=== freyes__ is now known as freyes === Guest9392 is now known as skay [21:28] hi [21:28] question [21:28] if i want to install openstack pike on ubuntu xenial [21:29] i have to add openstack-origin: cloud:pike [21:29] on each command i execute? [21:29] juju deploy? [22:05] jose-phillips: there is probably an openstack bundle that you would deploy, but I've not done this myself [22:05] jose-phillips: found any docs? [22:06] nope [22:30] exsist a way to destroy a controller [22:30] or force the destroy [22:30] is always keep on Waiting on 1 model, 3 machines, 12 applications [22:30] juju destroy-controller -y --destroy-all-models [22:30] otherwise, try 'juju kill-controller' [22:31] kill will always try destroy unless they changed something recently [23:02] work with kill [23:02] another question i having some issues [23:02] with mysql package [23:02] when i deploy the package i have the issue that i can't connect to mysql [23:02] Host 'xxx.xx.xxx.xxx' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server [23:03] i add on allowed-networks [23:03] and still can't connect [23:12] access-network: