
rowinofwinHi all, I have a strange issue on a lenovo laptop with ubuntu mate and xubuntu 16.04. The touchpad isn't working, but neither is an external USB mouse. xinput doesn't show either, but lsusb shows the usb mouse just fine.05:04
xubuntu84dhay i need help09:01
flocculantwait longer then ...09:21
jk^Hi all13:36
jk^Problem at starting13:36
jk^Pls help me13:37
flocculantjk^: I have a couple of questions which you need to answer. I am not interested in any babbling like we've had from you previously - I've very little time to spare today13:58
flocculant1 - what did you do before this happened?13:58
flocculant2 - what random webpages have you been following before this happened?13:58
=== ponbiki is now known as Guest3313
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel
=== Justanick1 is now known as Justanick
=== John is now known as Guest95753
Guest95753hello there, should i use "sudo" for installing snaps? some sites use it some oter no, i'm kinda confused :S21:01
well_laid_lawnGuest95753:  some linux distros have a root user that doesn't need sudo. With the 'buntus ou need to escalate permissions with sudo to install stuff21:04
Guest95753well_laid_lawn, i know this, i just thought, snap was somehow different21:06
well_laid_lawnif it installs anything anywhere that is not your $HOME then you'll need sudo21:08
Guest95753well_laid_lawn, ok thnx for the info21:10
well_laid_lawnGuest95753:  https://docs.snapcraft.io/core/usage21:12
well_laid_lawnsays you use sudo to login then don't need sudo for commands21:12
Guest95753well_laid_lawn, thnx, i'm readin it asap21:16
well_laid_lawnit says if you don't login you'll need root priveleges for most things21:18
Guest95753well_laid_lawn, i thought snap used polkit for local auth21:21
Guest95753i think fedora does this for the software from its own official repos and it doesn't need password, at least in gnome software21:23
well_laid_lawnI don't use it I just read the sites directions21:26
jk^where are the options to manage the "Keychains"?21:30
jk^In my distro language is called "portachiavi"21:31
jk^everytime i open chromium it ask for password21:31
jk^i don't want it21:31
Guest95753jk^, i dont know what "Keychains" is, but as far as i know chrome uses gnome keyring by default on xubuntu21:34
jk^ok how to disable for chromium?21:35
Guest95753run it as google --password-store=basic21:36
Guest95753run it as google-chrome --password-store=basic21:37
Guest95753but then your passwords won't be encrypted21:38
Guest95753otherwise follow well_laid_lawn's link21:40
=== Guest95753 is now known as john90
jk^i don't find the gui way21:55
john90gui way for what?21:58
jk^to disable keyring for chromium21:59
john90did this "google-chrome --password-store=basic" worked from terminal?22:00
jk^i can't use terminal22:01
jk^my fear is to do trouble22:01
jk^already happened22:01
john90yes ok dont worry22:01
john90there is no way to change the password manager from gui as far as i know22:02
jk^where is?22:02
john90open the "start menu" and type something like password22:04
jk^i already did it22:05
john90ok take a look at software center22:07
jk^yes but in software the name of app are translated22:08
john90look for seahorse22:09
john90jk^, just a moment....22:14
jk^there is a way to open the keyring manager in xubuntu?22:16
jk^a gui method22:16
jk^in which menu i can find it?22:17
jk^in ubuntu is called "Password and keys" but in xubuntu there isn't22:17
jk^<jk^> there is a way to open the keyring manager in xubuntu?22:18
jk^<jk^> a gui method22:18
jk^<jk^> in which menu i can find it?22:18
jk^<jk^> in ubuntu is called "Password and keys" but in xubuntu there isn't22:18
jk^or it has another name22:19
jk^however, i'm boring, so i try to type seahors in terminal22:19
jk^it told me seahors is not installed22:19
john90sudo apt install -y libpam-gnome-keyring seahorse22:20
john90copy paste this in terminal22:20
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:20
john90and then search seahorse in the "start menu"22:22
jk^john90, i found in software22:23
jk^Password and chiavi (keys)22:23
jk^i installed it22:23
jk^there are 2 items: "Chrome safe storage control" and "Chromium safe storage"22:23
jk^but the password it show me is not the one i choose to create chromium keyring :\22:24
jk^so strange22:35
jk^isn't there in xubuntu a password and key manager?22:35
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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