
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
=== TJ_Remix is now known as TJ-
f_gis there an ETA for the kpti backports for 4.13?10:06
TJ-4.15 isn't finished yet! I'd expect backports once 4.15 is released10:27
f_gTJ-: 4.14.11 already got them (or most of them?) ;) I figured this means that 4.4 and 4.9 will follow soonish (after all, having an affected unreleased kernel is less severe than having an affected released one)10:58
f_gAFAICT, 4.15 is expected in ~2.5 weeks (rc7 2018-01-07, rc8 2018-01-14, release 2018-01-21) - that would mean an (expected) 4.13 backport in Artful in 3+ weeks?11:04
TJ-Looks like Bionic is about to get 4.14.10,  and will probably get 4.14.11 once the build tests are done11:10
FrostEyes_P1Hi. Looking at https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/01/02/intel_cpu_design_flaw/ - and expecting the embargo to be removed soon. Do you know if there is any timeline for 16.04?11:14
FrostEyes_P1TJ-: answered in #ubuntu11:15
dsdhey, just curious if there are any current/planned efforts to backport the KPTI patches to ubuntu 4.13 kernels?15:36
Kon-dsd, from earlier: "4.15 is expected in ~2.5 weeks (rc7 2018-01-07, rc8 2018-01-14, release 2018-01-21) - that would mean an (expected) 4.13 backport in Artful in 3+ weeks?"16:03
dsdquestion of the day - i see the logs. thanks16:08
chilukapw where has cking gone?  Do you know of any good filesystem exercisers?  I'm trying to avoid writing my own... I basically need something to create a ton of files, and delete them randomly to cause xfs free list fragmentation.20:51
chilukReally anything that causes filesystem fragmentation would be interesting.20:51
TJ-chiluk: you mean like this? https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/fs/xfs/xfstests-dev.git/tree/20:53
chilukYeah I'm aware of xfstests, but I don't think it has a stress mode like I'm needing.20:55
chilukand considering I'm running this against xfs ... I assume the tests have already been run and pass.20:56
apwchiluk: I am sure stressng has something20:58
chilukBasically I was hoping that cking had something in stressng20:59
chilukyeah I've already checked the stressng in X...20:59
TJ-linux test project has some FS stress tools, have you looked at that?20:59
chilukI was hoping to give him some ideas for stressing the freeblock logic.20:59
chilukI have not >.. I'll check that out TJ... thanks.20:59

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