
SkyrisBacteraHi, elopio, kyrofa, sergiusens, popey and flexiondotorg04:20
=== Davis is now known as Guest63717
Acceleratorwxl: Hi....are you still there?05:18
RAIhii please help me05:45
RAImy mentor are not replying 36 hours is over05:46
wxlwho's your mentor?05:46
Acceleratorwxl: Sorry to disturb your conversation...but could you please give me a suitable solution to "missing Exec key"?05:47
wxlAccelerator: say what? XD05:48
Acceleratorwxl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/172743505:48
ubot93Launchpad bug 1727435 in Snapcraft "error message for desktop file problems does not include how to fix them" [Low, Triaged]05:48
RAImy mentors are elopio and05:48
wxlelopio has been on vacation. not sure when he's getting back05:49
wxlAccelerator: sorry, not much of a snapper. probably can't help too much.05:50
Acceleratorwxl: Thank you anyway....do you know another mentor who can help me?05:50
wxlwhat i can give you is a little logic based on what i do know05:50
RAIso what id do05:50
Acceleratorwxl: Any information would be welcomed 😀05:51
wxla desktop file (e.g. /usr/share/applications/vlc.desktop) has an Exec line (e.g. Exec=/usr/bin/vlc --started-from-file %U)05:51
wxloh and the desktop file usually starts with [Desktop Entry]05:52
wxlso i would guess:05:52
wxl 1. it looks for the file05:52
wxl 2. it fails to find the file05:52
wxl 3. however, it doesn't stop there05:52
wxl 4. next step: find [Desktop Entry] to perhaps validate it as a desktop file05:53
wxl 5. fails to find it05:53
wxl 6. still, continues.........05:53
wxl 7. next: get the Exec line from the desktop entry05:53
wxl 8. fails to find it05:53
AcceleratorSo it stops there?05:54
wxlso the way i might TRY to approach this is to make some conditionals to stop at each of those fails rather than marching on05:54
* wxl shrugs05:54
wxli imagine it probably still tries to continue on05:54
Acceleratorok...don't think another mentor would have given me such a detailed explanation...you are the best XD05:54
wxlRAI: you said "elopio and" and then didn't continue05:55
wxlAccelerator: well, also, i may be wrong, but at least i can explain being wrong well XD05:55
RAIya please wait05:55
Acceleratorwxl: Thank you and btw goodnight if you will be going to sleep shortly afterwards XD05:56
RAISergio Schvezov05:56
RAIshi is also my mentor05:56
RAIi have submitted my task on 26/12/201705:56
wxlthat's sergiusens05:56
RAIthey have not replyied yet05:56
wxlthey've not been here in 6 days05:57
wxlplease give me a link to the task instance05:57
wxli doubt i can help but i can look05:57
RAIso you are also a mentor05:57
RAIi have contact the google05:58
wxli'm a mentor05:58
wxli'm not the mentor05:58
wxli don't mentor in everything05:58
wxlbut no task instance link means i can't help you05:58
wxlwhat did google say?05:58
RAIThank you for letting us know. We’ll contact your mentor and see what is going on.05:59
RAIthey have told me06:00
wxlwow, that's not too useful06:00
wxlwell i can't do anything else for you if you don't give me a task instance link06:00
RAIok i am giving06:01
wxlnot what i asked for06:03
RAIplease help me if you can06:03
RAIso ican claim other tasks06:03
RAIplease help me06:04
wxla link to your task instance on google code in06:04
wxlthat's what i'm looking for06:05
wxlcan't help you without it06:05
RAIok wait06:05
wxlthat's the main entry point06:06
wxlthis is for YOUR instance of the task06:06
RAIhey are you on gmail06:07
wxlstarts with https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/06:07
wxlif i were, i'd have no intention of giving out my email address if that's what you're angling for06:07
RAIsee this06:08
wxli don't have access to our youtube06:09
wxlbut popey does. i'd ask him06:09
wxlsince he did the original video, he should be able to help06:10
RAIbut popey is not replying only06:10
wxlwhen's the last time you mentioned his nickname here and asked for help?06:11
RAIon 2606:11
wxli notice he's not a mentor on the task, so he's probably not getting notifications on those comments06:11
popeyIt's 6am here :)06:11
popeyGood morning06:11
wxlthere you go06:11
RAIhii popey06:12
RAIcan you help me06:12
wxlto catch you up, popey, RAI wants to get https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5023586198749184/ reviewed. he's already contacted Google unsuccessfully in trying to get help but all they said is they'll contact his mentors, both of which are, i believe, on vacay06:12
