daniellimws | kyrofa: while adding docstrings, how should I document kwargs? | 00:10 |
omairqazi | hi | 03:36 |
omairqazi | hi | 05:49 |
tsimonq2 | hi | 05:50 |
pranavgade20 | Hi there pio, kyrofa, sergiusens, popey, flexiondotorg! | 07:07 |
pranavgade20 | Hi there elopio, kyrofa, sergiusens, popey and flexiondotorg! | 07:12 |
elopio | hello pranavgade20 | 07:13 |
popey | Hi | 07:13 |
pranavgade20 | I need some help! For the Google code-in Nodejs Snap task, can I choose https://github.com/notwaldorf/doodle | 07:14 |
elopio | pranavgade20: that one looks good, but doesn't require the nodejs plugin | 07:15 |
elopio | pranavgade20: I'd say, give it a try! :) | 07:15 |
pranavgade20 | I could serve it with node | 07:15 |
pranavgade20 | would it be okay | 07:16 |
elopio | pranavgade20: yes, that's fine. And you could also use electron to make it more like an app: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/snap-a-website | 07:17 |
pranavgade20 | should I? | 07:18 |
elopio | pranavgade20: you can choose your own adventure, whatever sounds more interesting. | 07:19 |
pranavgade20 | What i mean is that are electon and node related | 07:20 |
pranavgade20 | i have worked with node but have no experience with electron | 07:20 |
pranavgade20 | Nevertheless, i think i will try it with electron | 07:22 |
pranavgade20 | Thanks! | 07:22 |
elopio | pranavgade20: thanks to you | 07:24 |
coolpolygons | kenvandine: did didrocks come online today? | 08:22 |
coolpolygons | i havent been able to claim new tasks for like 3 days now so im getting a bit anxious | 08:23 |
coolpolygons | is it normal for the file to be 17.10 when i clicked on the bionic daily image download? | 08:34 |
coolpolygons | i tried downloading the iso and the file name had 17.10 not 18.04, and this looked a bit weird for a first timer like me | 08:35 |
coolpolygons | nvm its a wrong file. sorry my bad :( | 08:36 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: hey, this is jacob. can you review my task here: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5824069586911232/ | 08:49 |
coolpolygons | ? | 08:49 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: hey! I'm a little bit out of context, but let me give a look :) | 08:55 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: it's a nice animation! I like it ;) However, plymouth can't display mp4 or any video at this stage, it needs to be code | 08:57 |
didrocks | (commented) | 08:58 |
daniellimws[m] | didrocks: I'm not working on that task, but may I know what kind of code? | 08:58 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: plymouth is what display the splash screen on boot up (before the login screen) | 09:00 |
didrocks | you can code the animation either in C, or using their own script syntax (the latter is what ubuntu is using) | 09:00 |
didrocks | if you want to have a look, it's under /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ | 09:00 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: ok, I gave some pointers, hope the helps! (and answered your other question there too) | 09:01 |
daniellimws[m] | didrocks: oh thanks | 09:01 |
didrocks | yw! | 09:02 |
daniellimws[m] | didrocks: can you have a look at my task https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5831541185839104/ | 09:02 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: thank you :D | 09:02 |
daniellimws[m] | heber approved my merge proposal but I think he forgot to approve it in code in | 09:02 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: extending the deadline as well :) | 09:02 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: ah, I was looking at that one and wanted to let heber approving. let me check | 09:03 |
didrocks | oh yeah, he approved, let me close the task | 09:03 |
didrocks | can you ensure he's merging the changes, pinging him again? | 09:03 |
didrocks | I don't have the rights on that project and so, can't merge | 09:03 |
daniellimws[m] | he's not online now though | 09:04 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: yeah, doesn't need to be now, just please chase him up :) | 09:04 |
didrocks | meanwhile, task approved! | 09:04 |
daniellimws[m] | thanks a lot! | 09:04 |
didrocks | thanks to you! ;) | 09:05 |
daniellimws[m] | didrocks: I'm looking at this task now, but there does not seem to be much information https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/6209713433739264/?sp-organization=5133577048031232&sp-is_beginner=False | 09:07 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: just being curious, the tests are launching gnome-software with LANG=C (or forcing any en locales?) | 09:07 |
daniellimws[m] | can you tell me more about it? | 09:07 |
didrocks | sure, one sec | 09:07 |
daniellimws[m] | didrocks: I didn't see anything like that when running | 09:07 |
daniellimws[m] | or I do not recall | 09:07 |
didrocks | interesting, I think on a non en locale, something needs to be fixed, due to string comparison, but I'll let heber handling this :) | 09:08 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: on the other tasks, give me 10 min to find the correct package name | 09:09 |
daniellimws[m] | ok, thanks, there's no rush, take your time :D | 09:10 |
didrocks | ok, I have now everything for you :) | 09:16 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: are you running 17.10? | 09:16 |
daniellimws[m] | yup | 09:17 |
didrocks | so, run "yelp" | 09:17 |
didrocks | the first link is "Getting started with GNOME" | 09:18 |
didrocks | here, you have 3 videos | 09:18 |
didrocks | Launch applications, Switch tasks… | 09:18 |
didrocks | as you can see, those are the upstream ones | 09:18 |
didrocks | meaning, there is no dock | 09:18 |
didrocks | and so, the interactions should be different for ubuntu, where we have our Ubuntu Dock installed by default | 09:18 |
didrocks | the videos are generated using some python scripts under blender | 09:19 |
didrocks | upstream generates those webm from https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-getting-started-docs | 09:19 |
didrocks | you can find the .blend file and .py script in https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-getting-started-docs/tree/animation | 09:19 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: i got a question | 09:19 |
daniellimws[m] | sorry wait a minute, I haven't found the videos yet | 09:19 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: basically, the idea is to modify/copy them adding our own videos | 09:20 |
didrocks | ah ;) | 09:20 |
daniellimws[m] | I have "introduction to gnome" | 09:20 |
coolpolygons | do u work with canonical on theming ubuntu? | 09:20 |
daniellimws[m] | by the way should we discuss this in the task instead? so that we don't flood the chat? | 09:20 |
daniellimws[m] | I got "introduction to GNOME" instead of "Getting started with GNOME" and there are no videos | 09:21 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: well, I work on the desktop team, I did the theme work for 17.10, but there is nobody really in charge of the "theme" itself full time. This is why we opened this community effort as it's a good (and rather easy) contribution | 09:21 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: I guess for the introduction, it's fine to discuss that here, then, I'll copy it in the tasks | 09:22 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: ah, you probably miss a package (we install it by default though) | 09:22 |
didrocks | apt install gnome-getting-started-docs | 09:22 |
didrocks | restart yelp after installing | 09:22 |
Coolpolygons_ | didrocks: i see, so u guys are working on the 18.04 design now? | 09:24 |
didrocks | Coolpolygons_: I wrote a FAQ for this: https://community.ubuntu.com/t/faq-ubuntu-new-theme/1930 :) | 09:25 |
didrocks | depending on when the new theme is ready, 18.04 may stay the same as 17.10 with slights improvements | 09:26 |
didrocks | (for theming) | 09:26 |
daniellimws[m] | didrocks: there is the dock in my videos though | 09:27 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: in the activities view | 09:27 |
