
* slangasek waves16:04
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jan  4 16:04:36 2018 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:04
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:04
slangasek[TOPIC] Lightning round16:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e slangasek bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity cyphermox mwhudson rcj philroche Odd_Bloke tribaal fginther)16:05
slangasekbdmurray rcj Odd_Bloke sil2100 infinity tribaal cyphermox slangasek mwhudson doko xnox fginther tdaitx philroche rbalint16:05
slangasekbdmurray: hello16:05
bdmurrayemail catch up and review16:05
bdmurraySRU verified unattended-upgrades for Z, A (LP: #1269177)16:05
bdmurraypinged / discussed with SRU team about apport security regression (LP: #1733366)16:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1269177 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu Bionic) "Running 'unattended-upgrades --dry-run' reboots the machine" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126917716:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1733366 in Apport "apport crashed with FileNotFoundError in is_container_pid(): [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/proc/11102/ns/pid'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173336616:05
bdmurrayuploaded fix for u-r-u Prompt=normal bionic bug (LP: #1740523)16:05
bdmurraytested LP: #1718497 - it's fine16:05
bdmurraymodifications to apport to speed it up16:05
bdmurrayarranged travel to sprint16:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1740523 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Bionic) "Prompt value is set to "normal" instead of "lts" after upgrading to 18.04" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174052316:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1718497 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "checkFreeSpace says it checks /var but may not really" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171849716:05
bdmurray✔ done16:05
rcj* vacation16:05
rcj* catch up from vacation16:05
Odd_Bloke* Uhh...16:06
tribaal* Vagrant SRU changes for the xenial image under way! Waiting for verification.16:06
tribaal* Partner work.16:06
tribaal* Too much to eat, too much to drink, family time16:06
slangasek * happy new year16:07
slangasek * looking at build failures in bionic (avahi, a couple others)16:07
slangasek * tracking BIOS-breaking kernel issue16:07
slangasek * discussions around nvidia packaging for GPU computing16:07
slangasek * the embargo is broken and everything is on fire16:07
doko- prepared and started test rebuilds16:08
doko- now evaluating GCC and binutils regressions16:08
doko- some MIRs and NEW processing16:08
xnoxfixing migrations/tests => systemd migrated all by itself16:08
xnoxworking on s390-tools v2+ upgrade16:08
xnoxlibsecommp update released, thank you all16:08
xnoxworking on fixing s390x cloud-test-framework failures16:08
xnoxcatch up on systemd upstream work + discussions16:08
fginther* Image build system vanguard.16:09
fginther* Implementing some jenkins job cleanup.16:09
philroche* Ate all the mince pies16:10
philroche* Cloud image boot speed testing16:10
rbalint(short week)16:10
rbalint* livecd-rootfs changes16:10
rbalint* internal testbed setup16:10
rbalint* Debian:16:10
rbalint  - kodi new upstream & bug gardening16:10
rbalint  - libcec upload for GCC transition16:10
rbalint  - first release of debian-dad16:10
dokorbalint: which GCC transition?16:11
rbalintthis is now fixed in unstable16:14
slangasekrbalint: ah, so this was FTBFS in Ubuntu w/ gcc-7 up to now?16:14
slangasekand fixed via Debian upload16:14
slangasekany other questions re: status16:15
* sil2100 missed the meeting16:16
slangaseksil2100: want to give your status now? :)16:16
sil2100I could, but I don't have it ready! Let me prepare it and paste16:19
sil2100- Regular SRU reviews/releases16:22
sil2100- Looking at some NBS packages (lib64expat1, poking gitweb for lynx-cur)16:22
sil2100- ubuntu-image:16:22
sil2100  * Investigating autopkgtest failures on bionic armhf - hard to investigate16:22
sil2100  * Fixing new PEP-8 issue in bionic16:22
sil2100- Preparing new google-cloud-sdk16:22
sil2100- Other stuff16:22
sil2100Oh, and I was syncing up regarding the xenial HWE stack16:22
slangasekok, any other questions on status?16:24
slangasek[TOPIC] Bugs16:25
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bugs
