
c00lwhipHey all, had a quick question, I want some files encrpyted, i woulle like ot use gpg naturally, but gaining root on this box allow that user to access it's OS keychain. Anyone know how ot use gpg but not input the possphrase into the keychain?00:15
c00lwhipmy fea is someone steals my box, drops to to init 1, changes the root, gains access to the keychain, and then they got access to my gpg protected files00:16
shadoxxikonia: fyi, i was able to get on-the-fly hostname changing to work without a reboot00:16
lotuspsychje!gpg | c00lwhip can this help?00:18
ubottuc00lwhip can this help?: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts00:18
hggdhc00lwhip: you have at least two options: (1) save the gpg keys in removeable storage; (2) encrypt your harddrive00:20
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=== CanadianRevenueA is now known as HappyHotDog
hggdhc00lwhip: also, the passphrase is not stored in the key chain, I think you were referring to the private key00:21
Neo1on ubuntu server we can install Moinmoin wiki server00:22
Neo1is it will like real wikipedia site?00:22
c00lwhiphggh the problem is I encrypt a file. gpg access for me to input th epassword twice as it should. Then when I go to decrypt it, it just does it. Doesn't prompt me for a password for anything00:23
Neo1I'm reading ubuntu server and now LAMP aplications00:23
Neo1MoinMoin is good00:23
lotuspsychjeNeo1: we have #ubuntu-server you can ask perhaps00:24
c00lwhipMaybe I just don't know how it works entirely. If I move the gpg encrypted file to another machine, thne they are uable to open it, whcih is great. But I want users of this mchine to need the enter the passphrase as well00:24
daxas far as i know it's only saved in memory and goes away on logout00:25
daxi don't have a lot of experience with it though00:25
c00lwhip dax I will try that00:30
c00lwhipdax, thanks00:30
naccc00lwhip: dax: i believe that's all controlled by the (new and required in gpg2) gpg-agent, no?00:31
naccI believe you can configure how long that stays resident for, etc.00:31
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mostpalonehey boys00:45
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
roadrunneratwasthi .  i have a few questions .  i am not sure if it is my samsung 9 laptop or ubuntu 16.04.  the biggest issue is this:  while i am typing, the mouse will suddenly jump up four or five lines and select the region. i wind up deleting a bunch of text and have to undo it.  i am not sure if this is a touchpad sensitivity matter.  has anyone experienced similar ever?01:12
barracudaeasy peasy; disable the touchpad01:14
barracuda(if you really meant the cursor, because if your mouse is jumping, you might want to go for .357)01:15
JoshuaDxubuntu 17.10: After restarting my computer, when I launch my browser for the first time (iridium) I get a prompt saying "Your keyring was not unlocked at login. Enter password to unlock."01:19
JoshuaDany way to make that stop happening?01:19
JoshuaDauto-login is disabled already01:19
gowrianybody from india?01:29
lotuspsychje!in | gowri01:29
ubottugowri: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India01:29
kenrinJoshuaD: You can open passwords and keys then set the password to "blank" as in no password.  It is not recommend though as it stores passwords unencrypted I think01:30
JoshuaD@kenrin: is there a way to do it that is secure?01:30
kenrinI don't know.  I just disabled my auto login so it would unlock the ring the same time as my desktop01:32
kenrinHonesly though,  if you don't care about the password save feature on the browser you shouldn't have any passwords that would be stored unecrypted in the ring01:33
lotuspsychjepstk__: welcome, how can we help you?01:56
pstk__I'm running ubunt 17. I have a camera plugged in PTP mode01:56
pstk__And in nautilus, no thumbnail ...01:57
pstk__can you help me ?01:58
kk4ewttweaktool and add the gnome-shell extension that does that01:58
pstk__kk4ewt: told to me?02:00
whitebeastso i put another hardrive in my computer, i went to gparted and and formatted it to fat32 and now its just gone. cant find it anywhere02:21
whitebeastim running 16.0402:22
lordcirth_whitebeast, "gone"?  What does 'lsblk -f' show?02:24
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=== coffeeguy is now known as zen_guy
whitebeastlordcirth https://paste.ubuntu.com/26310272/02:27
whitebeasti have 3 drives in there 2 80g and 1 other.. its one of the 80 gb that dissapeard after i formatted it02:30
lotuspsychjewhitebeast: did you refresh gparted02:31
whitebeastwouldnt an entire system restart take care of that?02:31
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lotuspsychjewhitebeast: you can try, but i mean after gparted format try to apply and refresh or so?02:33
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whitebeastlotus i just refreshed and its still not there02:35
Guest41427this mr one nine02:35
Guest41427show \02:36
lotuspsychjewhitebeast: check your syslog?02:36
whitebeasthow do i go about doing that?02:37
lotuspsychjewhitebeast: /var/log/syslog or the logviewer icon02:37
theoremwhere should I hang out to talk about graphics drivers ?02:39
whitebeastsame question here for theorem's question02:39
theoremI can't get ubuntu 16.0402:39
theoremto recognize my AMD graphics card02:39
whitebeastlotus is there a way to go back in time on the syslog?02:40
teward'go back in time on the syslog' what?02:42
tewardwhitebeast: the syslog is on a logrotate schedule.  if it was in yesterday's syslog you'd have to go read through /var/log/syslog.1 or similar02:42
tewardif you want ot read syslog from ten minutes ago, just read /var/log/syslog and don't tail the end, just hunt for the timestamp you were after02:43
tewardbut no there's not another way to 'go back in time' on the syslog.02:43
tewardit isn't a time machine02:43
whitebeastthanks teward but it the event happend before it updated. i need to go back to ( such as yesterday )02:45
Jakethepythonother than what packages are installed and the gui is there a real differnece between ubuntu desktop and server?02:46
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lordcirthJakethepython, very little.  A few default settings are different, I think?02:46
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Jakethepythonok thank you02:47
chronoshello! I build a mining rig with ubuntu server but I'm having trouble with ports because in the place the server is hosted the ISP blocks ports 3333, 5555 that are used by mining app (xmr-stak). Then I set a openvpn connection  where client is the server and host is my office router (linksys wrt ac1200), and the connection looks like works but I can't route any traffic through that openvpn connection.02:48
chronosHow I can route it with UFW? I already tried some articles on web but no luck :\02:49
Bashing-omtheorem: AMD drivers are in the kernel now . What release are you running ?02:49
whitebeastteward. im using the icon. in the terminal it says :permission denied02:51
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=== John is now known as Guest73981
good_cookieshi. i need software to copy and paste various texts02:56
good_cookieslike when i type something, i need 3 or more links to be in buffer so i can just paste them in th text im currently woking right now02:57
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good_cookiesso far i designed for myself this solution: it should be a drop-down list, like a panel in the corners with icons. so, when i click the icon, it loads my buffer with icon-related link03:00
good_cookiesor hotkeys on keyboard03:00
good_cookiesthe question is: how to make this kind of an app/plugin or if there already exist something like this03:01
KrisWoodHello everyone!03:02
KrisWoodHas anyone here set up Cisco vWLC on Ubuntu before?03:03
ecormiergood_cookies: clipman/clipit etc...03:03
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explodesDid I get owned?04:32
explodes10 minutes ago: https://pastebin.com/VQ8GAtkj04:32
explodesnow : https://pastebin.com/nFXAhw0M04:32
explodesFreaking tor?04:33
lordcirthexplodes, what Ubuntu release are you running, and why do you believe you may have been 'owned'?04:33
lordcirthAh, you didn't install tor?04:33
explodesWasn't running tor less than an hour- literally just happened...04:34
lordcirthexplodes, what Ubuntu release?04:34
explodesnginx is gone too04:35
explodesI have spent the last fucking week setting this up04:35
explodesI have been pwned...04:35
lordcirthexplodes, do you have ssh exposed to the internet, or any other obvious method of compromise?  Also, just double check that you're not ssh'd somewhere? lol04:36
explodesI am so stupid04:37
explodesI'm ok04:37
explodesI rebooted04:37
lordcirthWrong machine?04:37
explodesi thought I reconnected04:38
explodesi'm relieved and ashamed all at the same time04:38
lordcirthlol.  For the record, every few days someone comes in asking if they've been rooted, and the answer has always been 'no' in my experience04:38
lordcirthScarier thought: actual compromises don't advertise themselves04:38
explodesyea. it did happen once on digital ocean, though. DO said "sorry, we wiped your machine"04:39
lordcirthexplodes, you may find it useful to change the color of the prompt on different machines04:41
explodesi was just thinking that omg04:41
explodesThis doesn't explain why nginx isn't starting anymore tho04:41
explodesgoogling it, but: Failed to start nginx.service: Unit nginx.service is masked.04:42
MajostAre sysctl settings for the most part non-configurable from within the context of a LXD/LXC container?04:59
ChronDon88Ok. I signed up for this free thing a year ago and they gave me a mini pc for free (I think they were doing sketchy stuff some sort of russian clickfarm stuff) Idk I got my 50 bux and disconnected the thing. Anywase they gave me this mini PC. It's a stripped down version of a MK902II. I called and asked for the password the guy was pretty sketch which I was expecting and said he didnt know and hung up. So... I want to use the thing not throw it away05:02
ChronDon88so what are my options05:02
ChronDon88It has 1 USB,1 HDMI, 1 Power in and 1 eithernet thats it. It looks like more could be sodered on (for a future project)05:03
ChronDon88It's running ubuntu 14.1 utopic05:04
ChronDon88I can only log in on guest05:04
ChronDon88Heres a picture of the mini pc05:05
ChronDon88I was just going to try and use it for IRC/Discord channels that I am an admin of05:06
rflemingChronDon88: boot into recovery mode then passwd root05:07
rflemingChronDon88: google something like ubuntu recovery mode change root password05:07
ChronDon88I have tryed this It seems to not go into recovery mode05:07
ChronDon88I hold shift and it just boots normaly05:08
ChronDon88Could I log on guest and download a .c file of a root exploit (seeing how this is an older version of ubuntu) would that work?05:08
ChronDon88like "rooting" an android device05:08
DalekSecIf that's the case I'd go for a re-install since you don't know what could be on there.05:10
ChronDon88I also have to switch between a mouse and keyboard because I do not have a dongal with mouse and keyboard so i either use the mouse or keyboard lol05:10
ChronDon88I kinda want to know what sketchy stuff they were up too... I mean they did abandan it for over 8 months and I called today and the guy wanted nothing to do with me.05:10
ChronDon88(probably closer to 6 months)05:11
ChronDon88I did find some stuff pointing to a russian click farm?05:11
ChronDon88May I pm you rfleming?05:12
rflemingChronDon88: I'm not much of a recovery expert...05:13
rflemingI don't know more than to Google :)05:13
ChronDon88is this a rooting thing like an android root?05:13
ChronDon88If I just ran that would it do anything?05:14
ChronDon88I'm a linux/ubuntu nub05:14
Tapuboy_ubuntucan anyone help me getting back the grub in dual boot05:18
Tapuboy_ubuntuI've dual booted it with windows and tried many things with other friend05:20
Tapuboy_ubuntubut its not working at all05:20
Tapuboy_ubuntuI've a HP laptop05:20
Tapuboy_ubuntuand when I option boot options and select going to Ubuntu the grub shows up05:20
Tapuboy_ubuntubut on normal startup grub doesn't show up and laptop directly boots into windows05:21
dv`_in the bios you need to select whatever disk you installed grub/ubuntu on as the first boot device05:22
Tapuboy_ubuntuI don't see such option in Bios05:22
Tapuboy_ubuntuthe UEFI boot order shows the "Notebook hard drive" at the top of the list05:23
enkoTapuboy_ubuntu, doesn't sound like grub was installed on the boot partition.05:24
ChronDon88is the only way to get into recovery mode by taping shift?05:25
Tapuboy_ubuntuwell I took instructions from someone, and it actually did installed in the boot partition but I'm not that much intelligent you are right though! please suggest something05:25
ChronDon88or holding shift while rebooting?05:25
Tapuboy_ubuntuno not even by shit05:25
Tapuboy_ubuntuI can get into it by pausing the start up and then pressing F9 for boot options05:26
enkoTapuboy_ubuntu, if you can get to grub manually that means it's installed, if you cant automatically that meants the wrong disk is selected for bootup OR you didn't install grub to the primary disk boot partition.05:27
ChronDon88how do you pause?05:27
Tapuboy_ubuntuand boot options shows all 3 options http://ibb.co/dMH9Bb see this i posted the image05:27
Tapuboy_ubuntuoh ok ok while installing Ubuntu 16.04 I've made /boot, /, /home, and swap05:28
Tapuboy_ubuntuI pause with keep hitting ESC button just when I power up the machine05:28
ChronDon88so I press f9 and I get ubuntu 14.1 and 4 dots then it boots normaly05:30
ChronDon88so f9 pauses it?05:30
Tapuboy_ubuntuyes F9 does but it opens the boot options menu as shown in this image http://ibb.co/dMH9Bb05:31
ChronDon88I dont get that05:32
Tapuboy_ubuntuChoronDon88 uhOh okay05:32
ChronDon88I get ubuntu 14.1 and then 4 dots then it boots normaly05:32
ChronDon88but the f9 does something05:32
ChronDon88like pauses it05:33
Tapuboy_ubuntuenko what do you recommend05:33
Tapuboy_ubuntuchrondon88 yes it does05:33
Tapuboy_ubuntudv`_, what do you recommend?05:33
enkoTapuboy_ubuntu, reinstall grub to the correct partition?05:35
