
darsh1706What I have to do?06:00
omairqazihi balloons wxl flexiondotorg and mallen , please take a look at my submission https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4984898123202560/08:13
konrad11901omairqazi: have you only completed one testcase?08:29
konrad11901"Install (entire disk)"?08:30
omairqaziyup konrad1190108:34
konrad11901omairqazi: you should complete the whole testsuite if you want your task to be approved08:35
omairqaziok thanks08:36
omairqazikonrad11901: so did you use vm09:22
omairqazikonrad11901: and completed all testcases09:22
konrad11901omairqazi: Yes, I used VM and completed all the testcases in other tasks (these with Lubuntu), about the Kubuntu testsuite, I'm now doing the tests10:35
konrad11901Has anyone tried to do OEM install of Kubuntu 18.04? I'm now trying to do it, everything is OK until the end-user configuration screen - after configuring Kubuntu, I ended up with a black screen, I tried to reboot the OS, but still the same...11:42
Acceleratorkonrad11901: Sorry..maybe wxl can help you with that one :(11:51
omairqaziWho is Martin Wimpress12:19
Acceleratorit's him12:22
omairqazihi flexiondotorg, there?13:03
flexiondotorgomairqazi: Hi13:05
omairqaziflexiondotorg you approved my task about kubuntu tasks13:05
omairqazihi Indian13513:06
omairqaziflexiondotorg: Hi! I know my task is already approved but I want to make Kubuntu great so I am trying to complete all the testcases in this testsuite (http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/384/builds/163929/testcases). By now, I have completed 4 out of 6 and I will complete the rest 2 in a while. Please take your time to see my reports.13:09
flexiondotorgomairqazi: That's great, thanks!13:09
omairqaziflexiondotorg: completed the rest 2 also13:10
omairqaziflexiondotorg: completed 6 of 613:10
omairqaziflexiondotorg there?15:04
omairqaziwxl there?15:17
wxlkonrad11901: that's certainly not right! try switching to a virtual terminal and back to x15:36
wxlflexiondotorg: ^^ you might want to be a weeee bit less trigger happy with those approvals XD15:41
konrad11901wxl: I'll try to do so15:45
konrad11901and by the way15:45
konrad11901I've done all the tests today with 20171231, but I've also done one test yesterday with 20171230 (but of course repeated it with 20171231 today), and I forgot to do a screenshot from today tests15:47
konrad11901I'm very sorry15:47
wxlno need to be sorry, per se15:47
konrad11901I'll take a screenshot from today one of today's tests15:47
wxljust make sure you read the BIG FAT NOTE™ XD15:48
konrad11901*one today, not two15:48
konrad11901Ok :D15:48
konrad11901wxl: I can switch to tty, but after switching back to x, I still have a black screen15:51
wxltry typing the password and hitting enter15:52
konrad11901Ok, I'm logged in (in tty)15:53
wxloh i meant at the black screen15:53
konrad11901Nothing happens :(15:55
konrad11901wxl: apart from the OEM install, I have only Kubuntu install with language other than English (it was this optional testcase). Would it be a big problem?16:02
konrad11901The informations itself are in English of course16:02
wxlkonrad11901: your choice of language, my friend. :) wait, the testcases don't demand you use english, do they?!16:02
konrad11901Yes, one of them even forces the tester to use other language :D16:03
konrad11901this optional one16:03
wxloh man i got to look at that16:03
wxlProceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English16:05
wxlright at the top16:05
wxlthere is the one that DOES require them to use something else16:06
wxlwhich is good16:06
wxli just don't want the other ones to require english. that's, um, dumb :)16:06
daniellimwshappy new year16:07
daniellimwsits 2018 here16:07
konrad11901Happy new year daniellimws! :)16:07
konrad11901wxl: yes, I agree :)16:07
konrad11901By the way, you can check the updated submission, if you want16:08
wxlkonrad11901: finally done16:25
konrad11901wxl: thanks a lot!16:27
konrad11901By the way, popey has recently said that he was working on some new tasks. When can we expect them?16:34
konrad11901Does anyone know anything in this topic?16:35
Acceleratorkonrad11901: He did say after new year :(16:40
wxlhe's lurking but we're doing some editing on the site16:40
popeykonrad11901: tuesday at the earliest, when I am back in the office16:40
konrad11901Accelerator: Oh, sorry then, I haven't known about that16:41
konrad11901popey: thanks for the info!16:41
wxlpopey there's only 50 if you filter only claimable16:42
wxlthese all have instance count 1, soo....16:43
wxloooh this is a fun task16:44
wxlyou should do this konrad11901 https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5945774607171584/16:44
wxloh it's a beginner :(16:44
wxlwe have way too many of those16:45
konrad11901I have still one beginner task to claim, the problem is: I'm very bad at writing tutorials or documentation XD16:45
konrad11901I mean, I can try...16:45
wxlyou seem to communicate well enough16:45
konrad11901hmm, ok then, I'll try16:46
wxlok i think we did them all right popey?16:46
popeyI thiunk so16:46
popeyNice work wxl !16:46
* wxl high 5s popey16:47
konrad11901wxl: by the way, could you approve my submission? I want to claim this task you linked :)16:47
wxl1s trying to clean up a mess here16:47
konrad11901ok, no problem16:47
m4sk1nkonrad11901: writing tutorials isn’t as hard as it seems to be…17:09
m4sk1nand writing good tutorials is just a bit harder than just writing tutorials17:09
konrad11901m4sk1n: maybe you're right, as I said, I'll try to write one :)17:16
m4sk1nwxl: can you approve my begineer task? (Ubuntu Hour, 16 days after it…)18:22
wxlm4sk1n: you'll want to elaborate at least somewhat on your experience18:26
wxlin the comments is fine18:30
m4sk1nwxl: done19:37
AcceleratorHappy New Year guys...it's 2018 here 😄😄20:17
m4sk1n9:18 PM here20:18
Acceleratorah sorry...different time zones and all XD20:18
refeed[m]Happy new year!20:18
AcceleratorBest wishes in advance20:19
refeed[m]already 3 am here xD20:19
refeed[m]yup, Jakarta precisely20:19
AcceleratorWell nvm..happy new year though i was a bit late..😄20:20
m4sk1nhi refeed, nice to see somebody else using matrix20:22
Acceleratorkyrofa: You around?20:23
refeed[m]Marcin Mikołajczak: nice to see you too. Yeah, Matrix is pretty nice, I'm using it as my 2nd bouncer, since the connection is pretty stable in matrix20:25
m4sk1nI use ZNC as my 2nd bouncer20:30
m4sk1nI often recommend matrix to others (who don’t know how to use IRC), because they used to use more modern IMs…20:31
Accelerator_Happy New Year20:40
heesenhappy new year everyone20:53
konrad11901Happy New Year! It's 2018 in Poland :)23:01
m4sk1nHappy new year!23:04

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