popeyI will look. One moment, please be patient06:12
popeythanks wxl06:15
wxlthank you popey :)06:15
RAIwhat happen popey06:15
wxlRAI: just be patient. he's reviewing it and will get back to you.06:15
RAIok sorry06:15
wxlRAI: until then, go find another task to work on!06:15
RAIdont call me rai call me shivam06:16
wxlRAI: even though you can't claim another task, there's nothing keeping you frmo working on it06:16
wxlyour nick is RAI. try /nick shivam06:16
wxlah nevermind, i see that someone has registered that nick06:16
popeyRAI: um, you've translated it from English to English?06:16
RAIso popey now hat06:17
wxlyou could try /nick shivam_06:17
=== RAI is now known as shivam_
wxlpopey: the task description says it's for syncing subtitles06:17
popeyI'm not sure the goal of the task is to translate from English (the original language) to English06:17
shivam_thanks xwl06:17
shivam_yes it is from english to english only we have add the subtiitle06:18
popeyok, i understand. not seen this task before, sorry06:18
shivam_so popey how can i claim another tasks06:19
shivam_hey popey are you there06:20
popeyI literally woke up 10 minutes ago and am looking at the task you asked me to look at, please wait06:20
wxlshivam_: as i said above, you cannot claim another task until this one is reviewed but you can find another one to work on and start working on it.06:21
popeyI have replied to the task06:21
shivam_but i cannot claim any task06:21
wxlshivam_: i said that.06:21
wxlbut you CAN start working on it06:22
shivam_ok bye everyone06:24
RAIhi popey06:37
RAIplease give me the script in english06:37
popeyfor what?06:37
wxlthe aforementioned task, popey. it seems you're implicated in the task description :)06:37
RAIthe script in english06:37
popeythere are numerous scripts, I'm asking which one06:38
wxlRAI: give him the link to the video you're interested in06:39
RAIplease give me06:42
RAIare you there popey06:43
popeyi am looking06:43
wxli would suggest more patience, RAI. if you're trying to get help by doing "hey help me! are you there? hello? please help me! now, please!" it's going to get annoying real fast.06:44
popeyThis is the 3rd time RAI has had this explained06:44
popeyRAI: I believe this is the text you're after https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKb2GU53WoeXvRWXzN37opoa3U6SH_Jn9KJWO6ikiB8/edit06:45
RAIi am sorry for that but in task it is written that ask the script of the video in english06:45
RAIok thankyou06:46
wxlthe problem, RAI, is not what you're asking. it's how you're asking it06:46
RAIyes you are right06:47
RAIcan i ask a question06:47
wxlyou just did06:47
RAIwhere are you from(which country)06:48
RAIi think you are angry to me06:49
RAIsorry if i have heart you06:49
popeyI'm based in the UK06:51
konrad11901elopio, kyrofa, sergiusens: ping!07:48
konrad11901wxl, tsimonq2: anyone there?10:14
omairqazihi kyrofa12:42
omairqazihi @popey12:45
omairqaziwill mentors be online tomorrow12:46
omairqazior is there a holiday?12:47
popeySome mentors will be on vacation until ~2nd Jan12:52
popeyHow can I help?12:52
m4sk1nare davidcalle or degville on vacation too?13:02
omairqazi@popey well kyrofa asked me to release my snap to stable and he will approve my task13:09
popeycan you link to the task please?13:10
omairqaziyes https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6029734162989056/13:10
degvillem4sk1n: yes, sorry. We had hoped to have some time this week, but it has just been too busy.13:11
m4sk1nok, I understand13:11
degvilleThanks m4sk1n.13:12
omairqazi@popey https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6029734162989056/13:14
popeyomairqazi: I'm looking, one moment13:14
omairqazi@popey ok13:14
popeyomairqazi: done13:15
omairqazi@popey thanks!!13:16
omairqazi@popey i tried registering instantnews but the name was not available so i used omairqazi-instantnews13:17
omairqazi@popey if you can transfer the name instantnews to me then i can edit my snap name and publish it as instantnews13:17
popeyomairqazi: I think the process of registering a name needs improving. The name is pre-registered, but you can request it gets transferred to you.13:17
popeyWe should make that more clear13:17