slangasek[LINK] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs16:26
slangasekanything needing triage here?16:27
bdmurraybug 1739531?16:27
ubottubug 1739531 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-collect SHOULD NOT collect gnome-shell command history and favorites" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173953116:27
slangasekbdmurray: +1 for taking that one16:29
bdmurrayokay, I'll target it to the release then16:30
slangaseksorry, already did16:30
slangasekany others?16:30
bdmurraynothing else new per se16:30
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB16:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
slangasekanything else today?16:31
bdmurraybug 1738517 is a duplicate and I'll sort that out16:31
ubottubug 1738517 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update-manager does not expand details on progress on 17.10 & 18.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173851716:31
dokomerges ...16:31
dokowe have a lot ones still assigned to former team members16:31
dokoplease could we assign these to current team members?16:32
rbalinti'm in for that16:32
slangasekdoko: which ones do you mean?  are they ones the team owns (foundations-bugs listed on https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html)?16:33
dokowell, ba rry, cj watson, ...16:33
slangasekwhat /packages/ do you mean16:33
dokoI don't have a list16:33
dokoyes, owner is foundations-bugs16:33
slangasekbarry's name is only on aptdaemon; we would preferably be migrating from aptdaemon to packagekit, not merging it16:33
bdmurrayIs there even anything to merge with that?16:34
naccit's only in oldstablle (per rmadison)16:35
slangasekdoko: so, we need tooling to show people what work is yet to be done.  do you want to fix grep-merges to work by subscribing team name?16:36
rbalintdoko, slangasek: how about about a blog post on planet.ubuntu.com calling for everyone to mark their merges if they want to work on them with a two weeks timeout?16:37
dokoI can try to do that, but it would be low priority for me before I vanish at the end of next week16:37
dokofor two weeks16:37
slangasekrbalint: I don't think that's the problem; we're talking about packages that have been unmerged for some time already, and core-devs should always feel free to grab them with an advisory ping to the person who touched it last16:38
xnoxslangasek, "migrating from aptdaemon to packagekit, not merging it" -> is that hapeening?16:38
rbalintslangasek: i would do a broadcast ping then pick everything unmarked16:39
dokough, blogging about a team task?16:40
slangasekI don't think that buys us anything as a process to have a one-time ping16:40
rbalintslangasek: we would not have to ping people individually and may raise awareness for the merges if we mention universe as well16:42
slangasekrbalint: you are free to do this, but I don't think you want to blog about this repeatedly, and I don't think the problem doko is raising is a single point in time issue16:42
slangasekanything else on this?16:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jan  4 16:46:59 2018 UTC.16:46
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-01-04-16.04.moin.txt16:46
slangasekthanks, folks!16:47
flexiondotorgwxl jose ahoneybun elopio o/17:27
ahoneybunhere sorry17:32
wxlah good17:32
wxlwe were just discussing whether or not we're having it17:32
wxlso let's do it17:32
wxlone sec17:32
ahoneybunthe meeting?17:32
wxlmeanwhile see agenda https://community.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-topics-community-council-meeting-20180104/279317:32
ahoneybunthanks wxl17:33
wxl#startmeeting Community Council meeting: 2018010417:33
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jan  4 17:33:07 2018 UTC.  The chair is wxl. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:33
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick17:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council meeting: 20180104 | Current topic:
wxlas aforementioned, agenda is https://community.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-topics-community-council-meeting-20180104/279317:33
elopiothanks for preparing it wxl.17:33
wxlno problem17:34
wxli'm a little rusty with meetingology so bear with me17:34
wxlif there's anything you want to add to the agenda, now's the time. get it in at the bottom17:34
wxl#topic Progress from last meeting17:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council meeting: 20180104 | Current topic: Progress from last meeting
