
pleia2popey: people keep joining the #ubuntu-doc channel asking about google code-in things, and no one who lurks there seems to know anything about it, can you clue us in?15:55
wxlpleia2: ask them to provide a link to their task instance. there must be something in the description that suggests that for some reason15:56
pleia2they seem to be having a really poor experience since no one is hanging out there to help them out, I had never even heard about tutorials.ubuntu.com15:56
pleia2wxl: I am not around enough to pitch in here, I usually see the messages after they've left15:56
pleia2it would be good if someone leading this could join15:56
wxlah actually that's the hint i need15:56
pleia2at least an email to ubuntu-doc telling us that students would be pointed our direction would have been nice15:58
wxli'm not sure that's the case15:58
popeyAre there tasks which point students to that channel?15:58
pleia2I don't even know where the tasks are15:59
wxlpopey: i'd start by looking at the tutorials one15:59
wxlas that's something one of the students (or more) mentioned15:59
pleia2all I've found was https://community.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-participation-in-google-code-in/271 announcing it back in October15:59
pleia2it's a lot of people though, coming in through webchat15:59
pleia2usually no one talks there :)16:00
popeyI'd rather we pointed people at the #ubuntu-google  channel16:00
popeyAs we all hang out there16:01
popeyWe can edit the tasks to use an active channel16:02
pleia2thank you16:03
pleia2I mean, I think the team would be happy to help if 1) we were told 2) we had anything to do with tutorials.ubuntu.com16:03
wxlyeah that would be a bit problematic XD16:04
popeyI think it was just assumed that the doc channel was were the people who look after tutorials site hung out16:09
pleia2according to https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/01/20/tutorials-ubuntu-com-goes-live/ it looks like it's a Canonical-driven thing that communicates mostly via GitHub16:26
pleia2the docs team works on help.ubuntu.com, which still uses launchpad, bzr, the wiki and the ubuntu-doc mailing list16:28
wxlpopey: you working on fixing those? i can help now if need be16:30
popeyI'll take  a look now16:31
wxli'll work from the bottom up, you go top down :)16:31
wxli'll just change to ubuntu-google? or leave well enough alone?16:31
wxls/leave well enough alone/remove the IRC reference altogether/16:31
wxlthe way i read it, it suggests that the channel is a resource for help in re: keeping to ubuntu doc styles?16:32
popeyi just changed the last line16:32
popey"* Join the IRC channel #ubuntu-doc on freenode"16:32
pleia2where are these tasks?16:33
wxlwhat did you change it to?16:33
wxlpleia2: example https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6319153562517504/16:33
wxlthey're all on the GCI website16:33
wxlof course you probably won't even be able to see that16:34
pleia2wxl: doesn't seem public :\16:34
wxlremove the "dashboard" from the URL16:34
pleia2ah, https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/?sp-organization=513357704803123216:34
popeyi just changed -doc to -google16:34
popeydone ~20 of them16:34
wxlaw shoot16:35
popey(there are 80)16:35
popey( just searched for 'tutorial' in the task dashboard)16:35
popeyseems I missed some, as some have the web chat link at the top16:36
popeyI'll do  keep going on them :)16:36
wxli'll look out for that16:36
popeyThanks for letting us know about the mistake pleia216:46
popeyMuch appreciated!16:46
pleia2just learned that the channel is mentioned on https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-guidelines#916:46
pleia2"Join the #ubuntu-doc channel on Freenode IRC to chat with the doc team and share your thoughts16:46
pleia2so this seems like a pretty awful mess, there's never been any discussion about this site with the docs team, but they tell people to talk to us x_x16:47
wxlyeah we'll need to talk to those folks16:47
pleia2I'm dropping an info email to the ubuntu-doc list now in case anyone else is as confused as I am16:47
popeyTo be fair, the people who maintained that site are actually in the -doc channel16:49
wxlhere's that tutorial https://github.com/canonical-websites/tutorials.ubuntu.com/blob/master/tutorials/community/tutorial-guidelines.md16:50
wxlyou could certainly file an issue against it, pleia2. that might be a good start16:50
pleia2popey: why don't they respond to any of the questions?16:50
popeyover the last few days, probably afk on vacation mostly16:51
popeyI don't always reply on irc unless pinged directly16:51
wxlcaldav and didirocks are the big contributors to that particular tutorial16:51
popeylooks like that line was added about a month ago.16:51
wxlyep and by caldav16:52
wxlaka, in our world, davidcalle16:52
popeyI think the assumption was just that documentation = -doc channel, so that was the default sane place to point people on irc16:52
wxlor davidc3 on launchpad16:53
pleia2the topic of the channel is pretty clear as to what the team is for ;) I don't think the team would mind other documentation efforts joining it, but no one told us16:54
pleia2feels a little unsettling to have our channel hijacked, and it makes us look bad16:54
pleia2can't imagine it looks great when students join and we have no idea what they're talking about either16:55
wxlhe doesn't appear to be on the docs team so that may have something to do with not spreading the word XD16:55
pleia2I'll include David on this email I send to the doc team16:55
wxlyeah well, honestly, it's kind of been an issue in general over the past week due to the holidays. the timing sucks16:56
popeyI don't think the intention was to hijack anything.16:57
popeyJust point people at the most appropriate channel.16:57
wxloh i agree with that16:58

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