
nilujehi guys00:22
niluje"quick" question about meltdown: I understand how to read anything from the kernel by getting its content byte per byte00:22
nilujewhat I don't understand is how to escape from a virtual machine00:23
nilujehence the question: how two virtual machines address spaces are isolated from each other in the iommu?00:23
nilujeI realize the question might not make any sense and I could be missing something00:24
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
dsdi'm working on backporting the 4.14 KPTI patches to ubuntu 4.13 artful kernel, any ubuntu kernel devs interested in collaborating? or any existing efforts i can join?14:13
apwdsd, we're trying hard to get that done14:16
dsdapw: can we work together?14:17
dsdi have explored 2 approaches:14:17
dsd1. take the stable queue 4.9 patches and apply to 4.13. result: looks pretty difficult, too many changes between 4.9 and 4.13, especially the 5 level page tables. i put this idea on pause after doing a couple of the patches14:18
dsd2. take 4.14 stable patches and apply on artful kernel. there are basically 3 batches of patches to deal with. i have just completed the first batch (from 4.14.9) and it compiles14:19
dsdfeeling more positive about that approach - hopefully just need to do that another 2 times and then pray that it boots14:19
apwwell we have been looking at the 2. form as well14:20
dsdlooking or doing? would it be useful for me to share what i've done so far, or is there any work in progress that can be shared from your side?14:22
apwwe have something in testing, just not sure how complete it is right now14:26
apwsorry very distracted14:28
dsdhappy to take a look if you publish it somewhere14:28
apwwill try and get bck to you in a bit14:28
dsdok, i'll also push what i've done in case it is useful, just a min14:29
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r
dsdhttps://github.com/endlessm/linux/tree/artful-kpti and notes https://gist.github.com/dsd/f98a8f1a15f701934ece3e70c9b8fb0a14:44
ricotztseliot, hi, I guess you are already aware of this nvidia-blob problem https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1028222/linux/lts-kernel-patch-for-intel-cpu-vulnerability-breaks-nvidia-driver/post/5230546/#523054617:46
mdeslaurapw: our updated kernel may hit that nvidia issue ^18:03
mamarleyInterestingly, I did not hit that bug.  It compiled fine (387.34, 4.14.11) for me.18:09
ricotzmamarley, the archive contains 38418:10
mamarleyThe guy in the thread says 387 failed to compile though.18:10
TJ-maybe it depends on which of the patch-set was included? there have been some recent commits since 4.14.11 was published18:11
tyhicksapw: regarding the nvidia issue, the only thing I can spot is the addition of the __visible attribute to cpu_tlbstate in https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=6fd166aae78c0ab738d49bda653cbd9e3b1491cf18:11
tseliotricotz: sigh... no, I didn't look into that19:34

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