didrocks | which is the upstream behavior | 09:27 |
didrocks | not on the desktop itself | 09:27 |
daniellimws[m] | sorry what activities view | 09:27 |
daniellimws[m] | oh nevermind | 09:28 |
didrocks | the view that is display when you click on the "activities" label | 09:28 |
didrocks | ok ;) | 09:28 |
daniellimws[m] | on my side I see the dock for "Launching applications" but not the other two videos, but that does not matter too much anyways right? | 09:29 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: also, on the video, you can see that they trigger the hot corner (pushing on the top left), which is disabled in the ubuntu session | 09:30 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: well, the video is doing this: | 09:30 |
* daniellimws[m] uploaded an image: Screenshot from 2018-01-05 17-29-49.png (131KB) <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/YkuinRHzZXjTLXhNXRqQoEpT> | 09:30 | |
didrocks | - go to the activities view | 09:30 |
didrocks | - start an application from the dock | 09:30 |
daniellimws[m] | I don't see an "activities" label though | 09:30 |
didrocks | did you click on the video? | 09:30 |
daniellimws[m] | oh oh, oops, you were referring to the video | 09:30 |
daniellimws[m] | oops | 09:30 |
didrocks | sorry if I wasn't clear :) | 09:31 |
daniellimws[m] | brain issue here | 09:31 |
daniellimws[m] | didrocks: anyways, the task is to add the dock? | 09:32 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: the task is generally to modify the videos to match default ubuntu experience | 09:32 |
didrocks | so, for example, on "launching the applications": | 09:32 |
didrocks | - go over the dock, which is displayed by default | 09:32 |
didrocks | (no "triggering the hot top left corner, go to the dock") | 09:33 |
didrocks | also, the dock takes the whole vertical space | 09:33 |
didrocks | - then, keep the rest of the video | 09:34 |
didrocks | like, click on activities and choose an app for the grid | 09:34 |
didrocks | as this is valid | 09:34 |
didrocks | making sense? | 09:34 |
daniellimws[m] | yea, thanks | 09:34 |
daniellimws[m] | is this because of the change from unity to gnome from 16 to 17? | 09:34 |
didrocks | this is due to our modificiations regarding the user experience between ubuntu and pure upstream GNOME | 09:35 |
didrocks | on the second video | 09:35 |
didrocks | there is no scripting involved | 09:35 |
daniellimws[m] | what's upstream exactly, sorry don't really know | 09:35 |
didrocks | the only change is to always show the dock (full height) on the desktop | 09:36 |
didrocks | and same for the 3rd video | 09:36 |
didrocks | upstream is the people/project creating the application code | 09:36 |
didrocks | for instance | 09:36 |
didrocks | firefox devs are upstream for us (ubuntu), where we package and patch it | 09:37 |
didrocks | here, gnome devs are upstream for us (ubuntu), where we fix bugs and do some modifications before delivering to our users | 09:37 |
didrocks | knowing that we are gnome developers as well, so we have the double hat :) | 09:37 |
didrocks | (but not all gnome devs are ubuntu devs and vice-versa) | 09:37 |
didrocks | ok, I have added a log of those info on the task itself | 09:41 |
didrocks | the idea is to have this page with the video started on the first login for a new user/install | 09:41 |
daniellimws[m] | didrocks: thanks again for all the help and info | 09:48 |
didrocks | yw! good luck with that task. I hope it will be fun :) | 09:49 |
heesen | wxl,could you please take a look at my task https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6443384929517568/ | 09:56 |
daniellimws[m] | heesen: I think that's too early, he's usually not around at this time | 09:58 |
heesen | ok | 09:58 |
Accelerator | daniellimws[m]: You were a finalist before? | 09:59 |
daniellimws[m] | yea :) | 10:00 |
daniellimws[m] | it's my last year here, and to be honest, I really want to win this | 10:00 |
Accelerator | Ah hope you win it...i have a year left | 10:00 |
daniellimws[m] | thanks, but I won't deserve it if I'm not doing things well enough | 10:01 |
Accelerator | Well yeah btw you need to get on the leaderboard | 10:02 |
daniellimws[m] | haha yea | 10:02 |
Accelerator | What a coincidence though | 10:03 |
daniellimws[m] | Accelerator: I do have 6 completed (multi-instance) task in my pocket though | 10:05 |
daniellimws[m] | will mass submit them few hours later when the mentors come back | 10:05 |
Accelerator | Well for sure you will be back on the leaderboard then.....hope i don't get out :P | 10:06 |
daniellimws[m] | Accelerator: I only have 10 tasks in now though | 10:09 |
daniellimws[m] | you sure won't be kicked | 10:09 |
coolpolygons | im not even on the leaderboard :( | 10:09 |
daniellimws[m] | but I haven't done any of the packaging tasks too | 10:09 |
daniellimws[m] | maybe time to finish them during the weekends | 10:09 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: how do you think dell did the boot screen? | 10:10 |
Accelerator | Blender maybe? | 10:10 |
coolpolygons | if they used plymouth, wouldn't the boot screen play every time someone boots the OS? | 10:10 |
coolpolygons | i mean, they only made it so that it turns on once in the laptop's lifetime | 10:11 |
coolpolygons | and the rest of the time its the bland ubuntu boot | 10:11 |
coolpolygons | so thats why i thought they used an mp4 playback, but apparantly it is not according to the mentors ._. | 10:11 |
daniellimws[m] | Accelerator: apparently, even though it says blender, it is generated by code | 10:11 |
Accelerator | Oh didn't know that | 10:12 |
daniellimws[m] | just now didrocks told me that the files are in /usr/share/plymouth/themes | 10:12 |
daniellimws[m] | yea I also just knew today | 10:12 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: I don't own a dell, so quite unsure to be honest. When we discussed it, it was played every time someone boots the OS | 10:12 |
coolpolygons | hmm... reddit and youtube said that it shows only once O_o | 10:13 |
coolpolygons | and honestly it is pretty long for a everytime-boot scenario | 10:13 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: but I wasn't the one suggesting it, Will (who is on holidays) has more info on that one | 10:13 |
coolpolygons | who is will? | 10:13 |
didrocks | Will Cooke, desktop team manager | 10:14 |
daniellimws[m] | didrocks, but we only have around 10 days left, will he be back on time? | 10:14 |
coolpolygons | omg only 10 days?? | 10:14 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: he should be back on Monday, meanwhile, there are other tasks, even way easier ones | 10:14 |
daniellimws[m] | ends at 18 | 10:14 |
didrocks | hacking plymouth isn't easy TBH | 10:14 |
daniellimws[m] | didrocks: I would like to try harder ones, as this is the only chance I'll get to do it with someone's guidance | 10:14 |
coolpolygons | but succeeding would be an achievement | 10:14 |
coolpolygons | same goes here | 10:14 |
didrocks | the last changes I did a couple of years ago for showing fsck progress, with all monitors config and such remind me hard times :) | 10:15 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: wait, I'm talking about coolpolygons's one | 10:15 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: not the blender welcome screen :) | 10:15 |
didrocks | don't mix the 2 things | 10:15 |
daniellimws[m] | oh oops | 10:16 |
didrocks | plymouth -> at boot, before the login screen | 10:16 |
daniellimws[m] | my bad | 10:16 |
didrocks | gnome welcome video -> first time a new user log in, available in "help" | 10:17 |
didrocks | (the last one is a video, generated under blender and animated via python scripts) | 10:17 |
didrocks | just to be clear ;) | 10:17 |
coolpolygons | I'm gonna finish this boot screen and see if i can get myself up to the leaderboard | 10:17 |
coolpolygons | wish me luck :D | 10:17 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: if you pownder to other tasks waiting for Will, I can guide you | 10:18 |
didrocks | depends on how hard/easy you want them (packaging tasks, code tasks, others?) | 10:18 |