Tapuboy_ubuntuhow do I do that? do you recommend grub_repair_tool05:35
ChronDon88WOW you need to be connect to the internet to get this menu?05:40
xorgnakno, but you do need to be connected to the internet to reinstall it.05:41
ChronDon88for some reason I can not get into recovery mode05:42
vrindai need some help about docker.  i am running in locahost and how to pull debian image in docker?05:43
ChronDon88what is rooting called in ubuntu05:53
xorgnak_escalated privilege05:53
ChronDon88how do I open a terminal05:54
ChronDon88how can I make that work06:13
EriC^^!topic | ChronDon8806:14
ubottuChronDon88: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic06:14
ChronDon88so 14.1 is not official?06:15
ChronDon88what does a .c file do?06:24
ChronDon88is it like a windows .exe?06:24
mutanteChronDon88: no, it's more like a .txt. the source code itself, not the executable06:25
hateballa file extension by itself doesnt really say anything either, but .c is usually source indeed06:26
ChronDon88how do I make a .c like an .exe file06:26
mutanteChronDon88: the file extensions isnt that important in Linux, unlike Windows.  try the "file" command to check what it is or just open it with a text editor06:26
hateballChronDon88: compile it with gcc or whatever you like06:26
mutanteChronDon88: using a compiler, gcc06:26
hateball!compile | ChronDon8806:26
ubottuChronDon88: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall06:26
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Muon, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!06:27
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!06:27
ChronDon88I cant use sudo becaues I don't have root accuse to this computer06:28
ChronDon88I'm trying to get root06:28
ChronDon88without the password and I can not boot into recovery for some reason06:28
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enko>bet 50006:40
USBRevTetherHi.. Please help me with Reverse tethering? Executing this commands, in simple noob language06:44
ChronDon88how to do install something on ubuntu07:24
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents07:25
ChronDon88I need to go to bed07:25
ChronDon88Im in way over my head right now07:26
ChronDon88Trying to root a OS ive never even played with07:26
ChronDon88I have like 50 tabs open :(07:26
ChronDon88I did find the .image file for ubuntu tho that only took a few hours07:27
mutanteto get root, use "su"07:27
ChronDon88I dont have the password its locked07:27
ChronDon88and no I didnt steal it07:27
mutanteboot into single user mode, mount disk, edit /etc/shadow to set new pass, reboot07:27
ChronDon88For some reason I cant boot into recovery or single user07:28
ChronDon88I even tryed f9 and shift07:28
ChronDon88ese f9 shift07:28
ChronDon88it just boots07:28
mutanteChronDon88: you could use any "Live CD" to boot from as well07:29
mutanteKnoppix or something07:29
ChronDon88its a micro PC07:29
ChronDon88this is what im working with07:30
mutanteok, then boot from a USB flash drive i suppose07:30
ChronDon88it doesnt get any more bare bones than that07:30
ChronDon88I have to switch back and forth between mouse and keyboard atm lol07:30
mutantewhy not a real computer ?:)07:31
ChronDon88I do have some usb female peaces coming from china hopefully will be here in a month to add on some USBS07:31
mutantewhatever it used to boot Ubuntu when it was installed.. should be able to boot a live image07:31
ChronDon88I got it for free from doing a idk what it was I guess they monitored the traffic of the network I had it connected to for a month and gave me 50 bux and left the box here07:32
ChronDon88I opened the box up to find a mini pc and my eyeballs opened wider and wider07:32
ChronDon88I wanted to use the thing07:32
ChronDon88I asked them for the password but they are sketch and hung up07:32
ChronDon88the company is called digital reflections07:33
ChronDon88you can probably get one too07:33
ChronDon88the contract says nothing about returning the device and they dont ask you too after you stop07:33
ChronDon88They just let you keep it07:33
gordonjcpChronDon88: does it actually show up a PC-like BIOS when you power it up?07:33
ChronDon88It runs a bunch of command lines when it boots07:34
ChronDon88If i press f9 it says ubuntu 14.1 and 4 dots below that and then boots07:34
ChronDon88I guess its a bearbones version of mk902ii07:34
ChronDon88which is basicly an android/linux mini PC you can get for like 100 bux07:35
ChronDon88Im guessing this one is around 80 dollers because its missing half the stuff07:35
ChronDon88I just wanted it to run kodi and IRC/Discord for the channles I am an admin in on my TV on the wall07:36
ChronDon88Thought it would be cool but it is turning into a super project07:36
gordonjcpwonder what it boots from07:36
ChronDon88I've never used ubuntu or linux so this is all new to me07:36
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mutanteChronDon88: https://www.reddit.com/r/SwagBucks/comments/4l86cj/digital_reflections_android_box/07:37
gordonjcpChronDon88: in the bottom left corner of your pic, is that actually a chip ?07:37
gordonjcphard to seee if it's a BGA flash chip, or just nothing there07:37
mutante"To anyone still wanting to re-flash the boxes, first download the new tool here. Unzip the batchtool folder and run the RKBatchTool application. Then, go here and download the most recent firmware image (as of November 2016, it's MK902II_5.1_160722). Load the image in the RKBatchTool and hold down the reset button on your box for a few seconds until the tool finds it (you'll need a small pin to reach the07:37
mutantebutton. It's on the left side of the box). Then click "Upgrade" on the tool."07:37
ChronDon88HOLY S*HT you found it!07:38
gordonjcpoh cool07:38
ChronDon88the origional IMAGE!07:38
ChronDon88with WORKING LINK!07:38
ChronDon88-_- I've been searching reddit and the interent for like 2=3 hours for that07:39
ChronDon88All the links I tried were dead07:39
ChronDon88So weird that that link works07:39
mutantei searched for "digital reflections hardware root password" hoping that i would just find the default password :p07:40
gordonjcpthey're actually fairly decent07:40
ChronDon88Yea but you can get a stripped down version for free07:41
ChronDon88the company is super sketchy07:41
ChronDon88after I looked at the files on these thing (most of them are root protected) I found some stuff about some russian click farms07:42
ChronDon88awe the file apperently doesnt work on this version07:42
ChronDon88even tho it says they are not excepting people sign up and get ur free pc!07:45
ChronDon88I really do want to see what they were trying to do07:47
gordonjcpChronDon88: it's weird, looking at your board pic it looks like it's mostly just the sockets and LEDs that aren't populated07:48
pumiceadobe flash player install does not seem to work07:48
gordonjcpChronDon88: like I reckon you could fit the missing micro SD card socket07:48
ChronDon88gordonjcp you are correct07:48
gordonjcpthe passives around it seem to be present07:48
ChronDon88I ordered some board USB female connecters from china07:48
ChronDon88going to populate the board myself07:48
ChronDon88they are on sale for 80 cents a peace :D07:49
gordonjcpChronDon88: can't argue with the price07:49
ChronDon88You mean free?07:49
gordonjcpChronDon88: no, 80 cents for the sockets07:49
ChronDon88I wouldnt trust the company digital reflections07:49
gordonjcpChronDon88: I was going to say, you could try just soldering flying leads onto a USB device and sticking it down but for pennies you may as well buy the proper sockets07:50
ChronDon88I basicly shut down my home network for 2 months to get some free cash07:50
ChronDon88so I guess it wasnt "free"07:50
ChronDon88Only problem is its going to take a month or 2 but screw it07:50
ChronDon88I got the software to reflash it I just need a male 2 male usb cord07:51
ChronDon88I tryed to make one but yea.....07:51
gordonjcpmale to male USB?07:51
gordonjcpnot sure how that would work07:51
gordonjcpunless they're doing something evil like using a USB A connector where they should have a B connector07:52
gordonjcpor some really really crazy-ass implementation of OTG07:52
ChronDon88No to flash it because I dont have root07:53
ChronDon88I can only use guest07:53
ChronDon88which is a no go right now07:53
ChronDon88having a PC on the network I dont have control over is a no no07:53
gordonjcpbetter hope you don't have any recent Intel kit then07:54
gordonjcpChronDon88: right, good luck with it07:54
ChronDon88I need the male to male to flash it07:54
* gordonjcp -> off to work07:54
radix_peppermint vs linux mint07:54
ChronDon88I got the chinese software to flash it07:54
radix_peppermint vs linux mint07:54
ChronDon88I like mints better07:55
radix_your linux os is07:55
cfhowlettradix_, your choice.  note however: both are offtopic here07:55
radix_i search stable linux distro07:56
gordonjcpstable in what sense?07:56
cfhowlettradix_, ask ##linux07:56
cfhowlettradix_, or use an ubuntu LTS release; currently 16.0407:57
radix_better then mint07:57
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yevgenii just download image for vbox09:21
yevgenihow do i play it? if anyone can help please09:22
cfhowlettplay it?  huh?09:22
cfhowlettwhat OS are you using?09:22
yevgeniubuntu 16.409:22
cfhowlettthen you want to INSTALL.  and you should have .deb file - not an "image"09:23
yevgenithanks, i will do that09:23
cfhowlettdouble click on the .deb and it should launch the installer09:23
yevgenithank you09:24
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StormWarriorhey all09:56
StormWarriorMy battery is giving me issues.. I did a acpi -v and the output is Battery 0: Charging, 0%,  until charged09:57
StormWarriorBattery 0: design capacity 6910 mAh, last full capacity 0 mAh = 0%09:57
cfhowlett StormWarrior is this new behavior?09:58
cfhowlettdualbooting?  does it charge on windows?09:58
StormWarriorIt didnt charge on windows09:58
cfhowlettthen not a software issue.09:58
StormWarriorThe battery is stuck at 0%09:58
StormWarriorjust wanted to confirm09:58
cfhowlettyour charger has likely failed09:58
cfhowlettthey do that09:59
StormWarriorwell my laptop is running fine on AC power09:59
cfhowlettthen the battery is suspect09:59
StormWarriorthought so09:59
StormWarrioryou wanna know the weird part?09:59
cfhowlettthey also fail.  hopefully easily replaced and not hardwired in.09:59
StormWarriorin the gui(settings > power), it shows that battery is taking voltage10:00
cfhowletttaking voltage != keeping a charge.10:00
StormWarriorlike right nom the battery power is 3.2 Wh.. but percentage is 010:00
enautStormWarrior: does the battery heat up while connected?10:00
StormWarriorthe  battery is cool10:01
cfhowlettshould be warm if it's actively charging10:01
enautthats weird... usually my batteries that where broken were quite hot...10:01
StormWarriorbroken batteries should be hot(unless the charging power is broken)10:02
StormWarriorbut charging port is fine since battery is taking a voltage of 12.5V10:02
=== TJ_Remix is now known as TJ-
cfhowlettcan you replace the battery?10:02
StormWarriorI can10:02
StormWarriorBut I wanna know wtf is wrong first10:02
cfhowletthow new/old is this machine.10:03
enautStormWarrior: but if you remove ac the laptop shuts down/turns of immediately?10:03
StormWarriorthe machine is about 5 years old.. so is the battery10:03
StormWarriorenaut: indeed!!!10:03
cfhowlettStormWarrior, if you got 5 years of life out of a laptop, you are doing good!  retire that poor battery and replace it!10:03
StormWarriorLook.. full disclosure.. 5 years ago, I was an idiot.. didnt know squat about tech and batteries and how I should maintain a battery10:04
StormWarriorcfhowlett: its thinkpad :/10:04
enautyou could take a voltmeter and measure the pins... never did anything like that before though10:04
StormWarriorenaut: I have done exactly that with my cellphone10:04
StormWarriorenaut: but as I said, the battery is taking volgae of 12.5V10:04
YounderWhat does this have to do with Ubuntu?10:04
StormWarriorYounder: I am using ubuntu10:04
cfhowlettI believe a dead battery will "take" the voltage, it just won't store the voltage.10:05
StormWarriorYounder: and I want to troubleshoot this on ubuntu10:05
StormWarriorcfhowlett: could be the case10:05
YounderBut this is a hardware issue we can't help you with..10:05
StormWarriorI think I may have messed up the drivers.. in windows..10:05
StormWarriorYounder: I just want to confirm that this is a hardware issue..10:06
cfhowlettwindows drivers would have no effect on the ubuntu side10:06
YounderOk, it is.10:06
enautStormWarrior: if the battery has output but your laptop shows nothing then I rather suspect the connection Battery/Laptop to be broken...10:06
TJ-StormWarrior: you still uses Windows on that PC? There were a lot of known issues with Lenovo Thinkpad battery charging around 2013 ... 5 years ago :)10:06
StormWarriorTJ-: yes I did use windows and I used it like an idiot10:06
StormWarriorenaut: but how is the system correctly(I hope so) gauging the energy and voltage as well as rate of charge of the battery?10:07
TJ-StormWarrior: if you still have Windows, apparently one possible solution is to go into Energy Management, Battery, and choose "Maximum Battery Life" and *sometimes* that causes the battery to charge once more10:07
StormWarriorTJ-: I will try that.. thanks10:08
cfhowlettStormWarrior, I presume instant off if you uplug the AC?10:08
StormWarriorcfhowlett: indeed!10:08
StormWarriorwait guys.. I will post a jpeg link10:08
StormWarriorbear with me10:08
TJ-StormWarrior: which model Thinkpad is it?10:08
TJ-StormWarrior: another possibility: "I have a Thinkpad P50 with Window 10 Pro.  I had this problem and after much frustration found that if the computer gets put in Airplane mode, it changes the power settings to  one that will not charge the laptop."10:09
YounderStormWarrior, If you download like a fool, you have a lot of resident programs which will tap your memory capacity, your battery power and your computers speed. Get vrid of the unnecessary junk. And altso use a program to clean up the registry.10:09
=== zen_guy is now known as zenguy
StormWarriorYounder: I download-ed like a fool10:10
TJ-StormWarrior: and yet another: "...I decided to take the battery out again.  That's when I noticed there are two tabs to lock it in place.  The first one autolocks.  The second one was set to unlocked.  Once that was set to locked position, the battery started charging!"10:11
StormWarriorTJ-: ok.. I have win10 and I will see into it10:11
StormWarriorThis is what the GUI shows about the battery10:11
StormWarriorTJ-: gosh..I will check that now10:11
TJ-StormWarrior: this Lenovo thread is full of apparent fixes/workarounds! https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/forums/v3_1/forumtopicpage/board-id/ll03_en/thread-id/38127/page/610:12
StormWarriorTJ-: will look into it10:12
enautStormWarrior: Capacity being 100% looks suspicious after 5 years... I'd guess something less perfect.10:14
StormWarriorenaut: so it is the battery.. eh10:14
StormWarriorok.. imma boot into Windows and work the fixes.. bbl10:16
YounderStormWarrior, Just remember, fools can learn, but idiots can't- We have all been fools, but don't become an idiot.10:16
StormWarriorthanka a ton guys10:16
StormWarriorYounder: wilco..10:17
Sunny```Reading package lists... Done W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu xenial/mongodb-org/3.2 Release: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1507497109 W: Failed to fetch http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu/dists/xenial/mongodb-org/3.2/Release.gpg  The following signatures were invalid: KEY10:18
Sunnyneed help over sudo apt-get update command10:18
SunnyAfter this command sudo apt-get update10:19
Sunnyi am facing this issues10:19
alkisgSunny: repositories outside of ubuntu are not supported here10:19
alkisgSo, you would need to contact mongodb.org about it10:20
alkisgOur advice here would be just "remove the bad repositories"...10:20
SunnyOtherwise no help10:20
Sunny@alkisg how can i remove the bad repo10:20
alkisgRun software-properties-gtk and uncheck the ones that are causing issues10:21
TJ-Sunny: "KEYEXPIRED" suggests mongodb should have a newer package signing GPG key and you need to find and install it10:24
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=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
FrostEyes_P1Hi folks. looking at https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/01/02/intel_cpu_design_flaw/10:57
FrostEyes_P1anyone knowing when fixes hits 16.0410:58
blackflowFrostEyes_P1: you sure you want the fix? it drops overall performace up to 30%10:59
blackflowmeanwhile, the problem hasn't been made public yet.10:59
brainwashFrostEyes_P1: I suggest asking in #ubuntu-kernel11:00
Younderblackflow, Well I have a 8 core Zenon running 4 GHz. I could probably survive the performance drop..11:01
FrostEyes_P1brainwash: thanks11:02
geirhaI'd assume it's being backported to 16.04's kernel version as the patches comes in, but I don't really know. Haven't checked.11:02
FrostEyes_P1blackflow: will patch where I have to. Just need a timeline if possible..11:03
brainwashit obviously will11:03
blackflowFrostEyes_P1: the vuln itself hasn't been made public yet, no CVEs even, so there's no way to know.11:04
blackflowyes there are some "fixes" landing upstream and a great deal of talk about it on the net, but we're talking official releases and announcements here.11:04
brainwashI'd think that ubuntu kernel devs have all the info11:05
blackflowand an embargo which holds their mouths shut.11:06
TJ-FrostEyes_P1: builds for Bionic's 4.14.10 (stable) are done so that should and very soon (and 4.14.11 probably won't be far behind). Once those are known-good, backports will follow11:13
TJ-s/and very soon/land very soon/11:13
FrostEyes_P1Thanks :)11:14
=== mike_ is now known as Guest63952
IgOucard9hi all, does anyone know what determines the name of the desktop entries in the launcher? for example in this https://i.imgur.com/JFm4Gid.png, chromium's name is shown as telegram web - chromium instead of chromium. i noticed this change after i used the python bindings for selenium which uses chromedriver. Also i'am not able to open links from other ubuntu applications in chrome, whenever i click on "open link in browser", a flurry of tabs open11:47
IgOucard9each with an option name (as in this image: https://i.imgur.com/JFm4Gid.png), i have googled for this but found no relevant results :(11:47
IgOucard9sorry the second link is this: https://i.imgur.com/uql8s1r.png11:48
BluesKajHey folks12:11
blip99hi, does one need extra software to connect to an IPSec strongSwan VPN?12:29
KireMerHello guys, I am having problem with my sound. I am googling for like 2 hours and I can't seem to find the solution, tried all sorts of stuff. I am new in Ubuntu and it would be lovely if you help me. Here's the problem, I can hear with my notebook bultin speakers, but I can't hear when I plugin headphones. They are recognized it just doesn't output anything. Also I have microphone on this headphones, and the microphone is not12:29
KireMerrecognized. My laptop model is Asus s56kc, I am running dual boot. Thank you very much12:29
BluesKajblip99, type IPSec in your package manager12:32
blip99BluesKaj, yes I saw several clients but different results on the web point to buggy or problematic packages like openswan.  16.04 repos have the older NetworkManager Applet 1.3 (not 1.4).  do you think that's fine?12:35
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BluesKajblip99, is IPSec your only VPN protocol option ?12:36
blip99BluesKaj, yes that's what the server i connect to uses12:37
BluesKajblip99, it's been a while since I used IPSec, so i can't answer your question about problematic packages. Most VPN services have moved on to openvpn which much simpler and easier to use.12:41
crogersHi. I'm having an issue revoking my gpg public key on keyserver.ubuntu.com12:42
blip99BluesKaj, ah i see. the reason our server uses ipsec is that 'openvpn is not very secure and buggy'.  i guess that's outdated info?12:42
crogersget an error message: Add failed: This is a stand-alone revocation certificate. A revocation certificates should be imported to the respective public key before being published to a keyserver12:43
BluesKajblip99, uhm, sounds like the server just doesn't want to change protocols ..openvpn is very secure and bugfree in my experience12:44
crogersGot no idea why it's not taking it. Isn't the point of a "stand-alone" *anything* supposed to be that it doesn't need more information to process?12:44
eraserpencildoes anyone have an autokey phrase like aptin that expands into sudo aptitude install?12:49
crogerseraserpencil: have you tried the "alias" command?12:52
samuelwagwan piff ting12:53
eraserpencilcrogers: yea it dosent really work the way i want to, or im doing it wrong. "alias" excutes the command on its own. cant really customize an alias for packages12:57
EriC^^eraserpencil: what alias are you trying to use?12:57
crogersalias install='sudo apt install'12:59
crogersseems to work for me.13:00
crogersor am I not understanding what you're trying to do?13:00
eraserpencilEriC^^: for example i want a shortcut to "dmesg --get-selections | grep" , lets say 'dgr'. I can just do "dgr gtk" or "dgr qt" rather than "dmesg --get-selections | grep gtk" or "dmesg --get-selections | grep qt"13:01
akikeraserpencil: you can reference a command line argument in alias with $113:02
eraserpencilakik: Thanks! What if I wanted to do an alias for "sudo apt install", but there will be times I'd install several packages at once13:05
akikeraserpencil: $* expands to all arguments13:06
eraserpencilis there a man page for alias rules? or is this basic scripting?13:07
BluesKajI just use a .bash_aliases file and list them there13:07
blip99BluesKaj, thanks for the help13:08
akikeraserpencil: man bash lists them but it's a bit hard to read13:08
akikeraserpencil: better to read some guide on the net13:08
BluesKajblip99, so what have you decided ?13:08
BluesKajeraserpencil, example: alias uu='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'13:09
blip99BluesKaj, I'm gonna try to get the swan client working, it's supposed to modify ubuntu's nework manager. but i think i got the wrong version13:11
crogersalias badly needs a man page.13:12
BluesKajblip99, i see, ok ipsec is workable , just bit more complicated13:12
eraserpencilakik:so I'm trying out  " alias dms='dmsg --get-selections | grep '  ", but13:13
eraserpencildms has no tab-completion and "dms qt" returns error13:13
eraserpencilsorry theres the $1 in there13:13
BluesKajeraserpencil, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1414/how-to-create-a-permanent-alias13:14
akikeraserpencil: dmsg is no command, maybe you meant dmesg13:15
alkisgdpkg probably13:15
akikah of course13:16
eraserpencilalkisg: yea, im messing up commands now13:16
EriC^^eraserpencil: do you mean "dpkg --get-selections" ?13:22
eraserpencilEriC^^: yup13:24
eraserpencillast question. alias aptin='sudo aptitude install $*' works, but not with tab-completion. anyway to get it with tab completion?13:24
EriC^^eraserpencil: check out https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/4219/how-do-i-get-bash-completion-for-command-aliases13:27
geirhaeraserpencil: remove the $* from the end of that alias. alises do not have arguments13:30
eraserpencilgeirha: It does work13:31
geirhaeraserpencil: because your interactive session happens to not have any arguments set, so $* expands to nothing13:31
=== Ian is now known as Guest93161
akikgeirha: he uses the $* so that he can use the alias with different arguments13:37
akikgeirha: or did you mean the completion would work if he removes the $* ?13:37
loginoobI need urgent help... The error i get when i boot is "the system is running on low graphics mode"13:39
geirhaakik: I mean the $* serves no purpose other than potentially causing unexpected behavior later on.  aptin foo   would be alias-expanded to   sudo aptitude install $* foo13:39
loginoobI have tried stackoverflow solution but the problem is when i open tty1 and login,  it says sudo command not found, vi command not found13:40
loginoobMostly all the command not found. I can do ls though13:40
akikgeirha: if he runs "aptin foo" the $* would be foo13:40
geirhaakik: nope13:40
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
brainwashakik: it's an alias and not a function13:41
akikgeirha: it works that way in bash13:41
loginoobPlease anyone13:41
geirhaakik: Try with this:   set -- "arg 1" "arg 2"; alias mytest='echo $*'   and run   mytest hello13:41
ka11anyone here13:41
loginoobI want to edit my bashrc file in tty but vi command not found error it shows13:42
loginoobIs there any other way to edit13:42
brainwashtry with "nano"13:42
ka11example:$nano filename,13:43
geirha(without the dollar)13:43
loginoobbrainwash ok ty, could you please tell me how to save the file after edit13:44
loginoobIn nano13:44
eraserpencilgeirha: akik's solution does work. havent test it out with tab completion though. and with yours, I would hit a limit with arguments yes?13:46
geirhaeraserpencil: that limit is there regardless13:46
loginoobAnd reboot, poweroff, shutdown not working. Do i have to do hard poweroff?13:46
brainwashloginoob: can you run the commands if you use the full path?13:48
brainwashit may be that your PATH is not set, or there's something wrong with13:48
loginoobbrainwash I don't know full path. I m new13:48
geirhaeraserpencil: and again, it happens to work because your interactive shell has no arguments set at the moment. You'll find that it still works after you remove $*, so I recommend you remove it from that alias.13:49
loginoobI edited my bashrc file and in the end wrote export path= /usr/lib/java. So i ma guessing that must be the problem13:50
loginoobbrainwash I have deleted it now. And i need to reboot13:51
BluesKaj bash_aliases in the hidden files section is the simplest setup IMO13:51
brainwashloginoob: /usr/bin/systemctl reboot13:53
brainwashor logout and login again13:54
loginoobIt says permission denied brad[]13:54
geirhaloginoob: It's better to adjust PATH in .profile rather than .bashrc, but you certainly do not want to overwrite the existing PATH variable. Instead you want to prepend or append13:54
brainwashthen do "exit" and login again13:55
brainwashwith your bashrc fixed everything should work fine again13:55
=== nat is now known as Natkeeran
loginoobIt says /usr/share/bash-completion/bssh_completion: permission denied14:01
=== cajhne is now known as crogers
geirhasounds like you might have removed a '.' by accident14:03
loginoobgeirha i only edited what i added in bashrc. Nothing more14:05
geirhahard to determine without seeing the exact error message14:05
geirhaa pastebin of the full .bashrc would also help14:06
loginoobgeirha this is my error exactly. But solutions are not helping me14:08
geirhathat forum post does not seem related ...14:08
=== andre is now known as Guest38018
Guest38018It is my first time here, can someone send me a sign of life?14:10
loginoobgeirha is there a way to copy my bashrc file and put it in pastebin if i cannot access anything other than tty14:11
geirhawe see you, andre, now known as Guest3801814:11
Guest38018Thanks very much, geirha.14:11
crogersYour client should tell you how many are connected to the chatroom. That's not always a sign of life, but is a good indicator of the attention that's paid to the channel.14:12
Guest38018I am Andre, and I am using ubuntu only for few months... But it works very well in my job as a researcher in economics and statistics14:12
geirhaloginoob: nc termbin.com 9999 < ~/.bashrc14:13
wasutton3what user does a udev rule execute a script as?14:13
crogersGuest38018: Glad to hear you like it. Did you have a question?14:13
Guest38018but I have difficulties to install a printer in home...14:13
Guest38018crogers: not now, because I am travelling in Japan, but when I will be back to home in Brazil I will need some help in this topic.14:14
crogersGuest38018: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers14:15
crogersthat page contains a list of printers which are compatible with ubuntu.14:15
crogersand other helpful advice.14:15
Guest38018crogers: Thank you for advice. I will search it and read it in details...14:16
crogersGuest38018: No problem. Have fun in Japan!14:17
brainwashwasutton3: root14:17
loginoobgeirha nc:getaddrinfo:temporary failure in name resolution14:17
loginoobI am sorry I'm troubling you.14:17
wasutton3brainwash, so the udev rule should have no trouble executing a sh script in my home directory?14:18
geirhaloginoob: no internet connection makes it a bit difficult, yes14:19
loginoobI have connection14:19
loginoobMy LAN cable is plugged in14:20
brainwashwasutton3: I guess no.. unless your HOME is encrypted or not available when the udev rule is triggered14:20
brainwashwasutton3: maybe copy it over to /usr/local/bin14:21
fadavihey there. apt wants to remove linux-image-extra-4.13.0-12-generic package, but its freezed on this command:14:34
fadavirun-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms 4.13.0-12-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.13.0-12-generic14:34
fadaviany solution?14:34
=== Night__ is now known as |Night|
diamvwfadavi: dmesg errors?14:35
|Night|hey i keep getting 2 packages can be updated. even after running apt-get update / upgrade14:36
diamvw|Night|: what about apt dist-upgrade?14:36
|Night|diamvw: runing newest dist14:37
BluesKaj|Night|, sudo apt full-upgrade14:37
|Night|diamvw:  i found out i had to run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop which was beeing held back14:37
fadavidiamvw: too many errors :| https://paste.ubuntu.com/26313276/14:39
diamvwfadavi: It is the recurrent issue with i915 drivers14:42
diamvwIt is not ubuntu specific14:42
diamvwI also use opensuse14:42
diamvwis your machine responsive?14:42
fadavidiamvw: yes it is. is there any solution/workaround for this issue?14:43
ash_workwhat do programs like `top` use to rewrite the console when refreshing stats?14:43
fadaviash_work: ncurses library14:44
diamvwfadavi: not to my knowledge. Many workarounds by nothing robust.14:44
fadavidiamvw: thank you so much.14:44
ash_workfadavi: thanks, I'll look into that14:46
flux242how can i find out why particular package gets updated?14:46
fadaviflux242: read the changelog14:46
flux242which one14:46
diamvwflux242: apt-cache show <package> and on go to the upstream link14:47
flux242ok, how can find out why 100 packages are updated?14:48
diamvwis there any metapackage?14:49
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flux242diamvw: not necessarily14:51
alkisgreallynotafish: meh, it would be more interesting if it were reallyafish14:51
reallynotafishthe nickname was registered and I tried to change it, failing the first time alkisg :)14:51
geirhaflux242: could be a different reason for each of those 100 packages. Best you can do is   apt changelog pkgname   for each package14:52
diamvwflux242: if there is a metapackage then you could save a lot of time14:53
diamvweven more than one metapackage14:54
fadavidiamvw: is there anyway to purge/remove linux-extra-4.13.0-12-generic witout running "dkms ..."? for now, i cant install any package...14:54
UmeaboyHi! The first window that appears when you run dist-upgrade...... Isn't it possible to translate that?15:01
UmeaboyI can't find any of the strings when I look at update-manager. Am I looking at the wrong place?15:03
diamvwfadavi: sudo dpkg -l | grep ^rc | awk '{print $2}' | xargs sudo apt purge -y15:03
flux242hm, so 'changelog' output should be stipped to only show changes until installed version and it should be iterated over updatable packages. If I write a script would I develop a bicycle or something similar exists already?15:04
eraserpencilEriC^^: Hey! I was wondering if you understood the link you shared. I couldnt get the tab-completion for possible packages to install15:07
eraserpencilgeirha: whats the code you suggested in place of alias? I have issues with root permissions15:14
=== daniel is now known as Guest54502
oldschool_fzer08Hi everyone15:17
blackbird1Hi, I have a blurry screen. it' a samsung 1152x864 53.3 KHz 60 Hz NP. I set up the resolution (1152x864) but I don't know how to set up the other information.15:22
alkisgblackbird1: what's the output of this command? xrandr15:25
alkisgPut it to pastebin15:25
Umeaboyhttps://hastebin.com/ is also OK to paste to. :)15:35
blackbird1alkisg: https://hastebin.com/ebowokitig.vbs15:38
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
AvidWolf43hi guys15:48
AvidWolf43how do i remove mysql completely from ubuntu 16.04 server15:50
AvidWolf43im having issues since installing it via the iso installer15:50
deemwhat's an iso installer?15:51
AvidWolf43deem: im having a brainfart in terminology, the usb installer15:52
AvidWolf43when you dd the image on usb and boot from it for ubuntu server15:52
dewwiiwhy do you want to uninstall mysql? you can use apt-get remove or purge15:53
AvidWolf43i dont know if this makes sense but, i think i have 2 mysql's? I think something got messed up during the installation, since it asked me 3 times to set root pw15:53
AvidWolf43so im assuming i have 3 instances?15:53
deemAvidWolf43: ah. you spoke of ubuntu server, i thought you were speaking of mysql in context of the iso installer. what kind of issues do you have with mysql?15:53
AvidWolf43if i su to root, i can login by mysql -u root15:55
AvidWolf43no pw15:55
AvidWolf43if i am in a normal user with sudo the same command doesnt work15:55
dewwiiyeah that's the "new" way15:55
AvidWolf43dewwii: ?15:57
dewwiitrying to find an article on this, but basically newer versions of mysql uses a diff login mechanism which works with th root user15:58
alkisgblackbird1: you're connected via VGA (analog) instead of digital, it's a very possible reason for blurry screen15:59
alkisgblackbird1: use dvi or hdmi instead15:59
dewwiiAvidWolf43: i may be wrong from ubuntu's perspective. i ran into this with debian 9 where it uses a socket for root user to login as mysql root user16:00
AvidWolf43dewwii: i think you are correct though, the behavior makes sense16:01
AvidWolf43i guess i need to find an older version16:01
dewwiiyou can change it. this is the article i ran into for deb 9. not sure if it applies https://y0b.org/index.php/2017/08/28/debian-9-stretch-and-mysql-mariadb-root-password/16:02
ayazHello All16:03
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diamvwIs there any link with videos from previous ubuntu conferences?16:07
diamvwOr something like that?16:07
edisonbulbhas the ubuntu phone project been discontinued?16:11
blackbird1alkisg: I bought an old TFT screen (no dvi) :/16:15
=== barracuda is now known as ACAB1312
NoImNotNineVolthi. i'm using postfix and trying to use pcre. i've installed postfix-pcre. i'm still getting errors in syslog: pcre:/etc/postfix/virtual is unavailable. unsupported dictionary type: pcre16:21
NoImNotNineVoltand yes, i've restarted postfix since installing postfix-pcre16:22
acovrigI’m having issues with iptables in ubuntu 17.04 and 17.10. The rules seem to work fine on a pi, but not either of these servers… `sudo ufw status` shows “Status: inactive” so I guess it’s not a ufw thing?16:25
monk12|2hey all, had a quick question. can i add another group to a group in /etc/group? like we have developers group we maintain... instead of adding same users to apache group, can we do something like so  apache::::developres16:25
monk12|2(where developers has user1,user2,user3 already in it)16:25
monk12|2(Note: in my syntax, i simplified the /etc/group syntax since forgot how many colons to add off top of my head hehe)16:26
naccmonk12|2: use adduser, and see what it does to the files?16:28
monk12|2k i heard i can also try vigr and it will check the syntax (possilby saying if it wont allow adding group). a sysadmin in house said %developers may work16:30
r0b-how long before Ubuntu fixes the Intel flaw?16:30
monk12|2ill spin up my ubuntu VM and give it a shot in a bit.16:31
naccmonk12|2: also `man 5 group`16:32
naccmonk12|2: by the text of the manpage, the 'user_list' is well, a list of users.16:32
naccr0b-: "the Intel flaw"?16:32
tomreynNoImNotNineVolt: does postconf -m list the pcre dict type?16:32
NoImNotNineVolttomreyn: nope.16:33
gordonjcpnacc: that thing where under very very specific circumstances, the CPU can leak page table information for the kernel into user processes16:33
naccgordonjcp: oh i'm just seeing the article now16:33
NoImNotNineVoltregexp, but no pcre.16:33
gordonjcpr0b-: it'll be fixed whenever the upstream kernels are fixed16:33
NoImNotNineVoltand my regex is just /.*/, so i could probably use that instead, but i'm not trying to change someone else's production system on them :P16:34
r0b-how severe is this bug lol16:34
gordonjcpr0b-: frankly you couldn't pay me to worry about it16:34
r0b-Ill just pay you :)16:34
NoImNotNineVoltwell, aside from stopping the flood of errors about postfix pcre in this syslog :P16:34
gordonjcpr0b-: if an attacker can already run arbitrary code on your machine they can exploit it16:34
gordonjcpr0b-: buuuuuuuuut - they can already run arbitrary code on your machine anyway16:34
gordonjcpso now your attack surface is massive16:35
CapsAdmini have issues with grub, the menu wont appear16:35
r0b-so unless they can hack my PC im fine?16:35
CapsAdminbut i can boot into linux fine from the grub shell16:35
acovrighere are my rules - if I SSH -L8080: then it works fine, but just hitting doesn’t work, any ideas? https://gist.github.com/acovrig/6d940c7ac7001830b006c066235d6b7216:35
naccCapsAdmin: did you make any changes to hte config file?16:35
CapsAdmini've tried grub-install and update-grub and even grub-mkconf16:35
gordonjcpr0b-: if you're running a massive stack of virtual machines with potentially dodgy folk using them, you probably want to worry at least a little16:35
alkisgmonk12|2: no, afaik you can't have groups as members of groups16:35
r0b-but for me just using my laptop I should not worry much?16:36
tomreynNoImNotNineVolt: i guess you could stracte posstfix as it starts up to see whether it accesses /usr/lib/postfix/dict_pcre.so16:36
gordonjcpr0b-: amazon might care, my mum running 16.04 on her desktop in the house is probably not much of a target16:36
CapsAdminnacc, i messed up trying to remove some old boot entries so i just ended up deleting the whole drive and redoing it16:36
NoImNotNineVolttomreyn: that sounds painful, as init starts it :P16:36
EriC^^CapsAdmin: can you get into the grub shell and log here from another pc?16:37
alkisgCapsAdmin: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc so that it gets regenerated, and put it to pastebin for us to see16:37
NoImNotNineVoltalso it's a production system, so i'm not trying to introduce too much downtime.16:37
CapsAdmini used boot repair from a live cd which seemed to be successful but i'm just greeted with the grub shell16:37
NoImNotNineVoltthough i suppose that may be inevitable at this point.16:37
EriC^^CapsAdmin: pastebin the output of 'sudo parted -l'16:37
monk12|2Thanks alkisg / nacc thanks for the info. ill just re-add users to each group..16:37
CapsAdminEriC^^, yes, i'm currently on the laptop that has the issue16:37
r0b-Ok thanks. I wont worry much.16:37
CapsAdminthe issue is just that i have no grub menu, just a grub shell16:38
CapsAdminbut booting from the shell works16:38
CapsAdminalkisg, what's grub-pc?16:38
alkisgCapsAdmin: it's the grub package, unless you're using uefi16:38
EriC^^CapsAdmin: ok, run 'sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999' from a terminal and paste the link it gives you here16:39
alkisgCapsAdmin: pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg16:39
dim_Trying to install 16.04.03. I have an Nvidia 1050ti and Ubuntu fails to display image into try mode. What can I do?16:39
CapsAdminsudo parted -l https://gist.github.com/anonymous/3f6f6d67c4bce2e24f3c234897ec62da16:39
alkisgCapsAdmin: ok you have efi, so it's sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd6416:40
CapsAdminmy grub.cfg https://gist.github.com/anonymous/b6625664e3fcdc8c7c213f1c370c0bfb16:40
dim_Am on Mint 17.3 btw. Can I Install Ubuntu from within the environment of some other live-usb?16:40
CapsAdminalkisg, ok trying to reboot16:41
alkisg!nomodeset | dim_:16:41
ubottudim_:: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:41
alkisgTry this dim_ ^16:41
dim_ok will do16:41
CapsAdminsame alkisg16:43
CapsAdmincan i purge grub and install it from within the booted os?16:43
alkisgCapsAdmin: sure, but that's not expected to help. Try one more time with sudo grub-install /dev/sda16:44
alkisgIf that doesn't help either, we'll see into all the configs/uuids etc16:44
CapsAdminalkisg, same issue16:47
alkisgCapsAdmin: ok, first of all, do mention any errors you see in commands16:47
alkisgAre you booted in uefi mode? ls /sys/firmware/efi/16:48
CapsAdminif that exists + some files in that folder then yes16:48
alkisgOK, paste the output of cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg again, along with your /etc/fstab, and the output of sudo lsblk --fs16:49
hicoleriwhat can be the possible reasons for HDMI output from laptop to TV not working on intel graphics? The hdmi cable and the TV I have are brand new and I have never used the HDMI port on the laptop before or the TV. `xrandr -q` shows that HDMI1 is disconnected. The laptop has intel graphics.16:49
hicoleri*remove last sentence16:49
CapsAdminthe way i boot from grub is "set root=(hd0,3); linuxefi /boot/*vmzlinux* root=/dev/sda3; initrdefi /boot/*initrdlinux*; boot"16:49
alkisg...capsadmin, and the output of: dpkg -l '*grub*'16:49
EriC^^CapsAdmin: did you try after 'grub-install' i got disconnected16:50
naccCapsAdmin: this is Ubuntu? /boot/*vmzlinux* and /boot/*initrdlinux* does not refer to standard Ubuntu filenames16:50
Jakethepythonthis maynot be the approriate room but i have webmin installed on my ubuntu server and i am not able to connect to it16:51
Jakethepythonthe service is running16:51
naccJakethepython: probably need to ask the webmin folks, it's not an ubuntu package, afaik16:52
tomreynNoImNotNineVolt: you could also run 'lsof' on the path but that's not as reliable, since it may not keep the module file opened (just open it during start), not sure how it works16:52
Jakethepythonok thought so thank you16:52
nacc!alis | Jakethepython: they may have a channel16:52
ubottuJakethepython: they may have a channel: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"16:52
EriC^^hicoleri: does 'dmesg' mention anything at all?16:53
hicolerilet me see16:53
NoImNotNineVolttomreyn: nothing's using pcre according to lsof.16:53
CapsAdmingrub.cfg: https://gist.github.com/48b5924316b6260f346fdb3f39fd611d16:53
CapsAdminfstab: https://gist.github.com/3346d920070b79a3858f97833bc2d91016:53
CapsAdminlsblk: https://gist.github.com/CapsAdmin/9676072147504cb78c760aac1cfc61e016:54
NoImNotNineVoltso yea, probably closes after loading.16:54
CarlFKI put ubuntu-17.04-desktop-amd64.iso on a usb tumb drive.  I can boot from it.  is there an option to check it for defects?16:54
CapsAdmindpgk https://gist.github.com/d444528f04985a34fa6e4481ab20790416:55
CapsAdminalkisg, ^16:55
CapsAdminEriC^^, yes i tried that16:55
CapsAdminnacc, it's kde neon based on ubuntu16:55
CapsAdminthe image starts with vmz something iirc16:56
CapsAdmini just tab to autocomplete16:56
alkisgCapsAdmin: while I look over these, try: set root=what you do already, and this: configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg16:56
hicoleriEriC^^: something along the lines of bad edid: https://hastebin.com/sugojawaxe.css16:56
EriC^^CarlFK: you could do 'sudo dd if=/dev/sdX bs=$(stat -c %s /path/to/iso) count=1 | md5sum' and see if it matches md5sum /path/to/iso16:57
alkisgCapsAdmin: check if that configfile command shows the menu16:57
CapsAdminalkisg, alright16:57
EriC^^CarlFK: replace sdX with the usb name16:57
hicoleriis the TV bad?16:57
thesebpossible to convert live usb stick to one with custom packages added to it?16:57
thesebi tried before and failed....16:57
EriC^^hicoleri: no i think a bad edid usually means it's just not out of the box working and you have to give it yourself, ive never had experience with it before16:58
Borw3Ubuntu... :(16:59
EriC^^hicoleri: this might help https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/488559-Solved-*ERROR*-EDID-checksum-is-invalid-remainder-is-N16:59
CapsAdminalkisg, it did!16:59
CapsAdminand i booted from it16:59
hicoleriokay, thanks16:59
alkisgCapsAdmin: ok, that means your configuration is fine but the grub installation isn't17:00
alkisgCapsAdmin: let me find the exact command for it...17:00
EriC^^hicoleri: i think what you have to do is tell it to ignore the edid and add a modeline yourself17:00
hicolerii'll try later. don't have time now17:00
Borw3Ubuntu ... :(17:01
EriC^^hicoleri: ok, check here when you do there's a solution https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1486066&page=217:01
hicolerithanks again17:02
EriC^^CapsAdmin: type 'sudo ls -l /boot/efi/efi' and get the name of the dir, then type 'sudo cat /boot/efi/efi/<name of dir>/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link here17:03
EriC^^hicoleri: no problem17:03
alkisgCapsAdmin: when you ran dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd64, did it display dialogs prompting you about the kernel cmdline, the nvram variables etc?17:05
CapsAdminmaybe i should have told17:05
CapsAdmini just went with defaults alkisg17:06
alkisgCapsAdmin: eh, anyway, to remove/reinstall grub: apt purge grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed shim-signed; apt install grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-amd64-signed shim-signed17:07
alkisgMake sure it doesn't remove any other packages though before pressing yes17:07
EriC^^CapsAdmin: can you type 'sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999'17:07
EriC^^i suspect it's booting another grub.efi that doesn't have a good grub.cfg pointing to the right config file17:08
alkisgI think the efi variables etc are all set up correctly, and the problem is that grub is searching in the wrong partition for the menu17:08
EriC^^alkisg: yeah, the file that was termbin'ed above is what grub uses to find the config, it's set up properly according to his lsblk output, so it might be that it's booting a different grub.efi17:08
CapsAdminalkisg, after doing that the only thing that looks like an error is "No DKMS packages installed: not changing Secure Boot validation state."17:08
CapsAdminbut no menus this time17:09
alkisgCapsAdmin: ok, try a reboot and come back for more info if that didn'twork17:09
CapsAdminalkisg, same17:12
alkisgCapsAdmin: ok, let's test EriC^^'s theory: ( ls -lR /boot/efi; sudo efibootmgr -v ) | nc termbin.com 999917:12
CapsAdminhttp://termbin.com/2kzv alkisg EriC^^17:13
alkisgCapsAdmin: is "neon" ubuntu?17:13
CapsAdminbased on ubuntu17:13
CapsAdminmaybe i shouldn't be asking here.. lol17:14
alkisgcat /etc/os-release17:14
idesuvixHello to everybody, beginner ubuntu user here :)17:14
thesebpossible to convert live usb stick to one with custom packages added17:14
theseb         to it?17:14
alkisgIf it's not an official ubuntu flavour, yeah17:14
CapsAdminalkisg, http://termbin.com/75ml17:14
CarlFKEriC^^: I think there is an option to md5sum --check all the files on it.. there was on the alt installer years ago... which will also verify the .iso file didn't get messed up17:14
idesuvixI think I have messed up my ubuntu install, and I would kindly ask for some helpl trying to resolve it17:14
EriC^^CarlFK: yup, if you boot in legacy mode i think you get that option17:15
idesuvixI have tried changing my sound card drivers because it was not working properly, and now Ubuntu won't recognize my sound card at all... Using 16.04 LTS17:16
CarlFKEriC^^: is legacy like "not uefi" or ... what?17:16
EriC^^CarlFK: yeah exactly17:16
EriC^^the bios/msdos mode17:16
CapsAdmintheseb, i used this to make a persistent live cd of some ubuntu flavor https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb17:16
CapsAdminyou can boot into that and install the package you want17:16
CapsAdminthen you can choose to boot into it in read mode later if you wish17:17
letterman /msg nickserv identify lateshow17:17
EriC^^CapsAdmin: when you get the grub shell, if you type "echo $prefix" what does it give you?17:17
CapsAdminok checking17:17
CarlFKEriC^^: I don't think this laptop has uefi.17:18
CarlFKah found it.  hold shift while I boots.17:18
CarlFK"check disk for defects"17:18
EriC^^try to see the variables $prefix and $root17:19
CapsAdminEriC^^, it says (hd0,gpt1)/EFI/ubuntu17:20
CapsAdminit should say neon? lol17:20
lettermanis there anyway for me to recover the hash of my last used password?17:21
lettermanI tried /etc/shadow- but it wasn't there17:21
lettermanwell, it was the same as my current17:21
alkisgCapsAdmin: it's possible that the neon "installer" manually patches things, and installing/reinstalling grub later on restores the ubuntu defaults and breaks them17:22
alkisgCapsAdmin: it's the main reason that only official ubuntu flavors are supported; that we don't know what other flavors do :)17:22
naccletterman: why do you need it?17:22
CapsAdminyeah i understand alkisg17:22
naccCapsAdmin: that's why i asked a while ago :)17:22
lettermanbecause it's the same password that I used somewhere else, and I forgot that password17:22
EriC^CapsAdmin: any luck with $prefix?17:22
CapsAdminEriC^^, it says (hd0,gpt1)/EFI/ubuntu17:22
lettermanmy wife threw away the paper I had it backed up on17:23
EriC^CapsAdmin: aha, that's the problem17:23
EriC^CapsAdmin: it should say (hd0,gp3)/boot/grub17:23
EriC^CapsAdmin: i wonder where it's getting efi/ubuntu from17:24
CapsAdminas others said i'm on kde neon and not ubuntu17:25
CapsAdminit's ubuntu based but i guess there are differences17:25
lettermannacc: do you know how I can recover it?17:25
naccletterman: sorry, i don't17:25
EriC^CapsAdmin: without boot-repair did you get a grub shell too?17:25
CapsAdminEriC^, i forgot17:26
EriC^CapsAdmin: is it the only disk in your pc?17:26
CapsAdminEriC^, yes17:26
BluesKajCapsAdmin, join #kde-neon17:26
E3X0J8S2hi guys, is anyone here on a macbook of any kind?17:27
EriC^CapsAdmin: try 'sudo mkdir /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu && sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/neon/grub.cfg /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu' who knows17:28
CapsAdminalright, if that doesn't work i'll try #kde-neon17:28
CapsAdminhow should i ask though?17:28
EriC^CapsAdmin: this is far fetched but also try17:29
EriC^sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/neon/grub.cfg /boot/efi/efi/boot17:29
CapsAdminEriC^, i think that worked17:29
lettermancan anyone help me recover my previous password hash for $20?17:30
CapsAdminthere was no menu (it's hidden by default?) but it ust booted straight into the os17:30
E3X0J8S2letterman: what do you mean by previous password hash?17:30
EriC^did run both commands or just the first?17:30
NoImNotNineVoltletterman: cat /etc/passwd17:30
EriC^CapsAdmin: aha cool17:30
CapsAdminthanks, alkisg and EriC^17:31
AvidWolf43i have tried installing and this error pops up: https://pastebin.com/2J0jXma517:31
lettermanNoImNotNineVolt, that's my current, I need my previous.17:31
CapsAdmini've looked into this all day lol17:32
CapsAdminlearned a lot at least17:32
NoImNotNineVoltletterman: cat /etc/passwd in your backups.17:32
naccAvidWolf43: that is not an Ubuntu package.17:32
lettermanalso, it's etc/shadow to find the hashes17:32
EriC^CapsAdmin: no problem17:32
naccAvidWolf43: read the message if you want to do what you are doing, but it's not supported here.17:32
NoImNotNineVoltletterman: you kids and your newfangled linuxes :P17:32
lettermanI don't backup my laptop, all my documents are on the cloud17:33
AvidWolf43nacc: i did and i did rm -rf but it still keeps on17:33
NoImNotNineVoltthen it seems that you may a copy of your old password hash may no longer exist in the filesystem.17:33
NoImNotNineVolts/you may//17:34
lettermanis there a way to look at the journal or file history for /etc/shadow17:34
naccAvidWolf43: what did you do an `rm -rf` of?17:34
naccletterman: no17:34
NoImNotNineVoltnow you're venturing into forensic data recovery territory :P17:34
lettermanyeah, well that may just be necessary in this case17:34
AvidWolf43my system lmao jk jk17:34
NoImNotNineVoltthat's going to run you a lot more than $20 and still have a low probability of success.17:35
EriC^letterman: /etc/shadow- is a backup file17:35
E3X0J8S2letterman: did you nuke your disk?17:35
lettermanno my disk is intact17:35
NoImNotNineVoltindeed, but just looking over unlinked inodes is a pain, isn't it?17:35
E3X0J8S2letterman: sorry im late to the party, can you give me the full story?17:35
lettermanSo I used my previous password on a cryptowallet, and then my wife threw away the paper that I had wrote down the password on17:36
lettermancracking the wallet is 1,000x more difficult than cracking the MD5 hashes17:36
NoImNotNineVoltaren't they salted?17:37
lettermanI have the salt17:37
naccletterman: afaict, unless you go down the route of removing your disk physically and having someone do the forensics, you're probably out of luck. Definitely offtopic for #ubuntu, at this point.17:37
naccAvidWolf43: can you provide, in a pastebin, `ls -ahl /var/lib/mysql`17:37
lettermanso ubuntu doesn't store like your last 10 passwords or whatever for security17:38
NoImNotNineVoltnacc: you might try running some basic heuristics to spot what looks like a shadow file somewhere in an unlinked inode. i don't know how to traverse unlinked inodes.17:38
naccletterman: why would it?17:38
EriC^letterman: did you try /etc/shadow- ?17:38
NoImNotNineVoltsorry, letterman, not nacc17:38
lettermanyeah, shadow- is the same hash as shadow17:38
NoImNotNineVoltletterman: that would be ubuntu, it would be pam or something.17:38
ash_workoh wow, I went on a tangent17:38
lettermannacc, lots of OSes will tell you you can't reuse passwords as a part of security17:38
E3X0J8S2letterman: do you have the hash?17:38
naccletterman: that would be pam doing that, if anything17:39
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
naccletterman: so you could go digging in pam's database, probably17:39
AvidWolf43nacc: https://pastebin.com/iRjrtWpN17:39
lettermanhow do I make pam puke it's database?17:39
naccletterman: *if* you configured it as such17:39
ash_workwhen I do `docker stats` every write pollutes my terminal's history.... is there anyway to make that just write over itself?17:39
naccAvidWolf43: well, per that output, you did not delete the files the log outputted17:40
NoImNotNineVoltyea, i don't think default install has any sort of reuse restrictions.17:40
ash_worklike, watch wont work17:40
naccAvidWolf43: it syas to delete a specific file (glob)17:40
lettermanit may not have the restriction turned on but taht doesn't mean it's not keeping the history17:40
NoImNotNineVoltthat would be poor design :P17:40
naccletterman: it would be insecure for it to keep the history if it's not using it17:40
nacc*more insecure*17:40
NoImNotNineVoltnormally that wouldn't surprise me, but i'd imagine the people working on pam are more security-minded :P17:41
lettermanexpired password hashes are a security risk? barely17:41
ash_workpiping to less prints the same stuff over and over...17:41
NoImNotNineVoltbarely, if people don't use the same password in more than one place, and update all of their passwords regularly. neither of which is true.17:41
E3X0J8S2letterman: not if you're reusing to some degree17:41
lettermanthe effort to crack an expired hash is the same effort as cracking the current hash17:42
jerevidence enough that passwords are the dumbest idea that is religious to most people that humans have ever created.17:42
naccletterman: you made a bad choice (using one password in multiple places) with a worse choice (physical backup on a postit (sounds like)) and as I said, this is not about Ubuntu anymore.17:42
NoImNotNineVoltas is evidenced in your own case: you're trying to recover an old password on one system in order to access another :P17:42
NoImNotNineVoltwere you a malicious actor, you'd be exploiting the very security vulnerability we're debating.17:42
lettermanif I have access to /etc/shadow than nothing we're debating is of consequence.17:43
NoImNotNineVoltit's the old /etc/shadow that you need.17:43
NoImNotNineVoltor, an old hash, rather.17:43
=== Jkessler is now known as JackK
naccletterman: please don't crosspost, especially in the wrong channel. This is the support channel.17:47
EriC^letterman: how long ago did she throw the paper away?17:48
ash_workI mean is there a set of options I should pass to less or something to make it just rewrite on every refresh?17:49
naccash_work: that's not how less works17:49
ash_worknacc: yeah, can you maybe put me on the right track?17:50
EriC^letterman: did you ever write the password in clear text in another command maybe? you could check old sudo commands from auth.log17:50
naccash_work: so, you want the equivalent of `watch docker stats`?17:50
ash_worknacc: watch docker stats doesn't print anything, but yeah17:51
EriC^or /root/.bash_history17:51
ash_worknacc: docker stats continually prints new stats in screenfuls17:51
naccash_work: so `docker stats` already 'refreshes', you just don't lik that it prints a sequence, rather than draws on itself?17:53
ash_worknacc: yes17:53
naccash_work: use --no-stream17:53
naccash_work: with watch?17:53
naccash_work: tbh, this is probably a docker questio17:54
ash_worknacc: I thought it would be a configuration issue17:54
ash_worknacc: for example, similar things happen in a screen17:54
naccash_work: what do you mean, exactly?17:55
ash_worknacc: sometimes if I don't set some screen settings, various things like top will print pages at a time also17:57
naccash_work: are you seeing this in screen (the docker stats issue)?17:58
ash_worknacc: seeing what exactly?17:59
ash_worknacc: I mean, yes... If I understand you correctly18:00
naccash_work: that `docker stats` is outputting a linear sequence? I don't use docker myself18:00
ash_worknacc: probably, I haven't checked, but that's not what I meant; I just meant that sometimes it seems like a shell issue where something that is suppose to print over itself actually prints sequentially18:00
ash_worknacc: I have seen that happen on remote screens before, and this is typically remedied with a screen configuration18:01
ash_worknacc: (docker not involved)18:01
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E3X0J8S2Is anyone here on a macbook of any kind? I've got some questions18:10
=== Billzabub is now known as zenguy
EriC^!ask | E3X0J8S218:20
ubottuE3X0J8S2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:20
E3X0J8S2Is anyone here on any form of macbook? I've got a few questions. Namely, how well does GRUB work on it, provided im using linux as a single boot? (i.e. completely removing macOS)18:22
posthere have been quite a few security updates coming from upstream (debian) in the last two or three weeks (kernel, imagetragic, gimp, etc) which have not yet made their way into ub repos?18:32
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naccpos: well, debian is not the upstream ... the upstream is the upstream.18:38
naccpos: and it depends on the security update, the package, etc.18:38
naccpos: but debian security fixes don't just appear in ubuntu anyways18:38
loginoobI am having this problem https://askubuntu.com/questions/141606/how-to-fix-the-system-is-running-in-low-graphics-mode-error18:39
possure, but ub also has affected versions of gimp, imagemagic and ofc the kernel :)18:39
posoffice holidays perhaps? :P18:39
loginoobI have tried all the solutions but still no luck18:39
loginoobwhat else can i do18:39
lotuspsychjeloginoob: on wich ubuntu version and graphics card chipset/driver?18:40
loginoobubuntu 16.04, nvidia graphics18:41
lotuspsychjeloginoob: wich chipset specific?18:41
naccpos: gimp is in universe in current Ubuntu18:41
naccpos: when you say affected versions, what do you mean?18:41
loginooblotuspsychje: I don't know the specific chipset18:41
loginoobIt is a work laptop so i never looked about specific chipset18:42
lotuspsychjeloginoob: have you tried nomodeset to get into your desktop yet?18:42
lotuspsychjeloginoob: sudo lshw -C video shows your chipset+ current driver active18:42
loginooblotuspsychje: no, didn't try that18:42
E3X0J8S2loginoob: I've had the same issue in the past, got around it by falling back onto nouveau IIRC18:43
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | loginoob18:43
ubottuloginoob: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:43
posnacc, http://sejnfjrq6szgca7v.onion/security/2017/dsa-407718:43
posub xenial: GNU Image Manipulation Program version 2.8.1618:44
nacc!info gimp xenial18:44
ubottugimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.16-1ubuntu1.1 (xenial), package size 3538 kB, installed size 16518 kB18:44
naccpos: so there has been one security update18:45
naccpos: the upstream version reportred by a program does not tell you what is or is not fixed in the Ubuntu package.18:45
ash_workpos ^ unreachable18:45
lotuspsychjeloginoob: what E3X0J8S2 suggesting can be done by sudpo apt purge nvidia* to fallback to nouveau, (if your current driver is an nvidia one)18:45
posimagemagic also affected18:45
naccpos: please provide URLs we can access :)18:45
lotuspsychjeloginoob: *sudo18:45
naccpos: or CVE numbers18:45
posreplace the onion with debian.org then18:45
naccpos: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2017/CVE-2017-12877.html18:47
naccpos: similar for the other CVEs18:47
pos"needed" meaning...?18:47
naccpos: someone on the security team has to do the work, it's a vulnerable version18:48
posalso, deb has kernel patches fixed upstream (source) dated *after* the latest ub kernel packages18:48
posofc, i know they're working on the intel memory mapping issue18:48
naccpos: i don't parse your prior sentence18:49
posbut being three weeks behind in sec updates? what is this, windows patch tuesday style?18:49
loginooblotuspsychje: I did the sudo apt purge nvidia as it was one of the answers18:50
lotuspsychjeloginoob: ubuntu-drivers list shows the ubuntu drivers available for your system/hardware18:51
lotuspsychjeloginoob: you can test this way between nvidia versions & the opensource driver18:52
naccpos: i'm not sure what you mean by 3 weeks? per the Debian pages, they were olny reported last week.18:52
loginooblotuspsychje: but how can i connect to wifi?18:52
naccpos: i guess that might be when the DSA were reported18:52
naccpos: if you have security questions, ask the security team18:52
lotuspsychjeloginoob: at wich point are you now?18:52
naccpos: although, if you have actual security concerns, don't use imagemagick18:53
loginooblotuspsychje: I am accessing root shell from recovery mode18:53
lotuspsychjeloginoob: enable networking before entering rootshell18:53
posyeah, well, any -desktop metapack kinda forces you into it :)18:53
E3X0J8S2loginoob: An easier solution is probably to boot into a livecd, connect to wifi there, mount your current linux partitions, and chroot into it18:53
james1138Hello to all from Indiana. Can I ask a question about Banshee media player here?18:54
naccpos: I don't believe any -desktop metapackage forces you to use imagemagick18:54
naccpos: it might be istalled, but you don't need to use it18:54
lotuspsychjejames1138: yes its ubuntu related18:55
loginoobE3X0J8S2: Will try that as soon as i get access to live CD. that is my last option.18:55
posi may be wrong about this, but isn't it used for say thumbnailing?18:55
naccpos: give that you can remove it from 17.10 without removing anything else, I'd assume not.18:56
posperhaps, but doen't 17.10 brick some uefi boards atm?18:56
naccpos: dunno18:57
loginooblotuspsychje: when i drop into enable networking it is on loop of grep: /etc/resolv.conf: No suck file or directory18:57
posit does brick lenovos afaik18:57
james1138I am using ubuntu 16.04 and banshee... I see there is a radio station fetcher extension - but it is for version 2.40. Has anyone got the extension installed and working for the newer versions of Banshee?18:57
lotuspsychjepos: that issue should be solved by now18:57
E3X0J8S2loginoon: you need to be connected to a network first for resolv.conf to be updated I think18:58
lotuspsychjepos: we have users that solved it with installing higher kernels18:58
posthat may be the case, but won't installing using orig install media pose a risk?18:58
loginoobE3X0J8S2: By cable?18:59
E3X0J8S2loginoon: you can searh for available wifi networks using iwlist [wifi interface] scan18:59
lotuspsychje!info banshee xenial18:59
ubottubanshee (source: banshee): Media Management and Playback application. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.0+really2.6.2-7ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 2670 kB, installed size 13655 kB18:59
E3X0J8S2if you're on able, first check if you have an ethernet interface up. Try pinging. If there's no network connectvitiy, try getting a new DHCP lease using dhclient/dhcpcd etc.18:59
lotuspsychjejames1138: this the version you should have on xenial^18:59
naccpos: i'm on a lenovo, and have been for some time, with 17.1019:00
naccpos: so not sure the breadth of the issue19:00
lotuspsychjenacc: its big, want the bug url?19:00
oijeeboo!info triceratops xenial19:00
ubottuPackage triceratops does not exist in xenial19:00
lotuspsychjenacc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/173414719:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1734147 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 17.10 corrupting BIOS - many LENOVO laptops models" [Critical,Confirmed]19:01
nacclotuspsychje: thanks19:01
james1138Thank you lotus... but I was thinking about adding the extension to version 2.90 - it is just that I am having trouble getting the extension to work. I wonder what I am doing wrong.19:01
nacclotuspsychje: heh, i might have got lucky, my laptop was off for about a month, so it jumped to -2119:02
lotuspsychjejames1138: try not to mix package versions on ubuntu, instead use the version meant for xenial19:02
lotuspsychjenacc: neat!19:03
hex__oh hi19:05
lotuspsychje!msgthebot > oijeeboo19:05
ubottuoijeeboo, please see my private message19:05
hex__how are you guys?19:05
lotuspsychjehex__: welcome, how can we help you?19:05
hex__just want to chat lol19:06
lotuspsychjehex__: well this channel we use for ubuntu support issues only here mate19:07
Bashing-omhex__: General chat is in ubuntu-offtopic :)19:07
lotuspsychje!alis | hex__ for the topic you want19:07
ubottuhex__ for the topic you want: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"19:07
hex__ok sorry ^_^19:07
E3X0J8S2why is ubuntu-offtopic for registered nicks only?19:11
daxbecause we don't like spam and random idiocy19:11
lotuspsychjefaisal6767: welcome, how can we help you?19:12
surgubben1957hi im an old cranky grandpa... i need an expert on installation.19:31
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: what do you need help with?19:31
surgubben1957i got an "ASUS VivoStick TS10-B004D" with an CPU "Intel Atom x5-Z8350".... Is it possible to install ubuntu on this?19:31
Bashing-omsurgubben1957: What is the hardware specs, and what is the issue ?19:32
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: I don't think Ubuntu maintains a comprehensive hardware compatibility list, but it should work on most hardware19:33
Bashing-omSigyn: :) .. I do not know atom. so can not say .19:33
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
Bashing-omsurgubben1957: ^^ apologoes Sigyn for the bad hilight :(19:33
ChronDon88Can someone point me in the right direction of what is the image file for ubuntu on this drive19:34
ChronDon88like to flash the PC?19:34
surgubben1957Bashing-om && E3X0J8S2: okey. do you know anyone that are good on Atom Cpu's? i thought an atom cpu was like an I319:34
surgubben1957it was my grandchild that gave this crappy thing to me19:35
lotuspsychjesurgubben1957: this stick works on usb 2 or 3?19:35
surgubben1957lotuspsychje: both19:35
ChronDon88appererntly this is the only place to get it for the board I have (I have searched for a long time)19:35
lotuspsychjesurgubben1957: i i understand well, you want to install ubuntu full on this stick?19:35
surgubben1957lotuspsychje: an simple desktop19:36
surgubben1957lotuspsychje: gnome. or simular19:36
lotuspsychjeChronDon88: what are you trying to do exactly? can you share the full story plz? ubuntu version?19:36
lotuspsychjesurgubben1957: usb will bottleneck your Os this way19:37
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: try testing it on a livecd first, that way you can see if basic features (eg. networking) works, and there won't be any damage to your file system19:37
E3X0J8S2lotuspsychje: I'm not sure, but I think he/she's trying to get it on the desktop19:37
surgubben1957lotuspsychje: ok E3X0J8S2: but should i use x64 x84 arm?19:37
surgubben1957E3X0J8S2: the storage is empty right now... did an fully format on the harddrive19:39
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: do you know the specific architecture of your machine?19:39
E3X0J8S2I'm not well acquainted on your particular hardware, but i'll try to help19:40
surgubben1957E3X0J8S2: its about 30000 floppy disks big the storage on this little thing19:40
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: be right back19:40
surgubben1957E3X0J8S2:  architecture  is asus. or do you mean somehing else?19:41
surgubben1957E3X0J8S2: i dont the architectures name. i can google it.19:41
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: I'm back.19:55
surgubben1957E3X0J8S2: welcome back19:55
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: I meant the computer architecture for the target (desktop? am I right?)19:55
surgubben1957E3X0J8S2: its an hdmi stick19:55
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: eg. 32-bit, 64-bit, ARM (unlikely) etc.19:56
surgubben195764 bit atom19:56
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: Okay, just to make sure. You have a usb stick with Ubuntu with you, you have a desktop (which harddrive you nuked), and you aim to install Ubuntu on the desktop, am I right? Correct me if I'm wrong19:57
surgubben1957i have done an 32 bit usb with rufos and i wounder if an Intel Atom x5-Z8350 is working with the ubuntu... so i dont try to install and it dont works19:59
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: Sorry, I'm not good with word plays, but what do you mean by "so i dont try to install and it dont works"?20:00
surgubben1957i want to use this computerstick with an desktop (gnome or simular)20:00
surgubben1957i have heard that it can trash the computer20:00
surgubben1957sorry for my bad english mate. im swedish20:00
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: That could potentially be true. But if you're running on livecd, there shouldn't be any permanent damage20:01
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: Again, feel free to clarify anything20:01
surgubben1957E3X0J8S2: livecd? i have it on a usb. can i call it liveusb? or what is the "live"20:01
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: Have you tried pluging the usb (with ubuntu flashed on it) into the desktop?20:02
surgubben1957yes and a promt came up20:02
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: Unlike most operating systems (that are written permanently to disk), most linux usb offer a "livecd" feature.20:02
surgubben1957test/install/and some otherstuff20:02
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: A temporary file system is used, so by default, whatever you do in that live session will be list upon poweroff, unless you explicitly write to the hard disk20:03
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: for the prompt, try entering the "test ubuntu (something like that"20:03
surgubben1957so if i press the "test ubuntu" it will be an temporary run of ubuntu.. aaaaaaahhhh an livecd20:04
surgubben1957now i understand20:04
surgubben1957im 60 years old so be dont judge me =)20:04
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: the main idea is that you try using the livecd for a while, make sure basic functionalites work (eg. network card detected, disk detected, etc.), before doing a permanent install to your hard disk20:05
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: no worries :)20:05
surgubben1957okey... ill press the test thing. and then i will came back too you20:05
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: hold on, I need some output from you20:06
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: can you open a terminal? (using control + alt + t)20:06
surgubben1957it still an icon of ubuntu20:06
surgubben1957give it a sec20:07
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: icon of ubuntu? is it still loading?20:07
surgubben1957yes i think so...the fan thats buzzing iis really loud and i see it blink20:07
surgubben1957not the fan tho20:07
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: I'm confused. Have you entered the livecd environment? (ubuntu desktop). Also, what version of Ubuntu are you on?20:08
surgubben1957i found an 16.0420:08
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: Ideally, you want to use the newest available version, for better hardware support (due to newer kernels), but you should be careful getting 17.10 if you're on a Lenovo, IIRC20:09
=== tsmaster is now known as tsmaster[]
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: any progress? Update me if so20:12
BluesKajExagone313, I'm running Kubuntu 17.10 on a Lenovo G500 laptop without a hitch20:12
E3X0J8S2BluesKaj: For context: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/12/21/ubuntu_lenovo_bios/20:14
BluesKajE3X0J8S2, oops  ^20:15
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: you there?20:15
surgubben1957E3X0J8S2: i dont think i need more help... it buzzed an popped20:16
surgubben1957and now it wont start up20:16
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: "buzzed an popped"?20:17
surgubben1957smells kinda hot20:17
E3X0J8S2oh god20:17
surgubben1957the screen became greenish. and then black20:17
nicomachusshe's dead jim20:18
surgubben1957now can i use it as an doorstop20:18
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: Sorry to hear :(20:18
roraHi.  Having a hard time redirecting incoming TCP connections for port Y to port X instead.  This should do it, right?  sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 8443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 44320:19
surgubben1957E3X0J8S2: dont be sorry... it was kinda fun... in my age every little thing is fun20:19
BluesKajE3X0J8S2, no uefi/bios problems here with Kubuntu 17.1020:19
E3X0J8S2BluesKaj: Not to say all of the Lenovo line is affected, just a heads up20:20
BluesKajE3X0J8S2, right, guess i got lucky20:20
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: anything else i can help with? Do you need me to document your case?20:21
surgubben1957E3X0J8S2: im good. i think it just is bad cards in it. im gonna go and buy one new one tomorrw to see if the same thing happens =)20:23
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: All right, good luck :)20:23
surgubben1957E3X0J8S2: thank you again. ill be back tommorw. cheers20:25
E3X0J8S2surgubben1957: no worries. have a good day20:26
EriC^rora: yes that should work20:30
roraEriC^: Okay, must be the fact that I'm running it under Vagrant/VirtualBox.  Must be screwing up the networking somehow.20:31
semitones_rexhey I can mount a multi-partition image, make changes, and umount, and those changes will be reflected in the image file, correct?20:39
lotuspsychje!mount | semitones_rex20:39
ubottusemitones_rex: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount20:39
nicomachussemitones_rex: in a live media?20:40
semitones_rexnicomachus, it is an image of an SD card, made with dd, saved as name.img20:42
lotuspsychjeminty: welcome, how can we help you?20:42
alkisgsemitones_rex: one easy way is with losetup /dev/loop5 image.dd; partprobe /dev/loop5; mount /dev/loop5p1 /mnt20:42
alkisg...and umount; losetup -d /dev/loop520:43
=== ViSi0n is now known as UsQUE
mintyhi lotus, just seen the news re Intel fuckup and wondered how quick a kernel fix may be ready20:43
lotuspsychjeminty: plz keep the language clean in this channel20:43
nicomachusminty: best to ask in #ubuntu-kernel20:44
E3X0J8S2minty: just read about it too20:44
mintysorry about that20:44
lotuspsychjeminty: kernels up to 14.9 and 14.10 seems to fix for that lenovo bug20:44
semitones_rexalkisg, thanks, i'm trying to understand now. Does losetup make a /dev/loop5 when you give it image.dd?20:44
mintywill try nice20:44
alkisgsemitones_rex: the device already exists, and it binds the image to that block device, yes20:44
mintycheers lotus. Is that the Intel bug you're talking about (Lenovo)?20:45
mintyuser pace accessing kernel memory pages I mean20:45
daxthe Lenovo bug and the KPTI/Intel thing are completely unrelated20:46
mintythanks dax I thought they may be20:46
mintyThe KPTI  Intel procs as far as I can tell20:46
minty(Affects all)20:47
lotuspsychjeminty: oh nvm then i was talking about the lenovo bug20:47
blip99The repos on xenial have too old of a version of strongswan and network-manager-strongswan which aren't compatible with the network-manager version in the repos.  Thus the package network-manager-strongswan is useless in the current state https://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/NetworkManager20:47
minty:) lotus20:48
blip99"Versions before NetworkManager-strongswan 1.4.0 / strongSwan 5.5.1 don't work with NetworkManager 1.2 and newer (some patches may be applied to older strongSwan releases to use the updated NM plugin, refer to our Download page for details)."20:48
lotuspsychjeminty: you got the bug url of yours?20:48
mintyJust read here lotus : https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/01/02/intel_cpu_design_flaw/20:49
semitones_rexalkisg, i'm hoping to be able to make changes to files in the mounted file systems, and keep the changes. Will that be allowed in this system?20:49
semitones_rexLike, i guess, is the image mounted read/write or read only20:49
TJ-lotuspsychje: it's an embargoed CVE affecting Intel CPUs of the last 10 years; As far as I can tell the embargo is lifted at 12:00 UTC tomorrow, Thursday.20:49
alkisgsemitones_rex: yes, the image is mounted read/write that way20:49
lotuspsychjeTJ-: kk tnx for the headsup20:50
semitones_rexalkisg, cool. the image is a backup, and i'm going to periodically mount the sd card, mount the image, and use rsync to keep the backup current20:50
TJ-minty: KPTI (Kernel Page Table Isolation a.k.a KAISER) patches from upstream 4.15 will be backported once 4.15 is out and we know there are no more fixes for the patch-set (such as the one that AMD have submitted as their CPUs do need the workaround)20:51
mintyI run linux on AMD but have an interest in the bug as I have a load of stuff running on Intel which is multi tenented20:51
TJ-s/do need/do NOT need/  ... what a typo!20:52
mintyOhhh though the AMD wasn't affected as the arch is diff20:52
mintycheers guys will watch this space then20:53
lotuspsychjeTJ-: will it pop up on !usn?20:53
TJ-lotuspsychje: once the CVE is public, yes20:54
lotuspsychjeok great20:54
PaulVernI want to setup 6 VMs on a dedicated server (which I'm renting). I've used Hyper-V (Windows) and VirtualBox in the past20:54
PaulVernwhat's the best, headless, free, virtualisation software to do this?20:54
lotuspsychjePaulVern: perhaps take a look at #ubuntu-server20:54
PaulVernok :(20:54
TJ-PaulVern: Linux's in-kernel KVM via QEMU20:54
TJ-!info qemu | PaulVern20:55
ubottuPaulVern: qemu (source: qemu): fast processor emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.10+dfsg-0ubuntu3.1 (artful), package size 102 kB, installed size 576 kB20:55
lotuspsychje!usn | minty keep an eye here then :p20:55
ubottuminty keep an eye here then :p: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.20:55
TJ-!info qemu-kvm | PaulVern20:55
ubottuPaulVern: qemu-kvm (source: qemu): QEMU Full virtualization. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.10+dfsg-0ubuntu3.1 (artful), package size 12 kB, installed size 112 kB20:55
mintycheers will do20:55
lotuspsychjeminty: and of course in all cases, keep your ubuntu up to date20:56
PaulVernTJ-: Thanks, I'll check that out20:56
TJ-PaulVern: there are userspace tools to wrap it for making it easier to manage, such as libvirt, with virsh (CLI) and virtual-manager (GUI)20:56
TJ-PaulVern: libvirt abstracted management so it can be used with several different hypervisor types20:57
mintyfor sure20:57
martin__hi, did some patch get released regarding intel memory areas bug?20:58
PaulVernTJ-: And will this let me give each VM a different public ip address (assuming I pay for each extra IP on the host)?20:59
lotuspsychjemartin__: not public yet, keep track of !usn please20:59
semitones_rexalkisg, last question, when I mount the /dev/loop5p1 /mnt, I can choose any mountpoint, right? and then I also can do mount /dev/loop5p2 /path/to/mnt ...?21:00
alkisgsemitones_rex: exactly, and the p2 part is the partition index21:01
TJ-PaulVern: indeed; any configuration you need21:03
=== pal_ is now known as pally
radix_hello friends21:11
radix_a search stable linux distro21:11
radix_help me21:11
radix_i search stable linux distro21:12
alicia_carter013!info ubuntu21:12
ubottuPackage ubuntu does not exist in artful21:12
alkisgradix_: ubuntu is stable, you can use it21:12
ash_workradix_: you're looking for a stable linux distro?21:12
radix_my distro is peppermint21:12
radix_is good or not21:12
alkisgradix_: peppermint is based on lubuntu. We support official ubuntu flavors here, so we support lubuntu, but not peppermint.21:13
radix_so ubuntu is the best of linux21:14
ash_workradix_: that's kind of subjective21:14
alicia_carter013!info abcde21:15
ubottuabcde (source: abcde): A Better CD Encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.1-1 (artful), package size 92 kB, installed size 312 kB21:15
* Toadisattva big fan of lubuntu, all the power of ubuntu yet so incredibly lightweight21:15
ash_workradix_: that opinion varies by degress of user-friendliness, security, minimalism, etc.21:15
lotuspsychje!msgthebot > alicia_carter01321:16
ubottualicia_carter013, please see my private message21:16
alicia_carter013mm. cool.21:19
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
=== freddy_ is now known as freddy2001
satonioHello. I have ubuntu 16.04 and plugged a nvidia 1060 to replace my old ati card and now i cannot start unity nor cinnamon. If I stop lightdm (which seems to work fine) and do startx it ends with Deleting GPU-0 and then Sever terminated succesfully without an error in Xorg log. Any ideas about what can I do?21:31
lotuspsychjesatonio: did you try a sudo service lightdm restart?21:32
lotuspsychjesatonio: startx is not the right way anymore21:33
satoniojust tried but i get an error about 1 second after putting the password and then back to lightdm21:33
lotuspsychjesatonio: you might also check your drivers: ubuntu-drivers list21:33
lotuspsychjesatonio: perhaps try ubuntu-drivers autoinstall21:34
satoniotried with autoinstall21:34
satoniodrivers list gives me: nvidia-384 and intel-microcode21:34
lotuspsychjesatonio: try sudo apt purge nvidia*21:35
lotuspsychjesatonio: to get back to nouveau21:35
lotuspsychjesatonio: after that, reboot and try again an nvidia driver, or !nomodeset to bypass black screens21:36
satoniotried that yesterday and got black screen without even be able to get the command prompt21:36
satonioand i wasnt able to get the lightdm until i used nomodeset21:36
satoniobut i can try again21:36
lotuspsychjesatonio: try that purge from nomodeset perhaps?21:36
lotuspsychjesatonio: system should boot with the opensource driver21:37
satoniook i can try that21:37
satoniorebooting in nomodeset21:37
lotuspsychjeim out, good luck satonio21:37
lotuspsychjesatonio: if you cant get in, come back here and ask ok21:37
satoniook ty21:38
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
satonioseems like black screen, again21:44
cfoch__hello, has sb here used signxml?21:45
bkeysWhere can I find a torrent for xubuntu 14.04 for ARM at?22:04
diskinhi all, which is the most recent kernel that could be installed on 16.04.3 (xenial)?22:04
rflemingbkeys: I don't believe one exists22:06
bkeysWhat about a regular download?22:06
bkeysI don't see anything for ARM here22:06
rflemingbkeys: I just said that22:07
rflemingthere isn't one22:07
bkeysYes there is22:07
bkeysOh wait it's amd6522:07
MWMI am trying to upgrade from Lubuntu 16.04  "sudo do-release-upgrade" returns "No new release found"22:07
bkeysIthought it was arm6422:07
rflemingAMD64 is 64 bit intel22:08
MWMis there something Im missing to do an in place upgrade?22:08
rfleming(and AMD)22:08
bkeysSo only 16.04 supports ARM?22:08
bkeysYeah I misread it22:08
dax!upgradeofflts | MWM22:09
ubottuMWM: To upgrade from an LTS release of Ubuntu to the next (non-LTS) release, run sudoedit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and change the prompt= line to "prompt=normal". Then, do sudo do-release-upgrade to begin the upgrade.22:09
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rflemingI don't believe any release, with the exception of MATE and Server run on arm22:10
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bkeysIs there a version of the server 14.04 edition?22:11
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MWMubottu knows all.  Thanks guys :D22:12
ubottuMWM: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:12
rflemingbkeys: doesn't appear there is an arm version of 14.0422:13
rflemingonly 16.0422:13
bkeysI found this but don't know what to make of it22:13
rflemingbkeys: netboot is a minimal ISO that downloads during install22:13
bkeysCouldn't this be used to install 14.04 on an ARM machine though?22:14
rflemingI guess22:14
geniibkeys: Yes. Then just use tasksel to install the server things22:16
genii( as the ubuntu-server install already does )22:16
bkeysWait, but could I get this to install it on the hard drive?22:16
bkeysCause I want to put it on a chromebook22:16
geniiChromebooks are apparently a pain to install linux on. Most people use crouton and run it under the ChromeOS22:18
TJ-bkeys: there are netboot 14.04 images for ARM: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/trusty/22:21
bkeysYeah, can those install on a hard drive?22:22
TJ-bkeys: this guide shows how to use them (I see you found the URL before me!) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot22:22
bkeysHmm, but I want to install to the hard disk22:23
TJ-bkeys: the idea is you run the TFTP/DHCP server on another system and have the target netboot from the files it provides, the netboot-ed installer then runs and installs to the local disk as usual. This netboot is an alternative when there is no installer ISO image, or that won't work for some reason22:29
bkeysI see, and there is no public machine to netboot from?22:29
whitebeastthis may seem like a simple question but i have tried everything i can think of. i put a new graphics card into my computer, i downloaded drivers and got the video working but i still cant get sound out of it via hdmi22:31
satonioare the hdmi output in the list?22:31
satoniohave you tried pavucontrol?22:31
whitebeastim not familiar with that term22:32
satoniopulse audio volume control, it's another software you can use to change the output device just in case the problem is a bug in the control panel youre using to change it22:33
whitebeasti can give it a try.. 1 sec22:33
satonioi've seen weird behaviour specially when using bluetooth devices of the one that comes with unity and the one that comes with cinnamon22:33
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whitebeastavailable versions of pulse audio are only up to 13.10  im running 16.04 is that going to be an issue?22:35
satoniopulseaudio comes with ubuntu afaik22:36
naccwhitebeast: pulseaudio's version is unrelated to ubuntu's version.22:36
E3X0J8S2whitebeast: no22:36
naccwhitebeast: what 13.10 are you referring to? that's not present in any ubuntu22:36
whitebeastthe available options of download for pulse audio only supports up to ubuntu 13.1022:37
ChronDon88 is guest in ubuntu limited on what it can do?22:37
satoniowhy are you trying to download pulseaudio?22:37
satonioi think you should be using it already22:37
ChronDon88like application wise?22:37
naccwhitebeast: you're doing something wrong22:38
bjornmosejoin #blenderdosers22:38
whitebeastin the ubuntu software center?22:38
naccwhitebeast: for one thing, the latest pulseaudio release is 11.122:38
satoniowhitebeast: do apt install pavucontrol22:39
whitebeastok so i guess on your system its called pulse audio..... on my system its called sound22:39
whitebeastyes its the same thing im using already22:39
whitebeastand yes it had to be installed22:39
satonioHello. I have ubuntu 16.04 and plugged a nvidia 1060 to replace my old ati card and now i cannot start unity nor cinnamon. If I stop lightdm (which seems to work fine) and do startx it ends with Deleting GPU-0 and then Sever terminated succesfully without an error in Xorg log. Any ideas about what can I do? if i delete nvidia drivers then it boots to black screen without prompt if i don't add nomodeset. Also tried creating a new user jus22:41
ikoniasatonio: I suggest you remove the xorg config and remove an ati packages you installed22:43
whitebeastok i have pulse audio now what22:43
ikoniasatonio: you can also view the xorg log for fatal errors22:44
blastermaster_remove the ait packages and the xorg and install the nvidia drivers22:44
satonioi already tried that yesterday. i had no fgrlx package installed, no xorg.conf file, and nvidia drivers are installed22:45
satonioalso i blacklisted nouveau just in case was causing problems and and nothing changed22:45
_0xbadc0deWhen I try to install ubuntu server v17 on my laptop , after the bootloader loads what seems to be a vga driver (its too fast on systemd to be sure) I get a blank screen and nothing22:46
satonioikonia: there are no fatal errors on xorg log22:46
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_0xbadc0deI dont even have a terminal22:47
_0xbadc0deany clues?22:47
EriC^^_0xbadc0de: maybe try checking the logs in /etc/lightdm22:48
EriC^^_0xbadc0de: even ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't work?22:48
_0xbadc0dehmm but I dont have a terminal22:48
ikoniasatonio: there will be22:48
ikoniasatonio: or it would be starting22:48
satoniowhere can i find those errors?22:49
ikoniathat log looks truncated22:49
_0xbadc0deafter booting, (and dark screen) doesn't seem to be doing anything22:50
satonioyes it seems so but there is almost the same when it's complete22:50
satonioi can generate a new one22:50
ikoniasatonio: you should see an EE error if it's failing to start22:50
whitebeastsupport channel is right.. nothing gets fixed22:51
EriC^^!nomodeset | _0xbadc0de22:51
ubottu_0xbadc0de: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:51
FishPencilHow do I disable mouse acceleration on Ubuntu LTS22:52
satoniothere is no EE error22:55
satoniothe new one22:56
blastermaster_@FishPencil,If you are on GNOME, Install gnome-tweak-tool, go to "Keyboard and Mouse" and change "Acceleration profile" to "flat"22:56
_0xbadc0deI edit the boot commands (in grub) and append "nomodeset"22:58
satonioblastermaster_: try to open pavucontrol and set audio output with it22:59
_0xbadc0deI get unrecognised option `nomodeset`22:59
FishPencilblastermaster_: It's just the default. Is Unity Gnome?23:00
_0xbadc0deto be more precise: error: can't find command 'nomodeset'23:01
E3X0J8S2FishPencil: This is more technically obscure, but I believe you can do it through xinput as well23:03
gambl0rein this page here https://askubuntu.com/questions/920840/installing-mysql-workbench-in-ubuntu-14-0423:03
akik_0xbadc0de: nomodeset should be on the same line that starts with linux, not on its own line23:03
gambl0rewget is used to download the file from the page. dpkg is used to extract the files.23:04
gambl0rewhy do i need to do apt-get install mysql-workbench-community?23:04
gambl0redidnt i already get the file with wget?23:04
_0xbadc0deakik: is that the linux command?23:05
akik_0xbadc0de: linux line in grub config23:05
satonio_0xbadc0de: where are you putting nomodeset? it seems youre putting it in the wrong place23:07
_0xbadc0deda fuck?23:08
_0xbadc0deI am patching grub startup script23:08
_0xbadc0dealso it works23:08
_0xbadc0denomodeset was a good option23:08
akikno idea :)23:08
E3X0J8S2gambl0re: What's your story?23:08
satonioany idea about how can i find the error?23:11
insidiousAny idea why my apps would keep not responding and turning gray?23:14
satonioit might be an hdd issue23:14
insidiousUbuntu 17.10.23:14
insidiousA brand new SSD?23:15
satoniowell the ssd could be defective23:15
insidiousdoubt it, gentoo on dual boot has no issues.23:15
insidiousJust started happening after the upgrade to 17.10.23:16
insidiousfrom 16.0423:16
satoniothere's something in dmesg?23:17
insidiousis the dmesg23:19
insidiouslike example right now if i switch songs in rythombox it will freeze up after i play the song for like 2-3mins23:21
insidioussong will play but app like locks up23:21
insidiousdon't make logic.23:21
satoniowhat's the proccess status?23:22
satonioexecuting? waiting?23:23
insidiouswhat do you mean?23:23
satonioif you do 'top' what is the value of the proccess in the list when its failing?23:24
satoniothe value of the 'S' column23:24
insidioussatonio, looks normal.23:25
satoniowhat's normal? whats the 'S' value?23:25
satonioS? R? D?23:26
skinuxDoes anyone know of a way to add file tagging feature to nautilus, or one of the other popular file managers?23:26
insidiousis  S23:26
insidiousdiscord was doing it as well earlier23:29
insidiouswhen i would leave the app and switch to something else23:29
insidiousi would have to close and re open the application.23:30
_0xbadc0debtw, how do I make nomodeset a permanent option?23:30
insidiousyou think its a issue with unity?23:31
E3X0J8S2_0xbadc0de: IIRC, edit /etc/default/grub/23:31
E3X0J8S2_0xbadc0de: append nomodeset to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT23:31
E3X0J8S2insidious: Ubuntu 17.10 uses gnome, not unity23:32
insidiousim using unity23:32
insidiousi did a upgrade via terminal. from 16.0423:33
insidiousneed screenshot?23:33
Ben64insidious: 16.04 to 16.10 to 17.04 to 17.10?23:34
Ben64thats a lot of upgrading, could have waited a few months for 18.04 and upgraded directly to that23:35
insidiousgoing to upgrade tmrw to the alpha23:35
insidiousBen64, do you think that is the reason for the app freezings?23:36
insidiouswas running flawlessly up until about hour ago.23:36
insidiousi noticed i started getting these issues.23:37
Ben64it's happening because something is lagging23:38
insidiousi wonder what?23:38
insidioushtop looks fine23:38
insidioususing almost nothing.23:38
E3X0J8S2insidious: Any processes hogging memory (check using ps auwx)? Is CPU throttling? Tried rebooting?23:39
insidiousyeah i rebooted more times then i should for Linux.23:39
insidioussystem is running fine.23:40
insidiousits the apps23:40
E3X0J8S2insidious: ps auwx --sort=-%mem23:40
E3X0J8S2insidious: sry im not much of a help..i'm not sure why im lurking here even tho im on gentoo23:40
gambl0rehow do i access /var/lib/mysql dir23:41
gambl0reit says permission denied23:41
gambl0reim logged in as root23:41
_0xbadc0deI edited /Etc/networking/interfaces how should I restart networking?23:42
_0xbadc0deI added dhcp for eth023:42
insidiousi have more then enough ram.23:43
insidiouscpu is quad core i523:43
_0xbadc0deI tried sudo ifup eth0 - ifup command not found23:43
insidiousshouldn't have these issues with resources i'm using atm.23:43
E3X0J8S2_0xbadc0de: i think you meant ifconfig eth0 up23:44
E3X0J8S2insidious: it's non-reproducible on your gentoo?23:44
_0xbadc0deeth0: error while getting interface flags; No such device23:44
E3X0J8S2_0xbadc0de: check available interfaces with ifconfig first23:45
_0xbadc0dethe only one listed is lo23:45
E3X0J8S2_0xbadc0de: ifconfig -a to be exact23:45
insidiousissues with gentoo don't exsist.23:45
_0xbadc0deeno1 and lo23:45
insidiousim considering rm -rf and expanded the drive to gentoo if i can't get it sorted23:46
insidiousquite annoying.23:46
Ben64insidious: i bet its something to do with compiz23:46
insidiousyou think it has to do with the display manager?23:46
insidiousnot being able to start wayland?23:46
Ben64it's probably a feature23:46
Ben64dim app if ....blah23:47
insidiousthat its actually what its doing dim app and freezing it23:47
_0xbadc0deeno1 is now up23:47
Ben64i haven't used compiz for >10 years though so i can't really help you fix that23:47
E3X0J8S2_0xbadc0de: replace eth0 with en0123:47
insidiousbut its still working justn ot to me.23:47
Ben64check the compiz settings23:47
_0xbadc0debut I dont think dhcp happened, I patched interfaces file accordingly23:47
insidiouswhat's compiz?23:48
insidiousi don't use that.23:48
Ben64yes you do23:48
Ben64line 7 of your pastebin23:48
E3X0J8S2insidious: compiz is shipped by default i think23:48
_0xbadc0deI have auto eno123:48
insidiouscan i remove it?23:48
_0xbadc0deiface eno1 inet dhcp23:48
E3X0J8S2_0xbadc0de: why are you manually editing?23:48
insidiousi don't see it under applications.23:48
E3X0J8S2insidious: try 'dpkg -l |grep compiz'23:49
_0xbadc0deBecause I need internet on the machine?23:49
Ben64_0xbadc0de: why not use the network manager23:49
_0xbadc0deits ubuntu server23:49
E3X0J8S2_0xbadc0de: ah23:49
Ben64ok now it makes sense23:49
insidiousE3X0J8S2, do you want the output of that?23:49
E3X0J8S2insidious: use that to check if compiz is installed. It is if it's listed23:50
_0xbadc0deI just need to restart networking so I can force it to dhcp23:50
_0xbadc0dehow can I do that?23:50
E3X0J8S2_0xbadc0de: systemctl restart networking23:50
insidiousyeah it shows... but for gnomw.23:50
_0xbadc0deFailed to restart networking.service; Unit networking.service not found.23:51
_0xbadc0deI am on ubuntu server 17 fresh install23:51
E3X0J8S2_0xbadc0de: try 'service networking restart'23:51
E3X0J8S2_0xbadc0de: try '/etc/init.d/networking restart'23:53
TJ-_0xbadc0de: 17.10 does not use ifupdown, it uses netplan to either configure NetworkManager (desktop) or systemd-networkd (server)23:53
TJ-_0xbadc0de: see the release notes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseNotes#Network_configuration23:53
_0xbadc0deTJ but will the network manager still read from /etc/networking/interfaces?23:55
TJ-_0xbadc0de: it never had, it uses configs in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/23:56
E3X0J8S2TJ-: he's on ubuntu server23:57
TJ-E3X0J8S2: right, so it's systemd-networkd, and config's under /etc/systemd/network/23:58
E3X0J8S2TJ-: that's something new, haven't been keeping up ^_^23:58
TJ-the idea is to create a config in /etc/netplan that is then applied automatically to whichever service manages network connections23:58

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