
wxlhey tsimonq2 is news dead? maybe CC can help pump some air back into it?19:34
tsimonq2wxl: That would be really nice20:08
wxlwhat do you need?20:09
tsimonq2To tell the truth, I've ran out of time for it. I want to train someone on how to publish if they don't know how and aim to transition off of it20:09
wxlhave you identified anyone that might want to take it on?20:10
tsimonq2wxl: No. I've asked jose a few months ago if he'd be willing to lessen the load but he said he's been busy...20:11
tsimonq2So it was up to me and Chris20:11
tsimonq2wxl: To be honest, with UWN, I'm burned out.20:12
wxlwell you know stepping down gracefully and all20:13
tsimonq2Right, and I feel super bad for not doing it20:13
wxlmaybe what would be wise is publishing something on the Hub asking for contributors and leaders20:13
tsimonq2But it seemed like nobody cared so it went lower and lower on the todo list20:13
wxlthe CC can help with pushing that around20:14
wxlcan do?20:14
tsimonq2So that's the problem I face now wxl, lack of motivation with UWN, and I don't think I'm ready to start a long Hub discussion.20:14
wxlnot a discussion20:14
wxlfinding someone new20:14
wxland handing it over20:14
tsimonq2That is a discussion20:14
wxli mean like i'd do it myself, as a contributor, but i don't know *anything*20:15
tsimonq2wxl: I can teach you :P20:15
wxlyou don't have to participate in the discussion, per se. start it. give the relevant info for people to consider20:15
wxlwhy not teach your replacement, no?20:15
tsimonq2Yeah I need to do that20:17
wxlif all the info is there in the initial post, it should be easy for us to help with the discussion/transition and limit your impact20:17
wxlthen whoever we find needs to make a call out for more contributors, i imagine20:18

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