daniellimws[m] | didrocks: I forgot to ask, but how do I compile/run the scripts | 10:18 |
daniellimws[m] | the .blend file | 10:18 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: unsure yet, let me look at the build system | 10:18 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: I am working on testing several ISO for bionic releases, so that I can submit them once the boot screen is completed | 10:19 |
coolpolygons | some help with plymouth scripting would be very nice :D | 10:19 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: ok, typical autotools, so ./autogen.sh && configure && make | 10:19 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: but for editing the video, I'm not a blender expert, but I'm sure you can open blender and it will (or have an option to) import the script with the same name | 10:20 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: unfortunately, this part isn't really documented (which is an euphemism) /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.script | 10:20 |
didrocks | is the ubuntu one ^ | 10:20 |
didrocks | if that can help | 10:20 |
daniellimws[m] | didrocks: a bit confused, I need to work with both python and blender right? | 10:21 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: yeah, blender can be piloted via python. you use blender to create 3d objects/scene, then, under blender you can edit some scripts, which are python, to animate it | 10:22 |
pranavgade20 | hi elopio. I completed the task and snapped the app at https://github.com/notwaldorf/doodle | 10:22 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: https://docs.blender.org/manual/fr/dev/advanced/scripting/introduction.html (let me find the english equivalent) | 10:22 |
pranavgade20 | please tell me what my next steps shou;d be | 10:22 |
didrocks | daniellimws[m]: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/advanced/scripting/introduction.html simply ;) | 10:22 |
daniellimws[m] | pranavgade20: elopio is not online yet, and have you pushed your repo? | 10:23 |
daniellimws[m] | didrocks: thanks a lot :) I'll ask when I have more problems later | 10:23 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: so, I think that doesn't prevent to have a video on first boot, like on the live, we may be able to reuse your work (but need to hook it up) | 10:23 |
didrocks | nw! | 10:23 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: actually, I'm rereading it | 10:24 |
pranavgade20 | daniellimws[m]: that is what i need to know. i am a beginner and so, need help | 10:25 |
daniellimws[m] | coolpolygons: just a tip, the leaderboard is based on the number of tasks done, I have 10 tasks and I'm not on leaderboard yet, so you may need to do more | 10:25 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: it's been 40 days since I entered the tasks, and it seems I'm wrong, the video was indeed for a first boot | 10:25 |
daniellimws[m] | pranavgade20: ok sure have you forked the snapcrafters repo | 10:25 |
pranavgade20 | daniellimws[m]: ? | 10:25 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: does that mean my mp4 is ok? | 10:25 |
daniellimws[m] | sorry what task are yuo working on | 10:26 |
pranavgade20 | daniellimws[m]: um, https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6684453122342912/ | 10:26 |
pranavgade20 | daniellimws[m]: and, jow do i see if i am in the leaderboard | 10:26 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: i read the plymouth docs and found that png were the only available formats for display, but Dell did a video, so I got confused. The task seemed to ask to mimic what Dell did, so i went ahead and made a video. | 10:26 |
pranavgade20 | daniellimws[m]: i ment : and, how do i see if i am in the leaderboard | 10:27 |
daniellimws[m] | pranavgade20: you can go to the organisations page or this site made by students from coala if I'm not wrong https://gci-leaders.netlify.com/ | 10:27 |
pranavgade20 | thanks! | 10:27 |
daniellimws[m] | pranavgade20: have you seen this? https://github.com/snapcrafters/fork-and-rename-me | 10:27 |
pranavgade20 | yes | 10:28 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: so, I'm unsure how dell hook it up (at what stage), but this isn't in the task and up to us to figure out | 10:28 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: however, there is something in the Dell video: it starts from the current boot theme | 10:28 |
didrocks | meaning, you have ubuntu and the dots | 10:28 |
didrocks | then, the video starts from here | 10:28 |
didrocks | to chain to the animation | 10:28 |
didrocks | I think you should do this as well | 10:28 |
daniellimws[m] | pranavgade20: have you forked it? | 10:28 |
Accelerator | daniellimws[m]: Congrats...you are back on the leaderboard | 10:28 |
pranavgade20 | daniellimws[m]: and, how do i know the number of tasks to complete to get there? | 10:29 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: and all that is through plymouth? | 10:29 |
daniellimws[m] | Accelerator: woah thanks for informing | 10:29 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: and we'll need the source with different resolution, to display the correct video | 10:29 |
Accelerator | np | 10:29 |
daniellimws[m] | pranavgade20: I think at least 10, to kick me off XD | 10:29 |
pranavgade20 | daniellimws[m]: i am currently on my 8th | 10:30 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: I *think* this is done in plymouth, but needs to be checked with someone having such a system | 10:30 |
didrocks | Will should have one | 10:30 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: so what should i do from now? | 10:30 |
daniellimws[m] | pranavgade20: that's good, but I hope I stay haha | 10:30 |
daniellimws[m] | anyways, have you forked | 10:30 |
pranavgade20 | yes | 10:30 |
pranavgade20 | but what do i do next | 10:31 |
daniellimws[m] | One thing is to add the snapcraft.yaml file there | 10:31 |
daniellimws[m] | in snap/snapcraft.yaml | 10:31 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: if you want to go on on that task before we have more info from Will, I would say change the animation to start like the Dell one (with ubuntu logo and dots) so that chaining is seamless | 10:31 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: then, ensure your video (or set of videos) are working with various resolutions | 10:31 |
didrocks | as the text/logo might be in various place | 10:31 |
daniellimws[m] | pranavgade20: you also need to edit the readme, if you haven't | 10:32 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: does that mean that I can abandon and re-claim it after we contact Will? | 10:32 |
didrocks | then, once Will is back, we'll see if he can look on his laptop when this is triggered and where | 10:32 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: yeah, we can pause it | 10:32 |
pranavgade20 | edit to what? the instructions arent really helpful | 10:32 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: let me write the current notes for Will | 10:33 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: it'd be great if we can pause it. Thank you :D and by the way, if I can get your's and Will's contacts, I can communicate with you guys (this chat seems a bit too busy) | 10:33 |
daniellimws | pranavgade20: firstly you can edit the project name and description | 10:33 |
pranavgade20 | to my project's name, right? | 10:34 |
daniellimws | pranavgade20: I need to leave now, but basically you need to complete the checklist, and inform popey | 10:35 |
daniellimws | yea | 10:35 |
pranavgade20 | okay, thanks | 10:35 |
daniellimws | and the description to your project's | 10:35 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: commented, I'll extend the deadline as I can't pause | 10:35 |
didrocks | will and I should be around on Monday on that channel and we'll send emails if it's too busy | 10:36 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: sounds great. here's my email: jpoly1219@gmail.com | 10:37 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: so it is safe for me to abandon task for now and resume later? | 10:37 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: no, just keep it, we'll extend the deadline as needed | 10:38 |