wxl#subtopic wiki discussion17:34
wxli believe elacheche (who is currently on the phone) and popey were going to start a discussion about the wiki. i haven't seen anything on the hub yet.17:35
wxlperhaps someone else might want to start the discussion and then they can join in later?17:36
popeyYeah, it's not happened yet. I'll ping elacheche when they're around and we'll kick it off now the holidays are over17:36
elopioI wouldn't feel confident starting this discussion. Looking at how popey handled the hub, I'm happy to wait for when he's ready to start the wiki topic.17:36
wxlfrom what i read in the old notes, popey, it seems like you wanted to kind of provide an exhaustive history. maybe a simple summary might be a good place to start?17:37
wxlin any case, it's obviously tabled, so we'll just deal with it next time17:37
wxli'll move on unless someone else has thoughts on this?17:38
wxl#action @popey will produce a basic post on the Hub about the wiki, with a more extensive one to follow17:39
meetingologyACTION: @popey will produce a basic post on the Hub about the wiki, with a more extensive one to follow17:39
wxl#subtopic LoCo Council update17:39
wxlAFAIK nothing to tell here. I've watched over them a bit and they seem to be doing great. Had a huge number of re-verifications to deal with and dealt with them marvelously.17:40
wxlany questions? otherwise i'm moving on.17:40
wxl#subtopic 2018 Q1 events17:40
wxlthis one's yours ahoneybun17:41
elopiowxl: maybe, just one action to invite them to the next meeting? Or the one in feb.17:41
ahoneybunare we talking about conferences? or what?17:41
wxlelopio: to explicitly deal with some particular thing or just to hang out?17:41
wxlno, i think it's more about planning and announcing ubuntu events. let me dig through logs17:42
flexiondotorgI've just added an agenda item about LFNW.17:42
elopiowxl: just hang out.17:42
wxl#action @wxl to invite LoCo Council to next meeting to hang out17:42
meetingologyACTION: @wxl to invite LoCo Council to next meeting to hang out17:42
ahoneybunare we planning more UbuCons or maybe one at LFNW with that new agenda item?17:43
wxloh i'm sorry17:44
wxlthis is UCADay17:44
wxlsorry this confusing :)17:44
ahoneybunno that happened already17:44
wxllook here https://community.ubuntu.com/t/community-council-meeting-20171207/285117:44
wxlthere's an action item that mentions our next item and has you associated with it ahoneybun and also includes an item to "plan and list global evenets for the 2018 Q1"17:45
wxlso that may not actually be yours17:45
wxlbut it's not clear anyone actually owned that17:45
wxllooking at the logs https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-12-07-17.01.moin.txt17:46
ahoneybunI think it's a group action17:46
wxlit seems there was a discussion about Global Jams, etc.17:46
ahoneybunmine was the monthly community member highlight17:46
wxlyeah we'll get to that next :)17:46
ahoneybunyay Global James17:46
joseyep so17:46
joselast time we discussed having a 'featured event of the quarter'17:46
wxlis there someone that can at least produce a list of all of teh potential events so we can start working on planning?17:46
ahoneybunI don't have much since I've been out of it for life17:47
wxlthat might be more managable17:47
wxlwe can take them one at a time17:47
josebasically, we'd source a list of events from the LC and then we'd work with the LC to make one of them the 'featured event of the quarter'17:47
ahoneybun+1 featured events of the quarter17:48
josedo we want to start that for Q1? or push it to Q2?17:48
wxlwell i'm also thinking it's probably on our shoulders to announce the larger events17:48
wxllike Global Jam itself, for example17:48
joseif we want to start it for Q1, does the LC have enough events or a global event we can feature?17:48
joseUGJs are on the LC17:48
wxlah and you mean events in general17:48
wxlsuch as Ubuntu Hours, install fests, general get togethers17:49
elopiopersonally, I would like to focus next on translations.17:49
elopioI can plan something for march or april, together with the locos.17:49
wxlok well let's not jumble up too much here17:49
joseyep, leaving planning aside17:50
jose1.- can the LC provide a list of global events happening soon17:50
joseif not, then let's push it for Q217:50
wxljose, would you get in touch with them and get a list?17:50
