[00:10] it's like they never have to deal with snow in apple hq in california or something... :-) https://www.spudart.org/blog/design-flaw-apple-flagship-store/ [00:13] hahaha [00:18] ice in california? Heck [00:19] only in their drinks... [00:24] nah the store is in Chicago [09:54] morning boys and girls. [10:16] o/ === twager is now known as G3TPI [10:27] o/ [11:17] SFW - http://ttte.wikia.com/wiki/Journey_Beyond_Sodor [16:09] well, at least the rain is washing away the little snow we had [16:14] We didn't have snow, just torrential sleet when I was halfway round walking the dog this morning, mostly dry since then [16:39] we just had about an hour of it around 10am [18:57] hi