coolpolygons | alright. | 10:38 |
coolpolygons | thank you so much for the help :D | 10:38 |
didrocks | yw! good luck with your other tasks meanwhile :) | 10:39 |
heesen | wxl,could you please take a look at my task https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6443384929517568/ | 10:39 |
Accelerator | heesen: at least 5 hours left before wxl is online | 10:40 |
heesen | accelerator, what time zone is he in | 10:41 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: ...and i realized that i cant claim any other tasks until the current one is done | 10:42 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: in other words, i need to either succeed or fail in order to move on to another tasks... | 10:42 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: oh? feel free to abandon it then | 10:44 |
didrocks | you will reclaim it later | 10:44 |
didrocks | didn't know that was so strict | 10:44 |
coolpolygons | yeah... alright then | 10:44 |
coolpolygons | thank you again :D send me an email to jpoly1219@gmail.com if u need me for whatever reasons | 10:45 |
Accelerator | heesen: I think he lives in the US | 10:45 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: noted! Mine is simply didrocks @ubuntu.com | 10:45 |
didrocks | :) | 10:45 |
coolpolygons | with all the space in the middle? or just didrocks@ubuntu.com ? | 10:45 |
didrocks | no space, but didn't want to write as you did for spam bots… | 10:46 |
didrocks | too late now :p | 10:46 |
coolpolygons | alright xD | 10:46 |
rakshika | hey elopio | 11:09 |
coolpolygons | flexiondotorg: hey, can i ask you a question about the Ubuntu MATE Bionic release test? | 11:09 |
flexiondotorg | coolpolygons: Sure. | 11:10 |
coolpolygons | if anyone can answer my question: | 11:22 |
coolpolygons | when filing a bug report, how do i number the bug? the instructions say to add a bug number, but I dont know what number to use | 11:23 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: you can't choose the bug number, it's incremented automatically | 11:23 |
didrocks | I guess it's "add a bug number to the task", like copying the URL? | 11:24 |
coolpolygons | "If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include the bug number when you submit your result." | 11:24 |
coolpolygons | so what should I do here? | 11:24 |
didrocks | can you link me to the task? | 11:27 |
didrocks | is that using the testing tracker? | 11:27 |
coolpolygons | yes. | 11:27 |
coolpolygons | ill send you a link to the iso tracker | 11:28 |
coolpolygons | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/384/builds/164081/testcases/1300/results | 11:28 |
didrocks | so, when you create a testing result | 11:28 |
coolpolygons | scroll down to the bottom and I don't know what to do from there to "number" the bug. | 11:28 |
didrocks | you can attach to it if it fails | 11:28 |
coolpolygons | attach what? | 11:29 |
didrocks | have you tried to add a test result yet? | 11:29 |
coolpolygons | there is a "add a test result" box and I see that | 11:29 |
didrocks | yeah | 11:29 |
didrocks | click it | 11:29 |
didrocks | then, you have multiple entries to tell if the test pass or fails | 11:30 |
didrocks | and if it fails, you have an entry to add a bug number | 11:30 |
coolpolygons | uhh | 11:31 |
coolpolygons | hang on what are the "bugs to look for" box at the bottom | 11:31 |
coolpolygons | there are results from other images that is the same bug as mine | 11:32 |
coolpolygons | should i use the bug numbers there? | 11:32 |
didrocks | yes, if it's the exact same bug, don't file duplicates and reuse the bug numbers | 11:33 |
coolpolygons | ok, thank you! | 11:34 |
didrocks | no pb! | 11:34 |
coolpolygons | what happens if the bug is a new one? | 11:41 |
coolpolygons | how do i assign a bug number for that? | 11:41 |
coolpolygons | the box for critical bug says "Comma separated list of bug numbers discovered while going through the testcase" | 11:41 |
omairqazi | coolpolygons: you will find the bug number on the bug | 11:42 |
omairqazi | can you link to the bug | 11:42 |
coolpolygons | that question was just out of curiousty | 11:43 |
coolpolygons | but do i just find bug numbers in the box below where it says "bugs to look for"? | 11:43 |
omairqazi | can you link to the test case | 11:44 |
coolpolygons | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/384/builds/164081/testcases/1300/results | 11:44 |
coolpolygons | just wanted to see what happens if i needed to add a previously unfound bug (i didn't actually find one, i'm just hypothesizing) | 11:44 |
omairqazi | if you dont find a bug you have to file a bug yourself | 11:45 |
omairqazi | what is the bug? | 11:45 |
omairqazi | i will help you with this | 11:45 |
coolpolygons | there isn't one, I was just curious what i would need to do if such a case happens | 11:45 |
coolpolygons | :P | 11:45 |
omairqazi | ok you mean you didnt find a bug, right? | 11:46 |
omairqazi | in this case you can keep the box empty and select the option passed | 11:47 |
coolpolygons | i didnt find a bug, and i know that you need to select passed if so | 11:48 |
coolpolygons | but i was curious what i needed to do in the future if i indeed find one, and it is not a duplicate | 11:49 |
omairqazi | if you find a bug you can file a bug. ex- if installation had a bug, you can file a bug in ubiquity. if the bug is not allowing you to complete the installation then it is critical bug otherwise a normal bug | 11:51 |
omairqazi | did i understand your problem? :) | 11:52 |
coolpolygons | so what do i put in the box "critical bug" in that case? | 11:52 |
coolpolygons | ubuntu-bug ubiquity ? | 11:53 |
omairqazi | no the bug number | 12:01 |
omairqazi | you will find the bug number once you file it | 12:01 |
omairqazi | i am getting this error <lazr.restfulclient.resource.Collection object at 0x7f7693a4e210> | 12:02 |
omairqazi | i python | 12:02 |
omairqazi | can someone help | 12:02 |
daniellimws[m] | omairqazi: can elaborate? | 12:11 |
omairqazi | daniellimws[m]: i am making a python app to display launchpad account details but my program displays this <lazr.restfulclient.resource.Collection object at 0x7f7693a4e210> how can i convert it into string | 12:12 |
daniellimws[m] | use repr()? | 12:13 |
daniellimws[m] | repr(your_thing) | 12:13 |
coolpolygons | didrocks: i cant file a bug report without giving a bug number | 12:13 |
coolpolygons | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/384/builds/164081/testcases/1303/results | 12:13 |
didrocks | coolpolygons: ? didn't we tell you would reuse the other bug #? | 12:21 |
coolpolygons | this is another one | 12:21 |
coolpolygons | so i found a bug where I boot into ubuntu mate and have a broken gui | 12:22 |
coolpolygons | but then idk what bug number to use for this... | 12:22 |
didrocks | file a bug in launchpad | 12:22 |
didrocks | then | 12:22 |
coolpolygons | not in the iso.qa ? | 12:23 |
didrocks | use that bug # when creating that test result | 12:23 |
didrocks | bugs are filed in launchpad | 12:23 |
didrocks | iso.qa is only for test results | 12:23 |
didrocks | where you *link* to launchpad bugs | 12:23 |
coolpolygons | OH NOW I GET IT | 12:23 |
coolpolygons | THANK YOU xD | 12:23 |
didrocks | ;) | 12:23 |
omairqazi | coolpolygons: when you file a bug in launchpad on your bug you will find a bug# | 12:24 |
coolpolygons | and i just have to use that bug # in iso.qa | 12:24 |
coolpolygons | correct? | 12:24 |
didrocks | yes! | 12:24 |
omairqazi | yup | 12:24 |
coolpolygons | :DDDDDDDDDDDD | 12:24 |
omairqazi | for ex i filed a bug then i went to my bug page https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1740658 there i can see the bug # | 12:25 |
ubot93 | Launchpad bug 1740658 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Select Erase disk and install Kubuntu (No such Option)" [Undecided, New] | 12:25 |
omairqazi | got it? | 12:25 |
omairqazi | daniellimws[m]: what does repr() do | 12:25 |