popeyDid you use "snapcraft register instantnews" when you did that? Or did you do it via the web dashboard?13:18
omairqaziterminal throws The name 'instantnews' is already taken.  We can if needed rename snaps to ensure they match the expectations of most users. If you are the publisher most users expect for 'instantnews' then claim the name at 'https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/register-snap/?series=16&name=instantnews'13:19
popeyyeah, I think that the first sentence is misleading13:19
popeyI will file a bug against our tools to get that improved. Thanks!13:20
omairqazi@popey your welcome. what if i can file a bug13:20
popeyIt's fine. I don't mind doing it :) I will post you a link in here if you want to comment on it.13:21
popeythat's the line I have a problem with13:22
omairqazi@popey ok its fine13:23
omairqazi@popey can i go and claim another task now?13:24
popeysure, I approved the last one13:24
popeyomairqazi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1740500 - bug filed :)13:29
ubot93Launchpad bug 1740500 in Snapcraft "'The name <foo> is already taken' is a poor experience" [Undecided, New]13:29
omairqazihi my connection was lost13:37
omairqazi@popey can you add the label 'bug' to this https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6425720735662080/13:53
omairqazi@popey can you add the label 'bug' to this https://github.com/canonical-docs/snappy-docs/issues/28313:56
ubot93Issue 283 in canonical-docs/snappy-docs "(Rust) Error in Rust Snap Creation Tutorial" [Open]13:56
popeyJust having lunch, will do when back at my desk13:57
omairqazi@popey Oh! sorry for disturbing you13:58
konrad11901popey, after eating lunch, could you take a look at my submission, please (https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4900635512143872/)? You're not a mentor of this task, but kyrofa has already checked it, and I've done what he suggested. Thanks in advance and sorry for bothering you!14:00
popeySure. 10 mins14:03
konrad11901great! :)14:04
popeyomairqazi: seems I don't have permission to add tags to that bug14:11
popeykonrad11901: that one looks like it needs kyrofa , sorry14:13
omairqazi@popey ok but since you are the mentor you can approve my task https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6425720735662080/14:22
konrad11901popey: ok, thanks anyway14:22
omairqazi@popey please take a look at my submission https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6425720735662080/14:40
=== shivam is now known as Guest48369
raihii evryone15:10
omairqazi@popey you replied on my task but did not approve it. does this mean that more work is needed https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6425720735662080/15:14
* popey looks15:14
popeyMy mistake, sorry15:15
popeyNow done15:15
omairqazi@popey thanks btw, how did you write this comment '* popey looks'15:16
popey /me looks15:16
popey^ like that15:16
raihey popey what is the time there15:17
raiaa jaye15:18
raisuraj on your left there is written rai click on that and click query15:19
m4sk1npopey: so will there be lxd translation task as I suggested?15:52
popeyI spoke to the lead maintainer and he was positive about it15:52
popeySo yes, there will be, when we have a bit of time to make them15:52
m4sk1nkyrofa: sergiusens: (not sure who replied me last time), is my snapcraft PR ok now?16:03
* omairqazi yo16:05
omairqazi^ m16:05
konrad11901wxl: are you there?16:40
wxlyep konrad1190116:40
omairqazi@popey please take a look https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6525033667100672/16:41
popeyomairqazi: done :)16:42
popey(clicked the right button too!)16:42
omairqazi@popey LOL Thanks :)16:43
konrad11901wxl: I have two questions about these tests from Upgrade Lubuntu testsuite. First: which image should I use for Upgrade (Image) and Upgrade LTS (image) tests? Lubuntu Desktop daily or another one?16:43
wxlkonrad11901: the purpose is to test upgrading from the most recent releases to the development image16:44
wxlkonrad11901: so Upgrade is Artful → Bionic and Upgrade LTS is Xenial → Bionic16:45
wxlin both cases, you use the Bionic images. alternate or desktop doesn't matter.16:45
konrad11901ok, I'm sorry if some of my questions are silly, I just want to be sure about what I'm doing16:47
wxlno problem16:47
