[07:37] good morning [07:53] Morning didrocks [07:53] hey duflu [08:00] good morning and happy Friday desktoppers === maclin1 is now known as maclin [08:14] happy Friday oSoMoN [08:18] salut didrocks [09:04] yo [09:05] hey Laney [09:05] happy Friday [09:05] hey Laney [09:06] Morning desktop folks... And happy new year! [09:06] happy new year Trevinho! [09:07] didrocks: hey Didier [09:07] hey didrocks & oSoMoN [09:07] wb Trevinho! [09:07] are you finished travelling now? [09:08] hey Trevinho, happy new year [09:08] Laney: hey... [09:09] Laney: not really, but staying in Europe till March at least [09:09] Well mostly Italy Italy however [09:09] Now [09:09] Hey oSoMoN! [09:10] so, finished travelling for 2017 :) [09:58] Woo, a wayland fix 2 minutes before EOW [09:58] what a good Friday [09:58] :) [09:59] have a drink over this! :) [10:00] Heh. Dinner first at least [10:00] later [15:23] yesss debugging something and it got the pid "1337" [15:23] * Laney puts shades on [15:35] Laney, like winning the lotto! [15:36] that's a sign, for sure [15:48] time to go off, have a good week-end guys! [15:53] didrocks! [15:53] lol [18:21] * Laney unlocks a session, victory~~~~~~ [18:21] night! === JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose