
lotuspsychjecopy1: testing 3 systems on bionic, all work like a charm09:47
copy1lotuspsychje: sorry for the wrong chan09:47
lotuspsychjecopy1: so yes, bionic iso's work09:47
copy1kk will double check again, because I couldn't get the Live CD bootet, and I somehow won't risk the Installer, as this is my only pc09:48
daxrunning an unreleased Ubuntu build on a computer that you need to work is a fairly bad idea09:49
copy1nah, it's not for work, just my pc for distro hopping, but I forgot my laptop at a friends house...09:49
lotuspsychjecopy1: we are still in pre-alpha stage right now09:50
copy1as long as I get a terminal, should be fine. 09:50
lotuspsychjecopy1: have you encountered errors booting?09:51
copy1just a black screen with the cursor, nothing more (after the bootsplash)09:51
copy1so even x/wayland won't start up (with the live usb09:52
copy1(and as I have no idea about the root/user password for the tty can't do anything)09:52
lotuspsychjecopy1: what graphics chipset?09:52
copy1amd hd 777009:53
lotuspsychjeradeon here, no issues and dax got also amd09:53
copy1will double check, first with the downloaded iso (md5 is perfect) (its the iso from the 21.) after that maybe the from today, let's see which one works09:54
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic bionic09:55
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB09:55
lotuspsychjeLinux R00TBOOK 4.13.0-17-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 6 10:04:08 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:56
daxLinux violet 4.15.0-041500rc5-generic #201712240530 SMP Sun Dec 24 05:31:14 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:56
dax(mainline PPA)09:56
lotuspsychjedax: your playing with latest always?09:57
daxnah, just until 4.15 comes out09:57
copy1dax: only for dc?09:57
daxcopy1: yeah, 'cause of DC09:57
copy1ever tried it with gcn1.0?09:58
lotuspsychjecopy1: hey let us know if your wayland/gnome is lagging on your card after install?09:59
lotuspsychjegot a few bugs i wanna sort09:59
daxnope, my Pitcairn was always fine on radeon, so I didn't bother. retired it in favor of an rx480 back when amdgpu was very not finished09:59
daxwell, not very. but the SI support wasn't there09:59
copy1sure I will, will just switch to my phone now, as I wanna boot up that ISO09:59
copy1dax: hope they will sort everything out. I'm also totally perfect with radeon, but it kinda itches me :X10:00
copy1Interestingly now it works, just takes way longer than normal (we are talking about 5 mins till the desktop pops up)10:05
flocculantcopy1: I've been seeing that (xubuntu and ubuntu) since the cycle start - gave up asking questions10:06
flocculantnot 5 minutes mind you - but about 2.5 minutes10:06
copy1Hm, very Strange 10:06
flocculantyea - originally thought it was vm's - but hardware is the dsame10:07
copy1Ah, would like to use vms but my cpu is too old :(10:08
copy1I just have a sandy bridge Pentium -.-10:09
copy1lotuspsychje: any bugs I should look out for?10:14
lotuspsychjecopy1: are you in?10:14
copy1Last few sec before the install is done 10:15
lotuspsychjecopy1: real install or try ubunt?10:15
copy1Real install10:15
copy1Hm cool installer crashed (while he installed grub)10:15
lotuspsychjecopy1: cool, yes try the wayland session, and test laggyness of mouse/programs launch/overall system smoothness10:16
copy1Good that I can’t use the reporting tool after the installer crashed (the window is not closable)10:18
lotuspsychjewb copy1 10:32
lotuspsychjecopy1: bypassed the crash?10:32
copy1Still not in the installed system, can’t get grub to install as he can’t find the x86_64-efi files10:33
lotuspsychjecopy1: have you setup uefi settings correctly to install ubuntu?10:33
lotuspsychjecopy1: secureboot off, fastboot off?10:34
copy1Both off10:34
copy1But I think I found the bug10:34
copy1I think it’s my uefi (which is crap)10:35
copy1lotuspsychje: so after some testing, I would say, mouse smoothness is perfectly fine (in comparison to tumbleweed) program smoothness is a little rough, for me especially Firefox 10:59
lotuspsychjecopy1: but once fireofx running its not lagging anymore i presume?11:00
copy1(After Boot the system IS a Little laggy (in comparison to arch)11:00