joseif they can, 2.- let's discuss it in the meeting we'll have with them to figure out the featured event of the quarter17:50
josenow, ideally, we'd work on the Q2 event during Q1, Q3 during Q2, and so on17:51
joseso we're a tad late, but we can make it work17:51
joseI'll get the gears moving on my side17:51
wxl#action @jose to get the LoCo Council to provide a list of global events happening soon, with the goal of then having the CC picking an event to feature17:51
meetingologyACTION: @jose to get the LoCo Council to provide a list of global events happening soon, with the goal of then having the CC picking an event to feature17:51
wxldoes that wrap up this topic?17:52
joseI'd say so17:53
josenot much else we can do on it17:53
wxlnow it's time for ahoneybun :)17:53
wxl#subtopic monthly community member17:53
wxlfloor's yours my friend!17:53
ahoneybunI've been thinking fo the best way to vote for a community member17:53
wxlooh voting. i like it. involve the community.17:54
ahoneybunsocial might not be the best but it is reachable to more people then mailing list17:54
elopioahoneybun: for january, I suggest we highlight the winners of the google code-in.17:54
wxlof course they're likely not members, so that might be a different thing17:55
ahoneybunyea we can use jan to get together the voting with social media accounts17:55
wxlor do we mean community members (lowercase)?17:55
elopiooh, they have to be approved?17:55
ahoneybuncommunity members can be non-ubuntu members17:56
ahoneybunlike gnome or kde or other groups17:56
wxlok yeah i didn't know what we meant17:56
wxli hear "member" and i think "ubuntu member"17:56
jose^ same here17:56
elopiovoting sounds weird to me. Like, whoever ends up in the second place will be a great contributor and yet she loses.17:57
wxlso i mean how DO we pick someone?17:57
elopiomaybe, we can use social for nominations. And whoever is not selected for a month will be selected for the following one.17:57
ahoneybunthat could be a way17:58
josebut eventually we'll have a long list of people to be nominated 'the following month'17:59
wxlyeah we'll have years' worth in a matter of days XD17:59
ahoneybunnominate and pick random?17:59
wxli think every month there needs to be a new set of nominations17:59
elopiono, we can sort them, depending on what we want to highlight that month18:00
wxlit might be good to ensure that we refer a wide range of different members18:00
wxlfrom different places, different contributions, different skills18:00
wxli mean i don't want to see a year's worth of white male developers from the west18:01
wxlanyone have a problem with us selectively picking and choosing?18:03
ahoneybunyea I would like to mix it with people from GNOME, KDE, Docs,18:03
wxlcertainly different projects!18:03
wxlso who wants to orangize the call for people and collecting the list so we can then discuss who to pick?18:04
elopioI nominate ahoneybun for that task :)18:06
wxli second that, should he be willing :)18:06
ahoneybunI mean I can get into GNOME but not sure about KDE at this point18:06
elopioahoneybun: the idea would be to make a call for nomiations on the hub18:06
wxlwell, at least the hub, if not other social networks18:07
elopiowe can help you promotiing it, and ask it to be forwarded to the ubuntu social channels.18:07
wxland each call should be a call to ask people to spread the word18:07
ahoneybunI don't have social network access to Ubuntu stuff18:07
wxlyeah, so just make a hub post. that's all. there you go. bite size :)18:07
ahoneybunnever used the hub before lol18:08
elopioalso, it would be nice to get some artwork for the call. We can ask eylul, she might be interested to help18:08
ahoneybunI can't make a new topic in Annoucements18:08
wxljust make it anywhere and ask popey to move it18:09
popeyThere is an "uncategorized" area18:09
ahoneybunI'm there XD18:10
wxl#action @ahoneybun to create a hub post call for nominations for monthly community member.18:11
meetingologyACTION: @ahoneybun to create a hub post call for nominations for monthly community member.18:11
wxli think it needs to be clear in the post and in social media posts that nominations will ONLY be considered if they're a reply to the hub post18:12
wxli think it's unreasonable to expect that we can monitor all the various different social media avenues18:12
joseyeah, however there's a catch with that18:13
josepeople need to sign up for the hub, which might be discouraging for those who just want to nominate someone18:13