coolpolygons | omairqazi: got it | 12:26 |
omairqazi | yay! | 12:26 |
coolpolygons | can i report non-ubuntu bugs though? | 12:26 |
omairqazi | you mean lubuntu | 12:26 |
daniellimws | omairqazi: in Python, classes can define __repr__() that will return a string representation of the object, something like Java's toString() ethod | 12:26 |
coolpolygons | i am testing ubuntu mate | 12:26 |
daniellimws | did that work for you though? | 12:26 |
omairqazi | no | 12:26 |
coolpolygons | then should i upload it to ubuntu mate launchpad? | 12:27 |
omairqazi | coolpolygons: if you find bugs during installation then you have to file a bug in ubiquity | 12:27 |
omairqazi | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+filebug | 12:27 |
daniellimws | omairqazi: then it could be possible there is not a string representation for the object, or what I said earlier was wrong | 12:28 |
daniellimws | omairqazi: can you provide more context? | 12:28 |
coolpolygons | omairqazi: i think this is an xorg problem so i am going to file a bug in xorg | 12:29 |
omairqazi | what is the bug | 12:29 |
coolpolygons | but shouldn't i submit a ubuntu mate bug to ubuntu mate launchpad, not ubuntu launchpad? | 12:29 |
coolpolygons | broken gui | 12:29 |
coolpolygons | in ubuntu mate | 12:29 |
omairqazi | all ubuntu (lubuntu, kubuntu, ubuntu mate etc.) are filed in ubiquity if the problem is in installation | 12:30 |
omairqazi | just give me a second | 12:30 |
coolpolygons | here's the link: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/384/builds/164081/testcases/1303/results | 12:31 |
omairqazi | file a bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+filebug then give me the link of your bug | 12:32 |
coolpolygons | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1741468 | 12:34 |
ubot93 | Launchpad bug 1741468 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Broken GUI in Ubuntu MATE Live Session" [Undecided, New] | 12:34 |
omairqazi | daniellimws[m]: this is https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26325378/ | 12:34 |
daniellimws | omairqazi: that's not an error | 12:35 |
daniellimws | let me have a look | 12:35 |
omairqazi | coolpolygons: this is a critical bug as you cannot use apps, right? | 12:35 |
omairqazi | ok daniellimws | 12:35 |
coolpolygons | omairqazi: yes. | 12:35 |
coolpolygons | so I filed the bug like that and in the iso.qa, i typed in the bug number into the critical bug text box | 12:36 |
coolpolygons | and made comments and submitted | 12:36 |
omairqazi | so in the critical bugs box put this 1741468 | 12:36 |
omairqazi | oh then good | 12:36 |
coolpolygons | yeah just did that | 12:36 |
coolpolygons | :D | 12:36 |
omairqazi | who is the mentor | 12:36 |
omairqazi | of your task coolpolygons | 12:37 |
coolpolygons | balloons, wxl, Martin Wimpress, Matthew Allen | 12:38 |
coolpolygons | just wanted to ask anyone who could answer tho | 12:38 |
omairqazi | ok | 12:41 |
omairqazi | flexiondotorg there? | 12:41 |
daniellimws | omairqazi: this would work https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26325409/ | 12:41 |
daniellimws | because there's __iter__, which means the object can be used as in iterator https://sourcecodebrowser.com/lazr.restfulclient/0.9.3/classlazr_1_1restfulclient_1_1resource_1_1_collection.html#a14b697af27ee8bcccad051010a62287e | 12:42 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: i was doing that only :) | 12:42 |
coolpolygons | omairqazi: he is there, but other pple like u answered first :P | 12:42 |
daniellimws | omairqazi: oh so everything is ok now? | 12:42 |
omairqazi | anyway thanks daniellimws | 12:43 |
daniellimws | welcome, though I didn't help actually | 12:43 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: but you made effort | 12:44 |
omairqazi | but now it displays nothing | 12:44 |
daniellimws | anyways, is that a task? | 12:44 |
omairqazi | nope | 12:44 |
daniellimws | maybe because it is empty? | 12:44 |
omairqazi | ok let me see with keys | 12:44 |
daniellimws | in my opinion quite simple but useful script, perhaps you can post it as a gist on github | 12:45 |
daniellimws | try using len(the_object) | 12:45 |
daniellimws | it will tell you how many items | 12:45 |
omairqazi | ya wxl wanted me to create a python script that can sign the code of conduct | 12:45 |
daniellimws | oh that would be cool | 12:46 |
daniellimws | then you would need to go through the process of checking gpg keys and stuff I believe | 12:46 |
omairqazi | but before that i will make something like this and this could also change your details like displayname email etc | 12:46 |
omairqazi | ya but i cannot figure out if launchpad api allows to this | 12:46 |
omairqazi | to do coc thing | 12:47 |
omairqazi | coolpolygons: i was calling him to check your task if he is free | 12:47 |
omairqazi | :) | 12:47 |
daniellimws | that'd be very cool :D | 12:49 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: it is empty let me try with jabber ids | 12:49 |
daniellimws | jabber ids should be empty, unless you are using jabber | 12:49 |
daniellimws | well last year, in the org I worked with, we did quite a lot with jabber ;D | 12:50 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: i used with irc nicknames len says 1 but it does not work | 12:53 |
omairqazi | oh got it working | 12:53 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: instead of using a variable for me.irc_nicknames i directly used for i in me.irc_nicknames | 12:54 |
omairqazi | and it worked! | 12:54 |
daniellimws | but it's weird that the former didnt work | 12:54 |
omairqazi | hmm | 12:55 |
omairqazi | very weird | 12:55 |
daniellimws | lol I dont even have irc nicknames registered | 12:56 |
omairqazi | me too | 12:56 |
omairqazi | just did it right now | 12:56 |
omairqazi | the former is also working | 12:56 |
omairqazi | maybe registering irc nicknames needed some time | 12:57 |
omairqazi | thanks | 12:57 |
daniellimws | oh you also just registered, me too | 12:57 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: | 12:59 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: how old are you | 12:59 |
daniellimws | well, not sure if I wanna let everyone here know | 13:00 |
daniellimws | just a hint, it's my last year to join gci | 13:00 |
omairqazi | oh 17 | 13:00 |
omairqazi | you are lucky | 13:00 |
daniellimws | now everyone knows | 13:00 |
daniellimws | why lucky? | 13:00 |
omairqazi | i am 13 and i have exams beginning from jan 15 | 13:01 |
omairqazi | so i have to leave gci from 10jan | 13:01 |
daniellimws | that's quite unfortunate | 13:01 |
daniellimws | over here our holidays are from november to december | 13:01 |
daniellimws | so I had the whole holidays to work on this :D | 13:01 |
omairqazi | coz mom want me to secure 95% | 13:01 |
omairqazi | over here holidays are from december 25 | 13:02 |
omairqazi | and school is beginning from 7jan | 13:02 |
daniellimws | well not that I'm entirely free, had been busy with our final year project in the recent weeks | 13:02 |
omairqazi | oh i can understand | 13:02 |
daniellimws | exams start immediately after holidays? | 13:02 |
omairqazi | from 15jan | 13:02 |
daniellimws | that's weird, over here exams end before holidays | 13:02 |
daniellimws | my next exam will be in may | 13:03 |
omairqazi | we have 4 exams | 13:03 |
daniellimws | ahh | 13:03 |
daniellimws | which country? | 13:03 |
omairqazi | in jan there are pre annual | 13:03 |
omairqazi | india | 13:03 |
daniellimws | oh | 13:03 |
omairqazi | rule changed just in this year | 13:03 |
omairqazi | earlier we used to have 6 | 13:03 |
daniellimws | wowah | 13:03 |
omairqazi | 4 were like small every week and were easy so short syllabus | 13:04 |
omairqazi | i studied only one day for them | 13:04 |
Accelerator | my holidays will be over on 8 jan | 13:04 |
omairqazi | same here accelerator | 13:04 |
omairqazi | which country? | 13:04 |
Accelerator | Mauritius | 13:04 |
omairqazi | ok | 13:04 |
Accelerator | i have exams in april tho | 13:05 |
omairqazi | but i think since the temperature is deceasing in my city it will get posponed | 13:05 |
