
wxlit will be interesting to see if the regular upgrade causes the same problem or if it's just the image00:00
wxli guess it would help, also, to know what exact error or errors you saw00:01
wxlcould you get me a screenshot maybe?00:01
wxlkonrad11901: i would love it if you could work towards trying to figure this out. but even if you don't have time for that, mention it in the task instance and the lubuntu team will run with it00:33
razetimeHello elopio, kyrofa, sergiusens, popey and flexiondotorg.03:07
tsimonq2wxl: Hey04:14
tsimonq2wxl: About that GCI task04:14
tsimonq2wxl: Dailies aren't working04:14
tsimonq2wxl: I need an MP to lp:ubuntu-cdimage to fix it.04:14
tsimonq2wxl: Please cut them some slack on it. ;)04:14
tsimonq2wxl: Look at the timestamps: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/pending/04:15
* omairqazi installing freeplane snap05:53
omairqazi@popey please take a look https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4600140054659072/07:24
omairqaziAccelerator how many ubuntu tasks have you completed (please dont be secretive)07:25
AcceleratorI don't think it would be wise to tell u everything😉😉07:27
omairqaziAccelerator :(07:28
Acceleratoromairqazi  :)07:28
omairqaziAccelerator :(07:29
omairqaziAccelerator :p07:29
omairqaziAccelerator I have completed about 8 tasks07:30
omairqazi @popey hi07:31
mallenballoons: Are you happy with me adding this as a task, as the QATracker script isn't functional on the newest versions of Ubuntu, if so I'll get it published - https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6279629973225472/07:32
omairqazi@popey hi07:39
omairqazidaniellimws: hi07:42
konrad11901wxl: there is a "dist-upgrade" directory, but it's empty, I'll send you a screenshot of the error in a while, also I'll check the logs of a normal upgrade (using update-manager)08:18
konrad11901wxl: http://i.imgur.com/bYu9wvW.png08:25
omairqazi@popey please take a look https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4600140054659072/08:30
daniellimwsomairqazi: hi08:46
daniellimwsAccelerator: hi09:04
omairqazidaniellimws: hi09:05
Acceleratordaniellimws: Hi there...back from holidays?09:05
daniellimwssaw some cancer happening in the past few days09:05
omairqazidaniellimws: how many tasks? :p09:05
daniellimwsanother guy that is similar to foxy09:06
daniellimwsor girl09:06
omairqazidaniellimws really?09:07
daniellimwswasn't there someone called RAI09:07
Acceleratordaniellimws: Don't remind me...that was torture09:08
Acceleratorhe is still here09:08
omairqazii don't know what you guys are talking09:08
Acceleratorbe back later...u willl understand everything09:09
omairqazi@popey there?09:12
daniellimwshi I would like to report a bug regarding snap, should I report it on the snapcraft or snapd launchpad09:28
razetimehello I'd like tot alk to my mentors09:30
razetimeAre thy onlinw09:30
daniellimwsdon't think so09:31
daniellimwsrazetime: I think popey will come online in 3-4 hours09:31
razetimeThanks daniel09:32
daniellimwsrazetime: what is it about?09:32
daniellimwsnot receiving responses on your task?09:32
razetimeI need help choosing anodejs project to snap09:33
razetimeI'm a bit confused on how to snap a project someone else made09:33
daniellimwsrazetime: do you have any in mind?09:34
razetimeI'd like to try snapping the Ethereum IDE09:35
daniellimwsrazetime: I suppose you can give it a try first, no need to wait for a mentor. If you face any problems you can ask them here and some people may be able to help out09:41
daniellimwsbecause mentors normally don't come online during weekends09:43
konrad11901wxl: I don't see anything unusual in the logs after upgrading with update-manager. You can check them by yourself if you want: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_wOEdQHek5Ukz1UURIMaJdqzu1j0hhLn09:52
Acceleratordaniellimws: I forgot to ask...what happened to your automating tests task?10:45
omairqazidoes anybody know the mentor martin wimpress10:57
popeyomairqazi: that's flexiondotorg11:02
omairqazi@popey thanks11:05
m4sk1nwhy they all worry about number of completed tasks?11:05
m4sk1nquality > quantity11:05
flexiondotorgomairqazi: Can I help you with something?11:07
popeycan I help?11:14
daniellimwsAccelerator: still working on it :#11:33
daniellimwspopey: I would like to report a bug about snap, should I do it in snapcraft or snapd launchpad11:34
popeywhats the bug?11:39