wxli mean if you were wrong i'd figure it out XD16:47
wxli have my ways16:47
konrad11901and the second question: I executed the command "grep Prompt= /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades" after upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04, and I got another result than expected (Prompt=normal). Should I file a bug?16:48
wxlthat's curious indeed16:48
wxlwas this a fresh install of xenial?16:49
konrad11901Yes, I checked this setting before upgrading, and it was LTS16:49
konrad11901*by the way16:50
wxlyes, please file a bug16:50
wxlagainst update-manager16:50
konrad11901that's all I wanted to know, thanks wxl!16:50
wxlnp. thank YOU!16:51
kyrofaHey there folks18:43
konrad11901Hi kyrofa! Could you check my submission please? :)18:47
kyrofakonrad11901, just finished, almost there but you have a test failure now18:47
konrad11901yeah, I see, sorry for that! I'll fix it in a while18:48
konrad11901kyrofa: fixed18:52
kyrofakonrad11901, looks good, I'll have to wait for the tests pass to approve, but I suspect they will18:55
konrad11901I hope so, but considering that I'm a very lucky person... :D18:57
konrad11901who knows?18:57
konrad11901tsimonq2: I see that you've set the status of bug #1739715 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/lubuntu-next/+bug/1739715) to "Invalid", but it looks like this bug still occurs. Yes, you've given the correct credentials (lubuntu-next/blank password), but shouldn't it login automatically, without asking for username and password?20:52
ubot93Launchpad bug 1739715 in Lubuntu Next "Live session asks for login" [Undecided, Invalid]20:52
tsimonq2konrad11901: Right, that's a known bug. :)20:53
wxlif it's a known bug, it shouldn't be invalid20:53
wxl(also fyi it's per se)20:54
tsimonq2wxl: right, but the bug reported is different20:55
tsimonq2Feel free to rename the bug and change the status, one of you :)20:55
wxlthe purpose of bug reports is not to get rid of them but to turn them into useful information grr20:56
konrad11901Isn't the name already correct?20:56
tsimonq2wxl: Well that's what I'm saying20:56
tsimonq2konrad11901: Right, I think20:56
wxltsimonq2: but that's not what you did, as a triager20:56
wxltsimonq2: that said, YOU fix it20:56
tsimonq2wxl: Alright20:57
tsimonq2(later, just about to leave...20:57
m4sk1nkyrofa: is my typehints PR ok now?21:06
konrad11901wxl: and by the way, I did the "Upgrade (image)" and "Upgrade LTS (image)" tests, and at the end of the upgrading process, I got a message saying that an error occured while restoring previously-installed applications. The upgrade itself succeed though. I was upgrading from clean installs of Lubuntu 16.04.3 and 17.10. Is that normal?21:07
wxlkonrad11901: hm maybe, maybe not. look through /var/log especially for apt or dpkg things to see if you can find any idea where the problem was21:08
konrad11901ok, I'll check it21:09
konrad11901wxl: found some logs that may or may not be useful, if you can, please take a look at them in your free time: /var/log/installer/syslog: https://pastebin.com/5S5KQP51 (especially from line 1391) and /var/log/apt/history.log: https://pastebin.com/NkPtWhtR (from line 19). Thanks!22:00
konrad11901these are from 17.10 -> 18.04 upgrade22:00
wxlkonrad11901: did you install the third party drivers when you did that install?23:54
wxlkonrad11901: nevermind that. i think that's a non issue. can you please look to see if there's a dist-upgrade or update-manager log or folder in /var/log?23:56
wxli think i see the problem but i'm not sure why. i'm curious if other systems might have the same issue23:57
wxlmeaning other flavours23:57
wxlthe major problem as i see it (outside of some weird complaing from ubiquity which you may file a bug against; i've never noticed those before, but maybe that *IS* the case?) is:23:59
wxlDec 29 21:33:19 lubuntu ubiquity: WARNING:root:can't add libv4l-0 (E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.)23:59
wxlDec 29 21:33:19 lubuntu ubiquity: WARNING:root:can't add libvorbis0a (E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.)23:59
wxlDec 29 21:33:19 lubuntu ubiquity: WARNING:root:can't add libvorbisenc2 (E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.)23:59
wxlthree broken packages of some kind23:59

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