omairqazi | after jan i have the final exam in march | 13:05 |
omairqazi | and then holidays | 13:05 |
Accelerator | holidays till? | 13:05 |
omairqazi | then i will join class 9 in april | 13:05 |
omairqazi | i think 10 may to 31 | 13:06 |
omairqazi | well i think it is not good to flood this chat with this topic | 13:06 |
Accelerator | Yup | 13:06 |
omairqazi | earlier only 2 exams were difficult which were in september and march | 13:07 |
Accelerator | daniellimws: Will you be participating in GSOC later? | 13:07 |
omairqazi | ok lets stop this topic | 13:07 |
omairqazi | GSOC summer of code? | 13:07 |
daniellimws | need to enter uni first, but I would like to | 13:07 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: you want to become a programmer | 13:08 |
omairqazi | ? | 13:08 |
daniellimws | programmer is a very broad term | 13:08 |
omairqazi | hmm | 13:08 |
omairqazi | my brother will do ms | 13:08 |
omairqazi | and my cousin is in aws before gci he only gave projects to do | 13:09 |
coolpolygons | what is gsoc? | 13:09 |
omairqazi | Google Summer of Code | 13:10 |
Accelerator | It's like GCI only more complex and for 18+ students who are in university | 13:10 |
daniellimws | omairqazi: aws you mean amazon web services? | 13:13 |
omairqazi | yup | 13:14 |
daniellimws | what about ms | 13:14 |
omairqazi | masters in software | 13:14 |
daniellimws | ahh | 13:14 |
daniellimws | I'm probably gonna do electrical engineering or so | 13:14 |
omairqazi | oh my father is in this field | 13:14 |
omairqazi | all the best | 13:15 |
daniellimws | my interest is in cybersecurity | 13:15 |
omairqazi | oh | 13:15 |
daniellimws | looking at the increase in embedded devices, I believe electrical engineering will be very useful | 13:15 |
omairqazi | hmm | 13:15 |
daniellimws | just look at the recent intel cpu bug | 13:15 |
Accelerator | Oh yeah | 13:16 |
omairqazi | my brother ordered a phone in a hurry and told me to check if it is good or not if not then we will return | 13:16 |
omairqazi | but no refund policy only replacement | 13:17 |
daniellimws | well actually that bug is still rather software related | 13:17 |
omairqazi | ya | 13:17 |
omairqazi | then i did a boot loop and got a refund | 13:17 |
daniellimws | oh nice | 13:18 |
omairqazi | i mean replacement | 13:18 |
omairqazi | the second time i tripped knox so samsung pay didnt work then we finally got refund | 13:18 |
Josh | Hello | 13:26 |
=== Josh is now known as Guest65092 | ||
omairqazi | daniellimws: i didnt have the languages registered. it was showing english but len(me.languages) was showing 0 then i edited my languages and scrolled to the bottom and saved english and now it works | 13:27 |
daniellimws | oh ok thanks for letting me know | 13:27 |
omairqazi | your welcome | 13:34 |
omairqazi | i think we dont even have the time zone registered | 13:35 |
omairqazi | :0 | 13:35 |
omairqazi | :) | 13:35 |
daniellimws | so is your script going to be able to help register everything? | 13:38 |
omairqazi | ya | 13:38 |
daniellimws | great | 13:40 |
Niku_ | Hi this is niku | 13:40 |
daniellimws | hi Niku_ | 13:41 |
daniellimws | whats up | 13:41 |
Niku_ | I have registered for the google code | 13:42 |
daniellimws | great, nice to meet you | 13:44 |
Niku_ | Thank u,pleasure chating | 13:44 |
Niku_ | Please guide the next steps to de done | 13:46 |
daniellimws | Niku_: do you have any task yet? | 13:47 |
rakshika | hey elopio | 14:13 |
daniellimws | rakshika: hi you need any help? | 14:16 |
elopio | hello rakshika | 14:23 |
rakshika | have you reviewed my task yet? | 14:23 |
elopio | rakshika: not yet, will check it again in a few moments. | 14:25 |
rakshika | pls do it.. | 14:26 |
elopio | sure | 14:26 |
rakshika | found a kannada reviewer? | 14:27 |
coolpolygons | wxl: hey, can you review my task? https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5049729715011584/ | 14:35 |
elopio | rakshika: still waiting for an answer there. The ubuntu translators generally just contribute on their free time. | 14:35 |
Accelerator | coolpolygons: wxl is not online yet | 14:36 |
coolpolygons | oops :P | 14:36 |
coolpolygons | how do u know if someone is online or now? | 14:36 |
Accelerator | I'm using Hexchat....it has the feature :) | 14:37 |
coolpolygons | webchat :(((( | 14:37 |
elopio | coolpolygons: they will reply if they are online. | 14:37 |
rakshika | i have my exams going on.. please help me as much as you can.. :( | 14:39 |
coolpolygons | flexiondotorg: hey, can you review my task? https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5049729715011584/ thank you :D | 14:39 |
coolpolygons | NO i forgot that I have a test next week | 14:40 |
coolpolygons | uuuuuuugh | 14:40 |
daniellimws | elopio: hi, snapcraft does auto install packages from requirements.txt right? | 14:40 |
daniellimws | because from memory I think it does, but now I'm facing error saying packages not found | 14:43 |
omairqazi | in hexchat the offline people are greyed out | 14:45 |
Accelerator | omairqazi: Right | 14:46 |
omairqazi | popey elopio I made a python program https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26325992/ | 14:48 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: time to test this https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26325992/ download it and rename it as a python file | 14:49 |
daniellimws | sure | 14:49 |
daniellimws | you might wanna comment that first line | 14:49 |
daniellimws | easier to download | 14:49 |
omairqazi | oh ya | 14:50 |
omairqazi | i didnt want anyone to cheat my code :) | 14:50 |
omairqazi | i thought pastebin is public | 14:50 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26326026/ updated | 14:51 |
daniellimws | ok | 14:51 |
daniellimws | currently can't get the irc nicknames and etc to work? | 14:53 |
omairqazi | ya launchpadlib api does not allow next time i will use Http sockets | 14:54 |
daniellimws | ah ok | 14:54 |
daniellimws | hmm, is it necessary to install a snap with --devmode when pushed to beta? | 14:54 |
daniellimws | because it doesn't work properly when I don't put it | 14:54 |
omairqazi | if its confinement is devmode then yes if its confinement is strict then not | 14:56 |
daniellimws | that's weird over here I need devmode for it to work | 14:57 |
daniellimws | nevermind I'll check what's wrong | 14:57 |
daniellimws | kyrofa, elopio: is there any possible reason why strictly confined snaps dont work? | 15:11 |
kyrofa | daniellimws, I don't quite understand. How do they not work? | 15:13 |
daniellimws | kyrofa: can you try installing uber from beta and edge? | 15:15 |
daniellimws | edge is using devmode while beta is using strict | 15:15 |
daniellimws | on edge, I get the desired output, while on beta, it loads for a while but in the end no output | 15:16 |
elopio | daniellimws: there are plenty of possible problems. You can install snappy-debug and then use the snappy-debug.security scanlog command to watch the apparmor rejections | 15:16 |
daniellimws | ok thanks | 15:16 |
elopio | in devmode, apparmor only warns, but lets the commands execute. On strict, it blocks them. | 15:17 |
Accelerator | kyrofa: Submitted my work...hope it's good this time :D | 15:18 |
kyrofa | daniellimws, indeed, snappy-debug will be very helpful | 15:21 |
daniellimws | ah thanks! | 15:22 |
daniellimws | the snap is trying to write to a file | 15:22 |
omairqazi | kyrofa: I am unable to add aliase | 15:24 |
omairqazi | kyrofa: I am unable to add alias | 15:24 |
kyrofa | omairqazi, it's a request you have to make to the store folks in the forum. Not a blocker | 15:25 |
omairqazi | thanks | 15:26 |
daniellimws | kyrofa, elopio, another question, does snapcraft immediately download the packages from requirement.txt? | 15:26 |
elopio | daniellimws: no, there is a requirements keyword. | 15:27 |
daniellimws | oh, I thought it was automatic :( | 15:27 |
heesen_ | popey,could you please take a look at my task https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5255280138911744/ | 15:28 |
popey | sure thing | 15:28 |
