[01:42] Hi Documentation Team! (evilnick, degville, pmatulis and davidcalle) [03:19] wxl, thanks :-) I do remember, but it was last year! :p [03:19] balloons: don't make me slap you :) [05:35] hi [05:39] hi [05:45] wxl there? [06:23] wxl: Hello....are you free now? [09:51] Hiya. [11:54] hi'' [11:54] hi [11:54] hi [11:55] hi [12:01] hi Accelerator [12:01] popey flexiondotorg there? [12:01] hello [12:01] popey https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/configure-repo-for-automatic-publishing-into-edge-on-commit/3383 [12:01] omairqazi: Hi there [12:02] omairqazi: can you change the category to the store category please [12:04] ok popey done [12:05] popey i am trying to register the snap name instantnews but today it is giving me a different error "registration failed". earlier error was "snap name is already taken" [12:06] right, what does it say to do next? [12:06] (You need to do this before the store team can transfer it) [12:06] popey nothing it just says failed. what should i do? [12:07] https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/register-snap/?name=instantnews [12:07] go there [12:08] attempt to register it there [12:08] popey https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26312607/ [12:08] huh, interesting [12:09] ah, someone else has it already [12:10] popey i did so. now it says pending name dispute reviews [12:10] popey i did so. now it says pending name dispute review [12:11] hang on. let me look into this [12:11] ok [12:11] popey i did it in the mornig [12:11] morning [12:11] https://github.com/shivam043/instantnews has it registered [12:12] so we need to change tack [12:12] I will reply on the forum. [12:12] popey ok [12:14] replied, thanks. Sorry for the confusion! [12:19] popey its ok. so i have to make a pull request to https://github.com/shivam043/instantnews [12:24] popey uploads are diabled [12:24] disabled [12:35] popey https://github.com/shivam043/instantnews/pull/21 [12:35] Pull 21 in shivam043/instantnews "Add files via upload" [Open] [12:42] popey why all my posts are flagged on the snapcraft forum [14:10] heber, hi, I've made the changes as asked for, are you free to have a look? [14:25] when will some new tasks be added? (somebody said that it’s a good idea to make tutorial tasks based on tutorial requests) :) [14:34] daniellimws, sure [14:44] But i don't want more tutorials :( [14:44] why, Accelerator? :P [14:47] m4sk1n: No offense to anyone...but i find them a little boring. [14:49] But they are really useful for users [14:50] I understand but what's the point of putting all the tutorials in a single year for GCI? [14:51] we have like a dozens of tutorials pending lol [14:51] there are lots of non-tutorial taske [14:51] s/taske/tasks/ [14:51] hi [14:57] m4sk1n: Not for me :) [15:16] m4sk1n: trying out riot :) [15:19] :) [15:22] ahh man got kicked off the leaderboard already [15:24] daniellimws, time to crank out some snaps? [15:26] kyrofa: I did some of the follow snap creation tutorial tasks, once my current task is approved I'll just submit them and climb back up [15:26] daniellimws, are the mentors for the task being responsive? [15:26] hi [15:26] kyrofa: yea just got a review 2 hours ago. waiting for my next one [15:27] Very good [15:27] i am facing some problem while building an electron snap [15:28] kyrofa: by the way, have you tried building the snap for coala that I linked few weeks back? [15:29] Ah, I forgot about it over the holidays, actually :( [15:30] kyrofa: haha it's ok :) holidays are more important [15:32] wxl tsimonq2 there? [15:36] omairqazi: what problem are you having? [15:36] same thing we had last time? [15:36] daniellimws: sorry not electron it is nodejs [15:39] omairqazi: is it the follow nodejs snap creation tutorial task? [15:41] no [15:44] i am trying snap this package [15:45] https://github.com/cookiengineer/git-ddiff [15:45] but whenever i run the command i get an error https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26313564/ [15:45] please see daniellimws [15:46] elopio there? [15:51] omairqazi: according to this, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40421825/how-to-use-object-values-on-server-side-in-node-js/40422171 [15:51] ok i'm here i'm here what's up people? [15:51] it is a very new feature, perhaps check your node version again? [15:51] or use a vm as wxl suggested [15:51] ya i will do that [15:51] :) [15:52] wxl please take a look at my submission https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5390375717961728/ [15:55] elopio there? [15:56] daniellimws: thanks for telling me it is a version issue [15:56] when i looked into the parts folder of my snap [15:56] omairqazi: solved it? [15:56] i found the the nodejs plugin installs v6 node [15:56] and this feature needs v7 [15:56] oh [15:57] i will file a bug [15:57] hello omairqazi [15:57] thanks again bro [15:57] sure no problem [15:57] elopio snapcraft plugin nodejs installs v6 node [15:57] yes, you can use node-engine to choose a different version [15:58] snapcraft help nodejs [15:58] so while snapping a