
smoserpowersj: did you test console output ?19:44
smoserin your ec219:45
powersjI added the call to grab it, however as you will note about my comment it isn't always ready to get pulled19:45
smoserseems like it should return a base64 encoded string19:45
powersjthe latest commit got it from: https://git.launchpad.net/~powersj/cloud-init/commit/?id=677c60738d026a9bc1272c3b6e2366ce4bdc98f819:45
smoserie, if you *did* get something i think it will be base6419:45
powersjalso the base64 encoding doesn't apply since "If using a command line tool, the tool decodes the output for you."19:46
powersjwhen using the aws-cli == command line tool19:46
smoseryou're *not* using it19:47
smoserso you need to decode19:47
powersjor using the python library seems to cover that as well19:47
smoserthat seems wrong19:47
powersjsame for user-data... we don't encode it19:47
smosererr.. the redux19:48
smoser https://eucalyptus.atlassian.net/browse/TOOLS-675?attachmentViewMode=gallery19:48
smoserbasically, though, i'd expect that the content that went to the console of the device is not necessarily anything that be represented losslessly as a string19:49
smoserit is bytes19:49
smoserso if ec2 did an encode to utf8, that'd be lossy19:49
powersjsmoser: your comments stem from my use of .encode() on the output?19:51
smoserhave you tested this?19:52
powersjyes ran it through all the tests, only one fails and we need to fix that test19:52
powersjlet me try again in case I just never got any output at all19:52
smoserbecause i think what you will be '.encode()'ing is b'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQK'19:52
smoserso sure, it will work, buit the console log will be base64 encoded string19:53
smoseri have to run, i'll take a further look later.19:54
powersjsmoser: it produces a string19:59
powersjhere is also an example of no output: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26321219/20:00
powersjhere is part of the raw string: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26321243/20:03
blackboxswpowersj minor comments on my last pass of your ec2 branch posted20:07
blackboxswapproved on my end once those nits are reviewed and handled or rejected by you20:07
powersjblackboxsw: thank you, I'm +1 on all of those20:09
dojordan_hey smoser, I'm working on using url_helper instead of raw requests, but I need infinite retry support so I was planning on using max_wait==None. I wanted to make sure that is okay, as well as wanted to point out that right now, using the default parameter of None will trigger a somewhat unexpected exception20:12
dojordan_def timeup(max_wait, start_time): return ((max_wait <= 0 or max_wait is None) or (time.time() - start_time > max_wait))20:13
dojordan_the problem is the short circuit check for a None parameter should happen before the none to int comparison. (this is in url_helper)20:13
powersjsmoser: in addition to the above, take a look at: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26321285/20:15
powersjblackboxsw: changes pushed20:39
powersjspelling fix, docstring format, try/except change, and more details in debug messages20:39
blackboxswpowersj: looks good, just saw another highlighted in your latest changest.   'deleting secuirty' in tests/cloud_tests/platforms/ec2/platform.py20:42
blackboxswall good otherwise.20:42
powersjblackboxsw: thx are you using a spell checker of some sort?20:44
blackboxswI have two of them, and no prescription glasses ;)20:45
powersjmine don't work very well20:45
blackboxswnope just reading through things generally. that's why I missed the typos first time around (I should use a spell checker) ispell or something20:45
powersjblackboxsw: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26321529/ may have some test escapes again21:01
powersjthat was on my local branch, let me see if the nightly run shows the same21:01
powersjactually ignore me... I am looking at the decimal wrong doh21:02
powersjcoffee time21:02
blackboxswpowersj: hrm, yeah that is taking a bit long..... I thought when we saw bad escapes we'd see > 1 second (but that was probably with retries etc)21:02
powersjyeah I saw that and went 5 seconds?!21:02
powersjbut it isn't 5 seconds :P21:02
blackboxswpowersj: yeah I went on a date to zquila over break and had a decimal place issue. we almost ordered 2 margs that were $75 each. thank goodness the waitress asked us to double check21:04
blackboxswI can't believe enough people would actually order a $75 marg to warrant putting something like that on the menu21:05
smoserpowersj: then the bug is in boto3 :-(21:58
smoseri'll file it upstream.21:58
powersjyou believe it should return bytes over a string?21:59
smoserit is taking a base64 encoded blob and decoding it into a string21:59
smoserand losing data along the way21:59
smoseryeah, thats the bug :)22:01
smoserthanks for digging, powersj22:08
powersjsmoser: heh thanks for calling it out :)22:09
powersjI am always amazed by your ability to pull out pugs from years ago heh :P22:09
smoserfirefox history22:09
smoseri think euca must not use boto322:10
smoserotherwise it would never have seen the bug that i reported (twice)22:10
smoseri  know it didn't origintally use boto3, but i figured it might have moved by now. but the project is kind of dead now.22:10
smoserdojordan_: yes, that seems sane. 0 might also make sense.22:13
smoserpowersj: fwiw i'm not just making this stuff up. the data that systemd writes to /dev/console is almost all the time *not* utf-8 during a boot cycle on ubuntu at least.22:14
smoseri only know this because of tools that assumed it was not working :)22:14
powersjok good to know, my quick look at the data made me go looks like normal output and move on22:15
smoserpowersj: i hit 'submit' on review22:27
smoseri think i might be missing something though... i just went through my last round of comments, and it didn't look like you addressed many of them.22:27
powersjsmoser: hmm thought I did22:29
powersjI'll look22:29
powersjsmoser: looks like I misunderstood your comment about snapshots, otherwise hit all your previous requests22:40
powersjI'll get these fixes done22:40
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powersjsmoser: pushed updates, with a question on the review23:40

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