daniellimws | elopio: snappy-debug suggests to use $SNAP_DATA, what exactly am I supposed to add that to? | 15:33 |
heesen_ | popey, also if I had registered a snap name where can I see them | 15:34 |
popey | http://dashboard.snapcraft.io/ | 15:34 |
heesen_ | popey, thanks | 15:35 |
rakshika | elopio? | 15:36 |
heesen_ | popey, Is my task https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5255280138911744/ good ? | 15:49 |
daniellimws | popey, hi are you free now? I would like to submit some tasks | 15:50 |
omairqazi | kyrofa: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/alias-for-backslide/3430 | 16:02 |
daniellimws | kyrofa, snappy-debug suggests that I adjust program to use $SNAP_DATA or use run/shm/snap.$SNAP_NAME.* | 16:11 |
daniellimws | may I know what should I do about it | 16:11 |
kyrofa | daniellimws, can you explain what file it's trying to write? | 16:16 |
kyrofa | daniellimws, indeed, under confinement snaps have a limited number of places available to write | 16:16 |
daniellimws | kyrofa, it's trying to write to /run/user/1004 | 16:17 |
daniellimws | and open /run/resolveconf/resolv.conf | 16:17 |
kyrofa | I doubt the resolv.conf is fatal, but I'm not quite sure what to do about /run/user | 16:18 |
kyrofa | elopio, any ideas? | 16:18 |
daniellimws | weird thing is, I don't think this snap is supposed to write to any files at all | 16:19 |
daniellimws | kyrofa, another question, for a python snap, how do I change the path for requirements to be outside of parts | 16:20 |
daniellimws | now, the path seems to be relative to parts and ../ does not work | 16:20 |
kyrofa | daniellimws, the requirements.txt should be part of the source, no? | 16:21 |
daniellimws | elopio told me to use the requirements keyword | 16:21 |
daniellimws | snapcraft did not install them immediately for me, not sure if that's supposed to be the case | 16:22 |
omairqazi | hi | 16:26 |
heesen_ | popey,could you please take a look at my task https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6492792689786880/ | 16:27 |
popey | done | 16:29 |
daniellimws | popey can you check mine here https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6124822037790720/ | 16:29 |
popey | ok | 16:29 |
popey | done | 16:30 |
daniellimws | popey I've submitted another one https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6337879661871104/ | 16:32 |
heesen_ | popey,could you please take a look at my task https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6492792689786880/ | 16:33 |
daniellimws | popey, sorry to trouble, another one here https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5655898917699584/ | 16:35 |
kyrofa | daniellimws, right, you need to specify the requirements keyword, but you give it a path within the src | 16:38 |
daniellimws | popey: one more here https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5731141107580928/ :) | 16:39 |
heesen_ | popey,how can i see all snap other people have upload in the snap store | 16:39 |
daniellimws | kyrofa: sorry what src are you referring to | 16:40 |
kyrofa | daniellimws, the source of the part itself | 16:40 |
kyrofa | daniellimws, the part you pull should contain a requirements.txt | 16:40 |
kyrofa | No? | 16:40 |
daniellimws | you its the remote git repo of the upstream app | 16:40 |
daniellimws | s/you/yea | 16:40 |
daniellimws | oh wait | 16:41 |
daniellimws | one moment | 16:41 |
daniellimws | kyrofa: I got this https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26326583/ | 16:43 |
daniellimws | for this repo https://github.com/satanas/Turpial/ | 16:43 |
daniellimws | requirements.txt is at the outermost directory | 16:43 |
omairqazi | kyrofa when i install my snap and run the command it runs but when i try to run the snap again the terminal lags and no output is shown | 16:44 |
daniellimws | sounds like what I'm having now | 16:44 |
heesen_ | kyrofa, when i am getting the error snap is not found in 16 series i registered he snap in the store but i am still getting he same error | 16:44 |
heesen_ | the snap | 16:45 |
heesen_ | the same error | 16:45 |
kyrofa | daniellimws, that sounds fine. What are you using for the `requirements` key? | 16:46 |
kyrofa | daniellimws, can you pastebin your YAML? | 16:46 |
daniellimws | kyrofa, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26326601/ | 16:46 |
daniellimws | popey, hi can you check this https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5731141107580928/ | 16:47 |
kyrofa | daniellimws, huh, indeed that looks fine. Can you pastebin the entire error you see? Not just the last few lines, but your entire build output | 16:48 |
daniellimws | https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26326608/ | 16:48 |
heesen_ | kyrofa, could you please task a look at my task https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5800996720607232/?sp-page=2 | 16:49 |
daniellimws | kyrofa, on the other hand, I think /run/user/1004 seems to be a machine-specific issue, I ran it on a different machine and that did not show up | 16:51 |
daniellimws | /run/resolvconf/resolve.conf is the one with the problem | 16:52 |
daniellimws | one suggestion is to add 'network-control' to plugs | 16:52 |
daniellimws | popey, last one https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5673499425243136/ :) | 16:56 |
m4sk1n | Installing MATE with screen reader, test case says that I have to select Try Ubuntu MATE, shouldn’t I select Install Ubuntu MATE? | 16:56 |
omairqazi | kyrofa when i install my snap and run the command it runs but when i try to run the snap again the terminal lags and no output is shown | 16:57 |
daniellimws | popey: thanks | 16:57 |
daniellimws | omairqazi: you can try to debug it, install snappy-debug from snap | 16:57 |
omairqazi | ok thanks | 16:58 |
heesen_ | kyrofa, when i am getting the error Snap 'edge123' was not found in '16' series. i registered the snap in the store but i am still getting the same error | 16:59 |
daniellimws | then run snappy-debug.security scanlog | 16:59 |
daniellimws | and run your snap in a different terminal | 16:59 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: it gives a suggestion adjust program to read necessary files from $SNAP, $SNAP_DATA, $SNAP_COMMON, $SNAP_USER_DATA or $SNAP_USER_COMMON | 17:01 |
daniellimws | yea I got a similar problem, I think you need kyrofa to help you with that | 17:02 |
omairqazi | kyrofa i ran snappy-debug and it gave this suggestion adjust program to read necessary files from $SNAP, $SNAP_DATA, $SNAP_COMMON, $SNAP_USER_DATA or $SNAP_USER_COMMON | 17:03 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: it gives a suggestion adjust program to read necessary files from $SNAP, $SNAP_DATA, $SNAP_COMMON, $SNAP_USER_DATA or $SNAP_USER_COMMON | 17:11 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: it gives a suggestion adjust program to read necessary files from $SNAP, $SNAP_DATA, $SNAP_COMMON, $SNAP_USER_DATA or $SNAP_USER_COMMON | 17:11 |
omairqazi | daniellimws: it gives a suggestion adjust program to read necessary files from $SNAP, $SNAP_DATA, $SNAP_COMMON, $SNAP_USER_DATA or $SNAP_USER_COMMON | 17:11 |
omairqazi | kyrofa: it gives a suggestion adjust program to read necessary files from $SNAP, $SNAP_DATA, $SNAP_COMMON, $SNAP_USER_DATA or $SNAP_USER_COMMON | 17:11 |
Daniellivingston | Hi elopio, kyrofa, sergiusens, popey and flexiondotorg. | 17:14 |
Daniellivingston | i want to start my first noode js snap | 17:14 |
elopio | hello Daniellivingston | 17:17 |
elopio | do you want me to suggest a nice one to start? | 17:17 |
Daniellivingston | yes | 17:18 |
elopio | Daniellivingston: take a look at this one https://github.com/SamVerschueren/dev-time-cli and let me know if you like it. | 17:18 |
Daniellivingston | plz can you suggest in all field like java python etc then i will finish and submit on by one | 17:19 |
daniellimws | elopio: I'm having this problem https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26326875/ what do you suggest? | 17:25 |
m4sk1n__ | https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6181836520685568/ | 17:28 |
omairqazi | hi | 17:30 |
omairqazi | hi | 17:32 |