elopiowe need to encourage people to sign up and use the hub, so +1 on wxl's suggestion18:14
elopioand do we make a call for nominations on the first week of each month?18:14
wxlbut jose brings a valid point. let's also provide the option to send the nomination to the cc list?18:14
joseagain, I don't like pushing people to use the hub if they don't feel comfortable with it18:15
joseespecially if they need to sign up and provide information18:15
wxli think encouraging it is not a bad thing18:15
wxlrequiring it might be18:15
wxlwe DO want to discourage using a reply on twitter, though, e.g.18:15
elopioI am happy requiring it. It's the new center of our community, if somebody wants to be in the community, she should be in the hub.18:16
joseI think that might need further discussion18:16
elopioI am happy to discuss it too :) Topic for next meeting?18:17
wxlfor now, let's offer only the two options (hub, cc list) with a preference towards the hub18:17
josesounds good to me18:17
wxlsomething like: "To be considered, nominations must be replies to the post on the Hub (or you can use the CC list if you must)"18:18
wxland the topic for next meeting there is whether or not we should consider the hub as the only source for communication?18:19
wxlor is this only within the context of this particular issue?18:19
elopiowxl: the former.18:21
wxl#action @wxl to add an agenda topic to next meeting concerned whether or not we should consider the hub as the only source for communication, with @elopio and @jose heading up the dicussion18:22
meetingologyACTION: @wxl to add an agenda topic to next meeting concerned whether or not we should consider the hub as the only source for communication, with @elopio and @jose heading up the dicussion18:22
wxlok i'm going to move on unless there are other questions?18:22
wxlahoneybun: just make sure to see our notes above about what qualifies as a valid nomination when you do the post.18:23
ahoneybunstill working on it as a text doc for right now18:23
wxltake your time18:23
wxl#subtopic Google Code-In update18:23
ahoneybunwe can make a pastebin or something to live edit18:23
wxli assume this would be yours, elopio ?18:23
wxli know i can tell you i've been BUSY with it personally as a mentor18:24
wxlafter i fixed the Lubuntu QA tasks, balloons asked me to fix all of the other ones. being non-beginner tasks, we'll get a lot more of them, which is good18:25
wxlsome comments on the IRC channel from students that are thankful for how much they've learned18:25
wxllots of CoC signing and bugs reported on it (more about that later)18:25
elopiosorry. Um, yes, we have more than 500 tasks completed18:26
wxli *STILL* have tasks to add18:26
elopiothat's amazing. But it's a lot of work for the mentors, I'm happy that the contest ends soon.18:26
wxlme, too18:26
wxlthe holidays were hard. lots of mentors gone.18:26
wxlthe 15th is the deadline for claiming a new task deadline and the contest ends on the 17th18:27
elopioI will contact the participants for snapcraft to offer them follow up mentorships. More free form, to let them choose the path that they want to follow18:27
wxli've been doing some encouraging in that regard, at least for Lubuntu and ISO testing/QA in general18:27
elopioto the other contributors for ubuntu in general, I think we need to encourage them to get in touch to their closest loco, sign the coc and participate on the hub.18:28
elopioI'll see if google can send me the emails of everybody who participated.18:28
wxl579 is the official number btw18:29
wxlWikimedia is at 57518:29
elopioI would like to do something nice for the winners, so I will nominate them for contributors of the month on ahoneybun's post, as soon as they are announced.18:29
popeyWe have another 20+ tasks to add. hopefully tomorrow18:29
elopiomaybe invite them to ubuntu hour, or even get a short interview with them for insights. I'm not sure what's required for that last one, but we can see.18:30
wxlhm someone showed me an unoficial ranking18:31
wxland now i can't find it18:31
elopioalso, we got a good bunch of new snaps packaged. I need to make a summary of that. And, a bunch of translations for the videos, I would like to keep working on this because there are many more languages to add.18:32
wxlwe are ranked 7th for orgs18:32
popeyI asked stgraber if we could use this as an opportunity to get lxd translated, he agreed, we need to make a task for that18:33
wxl(out of 25)18:33
elopiopopey: awesome, let me know if you need a hand with that.18:33
wxli would encourage all of you whether mentors or not to reach out to your community and see if they have tasks to add.18:33
popeyelopio: i do! :D18:33
wxl#action EVERYONE to reach out to their community for any other ideas for Google Code-In tasks.18:34
meetingologyACTION: EVERYONE to reach out to their community for any other ideas for Google Code-In tasks.18:34
wxlanything else?18:34
popeyelopio: would you have time to write the text in a doc (or directly in code-in) for a task for lxd? if so I can review and publish?18:34
popeyi know we have a couple of participants ready to take it18:34
wxloh i guess i have one other thing18:35
elopiopopey: let's talk after the meeting, because I don't know if this is for the docs, or for the strings in weblate18:35
wxldo we have any students that are waiting >24h for a reply?18:35
popeyelopio: i need to go afk after this meeting, but to answer your question, yes - it's weblate18:36
elopiopopey: ok, I'll prepare the task.18:37
popeyMagic, thanks18:37
wxlnevermind answered my own question18:38
wxlwe're good18:38
wxlmoving on unless anything else..18:38
wxl#subtopic report on why CC list is not moderated18:39
wxlthis one is yours jose18:39
joseI talked with a former CC member18:39
josebasically, it's incredibly discouraging for a community member, especially one who gathered up the courage to email the cc and has a problem/concern, to get a 'your message is moderated' email18:40
joseeven if there's a message in there, it will not help the stingy feeling that you tried to contact the governing council and got temporarily silenced due to moderation18:40
wxlcould we not change the mailman message so it says "we've received your request and will get back to you immediately?"18:41
josenot sure, and that'd be on IS to push the change18:41
joseplus, I haven't received any spam emails on the cc mailing list, at least not for a while18:41
wxlwell i think mailman might expose that18:41
wxljeez i get them all the time ugh18:41
josehave you got any recently?18:41
wxlpretty much every day18:42
wxladmittedly, i can do some spam filtering, but then there's the likelihood of false positives18:42
popeyIf you're using gmail you rarely see them18:43
popeyif you're on some other mail system, they often get through18:43
wxlyeah i'm not on Gmail18:43
joseanyways, that's the reason why the CC mailing list isn't moderated, and I agree with those statements18:43
elopioanother item that can be fixed by encouraging people to talk to us through the hub :D This is a magical hammer that fixes everything.18:44
josepeople need the ability to report in confidence18:44
popeyNot for private conversations18:44
joseplus, again, it requires you to create an account18:44
wxlwell on that topic flexiondotorg did you look into the possibility of using the hub as an entry point for the cc?18:44
josewhich adds a barrier for getting to us18:44
wxlwhich is potentially the same problem18:45
joseI would put that one under a vote as well. we need to think out of all angles, and the hub just adds hassle and removes privacy18:45
elopiopopey: there are private group chats, I've just noticed when somebody send a message to the two of us18:45
wxlwell i'm not easily finding a solution to mailman18:48
wxlbut i could propose it to IS18:48
wxlif we had a user-friendly moderation message, would anyone still have issues with turning moderation on?18:49
joseI wouldn't like for it to be moderated again. it'd have to be super-duper-extremely friendly18:49
joseotherwise, we just add friction to our communication flow18:49
wxlwell it's probably all for naught but this is driving me nuts so i'll put it on my list18:50
wxl#action @wxl to explore with IS the possibility of modifying the default moderation message18:51
meetingologyACTION: @wxl to explore with IS the possibility of modifying the default moderation message18:51
wxlanything else on this?18:51
wxl#subtopic Hub federation to Planet18:51
wxlflexiondotorg you had this on your list. any new news?18:51
wxlanyone else know anything about it?18:51
wxl#action @flexiondotorg to report back on the possibility of federating the Hub to Planet Ubuntu18:53
meetingologyACTION: @flexiondotorg to report back on the possibility of federating the Hub to Planet Ubuntu18:53
wxlmoving on then18:53
wxl#subtopic CC resources18:53
wxli believe elacheche was going to compile a list of cc resources18:54
elopioinstead of direct federetion, we could include our topics from the hub in the weekly newsletter, and that on the planet18:54
joselet's push it off for next meeting?18:54
wxlhe's not here so i'll table this unless anyone else wants to add to it?18:54
elopiosorry, my conection is dslow18:54
joseUWN is not being published anymore18:54
wxlit's not???18:54
joseno, hasn't been since Oct18:55
wxlwow you're right18:55
wxli'll follow up on that18:55
wxl#action @wxl to check in on the status of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter18:56
meetingologyACTION: @wxl to check in on the status of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter18:56
joseI can explain why, no need to18:56
elopiotsimonq2: was asking for help on the hub. We can give him a hand.18:56
josepublishing a weekly newsletter requires a lot of hands18:56
joseand it's not possible to do it with the current level of contributors18:56
josewe need steady contributors who can help every week, and we don't have them18:56
wxlwell, i regularly speak with tsimonq2 so i can check in. he was pretty adamant about making things happen.18:56
wxlmaybe we need to do some stuff in general to help bring contributors18:57
joseof course, we'd like to make things happen but unless we get those contributors, it's impossible18:57
wxlagain, i'll check in with him directly18:57
joseand again, needs to be people who'll be willing to help in a weekly basis, not as a one-off thing18:57
josefeel free to18:57
wxlok moving on then18:58
wxlalmost done with old stuff!18:58
wxl#subtopic GSoC application18:58
wxlanyone on top of this?18:58
elopiopopey: should we apply?18:58
wxlis there a deadline for application?18:59
elopiooh, he said he was going to leave soon. I got a little scared with the amount of work that this things require. But I'm in if popey and flexiondotorg are in.19:00
wxlcan you find out the deadline, elopio, and report back? (not now i mean, but not wait until next meeting)19:01
popeyDunno what the requirements are for gsoc19:02
popeyI know flexiondotorg has mentored on it before19:02
elopiodeadlinne is jan 23rd19:02
popeyOh my19:02
wxlthat's pretty darn close.19:02
elopioapplications opened today19:03
wxli'll make an action for you three to figure it out XD19:03
wxl#action @popey @elopio @flexiondotorg to put their heads together to evaluate the possibility of applying for GSoC.19:04
meetingologyACTION: @popey @elopio @flexiondotorg to put their heads together to evaluate the possibility of applying for GSoC.19:04
wxland i'll put something on the agenda to see where we're at for next meeting19:04
wxlif we don't have it figured out by then it might be too late but c'est la vie19:04
popeyI'd start a thread on the hub19:04
popeyLike, now19:05
popeyLike I did for code in19:05
popeyWe can have the discussion there19:05
wxlwell i'll let you guys fight over which one of you does that XD19:05
popeyNO CARRIER...19:05
elopiopopey: good call. I'll check the requirements19:05
wxlok, i'll move on for the time being since there's not really much to discuss about this19:05
wxlone more piece of old stuff19:06
wxltsimonq2: we'll talk later. don't sweat it :)19:06
tsimonq2wxl: ok19:06
wxl#subtopic changing meeting time and/or duration19:06
wxlso we should vote on this or what?19:06
wxli'd love to make this official.19:06
josewe have 5 votes, with a span of +219:07
josewe need another 2 +2s19:07
* wxl sighs19:07
wxlwe have votes from you and me, jose?19:07
joseone sec, I'm checking again just in case19:08
josesorry, 4 votes, with a span of +219:08
joseelopio, elacheche, you and me19:08
josemarcoceppi, ahoneybun, flexiondotorg and sabdfl haven't voted19:09
wxlso that leaves ahoneybun flexiondotorg and marcoceppi (and sabdfl)19:09
wxland we need +2 more19:09
wxlwhat if everyone votes and we don't get it?19:09
josemy reason for the 0, same as elacheche, is we should have the 2h slot in case we need it, but we should have flexible times and if we can finish it in 1h, we do it19:10
wxloh hi marcoceppi good to see you. you should join the UCC channel, btw.19:10
joseif everyone votes and we don't get it, we stick to the 2h slot, and again, we finish up as fast as we reasonably can19:11
wxlwell i mean the question is whether or not we should have a minimum of 1h, no?19:11
josehaving 2h doesn't mean we have to use all of it :)19:11
jose(we're over our 2h slot right now)19:12