nodejs snap i get this error elopio https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26313564/ [15:58] oh thanks elopio [15:58] then no need to file a bug right? [15:59] no [16:00] elopio can you please tell me how to use plugin specific keywords [16:00] just put them inside the part section. [16:00] ok [16:00] thhanks [16:01] omairqazi: https://github.com/Storj/storjshare-daemon/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml#L20 [16:02] thanks elopio [16:07] heber, hi are you free to look at my merge request? hopefully I can get this approved before sleep so that don't need to wait another day [16:28] i installed a snap but whenever i run it it says command not found [16:32] check if its in /snap/bin? [16:35] no i just restarted the terminal and it worked thanks anyway [16:36] oh lol [16:38] elopio popey finally i registered the name upstream name and now i dont need to prefix my name [16:41] budgie ISO QA task is now a non-beginner https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5865742723448832/ [16:44] thanks for the info wxl [16:45] and now xubuntu https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/4876280774262784/ [16:47] and ubuntu https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6236497185341440/ [16:47] That's really, really great! [16:47] :) [16:48] oh and by the way, wxl [16:48] and mate https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6042166826631168/ [16:48] hm wonder if that link is wrong for ubuntu [16:49] nope it's right [16:49] phew [16:49] I'm doing this task about improving Lubuntu bug reports, but the problem is that many bugs marked as "New" are quite old (some of them are even a few years old). Can I select a bug which is, let's say, one year old? [16:52] sure, konrad11901. check to see if it applies to the current release. if so you can probably assume (although it's best to check) it applies to every release since the one originally reported. if it doesn't apply to the current release, does it apply to any other *SUPPORTED* release? if not, it can basically be marked as fixed, since we won't fix issues on non-supported releases. [16:52] Ok, thanks for explaining! [17:00] may i just say in general what a delight it has been, so far, to work with you all? i do hope to see your smiling f̶a̶c̶e̶s̶ emojis around here more often once gci is over [17:03] wxl: it's great to be able to learn so much in such a short period and know everyone here [17:03] by the way, how did you make the cancellation [17:04] ah you mean the strikethrough? [17:04] it's unicode [17:04] * wxl is a hardcore unicode geek, so be forwarned [17:04] there are a variety of unicode characters that aren't meant to stand on their own but meant to be combined with other characters [17:04] they're called "combining diacritics" [17:04] ah my friend told me once [17:04] this, U+0336 is one of them [17:05] this also allows for different emoji colours right? [17:05] yes [17:05] well, it's not exactly the same but it's applied similar [17:06] but here's an interesting example ☺⃞ [17:06] that might display funky depending on your font [17:07] wxl: i agree with daniellimws. i learned so much in such a short period of time. thank you mentors and everyone here [17:08] yup I just see a square next to the smiley emoji [17:08] it should be on top [17:08] again, font issues [17:08] but you can, for example, add accents to your favorite emoji [17:08] 💩̀ [17:09] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combining_character [17:09] have fun :) [17:09] * m4sk1n uploaded an image: Screenshot_20180103-180924.png (189KB) [17:11] i have a emoji cheatsheet lol [17:11] 😀😀 [17:12] emoji cheatsheet? that's no fun. use the compose key! [17:12] what compose key [17:13] well close enough i guess m4sk1n :) [17:14] kenvandine: I don't understand something related to appstream [17:14] daniellimws: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ComposeKey [17:15] so for example, i do Alt : ) and get ☺ [17:16] oh something I need on my computer definitely [17:16] it comes out of the box with a set of predefined keybindings, but you can make your own, for whatever you want [17:17] cool [17:18] for example [17:18] : "☠" U2620 # SKULL AND CROSSBONES [17:18] that's in my .XCompose XD [17:18] i also really like vertical ellipsis [17:18] ⋮ [17:19] and of course, lambda. λ λ λ [17:23] there should be task to create valid testcase for Lubuntu Alternate (no network) [17:23] m4sk1n: i agree. make @tsimonq2 do it :) [17:26] Guys wouldn't it easier to have an emoji cheatsheet? [17:26] it might take less effort to set up [17:26] but in practice, i don't find it easier [17:27] btw will the mentors be still here even after GCI is over? [17:27] especially if your goal is dealing with unicode in general as opposed to just emoji [17:27] well i never left here since uhhh 2015 so yeah probably :) [17:28] but i would recommend moving any other discussion to the appropriate channel [17:28] need a channel list? [17:30] Sorry about that guys....frequent power outage due to thunderstorm [17:30] wxl: I would like that actually [17:32] Accelerator_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [17:32] Ok thanks [17:32] if you're not sure where to go, #ubuntu-community-team is always a good place to start :) [17:32] well off to work [17:33] Ok thanks [17:33] kyrofa: If you are free do take a look at my task...