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IrcsomeBot1<DGUERRERO> @Weslerson, Hi! This is a English support channel, for support in Portuguese, you can search for Ubuntu Brazil team channel04:06
aftrshockhi. I last used Kubunto in 2008. I want to try it again. I'm planning on a Win 10 / 17.10 dual boot, with W10 already installed. is it necessary to set partitions in W10 before installation or will the Kubuntu installer offer the option (I seem to remember installing Ubuntu in 2012 and it handled it, in the installer). Thanks06:31
daxthe Kubuntu installer can handle it06:31
aftrshockI've got it in a USB key, reboot into BIOS and set (E:) as first boot , correct?06:32
aftrshock*Kubuntu sorry06:32
daxdepends on your firmware, but yes something like that06:35
aftrshockDoes Plama come pre packaged with 17.10 or will I need to install it?06:36
daxKubuntu uses Plasma out of the box, that's kinda the point06:37
aftrshockthe guide on ubuntubuzz makes it sound I like I need to partition before I even start the isntallation if my goal is a dual boot06:42
aftrshockHi. I used rufus to make my boot USB, I set my BIOS to boot legacy USB first, it worked fine, unforunately it booted into the artful aarvark wallpaper (blank) and got stuck there. I read this is due to the tool I used to write the .iso to USB, is that correct?09:10
otomoHi could someone with Kubuntu 17.10 verify if this sha1sum its correct for tcpd:09:48
otomof4d0343ed2ad94ab33de1e4b59e6e045e28070d8  /usr/sbin/tcpd09:49
otomoor where I could find myself the original sha1sum of tcpd to compare09:49
BluesKaj'Morning all10:58
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kaddii just started kile and it says "the standard tool list need to be reloaded because of the switch from kde3 to kde4. This will overwrite any changes in the tools you have made".. I'm running 17.10 and what I thought was KDE5, is Kile no longer being maintained?15:48
BluesKajkaddi, afaict kile is still using kde4 dependencies15:52
BluesKajbut it's till listed in the repos15:52
kaddipoor kile.. all good things come to an end15:53
acheronukAFAIK there is works at KDE towards a Qt5 port, but not a stable release of that yet15:53
kaddiit's a great program, would be a pity to lose it really15:54
acheronukwork in progress: https://cgit.kde.org/kile.git/log/15:54
acheronukso hopefully soon a new version15:55
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=== claydoh is now known as Guest84301
afrtshockLast night I tried to install Kubuntu dual boot with Win 10, and I used Rufus to write the .iso to USB stick. I booted off the USB stick, it got to the Aardvark wallpaper (blank) and froze. I read this is become of the app (Rufus) that wrote the .iso. Does that sound right? I must use a different app? Windows won't let me burn a DVDR cause it says there's no disc in the drive.18:04
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mparilloI have never used Rufus, but I have heard it is most successful in dd mode.21:58
kuloHello anyone around?22:21
kuloI've used Rufus, I prefer it to unetbootin22:24
=== claydoh is now known as Guest49994

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