lotuspsychjecopy1: this is on wayland right?11:00
lotuspsychjecopy1: can you go test the xorg session to compare smoothness plz?11:01
copy1Sure give me a few mins11:01
lotuspsychjesure mate tyt11:01
copy1No problem :) 11:03
copy1but I just found out, everything was on X (i thought the default is wayland?)11:03
lotuspsychjecopy1: you can switch at login (with gear icon)11:04
copy1Nope it’s not there 11:04
lotuspsychjecopy1: when you type your password, you should be able to click the session11:05
copy1As I told you ;)11:06
lotuspsychjeso weird11:07
lotuspsychjedax: you had that on your grafix card?11:07
daxnop, i have a gear thing11:08
copy1I never had such a problem, so for myself it’s weird :/11:09
lotuspsychjea new mystery11:09
lotuspsychjecopy1: did you check system monitor if it was xorg or wayland?11:09
copy1It’s xorg11:10
lotuspsychjedig into your logs why wayland isnt there copy1 11:11
copy1That’s what I’m doing right now11:12
copy1Honestly I think that’s a thing I have to do another time, because even after switching to wayland (in the dm) he switches back to xorg11:17
copy1lotuspsychje: im sorry but so much free time I didn’t plan to have today, and I still have to prepare for this evening 11:18
lotuspsychjeno prob mate, to be continued11:18
copy1But I can use Weston 11:18
copy1While digging, I tested also to just install another wm, which still didn’t show me the gear, so there has to be something bigger missing 11:20
lotuspsychjecopy1: perhaps alpha1 will fix that11:35
copy1I hope so, but I still hope I can find the time to dig into it to find the culprit 11:36
lotuspsychjecopy1: oh, did you update system during setup?11:37
lotuspsychje!info gdm11:37
ubottuPackage gdm does not exist in bionic11:37
lotuspsychje!find gdm11:37
ubottuFound: gdm3, gir1.2-gdm-1.0, libgdm-dev, libgdm1, gdmap, liblcgdm-dev, liblcgdm1, peace-gdm-theme, sabily-gdm-themes, tropic-gdm-theme (and 1 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gdm&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all11:37
lotuspsychje!info gdm311:37
ubottugdm3 (source: gdm3): GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 271 kB, installed size 1792 kB (Only available for linux-any)11:37
copy1I did an update, just to be sure to be on the newest version11:38
lotuspsychjegot this version of gdm3?11:39
copy1And I think gdm is preinstalled or?11:39
copy1Double check in a few mins 11:39
lotuspsychje!info gnome-session-wayland11:41
ubottugnome-session-wayland (source: gnome-session): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME 3 session (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.26.1-0ubuntu8 (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 42 kB11:41
copy1lotuspsychje: Gdm3 is the same version, gnome-session-wayland I had to install but nothing changed11:42
lotuspsychjefound the bug11:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1729249 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "Only Ubuntu on Xorg is default" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:42
lotuspsychjeso its known11:43
copy1Good ^^11:45
lotuspsychjecopy1: seems like this also: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/171420311:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1714203 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "Cannot select a session after a fresh installation - No selection is available in gdm" [High,Won't fix]11:51
lotuspsychjeand another one wth..11:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1724583 in gdm3 (Fedora) "gdm3 in Ubuntu 17.10 doesn't list wayland sessions when using hybrid graphics" [Medium,Confirmed]11:52
copy1lotuspsychje: very interesting, will test it out, when I come back (after midnight). Thanks for pointing me in the right direction ;)11:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1723577 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "No login screen (mutter silently goes headless) on some AMD GPUs" [Critical,Fix released]11:55
lotuspsychjejesus lol11:55
copy1Hm a few people seem to be affected 11:58
lotuspsychjeseems like a hybrid grafix problem11:58
copy1But good to know I am not the only one (but have every single one of them)11:59

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