omairqazi | wxl: download it as a python file https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26326026/ | 17:33 |
omairqazi | kyrofa: can you help me with this? suggestion by snappy-debug | 17:35 |
omairqazi | kyrofa: adjust program to read necessary files from $SNAP, $SNAP_DATA, $SNAP_COMMON, $SNAP_USER_DATA or $SNAP_USER_COMMON | 17:35 |
omairqazi | kyrofa: adjust program to read necessary files from $SNAP, $SNAP_DATA, $SNAP_COMMON, $SNAP_USER_DATA or $SNAP_USER_COMMON | 17:35 |
kyrofa | omairqazi, your snap is writing somewhere that writing is not allowed. That's all I can really gather from that error message. It should mention where it's trying to write, as well | 17:36 |
omairqazi | kyrofa: the full log https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26326924/ | 17:37 |
daniellimws | oh man, feels bad when every snap I try to package gives me error | 17:39 |
kyrofa | omairqazi, why is backslide trying to read from /snap/ ? | 17:39 |
omairqazi | kyrofa: i think it is giving error after i updated the plugs in snapcraft.yaml | 17:40 |
omairqazi | kyrofa: also snap runs perfect with sudo | 17:40 |
omairqazi | kyrofa: my snapcraft.yaml file https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26326983/ | 17:52 |
Accelerator | elopio: I would like to try a "package and publish your first python snap"...i wanted to know if this one is fine | 17:58 |
Accelerator | elopio: https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck | 17:58 |
elopio | Accelerator: thefuck is already packaged | 18:01 |
Accelerator | elopio: Could you suggest a new one? | 18:02 |
daniellimws | elopio: how can I do something like version: git when not in the actual repo that I am packaging? | 18:03 |
omairqazi | wxl: hi are you around? | 18:04 |
elopio | Accelerator: what about this one? https://github.com/TailorDev/Watson It's simple, to start. | 18:06 |
elopio | Accelerator: or this one: https://github.com/richrd/suplemon More complex, because it has to be classic. | 18:06 |
Accelerator | elopio: Thank you | 18:07 |
omairqazi | elopio can you please take a look to this python script i made https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26326026/ | 18:07 |
omairqazi | bye everyone | 18:09 |
Accelerator | kyrofa: I know you have your hands full..but do review my task if you get a little free :) | 18:17 |
kyrofa | Accelerator, done | 18:43 |
Accelerator | kyrofa: Yeah thanks i'm doing the necessary changes...is there anymore changes i have to do btw? | 18:45 |
kyrofa | Well, no, but I would have said the same thing after the last review ;) | 18:45 |
Accelerator | Ah no comments then | 18:46 |
m4sk1n | can anyone review my xubuntu tests task? | 18:52 |
Daniellivingston | elopia : i got an error stating The store was unable to accept this snap. - binary_sha3_384: A file with this exact same content has already been uploaded from the project https://github.com/SamVerschueren/dev-time-cli | 18:57 |
Accelerator | It's elopio :) | 19:01 |
Accelerator | kyrofa: Should i remove the message parameter in all 3 exceptions? | 19:02 |
kyrofa | Accelerator, well, think about it. Do you need to pass a message to any of them? | 19:02 |
Accelerator | kyrofa: No | 19:03 |
kyrofa | Then you should remove it | 19:03 |
Accelerator | Ah thank you | 19:03 |
kyrofa | Accelerator, note that the only reason we had a message there in the first place is because the exception was too general to print specific helpful messages, so the one who raised the exception needed to add information to it | 19:04 |
kyrofa | Accelerator, that's exactly the change you're making, so a message is no longer needed | 19:04 |
Accelerator | kyrofa: I get it..thanks | 19:04 |
rai | hii | 19:15 |
rai | i neef help | 19:15 |
rai | need | 19:15 |
rai | please help me | 19:15 |
heesen_ | what is the problem | 19:16 |
heesen_ | kyrofa, when i am getting the error snap is not found in 16 series i registered he snap in the store but i am still getting he same error | 19:16 |
rai | can anybody help me | 19:16 |
heesen_ | yes | 19:16 |
heesen_ | what is the problem? | 19:16 |
rai | hey i am doing the task and i have a problem plzz help me | 19:17 |
heesen_ | yes what is the problem | 19:17 |
heesen_ | hello | 19:18 |
heesen_ | what is the problem | 19:18 |
heesen_ | then | 19:18 |
rai | then i have my launpad profile and i have install amd64 version | 19:19 |
rai | now i dont know what to do | 19:19 |
heesen_ | ok | 19:20 |
rai | please help me | 19:20 |
rai | please help me | 19:21 |
heesen_ | you need to complete a testsuite for a daily Bionic Beaver image of Ubuntu MATE | 19:22 |
rai | how?? | 19:23 |
heesen_ | what os are you running | 19:23 |
heesen_ | ? | 19:23 |
rai | amd64 | 19:24 |
heesen_ | ubuntu | 19:24 |
heesen_ | ?? | 19:24 |
rai | yes | 19:24 |
heesen_ | ok | 19:24 |
heesen_ | wait | 19:24 |
rai | ok | 19:24 |
rai | i am running in vm | 19:25 |
heesen_ | ok | 19:25 |
heesen_ | did you download this http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mate/daily-live/current/HEADER.html | 19:26 |
heesen_ | also use this link to help you https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Walkthrough | 19:26 |
heesen_ | it explain how to do the testing | 19:26 |
heesen_ | do you understand how to do the testing now | 19:27 |
heesen_ | ? | 19:27 |
rai | then i have to again download such a large file | 19:29 |
rai | yes it is1.7 gb | 19:29 |
heesen_ | do you understand how to do the testing now | 19:29 |
heesen_ | i know | 19:29 |
rai | but i have dowloaded ubuntu amd64 just now | 19:30 |
heesen_ | but your task it to test the daily Bionic Beaver image of Ubuntu MATE | 19:31 |
rai | hey can i do testing in amd64 | 19:32 |
rai | hould i abandoam this task | 19:32 |
rai | hey you have done this task | 19:32 |
heesen_ | yes you can do testing in amd64 | 19:33 |
rai | yes but by mistake i have dowloaded ltest version | 19:33 |
heesen_ | no dont abandon give it a try first | 19:33 |
rai | let come in query buttion | 19:34 |
heesen_ | no i haven done this yet | 19:34 |
rai | hey can i do testing in amd64 | 19:34 |
heesen_ | ye s | 19:34 |
rai | idont know how to do testingin amd64 | 19:35 |
heesen_ | also use this link to help you https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Walkthrough | 19:35 |
Accelerator | daniellimws: Your friend ⬆️⬆️ XD | 19:42 |
heesen_ | try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGZF6UHhl4I | 19:43 |
rai | yes | 19:43 |
rai | hey where do you live which country | 19:44 |
rai | reply my friend | 19:45 |
heesen_ | me | 19:46 |
heesen_ | i live in mauritius | 19:46 |
rai | yes | 19:46 |
rai | where it is it is in india | 19:46 |
heesen_ | no | 19:46 |
rai | then?? | 19:47 |
heesen_ | https://www.google.mu/maps/place/Mauritius/@-20.1924034,55.4312662,7z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x217c504df94474c9:0x4203d9c2116bd031!8m2!3d-20.348404!4d57.552152 | 19:47 |
rai | what is the time there | 19:47 |
rai | ?? | 19:47 |
rai | hessen plzz tell | 19:48 |
heesen_ | 11:48pm | 19:48 |
heesen_ | utc +4 | 19:48 |
rai | oh oh | 19:49 |
rai | are you student less than 18 | 19:49 |
heesen_ | 1 . 5 h behind india | 19:49 |
rai | are you student less than 18 | 19:50 |
heesen_ | yes | 19:50 |
heesen_ | you ? | 19:50 |
rai | i am also | 19:50 |
rai | are you on facebook | 19:50 |
rai | tell me | 19:51 |
rai | no one is there | 19:56 |
rai | hessen are u there | 19:57 |
Accelerator | kyrofa: Finished :) | 20:16 |
* Accelerator is going to sleep | 20:21 | |
* m4sk1n uploaded an image: FJIMG_20180105_213553.jpg (1343KB) <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/gbVCOTOzmQTStJGrBDCAEgGw> | 20:38 | |
m4sk1n | powerful personalization XD | 20:39 |
m4sk1n_ | I can’t see some members’ messages from matrix, hello weechat | 21:10 |
Aryanjain | Hi Elopio and Sergiusens | 23:10 |
Aryanjain | I will be doing subtitle translation to Hindi for video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsUV9xnrkTA | 23:12 |
elopio | Thanks Aryanjain | 23:14 |
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose |
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