[07:21] LocutusOfBorg: reg. liferea, can't we come up with a scheme where I keep the Ubuntu patches in the Debian package? [07:22] I remember it is possible, but I can never find the documentation on how to do that. [14:57] elbrus: you can have a debian/patches/ubuntu.series which will need to list all the patches from debian/patches/series plus the Ubuntu-specific ones [15:01] when you add a patch, you need to remember to update both series files [15:02] jbicha: thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for [15:03] I'll add some logic to the clean target to generate this in the appropriate way I guess [20:33] elbrus, you can look at filezilla, where I did exactly that [20:33] you don't need to override clean [21:23] LocutusOfBorg: how does filezilla keep the ubuntu.series up-to-date with the debian.series? [21:23] that is what I wanted to achieve with the clean target logic [22:34] Hi! [22:35] Using 17.10 and I added the PPA for mozillateam and installed firefox-trunk and firefox-trunk-locales-sv, but Firefox still won't change into Swedish. [22:35] Need some help, please. [22:36] I have asked in #ubuntu-mozillateam as well, but no answer atm. [22:44] Umeaboy: this is the wrong place. to be frank, the PPAs are not "supported," but you could try #ubuntu. failing that, just try #firefox on irc.mozilla.org. [22:46] OK.OK. [22:56] wxl: Still no answer in #firefox on irc.mozilla.org. I guess the majority of users in there aren't Europeans. [22:56] Umeaboy: also, patience is a virtue. you could try the mailing lists. in general, PPAs are ONLY supported by the people that provide them [22:57] Yeah. It's kind of sad that Nightly isn't officially supported by Canonical. [22:58] I really like it. Other than this problem I really like the feel of the next version.