popeyif it's something that occurs when building a snap using snapcraft then probably launchpad.net/snapcraft if it's a bug after you install the snap, probably launchpad.net/snapd, but let us know what the issue is and I can direct you11:40
daniellimwspopey: it'll probably no matter of importance, but when I try snap find " " I get this https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26284811/11:49
popeytotally a bug :)11:50
popeywonder if that's snapd or the store itself. I'd file against snapd, because whatever the store returns, it should interpret that and give you a decent answer11:50
popeyNice find.11:51
daniellimwspopey: ok, thanks11:52
m4sk1ndegville: davidcalle: just small question, can I point to my fork as feedback_url for my tutorials? I have enabled issues12:36
omairqazi@popey flexiondotorg: please take a look at my submission https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4856214728998912/13:20
popeyomairqazi: looking now13:31
omairqazi@popey thanks!13:39
omairqazi_@popey flexiondotorg: hi, please take a look at my submission https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6396314034110464/14:02
omairqazi_@popey flexiondotorg: hi, please take a look at my submission https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5658422278094848/14:23
popeyDone (both)14:24
omairqazi_@popey thanks14:25
omairqazi_@popey flexiondotorg: hi, please take a look at my submission https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4552605772546048/15:27
konrad11901wxl: I set some links here about six hours ago (screenshot with an error and logs from update-manager). Do you see them?15:28
wxlyeah still reviewing15:28
konrad11901ok :)15:28
wxlit would be really helpful if all this went into a comment on the GCI task15:29
konrad11901ok, I'll write a comment, give me a second15:29
wxloh ho. when did you do the original update, konrad11901? the one that failed? what day?15:29
wxloh nevermind.15:29
wxlthe 29th15:29
konrad11901yes, the 29th15:30
omairqazi_+wxl i am new to QATracker so should i do some other task before doing this task https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5005646330068992/?sp-organization=5133577048031232&sp-is_beginner=False15:31
konrad11901but I did the upgrade using update-manager today (30th December)15:31
konrad11901just saying15:31
wxlomairqazi_: you could do one of the testing tasks that actually uses the tracker?15:31
konrad11901oh, wxl, I can't create a comment to gci task, because I'm still waiting for my previous task to be reviewed (fixing a bitesize bug, the mentors are: elopio, kyrofa, sergiusens)15:32
wxloh well save it for later :)15:32
omairqazi_+wxl can you send me a link to the task to start with15:33
wxlomairqazi_: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5129680086630400/15:33
wxlkonrad11901: do you have both installs still? can you see what version of libvorbisenc2 they have installed?15:34
omairqazi_So after doing the iso tracker tasks i should do the setting development environment for qa tracker task, right?15:34
omairqazi_So after doing the iso tracker tasks i should do the setting development environment for qa tracker task, right? +wxl15:35
wxlomairqazi_: you could probably do it without doing that task. but it will help familiarize you with what the tracker actually is and what it's for.15:35
omairqazi_thanks +wxl15:36
wxlomairqazi_: fyi to save your fingers the "+" is not part of my nick, but indicates a particular user mode on irc. you can easily highlight nicks without using any prepending @ or +15:37
konrad11901wxl: which installs do you have in mind? 18.04 upgraded with update-manager and 18.04 upgraded with image?15:37
wxlkonrad11901: yes but more appropriately, the one that fails and the one that works :)15:37
omairqazi_ok wxl15:38
konrad11901wxl: both of them succeed theoretically ;)15:38
konrad11901but one with an error :D15:38
omairqazi_popey, there?15:38
wxlwell yeah the one that succeeds and the one that fails quietly XD15:39
konrad11901yeah, I have them (more precisely: I have snapshots of them), give me a while :)15:40
konrad11901wxl: so, the version of libvorbisenc2 from 18.04 upgraded with update-manager (without errors) is 1.3.5-4.1...15:46
konrad11901...and the version of this package from 18.04 upgraded with image is exactly the same15:47
wxlthat's bizaare15:47
wxlif you run `sudo apt install -f` on the "broken" one, anything interesting?15:47
konrad11901nothing (0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded)15:48
wxlso i'm thinking it's not vorbis that was the issue15:49
wxlso that makes me think ubiquity15:49
