[07:48] morning boys and girls. [08:27] howdy all [08:54] amazon kindle app/readers don't support epub [09:34] foobarry: indeed , i have a kindle and needed to convert my entire calibre library to mobi [09:34] hey MooDoo [09:34] * knightwise misses his escape key on his mac [09:56] morning [09:57] :) [12:17] Hi there, I wonder if someone could help me with something systemd and snap related? I would like to change the log level of a daemon that's installed as a snap and run by systemd. My attempts to restart this daemon wiht a new log level are failing! [13:09] an album i want to buy is 10.99 on google play and 7.99 on amazon :| [13:09] Google such a ripoff [13:35] http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/smartphone-apps-listening-privacy-alphonso-shazam-advertising-pool-3d-honey-quest-a8139451.html [13:35] “The audio signatures are compared to commercial content that is playing on your television, including content from set-top-boxes, media players, gaming consoles, broadcast, or another video source (e.g., TV shows, streaming programs, advertisements, etc.). [13:35] “If a match is found, Alphonso may use that information to deliver more relevant ads to your mobile device. The ACR software matches only against known, commercial audio content and does not recognize or understand human conversations or other sounds.” [14:49] hey guys, i've two laptops with usb-c ports, i was wondering about doing direct laptop to laptop transfer [14:49] anyone know if that's possible? [14:58] ho boy: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/01/02/intel_cpu_design_flaw/ [15:38] maybe they can boost the performance of the cpus post fix by adding the me cpu's efforts... :-P [15:39] the stock price is doing ok still [15:41] didn't someone dump a bit of stock recently? [15:41] yeah but off the back of a good year [15:41] intel has reached a point were even with a cockup this big there is no alternative... too big too fail sort of thing [15:41] AMD chips aren't affected [15:42] this could be their vw moment [15:42] doing bad things to get speed [15:42] don't worry they'll ruin the chance somehow