:18
acheronukyeah, if telegram did not do enough, I might need to for that. at the moment TG is on the core stuff I want08:27
acheronukthe rest of IRC is too much noise when not at the PC08:28
mparillohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases shows 17.04 EOL in January. Do we consider it 2018-01-01, 2018-01-31, or 2018-01-13 (the nine-month anniversary)?17:37
wxljudging by past releases, um, january sometime XD17:38
wxlactually maybe doing a little date math might reveal the answer17:38
wxlyeah can't figure it out with e.g. yakkety17:43
wxl+wxl@standard-desktop:~$ date -d "October 13 2016 +9 months"17:43
wxlThu Jul 13 00:00:00 PDT 201717:43
wxl+wxl@standard-desktop:~$ date -d "October 13 2016 +270 days"17:43
wxlMon Jul 10 00:00:00 PDT 201717:43
wxlneither of those are the 20th17:43
wxlthat also follows for wily17:44
wxli think it's basically like "when we get to it"17:44
mparilloGreat idea. Libre Office says it is not an exact number of days either: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26279574/17:44
wxlwhich is why i used months instead of days but obviously that doesn't work out and given that the 13th doesn't become the 13th, i guess that's fairly obvious17:47
wxlif you want a definitive answer as to the factors leading to the decision and the announcement thereof, i'd suggest contacting the release team. infinity or slangasek should know17:48
mparilloNo worries. It was a quiet day, and I guess I won't delete my 17.04 VM for a couple of weeks yet.17:53
valoriebtw if I didn't mention it before; I'll be leaving in an hour or so for our cabin in the mountains for the new year's party annual event -- be back Monday sometimes21:38
valoriematrix on this chan might work, and telegram sorta works sometimes21:39
valoriehappy new year, everyone@21:39
acheronukvalorie: ok. have a lovely new year21:39
valoriewould be lovely to have each of you up there with us celebrating!21:40
acheronukit would. sounds fantastic21:40
valorieit is amazing21:40
valorieright outside Mt Rainier Nat. Park21:41
valoriemy parents and 3 other families built it from the 50s on21:41
valorieused to be quite raucous and full of drunks21:42
valoriethese days full of families and much less drinking and more board games21:42
valorieplaying in the snow is the constant21:42
acheronuksounds great!21:44
acheronukperfect for this time of year21:44
acheronukor any really21:44
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Happy new year valorie :)21:45
valorieI like it in good weather and bad21:45
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Before you go valorie, I'm thinking of going to SELF21:45
valoriethanks simon! same to you, and drive safely!21:45
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> So I'll probably apply for funding soon21:45
valorietsimonq2: where are you staying during lfnw?21:46
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> @valorie, I will, thanks :)21:46
valorieI forgot to ask21:46
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> @valorie, Same hotel at last year but with @Schyken, he already reserved the room21:46
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> I got him to agree to drive up from Tucson!21:47
valorieoh cool21:47
valoriethat's at least 2 days drive!21:47
valoriealthough I'd late a week, and enjoy it21:47
valoriehe might not have the time21:47
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> We'll have to see how long it takes :)21:47
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> But yeah for SELF I don't know where I'll he staying yet21:48
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> I'm talking to @Kernellinux (my boss at Altispeed) to see what his plans are21:48
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> @ahoneybun if you're going to SELF 2018, wanna roomshare?21:50
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Mm if I'm going21:50
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Alright21:51
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Like I said, I wanna apply for funding within the next week or two so I have a good chance of getting it21:52
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Speaking of LFNW valorie I've had more and more weird cravings lately for your cold brewed coffee21:57
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Next time I'll put some sugar in in but I did enjoy it21:58
valorieit is lovely21:58
valorielately with a bit of eggnog, but that will be long gone when you arrive21:59
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Oooh21:59
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Too bad I have to miss out on it :(21:59
valoriewell, the coffee will be there, just not the eggnog22:04
valorieok, gonna go pack for the weekend22:04
valorietalk to you all next year22:04
tsimonq2Have fun!22:05

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