😅😅 [17:35] Accelerator_, will do, just need to finish writing a little [17:35] Accelerator_, note that the channel for snapcraft/snap-related things in #snappy [17:35] is, rather [17:35] (just saw your question above) [17:36] ok thanks btw for this link https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/HACKING.md [17:36] m4sk1n, what's your appstream question? I don't know much about it, but i can try to figure it out [17:36] why my snap says command not found [17:38] kyrofa: i think there is a missing step(cd snapcraft) before installing snapcraft (and its dependencies) on the link: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/HACKING.md [17:39] Accelerator_, yes, you're right! [17:39] Please edit it so that other participants won't get any difficulties [17:39] Log a bug, and I can mark it as bite-sized so you can fix it if you like [17:40] elopio [17:40] kenvandine: I can see that in upstream some packages already have screenshots addresses in .appstream.xml, but I can’t see them in GNOME/Ubuntu Softwate [17:40] Um kyrofa..where do i log the bug actually? I'm a beginner😅 [17:41] https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft [17:41] m4sk1n, which ubuntu version are you on? [17:41] gnome-software in 16.04 is pretty old [17:41] Ok thank u kyrofa [17:41] it might not utilize appstream yet [17:42] wxl: Tag you're it no tagbacks [17:44] omairqazi: you need to give us more information than that. What command are you running, what do you have in your snapcraft.yaml file, what is the error message... [17:50] elopio https://github.com/omairqazi/git-ddiff/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml command git-ddiff.git-ddiff error is command not found [17:51] since i changed ALL of the freaking ISO QA tasks, no, tsimonq2, it's you. [17:52] kenvandine: 17.10 [17:53] m4sk1n, good, can you give me an example app that you see the screenshot in the appstream data upstream? [17:53] elopio please reply here https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6091379543375872/ bye [17:53] bleachbit [17:54] not in debian source package, but in bleachbit source [17:55] bye [17:55] bye [17:55] wxl: I'm looking at this task but haven't claimed yet, may I ask some questions? [17:55] scp -P 2222 arpuser@ . [17:55] plswork.wav [17:55] oops wrong paste [17:55] wrong paste [17:55] hehehe [17:55] love the name tho [17:56] https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/4966855116587008/?sp-organization=5133577048031232&sp-is_beginner=False [17:56] plswork.wav XD [17:56] this [17:56] oops [17:56] lol [17:56] oh yeah [17:56] "The Doozy" [17:56] may I know what is the extent of configuring phabricator [17:57] just follow the installation guide. it's pretty comprehensive [17:57] you need LAMP, basically [17:57] https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/configuration_guide/ [17:57] instructions are provided for your choice of db and web server [17:57] there seems to be and endless amount of "next steps" [17:58] m4sk1n, gnome-software isn't even finding bleachbit [17:58] wxl: I got LAMP set up already [17:58] not everything *HAS* to be configured [17:59] you will want to set up basic auth, though [17:59] m4sk1n, what does "apt-cache policy bleachbit" show? [17:59] cuz you'll want to have an account on there [17:59] okay [17:59] if you use normal username/password, you'll need to set up mail [17:59] m4sk1n, wow... nevermind [17:59] m4sk1n, it just finally found it :) [18:00] so i'd just use some other provider [18:00] wxl: so I should be expecting a phabricator website running on my server right? [18:00] using twitter, e.g., would be really good since it's also oauth1 [18:00] * m4sk1n uploaded an image: Screenshot from 2018-01-03 18-58-46.png (40KB) [18:01] that's right @daniellimws [18:01] I think the tutorial is old? because according to apache website there is no longer httpd.conf [18:02] or maybe not, forgot where I saw that [18:08] m4sk1n, i've confirmed that with appstreamcli bleachbit does have screenshot uris [18:08] appstreamcli dump bleachbit.desktop [18:09] daniellimws: tsimonq2 did set up our phabricator, so if you have questions, you can always ask him specifically [18:10] ok, thanks. I have some questions but I'll ask them tomorrow since it's late here already. [18:10] bye [18:10] m4sk1n, others do seem to work though, like gedit [18:11] ok, thanks, it’s too hard for me XD [18:13] btw wxl, look, my typical desktop looks less polished than my VMs :) [18:13] that's a strange trend m4sk4n XD [18:47] wxl: I submitted my work for review a while ago (this task about improving Lubuntu bug reports). If you have some spare time, you can take a look at it :) [19:07] * Accelerator_ is going to sleep [19:08] good night Accelerator_! :)