wxland do we also have any votes about moving it one hour ahead?19:12
josejust two I believe19:12
wxl#action @ahoneybun @flexiondotorg @marcoceppi @sabdfl to vote on whether or not to change the 2 hour meeting to 1 hour19:13
meetingologyACTION: @ahoneybun @flexiondotorg @marcoceppi @sabdfl to vote on whether or not to change the 2 hour meeting to 1 hour19:13
wxlwho's left?19:13
joseelopio and elacheche voted, the rest hasn't19:14
jose2 votes with a span of +119:15
wxloh well it was my proposal so you can put me down for a +1 :)19:15
wxlmarcoceppi: that's for which one?19:15
* marcoceppi quits19:15
joseok, and I'll go with a -1 for moving 17 to 18 utc19:16
marcoceppiI'm fine moving to a 1 hour meeting19:16
joseso, moving: 4 votes with a span of +1, duration: 5 votes with a span of +319:16
wxlok so19:17
josemarcoceppi: any votes on moving the meeting from 17 UTC to 18 UTC?19:17
wxl  #action @ahoneybun @flexiondotorg @sabdfl to vote on changing the meeting time from 17 to 18 UTC19:17
josedepends on if he answers right now or not :)19:17
wxlthe only problem with this is that if we don't move it, at least during teh winter, i am most likely going to be late19:18
ahoneybunI'll be at work either way lol19:18
joseand that's also the issue, DST doesn't apply for everyone around the world19:18
joseahoneybun: so, 0 for moving times?19:18
wxl#action @marcoceppi @ahoneybun @flexiondotorg @sabdfl to vote on changing the meeting time from 17 to 18 UTC19:21
meetingologyACTION: @marcoceppi @ahoneybun @flexiondotorg @sabdfl to vote on changing the meeting time from 17 to 18 UTC19:21
wxllet's just move on19:21
wxlwe can do this async19:21
wxl#topic Review Code of Conduct bugs19:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council meeting: 20180104 | Current topic: Review Code of Conduct bugs
wxli was hoping we could do this last time19:21
wxlget rid of the dead wood, as it were, to make room for GCI19:22
josetbh I'd say let's call it a meeting and push it over, put it on top for the next meeting19:22
josewe're 30 over and participation has declined19:22
wxlc'est la vie then19:22
wxlwe really need to start dealing with this old stuff.19:23
elopiowxl: a couple of actions: remember elacheche to publish the summary of the meetings he lead.19:23
wxlelopio: he already did afaik19:23
elopiowxl: and catch up with you on the status of the CoC violations19:23
wxlyeah well, that's one we should do privately, ultimately19:23
wxli'll send something to the list about it19:24
elopiowxl: I don't see it here: https://community.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-topics-community-council-meeting-20171207/257119:24
wxljust cuz there's no need to discuss private issues publicly19:25
wxlconfused about your "it"19:25
elopiowxl: I meant, I don't see elacheche's summary in there.19:25
elopiothanks, I didn't see that one.19:26
wxlanything else?19:26
elopioI would prefer to update the topic instead of creating a new one. wxl: what would you prefer for your summaries?19:27
wxli don't really care, but i guess we didn't really make an HOWTO for the thing so we're just doing whatever seems right XD19:27
wxlbut that way will fill up the category less19:28
wxlso let's do that19:28
elopioyep, that's why I'm asking, to start a howto :) If you support elacheche's style, I'll document that. If you prefer the one I was following, that will be the one.19:28
wxlwe'll do it your way19:28
wxlso i'll give you to the TODO on the HOWTO :)19:29
elopiook, so I'll take an action to document how to lead the meetings.19:29
elopioand last, wxl, will you lead the next one too?19:29
wxl#action @elopio to create a document how to lead the meetings, including dealing with postings and such19:29
meetingologyACTION: @elopio to create a document how to lead the meetings, including dealing with postings and such19:29
elopio:) great19:29
wxlwe done? anyone else?19:30
elopiook, thanks everybody. We are also missing to discuss flexiondotorg's point, maybe we can do that on the hub.19:30
wxlshutting it down in19:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jan  4 19:31:24 2018 UTC.19:31
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-01-04-17.33.moin.txt19:31
* jose picks up his sword19:31
popeywxl: thats the first time I have seen fractions of a countdown and it's now my favo{u}rite thing20:22
wxlpopey: it's amazing what you can do with a Compose Key :)20:23
tsimonq2Hahahahaha :)22:02

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