konrad11901Should I file a bug against ubiquity?15:50
wxli would suggest trying some other flavor (like kubuntu) and following the upgrade process again. if you get the same basic problem, then yes.15:50
konrad11901ok, I'll try with an other flavor15:50
* wxl has, tbh, *NEVER* upgraded from image and very rarely recommended it15:50
konrad11901wxl: should I firstly update Kubuntu 16.04 using "sudo apt upgrade" and then proceed with upgrading to 18.04 or can I just upgrade to Bionic directly?15:59
wxlkonrad11901: were those lubuntu tests from xenial -> bionic?15:59
konrad11901I've done tests from xenial -> bionic and artful -> bionic, both with the same results (I gave you the logs from 17.10->18,04)16:01
wxloh whoa they BOTH have the error?16:01
wxli'm going to say upgrade to bionic directly16:02
konrad11901but I haven't checked the logs from 16.04 to 18.04 though16:02
konrad11901but the error was the same16:02
konrad11901I'm starting to wonder if I've done something not as I should16:04
konrad11901I'll probably repeat the upgrade process in my free time, to be sure16:04
wxli personally haven't tested this yet so i'm not sure :)16:04
konrad11901umm, wxl, does Kubuntu installer provide an option to upgrade the installed Kubuntu?16:19
wxlit should. it's the same installer16:19
konrad11901any advice?16:22
wxloh hm16:29
wxlmaybe kubuntu disabled the image update. their upgrade testcases don't include it. shoot.16:29
konrad11901yeah, I saw that, so I'm now trying with Xubuntu16:29
wxlubuntu mate does, though16:29
wxloh yeah xubuntu waaaay down at the bottom XD16:29
konrad11901wxl: the same error16:47
wxlkonrad11901: ok, i'm gonna call that a bug against ubiquity.16:48
wxlwhile you're in there, just ubuntu-bug ubiquity16:48
konrad11901ok, give me a second, I'll firstly check the logs16:49
konrad11901ok, that's interesting, there are no warnings about vorbis in logs this time16:55
konrad11901but the rest of the log (in this part) is almost the same16:55
omairqazihi popey17:00
wxlyeah that confirms my feelings17:00
konrad11901Ok, reported (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1740613)17:07
ubot93Launchpad bug 1740613 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "'Error restoring installed applications' while upgrading to 18.04 using the image" [Undecided, New]17:07
omairqazii want to be in the mailing list17:12
wxlomairqazi: which one? http://lists.ubuntu.com/17:13
omairqaziyes the gci one17:13
wxloh that one17:14
wxli'd have to find that..17:14
omairqazihey i found a problem17:17
omairqazion gci if you go to ubuntu organization page17:24
omairqaziwhen you select mailing list17:24
heesenkyrofa,could you please take a look at my task17:24
omairqaziit will redirect you to google summer of code17:24
wxlheesen: just fyi he hasn't been here in over 22 hours17:25
heesenwxl,any idea when he will be back17:25
wxlheesen: no17:25
wxlomairqazi: ah yes, the internal list. haven't seen much activity tbh, but we've used it for gci, too.17:27
omairqazihow do i join it17:28
wxlfollow the instructions on the page17:28
omairqazido you know when popey or flexiondotorg will coe online17:43
wxlwell you do have to remember it's holiday time17:44
wxlbut they were around a few hours ago17:44
konrad11901By the way, is there any IRC channel for Google Code-in participants?17:48
wxli think so17:48
wxllet me see17:48
wxlnot finding anything off hand :/17:49
konrad11901hmm, I think I've found something...17:50
konrad11901I'll try it17:50
konrad11901hmm, ok, it looks like this what I've been looking for, but there are only 18 users :D17:51
Acceleratoruh why does that channel exists lol?17:53
wxlomairqazi: you still there?17:54
popeyapproved his :)17:54
konrad11901Accelerator: I don't know tbh XD17:55
kyrofaHey there everyone22:29
kyrofaGoing through my queue here if anyone has questions22:29
kyrofaHey there m4sk1n. Your snapcraft PR looks good, by the way23:00
m4sk1nready to be merged?23:01
m4sk1nkyrofa: should I reclaim the task? would you approve it?23:08
kyrofaIt's not ready to be merged just yet, we need at least two PR reviews, but yeah, I'd approve it23:16
m4sk1nkyrofa: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4702687448793088/23:17
m4sk1nwhat’s going on with the deadline?23:24
m4sk1ndoes it mean that I won’t be able to claim these tasks?23:24
m4sk1noh, I misunderstood something23:25
kyrofaI'm not sure...23:32
kyrofaOh, okay all good then23:32
kyrofaAlrighty, I'm out!23:44

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