
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:40
dufluHappy Thursday, oSoMoN07:42
didrocksgood morning08:00
dufluHey didrocks08:01
oSoMoNsalut didrocks08:35
didrockshey duflu, salut oSoMoN, how goes?08:37
dufludidrocks, well. You?08:38
didrocksI'm ok, thanks!08:38
oSoMoNI'm good too, duflu made me realize it's Thursday already, I'm lost in spacetime08:59
duflume hears Lost in Space theme08:59
* duflu hears Lost in Space theme08:59
Laneyhey hey09:02
dufluHi Laney09:03
didrocksmorning Laney09:06
Laneyhey duflu & didrocks09:10
oSoMoNmorning Laney09:11
Laneymoin oSoMoN09:11
Laneyah, those CPU bugs got published09:11
andyrockgood morning!09:38
didrockshey hey andyrock!09:38
oSoMoNhey andyrock09:43
Laneypitti: disabled request.cgi because of $bugs10:16
Laneyalso, hi :P10:17
Laneyand hey andyrock10:17
Laneyhappy new year to you both10:17
pittihey Laney, happy new year!10:34
oSoMoNjibel, so after connecting the camera interface, video capture is working?12:45
oSoMoNnevermind, it works here too12:46
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
fossfreedomjbicha / anyone - I know its too early to make decisions about what's in/out of 18.04 - anyway - thoughts on sticking with nautilus 3.26 so that desktop icons work (nautilus 3.28 will have desktop icons removed)22:27
jbichafossfreedom: the Desktop Team hasn't discussed Nautilus yet since that news first appeared over the holidays22:31
jbichabut I think it's highly likely that Ubuntu 18.04 LTS will have nautilus 3.26 not 3.2822:32
fossfreedomhmm - looks like I have to waste time integrating nemo. damn.  thanks for the info jbicha22:32
jbichafossfreedom: ?22:33
fossfreedomlol - I read that the other way22:33
fossfreedommust clean my glasses22:34
jbichano problem, other things to worry about for 18.04 😀22:35
fossfreedomjbicha, I presume there is a desktop team meeting to discuss stuff like this?  If so - likely to be on the agenda?22:35
jbichayou're welcome to open a Desktop discussion at https://community.ubuntu.com/22:35
jbichawe do have IRC meetings here on Tuesdays too but the Community hub is better for people in different timezones22:37

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